All kinds of fortune-telling for Christmas. Fortune telling on cups for next year

Christmas divination have long been considered the most truthful and effective. But you need to guess not on the holiday itself, but the day before it and throughout Christmas Eve, which ends on January 19. On the night of January 6-7, it seems that all the prohibitions are lifted, a powerful force rushes to the Earth, capable of giving people goodness, hope, love and happiness.

To tell fortunes on Christmas Eve, the girls let their hair down, let go of all bad thoughts, untied all the knots on their clothes, took off jewelry (especially a cross), and removed hairpins and hairpins. After that, you need to tune in exactly to those questions that interested them most and set about fortune-telling.

Christmas fortune-telling is still relevant to this day. Not far off, which means that it's time to think about how you can conduct mysterious rituals. The fortune-tellers had plenty of time to enjoy all this amazing process and look into their future.

Required rules for fortune telling:

  1. The room that has been designated for fortune telling should be quiet. You should turn off the TV, radio, close the windows tightly so that no extraneous sounds interfere with the sacrament. Even talking is not recommended, otherwise the fortuneteller will be distracted and the thin thread of “contact” may break.
  2. Crossing limbs has an extremely negative effect on the quality of the prediction. The communication channel is clogged and it is difficult for a fortuneteller to grasp the signs that are given to him by higher powers. Better to take a comfortable position that allows you to relax.

Christmas divination

There are many ways to conduct fortune-telling, each of them differs in complexity, a set of necessary items and the accuracy of prediction. In this article we will try to tell you about the most popular fortune-telling on Christmas Eve.

Fortune telling on a candle flame

This is a traditional fortune-telling, which is widely known among Russian women who are fond of such rituals. Before you start divination, you need to change clothes, wash and put on a clean outfit. Then, lighting a new candle, you need to think about the question of interest. The stronger the mental message, the clearer the answer can be. Now you should take a close look at the candle flame.

If the light is weak, but even, fate will be calm and joyful. An exuberant flame testifies to a tumultuous life filled with passion, energy and exciting adventures. If the candle burns dimly, it means that soon there will be an illness or some kind of failure. Black smoke from fire portends grief or death.

Divination by rice grains

For all those who do not want to experiment on candles, we suggest testing on rice grains. Pour the pure rice into a bowl, cover it with your left palm and make a wish. In the ear, you need to say the phrase: "Show me my fate, what to expect: good or bad?"

After that, turn the bowl onto a tablecloth, take a handful of grains and count them. An even number - a wish will come true, an odd number - the desired will not happen.

Fortune telling on fir branches

For a large company, this fortune-telling is perfect, which involves the use of coniferous branches. On Christmas Eve, you need to call all unmarried girlfriends and scatter branches on the floor in the room. Closing her eyes, each girl needs to choose a twig and examine it. Smooth bark marks a handsome and generous groom, rough bark shows that a reliable companion will meet on the way.

Strong bark on branches indicates a rich person, and peeled bark indicates a beggar. If the branch is thick, it means that on the way to meet a strong and confident man.

Fortune telling on wax

Melt the wax in a mug, and pour milk into a small plate. Put a mug and a plate near the threshold of the apartment and say the following words: "Brownie, home, come to eat wax and drink milk." Then pour the wax into the milk. If a clear cross has formed, something bad will happen in the near future, possibly a disease. A blurred cross promises financial problems.

A flower means a quick wedding, stripes - moving to a new place or a long journey. The outlines of the stars show that things will end well, and the human figure shows the appearance of a good friend in life.

Divination by the barking of dogs

This ritual is suitable if there is snow outside. You need to go outside at midnight with a knife and start cutting one of the snowdrifts. During this sentence: "Damn, damn, do not be silent, damn, damn, tell me what kind of husband I will have, cry or laugh?" As soon as the spell is cast, you should carefully listen to the barking of dogs. Angry and abrupt barking indicates that the husband will be angry and stern.

If the dogs are filled with cheerful barking, then the husband will be cheerful and good-natured. It is considered a bad sign to hear a dog's howl during fortune-telling - this means that the marriage will not be long.

Many would like to look into the future. What for? In order to predict what is hidden behind the veil of the unknown, and how to prepare for this very unknown.

Do you also want to know about the future, about what the year of the Rooster promises? Then we recommend that you devote Christmas night to fortune-telling. And to make it easier for you to choose the best way of fortune-telling for yourself, here is our short fortune telling rating for you to study. So, the most effective, curious and reliable Christmas fortune-telling in 2017.

