Growing sorrel in a greenhouse. Growing sorrel Preparing a greenhouse bed

A sorrel bed in a personal plot is an excellent solution to the problem of vitamin deficiency, which is familiar to millions of consumers at the end of winter. And if you have a greenhouse in your country house, getting high-quality fresh greens will be easier than ever, without waiting for them to appear on the market. Delicate leaves with a piquant sour taste, used in cooking for making green cabbage soup, refreshing salads and original pie fillings, will be ready to eat in 2-3 weeks.

Landing dates

Due to the resistance of the crop to cold weather, sowing sorrel seeds in greenhouse soil can be carried out throughout March. Planting of adult rhizomes is carried out from late February to mid-March.

Greenhouse bed preparation

A greenhouse bed for sorrel is prepared in the fall - every m? the soil is filled with humus (6 kg), superphosphate and potassium chloride (30 g each).

In the spring, shortly before planting, the soil is loosened and spilled with a warm nutrient solution, for the preparation of which 40 g of carbamide (urea), 4-5 g of superphosphate and 2-3 g of ammonium nitrate are dissolved in 10-12 liters of irrigation water.

Growing from seeds

The seed method of reproduction of sorrel is most often used in the primary cultivation of a crop or when planting a new variety. Two days before sowing, sorrel seeds are placed between layers of a cotton napkin, placed in a shallow dish and moistened abundantly with lukewarm water, into which a drop of a growth stimulator can be added to accelerate the germination of the material. The sequence of actions when sowing sorrel in a greenhouse is as follows:

  • Swollen seeds are sown into cut grooves 1.5 cm deep. To avoid thickening of crops, a distance of about 5 cm is observed between individual seeds. The row spacing is 12-15 cm.
  • The grooves are filled with soil mixture.
  • The garden bed is generously watered from a watering can with a shower head and the soil is mulched with a layer of humus or peat.

The first greens will break through to the surface in 10-12 days. If the greenhouse bed is additionally covered with foil, the germination time can be reduced to 5 days.

Forcing sorrel from rhizomes

A very promising and economical way to get fresh greens of sorrel is forcing the crop from old rhizomes. In this case, the planting material is powerful root shoots of 3-4 year old plants, unsuitable for further cultivation and intended for disposal. Rhizomes at the end of autumn, before the onset of cold weather, are dug up together with a clod of earth and stored in a cool cellar. The landing procedure is carried out in the following order:

  • On the prepared bed, grooves are cut with a depth of 10-12 cm, observing a row spacing of 6-10 cm.
  • Rhizomes are planted obliquely with an interval of 3-4 cm.
  • Plantings are watered abundantly with warm water.

The consumption of planting material when using this method is 6-8 kg of large rhizomes and 3-4 kg of smaller ones for each m2? landing area. The first crop can be removed after 15-20 days from the moment of planting.

Planting care

Caring for greenhouse sorrel includes only basic procedures.

  • As the soil dries up, the bed is watered with warm water. Regular watering plays an important role in filling the leaves, but the culture does not tolerate waterlogging.
  • So that the sorrel does not go into color, the peduncular shoots should be removed immediately after they appear.
  • Sorrel reacts very negatively to the proximity of weeds, so systematic weeding is a must.
  • After each cutting of greenery, in order to accelerate the regrowth of new leaves, they carry out a mandatory feeding of the plantings. For every m? sorrel beds make 10 g of ammonium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate.
  • Since sorrel is a perennial crop, at the end of the growing season, the entire aboveground part of the plants is cut to the root, and the bed is covered with a layer of compost or peat. It is important to remember that the cultivation of sorrel in one place is allowed no more than 3-4 years. Failure to comply with this condition threatens chopping leaves and low yields.

