Fortune-telling for the next new year. Fortune telling with the help of glowing windows

New Year is probably the most long-awaited holiday. At this fabulous time, there is a high probability that all our dreams and desires will come true. For a long time, girls gathered on this day and began to guess ... In Russia, New Year's Eve was very popular for fortune-telling from December 31 to January 1 (this is according to the new style, and according to the old - from January 12 to 13), as well as in the Christmas week - after Christmas celebrated on January 7 and on Epiphany on January 19.

New Year's fortune-telling is carried out from December 25 to January 17. Knowledgeable people do not recommend fortune telling on Sundays and Mondays.

It is believed that with the help of fortune-telling, you can at least a little look into your future ...

Fortune telling on glasses on New Year's Eve

Take four glasses, fill them halfway with water. Put a quarter teaspoon of sugar in 1 glass; in 2 - salts; in 3 - bread; at 4, lower the ring. The fortuneteller is blindfolded, turned away from the glasses, twisted around its axis once or twice, at the same time the glasses are rearranged. The fortuneteller is brought in. His task is to choose a glass.

With sugar - happiness and success await in the New Year.

With salt - tears cannot be avoided.

With bread - a profitable year.

With a ring - family comfort.

New Year's fortune telling

To predict if you will be rich next year, do this fortune telling. Fortune-telling is very simple, does not require special training. Take three plates and one coin, and have someone hide a coin under one of the plates. Go to another room yourself. Then return to the room, select the plate, under which you think there is a coin. If you guessed right the first time, in the New Year your financial situation will improve markedly. If from the second - you will also have money.

On New Year's Eve, lay the cards face down in 4 piles. Remove cards from the first pile until an ace appears. Look at the next card: if it's an ace again, connect it with the first one and open the next one: send the ace to your “colleagues”, and any other card to the bat (you won't need it anymore).

The challenge is to find the aces that follow each other. Suppose you hit first an ace, then another card, then an ace again. In this case, you only need the first ace. All other cards and non-following aces are sent to the bat. Disassemble the other three piles in the same way. As a result, you may have one ace, two, three, four. The wish will come true only for the owner of 4 aces, 3 aces - a quick fulfillment of the wish, 2 aces - not soon, one - there is no hope. You can make any wishes for the “four aces”. One of them will definitely come true!

Divination for love - on matches

Two matches are inserted on the sides of the matchbox and set on fire. If the heads that have burned out will be facing each other, then the envisioned guy and girl will be together next year.

Fortune telling by setting fire to paper

On New Year's Eve and on Christmastide, girls pour half of water into a cup, and a piece of paper with their surname is glued to the edges. A lighted candle is glued into the walnut shell of such a size that the flame can set fire to a piece of paper. The shell is put into water. In the event that a candle floats up to someone's piece of paper and sets it on fire, the wish will come true. You can also find out your fate if you stick pieces of paper with different questions on the edges of the cup, for example: "Will I get married", "Will I get rich", etc. - at the request of the fortuneteller.

Divination by the shadows

Take a newspaper, wrinkle your hands so that it turns into a shapeless mass, while not trying to turn the paper into a ball. The newspaper is then placed on the bottom of the overturned plate and set on fire. The burnt paper is brought to the wall, and, turning the plate, they look at the shadow, judging the future by its outlines. Just be careful with fire!

Thick, strong black coffee without sugar and cream is the key to correct fortune telling on coffee grounds. Before you start fortune-telling, clearly formulate your question. It is desirable that it be extremely simple, then the answer will be clear and definite.

After you have drunk coffee, leaving a little (about a teaspoon) of coffee at the bottom, "shaking" and turning the cup over on the saucer, you can begin to interpret the patterns on the saucer, the walls and the bottom of the cup. The spots inside the cup tell about the future, in the saucer - about the past.

Fortune telling on the chimes

An hour before the chimes, write on a small piece of paper your most cherished wish. When the chimes start beating, light the leaf, and if it has time to burn out by the final blow, the wish will certainly come true.

Fortune telling by the name of the betrothed

In Russia, there was also such a fortune-telling. On Christmastide, the girl took a cake or bread, in the evening she ran out into the street and asked the first man she met, what was his name. It was believed that her husband would have the same name. This fortune-telling had many different options: with the first piece in the mouth, with a pancake on the head. Sometimes they asked a passer-by: "What is the name of my betrothed?" By the way, even single guys were involved in the name. Sometimes this type of fortune telling is used today.

Heat the candle in a water bath, immediately pour the wax into a large plate of cold water. The hardening wax forms the outlines of objects by which the future is judged. So, a horseshoe promises happiness, an asterisk - receiving the expected news. Such a figurine, by the way, can be saved as a talisman for memory. If something shapeless has formed, your imagination will help you decipher the signs of fate.

Fortune telling on the ring

Take a regular glass with a flat bottom, pour water into it, lower the wedding ring, previously cleaned, into the middle. Then look through the water to the middle of the ring. A little later you will be able to see the image of your betrothed. There are several conditions - fortune-telling should take place at midnight and by candlelight. During the fortune-telling, the girl should be alone.

