Call a person to come. Strong methods of inviting a loved one

In magic, there are various conspiracies and rituals to summon the right person. Choose for yourself the most suitable way of how to call the right person or try several of them one by one.

1. Rite of passage to call the desired object "Bassoon".

Read this conspiracy: “Bassoon, burn the heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, mind (name of the right person) with fire, heaven, earth, rainbow, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Feppe, Feppe, Elera and in the name of all devils ... Burn his heart and soul until he appears before me, to fulfill all my orders and wishes! Hit him with lightning, ash, a storm, so that he would not sleep, he would not stand still, nothing was done, not thought, neither ate, nor drank, nor with a man, nor with a woman, nor with a girl was said until he appeared in front of me for the execution of my orders! ".

2. Vedic ritual to challenge.

At night, by the light of the moon, stand in the center of the drawn circle, and try to remember the person you are calling as accurately and in more detail as possible. Then close your eyes and read the conspiracy to challenge:

“By the power of my word, by the power of my deed and my side, I have come to you! (Name of the right person) Come to me as the waters go to the Moon! Your craving for me will not stop, so you want to meet me! As it is said, so it will be! ".

3. Conspiracy to call through the door jamb.

Stand in the doorway facing the street and grab the door frames. Then read this conspiracy-appeal:

“As the doorposts under my hands, as the threshold of the doorway under my feet, so you (the name of the person), at my request, appear here, now show yourself in front of me! May it be so!".

4. Satanic conspiracy to challenge.

On the photograph of the desired person, draw an inverted cross with a black pencil, marker or charcoal (the crosshairs should be at the level of the heart), light a black candle and say:

“I ask, but Satan (person's name) commands you! Respond, appear, show yourself before your eyes! My request is strong, and the word of Satan is the law! You don’t dare to contradict him, you cannot disobey him! It is not a needle that pierces your heart, but the word of Satan pierces you! May it be so!".

This conspiracy must be read nine times, each time piercing the heart of the person depicted in the photograph with a sharp, red-hot candle flame with a needle.

After making a call, leave the photo in place and do not touch until the person appears at your place.

5. The witch's call to the desired object.

This ceremony should be performed on Saturday. Cover all the windows in the house with dark curtains, put a new scarf on the table, light a candle, and let your hair down.

Sitting in front of the table, cast the spell:

“I am waiting for you like a hungry one - food, a beggar - alms, a sick one - relief. I am sending three angel messengers for you: Gabriel, Zazel, and Firiel. And may they not return without you. In the name of father, son and holy spirit, Amen! "

6. How to call the right person through sewing.

Sit facing east. Take your undershirt and sew twelve buttons to it with black thread. Each time, cut the thread with a knife and read this conspiracy:

“Theophan the recluse, have mercy on me! Come to the servant of God (name of the person) and bring him to me, the servant of God (your name). Clear the road to a meeting and a meeting, do not delay, do not delay and do not let the old, the young, the believers, the sinners, the wives and the husbands, the higher ranks, the lower ranks, the first or the last, be held back. May the Twelve Apostles help this meeting come true! Amen!".

After sewing on the last button and reading the last conspiracy, you need to put this T-shirt on your naked body and not take it off for twelve days. Usually, the meeting with the right person takes place on these days.

7. How to call the right person with a candle.

Using a sharp needle, scrawl the name of the person you want to meet on the candle. Then stick this needle into the candle parallel to the wick up to the ear. Light a candle and pronounce the conspiracy to challenge the right person seven times:

“The candle was not pierced with a needle, but the heart of the servant of God (the name of the person), I pierced with my desire! Let him rush to me, let the desire for a meeting come true! "

Leave the candle to burn out, and at this time imagine how your meeting will take place.

8. How to summon a person through water.

Pour water slowly from a decanter into a glass and say (three times): "Here is your water, come (person's name) to get drunk!" You need to read the conspiracy on water so that the breath touches the water.

Put the charmed water on the threshold of your house at night. The right person should come the next day.

