Prayer for masculine strength. The use of conspiracies to return masculine strength

It is very important for every man to keep his strength and confidence in bed as long as possible. But sometimes it happens that with certain diseases, potency weakens, there is self-doubt, a complexion. To return male strength, it is better to contact the representatives of official medicine, since such a symptom may indicate the development of all kinds of diseases that need to be treated. And a conspiracy on male power will be a good helper in the complex fight against such an unpleasant symptom.

Before using any conspiracies for impotence, it is imperative to find out the reason for this condition. This is the only way to return the former erection to normal. Sexual impotence can occur due to several reasons. The most common are:

  1. Psychological reasons. In some cases, such problems can appear in a perfectly healthy guy, even in one who monitors his health and does not admit the consequences of illness. A lot of stress can cause a lack of erection. Also, a lot depends on the spouse. If she has ceased to take care of herself, the desire gradually weakens.
  2. Often, this problem becomes a complication after the postponed diseases of the genitourinary system.
  3. Disturbances in the functioning of the organs of the endocrine system, disturbances in the production of androgens.
  4. Bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use.
  5. Excessive use of stimulants of sexual activity can become the cause of weakness.
  6. Damage and the evil eye also have a negative effect on the male genital organ.

To cope with the problem, effective impotence conspiracies are used. You can read them yourself, or you can ask to conduct a ritual to manifest the male desire of a loved one.

The best conspiracies

For a drink

Conspiracies for impotence can be done with drinks. Read from impotence a conspiracy over coffee, milk, tea or any other liquid:

“In a distant land, on the northern side, there is a deep sea. In this sea-okiyane there are bitches at the deepest bottom. May it never bend, and never collapse or be interrupted. And no one can interrupt him. Whoever takes it, the man's strength will wake up. Let's remove the impotence, remove the uncertainty. There will be no rest and sleep for a member, he will stand for all women, at dawn, in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening. And the bough is strong at the bottom of the okiyana sea, so let the sexual place be strong. I will lock the words with a key, I will throw it into the deep sea. Amen".

When the conspiracy to increase potency is read, let the husband drink the drink.

With holy water

A conspiracy from male impotence can be carried out with the help of holy water. It will also help to enlarge the penis. In the church, pre-collect holy water, buy 13 candles. Leaving the gate of the temple, say quietly:

“I leave all powerlessness, weakness, I will call on strength to help. And let all failures and ailments go away forever. Amen".

Come home. Being completely alone, light all purchased candles, pour holy water into a container, put in the center. The potency conspiracy is pronounced at least seven times. Then give her husband holy water to drink. Such a conspiracy for the husband to stand is carried out for 13 days. Drink all the charmed water every day. The potency conspiracy is as follows:

“The trunk of a strong and strong tree does not bend, does not break, so let my man gain strength. She will be strong in bed, she no longer knows fatigue. If there is any muck on it, let it be removed forever and ever. And it will be so. Amen".

This rite is carried out both to increase the penis and to return male strength. Conspiracies with holy water and church candles are very effective, and there are no unpleasant consequences when magical influence is carried out.

With belt

Other rituals can be performed to slightly enlarge the penis. With their help, there will be a noticeable increase in the penis. During the waxing moon, purchase a new genuine leather belt. When you come home, put it on your naked body. Say three times:

“I'll go early in the morning. There is a green cypress tree. His roots are strong, and the branches are strong, they do not bend or break. So let them increase the strength of (name), so that he only looks at his wife, does not bend, does not break. The force is unbending, the wind will not be blown away. Amen".

Read such a conspiracy from impotence at home at least 9 times. Then wear the belt as often as possible without removing it.

With a nail

Love spells and rituals, so that a loved one wants only you again, can be done with the help of simple improvised means, which are likely to be found in any home. The nail plot is very effective. Take a glass and a nail. Hang the nail by the cap by the edge of the glass, pour vodka into the glass. Speak liquid, give a man a drink. Do not remove the nail from the glass. After the ritual, it must be carried as far from the house as possible, stuck into the ground. Read these words:

“There is a high mountain, on that mountain there is a wide and strong oak. This oak has a hardened nail. So that the husband's wife stood like a nail, so that no one could remove the conspiracy. "

It is better if the wife works with such love spells. Also have her recite prayers.

