Mrdel Contribution to Biology. Presentation to the lesson on biology on the topic: biographies of biologists scientists

Being a monk, Mendel gladly led classes on physics and mathematics at the school of the nearby town of Tsnaym, but the state exam was not held on the teacher's certification. Seeing his passion for knowledge and high intellectual abilities, the abbot of the monastery sent him to continue learning to the University of Vienna, where four semesters were held as the equipper, visiting seminars and courses in mathematics and natural sciences, in particular, the course of the famous Physics K. Doppler. Good physico-mathematical preparation helped Mende later in the formulation of the laws of inheritance.

Hard years of exercises

Johann was born a second child in the peasant family of mixed German-Slavic origin and medium wealth, Anton and Rosina Mendel. In 1840, Mentel graduated from six classes of gymnasium in Troppau (now Opawa) and in next year Entered the philosophical classes at the University in Olmyuts (now Olomouc). However, the financial situation of the family has deteriorated during these years, and from 16 years old Mendel himself had to take care of his impregnation. Without being able to constantly make such tension, the Mendel at the end of the philosophical classes, in October 1843, entered the novice to the Brynkin Monastery (where he received the new name Gregor). There he found patronage and financial support for further learning. In 1847, Mendel was dedicated to the San of the Priest. At the same time since 1845, he studied in the Brynna theological school for 4 years. Augustinian monastery of St. Foma was the center of the scientific and cultural life of Moravia. In addition to the rich library, he had a collection of minerals, an experienced kindergarten and herbarium. The monastery patronized school education in the region.


Being a monk, Mendel gladly led classes on physics and mathematics at the school of the nearby town of Tsnaym, but the state exam was not held on the teacher's certification. Seeing his passion for knowledge and high intellectual abilities, the abbot of the monastery sent him to continue learning to the University of Vienna, where four semesters were held as the equipper, visiting seminars and courses in mathematics and natural sciences, in particular, the course of the famous Physics K. Doppler. Good physico-mathematical preparation helped Mende later in the formulation of the laws of inheritance. Returning to Brynn, Mendel continued his teaching (he taught physics and environmental education in a real school), but the second attempt to undergo a teacher's certification was unsuccessful.

Experiments on pea hybrids

Since 1856, Mendel began to spend well-thought-out extensive experiments on plant crossing (primarily among the carefully selected varieties of pea) in the monastic kindergarten) (primarily among thoroughly selected pea varieties) and clarify the patterns of inheritance in the offspring of hybrids. In 1863, he graduated from experiments and in 1865 at two meetings of the Bunnian society of natural resources reported the results of their work. In 1866, his article "Experiments on plant hybrids" was published in the works of the Company, which laid the foundations of genetics as independent science. This is a rare event in the history of knowledge, when one article marks the birth of a new scientific discipline. Why is it possible to count so?

Works on the hybridization of plants and the study of the inheritance of signs in the offspring of hybrids were held decades to Mendel in different countries and breeders, and botany. The facts of dominance, splitting and combining signs were noticed and described, especially in the experiments of the French nerd sh. Noden. Even Darwin, crossing the varieties of lion's mouth, excellent in the structure of the flower, received in the second generation the ratio of forms close to the famous Mendeleevsky splitting 3: 1, but saw in this only the "capricious game of heredity forces". The variety of types taken in experiments and plants increased the number of statements, but reduced their validity. The meaning or "soul of facts" (the expression of Henri Poincare) remained to Mendel foggy.

A completely different consequences flowed out of the seven-year work of Mendel, according to the right component of the foundation of genetics. First, he created the scientific principles of the description and research of hybrids and their offspring (what forms to take into crossing, how to analyze in the first and second generation). Mendel developed and applied algebraic system Symbols and signs of signs, which was an important conceptual innovation. Secondly, Mendel formulated two basic principles, or the law of inheritance of signs in a number of generations, allowing to make predictions. Finally, the Mendel in an implicit form expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bdiscreteness and binarity of hereditary deposits: each sign is controlled by the maternal and paternal pair of deposits (or genes, as they began to call them), which through parental sex cells are transmitted to hybrids and do not disappear anywhere. The settings of the signs do not affect each other, but differ in the formation of genital cells and then are freely combined in the descendants (the laws of splitting and combining signs). Pawn of deposits, paired chromosomes, double DNA spiral is a logical consequence and a main path of development of the 20th century genetics based on Mendel's ideas.