9. Conspiracies and rituals of calling out the window.

Light a candle, and, holding it in your hand, go to an open window or door and say:

“Come to me, a clear falcon, not along one path, but all at once! Listen to my command, here is my threshold - here you live, here you go! Servant of God (name), come to me. I stand in front of you and wait for you today, and ever, and forever and ever. Amen!".

10. A call to the wind.

Wave your hand against the wind and say;

“As the wind blew the dust, drove the clouds, so let him carry my words! Take, wind, my words to God's servant (name). Damn to the wind, damn to the wind and my challenge is with him. Wherever you are, wherever you live, you will come to me and bring your soul! Amen!".

11. Fiery challenge of the right person.

On a piece of paper, write the full name and date of birth of the person you want to see. This note should be put in a fireproof dish, covered with dried rose petals and burned. While the paper is burning, you need to read the following text:

“By the power of love (name of the person) I conjure to come to me, to meet with me. Wish to meet me and hurry to the date! " Blow the resulting ash in the wind.

12. How to call the right person through the air.

Draw a symbol for the element of Air on paper. Under the picture, write the name of the person you want, imagine that your meeting has already taken place and say:

“I ask you, element of Air, Help me convey my message for (person's name). Let him call me quickly or make an appointment! "

13. How to call the right person using the energy of the crossroads.

On a windy day, stand in the middle of a pedestrian intersection and shout out the name of the person you are looking for. Once you need to shout against the wind, and once to the wind. After that, you need to go home in silence, and not look back.

14. Rite of passage to call a loved one through the window.

At night, stick your head out the window and say nine times:

“(The name of a loved one) was walking, tired and I called him. Let (person's name) rush and suffer until whoever calls him recognizes. I call (name), come to me to get to know me. Bring, wind, to (name) my words. May what I said come true! "

To make your rituals, ceremonies and conspiracies work, apply visualization of the end result and concentration in them. To do this, spend some time learning the basics of magical art and self-improvement. If the rite of passage is a very difficult rite for you, then contact the specialists for help.

Calling a loved one is a way with which you can return a person to your life. This method of fortune telling is fast and effective.

The principle of action of inviting a loved one

Calling a loved one is a powerful magical ritual, the purpose of which is to remind the beloved of the existence of the performer.

The rules and principle of action of the appeal:

  1. In order for the ceremony to work, you need to perform it at night, when there is a growing month in the sky.
  2. If the ritual is performed on a man, then it should be performed on Monday, Wednesday or Friday. If for a woman - on Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.
  3. Participants in a magic ritual must be familiar with each other, there must be an energetic connection between them.
  4. This type of magical effect makes the victim remember the customer, begin to yearn for him. Such a ritual makes the chosen one come to visit a fortuneteller or call.

For a loved one to come to you

In order to return or win love, you can make a love spell-call to the chosen one. Such a ceremony can be performed using a photograph, candle, water, etc.

On the doorstep of your home

The love rite is performed as follows:

  1. At 10 o'clock in the evening, it is necessary, in complete solitude and silence, to take a pinch of some cereal in your right hand and go to the front door.
  2. Open the door a little and with a quick movement pour the cereal onto the threshold, saying the magic words three times:

    “At night I lie alone, I keep my slave (chosen one) in my mind. Porridge is our food, and life for a slave (chosen one) without a slave (customer) is not sweet. She sheds burning tears, and decides to come to the slave (the performer). I finish the ritual, I lock the door with a key. I call the slave (beloved) home. "

  3. After that, you need to close the door and go to bed.
  4. In order for the call to the person to work, you cannot sweep the groats until the beloved has appeared.

And another option for inviting on the video:

Using salt

In order to call a beloved person to salt, you must perform a number of actions:

  1. During the full moon, light 3 red candles.
  2. Heat the frying pan well; it is recommended to use black dishes in this rite.
  3. Pour coarse salt into the pan and cast the spell 13 times:

    “I conjure magic powers, I call spirits for help. I take away the will of the servant of God (the bewitched object), I invite him to my house. Let him come here sooner, do not resist love, the soul to the servant of God (the executor) penetrates. The soul will burn for the slave, like salt burns in a frying pan. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. May it be so".