With scissors

One of the best is the scissor ritual. It has good strength, great ability to heal from ailments. With the help of this magical attribute, illnesses speak. How to remove sexual impotence? This conspiracy, so that a man regains strength with the help of a conjured object, is carried out on a full moon at midnight. Purchase scissors in advance. Take a mug, pour water into it. Go outside. Nobody should see this action. Dip the scissors into the water, speak them. Drink water without removing the charmed scissors. Arriving home, do not step on the threshold, but step over it with your left foot. Read this text:

“As this iron object does not bend, so let Efim not bend at the slave (name). As scissors do not break, do not bend, so that the servant of God has a horn like a bull. From now on and forever. Amen".

Such effective methods will help you get rid of powerlessness in bed forever, regain confidence, and eliminate complexes.

With a bottle

There is an effective spell to keep the member standing. It is carried out using a bottle. Pour half a glass of holy water into it. Read these words:

“God help me, as the bottle neck is straight, so the slave's (name) member always stands on his wife (name), day and night, for passion and love. Amen".

When the rite to restore male strength is performed, the spouse must drink all the water.

On the candle

To help the strong half of humanity gain strength in bed, there is an old way with a candle. It's fast, yet powerful. Light a candle, put a photograph of your husband in front of you. When the flame burns brightly, read 12 times:

“A hot candle, a passionate flame, where it will be dark, give your light, and where it is weak, strengthen it with your strength. Amen".

Removal of spoilage for impotence

If damage to potency is sent, it can be eliminated only with the help of magic. You can determine the presence of negative magical effects using the following signs:

  1. Lack of erection, if a man wants a wife at the same time.
  2. Gradual or abrupt indifference.
  3. The sudden appearance of aggression, intense irritability.
  4. Nightmares, sleep disorder, obsessive thoughts about a stranger.
  5. Lack of disease.

To remove damage to potency, there are several ways. You can contact a specialist in the field of esotericism or conduct your own healing rituals. All magical actions must be secret, the victim must perform them. There are two effective ways that you can permanently get rid of negative outside influences. The first one is a little tricky to do. To carry it out, you will need to plant a thistle in a deserted place, fertilizing it with your seed. When the sprout appears, pick it on Friday, on the new moon. Divide it into two halves. Let the first one dry, put it in your pocket and carry it with you always.

And use the second part to prepare the broth. Pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for two hours. Drink one tablespoon at night. Transplant the thistle root as close to your home as possible. If possible, take care of it (water, remove weeds). This bush will become a kind of personal amulet. It is very good to plant it right in the courtyard of a private house or on the balcony in an apartment. So he will constantly be there, will protect and increase strength.

There is another effective method of getting rid of negative magical effects. It is carried out using a wedding ring. Take it off your finger and read it three times:

“Remove all ailments and illnesses from me, so that he will rise and leap like a young woman, no longer fall, he will be full of strength. My words are strong, my marriage is strong. No one can destroy it with their slander and curses. Amen".

With the help of simple but effective magical actions, you can eliminate male sexual impotence, restore self-confidence in bed, get rid of complexes and save relationships. It should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to carry out such actions for someone else's husband, otherwise you will be punished.

If your husband suddenly stopped wanting you, he has health problems, then do not leave this problem unattended. Few men are willing to admit that they have problems. It's easier to blame everything on fatigue, illness, age. In fact, this can happen at any age to anyone, even the healthiest man. If this happened to you as a husband, then only you can regain the former joys of life. A conspiracy for male power will help. It acts very quickly, it will return the desire to the husband in just a few days. Your married life will again play with all colors, as after the wedding. Give your husband a second youth.

Male impotence

Erection or desire problems arise for several reasons:

age after 55-60 years;
chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
the use of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs;
great stress at work, chronic fatigue.

These are all unpleasant companions of our century, because work is becoming more and more tedious, and people more and more often resort to alcohol and stimulants. There are other reasons to consider:

the wife does not take care of herself, does not excite the husband;
a man does not monitor his health, uses stimulants of sexual activity;
evil eye, damage.