Great discoveries are often not immediately recognized.

Although the works of society, where the Mendel's article was published, received in 120 scientific libraries, and Mendel additionally sent 40 outtrets, his work had only one benevolent response - from K. Nemeli, Professor Botany from Munich. Nemeli himself engaged in hybridization, introduced the term "modification" and put forward a speculative theory of heredity. However, he doubted that the laws identified on the pea was universal and advised to repeat the experiments on other species. Mendel respectfully agreed with this. But his attempt to repeat on a hustrian, with which the Nemeli worked, the results obtained on the peas turned out to be unsuccessful. Only decades later it became clear why. The seeds at the hawk are formed parthenogenetically, without the participation of sexual reproduction. Other exceptions were observed from Mendel principles, who found the interpretation much later. This partially the reason for the cold reception of his work. Starting from 1900, after almost simultaneous publication of articles of the three nerds - H. de Frise, K. Korrens and E. Chermaka Zeisengga, independently confirmed by Mendel's data by their own experiments, an instantaneous explosion of his work occurred. 1900 is considered a year of birth of genetics.

Around the paradoxical fate of the discovery and requesting of Mendel's laws was created by a beautiful myth that his work remained completely unknown and only by chance and independently, after 35 years, three rearders came across. In fact, Mendel's work quoted about 15 times in a summary of herbal hybrids 1881, nerds knew about her. Moreover, as it turned out recently, when analyzing the working notebooks K. Korrens, he even in 1896 read the article Mendel and even made her abstract, but did not understand her deep meaning at that time and forgot.

The style of experiments and the presentation of the results in the classical article Mendel makes a very likely suggestion to which in 1936 English mathematical statistics and geneticist R. E. Fisher: Mendel first intuitively penetrated into the "soul of facts" and then planned the series perennial experiments So that his illuminating idea is revealed in the best way. The beauty and severity of the numerical relations of forms during the splitting (3: 1 or 9: 3: 3: 1), harmony, which was able to lay the chaos of facts in the field of hereditary variability, the ability to make predictions - all this internally convinced Mendel in the universal nature of them found on peas of laws. It remained to convince the scientific community. But this task is just as difficult, how the discovery itself. After all, knowledge of the facts does not mean their understanding. A major discovery is always associated with personal knowledge, sensations of beauty and integrity based on intuitive and emotional components. This extra-term kind of knowledge convey to other people is difficult, for for their part, efforts are needed and the same intuition.

The fate of the opening of Mendel - a delay of 35 years between the very fact of discovery and his recognition in the community is not a paradox, but rather the norm in science. So, 100 years after Mendel, already during the heyday of genetics, such a fate of non-recognition for 25 years has suffered the discovery of B. Mak clints of mobile genetic elements. And this is despite the fact that it, unlike Mendel, was the time of his opening highly authoritative scientists and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences.

In 1868, Mendel was elected the abbot of the monastery and practically moved away from scientific training. His archive survived notes on meteorology, beekeeping, linguistics. At the site of the monastery in Brno now, the Mendel Museum was created; A special magazine "Folia Mendeliana" is published.

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, in 1822, in the Austrian Moravia, in the village of Hanzeldorf, a boy was born in the peasant family. He was the second child in the family. At birth, he was called Johann, the surname of the father of Bala Mendel.

It was not easy, the child was not injured. Since childhood, Johann got used to peasant labor and loved him, in particular gardening and beekeeping. How to use him skills acquired in childhood.

Outstanding abilities showed out the boy early. Mendel was 11 years old when he was transferred from the village school to a four-year school of the nearest town. He immediately showed himself and after a year he was in the gymnasium, in the city of Opava.