As we can see, many methods of fortune telling were invented in Russia. They captivated absolutely everyone. Of course, fortune-telling on Christmastide, on New Year's and Christmas was especially prominent. This timing is not surprising, because even in paganism, as in the days of Orthodoxy, fortune-telling was associated with major holidays for people.

It was believed that it was on these days that mystical forces were most active, and a successful outcome of fortune-telling was guaranteed.

New Year's holidays occupy a special place in the series of red days of the calendar and it is no coincidence that they are endowed with the epithets "magic", "fabulous", we associate making wishes and expecting a miracle.

This is a mystical time when secrets hidden from a person, including those related to his future, become more accessible - that is why, at the turn of the old and new years, it was customary for our ancestors to guess.

Due to the change in the system of chronology, we we celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1, i.e. not at the time when our ancestors saw off one year and met another, and this brings some confusion to the situation with predicting the future.

The most traditional, "real", mystical and to this day are considered Christmas divination(from Christmas to Epiphany), and New Year's fortune-telling is less sacred, more harmless and on this basis is perceived by many as innocent fun, a fun game. However, this is not entirely correct: fortune-telling for the new year have every right to exist and are also able to lift the veil over the future, even if it happens in the atmosphere of a cheerful, carefree, noisy holiday.

You can find out what the coming year has in store for you using a variety of methods. Choose what interests you the most - luck, love, money, etc. (or all together), prepare the necessary "material base" - and give your New Year's holiday an even more magical atmosphere!

Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of a wish under the chimes

It is necessary to prepare not only champagne for the culmination of the New Year, but also a tiny piece of paper. It is necessary to write a wish on it, then burn a scrap, and pour the remaining ashes into a glass of champagne. Sparkling wine is drunk along with the ashes to the chimes. The bottom line is that all manipulations - from writing a wish to absorbing the contents of a glass - should be done while the clock on the Spasskaya Tower strikes. If you succeed, it is believed that this guarantees the fulfillment of the desire, if not, you will have to wait.

There is a second version of such fortune telling, which requires less skill. It provides a little preliminary preparation. At exactly 11 o'clock in the evening, take a piece of paper and write your cherished wish on it. An hour later, the first strike of the chimes will be the signal to set fire to the leaf. If by the time the last beat sounds, it has completely burned out, this means that you can count on the fulfillment of your wish.

Fortune telling for the new year to fulfill a wish with the help of water transfusion

In order to tell fortunes in the New Year in this way, you need two glasses and sleight of hand. Pour water into one of the vessels almost to the brim. Then the following is done: make a wish and immediately, instantly, quickly pour water from one glass into the second.
After that, look carefully at the surface over which you did all this. If you spill no more than three drops of water on the table (or somewhere else), this promises you the fulfillment of your desire in the coming year. But if there are much more drops, and even more so if a whole puddle has formed, then, unfortunately, you will have to wait with the fulfillment of your wish.
It should be especially noted that no preliminary training to increase the virtuosity of the hands is acceptable, as well as repeated transfusions in order to obtain a better result. All these tricks make divination invalid.

Fortune telling for the new year for the future with the help of a mirror, water and candles

The "toolkit" that you need for this fortune-telling is a decanter of water and three candles. A full decanter is placed in front of a mirror and surrounded by lighted candles on three sides. To understand what the future awaits you in the new year, look in the mirror through the water column poured into a decanter.
Relax, give free rein to your imagination - and you can be sure that the magical combination of water, fire and glass will do its job and will definitely give some kind of picture.

Fortune telling for the new year for love with a coin and saucer

For this type of New Year's fortune-telling, you need a coin - not a simple one, but ... no, not a gold one, but an old one. It will be just great if you got it from your ancestors. If no one left you an inheritance of this kind, you can take an ordinary coin from your wallet as an attribute of fortune-telling, but do this in advance: 3-5 days are needed to charge it with your energy, wearing a coin closer to your body (for example, in a chest pocket or bag). Contact your loved one with a request to hold a coin in his hands for a couple of minutes before divination (of course, if possible). But an old or charged new coin is far from all you need: you need to get more black ink and a round white porcelain saucer. This fortune-telling begins strictly at midnight.

So, suppose that all conditions are met, you can start the process!
Place the saucer on the table, divide it into 4 parts with axial lines and write its designation in each sector:

  • Top-left - HE.
  • Top-right - SHE.
  • Bottom-right - I.
  • Bottom-bottom - WE.

Now take a coin and, placing it on the edge in the center of the saucer, twist it sharply around its axis and slightly to the side. In which sector the coin will end up after stopping, this is the result:

  • HE is the problem in him.
  • SHE - you have a rival.
  • I mean you are the problem.
  • WE - you will be together.

If the coin stopped at the border, then the result is mixed, depending on the share of the coin in a certain sector. For example: if 1/3 of a coin is in the “I” sector, and 2/3 in the “WE” sector, then you will be together, and everything will be fine, but it doesn’t bother you to work on yourself, because in case of discord there will be more of yours in it. guilt than his.