If a woman has already given up on herself, does not take care of herself, then it is quite understandable - she does not attract the attention of a man, he no longer sees in her that young, beautiful, desired girl.
The situation with the evil eye and damage is very dangerous. They can seriously complicate not only your marriage, but also your life, because it is not difficult to put such an evil eye even on a young man. This leads to infertility.
Everything is fixable, good conspiracies will help you, which return the former strength to your husband. Your life will get better again and will sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Good sex will help any couple stay young, happy, and joyful for longer. People who have everything well in bed can be immediately recognized in the crowd.

What to do if your husband doesn't want you

Of course, the best place to start is by analyzing the situation.

When it started?
What happened?
Who is to blame for this?
If your husband is sick, then you should focus on treating the ailment, and only then use a conspiracy that gives masculine strength.

If not, then take a look at yourself. A well-groomed, stylish woman who looks after herself is admirable at 30,40,50,60… years. The husband always wants such a woman, other men do not deprive them of attention.

If at 45 a woman gave up, stopped visiting beauty salons, using all available means to maintain her attractiveness, then there is only one answer to all questions - she herself brought such a situation to her family.

If your husband no longer wants you, then you should act in a complex way:

Take a critical look at yourself, your apartment. Perhaps you could add a little frivolity to your bedroom? Beautiful bedding, interesting decor elements, soft light.
Use a conspiracy to restore masculine strength, desire. In the right conditions, it will work much faster, because nature itself will push your husband to your bed, remind him of how you were right after the wedding.

All these conspiracies are absolutely harmless, have no side effects. They work quickly and your husband doesn't need to know about them. They need to be done in the evening, looking at the moon. Perform all the necessary preparations, the ritual alone. You will need to use personal items, your husband's underwear, his photo. All this will do no harm.
You will definitely succeed, because any woman can correctly direct her energy to help her beloved man. You can forget about his powerlessness and lack of desire, after these conspiracies he himself will persuade you to be close.

Love spell to awaken male desire

To strengthen the male desire for the husband to want his wife again, a conspiracy and seeds are required. An edible love spell for awakening animal desire, requires ritual actions. Take 200 grams of seeds (any) and lightly fry in a pan, stirring them clockwise. At the time of frying, read the conspiracy three times:

“I don’t conjure, I don’t tell fortunes, but I want to give myself to my husband. Let the masculine strength increase, rise, rest against the panties. The seed returns to its place and pours out in a powerful stream. "

Cool and give to your man, let him eat as much as he can. Such a ritual will have to be performed daily until the result comes that suits you.

Strengthen masculine strength

It helps to strengthen strength, to help the husband when his problems are not yet very noticeable. Can be done on a man from 55 years old.
Take your husband's clean panties, fold them vertically, then horizontally. Iron your panties with a hot iron, press the iron well.
When the laundry is already hot, start saying:

“How glad we are to the red sun! As people admire the color of poppies, as they love May honey and need salt in their food, so would the blog of the servant of God Michael, would be liked by girls and young men, old men and women, widows and widows, rich and stingy, merchants and priests, and everything to the human race. If the blog would be pleasing to the eye, it would be reasonable in speech. Would charm them with this charm. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

When you say three times, put the underwear hot where the husband keeps all the underwear. The next morning, make sure he is wearing this particular underwear.
The effect will come very quickly. Perhaps, in a couple of days, the husband will come to you with a desire. Store these panties as long as possible, even when they break and deteriorate, keep them where the husband keeps the underwear. They will be your amulet.

Conspiracy from impotence

Can be done for men of any age. To do this, you will need at night, when the man is asleep, read the conspiracy in a whisper over him:

“Lord, bless, Lord, help. Just as this bottleneck always stands cheerfully and straight, so the servant of God (name) would always have mihir on the servant of God (name), day and night, both for bodily lust and hot love. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Speak very softly so that you do not wake up. This is an old village conspiracy, many women saved their marriage in this way. It is done three nights in a row. Best of all for a growing Month, then it grows, the desire of your man rises every day higher and higher. This conspiracy is often used as a fertility treatment.