Diseases and pests

The main disease affecting sorrel is peronosporosis, the development of which can be determined by a bluish bloom on the underside of the leaves. The culture also suffers from leaf rust, which is manifested by the appearance of yellow or poisonous orange spots on the surface of the leaves. As a treatment for the culture, spraying with Bordeaux liquid is shown, which should be stopped 10-15 days before cutting the greens. Also, in the fight against sorrel diseases, the preparation of biological action "Fitosporin", which is absolutely harmless to the human body, has proven itself well.

Of the modern highly productive varieties of sorrel in a greenhouse, the following have shown good results:

  • Belleville is a frost-resistant variety with a pleasant, not too sour taste.
  • "Large-leaved" is an ultra-early variety, resistant to cold weather and flowering. Light green leaves have a delicate taste.
  • Altayskiy is a well-recognizable variety due to the reddish shade of dark green leaves, which have a pronounced sour taste. Resistant to cold weather.
  • Shirokolistny is one of the most popular highly productive sorrel varieties. Elongated ovoid leaves have a slightly acidic taste. In extreme heat, it is prone to flowering.
  • "Lyonskiy" - a variety with yellowish-green leaves of pleasant taste. Cold resistance - low.

In addition to the above, gardeners highly appreciated such varieties of culture as "Malachite", "Spinatny", "Emerald Snow", "Maikop 10", "Odessa broadleaf".


For the first time, sorrel leaves are cut 2-3 weeks after planting, later - as the greenery grows. For the season from each m? about 6-7 kg of leaves can be harvested. Cut sorrel is processed or stored in a refrigerator, pre-packed in plastic bags.

Sorrel is one of the earliest vegetable plants that give its vitamin greens in the spring. It is also valued for its high content of useful acids, proteins and trace elements - iron and potassium. But you can surprise your family and pamper them with fragrant green borscht with fresh sorrel, even in the middle of a cold winter. This close relative of rhubarb does not skimp on the harvest of greens when planting for distillation in the cold season and will thank the caring hands of the gardener with a generous harvest.

Features of varieties of sorrel for forcing

Rhizomes for distilling sorrel leaves are dug from the garden in the fall and buried in the cellar until planting. You can immediately send the planting material to boxes and pots, but until the day the forcing process begins, they are left outdoors in the open air, insulating the container only on the sides - with straw, leaves.

If you got the planting material from friends, you should clarify which kind of sorrel you got into your hands - spinach or sour. Spinach produces greens faster, and its leaves are several times more powerful than their sour counterpart. The peculiarity of the second is that it is rich not only in malic and citric acid, but as it ages, it accumulates oxalic acid, which is unhealthy to abuse. Based on this, it should always be remembered that it is better to refrain from using such sorrel for those who suffer from kidney disease, intestinal inflammation, and salt metabolism disorders in the body.

Sorrel planting technology for forcing

The rhizome for distillation is recommended to be taken from two-year-old plants, and three-year-olds are also used. For forcing sorrel, it is better to use bridge planting technology. This means that planting material in your improvised bed in a box should be placed very tightly, side by side to each other, so that there is practically no free space between the rhizomes. This method is used not only to save space - with its help the leaves grow thicker and become softer in taste. Its delicate sourness will not spoil the flavor of the salad; such products can be used as a filling for brass pies.

It is necessary to ensure that there is a sufficient thickness of the soil layer in the boxes for distilling greenery. For sorrel, this figure is approximately 10-12 cm.

The advantage of sorrel is its undemandingness to sunlight. It will grow well in a dimly lit area of ​​the house. Therefore, it is not scary to leave it for forcing greenery on window sills and balconies that face the north side of your house or are shaded in the daytime by tall trees on the street. But after planting rhizomes and watering the beds, the box does need to be sent to a dark place for a while.

Caring for planting sorrel at home

For good growth of greenery, plantings must provide certain conditions:
first of all, it is important to monitor the condition of the soil - the earth should not dry out;
humidity and air temperature matter - it should not be dry, and the thermometer should not be allowed to fall below + 18 ° С or rise above 20 ° С;
pay attention to the growth rate of leaves: when it is unreasonably low, it can be increased by applying fertilizers, for example, with a weak urea solution.

