Home chrysanthemum spider mite is ill what to do. How to deal with spider mites on indoor plants

The use of plants in the interior of the house has long been a familiar and loved by many occupation. They are a decoration of rooms, purify the air and delight the eyes of the owners. Florists make a lot of effort so that their pets are not exposed to diseases and pests. However, this is not always possible, and one of the most dangerous insects for plants is the spider mite (the photo is present in the article). This small arthropod descendant of the arachnid class forms vast colonies with its own kind. Pests use the sap of the plant on which they settled as food. From their bites, tiny dots remain on the leaves, which turn into spots over time. From a lack of nutrients, a representative of the flora begins to wither, and if appropriate measures are not taken, it eventually dries up. What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants and how to deal with it? We will consider these issues later in the article.

Pest development cycle

The developmental process of an arthropod is called "metamorphosis". It includes the following phases:

  • eggs;
  • prelarvae;
  • larvae;
  • protonymph;
  • nymphs in the breeding stage.

These stages may be partially absent in certain types of ticks. During each of the phases, the molting process takes place.

What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants and how to detect the presence of a pest?

It is almost impossible to see insects due to their very small size. The maximum length of an adult is no more than 5 millimeters, and usually their size does not exceed a millimeter at all. Most often, spider mites (a photo of pests is attached to the article) are green in color, but sometimes red, brown and orange individuals are found.

They often hide in leaves or soil. If there are too many pests, then they will be quite noticeable. You should not look for individuals or their thin, barely noticeable cobweb, but the skins that they leave after molting. You can find them on the back of the foliage, which is a favorite place for these arthropods.

Outwardly, the skins resemble small dandruff scales and are grayish or white in color.

Signs of a pest

There are several clear signs by which you can determine that a spider mite attacked a green pet (control and prevention measures are described in the article):

  • the appearance on the leaves of light or pale yellow spots;
  • the presence of small scales on the seamy side of the sheet;
  • thin cobweb on leaf plates.

If the flower is completely covered with cobwebs, then it can no longer be saved and it will soon dry up.

Pest types

Spider mites on flowers come in several varieties:

  1. Ordinary. The most common and dangerous species. Ticks hide from prying eyes on the back of the leaves. When their number increases rapidly, the victims are the plants that are near the affected. What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants? Insects are light in color, and spots and cobwebs appear on the leaves of an infected specimen.
  2. Red. A very dangerous but less common tick. Differs in small size, and in his preferences - orchids, roses and lemon plants.
  3. False. Due to its miniature size, it remains unnoticed until the moment when the flower is already covered with cobwebs and begins to die.
  4. Atlantic. Loves high humidity and prefers exotic plants.
  5. Cyclamen. It takes refuge in tubers and leaves, is difficult to hatch, and can also form large colonies. As a rule, the grower discovers the defeat of this mite when there is nothing to help the plant.

Where do pests come from?

Sadly, most amateur flower growers are familiar with these arachnids. Where do they come from? The most common method of infection is an infection brought from a store with a purchased flower. Therefore, when a new copy appears, it must be quarantined, that is, put on a completely empty window sill. There the plant must spend at least two weeks, and if nothing suspicious has happened, then you can transfer it to the "collective".

There is an expression: forewarned is forearmed. It is the best suited to this issue. Indeed, knowing some facts of the life of arachnids, you can simply avoid their appearance and distribution:

  • mites need a warm environment with low humidity for suitable living conditions;
  • the life cycle of the female does not exceed 1.5 months, but during this period she manages to lay a couple of hundred eggs;
  • poisoning is more effective at the time of the release of new individuals, since a very small amount of funds is able to cope with eggs.

So, we examined what a spider mite is on plants. How to deal with a pest with chemical and folk remedies? This will be discussed further.

Pest control

It costs a lot of work and time to defeat an insect, and methods of struggle are both chemical and folk remedies. Of course, special drugs are more likely to help cope with this scourge. Although some flower growers are afraid of causing more harm to the plant and run over to folk methods. Not having received a sufficient effect, they still resort to chemicals, but sometimes it is too late.

After that, it would be nice to arrange a warm shower for the flower, flushing some more of the mites down the drain. Now you can choose the processing method.

If a spider mite has settled on indoor plants, how to deal with chemicals? We will consider this further in the article.

Pest control chemicals

There is an extensive selection of special anti-spider mite products on the market. They were combined into one group called acaricides. They will help to cope with these pests that have settled on indoor flowers.

It is important that the result is obvious, follow all the rules and recommendations prescribed in the instructions, you can not carry out experiments with more frequent use, or, conversely, ignore the repeated procedure. Also, safety rules cannot be neglected, since the products are extremely toxic.


Poisonous chemical that has contact effects on insects. The essence of its action lies in the fact that it disrupts the feeding process of the tick and makes it impossible. Spider mite treatment is required every two weeks. Before using the product, the florist should wear a protective suit and process it outdoors.


The drug is one of the most effective. When spraying, not only adults are destroyed, but also larvae with eggs.


Has a detrimental effect on spiders. The active ingredient in the composition is aversectin.


A toxic agent that destroys both adult insects and their eggs. Spraying is carried out once a month.


Has high efficiency. Just one spraying is enough.

