Male born in the year of the pig scales. Best pig horoscope - Libra

For connoisseurs in the field of astrology, the characteristics and compatibility of the Libra-Pig man is suggestive of loyalty.

And, indeed, he easily succumbs to new feelings and is able to remain loyal to his chosen one, albeit not for long.


This man loves to be in everyone's sight, to occupy a central place in the company. Refined style and great taste for clothes and accessories distinguish the Libra-Pig man from other representatives of the stronger sex. Injustice is very upsetting for these natures, they are especially sensitive to unfounded claims from the people around them. And although such men are very ambitious, they do not immediately overcome the difficulties encountered on the way. Self-criticism is precisely the quality that helps them achieve excellence in all areas of life. Balance and non-conflict makes the image of this person even more positive. According to the characteristics, the Libra-Pig man is described as a purposeful and enterprising person.

He always knows what he wants, and boldly moves in the direction of the goal. It is extremely important for him to get recognition and, he tries in every possible way to achieve this. Developed intuition does not allow him to make serious mistakes in life. The affable and open-minded Libra-Pig man has a strong will. He is rarely found in a bad mood, as a rule, he is always optimistic. Despite the fact that it is not difficult for a Libra-Pig man to find a common language with others, he is very picky about the choice of interlocutors. It is extremely important for him that the people with whom he communicates are from a certain circle and have a certain social status. Leadership qualities of such natures are very weakly expressed, but this is not their key character trait.

A calm environment and decent wages are what they call their dream job. These men can realize themselves in a career, but only if they are engaged in social activities. They also feel comfortable in the creative field. It is unlikely that such a man will be attracted to creative professions, since he will never tolerate a strict life routine. Representatives of the iconic Libra-Pig combination make excellent banking and social workers, consultants. Career for them is not synonymous with money. First of all, a man of this type tries to get moral satisfaction and recognition from his work. If he succeeds in achieving this, it will be possible to assert with full confidence that his career has developed successfully. As a rule, the Libra-Pig man is financially secure.

Love compatibility

For representatives of this zodiacal combination, romantic relationships are the main one throughout life. They never complicate the relationship with the other half, trying to build them on respect and understanding. This approach allows you to make the union harmonious and simple. At the same time, a man needs heightened care and attention from his beloved woman. He always reciprocates warm feelings. Libra-Pig easily compromises, always gives in to his chosen one. In marriage, he allows his wife to take the initiative, but, meanwhile, in certain issues, the man retains leadership. Family and self-realization in life are equally important for him. A man wisely allocates his own time, trying to pay attention to both family and work.

Libra-Pig man compatibility in marriage is ideal. He does not pretend to be the head of the family and always allows his wife to take the initiative into his own hands. But this is a cunning maneuver, thanks to which a man makes his own decisions, passing them off as her decisions. At the same time, it is important for him to feel the care of his beloved woman. If he does not receive it, then he feels very unhappy. For the sake of the family, this person is ready for many sacrifices, but he himself wants to get something in return. Libra-Pig respects the personal space of his soul mate. The birth of a child for this man is a special moment in life. He is interested in everything that is curious to his child, he tries to give him everything possible. For the sake of the children, the Libra-Pig men are ready to make their way up the career ladder, reaching more and more new heights. It is the family, as an important aspect of their life, that they are ready to devote a lot of time and energy.

Zodiac horoscope: Libra sign

The influence of Libra gives the Pig a sophistication. This is a talented, creative person, a dreamer who needs to make sure not to hang in the clouds all the time. Of all the Pigs, he is the most indecisive. Even placing an order at a Libra Pig restaurant can be an excruciating challenge.

The pig in Chinese astrology is probably the happiest and most generous symbol. Pig-Cancer men and women are lucky and sophisticated people, have good communication skills. These people are good at dressing tastefully, creative and understand beauty.

Libra Pig will always dress the best and is the most visible person among other people. They have a wonderful attention to detail, so they naturally feel when something looks good or bad. These people love to experiment with clothes and are always happy to try new styles and colors. They are also enthusiastic about home decor.

As a rule, they do not stop at personal clothing and home environment, they also have good taste in food, which makes them great chefs who are not afraid to improvise in the kitchen. They love to travel and taste food from other countries. They are wonderful hosts and enjoy cooking for home entertainment activities. They are always glad to have a company of guests, but only if they have time to prepare. They are not interested in unexpected visitors as they value their privacy.

These people always have a purpose in life. In personal relationships, they are looking for a person who will be loving and considerate like themselves. They believe in equality in relationships and will only be happy when they receive the same amount of warmth that they give themselves. It should be borne in mind that they need a lot of love.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they have an overdeveloped need for balance and justice. These people do not hesitate to voice their opinions out loud if they feel injustice or imbalance. They are stubborn and don't give up their beliefs easily, which leads to stress. Fortunately, this weakness does not appear often in them.

The combination of the year of the boar (pig) and the zodiac sign Libra gives a sensitive and sentimental nature for which the environment is extremely important. Scales pigs cannot stand screams, disputes and disagreements and try to find a common language with everyone. Here, the diplomacy of the scales and the boar's desire not to offend anyone come into play.

The Libra boar is balanced and stable, but it is characterized by some passivity - it prefers to be led rather than lead. He is often attracted to art, but he manages to develop his abilities only if he comes across a suitable teacher.

The man of the sign Pig Libra certainly has ambitions, but he has a hard time on the path of building a career. He perceives all his weaknesses and shortcomings as vices, although some properties of his nature fall under this definition. The same is true for the fair sex: the scales are a pig woman. Libra boars know about all this and try to hide some of their manifestations from others, therefore, when communicating, they try to keep their distance and not reveal more than they should. However, all this is done with great difficulty. The open disposition of the pig scales contradicts the internal attitude to secrecy.

Libra, the boar is so afraid that someone will find out about his secret inclinations that even in love he retains a certain degree of alienation, despite being amorous. This makes him attractive to the opposite sex and creates a halo of mystery around him. He is affectionate and usually remains faithful to his partner. Both women and men of pig scales are able to be inspired by emotions and sublimate sexual energy into creative.

Compatibility horoscope: year of the pig zodiac sign Libra - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The influence of Libra gives the Pig a sophistication. This is a talented, creative person, a dreamer who needs to make sure not to hang in the clouds all the time. Of all the Pigs, he is the most indecisive. Even placing an order at a Libra Pig restaurant can be an excruciating challenge. The pig in Chinese astrology is probably the happiest and most generous symbol. Pig-Cancer men and women are lucky and sophisticated people, have good communication skills. These people are tasteful, creative and understand beauty.

These people always have a purpose in life. In personal relationships, they are looking for a person who will be loving and considerate like themselves. They believe in equality in relationships and will only be happy when they receive the same amount of warmth that they give themselves. It should be borne in mind that they need a lot of love. The weakness in the personality of these people is that they have an overdeveloped need for balance and justice. These people do not hesitate to voice their opinions out loud if they feel injustice or imbalance. They are stubborn and don't give up their beliefs easily, which leads to stress. Fortunately, this weakness does not appear often in them.

The combination of the year of the boar (pig) and the zodiac sign Libra gives a sensitive and sentimental nature for which the environment is extremely important. Scales pigs cannot stand screams, disputes and disagreements and try to find a common language with everyone. Here the diplomacy of the scales and the boar's desire not to offend anyone come into play. The Libra boar is balanced and stable, but it is characterized by some passivity - it prefers to be led rather than lead. He is often attracted to art, but he manages to develop his abilities only if he comes across a suitable teacher.

Boar Combination

year of the pig zodiac sign libra

The pig is considered a symbol of discernment, generosity and happiness. The Libra sign adds to a person a sense of beauty, attentiveness and understanding where it is good and where it is bad. He likes to experiment with his appearance. He also likes to be enthusiastic about home interiors. In addition, Libra-Pig does not stop at home environment and clothing, they also show a taste for food. This makes them good chefs who improvise in the kitchen. They are interested in trying dishes from different cuisines, so they love to travel.

From the representatives of the sign, good hosts are obtained, they enjoy cooking, conducting entertainment at home. They are glad to have a company of guests, they always carefully prepare for parties. At the same time, Libra-Pig values ​​their privacy, therefore they do not like unexpected visitors.

In a love relationship, this person is always attentive and loving. He is confident in the equality of people in relationships and are happy when they receive the same amount of warmth from their partner, since they need a lot of love.

Libra born in the year of the pig

The weakness of the Libra-Pig can be called the fact that they have an overdeveloped need for justice and balance. They will never hesitate to voice their opinion if they feel imbalance or injustice. They will not give up their beliefs and are stubborn. This leads a person to stressful situations. However, this weakness is very rare.

Libra-Pigs have inherent ambition, but they have a pretty hard time building a career. They perceive their flaws and weaknesses as vices. Moreover, representatives of the sign often hide their manifestations from the people around them. Because of this, they often keep their distance in communication and do not reveal more than they can afford.

Horoscope Libra-Pig (Boar)

According to the horoscope, Libra-Pig (Boar) is an exquisite and creative nature. These people are naturally talented, so they show their fantasies in all areas of life. Sometimes they float in their dreams, which makes it difficult for them to focus.

A feature in their character can be called the fact that Libra-Pigs are too straightforward. They speak the truth in person, without thinking about the consequences. It's good that this does not happen to them often.

Although, due to its mystery, Libra-Pig (Boar) attracts representatives of the opposite sex. By nature, such people quickly become attached to their partner and remain faithful to him. They express emotions vividly and do not hide their pronounced sexuality.

Horoscope for combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other signs of the zodiac with oriental signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Pig - Libra

Armenian, Soviet and Russian actor Armen Dzhigarkhanyan.

He is endowed with a good sense of beauty, has a correct perception of the world and knows how to clearly distinguish between where it is bad and where it is good. Libras, born in the Year of the Pig, love to experiment with their appearance and do the interior decoration of the house. These people show enthusiasm in everything related to creativity, aesthetic taste and a sense of beauty.


Libra Pig is an open, fair and ambitious man. He does not hesitate to express his opinion and rarely gives up on it - he tends to be stubborn. This man is full of ambition, but due to fussiness and self-criticism, he hardly moves forward, and building a career is not easy for him. Pig-Libra-man in personal relationships is attentive and courteous. He is not jealous and always strives for equality in the family, where everyone has the right to express their personal opinion and do what they love. He loves to spend the holidays in his home when the whole family and close friends are involved. This is one of the most "domestic" men of the zodiac sign Libra.


Pig-Libra-woman is cheerful, sociable, has a delicate refined taste. As a rule, such women devote a lot of time to their appearance. They are able to spend a lot of time in stores looking for the necessary things both for themselves and for the home interior. The Libra woman, born in the year of the Pig, will be able to prove herself well in the design field, as well as in the restaurant business. These are true aesthetes in everything from clothing to food. In a relationship with the opposite sex, such a woman is attractive and interesting, she has something to talk about, but, of course, she needs an appropriate companion. This woman needs the same amount of warmth and love that she gives to her partner.

The Libra Pig is an interesting and impressionable person, but who, like all Libra, is full of contradictions and internal conflicts.

year of the pig zodiac sign libra

Twice Pig. Makes large stocks.

Zodiac horoscope: Libra sign

The influence of Libra gives the Pig a sophistication. This is a talented, creative person, a dreamer who needs to make sure not to hang in the clouds all the time. Of all the Pigs, he is the most indecisive. Even placing an order at a Libra Pig restaurant can be an excruciating challenge.

The pig in Chinese astrology is probably the happiest and most generous symbol. Pig-Cancer men and women are lucky and sophisticated people, have good communication skills. These people are good at dressing tastefully, creative and understand beauty.

Libra Pig will always dress the best and is the most visible person among other people. They have a wonderful attention to detail, so they naturally feel when something looks good or bad. These people love to experiment with clothes and are always happy to try new styles and colors. They are also enthusiastic about home decor.

As a rule, they do not stop at personal clothing and home environment, they also have good taste in food, which makes them great chefs who are not afraid to improvise in the kitchen. They love to travel and taste food from other countries. They are wonderful hosts and enjoy cooking for home entertainment activities. They are always glad to have a company of guests, but only if they have time to prepare. They are not interested in unexpected visitors as they value their privacy.

These people always have a purpose in life. In personal relationships, they are looking for a person who will be loving and considerate like themselves. They believe in equality in relationships and will only be happy when they receive the same amount of warmth that they give themselves. It should be borne in mind that they need a lot of love.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that they have an overdeveloped need for balance and justice. These people do not hesitate to voice their opinions out loud if they feel injustice or imbalance. They are stubborn and don't give up their beliefs easily, which leads to stress. Fortunately, this weakness does not appear often in them.

The combination of the year of the boar (pig) and the zodiac sign Libra gives a sensitive and sentimental nature for which the environment is extremely important. Scales pigs cannot stand screams, disputes and disagreements and try to find a common language with everyone. Here, the diplomacy of the scales and the boar's desire not to offend anyone come into play.

The Libra boar is balanced and stable, but it is characterized by some passivity - it prefers to be led rather than lead. He is often attracted to art, but he manages to develop his abilities only if he comes across a suitable teacher.

The man of the sign Pig Libra certainly has ambitions, but he has a hard time on the path of building a career. He perceives all his weaknesses and shortcomings as vices, although some properties of his nature fall under this definition. The same is true for the fair sex: the scales are a pig woman. Libra boars know about all this and try to hide some of their manifestations from others, therefore, when communicating, they try to keep their distance and not reveal more than they should. However, all this is done with great difficulty. The open disposition of the pig scales contradicts the internal attitude to secrecy.

Libra, the boar is so afraid that someone will find out about his secret inclinations that even in love he retains a certain degree of alienation, despite being amorous. This makes him attractive to the opposite sex and creates a halo of mystery around him. He is affectionate and usually remains faithful to his partner. Both women and men of pig scales are able to be inspired by emotions and sublimate sexual energy into creative.

Libra born in the year of the Pig

In Chinese astrology, the Pig is perhaps the happiest and most generous symbol. Fortune favors the representatives of this sign. Both women and men, born under the sign of Libra, are sociable, talented, albeit dreamy, they constantly have to pull themselves up in order to focus on something, and not hover in the clouds. At the same time, they are very indecisive, it is painfully difficult for them to even decide on an order in a restaurant.

Libra, born in the year of the Pig, has a refined taste. They like to find beauty in everything. They love to dress with taste, while they often look very extravagant in order to stand out from the rest. Very often such people go on experiments in their own style, they want to try something new. They also show their enthusiasm when arranging their own home.

The representatives of these signs also have special preferences in food. They love to travel, and in every new country they try local cuisine. Improvisation is their middle name, they really enjoy cooking, so they make excellent cooks. They are hospitable people, their home is always open for family and friends. True, Libra should be warned about their visit in advance, since they value their free time very much, and they should have it to prepare for dinner or lunch.

These people always have some kind of purpose in life. As for personal relationships, here they are looking for warmth, attention and mutual all-consuming love. The ideal marriage for Pigs born under the sign of Libra will be one where equality reigns.

Born in the year of the Pig, Libra is sentimental and sensitive. They choose their surroundings carefully. They hate scandals, disagreements and disputes, they try to find a common language with everyone. In this they are helped by the inherent diplomacy of Libra and the Pig's unwillingness to offend someone.

These people are stable and level-headed, but they often show passivity, since it is easier for them to be led, rather than take leadership. Many representatives of these signs are fond of art, but they can fully develop their inclinations only with a good, and most importantly, suitable teacher.

These people have an incredibly heightened sense of justice. If they face an unfair attitude towards someone, they will definitely not remain silent, but will declare their protest publicly. Internal disharmony often leads people born in the year of the Pig to stress, so they try their best to avoid such conditions.

Representatives of both the strong and the weak half of humanity, born under the sign of Libra in the Year of the Pig, are very ambitious, but career growth is not easy for them. Their own shortcomings and weaknesses are perceived by them as vices, however, some features of their nature as a whole fall under a similar definition. Attempts to hide their negative manifestations lead to the fact that during communication such people have to keep a certain distance. To do this, they need a tremendous amount of effort, because in essence they are like "open books".

They show some alienation in personal relationships, even despite their amorousness. However, here it plays into their hands, since it creates a kind of mystery around Libra, which, in turn, attracts the opposite sex. As a rule, those born in the year of the Pig are loyal and attached to their partner. Emotions inspire them, they manage to direct their sexual energy into a creative channel.

Libra - Boar (pig): Characteristics

Libra Man - Pig

Libra-Pig man is a very ambitious, decisive and fair person. He does not hesitate to speak out on any occasion, showing his stubbornness.

This representative of the stronger sex has a huge number of ambitions, but because of his self-criticism, at first it is difficult for him to move up the career ladder.

In relations with women, Pig-Libra, a man is very courteous. He always strives for equality, so he always tries to make concessions to his soul mate.

Libra Woman - Pig

Pig-Libra is a woman with a very delicate taste, she is cheerful and sociable. Such persons pay attention to their appearance, constantly replenishing their wardrobe with new things.

Born in the Year of the Pig, the fairer sex boasts excellent organizational skills.

In relationships with men, she is mysterious and unpredictable, she loves to constantly surprise her with her antics. She needs a life partner who will be delighted with the vivid emotions that this woman gives.

Pig Libra. Combination of zodiac sign and year of birth

Pig Libra. Libra horoscope, born in the year of the Pig (Boar).

This Pig is courtesy itself. In any case, outwardly, the Pig-Libra makes the most favorable impression. This person physically cannot stand disputes and screams, any "tension" in relationships, difficult proceedings between people even little acquaintances.

Everything is clear - the Pig-Libra is always trying to establish contacts, smooth out any roughness in relationships and balance passions. Such a person really appreciates peace of mind and external comfort more than anything else. And this is not surprising, just enough to understand: Pig-Libra, reacting to external factors, feels accordingly. If there are squabbles and problems around, then the internal state of the Libra Pig will be depressing, painful. People with such a combination of signs are very susceptible to the "purity" of their environment.

Pig-Libra requires a careful attitude towards itself. They gravitate towards art, music and to develop their abilities they need a mentor - a teacher with a capital letter!

Given the psychological characteristics of the Libra Pig, it is not easy for them to realize themselves. It takes willpower, a clear plan of action. They have enough ambition and character - they just need a good organization. The Libra Pig is quite capable of coping with any task if it stops hiding its "flaws" and thinks about the opinions of others. As soon as the focus of perception of oneself and the surrounding world changes, a lot is improving in the lives of people with such a combination of signs.

The Libra Pig should not "get stuck" in its doubts and spend its energy on defense from people and situations. It is very desirable for her to open up and feel like a free person. Then any locks and doors will succumb, even to the most "forbidden" places ... These people are created for communication and joy!

In love, the Pig-Libra also behaves somewhat detached. She is afraid of being influenced by her partner and prefers to remain independent. Despite this behavior, the Libra Pig is a very loyal person who seeks stability. The Libra Pig is reluctant to change a close circle and strives for consistency in a relationship.

Pig Libra man.

For people sophisticated in astrology, such a combination of signs immediately suggests faithfulness. Indeed, it just so happens that in the life of Pig-Libra men there is a high risk of quickly succumbing to new feelings and being forgotten, however, not for a long time.

He understands very well what responsibility is and will never leave his family, carried away by the pursuit of another skirt. Yes, and in general, he is able to clearly separate his personal life from his family ... and will not allow anyone to interfere there.

In this situation, if it takes place, the partners of such a man have something to think about ...

Talking about the profession, the Pig-Libra man can best of all feel in creativity, in the field of communication of any kind. It is unlikely that he will be attracted by technical specialties and a strict lifelong daily routine. No need to torture yourself - look at your true needs!

Pig Libra woman.

For ladies, this combination of signs "gulba" in marriage is prohibited. The Pig-Libra woman will cease to respect herself if she allows something on the side, even in her thoughts. However, she will choose her husband very carefully, so that later she does not have to bite her elbows. This strict selection of her, in fact, can be a guarantee of a stable and more or less happy marriage.

She is affectionate and courteous, cheerful and dynamic. Surely an important part of her life will be occupied by work or rather work with the aim of going out - this motive is more to her taste. Yes, and the wording itself is not so important - the main thing is to feel pleasant and comfortable.

The Pig-Libra woman loves society and herself in society, she needs to feel beautiful, well-groomed, protected by her husband. She really appreciates marriage and any partnership! Difficulties in relationships can arise only due to excessive emotionality and eternal doubts.

Chinese horoscope for a woman: what awaits a Libra woman born in the year of the boar?

For women born under this sign, beauty, unity and harmony are priorities. Thanks to this combination, the Pig-Libra woman has generosity and calmness, she is always in the spotlight. Libra-Pig woman has no enemies and easily finds a common language with others, using her success and popularity. Libra balances the Pig, adding grace and elegance to the sign.

The planet is the patron saint of Libra is Venus, which endows this sign with tenderness, benevolence and dreaminess. The Libra woman has a principled position, from which she will not retreat under any circumstances. This is especially pronounced when a strong-willed person is absent from the Libra woman. In a more supportive situation, the principled positions in which strength of character is manifested are less pronounced. Very often, as astrologers say, such women are endowed with a cold and masculine mind, rigidity and prudence. This explains a lot, since the representatives of this sign do not like to sit on the neck of their beloved. They tend to be earners, more precisely, careerists.

The boar is not inferior to Libra in its characteristics. People born in the year of the Pig can be relied upon and trusted. They will not look for opportunities to cheat or betray. The Pig woman treats with respect and benevolence towards people who have won her personal sympathy. The Pig woman is completely devoted to her chosen profession, she is a very conscientious worker. She can rightfully be considered a workaholic, because in order not to need anything, she will work hard and achieve her goal, even if it takes a lot of effort.

In the above characteristics, the sign of Libra for women born in the year of the Pig has many surprising criteria. The combination of the Year of the Pig and the sign of Libra creates sentimental, sensitive and gentle natures, for whom their environment is an important aspect. Together, they do not like loud festivities, shouts, noisy companies, they always try to get around disputes and quarrels that have arisen.

Women born under this combination are not afraid to express their opinion, especially when it comes to injustice and dishonesty. In all situations, they try to maintain a friendly relationship. This is a Libra character trait - to maintain diplomacy, and the Pig's will is not to offend anyone.

Many people born under the zodiac of Libra in the year of the Pig confirm some hesitation of the constellation. They can dwell on their own dreams without starting to realize them. They are, of course, dreamy natures, but they will not soar in the clouds too much.

Pig-Libra try to surround themselves with positive emotions. If there is swearing and screaming around, then the state of mind will tend to be more depressed and there is a likelihood of withdrawing into oneself. To achieve serenity, such people often turn to music, art, and theater. Women devote a lot of time to those around them, but they also require careful attention to themselves.

It is this combination that will tell you that Pig-Libra women value and love freedom. They are open people who love communication and joy. But given their nature, it is very difficult for them to realize themselves in any areas. Therefore, they are always on the lookout for a patron to rely on for help.

That is why it is such people who always have a goal in life, and as for issues related to the love sphere, they are looking for a loving and quivering person. They really need a lot of warmth and love. In a love relationship, the dear spouse becomes the main figure, but it is this woman who will become the decoration and pride of her husband.

As for the children, the wisdom of this constellation for the upbringing of its child is great. The woman treats this process very reverently and fairly, without applying undeserved punishments. Yes, she is strict, but at the same time, gentle and caring, instills good manners and upbringing.

According to the Chinese horoscope, it is believed that the Pig is a happy and creative person, but also a very generous sign. It is Libra that adds sophistication to the Pig. Especially these representatives love to experiment, and also always try to be in the spotlight. They are flattered by the attention, which, meanwhile, is well deserved.

According to astrologers, having such a woman in friends or among close relatives is a big plus: she will always be interested in life events, will take part in all matters and will give a helping hand in difficult life situations. This is a reliable and loyal friend. Non-standard and successful solutions to various problems are the real trump card of the Libra-Pig woman.

A woman who was born in the year of the Pig under the constellation Libra will constantly differ from others in sophistication and stand out among the fair sex. She has a well-developed sense of beauty and close attention to detail. For this, the patron planet is to be thanked. With such data, such women make excellent models and successful actresses.

Irina Vorontsova

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Libra year of the pig man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

According to the horoscope, Libra-Pig (Boar) is an exquisite and creative nature. These people are naturally talented, so they show their fantasies in all areas of life. Sometimes they float in their dreams, which makes it difficult for them to focus.

A feature in their character can be called the fact that Libra-Pigs are too straightforward. They speak the truth in person, without thinking about the consequences. It's good that this does not happen to them often.

Although, due to its mystery, Libra-Pig (Boar) attracts representatives of the opposite sex. By nature, such people quickly become attached to their partner and remain faithful to him. They express emotions vividly and do not hide their pronounced sexuality.

Horoscope for combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other signs of the zodiac with oriental signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Libra born in the year of the Pig

In Chinese astrology, the Pig is perhaps the happiest and most generous symbol. Fortune favors the representatives of this sign. Both women and men, born under the sign of Libra, are sociable, talented, albeit dreamy, they constantly have to pull themselves up in order to focus on something, and not hover in the clouds. At the same time, they are very indecisive, it is painfully difficult for them to even decide on an order in a restaurant.

Libra, born in the year of the Pig, has a refined taste. They like to find beauty in everything. They love to dress with taste, while they often look very extravagant in order to stand out from the rest. Very often such people go on experiments in their own style, they want to try something new. They also show their enthusiasm when arranging their own home.

The representatives of these signs also have special preferences in food. They love to travel, and in every new country they try local cuisine. Improvisation is their middle name, they really enjoy cooking, so they make excellent cooks. They are hospitable people, their home is always open for family and friends. True, Libra should be warned about their visit in advance, since they value their free time very much, and they should have it to prepare for dinner or lunch.

These people always have some kind of purpose in life. As for personal relationships, here they are looking for warmth, attention and mutual all-consuming love. The ideal marriage for Pigs born under the sign of Libra will be one where equality reigns.

Born in the year of the Pig, Libra is sentimental and sensitive. They choose their surroundings carefully. They hate scandals, disagreements and disputes, they try to find a common language with everyone. In this they are helped by the inherent diplomacy of Libra and the Pig's unwillingness to offend someone.

These people are stable and level-headed, but they often show passivity, since it is easier for them to be led, rather than take leadership. Many representatives of these signs are fond of art, but they can fully develop their inclinations only with a good, and most importantly, suitable teacher.

These people have an incredibly heightened sense of justice. If they face an unfair attitude towards someone, they will definitely not remain silent, but will declare their protest publicly. Internal disharmony often leads people born in the year of the Pig to stress, so they try their best to avoid such conditions.

Representatives of both the strong and the weak half of humanity, born under the sign of Libra in the Year of the Pig, are very ambitious, but career growth is not easy for them. Their own shortcomings and weaknesses are perceived by them as vices, however, some features of their nature as a whole fall under a similar definition. Attempts to hide their negative manifestations lead to the fact that during communication such people have to keep a certain distance. To do this, they need a tremendous amount of effort, because in essence they are like "open books".

They show some alienation in personal relationships, even despite their amorousness. However, here it plays into their hands, since it creates a kind of mystery around Libra, which, in turn, attracts the opposite sex. As a rule, those born in the year of the Pig are loyal and attached to their partner. Emotions inspire them, they manage to direct their sexual energy into a creative channel.

Libra-Pig man: characteristics of the sign

This combination in the horoscope personifies generosity, love of life and creativity. Representatives of this type give others joy and are often in a good mood themselves. Libra-Pig men sometimes see the world illusory, not noticing important features in it. They value aesthetics, strive to create comfortable conditions for themselves and even those who are nearby. The assessment of others is important for such people and they are ready to work on themselves in order to hear flattering words addressed to them.

Personality traits of a Libra man in the year of the Pig

Libra-Pig men are sociable, hospitable. They easily find a common language with others. In their work, they value the combination of a calm environment and decent wages. Such people are quite patient, but ready to put the interlocutor in place, if required. They always have goals in life, they love to benefit from everything.

Libra male character of the Year of the Pig

Representatives of this type are susceptible to injustice: they get upset when unreasonable claims are made against them. Libra-Pig men are ambitious, but they find it difficult to overcome difficulties. They have poorly expressed leadership qualities. Such people are self-critical, they strive for perfection. They have a calm disposition and prefer to avoid conflicts.

The personal life of a Libra-Pig man

Libra-Pig men need attention and care. They reciprocate warm feelings. It is easy to negotiate with such a partner, he is compliant and polite. In marriage, it allows a woman to take the initiative, but in some issues the main word remains with him. Family and self-realization are equally important for him, he knows how to allocate his time wisely between personal relationships and social obligations.

Pig man (Boar)

Years of birth according to the sign Pig (Boar) -1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Pig (Boar) man - personality trait

The Year of the Pig (Boar) completes the 12-year oriental cycle, so a man born in this year absorbs both all the advantages and disadvantages inherent in all 12 signs.

Pig Man (Boar) is the most honest and decent sign of the entire eastern horoscope. He is very conservative in his views and is hard to accept the latest technologies of the modern world. A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is also called a symbol of the passing time, because he is already born with many outdated views.

The Pig Man (Boar), like the Dog man, is a champion of injustice, and any injustice is the most severe crime that requires punishment. True, the Pig man (Boar), unlike the Dog man, has a kind and easy-going heart. He quickly forgives people for their mistakes, as he believes in the best and always tries to see only positive sides in everything, and people - kind and good. You can even say that he idealizes people and ascribes positive qualities to them, which in fact do not exist. He is naive, trusting and endowed with the rarest virtue in our time - compassion and empathy. Therefore, he is not capable of harsh conclusions and condemnation. He also avoids disputes, conflicts and tries to give in and please everyone. He often compromises, which is why many consider him weak and unprincipled. He himself often suffers from this, since his tolerance and patience lead him to delusions. He can provide shelter and food to a dangerous criminal, or, naively, he himself gets involved in a dangerous business.

Another trait inherent in the Pig man (Boar) is sensuality. He is sensitive both in relationships with people and to food. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, the Pig man (Boar) needs to avoid "bad companies", since he can very easily become addicted to both drinking and drugs. And being a very gambling person, he can leave all his fortune in the casino.

Most men born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are sociable, cheerful and love to be in society, but not in order to shine, as male Roosters or Dogs do, but in order to enjoy the brilliance of others or bask in the glory of their friend ... The Pig Man (Boar), with a large crowd of people, is laconic and tries to keep aloof, but when communicating "face to face" manifests himself as an interesting and versatile interlocutor. He is much more cultured and smarter than he seems, but he himself does not know this and thinks that other people are much more educated than him. Such a sign is always a pleasant guest, the soul of the company, it is the best employee and friend, interlocutor. For him, no problems are terrible, and various cataclysms for him are little things in life.

The Pig Man (Pig), before making any decision, carefully weighs all the pros and cons. He often thinks that other people will perform a particular task better than him, so he rarely takes the initiative in his own hands and tries to rely on other people in everything. Because of this, many friends of the Pig (Boar) man sincerely believe that he is not adapted to life and cannot survive without outside help. However, this is not the case. A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is quite a strong and independent person, and understands many things better than anyone else.

The Pig Man (Boar) is an excellent listener and comforter. He will do everything possible to help a person in trouble, and, if necessary, will connect his acquaintances. Many men born this year consider it their mission to be an ascetic of charity, to engage in selfless charitable work for the benefit of their environment. In addition, the male Pig (Boar) has a strong sense of inner tact. He will never step on a "sore corn" and "will not pour salt on the wound", will not allow sarcasm, criticism, because he firmly believes in the possibility of evolution of each person and does not finish the lying one. It is worth noting that the Pig (Pig) man himself never asks for help, because he considers this a manifestation of weakness. He can even hide his disastrous financial situation from his family, in order not to hurt their soul. If he has problems in the family, then no one around him will guess about his feelings.

The Pig Man (Pig) is a representative of the eastern horoscope, which truly amazes with its positive qualities. Decency, openness and transparency of intentions always put him in a favorable light, both in front of employers and in front of the fair sex. The Pig Man (Boar) is definitely a strong personality. He has great inner strength and is a powerful energy donor. You can even say that he is a kind of health guarantor for family and friends. And this often becomes the cause of the diseases of the male Pig (Boar) himself, since he, without saving, spends his energy on the needs of others.

Man of the Year Pig (Boar) - career

A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) understands that well-being and prosperity can only be achieved by his own labor. And he works hard, investing in everything he does, all his strength, energy and soul. He is not afraid of difficult tasks, takes on a lot, and, as a rule, achieves the intended goals. The Pig Man (Pig) always knows what he wants and gets what he wants in full, because he is not used to dreaming of "heavenly cakes." True, before making a decision, he hesitates for a long time, weighing all his pros and cons.

In the team, he is appreciated as a hardworking, honest and responsible employee, respected for his reliability and straightforwardness. He has a peaceful and balanced character, thanks to which he becomes a “favorite” among colleagues. Many turn to him for help, since he never refuses to anyone and even gives up personal affairs just to help a friend. True, he himself never asks for advice or help, since he considers this to be a manifestation of weakness.

The Pig man (Boar) has tremendous willpower and independence of character, and these traits help him go through his far from cloudless life path. The area of ​​professional interests of a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) lies in the field of finance, jurisprudence, and the humanities. In general, he will be able to find himself in any business, as long as it is connected either with the search for truth, or with ensuring his financial independence. It is worth noting that the family of the male Pig (Boar) plays an important role in making money. The fact is that he can work effectively only if he has a good rear. This gives him additional strength, since it is important for him that any of him and his children do not need anything.

Many men born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are able to take a leadership position, but in order to become a real leader or make a dizzying career, he lacks ambition and determination. He also has a hard time compromising his conscience. Dexterity, cunning, behind-the-scenes games, self-promotion are alien to him, and he tries to make his career as much as possible with clean hands. But if a career does not require transactions with conscience, then he achieves major success in his professional activity as quickly as possible and with minimal energy consumption. It is also worth noting that the Pig (Boar) man is especially effective when circumstances drive him into a corner, or they put a very rigid framework in front of him. Therefore, the male Pig (Boar) needs to artificially create barriers or restrictions so that he does not have the opportunity to relax and enjoy life too much. The fact is that a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) is naturally a little lazy and inhibited. For professional success, he must be constantly nudged, teased, and even punished. And it is precisely this tactic that will help him develop ambition and more actively take up work. Of course, upbringing also plays an important role here. If a Pig man (Boar) has been taught to work since childhood and is not afraid of difficulties, then it will be easier for him in his professional life. Also, it is worth noting that failures and job changes affect the Pig (Boar) man like a saving rain during a summer drought. They help him to bring all the accumulated experience and knowledge to a higher new level.

Often, fate sends the Pig man (Boar) various conflicts and the most difficult partners. Thanks to this, he does not withdraw into himself, ceases to be so gullible and, in spite of everything, goes to his goal and achieves his goal. And, as a rule, after all the trials and scrapes, he has everything that almost every man dreams of, regardless of what sign of the eastern horoscope he was born under - money, fame and success.

In the chair of the chief, the male Pig (Boar) behaves actively and energetically. A distinctive feature is that he is very accessible to his employees, and, moreover, he himself is keenly interested in their opinion on this or that occasion. He is respected because he will always understand and tolerate any problem, and if the need arises, he will help. Moreover, he does not distinguish himself from the team and very often performs any work along with his subordinates. He forgives a lot of his employees, but he expects the same attitude from them.

The Pig Man (Boar) is a conservative in everything, including at work. This, of course, is a minus. He hesitates to introduce new equipment or modern technologies into his production, which naturally postpones his success. For professional success and growth, a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) needs partners born in the years of the Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Rooster or Rat. They will help him keep up with the times and make innovative decisions faster.

Horoscope man Pig (Boar) - love and family

A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) attracts women like a magnet. And no wonder. After all, he is the most gallant, he is a courteous gentleman from the entire eastern horoscope. He is a sensitive, compassionate person. On his shoulder, you can cry out all your problems, while never condemning, and will not criticize.

This man has enough energy to create a strong and close-knit family. He does not show despotism, rarely raises his voice, and conquers with his tenderness. No woman can resist this charming man. He is a gentle lover and a delightful partner. He tends to idealize everything, including his spouse, so he often lives in his imaginary beautiful world.

In love, as in life, the Pig man (Pig) captivates with his honesty and sincerity. He does not cheat, does not dissemble, does not maintain a relationship for the sake of any benefit. If he is in love, he speaks about it openly. In a love relationship, he always strives to create a family, a lasting union. His reserves of tenderness and warmth are simply enormous, and the instinct for protection and care is very developed. He is happy to take care of someone, and even more than that, he needs to have a person next to whom he could give his love.

A man born in the year of the Pig (Boar) in women and in relationships appreciates, first of all, sincerity. Naturally, he expects the same from the woman of his dreams.

And the ideal woman for the Pig (Boar) man is a modest, honest woman, with a pronounced maternal instinct. Careerists and women who value personal freedom are not attracted to him. Also, he will not allow a woman to be manipulated. Despite his gentleness and complaisance, he and only he can be the head of the family. For a Pig (Boar) man, it is important that his woman is well-groomed and beautiful, because he needs to show off to her in front of his friends and colleagues. What to do, such is his character.

For the sake of his family, a Pig man (Boar) is ready for a lot, even for self-sacrifice. In general, everything this man does is for the good of the family. With a good rear, he is even able to achieve very good material well-being. He takes pleasure in presenting his beloved with expensive gifts and making various pleasant surprises. Next to this man, a woman will always feel safe, because he can stand up for the family and protect her from all troubles.

To conquer the heart of a Pig (Boar) man, it is important to pay attention to him and remember that he loves out-of-town vacations and delicious food. Therefore, women who believe that the way to a man's heart lies through his stomach are absolutely right in this case. Also, the romantic atmosphere in everything that surrounds him is important to him. Therefore, a captivating smile, soft neckline, bewitching eyes, candlelight dinner - all this will not leave indifferent a man born in the year of the Pig (Boar).

The Pig Man (Pig) does not like to break off relations and he does his best to save the family, even if there has been no love there for a long time. For the sake of preserving the family, he is ready to adapt, to compromise, and spares no effort or energy. And if he turns out to be abandoned, then he suffers so much and noticeably that women immediately turn out to be next to him who want to console him and take advantage of the situation in order to get closer to him.

It is worth noting that the Pig (Boar) man loves his wife with a rather possessive love, and is afraid that no one would steal the main treasure of his life. Therefore, sometimes he becomes so jealous that he arranges scenes and scandals from scratch.

But in everyday life together, the male Pig (Boar) is basically an affectionate, attentive, caring, patient and also very hardworking partner. He is a good owner and can do a lot in his house with his own hands, whether it is major repairs or furniture restoration.

Of course, the Pig (Pig) man has his drawbacks, but according to the eastern horoscope, he is one of the best marital partners for most women.

Libra - Boar (pig): Characteristics

Libra Man - Pig

Libra-Pig man is a very ambitious, decisive and fair person. He does not hesitate to speak out on any occasion, showing his stubbornness.

This representative of the stronger sex has a huge number of ambitions, but because of his self-criticism, at first it is difficult for him to move up the career ladder.

In relations with women, Pig-Libra, a man is very courteous. He always strives for equality, so he always tries to make concessions to his soul mate.

Libra Woman - Pig

Pig-Libra is a woman with a very delicate taste, she is cheerful and sociable. Such persons pay attention to their appearance, constantly replenishing their wardrobe with new things.

Born in the Year of the Pig, the fairer sex boasts excellent organizational skills.

In relationships with men, she is mysterious and unpredictable, she loves to constantly surprise her with her antics. She needs a life partner who will be delighted with the vivid emotions that this woman gives.

Pig Libra. Combination of zodiac sign and year of birth

Pig Libra. Libra horoscope, born in the year of the Pig (Boar).

This Pig is courtesy itself. In any case, outwardly, the Pig-Libra makes the most favorable impression. This person physically cannot stand disputes and screams, any "tension" in relationships, difficult proceedings between people even little acquaintances.

Everything is clear - the Pig-Libra is always trying to establish contacts, smooth out any roughness in relationships and balance passions. Such a person really appreciates peace of mind and external comfort more than anything else. And this is not surprising, just enough to understand: Pig-Libra, reacting to external factors, feels accordingly. If there are squabbles and problems around, then the internal state of the Libra Pig will be depressing, painful. People with such a combination of signs are very susceptible to the "purity" of their environment.

Pig-Libra requires a careful attitude towards itself. They gravitate towards art, music and to develop their abilities they need a mentor - a teacher with a capital letter!

Given the psychological characteristics of the Libra Pig, it is not easy for them to realize themselves. It takes willpower, a clear plan of action. They have enough ambition and character - they just need a good organization. The Libra Pig is quite capable of coping with any task if it stops hiding its "flaws" and thinks about the opinions of others. As soon as the focus of perception of oneself and the surrounding world changes, a lot is improving in the lives of people with such a combination of signs.

The Libra Pig should not "get stuck" in its doubts and spend its energy on defense from people and situations. It is very desirable for her to open up and feel like a free person. Then any locks and doors will succumb, even to the most "forbidden" places ... These people are created for communication and joy!

In love, the Pig-Libra also behaves somewhat detached. She is afraid of being influenced by her partner and prefers to remain independent. Despite this behavior, the Libra Pig is a very loyal person who seeks stability. The Libra Pig is reluctant to change a close circle and strives for consistency in a relationship.

Pig Libra man.

For people sophisticated in astrology, such a combination of signs immediately suggests faithfulness. Indeed, it just so happens that in the life of Pig-Libra men there is a high risk of quickly succumbing to new feelings and being forgotten, however, not for a long time.

He understands very well what responsibility is and will never leave his family, carried away by the pursuit of another skirt. Yes, and in general, he is able to clearly separate his personal life from his family ... and will not allow anyone to interfere there.

In this situation, if it takes place, the partners of such a man have something to think about ...

Talking about the profession, the Pig-Libra man can best of all feel in creativity, in the field of communication of any kind. It is unlikely that he will be attracted by technical specialties and a strict lifelong daily routine. No need to torture yourself - look at your true needs!

Pig Libra woman.

For ladies, this combination of signs "gulba" in marriage is prohibited. The Pig-Libra woman will cease to respect herself if she allows something on the side, even in her thoughts. However, she will choose her husband very carefully, so that later she does not have to bite her elbows. This strict selection of her, in fact, can be a guarantee of a stable and more or less happy marriage.

She is affectionate and courteous, cheerful and dynamic. Surely an important part of her life will be occupied by work or rather work with the aim of going out - this motive is more to her taste. Yes, and the wording itself is not so important - the main thing is to feel pleasant and comfortable.

A good example of Olympic calmness is any person born under a combination of the signs of the Zodiacal and Eastern horoscopes Libra-Pig. It is almost impossible to drag him into a stormy showdown, but not because he is an impenetrable cynic. By no means, the representatives of these signs are very sentimental and sensitive people. They just think that their lot is the struggle for peace.

In a turbulent environment, they lose their peace of mind, so they try to avoid any sharp corners, and, often, follow the path of least resistance. Libra-Pig is also very worried about what others think of her, and it often happens that internal complexes do not allow representatives of such a combination to fully reveal their talents. This can be verified by observing living examples, or by opening any Pig-Libra horoscope.

In a love relationship, Libra-Pig behaves with restraint, and sometimes it seems that it will be very difficult to reveal this person. As a rule, this is due to the fear of the Libra Pig of being completely dependent on his partner, although this contradicts their desire to create family consistency.

Be that as it may, the Pig-Libra woman is not greedy for spiritual revelations, and because of this it is not clear what is on her mind. However, it is this halo of mystery that attracts many fans to her. And for those who still want to get to the bottom of the matter, it is recommended to be patient - the Pig-Libra is a wonderful partner, distinguished by enviable constancy, and after years, she will undoubtedly open her soul to the second half.

The Pig-Libra man is an excellent diplomat, however, representatives of this sign rarely occupy leading positions in their work. The main reason for this is a certain slowness, lack of initiative, fear of decisive action and excessive self-criticism inherent in the Libra Pig. Among people born in such a combination of signs, there are many creative individuals who achieve success by revealing their talent.

The Pig-Libra compatibility horoscope claims that an alliance with Aries, Gemini, Taurus, Scorpio and Libra is unlikely, but if there are compromises on the part of both partners, it is possible. Too much disagreement makes the Libra-Pig relationship impossible with Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. But Sagittarius, Aquarius and Leo will be a great addition in such a pair with mutual interests and high spiritual and intellectual closeness, where Libra, born in the year of the Pig, will feel truly comfortable.

To gain the trust of a Libra-Pig partner requires a quiet, calm home atmosphere, avoiding heated discussions and pressure in order to find out what is on his mind.

Of course, it is difficult to understand what feelings overwhelm a partner, but if the mood of the Libra Pig began to change, like the weather in autumn, then you can be sure - she fell in love. But regardless of the stage of the relationship, you should continue to pour compliments, praises and pay attention to your partner - this will help him cope with complexes and weaknesses. And constant care and interest in business will help even the most gloomy silent person open up. Well, and such a cute creature as the Pig-Libra, and even more so!