How do you know that a plant is developing normally? Under favorable conditions, the first harvest can be obtained two and a half to three weeks after planting sorrel rhizomes. The stock of nutrients in the planting material is sufficient for the growing season for about 2 months. With proper feeding from one planting, the harvest of greens can be harvested at least 3 times. But after such productive work, the rhizome is depleted and loses its strength, so it cannot be reused for forcing leaves.

The use of sorrel is an effective way to solve the problem of vitamin deficiency, which suffers a huge number of people at the very beginning of spring's entry into their legal rights. Even a novice gardener can grow sorrel in a greenhouse, since the whole process of growing and caring for a plant is not difficult and accessible to everyone. The plant will provide the whole family with the necessary set of vitamins, plus sorrel can also be grown for sale. The spicy plant does not require bright lighting and tolerates cold without complications. But in order to grow greens, it will be necessary, nevertheless, to make some effort, choosing the right place for planting and familiarizing yourself with the basic nuances of caring for different varieties.

The best sorrel varieties to grow in a greenhouse

Planting adult rhizomes is best done at the end of February and in the first half of March. Sowing seeds in greenhouse soil can be done throughout March. The most common varieties of sorrel are:

  1. Belleville - is considered a fruitful, early variety, the leaves of the plant have a mild taste with a slight sourness.
  2. Spinach - This variety contains a huge amount of vitamin C and grows quickly.
  3. Odessa - the approximate period of ascent of culture - 45 days, resistant to cold and heat.
  4. Lyons - this variety is distinguished by yellowish-green leaves of a pleasant aftertaste. The only drawback is low frost resistance.
  5. Altai variety - characterized by a sharp sour taste. Altai variety is resistant to cold, green leaves have a reddish tint.

Advice. Experts recommend growing sorrel in the same place for 2-3 years, and then changing the planting site. Otherwise, the plant will largely lose its quality, and yield will drop to low levels.

Sorrel feels best in loamy soil. Fertilizer must be applied to the planting site. The optimal proportion of the mixture: manure or compost 6-8 kg is mixed with superphosphate 40 g, potassium chloride 30 g is added. This will be enough to fertilize one square meter of land. The soil must be carefully dug up, and then nitrogen fertilizers are applied.

Growing sorrel from seeds and forcing from rhizomes

If planting is done in early spring in a fairly moist soil, then after 2 weeks you can get the first greens. The seed method is most often used for planting a primary crop or a new variety. Two days before sowing, the seeds are placed between layers of cotton napkins, placed in a bowl and moistened with warm water. After that, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. In the greenhouse, the seeds are sown in grooves 2 cm deep. It is desirable to maintain a distance of 4-5 cm between the seeds, and the row spacing should be in the region of 10-15 cm.
  2. The cut grooves are filled with soil mixture.
  3. The soil is mulched with a layer of humus, watered abundantly from a watering can.

After planting sorrel, you can get greens in 2-3 weeks

You can shorten the germination time by using a regular film that covers the garden. With this method, the ascent time of the culture is reduced by 5-7 days.

The most economical way to grow sorrel is to distill it from old rhizomes. The planting material for this method is the root shoots of plants already intended for disposal. Even before the onset of the first cold weather, the rhizomes are dug up together with the ground, after which they are placed in the cellar. Next, you need to do the following:

  • grooves are cut with a depth of 12-14 cm, row spacing 7-11 cm;
  • rhizomes are planted with an interval of 5-6 cm;
  • followed by a generous watering.

The first crop will appear after 2-3 weeks.

Sorrel care

Caring for a young plant consists in regular loosening of the soil, active control of weeds and other pests. Sorrel must be constantly fed and watered abundantly. The rosette will develop poorly if the soil is not moist enough. It is necessary to water the sorrel regularly, this plays an important role in the filling of the leaves. Peduncles must be removed immediately so that the quality of the future harvest does not decrease.