  4. At dawn, collect the used salt and pour it on the doorstep of your beloved person.

On the candle

For the ceremony you will need:

  • recently bought clothes;
  • a piece of white cloth;
  • church candle.


  1. Put on your prepared clothes at midnight.
  2. Spread a white cloth on a flat surface (this can be a tablecloth or a scarf).
  3. Light a church candle and loose your hair.
  4. Looking at the flame from the candle, read the words:

    “I put on new clothes, I call the slave (chosen one) home. The wax from the candle melts, and the heart will melt and feelings will be filled with the slave (the performer of the ceremony). May it be forever and ever. Amen".

  5. Wax residues must be hidden in a secluded place until the chosen one arrives. Then they need to be buried in the yard.

Using photo

In order for a loved one to come or call in the near future, you can perform a ceremony using a photograph. To do this, you need to prepare:

  • image of the chosen one, taken no later than 1 year ago;
  • 3 yellow candles;
  • mirror;
  • telephone.

The order of the performed actions:

  1. When the moon is in the growing phase, you need to light 3 yellow candles at night, put a mirror surface in front of them.
  2. Place the phone so that it is reflected in the mirrored surface, and put the image of the victim on top of it.
  3. Looking in the mirror, say:

    “I give energy to the phone, I put my soul into it, I invite my beloved. The slave will shed tears, no place to be found. Will gain when he makes a call. Strength from heaven I ask that dear come. "

    The zazyv will work within 24 hours.

  4. Then you need to burn the photo, and dispel the ash at dawn.

Through a towel - video

Into the smoke

To call a guy, you need to prepare:

  • 9 aspen branches taken from different trees;
  • matches.

The call is performed as follows:

  1. At night, in the forest or in the yard, a fire is made using matches and aspen branches.
  2. Looking at the smoke coming from the fire, they read the magic words 9 times:

    “I plucked 9 branches, lit the fire, let out the smoke. Curly smoke, help, call the slave (bewitched object) to the slave (performer). Let it fall to your feet and join your lips. His will is subdued, given to feelings. If he does not come, longing will destroy him, life will not be sweet. I conjure with smoke, I conquer the heart. May it be so in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. "

  3. The next morning, you need to bury the remnants of the fire in the courtyard of the chosen one, once again uttering the words of the call.

On a church candle and smoke from a photo

This ritual can be performed both during the day and in the evening. To carry it out, you need to prepare a candle bought in a church, a saucer (white or gray) and a photograph of your loved one.

Actions to be taken:

  1. Put a saucer on a flat surface, and fix a candle on it and light it.
  2. Read the prayer "Our Father" 7 times.
  3. Take the image of the beloved and set it on fire, while casting a spell:

    “Mortal boredom sets in, only the servant of God (the customer) takes all the thoughts of the servant of God (the chosen one). The smoke from the photo will go downwind, he will call the betrothed into the house. As soon as the candle burns out, the darling will call. What is said will come true. Amen".

  4. When the candle goes out, you need to open the window or window and release all the smoke into the street.
  5. The ashes from the saucer must be washed off with filtered water.

Into the wind

To get a loved one to come or call, it is recommended to seek help from the wind. To do this, at night you need to open a window and read a spell, looking in the direction where the house of the chosen one is located:

“4 brothers, 4 winds fly, find the servant of God (the name of the bewitched person). Deftly grab it and hold it tight. Let his soul toil, to the side of the slave (name of the customer) rushes. As a mother cries for a child, as a cat grieves for a kitten, so a slave (the name of the chosen one) for a slave (the name of the fortuneteller) will start shedding bitter tears. According to the spoken word, he will appear and stay here forever. I give power to the spoken word. May it be so. Key, lock, tongue. "

After what has been said, you need to go to the intersection of 3 roads and leave a handful of small change there as a sign of ransom.