On the betrothed with a shoe

Many young ladies are interested in the questions: when exactly they should expect matchmakers, and who will be the betrothed in the end. And if this primordially Russian fortune-telling does not help you to decide on the profession of your future spouse, then you will definitely be able to understand whether it is worth waiting for a wedding in the coming year.

So, all that is required to do for Fortune telling is to throw a boot or shoe out of the window of your house (if you do not live on the first or second floor, it is better to go down to the porch, so as not to harm anyone with your aiming throw). If the toe of your shoe points to the entrance to the house, then do not expect a wedding in the next 12 months. If the toe of a boot or shoe points in some other direction, then this year you will certainly meet your love, and it will come to you exactly from the side in which the nose of the shoe is directed.

On the betrothed with mirrors

Are you interested in divination for Christmas 2017 for your betrothed? Here's another great option that involves using two mirrors and one candle. Moreover, the peculiarity of this fortune-telling is that it will allow you to see the face of the future spouse, and this, you see, is so exciting.

So what do you need to do? And you will need to do the following: take a couple of mirrors and put them so that, looking at the surface in front of you, you can see your own back of the head. Take a candle, put out the light in the room, place a burning candle in front of you and carefully peer into the reflection. In it, you just should see your betrothed.

We immediately warn you that this fortune-telling for Christmas 2017 is better for a girl with strong nerves, because, peering into the reflection, you can feel fear in your soul. Therefore, if you are not ready to get really scared, then it is better to choose the method described above with a boot.

Simple fortune-telling with rice for a desire or a question

Above, we gave you two examples of divination by the betrothed, but what if you have found a spouse for a long time and are happy in a married marriage? For you, then we offer this simple fortune-telling to a question or a desire. All you need for it is some rice and perseverance.

Take a handful of rice in your right hand, cover it with your left hand and mentally make a wish. Visualize well or repeat your question a few times, then pour a handful of rice onto the table. And now you just need to calculate how many rice fell on the table. If the number of grains turned out to be even, then your wish will definitely come true, or the answer to the question asked to yourself is an unequivocal “Yes”. But if the number of grains is odd, then you should not wait for the fulfillment of your desire in the coming year. Also, the answer to the question you were asking is "No."

Fortune telling for Christmas in 2017 for the future with wax

Do you want to understand what awaits you in the next twelve months? What exactly should you prepare for? Then we strongly advise you to read fortunes with wax and a candle. Moreover, the special charm of this fortune-telling is that it is simply perfect even for a large and noisy company, gathered together at a magnificently set table. Moreover, it will be even more interesting to guess this way - you can all look at the bizarre wax figures and guess the silhouettes, trying to understand what they are. However, remember that the final decision as to what the wax figurine represents should be made by the person who created it.

So, all you need for such fortune-telling is several large cups, plates or bowls (according to the number of fortunetellers, you will pour wax into them), as well as candles (there can be one candle, and you will simply pass it to each other , or everyone may have their own).

And now we just turn off the light in the room and carefully pour the wax of the candle into the water, which you collect in advance in plates, bowls or large cups. Further, everything is even simpler - everyone must determine what kind of wax figure he has turned out, and find out about what awaits him in the coming year.

If it is a lane or several lanes, then a road awaits you. If this is a human figure, it means that a new person will appear nearby. If this is a flower, then it is worth waiting for a love relationship or even marriage. But the image of any animal is a reason to be wary, because such a sign usually indicates that they envy you, wish bad or want to harm you. The cross is a symbol of death, which means that it is also not very good to see such a picture. Well, the asterisk is, on the contrary, a very positive symbol that will promise you success in any endeavors.

Fortune telling for Christmas 2017 with a candle for an upcoming event

Do you have many different desires, plans for the coming year, and you are interested in which of them will definitely come true and which will not? Choose this method of fortune-telling. You will need a bowl or plate of water, a candle that can float, and small pieces of paper and a pen.

To begin with, on each piece of paper write what you have planned, wished for yourself for the next twelve months. For example, “birth of a child”, “buying an apartment”, “buying a car”, “new job”, etc. Fix each such leaf on the edge of a bowl of water, and then put a candle in a bowl and light it. Next, you will need to gently grasp the bowl with both hands and shake it slightly. Now just wait until your candle sticks to one of the "banks" with a piece of paper. We unfold the paper and carefully read about the event coming in the next twelve months.