Paying for study and keep your son to parents was difficult. And then I was still hit by the family, the father was seriously injured - a log fell on his chest. In 1840, Johann graduated from the gymnasium and in parallel - the school of candidates for the teacher. In 1840, Mentel graduated from six classes of gymnasium in Troppau (now Opawa) and next year he entered the philosophical classes at the University in Olmyuts (now Olomouc). However, the financial situation of the family has deteriorated during these years, and from 16 years old Mendel himself had to take care of his impregnation. Without being able to constantly make such tension, the Mendel at the end of the philosophical classes, in October 1843, entered the novice to the Brynkin Monastery (where he received the new name Gregor). There he found patronage and financial support for further learning. In 1847, Mendel was dedicated to the San of the Priest. At the same time since 1845, he studied in the Brynna theological school for 4 years. Augustinian monastery of St. Foma was the center of the scientific and cultural life of Moravia. In addition to the rich library, he had a collection of minerals, an experienced kindergarten and herbarium. The monastery patronized school education in the region.

Despite difficulties, Mendel continues to study. Now in philosophical classes in the city of Ollomuz. Here, not only philosophy, but also mathematics, physics - subjects, without which Mendel, a biologist in the soul, did not think of his future life. Biology and mathematics! Nowadays, this combination is inextricably, but in the 19th century it seemed ridiculous. It was Mendel was the first to continue in biology a wide range for mathematical methods.

He continues to learn, but life is hard, and here are the days when Mendel's own recognition, "further to carry such tension is not under power." And then the turning point comes in his life: Mendel becomes a monk. He does not hide the reasons that pushed him into this step. In the autobiography writes: "It turned out to be forced to take a position that frees from care for feeding." Isn't it frankly? And with no word about religion, God. Increased thrust for science, striving for knowledge, and not at all commitment to the religious doctrine led Mendel to the monastery. He was 21 years old. Run to the monks in the sign of deregistration from the world took a new name. Johann became Gregor.

There was a period when he was made by the priest. Almost a short period. Consider suffering, equipped on the last path of dying. Not really - I liked Mendel. And he does everything to get rid of unpleasant duties.

Other business teaches. Being a monk, Mendel gladly led classes on physics and mathematics at the school of the nearby town of Tsnaym, but the state exam was not held on the teacher's certification. Seeing his passion for knowledge and high intellectual abilities, the abbot of the monastery sent him to continue learning to the University of Vienna, where four semesters were held as the equipper, visiting seminars and courses in mathematics and natural sciences, in particular, the course of the famous Physics K. Doppler. Good physico-mathematical preparation helped Mende later in the formulation of the laws of inheritance. Returning to Brynn, Mendel continued his teaching (he taught physics and environmental education in a real school), but the second attempt to undergo a teacher's certification was unsuccessful.

Interestingly, Mendel donated the exam for the title of teacher twice and ... dropped twice! But he was an educated person. There is nothing to talk about biology, the classic of which Mendel soon became, he was a high-pressure mathematician, he loved physics very much and knew her perfectly.

The failures at the exams did not interfere with his teaching activities. In the urban school, Brno Mendel-Teachers really appreciated. And he taught, not having a diploma.

In the life of Mendel there were years when he turned into a recluse. But he didn't bow the knee before the icons, and ... before the beds with peas. Since 1856, Mendel began to spend well-thought-out extensive experiments on plant crossing (primarily among the carefully selected varieties of pea) in the monastic kindergarten) (primarily among thoroughly selected pea varieties) and clarify the patterns of inheritance in the offspring of hybrids. In 1863, he graduated from experiments and in 1865 at two meetings of the Bunnian society of natural resources reported the results of their work. In the morning and until the evening he worked in a small monastic garden. Here from 1854 to 1863 held the mendel his classic experiments, the results of which were not outdated to this day. His scientific success of the city of Lenel is also unusually a good choice object of research. In total, in the four-generations of pea, he examined 20 thousand descendants.

For about 10 years, there were experiments on the crossing of pea. Every spring Mendel planted the plants on his site. The report "Experiments on plant hybrids", which was read by Brunetse naturalists in 1865, turned out to be a surprise even for friends.