For food

A conspiracy to call a loved one can be done for food. This will require a candle and a drop of your own blood.

During cooking, you need to light a candle and say the magic words 7 times:

“Hidden in the field is longing, lying there all alone. Forces of heaven, find this longing for the slave (the name of the bewitched), so that he does not see sleep, does not know rest, only dreamed about the slave (the name of the performer of the rite). Blood penetrates into the heart, the fire of love kindles there. The slave for the slave now burns with passion, only desires it. Said to be from now on and forever and ever. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

After the spell has been uttered, you need to drop a drop of blood into the food and treat it to the chosen one.

Holy water call

To carry out this magical rite, it is necessary to fill a glass with holy water collected in the temple, and dip a blunt knife into it.

On the water, you need to read the conspiracy 13 times: “Water gains strength, beckons a loved one to a slave. The water moves, the feeling of a lover awakens from sleep. Longing and desire catches up, conquers the will of the dear. As soon as the water spills, the beloved will return to the slave, ring the doorbell, talk about love. What was said is destined to come true. All the powers of heaven help, this union is blessed. May it be so".

After that, you need to go to the nearest intersection and pour a glass of liquid onto the asphalt. It is necessary to go back, without talking to anyone and without turning back. And it is recommended to store the used knife under the pillow for 3 days.

For a loved one to call

Conspiracy call can be made to call a loved one. To do this, you need a phone and an image of the chosen one.

The procedure to be followed:

  1. At night, light a red candle and meditate for 10 minutes, representing the voice of your beloved.
  2. Take a cell phone in your right hand and imagine the voice of the bewitched object.
  3. Read the magic words of the conspiracy:

    “I clearly hear the voice of God's servant (name of the chosen one). Speaks of love for the servant of God (name of the performer of the ceremony). He passionately wants to be together, does not let go anywhere. Let his call wake up the silence day or night. I endow the said with magical power. Amen".

  4. After the spoken words, you need to once again imagine the voice of a loved one and go to bed, without talking to anyone until morning.

For a beloved to call, you can do. You need to light a candle, put it on the windowsill and say 3 times:

“Bassoon, heart, body, soul, blood, spirit, burn. Bring your beloved slave to the house (name of the customer). "

Gypsy rituals

Gypsy magic is a good helper in solving love issues. In such rituals, pepper, etc.

Gypsy Laurel Call

A strong challenge using bay leaves is done like this:

  1. Take 15 bay leaves and a red woolen thread.
  2. Taking the prepared attributes, you need to go to the river.
  3. Bouquets are made on the shore, each of which has 3 bay leaves.
  4. Each bouquet must be thrown into the river, pronouncing the words of the inviting party:

    “Help the heavenly powers, fulfill your desire. The laurel floats down the river, invites its beloved here. Soon he will appear, he will swear in love, he will not return back. What was said is destined to come true. May it be so forever and ever. "

  5. On the way back home, you cannot talk to anyone and turn back.

Calling a loved one through a dream

This ritual should be done only on the growing moon.

Attributes that you need to invoke:

  • 2 church candles;
  • the image of the beloved;
  • small mirror;
  • woolen thread.


  1. Place the mirror on a flat surface.
  2. Position the photo so that it appears in the mirror.
  3. Place lighted candles on the sides of the photo.
  4. Then you need to pronounce the magic words:

    “I will come to the slave (name of the chosen one) in a dream. I will subdue, I will take the heart. Amen".

  5. Wax residues must be tied up with a woolen thread and taken to the intersection.

After the actions taken, the chosen one will see the performer of the ceremony in a dream, because of which he will have a passionate desire to come or call the customer.

Pepper conspiracy

Calling a person to pepper is done as follows:

  1. Before performing the ritual, you must go to church and confess. There you need to give alms to those in need. This will help reduce the negative impact of the challenge.
  2. At midnight on a full moon, you need to take a frying pan and heat it.
  3. Then pour on it the number of black peppercorns, how old your loved one was on the last birthday.
  4. When the pepper starts jumping and bursting in a hot frying pan, you need to say:

    “Pepper toils, does not find a place, so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) let him dry according to the slave (the name of the performer) until he comes home to her. Amen".