Unmarried girls are very fond of Christmastide, who are looking forward to these days to tell fortunes on their betrothed.

There were two main themes in Christmas fortune-telling: fortune-telling about the harvest and the fate (of one's own and of the whole family) in the coming year.

Fortune-telling on Christmastide begins at night on January 6 and continues until Epiphany. However, the most favorable days for fortune-telling are considered to be Christmas, Vasilievsky (under the Old New Year) and Epiphany evenings, since at this time there is a special activity of evil spirits and souls of the dead.

Signs and customs

  • Snow on January 7 is a good year;
  • The day is warm - the bread will be dark, thick;
  • Blizzard - bees will swarm well;
  • Starry sky - harvest for peas;
  • Household business is not allowed on Christmas;
  • From Christmas to Epiphany, it is a sin to hunt in the forest (misfortune can happen to a hunter);
  • All day on January 7, it is customary to visit and receive guests;
  • You can't sew on Christmas, otherwise someone in the family will go blind.
  • On this day, girls were forbidden to guess;
  • If a strange woman enters the house first on Christmas, then the female sex in this family will be ill all year.

Ancient fortune-telling on Christmastide

We offer you several old folk fortune-telling for Christmas, Epiphany and the old New Year, to which our grandmothers and great-grandmothers turned to, trying to open the veil of the future and find out their fate.

Fortune-telling (with a felt boot) on the "side" in which you will get married

This is the most famous and widespread form of divination. The girls alternately throw their felt boots (boot, shoe) onto the road and in the direction of the “toe” of the felt boot they recognize the direction in which they will marry.

Fortune telling with mirrors to evoke the image of the future groom

This is a well-known fortune-telling from literature. The girl sits down in the dark between two mirrors, lights candles and begins to peer into the "gallery of reflections", hoping to see her fiancé. The best time for this fortune-telling is midnight.

Fortune-telling (with burning a thread) for the speed and order of getting married

It consists in the fact that the girls cut the threads of the same length and set them on fire. Whoever's thread burns out in front, he will be the first to be married. If the thread went out immediately and less than half burned out, then you will not get married.

Fortune telling with a ring or a needle on the floor of the unborn child

Certain actions are performed with a ring or a needle (the ring is dipped into a glass of water, a woolen cloth is pierced with a needle), then, suspended by a thread or thread, it is slowly lowered near the hand of the one who is being guessed at. If the object (ring, needle) begins to make circular movements, a girl will be born (less often - a boy), if pendulum-like - a boy (less often - a girl), if the object does not move - there will be no children.

Fortune telling with a rooster (chicken)

Grain is poured into one plate (or money is put), water is poured into the other, a mirror is placed next to it, sometimes a chicken is brought. The rooster, who approached the mirror, symbolizes the beauty and tenderness of the future groom, who approached the grain or money - his wealth, to the water - a tendency to drunkenness, if the rooster approaches the hen, then the groom will be a "womanizer".

Fortune telling about the fate of the shadows

This type of fortune telling, due to its simplicity, is very common in the modern girlish environment. The girl sets fire to a sheet of paper she has crumpled, and then examines the shadow of the burnt paper. Everyone takes a blank sheet of paper, crumples it, places it on a platter or large flat plate, and sets it on fire. When the sheet burns out or almost burns out, with the help of a candle, it is displayed on the wall. Carefully examining the shadows, they try to find out the future.

Divination (by the barking of a dog) about the age of the groom

After certain actions, the participants in fortune-telling listen to the barking of the dog. "Husky" barking promises an old groom, and "sonorous" - a young one.

Fortune telling with a ring to evoke the image of the future groom

The girl throws a wedding ring into a glass of water and peers into the ring, repeating the words: "My betrothed, disguised ...".

Fortune-telling with inducing a dream about the betrothed.

Fortune telling on the night from Thursday to Friday. When they go to bed, they say: “Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday alone and I, young, alone. I am lying on the Zion mountains, three angels in their heads: one sees. The other will say, the third will indicate the fate. "

Girls wonder if they go to bed where they didn’t have to before. Before going to bed they say: "In a new place, dream about the groom to the bride." In a dream you will see your fiancé

Card reading

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: "Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, I will dream in my dream." If you dream of a king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the cross - wait for matchmakers from a military man or a businessman, and a tambourine from the desired one.

