Beautiful erotic videos and photos, naked girls and women, no sex and porn! The first erotic performance.

Explicit Russian, Russian, Italian, Japanese, French and other artistic erotica with naked girls and women, guys and men. At the same time, in the videos and photo materials displayed on the site no scenes of open sex and pornography! After all, we are against any porn and open sex, and with animals, especially children, such porn is terrible and simply not acceptable! We have only licensed and legal erotic video and photo content intended for adults and fully adult people, permitted by the laws of Russia and other countries. All models of girls and boys (among the common people, girls and boys) in the photographs and in videos are completely adults and adults, everyone has turned 18 years old long ago. Youngsters, teenagers, no children! Watch free beautiful artistic erotica on video, in films and in photos online, in the highest quality, completely free of charge and without registration at all. And if you like some kind of erotic video, for example, with the participation of Russian girls, women, guys, men, lesbians and gays, or on the topic of eroticism, sex, intimacy, striptease, naked, orgasm, pop, breasts, dicks, vaginas, blowjob, masturbation, potency and so on, then you can quickly download a file in mp4, webm and 3gpp video formats or in mp3 audio format from a video hosting site using direct links, you don't even need any registration or torrent programs to download, everything is downloaded absolutely free of charge. Support our project! Tell your friends and acquaintances about the erotic site, share on social networks.

What do you imagine when you hear the phrase "erotic quest"? Not everything is as scary as you think! Beautiful rooms, chic surroundings, and sometimes beautiful actresses - the soul rejoices, and the eye, accustomed to scary quests, rests.

Erotic escape rooms can be a great gift for young couples, as well as for seasoned families who want to refresh their everyday life.

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Latest reviews on erotic escape rooms in Moscow

  • 5 days ago

    Celebrated her birthday on the project 69 !!! Very hot!!! Excellent acting! By the way, it can be tougher 😜 great meeting and entourage !! My girls love it !!! Much laughter! p.s: cork collection I think is not appropriate))) But the glasses are simply amazing. The guys are just great !!!

  • 5 days ago

    A very cool quest! Made a gift to her boyfriend on February 23! They also really liked it!)) Everything is believable, the actors are super! Especially the presenter pleased, he needs to "what happened next"!)))

    Maria Babicheva(amateur)
  • 7 days ago

    We gave participation in the performance “Project 69” to male colleagues in honor of the celebration of February 23)) As a result, they received a storm of emotions, unforgettable impressions and good mood)) According to their responses, it was fun, varied, not prolonged, moderately piquant, no one was hurt honor and dignity with all the theme of the performance and the same-sex team of participants, the actresses are great, all the guys had enough attention, they will advise others !! This performance as a gift is bold, but it will definitely be unforgettable !!))

  • 9 days ago

    They sent a company of 5 of our guys on a quest as an unexpected surprise on February 23rd. They were sure that they were going to meet us, but it was not there) They were greeted by a door with the inscription "BDSM" and the fun began))) The level of contact we They chose the maximum in advance, so they had to endure the domination of the actresses) Upon returning home, they vied with us for 2 hours and shared their impressions with us and thanked us for such a non-banal holiday) Thanks to Claustrophobia and, in particular, to Mergen. I was always in touch and answered clearly all questions. Now we are waiting for a reply from our guys on March 8)

    Valeria Ciobanu(amateur)
So, the first training in the "Erotic Performance" series took place. I want to share my impressions and give some comments.

Firstly, many thanks to all the training participants for their genuine interest and adequacy. Guys and girls, it was a pleasure to work with you. We all managed to create a relaxed, informal and fun environment very quickly. I hope that Anya and I did not disappoint you either.

This photo perfectly captures the atmosphere at our training.

Secondly, I want to say that in my opinion, by the end of the second day, we all managed to achieve the most important goal set - to learn how to transmit sexual energy as part of the performance. Everything looked really great, despite the fact that everyone's performances were different. I was very pleasantly surprised at how quickly you learned to "emit" - the most mysterious and mysterious skill of an actor, without which, according to the great Stanislavsky, there is no acting at all.

Thirdly, I really liked that your performances turned out to be not just ordinary exits to the site, but taking new heights, overcoming your own fears and stiffness. It was clear that for all of you this is an important step, a new serious experience. All this makes your performances really interesting and meaningful. Nobody skimmed or tried to show off :)

Well, in general, I personally can say that I spent two days in a wonderful company. I hope that this will not be our last meeting.

Two points turned out to be very interesting for me.

I have watched a lot of strip-head and pole-pole training in all-female groups in the past. Everything in these activities is great, with one exception - there are not enough men there :) Our group was mixed. And as a result, we discovered a lot of interesting things in terms of the difference between male and female perception of the same elements of performances. I think everyone is pretty thoughtful about how much men and women do not understand each other's language.

However, an open, positive conversation about how to learn to understand each other, in my opinion, has borne fruit. And at the very end - during the performance of the performances - in my opinion there was no longer any misunderstanding. The male part perfectly accepted the girls' hints and gestures, and the girls tried to use what the guys shared.

Another interesting moment for me was the presence at the training of people with completely different worldviews, different dance and acting skills. We had dancers of a fairly decent level, and one professional actor, and a yoga instructor and even a dentist :) Therefore, it was very interesting for me to observe how the knowledge and skills gained were immediately refracted through personal experience and expressed in your performances. In my opinion, everyone was simply struck on the spot by Leni's unexpected move. He came up with a whole poem :) And Alena's performance made a strong impression on me. Her movements were unusual, they lacked the usual dance elements, but due to the excellent transmission of energy and sincerity, everything looked just amazing.

Well, our dancers burned everything so that their dances could raise the dead from the grave :)

By the way, art and acting begins with spirits. And with sincerity everything was in order ...

Now a few points that I did not have time to voice at the training. In the "Video" section of our group "Erotic performance" "Vkontakte" ( I posted a film about the history of erotic cinema. We did not have time to look at it at the training. Hope you watch it yourself. There you can see very clearly how undressed people look, not transmitting the energies, for the sake of mastering which we were going to. They look either funny or vulgar. Or not at all.

We also haven't had time to discuss the difference between good erotic art and pornography. In fact, the difference is very simple - in pornography, a person's personality and feelings are completely alienated. They simply do not exist. There are mannequins that demonstrate some kind of movement that is completely meaningless. And pornography exists only because of the alienation in our society of sexuality. Sex is separate with us, the rest of life is also separate. Therefore, we have a separate taboo genre - pornography, intended for viewing in a situation where we secretly look into the world of sex in order to quickly relieve tension and forget about everything again ...

Well, art is designed to awaken emotions, convey ideas, tell some stories. Art is a part of our daily life. Therefore, it is simply incompatible with narrowly directed and most often absolutely idiotic pornography. In a work of art, the naked body is always inscribed in a certain semantic context, which awakens vivid feelings in the audience, makes them empathize, reflect, express their attitude to what is happening based on their own values. That is why, in art, erotic feelings can be conveyed without showing a naked body or sex. On the other hand, in the best erotic films (for example, in Pasolini, Tinto Brass, or the famous film "Caligula" by Bob Ciccone), the demonstration of sex always serves to create a certain atmosphere, context. And also sex is a means of revealing certain aspects of the character of the main characters, and the sides that are significant for the action.

Actually, all this is true for literature and fine arts.

I also posted photographs and paintings in our Vkontakte group that we didn’t have time to see (photos