Pearl or gemstone. Pearl stone: properties, for whom it is suitable according to the sign of the zodiac

It does not need to be cut, it is valued not by its weight in carats, but by its diameter in millimeters. Cleopatra used his magic for beauty, and today Tibetan monks for health. From a grain of sand to a beautiful sphere - this is the path of the pearl.

Pearls are the only precious minerals of animal origin. A grain of sand trapped in the shell remains there forever or until people find it. It lives by building up layers of mother-of-pearl and turning into a pearl pea.

As a species, there are as many as seas and oceans on Earth. All peoples have legends and traditions about the beautiful pearl.

What pearls are in shape depends on the origin. In the sea, it is correct, in the river there is no such perfection, and large sea ones can lose the shape of a ball, but do not lose value.

The degree of transparency of the pearl stone is from translucent to densely opaque.

Place of Birth

All about pearls, except for jewelers and gemologists, are known to the miners of the stone. This profession is traditional for warm countries washed by the sea or ocean.

The place of extraction - this is what the color of the pearls depends on:

  • white - Australia, Japan;
  • yellow - Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Sri Lanka;
  • gold - Panama;
  • red - Mexico;
  • pink - India, USA (California), Bahamas;
  • silver - Australia;
  • gray - the island of Tahiti.

The colors of pearls of river origin are varied. It is found in Russia, USA, China, Germany.

The largest is the "Pearl of Allah" weighing 6.5 kg. It is oblong, 24x16 cm, found in a 300-kg mollusc.

Therapeutic effect

Pearls are an indicator of the health of the wearer. Tarnishing signals the owner of the disease, giving a chance to counter health problems.

Known for other healing properties:

  1. Improving memory.
  2. Regulation of the nervous system.
  3. Immunity support.
  4. Protection against viruses, microbes.
  5. Improvement of the liver, kidneys.
  6. Blood pressure normalization.
  7. Eye treatment.

Tinctures, powder for stopping blood are made from raw materials. Pearl water cleanses the body: an ordinary liquid in which the pearls have lain for half a day. One day has healing properties.

Tibetans believe that pearls have blood purifying properties. To do this, the stone is kept in the mouth every day for 15 minutes.

Magical properties

They have known what pearls are since antiquity. Its magical symbolism and meaning are multifaceted: longevity, eternal youth, material independence, fertility, strength of marriage bonds.

The magical properties of pearls help:

  1. Keep the house from thieves.
  2. Get rid of love pangs.
  3. Protect yourself from mental negativity such as damage or the evil eye.
  4. To insure against unprofitable deals, to evaluate the sincerity of partners.
  5. Calmly perceive the environment.
  6. Avoid mood swings.

Natural pearls are one of the most unique gemstones. Nature has presented people with a ready-made decorative product, the surface of which does not require additional processing. It is so feminine, thanks to the softness of shades and brilliance, that the ancient Romans dedicated it to Venus.

Pearl properties - description

Pearls are of organic origin - some mollusks form them in their shells. This is their natural defense against irritation caused by trapped foreign bodies.

The structure of the pearl is similar to the structure of the inner surface of the shell. Its main components are calcium carbonate in the form of aragonite and conchiolin, a protein substance. Any object that irritates him is enveloped by the mollusc in concentric layers of aragonite-conchiolin plates. The characteristic shine is the result of the play of light between the layers.

Types of pearls and colors

Pearls used for jewelry are divided into three types:

  • Freshwater pearls - they are mined in the rivers of Russia, China, Germany, North America.
  • Pearls from the southern seas are found or cultivated off the coast of Australia, the Philippines, Myanmar, the islands of Polynesia and Indonesia.
  • Akoya pearls from the seas around Japan are the most prized for their particularly beautiful luster.

The shape of pearls can be any - from completely irregular (such pearls are called baroque) to spherical. The color of pearls depends on the type of mollusks that created them and the conditions in which this happened. Most often, white or pale pink specimens are found. Rarely come across cream, pink, greenish and black pearls. The rarest and, therefore, most expensive are blue pearls.

Photos pearls

Products with pearls

In those products with pearls that are offered by the jewelry industry now, as a rule, a cultured stone is used, that is, one that is grown with human participation. It is rated according to the same criteria as "wild" - color, gloss, size, shape and surface finish. In pearls grown using the nuclear method (with a pearl ball as a foreign body), the thickness of the layer is also determined. Sea pearls are much more expensive than river pearls, as their quality characteristics are much higher.

Catalog of products with pearls:

How to clean pearls

Since pearls are organic, they are not as durable as other gemstones. It easily changes under the influence of unfavorable conditions, swells in water, and in a dry state it can crumble and disintegrate. This stone is not hard, but very durable. However, it reacts strongly to acids, cosmetics, hairsprays. Under the influence of unfavorable factors or over time, conchiolin changes its properties and the gloss loses its intensity. Pearls are able to "age" and live, on average, 100-150 years. To preserve their beauty longer, it is recommended to rinse the pearls in salt water every six months. There is also a way to refresh pearls that have lost their luster. You just need to let the top tarnished layer dissolve in the acid, and then rinse the product thoroughly with water.

Pearl stone meaning

Since people have always tried to attach symbolic meanings to precious stones, pearls are also not overlooked. He became a symbol of faithful love, soul and joyful life. Pearls were worn to attract good luck and to survive the trials with ease.

Whose pearl stone is a horoscope, zodiac sign

In order to understand whose stone is pearl, you need to study different sources in which the belonging of stones to the signs of the zodiac is determined, and compare the information, since they often contradict each other. Such work was carried out by the famous mathematician Yu.V. Kaftanova.

Guided by her tables, one can assure that any pearl is ideal for Pisces, Cancers and Aquarius. It is undesirable for Aries and Virgos to wear it, especially black or gray. Leo should also beware, although not so categorically. Pearls of clear tones are quite suitable for Gemini, and for Scorpions and Capricorns, on the contrary, only black, gray or mother-of-pearl. There are no contraindications for Taurus, Libra and Sagittarius.

Healing properties of pearls

Pearls contain a lot of organic calcium, and this determines their medicinal properties. For a long time, various methods of its use have been used, as a result of which, one way or another, the substances that make up the pearl got into the body. Chinese medicine, for example, suggests grinding pearls into powder and rubbing them into the skin.