  5. The rest of the burnt pepper should be wrapped in a red cloth and taken to the intersection along with 13 coins.

A sharp appeal for the return of a lover

A really potent challenge is the ritual performed using hot peppers.

The contractor must prepare:

  • heat resistant saucer;
  • 3 pods of red hot pepper;
  • 3 red wax candles.

The ritual is performed like this:

  1. Candles are placed on a flat surface and set on fire.
  2. Pepper pods are placed on a saucer.
  3. Then the bottom of the dish is held over the flame of the candles, while saying:

    “As this pepper heats up, the desire of the slave (the chosen one) to cling to the slave (the executor) also grows. The element of fire helps in this, the will subdues. Amen".

  4. After that, the pepper is wrapped in natural fabric (for example, cotton or linen) and buried at dawn under a tree that grows in the courtyard of a beloved person.

This rite works immediately.

Are there any consequences for the appeal?

Zazyv is an effect on a person with the help of magical powers, so it has its own consequences, which are not manifested as much as with a love spell.

Negative results occur when the call was not executed according to the rules. This can manifest itself in the form:

  1. Loneliness. A person cannot find a life partner for himself.
  2. Infertility. It occurs if a gross violation was committed, for example, the ritual was carried out for the sake of entertainment.
  3. Family scandals. Relationships become tense and tense.
  4. Loss of a job or a large sum of money. It arises if the ordering party of the rite has not made the ransom.

If all the rules were followed, a ransom was made, then there will be no negative consequences either for the beloved or for the performer.

Online fortune telling: is this love spell right for you?

Have you chosen your version of the ritual? Check if it suits you and your destiny?

How do you attract the people you need? 10 psychological tricks.

1. Response to kindness, or the Benjamin Franklin effect

The story goes that Benjamin Franklin once wanted to conquer a man who didn't love him. This man was looking for a rare book that Franklin had. Benjamin found out about this and lent him this rare book, and when it returned to the owner, Benjamin simply thanked him. As a result, they became best friends.

As Franklin said: "The one to whom you once did good, is ready to answer you with good much greater than yours ..."

2. Ask for more than you want to receive

This effect is very simple and akin to bargaining in the market. The effect almost always works. You are obliged to overstate your requirements if a person needs you. At first, you will most likely be rejected. Do not resist, but give time. In 95% of cases, the person interested in you will respond again and offer a little less than you asked for, but at the same time it is guaranteed to be higher than you originally planned.

3. An imposed desire to help

Reception is very similar to the previous one. In order to awaken in a person an independent desire to help you, ask him once for something that he definitely will not do. Having received a refusal, you have created a person for yourself who considers himself obligated to you. Most likely, he will more than once independently turn to you with a desire to help, because inside he will have a feeling of guilt.

3. The name of a person as a magic sound

Dale Carnegie, author of How to Win Friends and Influence People, believes that using someone's name during a conversation is an incredibly powerful argument. The name of a person is the most pleasant sound for him. By pronouncing his name in a positive context, you grow significantly in his eyes.

4. Flattery is everywhere

It is everywhere and always. To begin with, it is important to understand that flattery must look natural, otherwise it can do more harm than good.

If you flatter someone who has high self-esteem, then you are more likely to be lucky. Such people love themselves and love flattery, while they do not notice it. And those who have low self-esteem see a trick and deception in any positive assessments.

5. Mirror

If you want to please a person - copy it. People with this skill are considered chameleons in society, from the outside it is noticeable how they are constantly changing and adapting to each individually. However, this skill needs to be developed at least a little in order to attract the people you want.

The work of parodist actors is based on this principle. All the celebrities who have been parodied from TV screens are often good friends of these actors.