One of the mandatory activities is weeding. Sorrel does not tolerate being together with weeds. To accelerate the germination of subsequent plantings, after cutting the greens, each meter of the sorrel bed is fed with ammonium sulfate and superphosphate. The entire aerial part of the plant must be cut at the root at the end of the growing season. Then the bed is covered with a layer of peat.

The main disease of sorrel is peronosporosis. The disease is determined by bloom on the underside of the leaves. For the treatment of the culture, the use of Bordeaux liquid is recommended, the spraying of which must be stopped 2 weeks before cutting. The plant suffers from small pests in the face of a sorrel leaf gnaw and a caterpillar. To combat them, chemistry is not used, it is enough to process the plants with a special infusion of dandelion leaves, celandine and garlic.

Sale of greenhouse-grown sorrel

The earliest is of particular value. So, grown early sorrel can be sold for a good price, but closer to summer the price of greens drops significantly. It is possible to grow sorrel in a greenhouse without any particular difficulties, since the main pests of the crop in early spring are not yet active, and the simplest treatment is usually enough to combat minor diseases.

Leaves that have reached 8-10 cm in size are plucked at the root and knitted in bunches. The bundles should be uniform in height. The ends are trimmed with a knife. Selling sorrel is a profitable business, since the price during demand can reach high rates (depending on the region), but after a month or two, as a rule, the price drops several times.

Leaves are cut 3 weeks after planting, and then as they grow back. During the season, you can collect about 8 kg of greenery from each square meter. If the sale is not foreseen, then the leaves are placed in a plastic bag and sent to the refrigerator for storage.

Having several plots of sorrel, you can provide your family with the necessary vitamins, diversify the table with various salads, fresh borscht with herbs. Plus, growing sorrel in a greenhouse can be a profitable and profitable business, if you follow all the rules and recommendations for planting and care, then in a short period of time you can get a good profit.

Growing sorrel - video

Sorrel in a greenhouse - photo

The consumption of sorrel is an effective method of solving the problem of vitamin deficiency, which suffers a huge number of people at the beginning of spring's entry into their own legal rights. In addition, a novice gardener will be able to grow sorrel in a greenhouse, since the whole process of caring for and growing a plant is not difficult and cheap for everyone. The plant will provide the whole family with the necessary set of vitamins, plus it is possible to grow sorrel for sale.

The spicy plant does not require flashy lighting and tolerates frost without complications. But, in order to grow greens, it will be necessary, nevertheless, to apply some hardening, having correctly chosen a place for planting and having familiarized yourself with the main nuances of caring for various varieties.

  • Sorrel care
  • Growing sorrel - video
  • Sorrel in a greenhouse - photo

The best sorrel varieties to grow in a greenhouse

It is more optimal to plant adult rhizomes in the last days of February and in the first half of March. Sowing seeds in greenhouse soil can be created throughout March. The most common varieties of sorrel are:

  1. Belleville - is considered a fruitful, early variety, the leaves of the plant have a mild taste with a little sourness.
  2. Spinach - this variety contains a huge amount of vitamin C, grows quickly.
  3. Odessa - the approximate period of ascent of culture - 45 days, resistant to heat and cold.
  4. Lyons - this variety is distinguished by yellowish-green leaves of a pleasant aftertaste. The only drawback is low frost resistance.
  5. Altai variety - characterized by a sharp sour taste. Altai variety is resistant to cold, green leaves have a reddish tint.

Sorrel seeds

Advice. Experts advise growing sorrel in the same place for 2-3 years, after which you change the planting site. In another case, the plant will significantly lose its own level of quality, and yield will drop to low rates.

sorrel feels best in loamy soil. Fertilizer must be applied to the planting site. The optimal proportion of the mixture: manure or compost 6-8 kg is mixed with superphosphate 40 g, potassium chloride 30 g is added. This is enough to fertilize one square meter of soil.