Fortune telling for marriage with a decanter and a glass of water

To tell fortunes on the betrothed using this method, you need a glass and a decanter of water.
Pour water from a larger vessel into a smaller one, while saying the phrase: "You will get tired of the way from the road, I have water, come, betrothed, I will give you a drink." They pronounce this phrase three times, and do it in a gentle intonation, tuned in to the positive, wishing well to a still unknown person.
Then the decanter and a glass of water should be placed at the head of the bed, after which you can go to sleep and dream with a sense of accomplishment. In one of them, the one who is destined for you by fate will certainly appear.

New Year's divination for love with the help of a Christmas tree

This New Year's fortune-telling becomes possible if there is a decorated Christmas tree in the house, and toys on it are of different colors. If the Christmas tree is decorated in a trendy "one-color" style, you will have to go to the neighbors. In addition, you will need an assistant who will scroll the blindfolded fortuneteller several times in a clockwise direction, after which he will bring him to the tree. The fortuneteller's task is to reach out to her and remove the first toy he comes across. Next, you need to see what color it is.

  • White means that personal life will remain the same as last year.
  • Black - unhappy love awaits the fortuneteller.
  • Pink, red or orange is a sign of passionate love feelings.
  • The green color of the toy portends a new love affair in the new year, and what it will result in will become known only in a year.
  • If the toy turned out to be of a purple, blue hue, this means that there will be cooling in the love couple.
  • A silvery or golden toy portends a rich gentleman.

New Year's fortune-telling with the help of paper

Set aside a little time for fortune-telling on New Year's Eve - as much as is enough to write your most cherished desires on small pieces of paper.
After the papers are signed, they need to be rolled up and put under the pillow. On January 1, after waking up, your first action should be to remove one of them from under your pillow. What is written on this piece is most likely to come true in the new year, or, in any case, the chances of its implementation will be the highest.

Guessing the question using the phone

If you want to know what the future awaits you in the new year, then instead of loudly clinking glasses of champagne and swallowing yummy food from the festive table, you will have to go outside with a mirror, which you will pour over with water beforehand. It is necessary to go out into the frost strictly at midnight. You need to wait until the water on the mirror turns into a frozen pattern - after that you can return home and see what happened.

  • If the ice lays on the surface of the mirror in circles, this indicates that you will not be financially needed.
  • The pattern in the form of squares promises an abundance of all kinds of difficulties.
  • Triangles tell you that you will be Fortune's favorite in everything, no matter what you take up.
  • Spruce or pine paws portend hard work.
  • Straight, clear lines indicate that your existence in the coming year will be calm and trouble-free.
  • Smooth, curving lines promise that you will be treated kindly by the warmth and good attitude of people towards yourself.
  • The surface, covered with ice zigzags, informs that loneliness, emotional hunger are not clearly threatening you.
  • The abundance of points means that all the things started will be successfully completed.
  • If you see the outlines of a face or figure, then thanks to the appearance of a new person in your life, a lot will change in it.
  • Chaotic various divorces have appeared - which means that your fate has not yet been clearly defined, you will create it yourself step by step.

Fortune telling to determine the sex of the unborn child using a needle

With the help of New Year's fortune-telling, you can find out who - a boy or a girl - a pregnant woman will give birth to.
Thread a thread of 20 centimeters long into the eye of the needle, turn the woman's palm towards you "in an interesting position" and hold the needle and thread over her for some time. Most likely, the needle will begin to move, and if it moves in a circle, this foreshadows the birth of a girl, and a needle swinging from side to side indicates that a future man will be born.

Fortune telling with the help of glowing windows

Without opening the book, put your left hand on it, palm down, and ask the question you are interested in aloud. After that, open the book on any page with your left hand, put your palm on it and read the line that was under your thumb.

Another kind of this fortune-telling - at the very beginning it is necessary to name an arbitrary line number (count from the top), after which the book is opened on the first page that comes across, the hidden line is counted out and what is written in it. Of course, in both versions, what you read cannot be considered a direct answer to the question posed, it must be comprehended and projected onto your situation.

Fortune telling on the occupation of the future husband with the help of different objects

Every girl wants to know who her future husband will be by profession. To find out with the help of fortune-telling, you need to arm yourself with a variety of objects.
In the original version of fortune telling, bread (peasant), keys (merchant), book (priest), coal (worker) were used, but this list clearly does not correspond to today's realities.
Here you need to show your imagination: for example, an organizer will symbolize a business person, a mouse or flash card - a programmer or system administrator, a collection of laws - a lawyer, a hairbrush - a stylist, etc. etc. Accordingly, the more imagination and zeal in the search for relevant items is shown, the more interesting the fortune-telling, and secondly, the more its results will correspond to the girls' expectations.