Peas was convenient for various considerations. The offspring of this plant has a number of clearly distinguishable signs - green or yellow cotyledons, smooth or, on the contrary, wrinkled seeds, swollen or pulled beans, a long or short stem axis of inflorescences and so on. There were no transitional, halm "lubricated" signs. Whenever you could confidently say "yes" or "no", "or - or", deal with an alternative. Therefore, it was not necessary to challenge the conclusions of Mendel to doubt them. And all the provisions of Mendel's theory already were no longer disproved and became part of the Gold Foundation of Science.

In 1866, his article "Experiments on plant hybrids" was published in the works of the Company, which laid the foundations of genetics as independent science. This is a rare event in the history of knowledge, when one article marks the birth of a new scientific discipline. Why is it possible to count so?

Work on the hybridization of plants and the study of the inheritance of signs in the offspring of hybrids was held decades to Mendel in different countries and breeders, and botany. The facts of dominance, splitting and combining signs were noticed and described, especially in the experiments of the French nerd sh. Noden. Even Darwin, crossing the varieties of lion's mouth, excellent in the structure of the flower, received in the second generation the ratio of forms close to the famous Mendeleevsky splitting 3: 1, but saw in this only the "capricious game of heredity forces". The variety of types taken in experiments and plants increased the number of statements, but reduced their validity. The meaning or "soul of facts" (the expression of Henri Poincare) remained to Mendel foggy.

A completely different consequences flowed out of the seven-year work of Mendel, according to the right component of the foundation of genetics. First, he created the scientific principles of the description and research of hybrids and their offspring (what forms to take into crossing, how to analyze in the first and second generation). Mendel has developed and applied an algebraic symbol system and signs of signs, which was an important conceptual innovation. Secondly, Mendel formulated two basic principles, or the law of inheritance of signs in a number of generations, allowing to make predictions. Finally, the Mendel in an implicit form expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bdiscreteness and binarity of hereditary deposits: each sign is controlled by the maternal and paternal pair of deposits (or genes, as they began to call them), which through parental sex cells are transmitted to hybrids and do not disappear anywhere. The settings of the signs do not affect each other, but differ in the formation of genital cells and then are freely combined in the descendants (the laws of splitting and combining signs). Pawn of deposits, paired chromosomes, double DNA spiral is a logical consequence and a main path of development of the 20th century genetics based on Mendel's ideas.

The fate of the opening of Mendel - a delay of 35 years between the very fact of discovery and his recognition in the community is not a paradox, but rather the norm in science. So, 100 years after Mendel, already during the heyday of genetics, such a fate of non-recognition for 25 years has suffered the discovery of B. Mak clints of mobile genetic elements. And this is despite the fact that it, unlike Mendel, was the time of his opening highly authoritative scientists and a member of the US National Academy of Sciences.

In 1868, Mendel was elected the abbot of the monastery and practically moved away from scientific training. His archive survived notes on meteorology, beekeeping, linguistics. At the site of the monastery in Brno now, the Mendel Museum was created; A special magazine "Folia Mendeliana" is published.

Gregor Mendel (Gregor Johann Mendel) (1822-84) - Austrian natural scientist, scientist-botany and religious activist, monk, founder of the teachings on heredity (Mendelism). Applying statistical methods for analyzing the results of hybridization of pea varieties (1856-63), formulated the patterns of heredity.



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Gregor Johann Mendel Lecturer of Biology Kuzyaev A.M. Nizhny Novgorod

Gregor Johann Mendel (July 20, 1822- January 6, 1884) Austrian natural scientist, a scientist-nerd and a religious leader, a monk - Augustinian, Abbot, founder of the teachings on heredity (Mendelism). By applying statistical methods for analyzing the results on the hybridization of pea varieties, formulated the patterns of heredity - the laws of the Mendere-based on the basis of modern genetics.

Johann Mendel was born on July 20, 1822 in the peasant family of Anton and Rosina Mendel in the small rural town of Heinzendorf (Austrian Empire, now Hinchitsy village, Czech Republic). Date July 22, which is often given in the literature as the date of his birth, is actually the date of his baptism. House Mendel

Interest in nature, he began to show early, already working a gardener. Having finished the gymnasium, he studied two years at the philosophical classes of the institute Olmyuta, in 1843 he was touched into the monks of the Augustinian Monastery of St. Thomas in Brynne (now Brno, Czech Republic) and took the name Gregor. From 1844 to 1848 he studied at the Brynna Theological Institute. In 1847 he became a priest. Starobrnensky monastery

Independently studied many sciences, replaced missing teachers of Greek and mathematics in one of the schools, but did not pass the exam for the title of the teacher. In 1849-1851, Mathematics, Latin and Greek taught in the Znowy Gymnasium. In the period 1851-1853, due to the abbot, he studied natural history at the University of Vienna, including under the leadership of Unger, one of the first cytologists of the world. Franz Unger (1800-1870) University of Vienna

From 1856 Gregor Mendel began to spend well-thought-out extensive experiments on the crossing of plants in monastic garden (7 * 35 meters) (primarily among the carefully selected pea varieties) and clarify the patterns of inheritance in the offspring of hybrids. A separate card was instituted for each plant (10 000 pcs.).

In 1863, he graduated from experiments, and on February 8, 1865, at two meetings of the Bunnian society of naturalists, the results of their work reported. In 1866, his article "Herbal hybrids" was published in the works of the Company, which laid the basics of genetics as independent science.

Mendel ordered 40 separate prints of his work, almost all of which sent to large botany researchers, but had only one benevolent response - from Charles Nemeli, Professor Botany from Munich. He suggested repeating similar experiences on a hushwill, which he himself studied at that time. Later they will say that the Council of Nemeli delayed the development of genetics for 4 years ... Karl Nelli (1817-1891)

Kingdom: Plants Department: Covered Classified Class: Dicotyled Order: AstroCoochetic Family: Astrovaya Rod: Breakfast Mendel tried to repeat the experiments on the hustrian, then bees. In both cases, the results obtained by him on the peas were not confirmed. The reason was that the mechanisms of fertilization and the bats, and the bees, had the features of which at that time science had not yet been known (reproduction with the help of parthenogenesis), and the crossing methods that the Mendel enjoyed in their experiments, these features were not taken into account. In the end, the Grand Scientist himself burned in what was discovered.

In 1868, Mendel was elected by the Abbot of the Starobrnensky Monastery and did not do more biological research. In 1884, Mendel did not. Starting from 1900, after almost simultaneous publication of articles of the three nerds - H. de Frise, K. Korrens and E. Chermaka Zeisengga, independently confirmed by Mendel's data by their own experiments, an instantaneous explosion of his work occurred. 1900 is considered a year of birth of genetics. H. de Friz H. De Friz E. Chermak

The importance of the works of Gregor Mendel Mendel created the scientific principles of the description and study of the hybrids and their offspring (what forms to take into crossing, how to analyze in the first and second generation). Developed and applied an algebraic symbol system and signs of signs, which was an important concept of innovation. Formulated two basic principles, or the law of inheritance of signs in a number of generations, allowing to make predictions. Mendel in an implicit form expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bdiscreteness and binarity of hereditary deposits: Each sign is controlled by the maternal and father's paired pair of deposits (or genes, as they later began to be called), which through parental sex cells are transmitted to hybrids and do not disappear anywhere. The settings of the signs do not affect each other, but differ in the formation of genital cells and then are freely combined in the descendants (the laws of splitting and combining signs).

Illustration of Mendel laws

January 6, 1884 Gregor Johann Mendel died. Shortly before death, Mendel said: "If I had to worry about the bitter watches, then I must recognize with gratitude that beautiful, good watches It fell much more. My scientific works took me a lot of satisfaction, and I am convinced that it won't pass a lot of time - and the whole world recognizes the results of these works. " Monument to Mendel in front of the memorial museum in Brno was built in 1910 for funds collected by scientists around the world.

Mendel (Mendel) Gregor Johann (07.22.1822, Heinzendorf - 01/06/1884, Bunnne), Austrian biologist, founder of genetics. He studied in Heinzendorf and Lipnik schools, then in the district gymnasium in Troppau. In 1843 he graduated from the philosophical classes at the university in Olmyuts and tumbled into the monks of the Augustinian monastery of St. Thomas in Brynne (now Brno, Czech Republic). He served as an assistant pastor, taught natural history and physics at school. In 1851-53 he was a freelancer at the University of Vienna, where he studied physics, chemistry, mathematics, zoology, botany and paleontology. Upon returning to Brynn, he worked as an assistant teacher in high School Until 1868, when he became the abbot of the monastery.

In 1856, Mendel began his experiments on crossing different varieties Peas differing in a single, strictly defined features (for example, in the form and color of seeds). The accurate quantitative accounting of all types of hybrids and statistical processing of the results of the experiments, which he conducted for 10 years, allowed it to formulate the basic laws of heredity - the splitting and combination of hereditary "factors". Mendel showed that these factors are separated and do not merge and do not disappear when crossing. Although when crossing two organisms with contrasting signs (for example, yellow or green seeds) only one of them is manifested in the nearest generation of hybrids (Mendel called it "dominant"), "disappeared" ("recessive") a sign occurs in the following generations. Today, the hereditary "factors" of Mendel is called genes.

The results of their experiments, Mendel told the Bunnian society of naturalists in the spring of 1865; A year later, his article was published in the writings of this society. At the meeting, there was not a single question, and the article did not receive responses. Mendel sent a copy of Article K. Nemeli, a famous botanist, an authoritative specialist on the problems of heredity, but Nemeli also failed to estimate its meanings. And only in 1900 forgotten work Mendel attracted general attention: at once three scientists, H. de Fris (Holland), K. Korrens (Germany) and E. Chermak (Austria), spending almost simultaneously their own experiments, were convinced of the justice of the conclusions of Mendel. The law of independent splitting of signs, known now as the law of Mendel, laid the beginning of a new direction in Biology - Mendelamin, which became the foundation of genetics.

Mendel himself, after unsuccessful attempts to obtain similar results when crossing other plants, stopped experiments and was engaged in beekeeping, gardening and meteorological observations until the end of his life.

Among the works of the scientist - "Autobiography" (Gregorii Mendel Autobiographia Iuvenilis, 1850) and a number of articles, including "experiments on plants hybridization" (Versuche Uber PflanzenHybriden, in the "works of the Bunnian society of naturalists", vol. 4, 1866).

Gregor Johann Mendel. February 3rd, 2015

Johann Mendel was born (He received the name Gregor when he was tested in monk) in 1822 in the small village of Gõnechis in the Moravian Silesia. Almost the entire population of Silesia was the Germans. Mendel's parents were also poor German peasants. Initial education Future scientist received in a village school, where there were 80 children in the class. Johann helped his father in the economy, but to go in the footsteps of his parents was not his vocation. From nature sensitive and weak health, he was one of the best disciples at school. And he was given to learn further to the school of the Order of Piaristists in Lipnik above the agile, after which he entered the gymnasium in Opay.
In the village and Piaristic education was free. But in resolution he already needed money. Several disastrous years were destroyed for his family, and in 1838 there was a misfortune with the father of Johann, he was injured when working in the forest. And then the first time was the instability of Mendel to stress. He was so emotional that in difficult life situations Sick. He began his depression and neurosis at which he fainted. But the first difficulties, when at 16 he remained without family support, managed to overcome. Mendel began to engage with less successful disciples, for which he received some money for feeding.

In 1840, Johann Mendel entered the Faculty of Philosophy of the Olomouc University. A little money sent him a big sister, but they were not enough even for housing. Mentel tried to find students, but in Olomouc he had few acquaintances, and without recommendation, no one wanted a teacher. Poverty and fear that it is impossible to finish study, again led to the nervous breakdown, and Mendel went to his village for a year to restore strength and nerves. To finish study in Olomouc, his younger sister helped him, who gave him his bold.
In 1843, Professor of the Olomouc University of Friedrich Franz recommended Mendel Abbot of the Augustinian Monastery of St. Foma in Brno. Johann Mendel himself wrote later in his biography, "that there was no strength already, so after the end of the philosophical faculty, he decided to enter the monastery, who would have freed him from concerns about the bread. The circumstances influenced the choice. " For a person poor, but aspiring to knowledge, care to the monastery gave the opportunity to learn and further, besides self-education and, of course, live in Christian traditions.

Mendel in the top row of the second right.
When he is touched into the monks, he received the name Gregor, and in 1847 he was ordained to the priests. Next to the Temple of the Virgin Mary, where Mendel served, there is a Hospital Sv.anna. Mendel was supposed to carry pastoral ministry there. After 3 months he fell ill. With its sensitivity, it was impossible to constantly see patients and suffering, he himself was on the verge of hard nervous disease. Abbot of the monastery F. NAPP decided to give Mendel another obedience. Gregor Mendel was engaged in the monastery garden, parallel to studying at the theological faculty and at the same time listening to the course of growing fruits and grapes.
In 1849, Mendel was sent to Znojmo to teach Greek, Latin, German and Mathematics in the gymnasium. It turned out that he had a big talent for pedagogical activities. And he was sent to the university to Vienna so that he would pass the exam and received a teacher's diploma. But the exam Gregor Mendel did not pass. Welked environmental education and physics.
The Abbot was not desperate, I decided to help my talented monk and sent him at the expense of the monastery to study in Vienna University. Here Mendel first faced with scientific work. Having finished the university, he again tried to pass the exam to get a teacher's diploma. And again unsuccessful. He so promoted that fainted. But even without this diploma, he was taken to teach in the State High Polytechnic School in Brno, where he taught successfully for 14 years.

At the same time, Mendel began his research of plants and experiments with the hybridization of pea. He stood at the base of several scientific communities in Brno. Such as the Moravian Sailing Society of Natural Resources, the Society of Beekeepers and Meteorological Society. So it is impossible to say that he was engaged only by Botanica. For several years, he conducted meteorological studies, measuring three times a day the air temperature, wind direction, humidity and atmospheric pressure. He was the first one who described the appearance of a tornado.
Mendel was started in the monastery of the housekeeper, studied the bees, described some of their illnesses and even tried to bring new species, but unsuccessful. But experiments with peas led to the opening of genes and laws of genetics. In 1862, Gregor Mendel presented his work "Experts with pea hybridization" in Natural Society, which explained the principles of heredity. But the work was not perceived by the scientific community. It seemed very new and incredible discoveries. Mendel sent his work with various scientists, corresponded with the professor of the Department of Hybridization of Plants of the University of Munich University Karl Maggered, but everything was in vain. Nobody perceived his laws seriously. For several decades, they were forgotten. Only at the beginning of the 20th century his work was attracted by the attention of Botany's scientists who confirmed the opening of genetic laws by Mendel.
In 1869, Gregor Mendel had experiences with plants to stop, his eyesight became incredibly quickly. Yes, and other troubles appeared. In 1868, Abbot F. NAPP died, and Gregor Mendel was chosen the next abbot of the Augustinian monastery. I had to deal with the problems of the monastery. In 1872, Emperor Franz Joseph awarded Gregor Mendel to the Cross, established by the Emperor of the Order for merits to the society and the church. In general, despite the fact that his work on genetics was not perceived by scientific society, Mendel enjoyed a huge authority, as an educated, smart and incredibly decent person. It came to the point that in 1881, the director of the mortgage bank was chosen by the Augustine Abbot Mendel.

Gregor Mendel's earthly life broke in 1884. January 6, he died of a light infection. Believe the outstanding scientist, the abbot's beloved monks and just a good and decent man seemed to come the whole city. The messenger in the cathedral of the Starobrnensky Monastery was conducted by Leosh Yanachek. And buried Gregor Mendel as well as buried all Augustinian monks: in the general tomb in the Central Brno Cemetery.

In 1910, in the square in front of the monastery, which is now called the name of Gregor Mendel, a monument was established by Theodore Harlemontta. True, after World War II, the monument was removed for the gate of the monastery, then it was not customary to remind that an outstanding scientist, the founder of genetics was a monk. Everyone tried to inspire that faith in God and science is not compatible. Gregor Mendel completely breaks stereotypes, found from many people so far.
It would seem that now you can return the monument to the previous place, but for some reason the city hall of the city is in no hurry to do it. "This is a paradox," says the Abbot of the monastery of Lukash Martinets, "the more famous man in the world, the less he, as it were, is interesting for the city where he lived. When, finally, society will begin to respect its story and people who left an important track in it, then it will be possible to say that it is spiritually and culturally developing. "