The soil must be dug up in a whisper, at the end of which nitrogen fertilizers must be applied.

Growing sorrel from seeds and forcing from rhizomes

If planting is done in early spring in a sufficiently moist soil, then after 2 to seven days it is possible to take the first greens. The seed method is much more often used for planting a primary crop or a new variety. Two days before sowing, the seeds are placed between layers of cotton napkins, placed in dishes and moistened with hot water. At the end of which, the sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. In the greenhouse, the seeds are sown in grooves 2 cm deep. A distance of 4-5 cm must be maintained between the seeds, and the row spacing should be in the region of 10-15 cm.
  2. The cut grooves are filled with soil mixture.
  3. The earth is mulched with a layer of humus, abundantly watered from a watering can.

At the end of planting sorrel, after 2-3 seven days, it is possible to take greens

It is possible to shorten the germination time due to a simple film that covers the garden bed. With this method, the ascent time of the culture is reduced by 5-7 days.

The most economical method of growing sorrel is forcing it from dilapidated rhizomes. The planting material for this method is the root shoots of plants already intended for disposal. Even before the onset of the first cold weather, the rhizomes are dug out together with the soil, after which they are placed in the cellar. Then you need to do the following:

  • grooves are cut with a depth of 12-14 cm, row spacing 7-11 cm;
  • rhizomes are planted with an interval of 5-6 cm;
  • at the end of which a generous watering is made.

The first harvest will appear after 2-3 seven days.

Sorrel prefers loamy soil

Sorrel care

Caring for a young plant is contained in the regular loosening of the earth, active control of other pests and weeds. Sorrel should always be fed and watered abundantly. The leaf rosette will develop poorly if the ground is not enough wet.

You need to water sorrel systematically, this plays an important role in filling the leaves. Peduncles must be removed immediately so that the quality level of the future harvest does not decrease.

One of the necessary activities is weeding. Sorrel does not tolerate being together with weeds. In order to accelerate the germination of subsequent plantings, at the end of the cutting of greenery, any meter of the sorrel bed is fed with superphosphate and ammonium sulfate. The entire aerial part of the plant must be cut at the root at the end of the growing season.

At the end of which, the bed is covered with a layer of peat.

Sorrel needs abundant watering

The main disease of sorrel is peronosporosis. The disease is determined by bloom on the underside of the leaves. For the treatment of the culture, the use of Bordeaux liquid is recommended, the spraying of which must be stopped 2 to seven days before cutting. The plant suffers from small pests in the face of a caterpillar and a sorrel leaf gnaw.

To combat them, chemistry is not used, it is enough to process the plants with a special infusion of dandelion leaves, garlic and celandine.

Sale of greenhouse-grown sorrel

All the earliest have a special treasure. So, grown early sorrel can be sold for a good price, but closer to summer the price of greens drops significantly. It is possible to grow sorrel in a greenhouse without any particular difficulties, since the main pests of the crop in early spring are not yet active, and in most cases, the most simple processing is enough to combat minor diseases.

Leaves that have reached 8-10 cm in size are plucked at the root and knitted in bunches. The bundles should be uniform in height. Finishes are trimmed with a knife.

Selling sorrel is a good deal, since the price during demand can be near high rates (depending on the region), but after a month or two, in most cases, the price drops many times.

The sorrel is plucked when the leaves reach 7-8 cm in length

Leaves are cut after 3 to seven days at the end of planting, and then as they grow back. During the season, it is possible to collect about 8 kg of greenery from each square meter. If the sale is not foreseen, then the leaves are placed in a plastic bag and sent to the refrigerator for storage.

Having a couple of plots of sorrel, it is possible to provide your own family with the necessary vitamins, diversify the table with different salads, fresh borscht with herbs. Plus, growing sorrel in a greenhouse can be a successful and profitable business, if you follow all the recommendations and rules for care and planting, then in a short time period it is possible to take a good profit.