Fortune telling on wax

The wax is melted in a mug, milk is poured into a saucer and placed at the doorstep of an apartment or house. The following words are pronounced: "Brownie, my master, come under the threshold to drink milk, eat wax." With the last words, melted wax is poured into the milk. Then they carefully observe what is happening. If you see a frozen cross, then some illnesses await in the new year. If the cross only appears, then in the coming year your financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life troubles will prevail, but not too serious. If it blooms with a flower, there will be a wedding or a loved one will meet. If a beast appears, you have to be careful: some kind of enemy will appear. If the wax flows in strips, there are roads, crossings ahead, and if it falls like stars, luck awaits in the service, in study. If a human figure forms, a friend will appear.

Hail from passers-by

They go out into the street at midnight and ask the name of the first person they meet. This is the name of the betrothed, just like that he will be handsome and rich.


They climb under the window of neighbors and listen. If they have a showdown with the smashing of dishes, you can expect a "fun" year. If the house is quiet - and your year will be harmonious.

Fortune telling on the egg

For fortune telling, they take a raw egg, make a small hole in it and pour the contents into warm water. When a squirrel folds and forms a shape, according to the shape of which, they guess their future. The type of church means a wedding, a ring means an engagement, a cube means a coffin, a ship means a business trip (for a man) or the return of a husband from a business trip (for a woman). If the squirrel sank to the bottom - to be in trouble in the house: fire, death, the girl does not get married.

Fortune telling in the logs

They come up to the woodpile with their backs and feel they choose a log for themselves. If it is even, smooth, without knots, the spouse will be caught with an ideal character. If the log is thick and heavy, the husband will be wealthy. If there are many knots, many children will be born in the family, and if the log is crooked, the husband will be scythe and lame.

Fortune telling with invoking spirits

For fortune-telling, you need a sheet of A2 paper and a porcelain saucer. Draw a circle with a diameter of about 30 cm on paper and write along the line outside the circle all the letters of the alphabet, and in the circle - the numbers from 0 to 9. Mark the center inside the circle and put a saucer on it, having previously drawn an arrow on the vessel. Repeat three times: “I summon the spirit ... Will you talk to us? Say: Yes or no. ”The saucer should move and the arrow should point to letters and numbers. You just need to have time to read it.

Christmastide has long been considered a holiday of magic and fun, a time for the fulfillment of desires and miracles.

With the holiday of Christmas begins the Christmastide period, which lasts until Epiphany, January 19.

For the Slavs, Christmastide was a special time when it was necessary to observe customs, carol for Christmas, fortune-telling and have fun.

You can guess during all Christmas time. But the most suitable for this ritual were considered special evenings: Christmas Eve (January 6 evening), Vasiliev's evening (January 13) and Epiphany evening (January 19). Fortune-telling these days were considered the most faithful. These evenings were considered turning points, when evil spirits became especially strong and dangerous. In general, the evil spirits throughout the Christmas time are very strong and especially active.

They say that the souls of the dead came from another world to visit their living loved ones. Christmas fortune-telling during the Christmas week is still relevant now in 2017. After all, modern people want to look into the future and find out how their life, career will turn out and what will happen to business no less than people wanted in the old days. During Christmas fortune-telling, in all prophecies, you need to look for only good things. You can not attach special importance to a bad omen, so you can set yourself up for a bad year.

When fortune-telling, fortune-telling on Christmastide

During fortune-telling, it is imperative to follow some rules. In no case cross your arms and legs, as you refract the streams of energy necessary for fortune-telling. Be sure to remove all jewelry, belts, hair ties, and other knotted items. Sometimes they even took off all their clothes. In the room where the fortune-telling takes place, absolute silence should reign. There should be no lighting other than candles. During the fortune-telling, an appeal to evil spirits occurs, respectively, you need to remove all religious symbolism not only from yourself, but also from the entire room. This is done to significantly enhance the energy of fortune-telling.

When fortune-telling, fortune-telling on Christmastide

With special care, you need to choose the place where the fortune-telling ritual will take place. It needs to be as "unclean" as possible. The best option would be a bath. It was the baths, according to the legends, that often became the abode for various spirits and other all kinds of evil spirits. You can also dwell on the choice of an abandoned dilapidated house, or, at worst, a basement or attic.

Fortune-telling for the fulfillment of wishes on pieces of paper.

On 12 pieces of paper, you need to write one cherished wish, put one blank sheet of paper on them and put it under your pillow on Christmas night. In the morning, pull out any one piece of paper. The wish on it will definitely come true this year. If you took out a blank sheet, nothing of the plan will come true.

Fortune telling with a cat.

Having made a wish, you need to call a cat or a cat from another room. If she is the first to transfer her left paw through the threshold, the desire will certainly come true, if the right one, there may be some obstacles to the fulfillment of the desire.

Divination for marriage.

At the night crossroads, thinking about your beloved, you need to draw a circle around you. Next, listen carefully to what is happening. If you hear snippets of funny conversations, laughter, songs or other good emotions, then expect a wedding. If you hear quarrels or someone's tears, the wedding will not take place.

Divination on Christmastide for the betrothed with the help of a mirror.

If you decide to tell fortunes on Christmastide days, then two mirrors are needed for this fortune-telling, and one of them should be twice or three times larger than the other. They need to be placed against each other in such a way that a kind of mirrored corridor is formed.

Guessing on Christmastide with the help of a mirror is possible only after midnight. A fortune-telling girl needs to put candles on the sides of the small mirror, light them and sit behind it, and then patiently look into the large mirror to see the image of her betrothed in the resulting mirror corridor.

When this happens, take the previously prepared clean handkerchief and cover the smaller mirror with it.

Fortune telling on a cherry branch for Christmas.

If a girl wanted to know if she was destined to get married this year, she had to break a cherry twig in someone else's garden and put it in water. By how quickly she let the leaves and flowers go and judged whether there would be a wedding in the near future.

If there are leaves for Christmas, the wedding will take place next year. If the leaves appear after Christmas, the groom will show up, but there will be no rush to the wedding. If the leaves do not have time to appear, but they are almost swollen, the wedding is likely by the end of the year.

If the twig throws out not only the leaves, but also the flowers, then this year the girl will not only become a wife, but also have time to acquire offspring. But if the twig freezes, and does not give any leaves or flowers, you should not dream of marriage yet.

Christmas candlelight divination.

Simple Christmas divination is associated with the use of candles. Take the stubs of white wax or paraffin candles (holiday colored candles are not suitable for fortune telling), put them in a metal bowl, melt over the fire and immediately pour into a container with cold water.

The figure formed at the same time will predict the future that awaits the fortuneteller.

What do the figures formed from wax mean?

House - soon acquiring a new farm; for a girl, this is primarily due to her marriage.

The shapeless ruins are a misfortune in the near future.

A pit, a small cave or grotto is the most undesirable figure, since it symbolizes the burial place and predicts a serious illness or near death.

Trees - they can be interpreted in different ways: the branches of a tree directed upwards promise quick joy, drooping ones - sadness, longing and boredom.

A ring or a candle unambiguously predicts an imminent wedding.

A pancake that has settled to the bottom, on the contrary, promises a long girlhood.

Spiritual and personal development, a charge of motivation and good mood.

Get answers to your questions from experts

You can look into the future in different ways: find out from the soothsayer, start deciphering ancient prophecies, or ... fortune telling. For a long time, fortune-telling was considered only a girl's occupation, and the appropriate questions were asked: will the girl be married this year, what will the groom look like, will he be rich? It was believed that the most truthful fortune-telling was on Christmas night, and the girls gathered in companies to find out their fate.

Basic rules of Christmas fortune telling

There are several basic, classic, fortune-telling for Christmas: for the betrothed and betrothed (find out the appearance, where he will come from, what character will be), whether the fortuneteller will be happy, rich, healthy and whether he will marry or marry.

In order for the fortune-telling to go right and its result to be correct, you must follow a few simple rules that grandmothers tell their granddaughters:

  • hair should be down,
  • there should be no jewelry on the hands, neck and fingers,
  • clothes should be loose, it is best if it is a long shirt or dress,
  • during fortune-telling, you cannot cross your arms and legs, intertwine your fingers.

All this is done in order to avoid misinterpretation of the symbols, and the fortune-telling itself is not "confused".

Also, you should prepare materials for fortune telling in advance: a ring, candles, water, a mirror, a boot, hair of different colors from different men, coffee, thread, nutshells, beans, rice.

During the rituals, it is necessary to maintain silence, not laugh and take fortune-telling seriously, since the answers are given by spirits, which should not be angry. In addition, most fortune-telling takes place at night - from Christmas Eve to Christmas - as a rule, around midnight or after it, but before the first roosters. It is believed that this is the time of the spirits, and with the rising of the sun they return to their world and there is no one else to expect an answer from.

There are several successful periods for divination at the beginning of the year: Christmas Christmas fortune-telling from January 6 to 7, fortune-telling for the old-new year and for Epiphany.

The most popular divination for Christmas 2017

In different regions of our country, different rituals are used for fortune-telling at Christmas, but there are several rituals that can be safely called universal. Of course, they can exist in different ways, but the essence is always the same.

Fortune telling on wax

For divination you will need:

  • a bowl of cold water
  • two candles (one must be wax),
  • tablespoon,
  • your ring without a stone,
  • matches or a lighter.

Place the ring on the bottom of the bowl. Light both candles. Place a spoon over one, and hold the second candle - wax - over a spoon so that the wax will drip into it. Thanks to the candle under the spoon, the wax will remain liquid in it. While the candles are burning, say the following words: "Burn, burn, candle, drown, drown, wax, show me my future." Once the spoon is filled to the brim with wax, splash it into the bowl with a sharp motion and peer at the drawing that will turn out as soon as the wax hardens in the water.

If you see a flower, this year you will get married and meet a new lover. If you recognize a person's figure in wax, a new acquaintance awaits you - love or friendship. Wax stripes on the water mean a long journey or long journey awaits you. See the stars - success awaits you in any endeavors and deeds: work, study, new projects. If you recognize an animal in the wax - no matter which one - you should look around, most likely someone you know has bad intentions towards you. Perhaps for a more specific answer, you should repeat the fortune-telling or perform another ritual.

Fortune telling on cups for next year

Since usually these fortune-telling was done by a group of girls, for this you will also need a large company, namely seven girls.

Take seven identical cups, as well as a small onion, a handful of salt and sugar each, a ring without a stone, a coin of any denomination, but preferably yellow, a slice of bread. Divide these items into cups, and pour water into the last one. Close your eyes and each pick a cup for yourself. The contents of the cup will predict what the year will be like:

  • a ring - to marriage - expect soon matchmakers or an offer from a young man,
  • coin - money - you expect profit or a new job with a good income,
  • sugar - the year will be fun, successful and rich in joyful events,
  • salt - on the contrary, loss and sorrow await you,
  • onions - to frequent tears, the year will be difficult,
  • water - says that everything will remain the same for you, do not expect any changes.

Look for more fortune-telling on the website.

Fortune telling with a nutshell for a future event

This faithful divination before Christmas 2017 will tell you what events to expect throughout the year, and whether you will wait for what you want.


  • medium-sized basin of water,
  • paper (preferably a few small pieces of paper),
  • pencil or pen,
  • half a walnut shell,
  • an illuminated wax candle (a stub, a small piece is better),
  • matches.

On pieces of paper, write the events that you are waiting for: meetings, marriage, having children, major purchases, training, events that are important to you. Roll up the leaves and place them on the edge of a basin with water, corners.

Place the candle in the shell, light it, and dip it into the water. Pay close attention to which direction your boat will sail. It is believed that the candle should set fire to the leaflet with the described event, but even if the candle floated towards the event or stopped near it, you should expect this to be fulfilled during the coming year.

Divination with rice for a desire or a question

This fortune-telling can be done independently. You will need some rice and patience

Empty the table, cover it with a dark tablecloth or cloth. Place the rice grains in your right hand, cover the top with your left hand and make a wish or ask a question. Present your desire well, try to see it with your inner eye, repeat several times. Shake the rice and sprinkle it on the table.

Next, count the number of rice grains that have fallen on the tablecloth - the rice will be better visible on the dark material. If the amount of rice is even, fulfill your wish this year. And if you asked a question, then the answer is unequivocally yes. If the number is odd, this year your wish will not come true. And the answer to the question asked is negative.

Fortune-telling can be repeated several times, and one question is asked once.

Fortune-telling for Christmas for the betrothed

One of the most popular types of fortune telling among young girls is for the betrothed. It is always interesting to know what the future husband will be like, what his character and wealth will be. For this, girls use several types of different fortune-telling.

Fortune telling with shoes

Grab your boot or slipper and go out onto the front porch of the house. If you live in an apartment building, you'd better go out onto the front porch. You can also throw the boot out of the window, but only if you live in a private house or on the ground floor.

Look carefully where the toe of the shoe points: if at the entrance, the girl is unmarried all year round. But if the sock points in the other direction, wait for the matchmakers from there.

In the old days, this fortune-telling was considered the most truthful and was done on the night before Christmas 2017.

Divination with mirrors

This fortune-telling will require perseverance, concentration and patience from you, but as a result you will be able to see the face of your future husband.

You will need two mirrors and a wax candle.

Place one mirror behind your back and the other in front of your face. Looking into the first mirror, you should be able to see the back of your head. Turn off the light in the room, light a candle and place it in front of you, between you and the mirror. Look carefully at the reflecting surface of the mirror, it is in it that you will see your betrothed.

They say that during such fortune-telling, the spirit sends trials to the fortuneteller - sends fears, so he checks whether the girl is ready to see her fiancé. It is also believed that the girl will meet her future husband in the near future after the fortune-telling.

Divination by hair

If you don't want to waste time waiting and gazing at the mirrors, but you still want to find out what the groom will be like, use the following fortune-telling for Christmas 2017.

For Christmas Eve, collect hair of different colors from different men: brown-haired, blond, brunette, gray-haired. Take five pieces of paper, wrap the hairs in them, and leave the fifth in an empty envelope. They should all be the same. On Christmas Eve, put some envelopes under your pillow and go to bed.

In the morning, as soon as you wake up, stick your hand under the pillow and take out the leaflet. The color of the hair in the envelope will be the color of the hair of your betrothed. If you come across an empty envelope, it will be bald.

Divination in a dream

Another old fortune telling on Christmas night for the betrothed will help you see your groom, but only in a dream.

It also needs to be performed on Christmas Eve: let your hair down and take off all jewelry, go to bed, saying: "My betrothed, mummer, dream of me dressed up." In a dream, you should see a young man who will become your husband.

Another simple fortune-telling for a dream can be applied on this night.

You will need a jar of jam. Place it under the bed and say: "I have everything sweet!" You should also dream of your betrothed.

Often girls say that they did not see anyone in a dream, which means that their fate is hidden or the groom has to wait for a long time. Also, sleep is often forgotten in the morning, so that this does not happen, do not touch your hair immediately after waking up, until you remember the dream, do not look in the mirror or window.

Divination by beans

If you are anxious to know if your spouse is going to be rich, take three beans. Leave one as it is, clean the other completely, and the third to the middle. Wrap the beans in paper, making matching envelopes. Put them under your pillow and go to bed. In the morning, take out a folded piece of paper and see what kind of bean you got:

  • whole in the skin - your chosen one will be a rich and wealthy man, you will not need anything,
  • half in the skin - you will live in average income, but you can only dream of great wealth,
  • naked beans indicate that you will live your life in poverty.

Christmas home fortune-telling at Christmas was usually performed by young unmarried girls, because there is such a wide variety of rituals in order to learn about the upcoming marriage and the appearance of the future groom. They also wondered about fate and the fulfillment of desires.

However, young men can also turn to Christmas time by using one of the above rituals, for example, with candles or with rice. But you can also see your future wife in a dream.

Fortune-telling for the betrothed for Christmas

A young man who wants to see his betrothed in a dream should put a comb under the pillow on the night of Christmas with the words: "Neighborhood-mummed, come to me, comb my hair." Of course, it is important to remember this dream and then get to know the girl, if she is not yet familiar.

The following ritual is also used: a comb and a mirror are placed under the pillow with the words: "Come comb my hair, see me, show yourself." The words are repeated three times.

On this night it is important not to talk to anyone, and in the morning not to look in the mirror and the window, not to grab your hair until you wake up completely, otherwise the dream will "go away" and you will not remember it.

Of course, today fortune telling at Christmas at home is more fun for girls than an important ceremony that predicts the future or tells about the groom. However, many are still convinced that on Christmastide days the line between the future and the present becomes thinner, which allows at least one eye to look behind the veil and receive advice, hint or warning. These days, fortune-telling is not only done in folk ways, but tarot is laid out, runes and gypsy cards are thrown. It is believed that Christmas Eve - January 6th - is the most auspicious day to look into the future and get a truthful answer. But whether to believe in what the signs will show is everyone's personal choice.