Fortune telling on the groom "Bridge" with the help of twigs of a broom or a comb

In order to see the appearance of the future life partner, you need a broom. Break a few twigs out of it and, going to bed, build a miniature bridge out of them, which must be put under the pillow, while saying: "My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge."
Then it remained to lie down to sleep and see the longed-for image. For the same purpose, you can put a comb and under the pillow, but you do not need to comb your hair before going to bed. Laying the comb under the pillow is accompanied by three times pronouncing the phrase: "The betrothed-mummer, comb my head." A mirror can also be sent to the company for a comb under the pillow. In this case, the following words are pronounced: "Come, comb my hair, look and show yourself." Try to remember the appearance of the person you dreamed about: in the new year you will meet with him.

Fortune telling with frozen water

In the evening, take a saucer, pour water there and put it somewhere on the street (you can take it to the balcony) - let it stand like that until morning. Take a close look at the ice the next day.

  • If peculiar waves have formed on its surface, this means that the year will be "colorful", that there will be failures and victories in it.
  • The frozen water has formed a smooth surface - this means that nothing will disturb your peace of mind, no violent shocks are expected.
  • Rising ice portends a year filled with achievements and joys.
  • If a hole has formed in the surface of the ice, it means that the coming year is unlikely to be happy, troubles are coming.

Fortune telling with a chain

As you might guess, a chain is needed for such fortune-telling. Retire in a place where no one will disturb you, sit in such a way that there is a tabletop or any other flat surface in front of you. Take the chain in your hand and rub it lightly between your palms for a few minutes. When the feeling of warmth begins, transfer the chain to your right hand, shake it several times in a clenched fist and throw it on the surface of the table (or something replacing it) with a sharp motion. Your fate in the new year will be predicted by the figure in the form of which the chain has laid down.

  • If the chain lies in a straight line, this indicates a good time, that the fortuneteller will be lucky.
  • Snake - be careful: somewhere near there is a person who will betray you.
  • Triangle - in business, in love will be lucky.
  • Circle - the coming year prepares you for a difficult situation, a way out of which will only be found with great difficulty.
  • Oval - you will find yourself in the center of universal benevolent attention more than once.
  • Heart - someone loves you.
  • A knot is a sign of material loss or health problems.
  • Bow - to marriage.
  • Cloud - you will have a wonderful dream, to which you will strive with all your soul.
  • Loop - in the new year there will be everything: losses and gains, achievements and defeats.
  • Zigzag - the new year will be very stormy, you will experience a lot of emotions.
  • Flower - there are many pleasures and joys ahead.

For a long time, on Christmas and New Year's Eve, almost everyone was guessing: elderly people - about life, young people - about grooms and brides, zealous owners - about success in business and harvest, mothers - about the health and well-being of their children. During New Year's and Christmas fortune-telling, look for only good meaning in all predictions. Do not attach much importance to bad omens, otherwise you will set yourself up for failure in the new year in advance.

People often guess about life by the spoons left on the table overnight, after all the household members go to bed. The fortuneteller remembers his spoon, and in the morning he looks how it lies: if the notch is down, then everything will be fine, but if it is up, then one should think about health and try not to get involved in trouble.

At the festive table, they often wondered by their shadow. If a person sees himself with a head, then everything will be in order, without a head - things are bad. A popular way of guessing about marriage among girls was eavesdropping on someone else's conversation. The word “go” heard during the fortune-telling prophesies a quick marriage, “sit” - a prolonged girlhood.

There are other fortune telling. Let us recall some of them.

Fortune telling on a towel for a betrothed

At night, a white towel is hung out the window with the words: “ The betrothed-mummer, come and wash yourself "... In the morning they check the towel: if it is wet, then the girl will get married this year. If it is dry, then she will sit in the girls for another year.

Another type of this fortune-telling is to put a towel under the pillow at night, saying: “ The betrothed-mummer, come to me to wash, dry off with a towel". The dream seen on this night will become a clue.

Fortune telling

Various objects are laid out on a clean table, symbolizing different professions. Previously, these were:

  • stone (builder);
  • coal (bricklayer);
  • bread (peasant);
  • book (pop);
  • cap (official), etc.

To these subjects, you can add others, for example, a floppy disk (programmer), credit card (bank employee), organizer (boss), code of laws (lawyer), calculator (economist or mathematician). Also, don't forget to put on your wedding ring.

A fortune-telling girl is blindfolded, and her friends move objects on the table. The fortune-teller approaches the table three times and selects any item. If at least twice she pulls out the same one, it means that the future spouse will really have such a profession. If she comes across a wedding ring, then this year the girl will get married.

Divination by rice grains

To find out the answers to your questions, rice grains will help you. Hold your left hand over the jar of rice, palm down, focus and ask the question out loud. Then take a handful of rice, sprinkle it on the table and count it. An even number means a positive answer, an odd number means a negative one.

Fortune telling in the snow for Christmas and New Year

This universal fortune-telling will tell you a lot: are you planning a wedding in the coming year, what will your spouse be like, how many times will you get married.