Sorrel belongs to that small group of plants that do not require special care. One such plant, irge, has already been discussed. Others will be written about in due time. But still work hard when growing sorrel a little will have to.

I will not carefully outline the appearance and taste of sorrel - you will find tons of encyclopedic information on the Web. Suffice it to say that sorrel looks greenish and tastes sour. But sorrel is not such an ordinary grass as it seems at first glance. It contains a lot of oxalic, malic, citric, ascorbic acids. There are carotene, and, in particular, vitamins B1, B2, PP, iron, copper, cobalt.

So there is a benefit from sorrel, and not small. Sorrel is a long-term plant. Once sown - and we use it for many long years. Sorrel grows safely at very low temperatures (withstands up to -7 degrees). Here you need to see that after such a frost, the leaves of sorrel (variety Belleville) in my garden turned a little purple. The market value of this plant has become zero. It is better to cover it with a film or non-woven covering material (agrospan, spunbond, etc.) in case of frost. Sorrel grows even in unbearable heat. It tolerates our Kuban 45 degrees of heat in the shade, but withstands.

The main value of sorrel in the fact that he is the first to give in the spring the greens that are so necessary after winter for making food. Sorrel seeds begin to germinate already at 2-3 degrees. the cultivation of sorrel can be practiced on all soils. He is undemanding to them. Loves watering, but not waterlogging. For example, the already mentioned Belleville variety, after heavy and long rains, noticeably loses its color - it turns white.

The main sorrel varieties are Belleville and Large-leaved. 1st - not that green, affectionate, leaves are not very wide. 2nd - more traditional, more powerful, more early. It is also worth mentioning such varieties as Maikopsky-10, Shikorolistny and exotic Spinach, which is distinguished by the lowest content of oxalic acid. If in your area there is an organization like "SortSemOvoshch", then sorrel seeds can be purchased there by weight (unpackaged in sachets) even cheaper than in stores and on trays.

Planting sorrel

So when to plant sorrel? Can be planted at first ability in early spring. Etc., as you feel comfortable, right until September (in the southern regions). In other words, you can create a sowing of sorrel in the summer, only you need to take into account the supply in time, so that the sorrel will rise and take root before the cold weather (in some places a month and a half). If you are engaged in growing sorrel for yourself, then it is better to plant in the spring. They sowed, and if there is enough water (and there is enough of it in the spring, as usual), it will rise.

But there is one thing ... Sorrel is one of those garden plants that do not rise so rapidly. And if there is not enough water (and this happens in our anomalous time), then it will not rise or it will rise unevenly.

When planting sorrel, the distance between the rows is kept about 25 cm. We make grooves 4-5 cm deep with a hoe. If the soil is very damp, you can use an iron pin instead of the hoe - we take it in our hands and make grooves. We take a pinch of sorrel seeds (they are small-small) and sprinkle moderately along the groove. We fall asleep with loose earth with a layer of 1 cm less. It is fundamentally. If we sprinkle sorrel seeds with heavy soil, then it may not break through to the snow-white light.
When to collect the reared sorrel, you will see for yourself. Naturally, young leaves are better, in which less oxalic acid is accumulated.

In the 1st year of sorrel cultivation, it only forms leaves. In the 2nd year, general stem formation and flowering begin. But this is not a failure. Take a knife and completely cut the sorrel at the root. You can mow the sorrel with a brushcutter. And after a while he will again be young and beautiful. Also, if necessary, cut off old, overgrown, unhealthy, pest-eaten leaves. And after a while you will have an ordinary sorrel. After pruning, water the garden bed abundantly to speed up the regrowth of new leaves.

Growing sorrel for sale

The peak of sorrel consumption is in the spring. Everyone wants to eat something green, dear after winter. And the earlier we have commercial sorrel (young leaves 10-12 cm in size), the more expensive it can be made.

Therefore, we prepare the beds and plant sorrel in the summer.