There are known methods of maintaining health, suggesting drinking acidified water, in which pearls were kept for some time. Most likely, this method has a foundation. After all, if you keep the stone in sour wine for a long time, it can completely dissolve. Then a glass of wine will become a saturated solution of trace elements, which are very useful for the body.

The magical properties of pearls

According to legend, the magic of pearls lies in their ability to bring wealth and happiness. Some cultures, however, associate the stone with tears and loss of hope, but this is more likely due to its fragility. In most descriptions, among the magical properties of pearls are protection from the evil eye, thieves and dishonest people, the ability to balance the rhythm of life and measure it with the lunar cycle. They say that pearls are able to appreciate a strong-willed and spiritually rich person, helping to attract good luck to him.

Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: pearl" width="250" height="250">!} Pearls are a real natural miracle. The beauty and brilliance of this organic mineral has fascinated and attracted people since ancient times. It was endowed with extraordinary properties and used to create the most luxurious jewelry. And now it does not lose its incredible popularity, not inferior in demand to many precious stones.

Origin and main characteristics

It's no secret that pearls are formed in the shell of sea or river molluscs. When a foreign object (a grain of sand, a small living organism, a particle of a plant) appears between the shell valves, it becomes necessary to get rid of it. This happens by isolating unnecessary particles with layers of mother-of-pearl, which over time takes on a rounded shape.

For these pearls in oysters, risking their lives, fishermen dived to great depths. And since the 19th century, pearls have been cultivated in specialized industries. But both in nature and in production, it takes more than 10 years to grow it.

These beautiful peas live no more than two centuries, gradually fading, losing their luster, becoming covered with cracks and collapsing. The surface may crack due to the fact that the substances that make up the composition dry out.

Png "alt =" "width =" 47 "height =" 78 "> The pearl, whose chemical formula is CaCO3, is mainly composed of calcium carbonate and conchiolin. The material is not very strong and will crumble when exposed to harsh chemicals.

The characteristics of pearls depend on various factors. The color palette, shape and intensity of shine are influenced by the water in which the mollusk lives, what it feeds on, in which climatic zone it occurs.

The main and most general classification of pearls is based on the place of origin:

  1. Sea pearls. Most valuable species. Jewelry made from stone found in salt water looks incredible. Each sample has a perfectly flat shape.
  2. River pearls. It is also quite popular and in demand in jewelry production, but its size is smaller and its shape is not so ideal.

Varieties and deposits

If you want to learn all about pearls, then get ready for the incredible variety of colors and shapes that this extraordinary material takes on. The geography of its origin is so vast that river and sea pearls can be found all over the planet. The most famous and popular are the following varieties:

  • data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: Tahitian pearls" width="80" height="88">!} Large pearls, ranging in color from gray to black, are mined off the coast of French Polynesia and are called "Tahiti".
  • .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Akoya pearls" width="80" height="91">!} Akoya pearlescent peas, which grow on farms off the coast of China, Japan and Vietnam, are highly prized. White, pink and silver species are grown here.
  • .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: golden pearl" width="80" height="83">!} The stone of the South Seas, which has a golden hue, is unusually beautiful. And sometimes beige pearls are found here, which looks great in a frame of precious metals.
  • .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: baroque pearls" width="100" height="79">!} Sometimes irregularly shaped pearls are found in the shell valves. It is called "baroque" and is appreciated for its unusual appearance and beautiful play of colors. Fancy stones fit perfectly into the most expensive headsets.
  • .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Mabe pearls" width="90" height="76">!} Jewelers are very fond of using the "Mabe" variety in jewelry, which has the shape of a hemisphere.
  • .jpg "alt =" (! LANG: conch pearl" width="90" height="78">!}
    Conch pearls from the Caribbean do not have the usual luster and are more like an oval pebble. This variety comes in a variety of colors: pink, purple, amber.

Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "" width = "80" height = "68 "> It is surprising not only how the mineral is formed in nature, but also what various colors pearls are, the description of the shades of which is very extensive. A yellow stone is found off the coast of Sri Lanka, red in Mexico, and beige pearls in the Persian Gulf. Rarely, but even green and brown pearls come across.

On the territory of Russia, pearls were obtained in large quantities from river mollusks, and this material was valued, like precious stones. It was used to decorate clothing and decorative items. Pitched pearls were incredibly popular in Russia. This is evidenced by numerous finds, references in ancient literature and paintings by masters. And the origin of this word is explained very simply. The correctness of the shape (round) that the pearl had was determined by rolling it along an inclined surface.

Unusual properties

River and sea pearls have been valued for their medicinal properties for a long time. It was believed that such an amulet is able to warn its owner in advance about deteriorating health by tarnishing. According to modern lipotherapists, this organic mineral can help for:

  • improving brain function and memory, strengthening the central nervous system;
  • treatment of kidneys, liver, stomach;
  • normalization of blood pressure and heart function.

Water, which is insisted on it, can help to improve metabolism and good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Earlier, pearl powder was actively used by doctors, including for stopping bleeding.

Magical properties

Shows pearl and magical properties. As a talisman, pearls have been used in various cultures since very ancient times. For Indians, it is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. Europeans believed that he would give them eternal youth. For the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, the stone personified fertility and was a guide to the world of magic. And in Greece they believed that such jewelry would significantly strengthen the bonds of marriage, protecting lovers from betrayal and parting.

The signs associated with this gem are very diverse. It is believed that he is able to establish a personal life. But there is also an opposite opinion, according to which pearls are a stone of loneliness, which dooms its owner (more often the fair sex) to a dull existence. In some ancient legends, it was believed that beautiful mother-of-pearl beads are the bitter tears of beauties who are forced to exist in the depths of the sea.

It is generally accepted that pearls are the best protector for their owner. Its main function is to constantly protect its owner from bad thoughts and damage from ill-wishers. He is able to protect you from people with bad intentions and will not let your property go to waste.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Data-lazy-type = "image" data-src = "" alt = "(! LANG: pearl bracelet" width="270" height="229">!}
Beautiful jewelry with spectacular pearls can leave few people indifferent. Elegant outfits are made even more attractive by complementing them with a string of sparkly beads, which can be paired with a ring or earrings. Not sure how to wear pearl beads? Just pair them with both dressy and casual wear.