On New Year's Eve or Christmas Eve, go outside, lie on your back in the snow, and then get up and leave without looking back. In the morning, inspect the place where you were lying:

  • if the track is smooth, the husband will be kind and gentle;
  • if the track is, as it were, streaked with dashes, the spouse will be rude;
  • if the pit is deep, you will have to get married several times;
  • if the print is covered with snow, then you will not go down the aisle soon;
  • if there is a mound in this place, then in the new year danger lies in wait for you, so be careful.

To get truthful answers, during fortune-telling, you need to follow some rules: take off your belt and pectoral cross, untie all the knots on your clothes. If the girl has a braid, then it needs to be unraveled. Do not cross your arms and legs.

Fortune telling by the book

If you want to get an answer to an exciting question, try this method of fortune telling. Take a book in your left hand, focus and ask your question. Then open a book at random and read the line that begins under the thumb of your left hand. Read and will give you an answer to the question or become a prediction of the near future.

You can also open a book at random and point your finger at any line with your eyes closed, and then read what is written.

Fortune telling

Before going to bed, you need to eat something salty, but do not drink water. Going to bed say: “ The betrothed-mummer, come to me and give me some water". After that, don't talk to anyone and go to bed. Whoever gives a drink in a dream - for that you will marry.

There is also another way. Before going to bed, put on a new stocking on your left leg, saying: “ The betrothed-mummer, come and take my shoes off". A dreamed man who will take off a stocking is your future spouse.

Fortune telling on bulbs

If you already have several applicants for the hand and heart, but you cannot make a choice, then try to read fortunes on the bow. Take some bulbs and write the names of your fans on them. Place the onion in the water. Which bulb will sprout earlier - on behalf of that and wait for a marriage proposal.

Fortune-telling for the betrothed for Christmas

To find out what your future spouse will be like, take three beans or beans to bed on the night before Christmas: one full, the second half empty, the third empty. Wrap each pod in separate paper and place under your pillow.

On Christmas morning, with your eyes closed, take out one of the parcels. If there is an empty pod, then you will get a rather stingy partner. If the pod is half empty, your husband-to-be will be a mediocre person. If you got a pod full of grains, then get ready to meet an interesting and generous man who will make you really happy.

Fortune telling for married

If your husband has a mistress and you want to know if he will stay with you or go to her, do the following. Pour water into a glass and write the name of your husband's mistress on a pre-prepared sheet of paper. You will also need:

  • a spoonful of salt;
  • lighted candle;
  • iron bowl.

Throw salt into the water, light a piece of paper with the name of your opponent from a candle and place it in a bowl. While the paper is burning, quickly stir the salt in the glass, with the words: “ If the salt melts quickly, then the beloved will not leave me, and the paper will burn out - their love will burn out". Now look at what you get. If the salt has melted, and the paper is still smoldering, then the spouse will stay with you. If not, then sooner or later the faithful will leave.

Fortune telling on radio and TV

Sit in the silence of the room for a few minutes, focus on your question. Then say it out loud and turn on the radio or TV. The first words heard will be the answer to the question. It can be a fragment of a song, a presenter's monologue or a movie hero. Turn on your imagination and you will succeed.

Fortune-telling by the holiday cake

According to popular belief, a round holiday cake is a bearer of good news. Coins, candied fruit or marmalade are laid in his dough so that the new year is financially prosperous. Special luck awaits the person who will get a pie with a coin. Anyone who finds marmalade or candied fruit in his portion will have a “sweet life”.

In addition, you can find out what success awaits those gathered at the festive table. On New Year's or Christmas Eve, all household members gather at the table with a festive cake. Then, on command, the pie is broken into pieces, whoever has the largest piece will be incredibly lucky in the new year.

Fortune telling by the thread

For this fortune-telling, you will need three needles and three silk or woolen threads, which must be threaded into the needles and not tied. The threads should be white, red and black. Ask a friend to pin the needles and threads on the back of your clothes. Now try pulling one thread out of the needle. If you managed to get a red one, then within a year you will get married. White indicates that marriage will not shine for you in the near future. But the black thread says that there are more chances of making a career than getting married.

Fortune telling with lead and wax

This type of divination has been known for a very long time, but even today they resort to it in order to look into the future. On Christmas or New Year's Eve, a small piece of lead is stuck into a candle (you can get a lead sinker at a fishing store). When the lead has melted, pour it into cold water. Not only the shape of the frozen lead, but the outline of the shadow cast from the candle flame will become a clue for prediction.

Grab a coin

You will need three saucers and one coin. You need to leave the room and ask your friend to hide a coin under one of the saucers during your absence. If you find a coin on the first try, then your financial situation will improve significantly. If you find a coin on the second try, then you will also have good prospects in the new year.

Reading coffee grounds

This method of fortune telling will entertain on New Year's morning and bring a lot of pleasure to you and those around you, because imagination in the interpretation of the figures and drawings formed by the coffee grounds has no boundaries.

To read fortunes on the coffee grounds, you should brew coffee in a turkey or saucepan. Then, over a cup of aromatic coffee, discuss the issue that worries you. After the coffee is drunk and the cup is empty, and only thick remains at the bottom, gently turn it over and pour the contents onto a saucer. Now put a cup on top of the saucer and wait ten minutes. After removing the cup, read the answer to your question.

The sediment must be divided into four parts with a knife. The first corresponds to spring, the second to summer, the third to autumn and the fourth to winter. Bubbles in the center of the grounds indicate that you will receive important news. Seeing an asterisk is a good omen indicating a win or inheritance. Circles and crosses are warning signs. Uplands mean success, and grooves mean obstacles and minor annoyances. The cracks passing through the thick foreshadow an interesting event. Smooth lines indicate the fulfillment of desires. Grains scattered in a straight line communicate obstacles that you can easily overcome.

You can guess by the coffee grounds not only on Christmas and New Years. This method of fortune telling is used when they are in a quarrel with a loved one or in an uncertain relationship with someone. You can turn to coffee grounds for advice in many situations in life.

Fortune telling by the clock

This divination will require an old, broken mechanical watch. Remove the glass that protects the dial from them and remove the hour hand. Cover the windows and lock the door to the room, not a single ray of light should enter the room. Sit on a sofa or chair so that you can reach the switch with your left hand. Place the watch on your lap and grasp the transfer wheel with your right hand. Turn off the light and in complete darkness turn the wheel vigorously in any direction, slowly counting to 12. When you count, stop turning, turn on the light and look at the dial.

If the arrow is between two digits, then give priority to the one to which it is closer. If the hand stops exactly in the middle, then the clockwise number has priority.


1 hour. No changes are expected in the near future. The pace of life will be calm and measured. Relax and rest while the opportunity presents itself, because this lull is temporary.

2 hours. You feel great and think that it will always be this way. This is a dangerous condition. You should take care of your health. As soon as you feel unwell, see your doctor and, if possible, have an examination. Then you can prevent the onset of the disease.

3 hours. Success awaits you in all your endeavors, but you do not need to relax. You will need perseverance and endurance. Only then will you achieve what you want.

4 hours. You are in trouble. Be careful and vigilant in any situation. Then you will understand where to expect problems from and can avoid them. Remember that everything is in your hands.

5 o'clock. The financial situation will improve, but for this to happen, you will have to make every effort and be on the lookout. Others will want to take advantage of your luck.

6 o'clock. Trouble can happen, so be careful in everything. Only in this case will you fight back the impending disaster.

7 o'clock. Your career will go up, but it will require the full concentration of all physical and mental strength. Be careful not to leave the race.

8 ocloc'k. A serious conflict may be brewing, in view of this, behave with restraint and modesty, do not succumb to provocations and do not get involved in dubious enterprises. Let everything go on its own.

9 o'clock... Success and luck are not typical of your current situation, but keep in mind that the night is darkest before dawn. The situation is not clear to you, you do not own it, but it is a temporary state. Events are already on the way that will change it for the better.

10 hours. Any conspiracy or deception directed against you is doomed to failure. Stay calm and firm as your losses will be minor. Worry can be bad for you, so avoid it.

11 o'clock... Wherever you go, you will find yourself in good company. Feel free to fight for lofty goals. You will be supported by someone you don't count on.

12 hours. Soon your condition will be like that of a general planning when to launch an offensive. Be vigilant and careful, choose people with good intentions as your allies.

Video: Christmas traditions and fortune-telling

For the New Year, it is customary to guess, if not on the first of January, on the old New Year, it is a must. After all, I so want to know what will happen. Moreover, some people want to know this immediately, without sitting up in the night in front of mirrors and laying out tricky figures from cards or beans.

Many old fortune-telling simpler, too, turn out to be not so simple, because often they require things that are inaccessible to a modern person, for example, a poker, a spindle or live chickens. But the time of high speeds and eternal haste has led to the renewal of old fortune-telling and the emergence of new ones that do not require long and complex rituals. For the busiest and most impatient, this is a selection of simple and affordable New Year's fortune-telling in modern conditions.

Keyboard layout

Concentrate on your question and without looking, press your finger on the keyboard (the computer does not need to be turned on for this).
Hit the letter - this letter begins the name or surname of your betrothed or other significant person for you in the new year.
Got on figure- it is in the date of birth of a person who is important to you or indicates the time of meeting with him, or the date of important events for you, or the amount of something related to your question.
The icons on the number keys provide additional information. Exclamation point- great joy; "dog"- news from afar; lattice- isolation; dollar and interest (euro)- money; brackets- secret affairs.
The space bar means that this year you will not have significant events and fateful meetings.
Delete- you will have to part with someone or something forever.
Enter- your life will be stormy, will bring many new events and acquaintances.
Caps lock- your happiness may be hampered by excessive pride or demonstrative behavior, inappropriate emotionality.
Esc- you can make a mistake, which will not be as easy to fix as you think.
Tab- you are often in too much of a hurry and can slip past something important.
Shift- ahead of the beginning of a new important stage in life, a meeting with a significant person for you is likely.
Ctrl- you will be able to usefully combine different interests.
Alt- you will have to adapt to the unusual, a trip abroad is possible, and yours will turn out to be a foreigner or just an unusual person.
End- some kind of relationship will come to a logical conclusion, the final result, for example, a couple will get married or break up.
Home- everything will go as usual, according to the usual scenario.
Plus or minus- gains or losses, respectively.
Period and comma key- uncertainty in life.
Star- you need new knowledge or advice from competent people.
"Window"- you will have great opportunities for realizing yourself and influencing others, your vigorous activity will bring significant results.
Up arrow- life will improve; way down- will worsen; to the right- you are going the right way; to the left- your actions are fraught with negative consequences.
If you hit your finger between the keys or on other keys - guess or interpret in your own way.

Three cards

Take a deck of ordinary cards and take out three in turn. They mean that in the new year you will be in first place in importance, in second, and in third. We look only at the suit. Clubs- work, career; diamonds- money, property; peaks- struggle, problems; hearts- love, pleasure.

Pop-up question

Take several identical small pieces of paper, write on each a question that worries you about your future in the new year. The question should imply an unambiguous answer, without any "or". Then you put all the pieces of paper (without folding) into an empty cup, and pour water there, which question popped up first, to that answer “yes”. The rest of the questions do not count.

Happiness under the pillow

You write your desires on separate pieces of paper, there should be at least twelve of them, you put them under your pillow before going to bed, preferably in a cloth bag, and in the morning you take out three notes at random, these three wishes must come true.

Grain of truth

Make a wish or a question that can be answered unambiguously and take with your right hand a small amount of any grain or seeds (rice, beans, sunflower or pumpkin seeds). Pour on the table and count the grains. An even number - the answer to the question is "yes", the wish will come true, an odd number - "no", the wish will not come true.

Pictures of the future

Take a few small pictures, they can be cut from magazines, advertising brochures, or drawn by yourself. Each picture symbolizes your desired future. For example, a wad of money or a chest of coins is wealth; a beautiful house - a solution to the housing issue; a couple in love or happy parents with a child - happiness in personal life, a car - a trip or buying a car. You yourself choose the necessary pictures and yourself give them a symbolic meaning. Then you put them in identical envelopes, seal and mix the envelopes. And then, having tuned in to your future, you take out one envelope. So you can guess with the whole family or with friends: together prepare envelopes with pictures, put them under the Christmas tree, and then everyone will get what is destined for him. It is possible that the collective interpretation of the future may be even more accurate.

Twelve months

To find out in which month your planned event will take place, take a deck of 52 cards (remove jokers) and choose a card that will symbolize what you want. Then put it back in the deck, and having mixed the cards well, lay out one by one in twelve piles, face down. Each pile will contain four cards, the remaining four are extra. If the conceived card is among the superfluous, the wish will not come true. If it is not there, look in the pile corresponding to the month: 1st - January, 2nd - February, 3rd - March, and so on.

New Year's oracle

On the pieces of paper they write predictions for the new year, they can be comic, but a lot, so that there is enough for everyone present. All predictions are placed in a box or opaque bag. They choose an "oracle", who is blindfolded and, pulling out a prediction, they ask: "To whom?" The "Oracle" calls out the name of someone present. And so on until everyone receives a prediction of their future.

The onset of New Year's holidays is awaited with bated breath not only by children, but also by adults. For a long time, this time was the best for rituals, fortune-telling for love, fate, for the fulfillment of wishes. Today, in the 21st century, you can (using the New Year's fortune-telling of ancestors) learn a little more about the coming year.

Divination by desire

Everyone made a wish at least once. Some prefer to do this while the star falls or the chimes are striking, others during the celebration.

There are many ways to make a dream come true. These methods will help determine whether it will be fulfilled or not.

Option 1

Take 2 containers, fill one with water. Make a wish on her and start pouring liquid from one to another.

Important: you cannot practice transfusion in advance. Continue manipulating for 1 minute. If a few drops appear on the floor (under the containers), the dream will come true. If a lot of water is spilled, the dream will not come true in the coming year.

Option 2

Before the chimes, describe your dream on a small sheet of paper. It is not necessary to go into details, write succinctly. With the first strike of the chimes, light the leaf. If he burns out by the last blow, the dream will come true. If not, it will have to be postponed.

Option 3

Attention! The terrible horoscope of Vanga for 2019 has been deciphered:
Trouble awaits 3 signs of the Zodiac, only one sign can become a winner and gain wealth ... Fortunately, Vanga left instructions on how to activate and deactivate what was planned.

To obtain a prophecy, you need to indicate the name given at birth and the date of birth. Wang also added 13 zodiac signs! We advise you to keep your horoscope secret, there is a high probability of the evil eye of your actions!

Readers of our site can get Vanga's horoscope for free >>. Access can be closed at any time.