Conspiracy to desire

They talk about food. It is best to fry meat or fish. Let your husband have a hearty, delicious dinner. It is done three nights in a row.
Over cold, still raw meat, they say:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. There is the Holy Ocean-Sea, on the Holy Ocean-Sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, the summit is damask. The circle of that damask oak will not bend by the wind, will not break with a whirlwind. So I, the servant of God (name), had 70 lived, and one lived on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young young women, on gray mares. I, the servant of God (name), would have become better than the former, braver than the former, like a turius horn, like a spruce branch. And the servant of God (name) would be ardent and bright for female lust, for hollow revenge, forever and ever, amen. "

And then put it in the oven right away. Let it bake well with pepper and salt. Your husband will gladly eat your dish, and it will inflame his desire.

Conspiracy on water

It is said for the water, which the husband will then drink. You can make tea or coffee on it.
Boil water in a ladle or saucepan. When it starts to boil, boil, say the text of the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, a tree grows not a tree - an iron cypress. Does not break with the wind, does not bend with hail, does not incinerate by lightning. Its roots are strong, its branches are damask. It stands in the middle of the sea-ocean - it will not bend, it will not bend, so I, the servant of God (name), would have lived seventy and one lived, now, and ever, and forever and ever, amen. "

Make your husband a drink, way drinks it in the morning. There is no doubt about this, especially if you always cook breakfast for your husband.

Conspiracy from powerlessness

A very strong conspiracy. It is used if the situation has already gone far. For more than a year, there has been no intimate relationship, the husband does not want his wife, she is not interesting to him as a woman. Then it's worth doing this ritual.
It is necessary to collect dust from all corners, all rooms. Place dust, debris in a saucepan. Put there a laurel leaf, three sticks of dry cloves.
Cross over, say:

“From the earth, from the moon, from the month - a saint, come and settle, settle down, multiply, submit to the servant of God (name). Light, day and darkness are dark, on all four sides, to the west and east, north and south, I ask, I conjure, I beg for water. So that there are strong forces, strong forces, water, boil, extinguish the candle, melt the wax, add strength. Amen"

All this needs to be set on fire, but while it is burning, imagine to yourself how your husband wants you, your love, close relationship. When only a little ash remains, scatter it again in the corners, rooms. So everything old will go away, and with it all your problems with your husband.

A quick candle conspiracy

It is done quickly. Put a church candle on your husband's photo. The candle needs to be lit from matches. When it flares up, say 12 times:

“The candle is hot, there is gold on it, fire above it. Where it is dark, light it, where it is weak, strengthen it. Amen."

It works quickly, in a few hours.

What else will help your husband

There are many popular ways that can restore a good erection, the desire of a man.

Chinese medicine suggests using ginseng. Of course, make sure your man is not allergic to him. Today you can buy teas, tinctures, food supplements with ginseng.
A small amount of dry red wine with dinner will stimulate a man's activity. It is not worth drinking a lot, but 1 glass of good wine will not harm, but will help the heart, blood vessels and all body systems.
A man can wear antique amulets that prolong his ability to conceive, desire for sex for many years. These are amulets: Thor's Hammer from the Scandinavian tradition, Kolovrat from the Slavic. They endow a man with strength, desire.

Ritual for removing spoilage (impotence)

To return male power, three liters of charmed water from a spring (well) will be required. When you collect water into a container, you need to charge it with a magical conspiracy:

“I’ll take clean water to relieve sexual impotence, to return strength to my husband, for strength of spirit, for desire and power. Amen".

Having typed some water, bring it home in silence, let your hair down and outline around you with chalk. Stand in the resulting circle and light seven candles. Pour salt into your palm, squeeze it into a fist, then add it to the brought water and say the spell:

“What has been done back to the witch will return. The black conspiracy will be removed from the husband of my slave (name), the male power will return. He will, as before, sleep with me, but a stranger's wife will not see him. Amen".

Stirring the salt with a spoon, say the text 6 times, then pour the resulting product into a jar (you can remove the residues). Store under the bed where the husband sleeps for 30 days. After the required time has elapsed, pour it out into the street or into the toilet.