6. Ask for mercy from the tired

When someone is tired, they are more receptive to all requests. The reason for this is that a tired person gets tired not only physically, but also mentally. If the boss is tired, then it is easy for him to allow you to finish it tomorrow, but you must complete it without fail and with high quality. This will give you a little respect in the boss's eyes. After all, you have kept your word.

7. Start asking for little things.

It's simple, ask for a little at the beginning, and you will be given a credit of trust. By this principle, people become dependent on social movements. For example, at first you are asked to support the action against deforestation, you support, then again and again. A trifle, but you are ready to give more. Are you ready to support the action against deforestation in faraway Tanzania or join the Green Party and contribute.

8. Don't correct people when they are wrong.

Carnegie also wrote in his famous book that it is not worth poking your nose into an obvious human error immediately after you find it. If you want to change a person's point of view, then approach this carefully. Even if you are a loser who blames anyone but himself for his troubles, you should not shout in the face. Agree with him at the moment and gradually try to change his point of view. Otherwise, you risk becoming enemy number one.

9. Repeat phrases and expressions of the right people

This principle is akin to the principle of "chameleon", when a person with facial expressions and gestures repeats the person in communication with whom he is interested. Words can please the ear if they sound like an echo. It is necessary to pronounce what the person has already said, what he heard inside his head.

10. Head nod

Scientists have found that when people nod while listening to someone, they are more likely to agree with him. They also found that when someone nods in front of him, the person repeats like a parrot. Thus, the nod stimulates the listener's agreement. Everything is based on our favorite principle of imitation ...

1. Be busy. It is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

2. Act as if you are already happy and you will truly become happier.

3. Don't criticize, don't judge, don't complain.

4. If you want to find happiness, stop thinking about gratitude and ingratitude and indulge in the inner joy that self-giving itself brings.

5. Remember that the person you are talking to may be completely wrong. But he doesn't think so. Don't judge him.

6. Know how to take the position of another person and understand what HIM needs, not you. The whole world will be with those who can do this.

7. If a person tries to use you for their own purposes, cross him out of the number of your acquaintances.

8. If fate presents you with a lemon, make lemonade out of it.

9. Never try to settle scores with your enemies, because by doing so you will bring yourself much more harm than them.

10. Act like General Eisenhower: never think for a moment about people you dislike.

We have all met in our lives people in whose company we wanted to be longer. People with charisma have the ability to almost hypnotically influence those around them. Not everyone is endowed with this quality by nature, but it can be successfully developed in oneself using some tips and techniques.

So, what needs to be done to get people to reach for you?

1. Believe in yourself

“Healthy” self-confidence and self-confidence is one of the most important criteria for personality magnetism. People who believe in themselves make people believe in themselves and those around them. Self-esteem can be raised thanks to positive self-hypnosis - write down your achievements and successes every day - from “helped my grandmother cross the road” to “became the head of the company”. Exercise, which will transform your body for the better, helps you gain self-confidence. It is also worth working on your style - to update your wardrobe, change your haircut, grow / shave off a beard and change in your appearance what you have long wanted to change.

2. Build trust

The “art of intimacy” in relationships with people is very important in the development of charisma. It means - let the other person believe that all your attention is focused on him. At the same time, make him feel confident next to you. True charisma is addressed to the outside, to the world, and not to the inside of your personality. After all, who will not be pleased that he is listened to and understood? Being a good conversationalist is what always attracts people.

3. Learn to communicate

A good interlocutor is always tactful, does not want to embarrass the person, uses a sense of humor and appropriate quotes. It will not be superfluous to read books by famous speakers and successful people. The experience these people share will help you build a dialogue with the interlocutor. Author of the bestselling books Say No First and No. The Best Negotiation Strategy ”emphasizes how important it is to ask the right questions in order to achieve the desired result in the negotiations. Therefore, always keep a couple of questions ready.