A simple deck of 36 cards is required. Stir them, divide them into 4 equal parts, and put them on the table, face down. The task is to find several Aces located one after the other.

From the first part, take out the cards until the Ace appears. Look at the next card behind it. If after the first there is some other card, put it aside and the first Ace in the rejection. Go through the images further. As a result, you may have 4, 3, 2 Aces in your hands, or 1 (the last one):

  • in the next few months, the dream will come true for those who took out 4 identical cards;
  • three Aces - fulfillment of a wish within the next year;
  • two Aces - probably the dream will come true, but so far it is not certain;
  • one Ace - no hope.

Option 4

Pour some water into a small container and make a wish on it. Leave the container on the windowsill and go to bed. In the morning the water became:

  • a little more - the desire will come true;
  • less - you have to wait.

The same amount remains - you will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve what you want.

New Year's divination for love

One of the most extensive categories of fortune-telling is for love (, feelings, the image of the future husband, the name of the prospective partner). You can also use these methods of divination.

See the narrowed one in the mirror

If you want to know what your spouse will look like, shortly before the chimes, put a mirror and a glass of water in your bedroom. As soon as the chimes begin to strike, light a candle in front of the mirror, raise the glass and look through it into the mirror. Tell:

Show your betrothed, tell about the future.
Look in the mirror, you might see an image.

Divination for marriage

To find out the social status of the future spouse, you can perform a ceremony with three rings (gold, silver, copper). They all hide in a bag with any cereal. Cross out the rump with the palm of your hand. If the ring is not in your hand, you will not get married in the coming year. I got a ring:

  • golden - the husband will be rich;
  • silver - hardworking;
  • copper - you will marry a poor man.

Divination on spruce branches

One of the symbols of Christmas and New Year is the tree, which is used for fortune telling. If you want to learn everything about the narrowed one, before the New Year, go to the forest and break a few spruce branches.

According to historical documents, they began to decorate the Christmas tree at the beginning of the 17th century. Until that time, no one associated the tree with the holidays. Apples, sugar, cookies, flowers made of colored paper were used as decorations.

There is no need to choose the most beautiful fluffy ones, take several different ones. Hide them in a shed, closet. If you live in an apartment, you can put it in the far corner of the room. During the chimes, by touch, in the blind, you need to select one of the branches.


  • fluffy, beautiful - the groom will be enviable, attractive;
  • with rough, cracked bark - the husband will be thick-skinned, rough;
  • the branch is old, dry - the narrowed one will be much older than you;
  • many small knots - the character will not be sweet, you will quarrel often;
  • the trunk is smooth, even - the character will be docile, affectionate.

For love

For fortune-telling, mix a little salt, sugar and ash in one container. Take 3 hairs from your head and 3 hairs from your loved one. Throw them into a bowl. The container should stand by your bed all night. Look into it in the morning. If all your hairs are:

  • turned out to be on top of each other, united - you will be together this year, probably marriage;
  • stayed in the same places - the situation will not change;
  • all the hairs turned out to be farther from each other than they were initially - parting is possible.

Divination on New Year's Eve

On the night of December 31 to January 1, it is suitable for fortune-telling. You can use online fortune telling, fortune telling on cards, Christmas tree decorations, dumplings. You can use almost everything that you find at hand.

Fortune telling with Christmas decorations

The invariable attributes of the holiday: Christmas balls, stars, bells, which adorn the fluffy beauty. This fortune-telling is carried out on New Year's Eve or on Christmas. It will take several toys. You can guess not only one, the whole company. A prediction is written on each ball. You can get by with one word, you can be a full-fledged great prophecy.

Christmas decorations are put into a bag and all participants must get one decoration at a time. In order for the predicted to come true, the ball must be hung on the tree.

It is interesting: the first glass Christmas tree toy was made in Saxony in the 16th century. But the industrial mass production of jewelry began only in the middle of the 19th century.

New Year's fortune-telling

Fortune telling on cards helps to determine the events of the future, past and present. You will need a deck of 36 playing cards that you need to mix well. Draw 11 cards and turn them face down. Each of them will answer one question.

  1. What is happening in the present?
  2. What will happen in the near future?
  3. The last important event.
  4. What will happen in the distant future?
  5. What will happen on the road?
  6. News that you will soon find out.
  7. Who sympathizes with you?
  8. Who has love feelings for you?
  9. Where will it all lead?
  10. What will you yearn for?
  11. How will the year end?

For decryption, you can use the standard values ​​of playing cards.

New Year's divination by patterns on glass

You will need a glass or a mirror. Pour water on it and take it out overnight in the frost. The next morning, look at the frozen surface:

  • there are many circles on it - next year you will live in abundance, a new source of income will appear;
  • spruce branches warn - you will have to work hard;
  • sharp lines, figures with many angles - difficulties are possible that will have to be dealt with;
  • figures of people - luck, pleasant acquaintance.

Fortune-telling on New Year's will help you find out about what awaits over the next 12 months. Do not take such prophecies very seriously. After all, everything in life depends on us and at any moment the future can change.