Why in spring and summer. Why spring and in the first half of the summer should be made in the soil more nitrogen fertilizers

In the spring and in the first half of summer there is an active growth of plants. Prikles are built from nitrogen, due to them, the plant grows.

Penetrated perennials are originally growing due to the reserves of nutrients accumulated in bulbs, rhizomes and roots. But in the first stages of growth, they need nitrogen. Therefore, during the melting period, nitrogen fertilizers must be made at the rate of 20-30 g / l square meters. Under the bulbous and 10-15 g / m5 under other perennials. Phosphoric and potash fertilizers are recommended to be made in autumn or in spring, during the first soil looser, 50-60 g / m kV phosphate and 20-30 g / l square meters. potash.

The second feeding of nitrogen is carried out 3 weeks after the first 20-30 g / l.
The third feeder is lated in the period of bootonization or flowering with a complete mineral fertilizer in the form of a solution containing 10 g nitrogen, 30 phosphoric and 20 potash fertilizers per 1 m square. Flower garden.

In the fall for all perennials, feeding are mandatory; per 1 m square. The flower garden should have 10 g nitrogen, 50-60 g of phosphate and 30 g of potash fertilizers.
Such is the general scheme for making mineral fertilizers when caring for flower beds. However, fertilizer doses are appropriately differentiated depending on the biological features of the plants.

So, the onion (hyacinths, tulips, daffodils) are plants of a nitricant short period of nutrition, absorbing nutrients in the fall, from the moment of the formation of new roots and intratukovical development. The preparation of soil under the bulb is made 1.5-2 months before landing with the introduction of organic fertilizers (8-10 kg / m.), Complete dose of phosphorus and potassium (6-9 g / l square meters) and half dose Nitrogen (4.5-6 g). In the spring, with the appearance of sprouts, under the tulips, daffodils are made nitrogen feeding of 10-15 g / mg of ammonia nitrate, under hyacinths - nitrogen and potassium at 6 g / l square meters. Flower garden.

Under lilies, it is recommended to make 8-10 kg / m square. Organic fertilizers (leaf land), and aged 3-4 years-mineral feeding with a total annual dose: nitrogen 9, phosphorus 9 and potassium 12 g / l square. Flower garden. The first feeding is carried out at the beginning of the spring growth of nitrogen (3 g / l), 2nd - in a period of severe vegetative growth in nitrogen (3 g / l square meters) and potassium (6 g / l square meters.); The 3rd - in the period of bootonization, a mixture of fertilizers - nitrogen and phosphorus in 3 g and potassium 6 g / l square meters. In the fall, adding 6 g / l in the filler. phosphorus.

When leaving the peonies, make feeding with mineral fertilizers follows the following scheme: the first - during the appearance of sprouts (nitric); the second - during the period of bootonization (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium); the third is the beginning of flowering (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium); Fourth - a month after the start of flowering (phosphorus, potassium). The norms of fertilizers introduced under peonies depend on the age of plants: for 2-3-year-old dose of common fertilizer is 12 g, and from 4 years to 16-18 g. Each element per 1 and1.

Korean's mineral feeders and chrysanthemums are needed: at the beginning of growth - nitrogen, in front of the bootonization - phosphorus and potassium. It is recommended to bring in liquid form by 1.5 g of a mixture of fertilizer on 10 liters of water.

Irises require three feeding: the first - during the appearance of sprouts, the second - a month after the first (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium); The third is a bloom (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). Shared dose of 6-9 g / l square meters. The feeding should be made in liquid form, since the rhizome is very superficial. Irises do not tolerate lime.

Why in spring and summer you need to behave in different ways with clear sunny weather?

Despite the fact that in the spring is colder than summer, solar radiation can also bring harm to your health. Spring sun is almost nothing different from summer.

Differences of Spring and Summer sunlight

All after a long frosty winter want to swim in the rays of the sun. A huge number of people seek the spring to get "Sunny Vitamin". But everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance. This is all because people consider spring the sun is absolutely safe and harmless. That is why we practically do not use the means to protect against rays, such as cream. But in fact, the Spring Sun radiates neither a little less. When ultraviolet sun rays fall on your defenseless skin, they can leave burns and lead to various skin diseases. Just everyone knows that in no case you can not look at the sun in any time, it can lead to the burns of the eye shell. Despite all of the above, still it is not necessary to constantly spend the time at home. The sun's rays are rich in vitamin D, which you need our body. In order to replenish the reserve of this vitamin itself, which the body lacked in winter, it is necessary to spend time as much as possible in the fresh air and walk in nature. And of course, do not forget precautions and protection.


In order to avoid unpleasant consequences and burns, the rules should be executed below.

  1. First of all, we should use creams that are able to protect your skin from solar radiation.
  2. In order to avoid getting a sunshine, we carry hats (caps, panama, etc.).
  3. Never be on the outdoor sun, try more often in the shade.
  4. Use sunglasses to buy in pharmacies or in specialized stores.
  5. As far as possible are under the outdoor sun when it is in the zenith.

Why in spring and summer outside the city, in the country where clean air and key water, many again sneeze and cough, as in the city apartment? Spring ... Naturally, every normal person has this couple causes the most pleasant emotions: the sun, the first greens, poultry sing. What, tell me, still need for happiness exhausted by long hoods the average Belarusian? By the way, there is a group of people whom the arrival of spring, and then and the summer does not make it at all, on the contrary - disturbing. Pacutniki are allergies, which for the awakening of nature react to the exacerbation of the disease. It is called "hay fever", or palleoz. What the attack is allergic! Allergy is perhaps the most common disease. No wonder it is called the disease of the new century. Statistics are sad: every fifth resident of our planet suffers from her. It is very strange, because air washing was already invented, which are capable of solving all problems.

But if you consider that the relevant records in the medport are far from everyone who sneezes and coughs, then the sizes of this phenomenon look the magnitude. Allergens are the most stimuli, from which the nose lays out, the eyes are watched and the whole body will be cleaned, - everyone has their own. And we know them well. Therefore, in advance by phone, please close the cat on the balcony if you are looking at the guests. We do not apply chocolate, oranges and are treated only by those drugs that have been tested many times. And yet, from time to time, the symptoms of allergies remind themselves. Without warning. Without a certain reason. And most importantly, where their least can be expected, including at home, in the country. Palinos with enviable regularity comes to allergies in the spring, accompanies them in summer and fornsporing in the fall. By the way, every sacrifice this disease chooses purposefully. Someone reacts in April-May to smells who come from birch inflorescences, alder, hazel. The second suffers in June, when "dusty" cereal herbs, the third - in July-August, when weeding begins to bloom - ambrosia, wormwood and swan. Those who are particularly lucky, can Prachhats and Prapacats (just such the most frequent manifestations of Paliniosa) all spring and summer.

What are these torments, perhaps, perhaps, only Allergies themselves. Food of the gods causes asthma an allergic reaction to plants that bloom, according to physicians, one of the most dangerous diseases. It reduces human immunity, makes it dependent on drugs, from the weather, even from the blows of the wind. At least last year in August in Zaporizhia only in one night in the "ambulance" there were about 200 people with complaints about unforeseen choking. Later it became known that in all the pollen of the ambrosia, which he raised a strong wind into the air. People almost simultaneously responded to pollen, who deprived them of the opportunity to breathe normally. The fact is that ambrosia, which is also called the "food of the gods", is not growing at all in the paradise crowns, but on sinful land, and contains the most malicious allergens - bronchial asthma provocateurs. Ambrosia begins Tswistsi in August and "poisoning" around the entire district almost to the first frost.