Terms of use

For a better result, in addition to treating the plant with acaricides, the following rules must be observed:

  • Alternating chemical treatments and hot showers.
  • If ticks have infected a large area of ​​the plant, then it is recommended to use different drugs alternately.
  • It makes sense to process all the flowers in the house.
  • During the baiting of arthropods, it is imperative to clean the window or shelf where the plant lives. Use soap first, and then alcohol solution.
  • Disinfect the soil during transplantation.

Folk remedies against pests

If the florist, for a number of reasons, does not want to use products with a chemical composition, then folk methods can come to the rescue. They are easy to prepare and easy to use.

Before dealing with spider mites, you need to prepare a flower. The first step is to clean it well by washing it under the shower. Next, you need to thoroughly clean the windowsill and pot. This will help remove any mites that may be hiding there. After all these manipulations, you can proceed directly to the processing of the flower itself. To do this, you need to choose one of the folk remedies presented below.

Onion infusion

You need to take about 5 liters of water and the husk from about a kilogram of onions. Then combine the ingredients and let it brew for 5 days. When the specified time has passed, the infusion should be thoroughly filtered - and you can start processing the affected flower.

Garlic infusion

This is a very effective and quick way to deal with spider mites, the reviews of which are only positive. Take several heads of large garlic and chop. The resulting garlic mass must be mixed with a liter of boiled water. Then cover the dishes tightly with a lid and hide in a cool place for 5 days. When the right amount of time has passed, the mixture can be used as mite poison. But before use, it should be diluted with infusion with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

Soap solution

You need to take any cute and process the flower along with the pot. The foam must be left on for 3 hours, after which it can be washed off. Next, a plastic bag is put on the plant for a day to maintain the necessary moisture.


This is the most effective of all folk methods, but it is only suitable for plants with a dense leaf texture. Just take a cotton pad and moisten it in ammonia. Next, all sheet plates are wiped. However, if ticks are bred in places to which access is limited, then the tool will not work properly. Also, a couple of drops of acetone can be mixed with an alcohol solution for greater efficiency.

Pest prevention

There are some measures that can save a flower from damage:

  • constant inspection of indoor flowers;
  • compliance with the humidity level, since the spider mite prefers dry air;
  • hold a warm shower for the plant at least once a month;
  • newly purchased flowers must be quarantined for at least two weeks;
  • steam the soil, because insects may be hibernating there;
  • spray the leaves with clean water every day.

So, we looked at what a spider mite looks like on indoor plants and what are the main methods of dealing with it. It is quite possible to get rid of the pest, but you will have to approach the process thoroughly and wisely. The rules of re-baiting, processing of neighboring plants and careful cleaning of the place where the affected specimen is located cannot be neglected. Compliance with preventive measures and a thorough examination of the plant will help to notice and avoid the mass spread of the pest in time.

Plants, despite the almost greenhouse habitat, are no less susceptible to various infections and infestations than their outdoor ones. One of the frequent unwanted guests on green pets is a spider mite on indoor plants.

What does a spider mite look like on indoor plants

The spider mite is a whole family of insects distributed around the world. Very small - 1-2 mm. and less, they wreak havoc on typical houseplants such as orchids, roses, tradescantia, geraniums. They suck the juices from the green parts of plants, as a result of which the leaves and flowers begin to dry and fall off, the plant gradually dies. It is very difficult to notice the pest with the naked eye due to its small size and color. Most often, spider mites are green, less often yellow, orange or red.

Most often, spider mites can be introduced when buying flowers in pots. Plants in stores are not always handled properly, and it is best for newbies to be quarantined initially alone to prevent invasion of other plants.

Also, insects can be brought on the cobwebs from the street with open vents. Mosquito nets also do not save, since the size of the pests is small, and they can freely penetrate the barrier. If the plants are on an open, non-glazed balcony, the likelihood of infection becomes even higher.

Insect eggs can be brought in from forest or garden soil. Spider mite eggs are highly resistant, and can survive in the soil for up to five years. They are unaffected by most chemicals, temperature fluctuations and substrate dryness.

Spider mite species

There are the following types of pests:

  • Common spider mite. The most frequent "guest" in all regions of the world, and poses a great danger. Practically indiscriminate in "food" and affects any green plants. It hides on the seamy side of leaves and on young shoots. For a short life, the female lays several hundred eggs, from which, under suitable conditions, new insects hatch after a few days.

  • The red spider mite prefers orchids, lemon plants and roses. The most dangerous representative of its kind. Has a bright crimson-red body color. It is less common than usual.

  • The Atlantic spider mite lives in high humidity and temperatures above room temperature. Prefers tropical plant species. It is quite rare in comparison with red and ordinary, typical for hot regions.

  • Cyclamen spider mites are dangerous in that they can infect not only green parts, but also roots and tubers. Forms large colonies that look like snares or dust adhering to the plant. Prefers high humidity.

How to identify the presence of a pest

The presence of a pest is not necessarily evidenced by a spider web. It is very difficult to see the cobweb threads that spider mites are weaving, since they are too thin and only become visible to the human eye in large quantities. The most common signs of insects are small yellow dots on the back of the leaves. These are the places where the tick bites, in which it sucked the juices from the plant cells. Affected leaves begin to curl and dry out.

Sometimes spider mites settle in buds, especially in roses, geraniums and orchids. The insect disfigures the petals, the buds lose their color and shape, when blooming, a strong deformation of both the petals themselves and the shape of the flower becomes visible. In this case, the appearance of a cobweb is not typical.

Affected plants

The list of plants affected by the pest is very long. The common spider mite affects almost everything, including cacti. Other species are somewhat more selective in their tastes, however, they settle in houses much less often. Most susceptible to defeat:

  • azalea;
  • the Rose;
  • fuchsia;
  • ficus;
  • calla;
  • orchid;
  • dracaena.

General control measures

The fight against the pest comes down to processing both the plant itself and its substrate, the container in which it is located, and the shelf or window sill. Since insect eggs are very resistant, processing is carried out with several repetitions, taking into account the development cycle of spider mites on indoor plants and the expected time of hatching.

Chemical methods

Modern chemical preparations are an effective means of combating the attack of spider mites. Most of the chemicals kill both adult insects and their larvae and eggs. Pest control products are called acaricides, and they fight many types of pests:

  • Actellic acts on the digestive system of insects, making it impossible to digest food and causing them to die. The chemical is highly toxic and can be processed outdoors or in a non-residential area using chemical protection measures;

  • Fitoverm has a neurotoxic effect on ticks and is less dangerous to humans. They should also be treated in an open space and using chemical protection;
  • Neoron is a contact acaricide that destroys egg shells and chitinous membranes of adult insects. The effect lasts for several weeks, which prevents the growth of hatched insects from the preserved eggs;
  • Flumite has a detrimental effect mainly on the eggs of the spider mite, new individuals do not appear. It is better to use it in conjunction with other drugs that are less active against eggs and insect larvae;

  • Apollo is a hormonal acaricide that acts on the eggs and larvae of insects; it is practically non-toxic for adult spider mites, so it must be taken with other drugs. Adults, along with this, are sterilized by the chemical, which stops the development cycle;
  • Akarin is an insecticide with a neurotoxic effect; insects die within 4-8 hours after treatment. When combined with acarin treatment with other drugs (with an ovocidal effect), it is highly effective. They are processed three times every 3-4 days. It is toxic to humans, so you need to work with it using gloves and a mask, in the absence of children and pets.

When handling with chemicals, it is important to maintain concentration and apply chemical protection measures.

Traditional methods

If you do not want to use chemicals or out of reasonable fear, you can resort to folk methods. However, it should be remembered that they are not so effective and practically do not act on the eggs of the tick, which is why the treatment must be carried out every 3-4 days for 2-3 weeks.

  • Soap solution is prepared from laundry or tar soap. The soap shavings are foamed, the foam is applied to the plant and left for several hours. Then the foam is washed off and the plant is covered with a plastic bag for a day to create a greenhouse effect and maintain high humidity.

  • Alcohol processing is not suitable for all plants, but only for those with dense leaf plates. Wipe the entire surface of leaves, petioles, trunks and buds with a moistened cotton swab or disk;
  • An infusion of garlic is made from two crushed garlic heads in one liter of boiled water. The infusion is prepared within 5 days, it is applied diluted with clean water in a 1: 1 ratio;
  • Onion infusion is prepared from six grams of onion peel per liter of boiled water. Insist for four hours, then filter. The solution is applied to the plants from the spray bottle, the green parts of the plant and the soil three times after five days.

Additional methods

All additional methods go only in conjunction with the folk or chemical method of struggle and cannot be used as separate and independent ones. These methods can also be used as preventive measures:

  • The mechanical method boils down to removing all affected leaves, rinsing with soapy water and a hot shower. Also, this method includes increasing humidity by frequent watering and wrapping the plant in a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect;
  • The biological method involves the use of natural enemies of the spider mite, for example. At home, especially in winter, it is difficult to find them, but in summer you can leave the plants at an open window and put bait for ladybugs;

  • The bacterial method is the use of drugs that contain strains of bacteria that are harmful to the spider mite. Such drugs include domestic Biotlin, Bitoxibacillin, foreign Trichodermin.

Prevention measures

The main prevention is regular spraying of the plant, since the common spider mite, the main pest, loves dry air. Humidity-loving red and Atlantic tick lesions are much less common.

Plants bought from a store or from an exchange are best left for a couple of weeks away from the bulk, wrapped in a plastic bag. Even if the "newbie" shows signs of infection, it is much easier to deal with the pest on one flower than on all the plants in the house.

It is better to process the collected soil or the purchased substrate in the oven on baking sheets or steam it, and also treat it with acaricidal agents to destroy insect eggs. It is advisable to do the same with expanded clay, stones and sawdust.

It is also possible to plant less beautiful but insect repellent parsley, dandelion, basil, aloe, calendula between ornamental plants for prevention. Their smell scares away ticks from both the plants themselves and their neighbors.

Some plants can have a hot short-term shower at a temperature of 36-38 degrees. You should not carry out such liberties with roses or orchids, but some cacti will benefit from such a procedure.

Mite on an orchid

Most often, red mites can be found on orchids. Insects gather in vast colonies, braiding the lower part of the leaves with a thin web of white or whitish color. Small yellow dots appear on the leaves, then merge into a yellow pattern, the plant stops growing and flowering. Especially often, mites settle on young, growing leaves, which contain a large amount of juice.

Infection occurs when buying orchids or when plants are exchanged between growers. Also, a source of insects can be transplanted into contaminated soil.

Tick ​​control measures and orchid prevention

Since orchids are quite delicate plants, you need to be very careful when fighting spider mites. When selecting chemicals, read the information on the packaging to ensure that the chemical is suitable for use on orchids. Also, for effective control, several types of chemicals should be alternated to eliminate the formation of resistant insects.

Of the suitable chemicals, the most effective and popular in the fight against spider mites are Apollo, Akarin, Sunmite, Tiofos, Kleschevik, etc.

Any chemical should be used to treat not only the plant itself, but also the soil and containers with pallets, the window sill and neighboring plants, to prevent re-invasion.

Like all other representatives of this species, it belongs to the sucking-type arachnid pests. There are different types of spider mites, but most often growers are faced with an ordinary or red variety.

The reasons for their appearance on domestic plants can be different, among the main factors are the following:

  1. Lack of required air humidity.
  2. Excessive heating of the room, which creates dry yet warm conditions that are ideal for this pest.
  3. The presence of a large number of old and dried foliage in plants.
  4. The presence of significant amounts of dust, which is a good breeding ground for these mites.
  5. Infection of healthy plants from those that have already become infected.
  6. Lack of the necessary comprehensive care, which consists in spraying, cutting, loosening the soil and carrying out other procedures.

How to spot a tick on houseplants: signs of appearance

A spider mite usually allows itself to be detected quickly enough, since soon a whole range of signs of its activity begins to appear. The following factors may indicate the presence of this pest:

  1. The presence of a large number of small dots with a white tint. In most cases, they are located on the lower surface of the leaves, so you need to look there from time to time in order to timely detect the presence of a tick.
  2. The presence of a thin web, which entwines various parts of the plant and is unobtrusive.
  3. A white tint that foliage acquires, however, this sign can be observed only in the most advanced cases, when the spider mite has been present for a long time and has managed to inflict multiple lesions.
  4. The presence of the pests themselves on the plants. They are very small in size, but at the same time distinguishable by human vision. If you do not take any measures to eliminate them, then the number of ticks gradually increases, they get piled up, and on certain parts of the plant it will be possible to observe whole moving masses of them.
  1. Insect size ranges from 0.3 to 0.6 mm depending on his gender and degree of fatness.
  2. Elliptical body shape, the upper part is distinguished by a noticeable bulge, while the lower, on the contrary, is flat.
  3. Young individuals are transparent, as they grow and develop, the color can change from light green to brown, but there are always dark spots on the sides. Males can change their color seasonally, turning orange or red.
  4. They have six legs at an early stage of development., in adults there are eight of them.

Control methods

Review of biological products for spider mites

In order to make it easier to navigate in a large number of modern means to combat these pests, below is an overview of the most popular and effective biological preparations:

Aktofit is distinguished by its versatility, it is used in the garden and vegetable garden, as well as for the treatment of indoor plants. In addition to killing various types of ticks, it is also capable of exterminating aphids, beetles and scaring away butterflies. Outwardly, it is a liquid with a yellowish tinge, which has a rather specific smell. It is not recommended to carry out the treatment with Aktofit at home, the plants are best taken outside during the procedure. You can buy this product for 250 rubles, the standard volume of one container is 400 ml.

Vertimek is another highly effective remedy that allows you to deal with various types of pests. The main components of the composition are the waste products of soil fungi. Vertimek is sold mostly in liter cans, the approximate cost is about 6,000 rubles. It is diluted in water before use, so the product should last for a long time.

Fitoverm is an effective and at the same time budgetary biological agent. The main active ingredients that make up the composition are the waste products of various microorganisms that live in the soil. For processing, not the drug itself is used, but a solution based on it: no more than 2 ml is added for each liter of water. Fitoverma. Capacity 50 ml. costs about 160 rubles.

Review of synthetic drugs for spider mites

Separately, synthetic chemical preparations are considered, which also show a high degree of efficiency in the fight against these pests:

Floromite is a synthetic agent that contains biphenazate, it is this component that turns the drug into a deadly threat to all types of ticks. A liter canister of Floromite, designed for preparing a solution, costs about 30,000 rubles.

Omite 57 is capable of not only eliminating any species of ticks, but also providing long-term protection against their reappearance. The main component is propargite, this substance is quite dangerous, so you need to use Omite 57 with the utmost care. It can be purchased in 12.5 ml ampoules. or canisters with a volume of 1 liter, the price is 30 and 1000 rubles, respectively.

Processing rules

In the process of combating spider mites, the most important thing is not to harm the affected plant even more, for this it is recommended to observe the following basic rules that relate to the processing process:

It should also be remembered that a single processing is usually not enough, so this process should contain the following steps:

  1. Primary treatment with the selected chemical, during it the vast majority of pests die.
  2. After that, you need to wait from 5 to 7 days and repeat the procedure again. This is necessary to kill a new generation of mites that may have emerged from previously laid eggs. They are usually found in the ground and not all chemicals are capable of exerting any effect on them.
  3. Wait again the same period and carry out a control treatment, which should exterminate all pests that have survived for any reason. However, even such measures do not give a complete guarantee that the spider mite will be completely exterminated, there is always the possibility that a certain number of eggs remain in the ground and new individuals may appear from them in the future.

Folk remedies

There are also a number of folk methods for getting rid of spider mites, they are no less popular and relevant, since chemical treatments are much safer. Some of these tools are discussed below:

  1. Treatment of affected leaves with a cloth dampened with plain water. However, this option is only suitable for plants with smooth leaf surfaces and can only help at an early stage of infection. An alternative technique is to wrap the pot in a plastic bag and place it in the shower. The jets of water can help flush any pests from the plant.
  2. Breeding 100 gr. dried hot pepper pods in a liter of water. The prepared mixture is settled throughout the day, after which a small amount of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent is added to it.
  3. A container filled with a liter of water holds about 130 grams. potato tops. After that, the product must be allowed to stand for 3-4 hours and a few drops of liquid soap must be added.
  4. Mix 25 gr. leaves and the same volume of dandelion roots, then soak in a liter container with water. The agent settles for 2-3 hours, after which liquid soap is added to it.
  5. Take 80 gr. dried flowers of yarrow and cover with water brought to a boil. The broth should settle until it cools completely, after which it is diluted with ordinary water, the total volume should be at least a liter. The product is settled for several more days, then liquid soap is added to it.
  6. Pass one onion through a meat grinder, then pour it with a liter of boiled water. Let the product stand for at least 6 hours, then strain it and the resulting liquid can be used for processing.
  7. Take 100 gr. dried celandine and pour a liter of water brought to a boil. The broth should settle until it cools completely, after which liquid soap is added to it. Let it brew for another day, and then pass through a sieve.

Steaming the soil for the prevention of spider mites

Prevention of the appearance

Since the spider mite is a difficult-to-remove pest species, the presence of which suggests a possible repetition of outbreaks of their occurrence, it is recommended to follow some preventive measures to minimize the risk.

It would seem that flowers growing in the room that are not in contact with the street should not be affected by pests, but they get to them too. The real trouble is a spider mite colony on indoor plants. How to fight? Let's figure it out together.

This microscopic pest is invisible to the naked eye. But traces of its vital activity can be seen, focusing on the damage inflicted on plants. An agile lover of vegetable sap leaves punctures on the leaves, when viewed at light, they are clearly visible. Over time, they merge, forming spots, damaged leaves dry. The plant stops growing, the leaves turn pale. The cobweb released by the pest indicates a strong colonization of the plant with mites. This stage of defeat requires immediate action, otherwise the flowers may simply die. In order not to miss the danger, they need to be inspected regularly. Traces of molting, which look like whitish dandruff, as well as silvery stripes and spots - pest secretions, also speak about the settlement of flowers with a tick. To find it, it is better to use a magnifying glass, choosing a sunny day. Under electric lighting, the chances of detecting it are slim.

Biologists classify the tick as an arachnid arthropod type. This classification is possible due to the special structure of his body. That is why all insecticides used against other insects against ticks are powerless. They need other means. In nature, there are more than 2,000 different species of mites. They can be found all over the world.

For indoor plants, the following species are the most dangerous:

  • common spider mite is absolutely omnivorous, affects up to 200 plant species;
  • red spider mite - specializes in indoor plants and is most dangerous for them;
  • red-footed spider mite;
  • Turkestan cotton spider mite.

The community of these microscopic arthropods is not fully understood, so other species may be discovered.

The main food of any representative from the above list is plant sap. The indoor flowers deprived of it quickly weaken and die. What is the danger of spider mites?

They are hard to find

The size of an adult, regardless of the species, is no more than 1 mm, and the color is greenish-brown in different shades, which makes it easy to merge with the foliage. Only wintering females are brightly colored. The mite lives on the seamy side of the leaves, so its colony is not striking.

They multiply rapidly

A tick's breeding cycle, called metamorphosis, can last from a month to a week, depending on the ambient temperature. At a temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius, the larvae emerge from the eggs after 3 days, and after a few days they are ready to reproduce. Therefore, the colony of ticks grows very quickly, capturing new territories.

Ease of infection

The pest can be brought into the house with purchased plants or other planting material, with soil, on the soles of shoes and on clothes. Finally, a tick can enter a room through an open window, blown in by the wind, and the number of storeys does not matter here.

Diapause in females

If the conditions for development and nutrition become unfavorable, the females of ticks fall into a kind of dormant stage, in which they can stay for up to 5 years. But more often they just settle for the winter - daylight hours shorter than 17 hours do not give them the opportunity to lead an active lifestyle. Mites overwinter on leaves or in pot soil. They are able to bury themselves to a depth of 20 cm. Any gap is suitable for them - in the windowsill, wall, ceiling, or in the floor. Females do the same during prolonged heat.

Such features of the life cycle make the fight against the pest difficult and time-consuming.

What indoor plants are susceptible to infection

Most species of ticks are omnivorous, some have their own special preferences, but most of them do not live on plants of the Gesneriaceae family because of the small hairs that cover their leaves. They have their own pest, also from the family of ticks - a flat heifer, but it does not belong to the spiderweb.

This pest does not like aloe, but it will gladly feed on juices of other colors:

  • citrus fruits;
  • arrowroot;
  • aroid;
  • kutrovykh.

Often a tick can be found on ficus, fuchsia, croton, balsams. Special gourmets prefer one species: the phalaenopsis mite attacks orchids, and the cactus flattender attacks cacti. But the favorite target of this insect is roses. Even with the incessant struggle with small arthropods, the spider mite on the rose is found again and again. Some growers simply stop growing it because of this.

But you can still deal with this pest.

Spider mite chemicals

A lot of remedies for spider mites have been invented, and they all belong to the class of acaricides or insectoacaricides.

It is impossible to destroy this pest with insecticides, they will not harm it.

Table: insectoacaricides and acaricides for the destruction of spider mites.

A drugClassApplication features
ActellicAcaroinsecticideWorks at all stages of development. Hazard class 2. Dangerous for pets. Outdoor treatment is recommended
ApolloHormonal acaricideSterilizes adults, destroying all others. Hazard class - 4
DemitanAcaricide, active ingredient - phenazahineWeakly toxic, dangerous for fish. Resistance is possible, therefore only one treatment
KarateInsectoacaricideActs at all stages of development. Hazard class - 3. Dangerous for bees, fish and domestic animals
BitoxibacillinBiological insectoacaricideSafe intestinal preparation for adult pests
NeoronContact acaricideHazard class - 4
NissoranHormonal acaricideSterilizes adults, destroys all others
OmiteContact acaricideIt affects adults and nymphs. Hazard class - 2
SunmightContact acaricideActs on all individuals. Resistance to the drug may develop, therefore, one-time treatment per season. Hazard class - 3
SkeltaInsectoacaricideActs on individuals of all ages.
TalstarInsectoacaricide from the pyrethroid groupActs at all stages of development. Low toxicity for humans. Dangerous for fish and bees
FlumiteHormonal acaricideActs at all stages of development, sterilizing adults. One-time processing. Low toxic
FufanonInsectoacaricideActs on all individuals. 3 hazard class
EnvidorInsectoacaricide, disrupts lipid metabolismActs at all stages of development. Hazard class - 3.

First of all, you need to use Bitoxibacillin, Apollo, Akarin, Flumite, since they are less dangerous to humans.

How to get rid of a spider mite if you don't want to use chemicals? There are many popular methods.

Folk remedies for struggle

First of all, these are various decoctions and infusions.

  • In 1 liter of water, boil 100 dried alder leaves or 100 g fresh for half an hour. The broth infused for 12 hours is filtered and used for spraying.
  • Pour 50 g of leaves or 30 g of dandelion roots with hot (40 degrees) water and leave for about 3 hours, drain.
  • 100 g of chopped horseradish roots are poured with a liter of water. Let it brew for an hour and filter.
  • 20 g of garlic cloves are passed through a garlic press and mixed with 1 liter of water. Strain without insisting, and immediately process.
  • Finely chop a large onion, pour 0.5 liters of warm non-hard water, let it brew for 5 to 7 hours under a lid. Use a strained solution.
  • Gently wipe the leaves with medical alcohol with a concentration of 965. Particular attention should be paid to the processing of the leaf axils, where the mite can hide.
  • If you turn on a household UV lamp with medium-length rays for only 2-3 minutes, then the tick will be destroyed. This can be done 3-4 times a week.
  • It is possible to use a mixture of acetone and 96% alcohol in a 1: 2 ratio. It is better to simply dip the plants completely into this solution. Combine the processing process with a transplant, thoroughly clearing the roots from the old substrate.

How to properly handle plants and flowers

A haphazard struggle with a spider mite will not give the desired effect, on the contrary, it will form a persistent immunity to poisons in him. Therefore, in the fight against such a dangerous pest, one must observe consistency, methodicality and do not forget about some little things that can reduce all efforts to zero.

What do we have to do?

  • It is necessary to process not only the affected plant, but also all other flowers standing on this windowsill, and possibly in the whole room.
  • Tear off all damaged leaves and destroy.
  • Arrange a shower for the plants, you can even wash the leaves with soapy water and rinse. For those plants for which water procedures are contraindicated, arrange a steam bath. To do this, they are put in a bath and very hot water is turned on for a quarter of an hour, without closing the drain. But the doors, on the contrary, are covered.
  • Thoroughly disinfect all pallets, you can hold them in boiling water.
  • The leaves are treated with the selected preparation, wetting the entire surface. They spill soil in a pot with them.
  • They put a plastic bag over the flower and tie it, creating an enclosed space. The package is not removed until 2 days. The plant should not stand in the sun, otherwise it will just boil.
  • While the spider mite feeds on poisons, carefully treat the outer surface of the pot, window sills, frames, glass with alcohol or soapy water, not missing a single gap. It will not be superfluous to wash the curtains.
  • To completely destroy ticks, the treatment must be repeated 2 more times with an interval of 6 days, but no more. You may have to change the folk remedy or acaricide so that the ticks do not become addictive.

In order not to start the tedious struggle again, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures.

Prevention of the appearance

The mite loves dry air and high air temperatures. In order not to give him pleasure, the flowers need to be sprayed often, and the apartment must be ventilated so that it is not too hot.

A hot shower every 3 weeks can be a good preventative measure. Many plants can easily tolerate temperatures up to 45 degrees.

Everything related to plants and brought into the house from the outside must undergo strict control and, if necessary, processing. The new flower is washed in the shower and placed on an empty windowsill, where it must undergo a two-week quarantine. Soil for plants needs steaming, like all other components used to make planting mixtures, including drainage.

The spider mite is a very dangerous and insidious enemy. He can quickly destroy the entire collection of indoor flowers. Therefore, you need to fight it mercilessly, only then you can defeat it.

The spider mite family has more than 1200 species and is found everywhere except Antarctica. The size of an adult male is 0.3-0.45 mm, that of a female is 0.4-0.8 mm. More often than other species, the common spider mite turns out to be a pest of garden and agricultural plots. It feeds on the sap of green plants, leaving behind dry skeletons entwined with cobwebs. The phytophage belongs to the class of arachnids, it is not an insect, but an animal.

What does a spider mite look like? The shape of its body resembles an ellipse, it is covered with hairs, the back is convex. The larvae have 6 legs, the adults have 8. They have sharp claws on thin legs, with which they cling to the surface of plants. The color of the larvae is from light green to brown; they darken with age. Reproduction takes place by laying eggs. In the absence of fertilization, males appear from them, and females from the fertilized clutch.

One generation lives from 14 to 30 days, females manage to lay 100-150 eggs during this period. A voracious larva appears from each after 3 days. Under unfavorable conditions, the offspring does not appear for 2 weeks. The eggs can remain alive for up to 5 years. At each stage of their development, from larva to adult, arachnids feed on cell sap. The weakened immunity of the culture does not cope with infectious diseases. Following the pest comes gray rot, sooty fungus and other diseases.

High temperature (from 27 0) and low humidity are optimal conditions for active reproduction of pests. With a decrease in daylight hours, they plunge into diapause, a state of hibernation. Hiding in the crevices of buildings, soil or plant remains, phytophages expect the onset of heat. This ability makes it much more difficult to deal with them.

Pest on vegetables - how to fight?

The spider mite has preferences among vegetable crops, most often it chooses cucumbers, melons, eggplants, peppers. Phytophages feel especially good in the greenhouse. Here they are protected from bad weather and temperature fluctuations. A high reproduction rate under favorable conditions leads to a rapid infestation of all vegetables.

The result of the pest's vital activity is:

  • mechanical damage to the back of the leaves;
  • slowing down the development of the ovary;
  • when a spider mite appears on cucumbers, the upper tier of plants is braided with cobwebs;
  • there is a violation of the processes of photosynthesis;
  • necrosis develops, the plant is deformed and dries up;
  • yield is catastrophically reduced.

Attention. The natural enemy of the spider mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis, is used in greenhouses to kill pests. The predator feeds exclusively on this species, it is absolutely not dangerous for plants and humans.

Prevention is a significant stage in the fight against a pest

The fight against phytophagous includes mandatory preventive measures:

  1. After harvesting, it is necessary to remove all crop residues, uproot and remove weeds. It is in them that pests find refuge for the winter.
  2. Plant the plants at intervals between rows.
  3. Recultivate the soil, remove the top layer of contaminated soil and replace it with a new one.
  4. To get rid of a spider mite wintering in a greenhouse, it is necessary to fumigate, and burn all structures with a blowtorch.
  5. It is recommended to set a climate regime inside the greenhouse that is uncomfortable for pests - humidity 80-90%, temperature up to 25 0.
  6. Regularly carry out treatment with acaricidal preparations.

Chemical and biological preparations for plant treatment

Spider mite control methods include the use of improvised means and specially designed drugs. The first option is environmentally friendly, but not effective in case of severe infection. At the first signs of the appearance of a pest, it is recommended to treat all plants with soapy water (100 g of laundry soap per 10 liters of water). Used infusions of onion peel, garlic and tobacco.

The use of the predatory phytoseilus mite is an environmentally friendly and safe method for killing the phytophage. It is enough to place 60 individuals per m2 of the plot to get rid of eggs, larvae and adult pests. Akarifage is active at temperatures from 20 0 high humidity. After removing all enemies, the predator will die without food.

Chemicals are much more effective in the fight to preserve the crop. A lot of means have been created that can destroy the pest at various stages of development.

  • Karbofos is an organophosphate, insecticide and acaricide. Available in various forms and concentrations. The active ingredient malathion is effective against insects and arachnids. The duration of protection in the open field is 10 days, in the greenhouse - up to 7 days. Spraying is carried out in the evening in calm weather.
  • Actellic is a spider mite remedy suitable for use in open and protected soil. The drug belongs to insectoacaricides, it does not affect the plant, only poisons pests. Substance of intestinal action has fumigant properties, destroying phytophages on both sides of the leaves. The duration of exposure is 2-3 weeks.
  • Apollo - the action of acaricide is directed to eggs and larvae. This drug is one of the few that are able to cope with pests at an early stage of development. The active compound clofentesin sterilizes adults, preventing reproduction. Apollo belongs to contact action acaricides; for egg poisoning, it is necessary to thoroughly moisten the plants with a freshly prepared solution. The substance is slightly toxic, safe for humans and insects. The protection of the drug lasts up to 2 months.

Attention. When crops are treated with a single chemical, pests develop addiction. During the summer season, it is necessary to change the means of destruction.

Types of mites on indoor plants

Among plant diseases, a special place is occupied by the spider mite. Phytophages are persistent and difficult to remove pests, including several types:

  • The common spider mite is a species common on the ground and indoors. Colonies settle on the underside of leaves, hiding from the sun's rays. Adults quickly crawl from the infected plant to neighboring flowers.
  • Red mite - indoor plants often suffer from attacks of a small pest that settles on lemon, balsam. Soft-bodied females 0.5 mm in size are purple, 0.3 mm males are bright red.
  • False spider mite - differs in miniature size 0.25 mm, does not weave a spider web. Infection becomes noticeable with a huge number of individuals.
  • Atlantic mite - looks like a spider mite. Propagates in any humidity, prefers palms and citrus trees.
  • Cyclamen mite - affects the edges of leaves, buds and stems. Not visible to the naked eye. The colonies settle on the upper side of the leaves and look like a layer of dust. Pests choose cyclamens, balsams, chrysanthemums and other tuberous plants.
  • Wide spider mite - phytophage is very fertile, every 5 days a new generation appears on the leaves. After 2-3 weeks, the plant is entangled with cobwebs and clusters of mites, similar to reddish-brown dust. The pest attacks oleander, ficus, cactus, tagetis. In the fight against it, sulfur preparations are effective.
  • Cactus flat mite - it is recommended to use insecticides to kill phytophages. Carry out the processing several times at intervals of 7 days.

Where does spider mite come from on flowers?

Pests are unpretentious in choosing a habitat, they can be found on various indoor flowers:

  • ficus;
  • palm;
  • Azalea Sims;
  • the Rose;
  • cyperus.

The first signs of infection are yellow dots on the leaves, over time, merging into a large spot. A microscopic arthropod in small quantities does not braid indoor plants with cobwebs, therefore, it is not noticeable immediately. Usually, the harm caused to them is attributed to a lack or excess of moisture. Look for pests on the back of the leaves. When there are several dozen individuals, they can be seen.

Attention. If you suspect the appearance of a spider mite on a ficus, it is worth conducting a simple study. Shake the sheet over the paper, and then examine the surface with a magnifying glass. Several pests will surely fall off the plant and be noticed.

How do indoor plants get infected?

The pest gets on plants in various ways:

  1. With an infected indoor flower. When buying a new plant, you must carefully examine its leaves. You won't be able to notice the tick, and the yellow dots on the leaves will make you think about the health of the plant.
  2. With soil. The soil purchased or from the street can be fraught with danger in the form of a female or larvae of a spider mite. Arachnids can plunge into diapause, a state of slow metabolism, under unfavorable conditions. They come to life with increasing temperatures and decreasing humidity. After the beginning of the heating season, the pest begins active life.
  3. Through an open window with the wind. Residents of the first floors risk their indoor plants more than others with open windows. Adults travel long distances with the wind, catching themselves on cobwebs. The pest can be brought onto the balcony, as well as get into the apartment on the clothes of summer residents. He is mobile, in search of food, he is actively exploring new territories. A flower mite introduced with a fresh bouquet will be a threat to all indoor plants.

Pest control methods

After removing the dry leaves, the rest are wiped with a napkin dipped in soapy water on both sides. This allows you to remove adults and part of the larvae. To enhance the effect, the plant, together with the moisture foam, is placed in a plastic bag for 2 days. After 48 hours, it is rinsed thoroughly with a warm shower. The procedure is not one-time, it is repeated after a week.

Attention. Simultaneously with the processing of flowers, it is necessary to wash the window sill (with soap or alcohol), window frames, wash the curtains.

A common method of getting rid of spider mites is alcohol treatment. It should be carried out carefully, first try on one leaf so that there is no burn. Apply alcohol with a spray bottle or cotton pad. The treatment is suitable for ficus, dieffenbachia and other plants with dense leaves. This disinfection is effective for window frames. Exposure to UV lamps is recommended. It only benefits plants, and mites always avoid contact with ultraviolet light.

Specialty chemicals

Without the use of chemistry, it will not be possible to completely remove pests. designed for indoor use. An effective method of dealing with spider mites is spraying with chemical compounds and treating the soil with them in a pot. Recommended remedies include:


Plant-based bio-insecticide Fitoverm can be safely used at home. It is recommended for the prevention and destruction of pests on indoor plants. The effect of the product begins 6-7 hours after application. The period of protective action is 2-3 weeks. An ampoule of the drug (2 ml) must be brought into 1 liter of water, intensively spray the infected plants with the ready-made composition.


A modern acaricidal drug is used not only in the garden, but also to destroy pests on flowers - roses, violets, ficus and others. The product is offered in the form of a concentrated emulsion and water-soluble granules. Small packaging in ampoules and sachets is convenient for processing houseplants. Aktara from spider mites is a systemic drug. It penetrates the leaves and tissues of plants, sucking the juice out of them, pests receive a dose of poison.

An hour after the insecticide enters their body, phytophages lose their ability to feed and die within a day. The action of the drug, when applied to the soil, protects indoor plants for 2 months. When spraying, use a fresh solution. When working with a toxic substance, you should be careful - wear gloves, wash your face and hands after work, change your clothes.


Sticks with the active ingredient butoxycarboxyme. A spider mite remedy for indoor plants that does not require spraying. The number of sticks depends on the diameter of the pot - by 9 cm - 1, by 12 cm - 2, by 20 cm - 5-6. They are stuck into the ground at a distance of 2 cm from the plant. During watering, the active substance dissolves and enters the roots of the flower. The effect of the drug is observed after 3-7 days. It will protect against the pest for 8 weeks. The Etisso remedy has a similar effect.


Preventing phytophage infestation is better than fighting them later. Simple rules will help to save indoor plants:

  • The active development of spider mites on lemon, ficus and other indoor plants occurs in dry air. Ventilate the room more often and spray the plants with water.
  • A self-prepared or purchased soil mixture is sterilized in the oven, the moss is treated with boiling water.
  • When processing plants, be sure to wipe the windowsill, where fallen pests may be.
  • Do not place cut flower bouquets next to indoor plants.
  • New plants must go through a quarantine period - stand apart from others 2-3 weeks after purchase. Even if the purchase was made in a specialty store.

Advice. Place the flowerpots in wide trays of water, which will gradually evaporate, creating moisture that is uncomfortable for the mites.

Measures for the prevention and control of spider mites differ in an integrated approach. They require taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the pest. If, after the first treatment, complete destruction did not occur, then after 7-10 days it must be repeated. Ticks are resistant to external factors, but with proper perseverance, they can be defeated.