Possessing a rather strong energy, pearls have different effects on people. It is very interesting how pearls and the signs of the zodiac interact. Depending on the zodiac constellation under which a person was born, astrologers have established who can wear this stone, and who is better off choosing a different talisman for himself.

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Cancer" width="80" height="60">.jpg" alt="Scorpion" width="80" height="80">.jpg" alt="Fishes" width="80" height="80"> Рожденный морем, он неразрывно связан с водной стихией, поэтому больше всего он подходит таким знакам, как Рак, Скорпион и Рыбы. Ракам он поможет создать внутреннюю гармонию и постичь различные знания. Прекрасным спутником станет жемчуг для Скорпиона. Они будут блистать умом и активизируют свои лучшие качества. А для Рыб такой талисман станет сильным оберегом.!}

Jpg "alt =" "width =" 80 "height =" 80 ">. Jpg" alt = "" width = "80" height = "80">. Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Capricorn" width="80" height="80"> Как правильно носить жемчуг важно знать знакам, которые относятся к стихии Земли. Для них, чтобы получить заряд положительной энергии, достаточно лишь ненадолго надеть такое украшение. Иначе, при продолжительном ношении, Тельцы могут стать неуверенными в себе, Девы утратят связь с реальным миром и будут витать в облаках, а Козероги будут совершать необдуманные поступки.!}

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Aries" width="80" height="80">.jpg" alt="Sagittarius" width="80" height="80">.jpg" alt="a lion" width="80" height="80"> Для представителей стихии Огня подходят более яркие камни, чем нежные переливающиеся камушки. Однако и такие украшения могут хорошо поддержать своего владельца. Овнам добавится рассудительности и стабильности. Стрельцам захочется романтики и домашнего уюта. А для Льва жемчуг окажется незаменимым в борьбе с излишней горячностью и вспыльчивостью, так свойственными этому знаку.!}

Jpg "alt =" (! LANG: Gemini" width="80" height="77">.jpg" alt="scales" width="80" height="80">.jpg" alt="Aquarius" width="80" height="80"> Воздушным знакам тоже не стоит постоянно носить жемчужные изделия. Близнецам такой талисман будет помогать принимать решения и не мучиться выбором. Весы разовьют свои хорошие качества, а Водолеи смогут развить свои экстрасенсорные способности. Помнить нужно только об одном – энергия, которой делится с вами амулет, помогает и поддерживает людей только с чистыми помыслами. Если вы задумаете нечто плохое, то сами получите негативный эффект.!}

In order for pearls to delight you with their magical shine for as long as possible, treat them with care, avoiding contact with household chemicals, cosmetics, and fat. Beautiful pearlescent peas will become your constant companions, beautifying your appearance and sharing positive energy.

All about pearls: origin, history of origin

The color of pearls can be varied, it all depends on where the mollusk lives.

The resulting material can be a rich white, black or pinkish shades are often found in nature. If the stone is the size of a pea, it can be assumed that it is a little over 10 years old. If the "pea" is large, it may be about 40 years old.

The pearl stone is famous for its interesting history. Natural natural material is at the very bottom, from there sailors and hunters get it. For over 100 years, there has been an alternative method for obtaining pearls, namely artificial cultivation. A well-known Japanese company is engaged in this. Today you can see a large number of pearl farms, mostly located in Japan. In terms of quality, pearls obtained by artificial means hardly differ from the real ones, but they cost less. This is due to the fact that it is not easy to get natural stone, moreover, divers risk their lives. Today, the stone is mined in South America, India, on the islands of the Caribbean Sea.

Where is the stone mined?

As mentioned above, pearls have a rich history. It was mined in Russia, as well as in European countries. Quite often, the material was extracted from the rivers of Ireland. During the Middle Ages, reserves of pearl stone were discovered in the north of Russia. As for freshwater breeds, they are mined in the USA and Bavaria. There are high quality pearls on sale from Tahiti and the Red Sea, as well as breeds from Iran.

One of the most valuable is the Oriental variety (yellow pearls). This mineral is mined in the Persian Gulf; a lot of people live nearby who are not averse to diving and getting this luxurious material. Finding a pearl is not easy. To do this, you need to sort out about 40 shells, the work is very difficult and painstaking.

Pearls in different countries

In Russia, pearls are often called a tear of joy. The name arose because a pearl was often compared to a drop that flows from a water lily leaf into a shell. In China, pearls are a dew drop of the goddess of love; the Chinese call them "frozen moonlight." In ancient Greece, people believed that pearls were the tears of a sea nymph; statues of goddesses were often decorated with the material.

The sea stone is notable for its incredible beauty, in the old days it was used to decorate clothes and jewelry. The material was appreciated not only among the noble, but also among ordinary people. Queens loved to wear pearl bracelets and beads; they were often used to decorate shoes. The ancient rulers admired this natural material: in order to get a string of pearls, they were ready to give a large amount of gold.

Queen Semiramis loved to wear strings of pearls, and the legendary Cleopatra accidentally swallowed the pearl that was in the glass. In Russia, pearls had unprecedented popularity; they were in demand among noble rulers and merchants. As far as modern fashion is concerned, the stone has become popular thanks to Coco Chanel. Many ladies began to wear it in combination with a little black dress.This style is distinguished by sophistication, a certain royal chic is inherent in it. In the jewelry industry, jewels are combined with diamonds.

Contradictory characteristics

From an astrological point of view, pearls do not bring happiness. This is due to the fact that unpleasant, dark lunar energy is concentrated in it (according to ancient beliefs, it only brings the illusion of happiness). A sophisticated silver ring with this precious material can be worn on the right ring finger. There is one version: if you hold the pearl in your mouth for some time, you can calm down and find peace of mind, at the same time you can get rid of pain in the heart: this method helps to cleanse the blood of harmful substances. Some people consider pearls to be a symbol of love and spiritual strength.

Versions regarding magical power are quite contradictory, some astrologers do not recommend wearing a stone in the form of a ring, it is better to wear pendants, bracelets, beads. If a person is really strong in spirit, he will not be able to fall under the negative influence of the stone. It is not recommended to buy pearls for travel lovers, actors, singers and people working with children. If you feel that you are overly proud, but dream of getting rid of pride, be sure to pay attention to this adorable stone.

Pearls: magical properties

As mentioned above, the stone has been known since antiquity, the Chinese used it as a means of exchange. Pearls were a favorite and popular mineral in the East as well as in America. It was previously used in faraway Japan. It was believed that a person wearing a jewel would be young for many years. In Europe, it is generally accepted that pearls are a symbol of longevity. The inhabitants of India do not agree that a jewel is a symbol of an unhappy life, in their beliefs pearls are the lord of marriage bonds.

In modern magic, there is a lot of information about this amazing stone. If you look at him for a long time, a person will feel harmony, calmness, peace. To this day, the jewel is loved and appreciated in China; it is one of the main elixirs of beauty. The stone is known in Mongolia, in this country it is considered a symbol of power. During its existence, the jewel has brought joy to many people. The stone is an example of pure, sincere love, it is considered that it brings positive and a tremendous charge of cheerfulness.

In addition, the gem protects its owner, it quickly gets used to the owner, but does not tolerate being given again. If a person has any base, dirty thoughts, after a certain time the stone fades and loses its former attractiveness. The magical properties of pearls have been known since ancient times. It is generally accepted that if a pearl shines very strongly, it means that its owner has a healthy energy. If you wear a ring with a natural pearl, you can warn yourself against thieves and intruders.

In addition to its magical properties, pearls have medicinal properties. The stone is suitable for everyone, it will always help if you have problems with the digestive system, kidneys. It is believed that he is able to overcome hypertension, various nervous disorders, weakness. For medicinal purposes, water is used with this stone: it is recommended to put several pearls in it and let it brew for exactly one night. Healing infusion can help with conjunctivitis, a problem with the gums. It will help if you have liver problems. Pearl water has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Pearls are of interest to many ladies: the stone attracts and bewitches. Jewelry made from this jewel will remain popular for a very long time.

Pearls are not gemstones as they do not have any unique origins. This mineral is formed in the shells of mollusks that live in the seas. The very appearance of the pearl is associated with the gradual overgrowth of foreign particles with conchialine and aragonite.

Pearls have been known for a long time, and, accordingly, have been mined for a long time. Like many other minerals, this stone can be of very different qualities, although it is usually the mother-of-pearl shell that is an indicator of its importance for jewelry.

At the same time, along with aesthetic beauty, pearls also have some symbolic meaning. Hence the need arises to consider the properties of this stone more closely.

When you watch films about divers, pearl divers, you may get the false impression that this jewel is being mined exclusively from the ocean floor. But this is not the case, although sea pearls have a stronger luster, its freshwater variety also has a right to exist.

Here, in Russia, pearls were mined in the rivers of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, as well as on the territory of the Arkhangelsk Region. The source of mother-of-pearl was the European pearl mussel, a special type of molluscs that are now on the verge of extinction. Moreover, the reason for this was not so much the fishing of invertebrates, how much the decrease in the number of salmon and brown trout in the rivers. In an ecosystem, as you know, everything is interconnected.

  1. In addition, freshwater pearls were mined in Germany and China, as well as Canada and the USA. This process was not particularly difficult. The shells were thrown ashore by hand or retrieved with the help of nets and landing nets, and then on land they were examined for the presence of valuable formations.
  2. The main suppliers of sea mother-of-pearl were the waters of the coasts of Japan, Sri Lanka, as well as the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea.
  3. In the land of the Rising Sun, a clan of ama divers was even formed, which included most of them women.

And what is most interesting, in such a conservative country as Japan, divers had the right to choose their husbands! It is difficult for our person to understand how much this expanded the rights of pearl hunters, but if you think about it, this was almost never allowed by popularity, even in medieval Europe.

Today, pearl fishing has practically ceased due to the widespread distribution of cultured pearls, which are practically in no way inferior to "wild" ones. And in most cases, it surpasses it in terms of its jewelry performance.


The history of pearl cultivation began on January 27, 1896, when a citizen of Japan, Kokichi Mikimoto, patented a ferocious method of growing pearls. According to his idea, a small nacreous ball made from the shell itself was placed in the body of the mollusk. Subsequently, it was enveloped in mother-of-pearl and an ordinary pearl was obtained. Although if you dig deeper, the discoverer was not at all Japanese.

And not even the brilliant Swedish naturalist Karl Linnaeus, who raised several round pearls almost a century and a half before Makimoto, but the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire. They were the ones who placed Buddha figures inside pearl-bearing shells in the eighth century AD to cover them with mother-of-pearl. This is who really was the first to understand the very essence of the birth of a sea jewel.

By the way, the largest cultured pearl “The beauty of the ocean "has a weight of 6 tons, glows in the dark and is estimated by experts at $ 139 million.

For comparison, let's say that the record holder among natural pearls, the twenty-four centimeter "Pearl of Allah" slightly exceeds 6 kg in weight and is estimated at no more than three and a half million dollars.

The first step is to determine that all cultured pearls are considered to be real. It is produced by the same mollusk as the "wild" one with the only difference that a person creates the most favorable conditions for its education. But even with this approach, more than one year passes before the harvest can be harvested from the shells.

Fraudsters choose an easier way, passing off glass filled with paste or simply pieces of plastic as a jewel, and therefore be on the alert and remember the signs by which it will be possible to distinguish the original from a fake.

  • The easiest and most effective way to test pearls is to dissolve them in vinegar. That's just the trouble, you need to do this only when you are 1000% sure that this is a fake, it will not suffer, while you will have to pay in vain for the real product.
  • It is much cheaper to check a pearl for a tooth or try to crush it. In the first case, the original will emit a characteristic creak, and in the second, the imitation will burst (if it was of course glass).
  • A more modern option is to place the pearl in an electromagnetic field, the real one will quickly creep along the lines of the force field, while the fake magnet will not react.

  • Well, the most reliable option is to look at the jewel through the eyepiece of a microscope. The natural product will have small flakes, which create the actual interference of light. You will not find such roughness in imitation.
  • The last feature we recorded is a reasonable price. Don't even try to buy a large pearl for cheap, no matter what they tell you. People selling such a product know its real value and can only get you a dummy for free.


The division of stones by grade does not apply to all types of pearls. So, a non-nuclear mineral is of the following varieties:

  • The round white mineral Akoya is a stone with a perfectly pure luster, round shape and reaching a size of 10 mm.
  • Pearls from the Southern Hemisphere are about 15 mm in size, with an impeccable shape and an uneven surface. The stones are grown using the largest oyster, which produces white, silver, golden pearls.
  • Pacific stone of black or gray colors - Tahiti, the beads of which reach 10 mm. It is the rarest and most beautiful cultivated mineral, therefore its rating is the highest of all.

  • Cortez is an expensive Mexican variety with silvery brown, golden, brown colors. The stone is distinguished by its colored overflows.
  • Biwa is a cultured freshwater pearl with a low price and a unique oblong shape. The variety is presented in a wide range of colors, which is superior to other stones.
  • Mabe is a blister-shaped stone.

River pearls, in turn, are subdivided into:

  1. Kasumi is a freshwater mineral produced by the hybrid oyster. The peculiarity of the variety is iridescence, iridescence of color, a variety of shades: from white to black with a green tint.
  2. Keishi is a variety that has an irregular shape and appears as a result of the cultivation of sea stone. It is popular for its interesting pistachio or lavender color and unique shape.

The “life” of a stone as a jewel is short - up to 200 years. After the expiration date, all types of pearls tarnish, crack, lose their natural pure luster, and decrease in price.

How to value a pearl?

You can find out how much real pearls of any color, type and grade cost by several criteria:

  • Bead sizes in millimeters: larger size - higher cost.
  • Shape: the most valuable is the pearl, which has a smooth round shape. Finding her is extremely difficult, because it rarely happens. After round, regular oval and pear-shaped stones are considered perfect.
  • Gloss Power and Pearlescent Layer: Dullness is rated lower, while glow increases value.
  • Number of defects and irregularities: the more imperfections a mineral has, the less valuable it is considered. However, it is important to know that faux pearls are truly smooth and even. The natural origin of a stone is sometimes determined by experts, taking into account the quality and quantity of its defects.

It's easy to find out what color pearls are. It is enough to analyze the mollusk: its health, food consumed, water temperature. The most valuable is the black mineral found in the depths of the sea. What kind of pearls are there depending on the place of extraction?

  1. Find the most expensive of the minerals in Tahiti. Mostly this area is saturated with brownish, chocolate, black specimens.
  2. Traveling to India, you will find a pale pink variety.
  3. Real yellow pearls are found on the Sri Lanka Peninsula.
  4. The pure white mineral comes straight from Australia and Japan.
  5. The golden pearl lives on the shores of Panama.

Cultured stone

The properties of pearls depend on the place where they are cultivated. Marine formations are more expensive than river specimens. The river has less shiny mother-of-pearl. Its surface is more rough.

Japanese Akoya pearls are the standard of quality. The most valuable specimens are pearlescent pink. The size of pearls is up to 10 mm.

In Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, less quality jewelry is grown. The size of the beads from the South Seas is up to 15 mm.

Natural black specimens are found only in Tahiti. They are grown on the islands of French Polynesia, Cook and Fiji. The size of the beads is up to 10 mm.

Imitations of pearls are known:

  1. Burgundy.
  2. Roman.

Imitations have nothing to do with jewelry.

Pearls are a biogenic formation that is extracted from the shells of molluscs. The body has a shimmery sheen. Pearl stone: properties, who suits? This is one of the first pieces of jewelry that does not require processing. Since ancient times, people have valued the stone for its beauty and properties.

The deposits are found in the shells of river and sea molluscs. Pearls are formed only if a foreign body gets between the shell and the mollusk. It turns out a bag, on the inner surface of which mother-of-pearl is produced.
An important property of pearls is luster. The best grade of jewelry - oriental - has a luster with a mother-of-pearl sheen. This mineral is mined in the Persian Gulf.

There are shades of beads:

  • white;
  • blue;
  • pink;
  • yellow color.

Rare flowers include:

  • green;
  • blue.

The black mineral is highly prized, but not all specimens are natural in color. There are stones that shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. The most expensive is white.

The color depends on the composition of the water and the color of the shell's mother-of-pearl. The mineral is formed in freshwater and marine molluscs. One pearl grows in the shell, sometimes 2-3. A shell was found off the coast of India, containing 87 pearls.

Formations are measured in grains. Today, there are products made from cultured material on the market.

Mineral properties

Pearl is a favorite adornment in the East. The stone is said to bring back youth and promote longevity.

The properties of pearls have been used for treatment:

  • kidney;
  • blood diseases;
  • liver;
  • nervous system;
  • of cardio-vascular system.

People attributed magical properties to the necklace, and this is not surprising. Every pearl is perfect. In China, it was believed that pearls helped in trade. The stone gives the gift of foresight.

In Russia, it was believed that pearls are a symbol of purity, chastity, and tenderness. The mineral gives peace of mind, strengthens strength. These properties of the stone make it a talisman for women. Beads strengthen the bond of marriage. In Russia, newlyweds were entangled with a thread of jewelry.

Muslims have native balls - a symbol of the sky.

What zodiac sign is better to wear such jewelry? Astrologers say that a necklace is suitable for any sign of the zodiac. But there are signs that pearl jewelry brings happiness, is a magical item. The talisman protects Pisces from rash acts; he brings happiness, wealth and longevity to this sign.

Who is more suitable for pearls? Astrologers call signs such as Cancer, Pisces, Gemini. Black pearls are suitable for Scorpions. The connection of the mineral with the name Margarita has been revealed - this is the best talisman for these women.

The properties of the stone are enhanced in a silver setting. For women it is better to wear the ring on the middle and ring fingers of the right hand, for men - on the middle finger of the left or right hand. The ring protects from thieves and protects from envious people.

The healing properties of the stone were used 3 thousand years ago in China.

  1. The mineral was a symbol of longevity. In Russia, there was a belief that the bride should not wear a necklace that was inherited.
  2. There is a legend that pearls are the tears of a Nymph.
  3. The waste product of molluscs is contraindicated for actors and travelers.
  4. It is believed that the mineral can suit a strong person, and will have a negative impact on the fate and health of others.
  5. The magic of the depths, primordiality is stored in a pearl. It contains the energy of the Moon. Natural material is mined in a primitive way. A pearl is found only in one of 50 shells.

In Russia, the craft of jewelry has existed for a long time. The cultured mineral grows naturally in the shell of a live mollusk. The Japanese began to grow beads on an industrial scale back in 1915. Jewelry made from such pearls appeared on the market only after 1918.

A cultivated mineral is ten times cheaper than a natural one. The scale of extraction of natural material is negligible. Over 90% of the jewelry on the market is cultured pearls.

Mother of pearl lives up to 100 years, and then begins to dry out. Products fade and deteriorate, so they should be looked after properly.

Stone care

Pearls are a rather finicky stone. Therefore, caring for him requires increased attention. But don't be afraid.

  • After each wearing, pearl products should be wiped off the remains of sweat, dust and cosmetics. To do this, use a clean, soft cloth slightly moistened with filtered water.
  • You should not often wear pearls in the open rays of the sun. This can cause the product to crack quickly.
  • The thread on which the pearl necklace is strung must be changed every year.
  • You need to be very careful to clean mineral products at home. This can be done with shampoo, jewelry paste, or olive oil.

How to care for jewelry

To extend the life of a pearl, it must be worn. There are such rules:

  1. The material is afraid of wet and too dry rooms.
  2. Store jewelry separately from other stones.
  3. Protect from sunlight.
  4. Wash in saline or soapy water.
  5. Hydrochloric acid and bran revitalize the native balls.
  6. Use perfume and eau de toilette 10-15 minutes before putting on jewelry.
  7. The surface of products can destroy sweat, dirt.
  8. Ancient people revived formations with the bone marrow of animals.

In Russia, a tarnished necklace was placed in a canvas bag, then rinsed in water until the NaCl dissolved. After that, it was dried.

Pearl shape

Formations can have:

  • round;
  • spherical;
  • oblong;
  • oval;
  • pear-shaped.

Formations of the correct form are quite rare. It is difficult to collect beads of the same shape and size on a single strand - this can be done for decades. Irregularly shaped minerals are called baroque. Jewelry in the "Baroque" style is in vogue today.

Natural black pearls are found only in Tahiti. How to define cultured or natural material? Only the X-ray method can distinguish an imitation from a grown specimen.

To determine the natural material, it is necessary to clamp one pearl between the teeth and run your tongue over it - if you feel roughness, then it is natural.

Quality indicators are determined using a visual method. The quality of jewelry is determined by the following criteria:

  • color;
  • shine;
  • diameter;
  • shell thickness;
  • possible damage.

How to Choose Pearl Jewelry? Pay attention to the following properties of the stone:

  1. Smooth surface. Growth layers, dark spots, bumps indicate a poor quality product.
  2. Bead shape. Baroque pearls are in vogue today.
  3. Shine.

Coco Chanel made pearls the most democratic piece of jewelry. She instructed women to wear a string of beads with a little black dress. The necklace celebrates the beauty of the elegant woman.

Pearls have always been in vogue. As Karl Lagerfeld said: "It illuminates the face from the inside." Jewelry is worn by status women of age. Girls are advised to mix natural and artificial materials.

A trend has emerged in casual clothing to combine jewelry and costume jewelry. Beads are in fashion not only from natural stones, but also from artificial ones. The products use cultured pearls, as well as glass imitations.

The stone is suitable for women of any age. Pearls are a classic, and every woman should have a single thread.

Magical properties

One can talk about the magical properties of pearls for a long time, since they were treated with special and emphasized reverence in a variety of cultures, starting with ancient civilizations. The ancient Egyptians considered pearls to be a magic talisman, which could give its owner beauty and eternal youth. Many considered and continue to consider pearls as “frozen tears”.

Perhaps that is why pearls are the only stone that could previously be worn as an adornment during mourning. Pearls are a stone born of the sea and contain a very lively and strong energy.

He patronizes love and is considered a stone that can help maintain chastity. A very strong amulet for lovers, helps to achieve reciprocity, and then keep love throughout life. It will help its owner find a common language with almost any person. Pacifies evil hearts. Does not tolerate betrayal.

Medicinal properties

In addition to the fact that pearls have a beneficial effect on metabolism, accelerate metabolic processes in the human body, contributing to its rejuvenation, this gem has a positive effect on the functioning of the stomach, intestines, kidneys and liver, and is also able to heal some diseases of these internal organs.

Since pearls are a stone formed inside a living organism, then its sensitivity to living matter is preserved. The stone seems to live its own life, dimming if the owner is sick with something. For example, tarnished pearls can even detect the presence of a tumor, because the stone is sensitive to the chemical composition of human sweat. If there is some kind of disease that a person may not even suspect about, pearls are the first to notice this disease.

The ratio of the stone to the name

If we talk about the representatives of which professions, pearls provide their patronage, then among the leaders there will be art workers. True, it should be remembered that this stone is very strong, and he also does not really like small children and travelers, so you should not take pearls with you on the road and it is better not to wear them for those who work with children, for example, educators in children's kindergartens, pediatricians and primary school teachers.

Suitable for people with names:

  • Tatyana
  • Philip
  • Aksinya
  • Taisiya
  • Marina

Zodiac signs

Pearls shimmer with mica mother-of-pearl at the bottom of the sea ocean, swaying in the thick emerald waters of predominantly equatorial latitudes. Like the crowns of Neptune's daughters, pearls shone in the hair of noble ladies in feudal times, but today any woman can afford them. After all, for example, smaller and uneven lake beads do not cost a lot of money, unlike the rare black pearls, after which the expensive drink “perlanegra” is named.

  1. It is better to wear pearls for people with a strong character, stubborn, going towards the chosen goal, and even something fanatical.
  2. He can plunge people with a weak character or lonely into an even greater pool of bitterness and sadness, especially black pearls.
  3. However, widows, widowers, and divorced people may be shown wearing dark pearls as they aid in finding a second half.
  4. In general, pearls are a mineral of the sea and are protected by the Moon.

Gemini pearls protect against rash acts dictated by their active and fussy temperament. Also, pearls drive away the bad influence, envy and revenge that others may have towards obsessive and sociable Gemini. Pearls help female twins with the choice of a profession on the path of life, in making important decisions and gives unambiguity to this contradictory sign.

Like Gemini, Aquarius is a sociable sign, so pearls are very suitable for him. Pearls protect Aquarius open to people from envy, gossip and revenge. Helps you make the right decisions without succumbing to emotional storms.

However, during periods of apathy and sadness, Aquarius is not recommended to wear pearls, because in this union, the dark sides of the moon are activated, which can adversely affect both Aquarius and those around them. The Aquarius woman who has jewelry with black pearls in her casket gets the strength and abilities to fulfill her most cherished desires.

Pisces, as a water sign, are especially suited to pearls. He tames their impulsiveness and protects them from rash actions inherent in the sign. Also, jewelry with pearls enhances intuition and protects from unhappy love, to which dreamy women born under the sign of Pisces are inclined, contributes to the productive use of rich imagination.

Only black pearls are suitable for Scorpions. Although Scorpio is a water sign, but its patrons are also gloomy Pluto and hostile Mars, therefore stones of light shades are not recommended for this sign. For women, black pearls will help them find love, get a boost of vivacity and find the joy of life.

For Cancers, a pearl talisman signals all kinds of malfunctions in their body. It has a beneficial effect on blood pressure, helps to calm down and relax. A talisman with this mineral will help a Cancer woman to open up and show her love qualities more strongly.

For people who, according to the horoscope, represent Taurus, there are no contraindications to wearing pearls. Taurus is a balanced earth sign, so pearls are in perfect harmony with their calm and detailed nature. Taurus women, who constantly carry a talisman with pearls, become more attentive with those around them. The talisman helps them fight bad moods, and the habit of lashing out at others.

Libra is a sign of air, balanced and calm people.

  • Pearls heal well the heart diseases of this zodiac, dispose others to Libra, pacify vanity and pride.
  • For unmarried Libra women, pearls help find family happiness.

Virgo is an air sign, and pearls favor her. If the work of the Virgin is associated with risk, then the pearl amulet will help ward off troubles. However, for Virgos with a weak character, it is extremely unsuitable, since it can aggravate these traits.

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire, therefore light pearls are contraindicated for him. When Sagittarius has a positive, successful streak of life, then they can wear black pearls to maintain balance in life.

Capricorn is an earth sign, so pearls do not contradict him.

  • A strong and stubborn Capricorn can find peace and come to an objective assessment of the situation thanks to pearls.
  • Saltwater pearls are especially shown to him.

Pearls are not suitable for Aries. Aries is a sun sign, they match the stones that are bright, large and memorable. In addition, like Lions, the patron planet, the Sun, is an antagonist with the Moon, which protects pearls and water signs.

Leo is a sun sign, so water stones, including pearls, are not suitable for him, and black pearls are even contraindicated. It is believed that pearls muffle the power of Lions, because the patron of the latter is the Sun, and pearls are the stone of the Moon.

How to wear?

The Holy Book of the Bible mentions river pearls as the personification of purity, virginity, faithfulness to the covenants of God. The Israelis know that if the pearl has become darker, no longer shines, it means that its owner has planned bad deeds, but there is nothing worse than a pearl crumbled into powder - its owner dared to break the divine covenant.

Did you know properties of a pearl stone, who suits and who shouldn't wear it? Many people believe that pearls can only be worn by women and they are right: a pearl jewelry will make a man soft, weak-willed, deprive him of happiness in life and may even doom him to big trouble.

But women magical properties of river pearls they will only bring good: they will make Eve's daughter meek, modest and happy, and married women will be given the joys of motherhood, they will help in everyday life, in the household and in raising children. People of creativity should not wear pearls, because it will deprive them of many abilities. Among the signs of the zodiac, pearl jewelry will most beneficially affect Gemini, Scorpio and the trinity of water signs, bestowing prudence on them.

Black pearls are known as an amulet that can calm, pacify, or bring sadness and longing at the same time; you need to wear it for Aries, Scorpions and Leo. The signs of the fiery sphere, violent and impatient, will become calmer and more judicious with the help of black pearls. The magical properties of black pearl stone for a long time they were known only to witches and magicians, but today everyone can learn the whole truth about them!

Even our great-grandfathers, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers had a tradition of relativelymagical properties of river pearls- to give a beloved woman a pearl per year, so that the family is prosperous, prosperous and large. Wasn't it just that our grandparents had several brothers and sisters?

  1. The ancient Slavs believed that pearl jewelry on the body makes a person joyful and happy, gives him wealth, a healthy, strong body to a ripe old age.
  2. And don't be surprised that some of our ancestors lived for so long!
  3. But you need to wear pearls in large quantities, for example, in the form of a necklace, only thenmagical properties of pearls will show themselves.
  4. But one pearl is considered a tear that does not bring anything good except longing and sadness.

Three pearls on the body will bring a woman the joy of motherhood, and a pearl necklace will make her sensible and wise, protect her from unfaithful comrades - no one can deceive such a woman. A dozen pearls are capable of bestowing supernatural powers, opening the ability to divination and prophetic dreams to sensitive natures. So, pearls are capable of many things:

  • to give people health;
  • bring wealth;
  • help fight disease;
  • to please and bestow family happiness;
  • to open up special opportunities in people.

This is the pearl stone, the magical properties of which we can use for ourselves and others for the good!

Black pearls: description and properties

Back in the 2nd century. BC e. people knew what pearls were, as evidenced by ancient sources. Any kind of pearl is considered a product of abnormal growth in the inner layer of the molluscs. The acquisition of a black color depends on the mantle near which the bead grows.

Foreign bodies trapped in the shell can contribute to the appearance of a pearl: grains of sand, algae, sea inhabitants. The mineral can be round, oval, pear-shaped. There are times when the pearl has other bizarre variations as well. Natural sea and river pearls are divided into the following forms:

  • Spherical stone is the most valuable and rare form of a sphere.
  • Oblong or flattened shape, similar to a hemisphere. Highly appreciated, may look perfectly round after quality work by a jeweler.
  • Rice beads are oval beads with narrow edges and a wide center.
  • Long or short drop shape, mainly used for pendants, pendants, earrings.
  • Irregular and asymmetrical baroque pearls. Sometimes it resembles a cross, a stick, an unknown abstraction. Despite the fact that baroque pearls are not very expensive, sometimes their unique shapes are rated above perfectly round beads.
  • Semi-bar shape with natural asymmetry, which may resemble any of the pearls described above.
  • The button bead is similar to a round, flat disc and is ideal for earrings.
  • Blister is a pearl with an absent mother-of-pearl layer.
  • Beads are the smallest bead, reaching 2 mm in diameter.

Determining the price of pearls requires analysis from a professional jeweler: often an unremarkable bead can cost hundreds of dollars.
Description of types of stone:

  1. Freshwater mineral, or river pearls, found in flowing rivers. Pearls of this type can be pink or white. River mineral is a versatile, popular type that has an affordable price. The freshwater stone is shaped predominantly like a Baroque pearl.
  2. Saltwater pearls, which are characterized by the correct shape and luster, are produced in the correct and ideal marine conditions.
  3. Imitation pearls, which are an absolute creation of man. Oyster is not involved in its production. The most famous stone of this type is Mallorca pearls, which have been produced in Spain for over 120 years. Such an invention is notable for its affordable price and perfectly flat shape. Distinguishing Mallorca pearls from a real wild stone is almost impossible.

In addition to the well-known types of minerals, there is a less familiar, so-called cultured pearl, which was produced by the Chinese by pushing small pieces of foreign bodies into the shell. This method of obtaining the stone did not take root, therefore the Japanese method of manufacturing came to replace it. So, pearls, which are called nuclear-free or cultured, appear by attaching a nacreous piece of another mollusc into the shell. Experts with vast experience are capable of correctly assessing non-nuclear minerals, since there are quite few differences. It takes about 7 years to grow a stone in artificial conditions.

The above information about pearls does not cover the characteristics of the stone in full - it is important to be able to distinguish between the types of stones.

About healing power

The importance of pearls in medicine has not been proven, but the experience of several generations shows that the stone has powerful abilities. Mostly all the mineral is worn to improve the body: kidneys, stomach, liver. In order to cleanse the circulatory system according to the method of Tibetan doctors, it is enough to put the pearl in your mouth for 15 minutes daily. What other improvements does the stone contribute?

  1. Boosts immunity.
  2. Soothes cardiac arrhythmias.
  3. Relaxes after a busy day.
  4. Prevents aging.

It is widely believed that the color of pearls can indicate future diseases and even reveal a growing tumor. It is believed that when darkening, tarnishing, loss of pearl color, one should immediately consult a doctor for a complete examination.

Stone of longing and tears

Black pearls were called the widow's stone, not only because of the color of the night and longing. Pearl jewelry is compared to the petrified tears of women who have lost their loved ones. Widow's stone pearls are sad tears of sea beauties. The chronicles contain a description of the magical powers of crystals that prevent a person from finding his other half.

Single and unmarried people who prefer pearl jewelry can become eligible bachelors and old maids. According to legend, the beauty of the stone is so attractive that it can hide the beauty of a living person.

The owner of the jewelry becomes a narcissistic egoist who does not notice the feelings of other people. If loved ones intervene in the situation in time, then they will not necessarily go to the sorcerers and shamans. You just need to pick up another stone or metal for the pearl. Gold objects on the hands, a pendant on the chest will block the effect of pearls. Another option is a gold setting.

According to other beliefs, pearl jewelry can reduce sexuality. The person loses the desire to find a partner. In such countries, pearl jewelry is considered a must for married couples. They perform the task of protecting family ties.

Properties of pink pearls

Pink pearls can help with many diseases, but can also act as a preventive talisman.

  1. Scientists advise women who have cardiovascular diseases, urolithiasis, and gastrointestinal problems to wear pink pearl jewelry.
  2. The stone very well helps to restore internal imbalance, nervous disorders.
  3. Lithotherapists assure that it has amazing properties, it can be used as an indicator to detect malignant neoplasms.
  4. When a person has such health problems, the stone becomes dull, less shiny.

But this stone is known not only for healing properties. Even the ancient Egyptians expressed that a woman who wears pearl jewelry will live a long time and keep her youth for many years. If we turn to history, we can recall that Cleopatra not only wore jewelry made of pink pearls, but every day she drank a miraculous tincture, which consisted of pomegranate juice (or donkey milk) and pearls dissolved in vinegar, which is why she was so beautiful and young.

In the Middle Ages, there was a ritual: on the wedding day, parents gave their daughter a pearl necklace to strengthen the love of the newlyweds and protect the young family from troubles.

Modern astrologers also claim that this stone protects each sign of the zodiac in its own way.

  • Gemini can be 100% sure that such a decoration will save them from a rash act, which may be dictated by an active character.
  • Pearls will protect Aquarius from gossip, “black” conversations, while balancing their emotional storms. Experts say that Aquarius girls get the power of water and sun by wearing pink pearl jewelry.
  • Pisces simply need it to maintain health and vitality. The stone helps to strengthen intuitive feelings, prevents unhappy love.
  • For Scorpios, the properties of this stone are not very suitable; it is better for them to wear black pearls.
  • Cancers can be sure that if they wear it, it will protect them from the negative energy of others and prevent many diseases.
  • Taurus are calm and balanced people, so pink pearls go well with their disposition and temperament. The stone helps them develop attention and memory.

  • Libras are sociable people, which is why they have a lot of envious people. It is this kind of decoration that protects its owners from evil eyes.
  • Virgos are born under the sign of air, so pearl amulets protect them very well from trouble.
  • Sagittarius is not recommended to wear pearls, because they were born under the sign of fire.
  • It acts on Capricorns as a sedative medicine, cooling their ardor and perseverance.
  • It is better for Aries to wear large pink pearls because this zodiac sign refers to the Sun.
  • Obstinate Lions must wear pearl jewelry. With such decorations, they will become calmer and less aggressive.