1. We mark where the sorrel will grow, taking into account the fact that we will cover it with a film in early spring.

2. We apply fertilizers to the soil. If there is manure, then at the rate of 3-5 kg ​​per square meter. But not everyone has dung. Almost all of them do not have it. Not a failure. Seed shops sell all kinds of fertilizers in bags. Prices there, of course, are very solid (or obscene). We are interested in ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride. The packages say what and how much to put into the soil. Maybe you can get some kind of all-encompassing fertilizer. That is why I don’t give ready-made recipes. Read package annotations and act as appropriate. Actually, you can leave nothing. A lot of things grow without any fertilizers. Sorrel first. It's just that later, by the appearance of the plant, you can see whether you need to feed it or not.

3. Digging up a plot of land for sorrel.

4. We plant the sorrel. Sorrel planting is described in this article above.
From this place in more detail.
Because we plant in the summer, we sow soaked seeds.

Be sure to spill the grooves with water before planting the seeds. You can simply remove the spray from the watering can and water. Fill the sown seeds with loose earth (1 cm layer).

5. Now we need to make sure that the soil where we planted the sorrel is always moistened before the emergence of shoots (well, later, too, until the sorrel rises a little). Here, too, a principled measure is not to flood the crops (so that the seeds there in the ground do not rot from waterlogging). It is best to water with a sprayer that creates a little dust from the water so that a crust does not form on the soil. But most likely there will be some kind of crust. It's not worth worrying too much, because we keep the soil moist.

6. Everything. You can take a break from sorrel until early spring (deep winter). The main thing is that before the cold weather it grows up a little and takes root.

7. In winter, you can cover the sorrel with leaves, or you can not cover it - it does not freeze even in severe frosts. At least minus 30 with a harsh wind, it can withstand.

8. As early as possible in the spring, and even better at the end of winter, put arcs of steel bars or thick iron wire over the sorrel and stretch the film over the arcs. In other words, we are making an ordinary greenhouse. There will be a separate article about ordinary greenhouse designs. Film - the thicker the better. But here it already depends on your money. Medium thickness will completely go. Narrow - it just breaks, well, it will be more terrible to protect from frost.
In spring, on a hot day, we open the film so that the sorrel does not get steamy. We cover the garden bed again for the night. Opening the film completely on a very hot day is not better - the sorrel can "burn" (wither). Then it will take a certain number of days for him to come to his senses.

Fundamentally! The greenhouse must withstand strong winds, especially since it is installed early enough and stands for a long time. If the wind rips off the film, then even if the outside temperature is not sub-zero, but simply low, then from the huge temperature difference, sorrel can get sick with some kind of fungal disease.

The best scheme for the implementation of sorrel

After all the work done, the earliest sorrel in your area should grow in your garden. And everything that is premature has a good value. And most importantly, at this time there is a very high demand for all kinds of greens, including sorrel. After winter, many people hunt for greenish borsch, etc.
It is worth seeing that in the early spring, all sorts of garden pests have not yet become active. Therefore, our sorrel is beautiful, unspoiled by pests, untreated by chemistry, ecologically clean. (There is a separate conversation about sorrel pests).
Sorrel leaves, which have reached a size of 8-12 cm, are plucked at the root and knitted into bunches. Read about this material "Preparing bundles of greens for sale."
You can sell bunches of sorrel on the market yourself (which is even more profitable), or donate in bulk at the lowest cost.
Sorrel is slowly sold in summer, but the cost is already significantly lower. In the fall, the cost for it is higher, but there is no such demand, as in the spring.

In our area, a bunch of sorrel in early spring costs 40-50 rubles and there is a steady (rush) demand. By the summer, the cost drops to 10 rubles, and the demand is very small. In late autumn - the cost is 25 rubles. The demand is moderate. Prices this year.

Where does this data come from? I will tell you that I have the most direct relation to this matter.

So, growing sorrel is quite a profitable business. Having several plots of sorrel, and taking them under the film, you can "raise" a good profit in the spring.