4. Build eye contact

The power of the gaze should not be underestimated. Ralph Emerson, an American poet and philosopher, said: "A human gaze can be no less threatening than a loaded gun aimed at a person, a gaze can offend like a spit or a blow, but it can radiate kindness and make the heart dance with joy" ... So it is, sometimes it becomes awkward from one glance, and some people know how to disarm with one glance. While others are afraid of eye contact and look fluently, casually and uncertainly. Charismatic people, on the other hand, often have a kind, positive and at the same time confident and clear look. They look directly into the eyes of the interlocutor. And this technique really works!

5. Use the body to express emotions

Gestures, clear facial expressions, smile, liveliness - this is what attracts attention and disposes people. Another trick is to nod during a conversation - this will show that you are listening to the other person and supporting him. The main thing is not to overdo it with an approving reaction, so as not to create the impression of being pretentious.

These simple tips will help you attract people. And, of course, you cannot do without inner filling - attend various trainings, read books, biographies of successful people, learn foreign languages ​​and develop a sense of humor.


Calling a sweet and beloved person is a love conspiracy that must be done if, with the help of magic, it is necessary to return a person who has left you.. A strong urge to meet with a loved one is a whole magical rite that is performed independently in several ways:

  • call to the doorstep
  • call for a candle
  • call to the wind
  • call for smoke
  • call by photo
  • call for water
  • salt appeal

Calling a sweet and beloved person (husband or wife) helps not only using a strong call to force a man to come or urgently call ... When people ask me "is it possible to return my husband if I make a strong call" - my answer is yes. This ancient rite helps to restore relationships after a strong quarrel or divorce, restoring the relationship that was once lost, forcing a man to come on his own and offer to make up.

A quick call to the doorstep read on salt

After 10 o'clock in the evening, being left alone, take a pinch of coarse salt in your right hand (crystals are important and small ones will not work) and, approaching the entrance dwelling, open it slightly and Throwing salt at your doorstep quickly say a call :

I shuffle one night, I remember you.

As food is not tasty without salt,

So without me, the life of a servant of God (name) is not sweet.

Without me, you shed salty tears.

Love me alone.

I finish the call, I lock it with a key. (close the front door with a key)

I call the person I need to my doorstep.


Do not sweep the salt until the day the beloved comes to your house.

Strong call for a church candle and smoke from a photo

To make a loved one appear, you need to read a strong appeal - a conspiracy to return ... You can read the rite of passage for your beloved at any time of the day or night, as soon as you want the dear one to be bored far from you and come to you or call (if he is in another city and does not have the opportunity to quickly come to you). A rite of passage for a strong and quick appeal is done on a church candle and a photo of the invoked ... Fix the smallest candle from the church on a saucer without a pattern (strictly monochromatic) and as soon as the candle rises firmly, light it and read the Lord's Prayer 7 times. Now take a photo to call and light it from a candle quickly read the words of the appeal :

The wax of the candle melts - it melts, toils from the fire.

So are you, servant of God (name)

You miss me, remember me with love.

The smoke from the photo will go downwind

Darling will quickly call in and bring me to my house by force.

The candle burns out, my beloved begins to miss me.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

With the last word, Amen, place the photo on a saucer next to the burning candle so that the photo and the candle burn out completely. As soon as the fire goes out, open the window and blow the smoke out into the street, and wash off the ash under running water. The action of the call comes immediately, very soon the one on whom the inviting rite was done will make itself felt .

All other ways to return and call a man to his home have not already resulted in conspiracies, and after reading them you can choose for yourself the easiest and fastest way to invoke a husband and a man to return him to yourself with the help of magic :

© Copyright: Maginya

  • If your beloved man stopped calling and does not write in every possible way, avoids meeting with you, a strong conspiracy will help so that the right person urgently calls you, and the conspiracy works very quickly. Magic helps to force a loved one to call, write or come to the person he is calling. A melancholy conspiracy ritual will make a person remember your existence, call you or come to a meeting. Call conspiracies will make the one who you need to remember about you and immediately call on the phone. To independently perform a trouble-free ceremony to remind yourself, go to the open window in your house and read the words of the slander so that the one who loves to call and read the conspiracy to call right now you need 9 times:

  • A love spell conspiracy is a very common love ritual that can very quickly - sometimes instantly make a person very homesick. Immediately after the induction of melancholy, the beloved will feel a strong love attachment, longing alone will want to see or talk. You can read a hex at any time of the day. Go to the front door of your apartment, spitting on the doorframe, say a conspiracy to love melancholy:

  • If you want your beloved husband or man to yearn for you, read the longing conspiracy. One reads a slander on a pinch of salt, which, after induction of melancholy, must be completely dissolved in a glass of water and the water is poured out the window. Having let a strong melancholy on a person with this conspiracy, he cannot restrain himself from loneliness and melancholy, he will very quickly come or call on the phone. A longing conspiracy that you need to read on your own for salt:

  • This is the most powerful and instant conspiracy to quickly catch up on love longing for any person at a distance from himself. If you need to let the melancholy make a person constantly think only of you, remembering the best moments of your meetings, read the melancholy conspiracy. The old conspiracy of longing is the only and sure way to work and will quickly make a man yearn and think only of you. On your own at home, with a conspiracy to induce a strong longing for your beloved, open the window and create a draft 2 times (downwind and against the wind), say the text of the conspiracy for love longing for the wind:

  • Strong and simple whispers to longing for attracting love are popular and quite effective ways of remotely influencing the feelings of a loved one using magic. The ceremony at a distance will cast a longing on the beloved man, making him yearn and think only of you. Girls at all times read words leading to longing for a man. So these wonderful rituals have survived to this day, with the help of which you can let longing for yourself on a man at a distance and use magic to make him want to see each other as soon as possible.

  • An effective conspiracy so that a beloved man is bored, yearned and jealous, the acting one can immediately read at a distance from the man. A 100 percent working conspiracy leading to melancholy is read for any phase of the moon at home, during the day or at night, white magic will make a man think about you and miss you a lot. You can read a strong conspiracy on a man so that he is bored and yearned to read, and so that the beloved wants to be around and come as soon as possible. A conspiracy quickly helps to cause strong loneliness and an obsessive desire in a man to see and always be with you as soon as possible. The best melancholy conspiracy will surely work immediately after reading and instantly help make your loved one miss you

  • Witches very often read the strongest love spell for melancholy in bad weather. If you read a strong witch's love spell in rain or snow or in a strong wind, then with the help of magic you can bring black longing and love to a person. Immediately from the moment the witch's magic ritual is performed, the bewitched will have an obsessive desire to see each other as soon as possible and be together more often. You will see the consequences of inducing melancholy with the help of the "witch's love spell" right away, the bewitched person begins to call more often and express his love feelings more vividly, and being from you at a distance, he greatly yearns for you. This very common among the people and a rather quick love spell that allows you to let the yearning for yourself on another person is mentioned by Stepanova, she calls him "Witch love spell". The witch's love spell for longing should be read in any bad weather, in a thunderstorm, in the rain, when it is snowing or a strong wind is blowing. Going out into the street in bad weather and moving away from a crowded place in a voice (in a normal voice, without shouting or whispering), say the words of the witch's love spell for melancholy:

  • A strong conspiracy must be read on your own if you need to do so that your loved one loved greatly in separation and yearn only for you. Magic power will make the beloved want to communicate only with you, the rest of the women were indifferent to him. This very old love spell was often used by the girls of Russia when a beloved man or husband left to work in another city. Love conspiracy - a love spell helped to save the marriage and protect a loved one from betrayal. Magic helped me more than once to let a strong feeling of love on my beloved

  • The most powerful and popular conspiracy, a person's call for a quick meeting will quickly make a loved one meet you. This magical challenge is recited outside in the summer. To carry it out, you need to leave the house early in the morning, as soon as the sun rises and there is still dew on the grass. Take off your shoes and walking barefoot in the dew read a conspiracy appeal that can call a loved one to yourself by letting go of a feeling of melancholy: