When to give water to a bottle-fed newborn. Feeding infants with water while breastfeeding: timing, order, scheme

A child born in a family is the joy and happiness of the parents. But a number of difficulties and questions arise regarding correct and healthy upbringing and development. Often mothers, especially at the birth of their first child, have questions of the following nature:

  • Is it necessary to supplement the baby with water during breastfeeding?
  • What are the dangers of entering water?
  • How to introduce drinking into the baby's diet?
  • What kind of water to use?

Five rules when it is allowed to take water from the age of 2 months:

  1. In hot weather;
  2. With hiccups;
  3. For knocking down elevated temperatures;
  4. With vomiting;
  5. During diarrhea.

To add water to the baby with HW or not?

Pediatricians give an unambiguous answer: a child up to six months, in case of receiving the required amount of mother's milk, water is not required. The composition of milk has an ideal balance: it contains all the substances that ensure the normal growth and development of the baby. There is no equivalent food in the world. Breast milk can fully satisfy the baby's need for drinking.

It's important to know! Drinking water while breastfeeding is prohibited unless medically indicated by the World Health Organization.

When thirsty, the baby suckles for 2-3 minutes. To satisfy hunger, the time increases to 20-30 minutes. The so-called hind milk, which flows to the ducts after the anterior milk is sucked out, is more nutritious and thicker.

What is the danger of taking water too early by a child

When water is introduced into the diet of an infant up to 4 months of age, the following problems may arise:

  • Malnutrition. The stomach of an infant is very small. Taking place with water, the volume of milk eaten is reduced. As a result, the infant does not receive the required amount of food and nutrients;
  • Decreased milk production. Drinking water decreases the need for it. Accordingly, its production decreases;
  • Mineral imbalance. Water flushes out toxins, poisons, as well as useful salts of magnesium, calcium and other minerals from the body. As a result, there is an imbalance in the balance of nutrients in the child's body, which negatively affects his development and health;
  • Violation of the intestinal microflora and infection. Drinking water leads to the appearance of the first bacteria. They can be negative and lead to the development of dysbiosis. The natural microflora is disrupted. In addition, if poor quality water is added, infections can enter the baby's body. It is impossible to be sure of its 100% purity and safety;
  • Load on the urinary tract. Introducing water into the diet leads to intensive work of the kidneys and bladder, for which the baby's body is not yet ready.

Scheme and routine of feeding a baby

You can give water to your baby from the age of 4 months. The daily rate is 30-60 ml. But you can only give a child to drink if he wants her. If the baby refuses, there is no need to insist. Breastfeeding is enough for him to quench his thirst.

At the age of 6 months, complementary foods are introduced into the child's diet. After each solid food intake, it is required to give the baby a drink. The daily water intake should not exceed 60 ml. Drinking should be given to the baby 10-15 minutes after a meal and in between feedings.

Important! The gradual introduction of supplementation after 4 months is optional. In some cases, breastfeeding is enough for the baby. There is also a situation where the baby refuses to take any liquid until 9 or even 12 months. You do not need to worry, at the age of one, the drinking regimen will be established by itself.

When introducing water while breastfeeding, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • The water used by the baby must be clean. The best option is to use bottled water intended for baby food. It is allowed to use ordinary water that has been purified through special children's filters;
  • It is recommended to give your child a drink in hot weather and low humidity. Overheating and increased sweating lead to a lack of moisture in the body. Such dehydration is characterized by infrequent urination, dry skin, mucous membranes and tongue;
  • It is forbidden to give sparkling water to a child under 1 year of age;
  • It is recommended to discuss the possibility of adding water to the diet with a pediatrician;
  • A woman should monitor her diet. Eating fatty foods affects the quality of breast milk, which can make your baby thirsty.

When you have a baby, many questions arise. And one of them is whether it is necessary to give the baby water to drink. In the maternity hospital, they may tell you that this is necessary, but the pediatrician will have a different opinion. Who to believe, and whether it is worth watering the baby, we will figure it out together in this matter.

Do I need to give water to babies

Dehydration is a cause that leads to poor health and health problems. It is especially relevant in the warm season, when the body suffers doubly from a lack of moisture.

But many mothers are afraid that the baby will stop breastfeeding, and refer to the fact that there is enough water in breast milk to save the baby from thirst. And these fears are justified. Sucking on a nipple from a bottle is much easier than sucking on a breast. It is effortless and the water flows by itself. And to get mother's milk, you need to try. In addition, when the baby's stomach is already full, he will not want to drink any more.

But the question is not not to drink water at all, but how much and how to give it. Also, water from the stomach enters the intestines in a matter of minutes, and the baby will soon get hungry and start asking for food.

Be sure to add some water to the babies who are artificially fed. Constipation is common from artificial mixture, and this measure is necessary to avoid problems with stool.

If the baby was born in the summer, then you can give him water after 1 month, and for those who were born in the fall or winter - from 4 months. At first, its amount should be minimal, about 1 teaspoon. When you do not notice any unpleasant symptoms, you can increase the dose.

A child needs 100 ml of fluid per day for each kilogram of weight. This volume must be taken into account in conjunction with breast milk. Therefore, if your baby weighs 6 kg and drinks more than 600 ml of milk, it is not necessary to supplement it.

If you are not going to supplement the baby, you should provide him with conditions that will not lead to dehydration. First of all, it is humid air. Both summer and winter we suffer from dryness in the apartment. Its appearance is affected by hot batteries or prolonged absence of rain. The problem will be solved if you purchase a humidifier.

What water to give to babies

In the event that the doctor has given the go-ahead for supplementing the baby, you should take care of the quality of the drink. Boiled tap water or a regular filter will not work. The ideal drink for babies is a special baby water, sold in bottles in pharmacies and stores, on the labels of which there is a note at what age it can be given. You can not boil it, but only warm it up and give it to the baby. Such water contains useful trace elements and will certainly be beneficial.

Also in stores you can find special filters for water purification so that it becomes suitable for babies. For thrifty mothers, this will be a real boon. The fact is that open bottled water can be stored for no more than a day, and then you can buy a new one. Water from under a special filter will significantly save the family budget.

Some mums start giving juices or baby teas, but this is not recommended. It is better and more useful to give him dill water, which will not only quench his thirst, but also relieve him of the gas in the stomach, which infants suffer from. You can prepare it yourself, or you can buy it at the pharmacy.

As for the temperature, for a breastfed baby, it should be 36-37 degrees, and for those who feed on artificial formula - 28-30.

How to add water to babies

It is best to start with a teaspoon of water. You can purchase an item made of silver, it will have an antibacterial effect. A spoon will allow you to accustom your baby to the first complementary foods without problems, since he will already be familiar with this subject.

You need to give water after 20-30 minutes after the baby has eaten and no later than 50-60 minutes before the next feeding, otherwise he will refuse milk. The only exception is high fever or other diseases of the baby. In this case, your pediatrician may recommend drinking more water.

Start with half a teaspoon, increasing the dose by 1.5-2 times once a week. By the time the baby is fed complementary foods, he will be drinking enough water.

If the baby does not want to drink water and at the same time feels great, does not suffer from constipation and does not look dehydrated, do not rush to offer him water. But there are times when extra drinking becomes a necessity, for example, for medical reasons, and your baby spits it out every time.

In this case, the advice of pediatricians will help:

  1. Begin to add water to the baby with a small dose of water, give him just enough so that he just feels its taste and gradually gets used to it;
  2. Do not force drink the child, this will discourage the desire not only from water, but also from complementary foods;
  3. Do not sweeten the drink, this water does not quench your thirst;
  4. Buy your baby a bright spoon or drinking cup, first let them play, and then pour some water into it;
  5. Be patient, no baby can immediately get used to a new type of drink or food;
  6. Offer water often, but do not force, gradually the child will become interested in the sippy cup or bottle;
  7. Turn drinking into a game, then it will be much easier for the baby to start swallowing water;
  8. Try to water the baby with a pipette, so that drops of water will fall into his mouth, and it will not cause negativity.

Starting to give water to babies, focus on his mood. If he does not want to drink it, then wait a couple of days and offer it again. And do not forget that the water must be well purified and intended for babies from 0 months.

Video: is it necessary to give a baby something to drink in addition to breast milk

Do I need to supplement breastfeeding and breastfed babies? How much water can be given to a newborn and when? This is a small list of those questions that young parents face after the appearance of a little man in the family. Let's consider this problem in more detail ...

Water for babies in the first month of life

Everyone knows that water is a healing drink that both adults and little children need. However, is it worth giving it to a month-old baby who is only a few days old? The general opinion of doctors boils down to the following: "It is not recommended to water babies in the first month of life." Otherwise, the water balance in the body of the crumbs may be disturbed, as well as problems in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

Modern medicine indicates that, besides mother's milk, an infant who has not reached 6 months does not need any other nutrition, so it is not worth adding water to it. And this is obvious: the composition of breast milk has been studied for a long time, it contains all the usefulness necessary for the first days of the life of an infant's body. In addition, milk is 90% water, and the remaining 10% are other nutrients and trace elements.

Do I need to drink water while breastfeeding (HS)

This question is often asked by mothers who are breastfeeding their babies. This topic becomes especially relevant when walking in the summer, when the weather is stable and hot outside. So, what is the right thing to do: should you give water while breastfeeding (HS) or breastfeed?

When feeding with breast milk, pediatricians do not recommend introducing a baby to a liquid in the form of water until he is 6 months old. After all, the lactation product produced by the mother's body is ideal for the newborn. For the first time months after the birth of a child, this unique natural analogue replaces both milk and water.

Also, adults should know that even when it is very hot outside, the baby does not feel discomfort, in view of the peculiarities of the body's thermoregulation. Most likely, his body will experience cold rather than heat.

When it is possible to supplement the "artificial" babies

With such a problem, mothers often suffer from whose children from birth are on artificial mixtures. If you ask a question on the forums, at what age you can give water to a bottle-fed newborn, you can get completely opposite answers.

What do our grandmothers think about this? If you listen to their advice, they suggest adding water to infants who are on artificial nutrition already in the first month after birth, but only very carefully and in small quantities. They explain their opinion by the fact that in any purchased mixture there is no amount of liquid that is necessary for the normal functioning of the child.

The recommendations of pediatricians are close to grandma's advice. The only difference is in the need itself. Medical experts suggest giving water to artificially fed infants only when they ask for a drink.

At the same time, one should not offer to drink a lot, and even more so do it daily. After all, the same artificial mixture, when it is prepared for a crumb, is diluted with water. Therefore, the baby does not have a special need for daily drinking.

Gradually teach children to drink. To avoid water intoxication, 1 teaspoon will be enough for the child for the first time.

How often to give water to newborns (babies)

One of the main questions is how much water to give to the baby during the day? In the recommendations of the WHO (World Health Organization) it is described that everything depends on the age of the baby and the way of feeding.

If we are talking about breastfeeding, then it is advisable to introduce the baby to the liquid not earlier than 4-5, and ideally after 6 months. In the meantime, the child has enough milk, which perfectly replaces water and food.

As for artificial people, they are allowed to drink water from 2 months of age, but only in small quantities:

  • from 2 months to 1 year - no more than 120 ml per day;
  • after a year - 150 ml per day.

The baby himself will tell the parents how much water will be enough for his body. Regardless of the method of feeding, you cannot pour in water against the will of the newborn, and even more so refuse to drink if he wants it!

The question "is it okay to give water to a newborn?" causes hot controversy not only for young parents, but also for pediatricians with experience. Let's try to find the answer by going back at least one century. Since ancient times, for babies, mother's milk has been both food and drink. Where could I get purified or boiled water to water the baby without risking his life and health? This is typical for all mammals.

Rule: it is only when children begin to eat the same food as adults that they should be offered additional drinks.

Should i give water to a newborn baby?

When can you drink a baby

Healthy children are not recommended to consume anything other than milk during the first months. But there are exceptions. Consider the cases when the baby can still be watered.

  • Constipation. It must be remembered that only a doctor can deliver. It is necessary to identify the reason why, and start treatment on time. With this diagnosis, children can be supplemented.
  • Transient fever of newborns. Such a diagnosis is made if the baby has a high fever for 2-3 days. In this case, it is possible and necessary to give water at room temperature.
  • Colic. Severe gas formation is commonly seen in infants when they are formula-fed. In this case, they can be fed with dill broth, but it is better to consult a pediatrician first.

Is it worth it to see a doctor if your child is regular? Is this not a signal for detailed analysis by an experienced specialist? Or can you get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon without the help of a doctor?

For example, the problem of regurgitation in 99% of cases can be solved with the necessary knowledge. By the way, you can get them from here - right now.

And sometimes he eats and begins to strain, groan. Does the situation sound familiar? - material about this will help you.

Dill seed decoction recipe

For cooking, take 1 teaspoon of dill seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Insist 60 minutes, filter. The child is given a chilled broth. Dosage - 1 teaspoon before meals. First, the newborn is watered 3 times a day, and then (if no allergies are observed) the number of doses is gradually increased up to 6 times.

If your little one has a stomach ache, drinking from dill seeds will come in handy.

And here are two more cases when a child cannot do without drinking:

  • Severe jaundice of newborns. A diagnosis in which the tint of the mucous membranes and skin has a yellowish tint. It occurs if the mother and child have incompatible blood groups and is diagnosed by a doctor in 50% of cases. To get rid of jaundice, you can give your child 1 teaspoon of water every hour.
  • Artificial feeding. Babies who are fed formula milk are getting more protein than they need, so they need extra drinks. In this case, water intake may not be limited.

What kind of water is better for babies

When the baby reaches six months of age, after the introduction of complementary foods, the question is: “Should the newborn be given water? "Becomes irrelevant. Necessary. If possible, from a spoon. This is done so that the baby does not give up the breast. Unboiled - alive. It is not recommended to add sweeteners.

Today you can buy baby water both in pharmacies and in stores.

  • Drink for babies sold in pharmacies... The baby's age is indicated on the bottle. From this, its contents can be consumed.
  • If you can't buy it, there is an option to give purified by various filters or ordinary mineral water without gas.

Do not forget that its quality is important for the baby.

And since we mentioned the introduction of complementary foods, it would be wrong not to refer to our article, in which we reason and draw conclusions about whether it is better to trust vegetable puree?

And since you decided to introduce new food to your dairy man, you probably know when his fontanel should close and how the food consumed will affect its overgrowth.

How to give your baby a drink

If your child's diet includes both water and breast milk, then it is better to supplement it after feeding. The ventricle in a newborn is small (up to 250 ml). If you offer him the breast after drinking, then he will not suck out as much milk as he needs.

Parents make a responsible decision!

One way or another, the parents themselves decide whether to give their child a drink or not, and if so, how much. A child (up to 6 months old) can normally consume 200 ml of H 2 O per day. In case of illness, doctors recommend giving the baby liquid in the following proportion: for 1 kg of weight - 30 ml. If your baby is sleepy and restless, offer to drink a little more than usual.

If babies receive mixed meals or are fed artificial formula, then they should be given water between feedings.

Mom and Dad, when making a decision, do not forget - if you do not give liquid to a newborn, then offer breast at his very first request.

If the mother feeds the newborn strictly "according to the clock", that is, observes the feeding regime, then during the breaks, you can additionally drink him. How many? Just a little bit.

Do not forget that with artificial or mixed feeding, you can offer water to the baby, but in no case do not pour it over by force.

Health to your little children and you.

Do I need to give the baby water to drink? There are a huge number of opinions on this score. Some doctors say that the baby needs to be "fed" by offering him a few teaspoons between feedings. Other experts, on the contrary, say that a baby should not be given water until six months of age. However, there are some guidelines to help you figure out whether your child needs water or not.

Some pediatricians assure mommy that if she gives the newborn water to drink, her milk will simply disappear. However, studies show that this theory is wrong.

In the first 28 days of his life, the child absolutely does not need water, since he receives the necessary amount of fluid along with breast milk. But after this period, it is simply necessary to give the baby water to drink.

We must not forget that breast milk itself is more than 80% water. But, unfortunately, it is impossible to completely quench a baby's thirst with milk. But the symptoms of thirst are quite difficult for an adult, not to mention a small child!

As for babies raised on artificial feeding, they just need additional fluid intake. The recommended intake of water for a child is about 60 ml per day. Water for babies should be at room temperature or slightly warmer.

From the age of one month, the child tries to move as much as possible, which increases the perspiration of his body. In this regard, the loss of fluid is inevitable, therefore, it is simply necessary to replenish it.

Most parents make the same common mistake. They are very worried about the quality of the liquid with which they give their child to drink. Therefore, before giving a child to drink, they boil it. However, boiled water will not help a child get rid of thirst, as well as fill the body with trace elements necessary for health - they are destroyed during heat treatment. In this regard, in any case, do not boil water before giving it to your baby.

The child should be given thoroughly filtered or specialized bottled baby water.

There is an opinion that water can cause dysbiosis in a newborn. But modern medicine has proven that this information is wrong. Therefore, do not be afraid that the liquid can harm your baby.

To decide whether to give water to the newborn or not, of course, only his parents. But most pediatricians believe that it is vital for a baby.

When to give water to your baby

Another controversial issue is when to give water to babies? There are also several opinions here. Some believe that the liquid can be given to a child to try only from the age of one, others do not see anything wrong with starting to drink a child after a month of life. The answer is simple: the child should be watered from 25-30 days from his birth. After all, it is from this age that he ceases to have enough milk to quench his thirst.

So, under what circumstances is it necessary to give water to your baby?

  • To avoid dehydration, feed your baby on hot days and in winter during the heating season.
  • Watch the child's sweating, if it is increased, give the baby a little more liquid.
  • Water should be given for symptoms of a cold, as well as during an elevated temperature in a baby. Most likely, he will give up drinking breast milk, so it is simply imperative to quench his thirst with water.
  • If the baby has diarrhea, then only purified water will help save him from dehydration.
  • If the child has jaundice, it will be much easier to get rid of the disease with the help of water.

Most pediatricians advise new mothers to give water to their babies at night. In their opinion, this will help wean the child from the requirement of night feedings. He will drink water, calm down and immediately fall asleep. Eventually, the baby will stop waking up at night altogether. However, do not forget that sometimes the child does not sleep due to lack of attention, so parents should definitely show their warmth and care.

Under no circumstances and under any circumstances do not give water to a newborn against his will. If the baby does not need liquid and does not want to drink, then he will definitely start screaming and crying. If the baby needs water, then you will immediately understand this by his behavior and appearance.

How much water to give to babies

Undoubtedly, children definitely need water. However, at such a young age, they cannot determine exactly how much fluid they need to consume. Therefore, parents must must take into account the dosage... If mom and dad do not do this, then soon the child can stop drinking breast milk, drinking more water and filling his stomach with it. This will lead to the fact that the baby will simply lose his appetite, and in fact milk contains a huge amount of vitamins necessary for the growth and development of the baby.

The daily intake of water by a baby should not exceed 60 ml. Do not give your baby more than 20 ml. at a time, so as not to overload the kidneys and urinary organs of the baby. It is best to water the child with a spoon, then it will be easier for parents to control the daily dose.

Supplementing the child with water

It is simply necessary to supplement the child, especially in hot weather. Remember to always carry a small bottle with you for these purposes.

So that the baby does not drink more than the norm, parents must definitely monitor the dosage. If the parents determine that the child needs to drink between feedings, then the amount of liquid should not exceed 20-30 ml.

Never give your baby water before putting it to your breast. After all, this way he will drink less milk, which will lead to the loss of vital vitamins and minerals.

What water to give to babies

For newborns, it is best to use special bottled water for babies. Such water is thoroughly purified, it is non-carbonated and is completely suitable for drinking a child.

In addition, food for the child (soups, cereals, etc.) should be cooked in the same water. Baby water will certainly not harm babies.

As for tap water, it must be used with extreme caution, but it would be preferable, nevertheless, to refuse to use it. The fact is that it contains various microorganisms and pathogenic microbes that can harm the baby's body.

However, if you have a deep cleaning filter at home, then you can not worry about the health of the crumbs. Such water is useful and safe for a child.

Melt water is considered especially beneficial for health. To cook it, pour purified cold water into a bowl or saucepan and place it in the freezer. When the water is completely frozen, remove it from the freezer and place it in a warm place. Melt water has a very beneficial effect on the body.

You should not give the baby too cold or, conversely, hot water. Make sure that the temperature of the liquid offered to the baby does not exceed 23 - 25 degrees Celsius.

Do not give liquid with gas to babies under one year of age. It can provoke irritation of the intestines, which is especially difficult for children at this age.

Some parents sweeten their baby water by adding sugar. However, this does not lead to anything good. Sweet water at this age is capable of completely disrupting metabolism, as well as provoking caries, even if the baby has not yet acquired teeth.

How to know if your baby is short of water

There are a number of symptoms that make it clear that the baby does not have enough fluid, namely:

  • lethargy, apathy of the baby;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • sinking fontanelle;
  • insufficient urination (less than six times a day);
  • a pungent smell of urine;
  • discoloration of urine.

These signs indicate dehydration of the baby's body. If symptoms of a lack of fluid are found, then often apply the baby to the breast. Between feedings, supplement the baby, giving him no more than 20 ml at a time. Such simple manipulations will help bring the water balance in the child's body back to normal.