Slavic conspiracies for male power

The Slavs used a mixture of magic and herbs, for example ginseng and conspiracy increases masculine strength. There are other powerful rituals for increasing male strength, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with all the methods. The practice of healing magic shows that each ritual is suitable on an individual basis.,
You will definitely succeed in returning masculine strength and life will again sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. By doing everything right, a man will become as strong in bed as a young stallion. Sex life will again begin to bring joy and pleasure, and will allow you to return to a full-fledged relationship.
To revive masculine strength, you will need: ginseng and parsley root (50 grams each), holy or unoccupied water (0.7 from a liter). The roots are crushed and cooked over low heat for about 15 minutes, during this period a conspiracy is read:

“Silver water, life continues. Anyone who wants it helps. Heal the male gut, the second heart. To be a servant of God (name) healthy as an ox, strong as a bayonet. Burning in bed does not know and please his wife. To live like this until old age: without worries and hassles. To know the measure in everything, but not to change the wife. Amen".

The boiled magic decoction, tuned to increase potency, needs to be allowed to cool. You should drink the drug only if there is no allergic reaction to ginseng (read how to treat it here). It is taken in small doses, after eating 30 grams in the morning and evening.

Parsley potion for impotence

In the fight against male impotence, the conspiracy against impotence is well used, it is read on parsley seeds. The main thing here is not to overdo it, because parsley has a laxative effect. Boil 100 grams of seeds in 200 milliliters of spring water and let it brew. This potion is consumed on men's days three times a day before meals. Before using, you need to read the conspiracy yourself or your wife:

“In order to gain strength, the male root was strengthened, and the disease evaporated. Amen".

To enhance the effect and a strong "stand" add walnuts (100 grams) and sour cream (30-50 grams) to the daily diet.

Conditions for the successful completion of a male conspiracy

Before starting the ceremony, be sure to read the "Our Father", ask the Lord for help, healing your loved one. You do not need to use a lot of unnecessary words, clearly formulate your request and desire. For the conspiracy of impotence to be successful, then it is necessary:

Read a plot at sunrise or after midnight in the light of the moon. It is during this period that the energy force will be doubly directed.
Before starting the ceremony, be calm and focused on the ultimate, positive outcome.
If the conspiracy is laconic, try to read it in one breath. But there is no need to rush, pronounce the conspiracy words clearly and clearly.
There should be no strangers in the room. Say a prayer in complete silence. Imagine a vivid image of your loved one in your thoughts.
When you ask the Lord for help, bow your head.
Conspiracies for impotence will work faster if you fast for seven days before the ceremony.
The actions of magic words will be greatly enhanced if they are repeated several times.
It is forbidden to perform rituals during the menstrual cycle.

Strengthening male strength at 55

This conspiracy for impotence is very simple and effective, especially if it is performed when the ailment is not very pronounced. Early in the morning at sunrise, take your beloved's swimming trunks, turn on the iron and start ironing. When your underwear is hot, say in a whisper:

“The sun has risen, red and handsome. The birds woke up, and the animals roam the forest and admire the outlandish flowers and lush trees. I ask the guardian angels to help the servant of God (name) be proud of his masculine strength, heroic health and rational speech. For everyone to envy his power and strength. Amen".

The impotence conspiracy is very simple and effective.

Speak the conspiracy five times, put the hot linen in the closet. The next morning, the man should wear these particular swimming trunks. You will see a positive result in 3-4 days. Store the panties for a very long time, do not throw them away even when they are torn. Let them always lie on the shelf with other linen.

Wedding candles

It's about spouses. If you have saved your wedding candles, then they can help. On the eve of the wedding anniversary, you need to light one candle, thread both wedding rings through it and say:

“The candle is hot, there is gold on it, fire above it. Where it is dark, light it, where it is weak, strengthen it. Amen"

Any conspiracy or magic ritual can help a person if you really believe in his miraculous power. There is practically no difference in who supports this belief. If the ceremony is performed by a loving woman, the action will be stronger than the conspiracy of an outsider.

An old conspiracy from sexual impotence

This conspiracy against impotence is suitable for men of all ages. In ancient times, many marriages were preserved in this way. Perform the ritual for five nights on the waxing moon. Then the desire of a man will increase every day, as the night sun increases. This conspiracy can even get rid of infertility.

When your loved one fell asleep in a sound and carefree sleep, approach him, bend over to your face, and quietly say the magic words:

“God Almighty help and bless. As the neck of the bottle stands cheerfully and evenly, so would the servant of God (name) have an organ of male power day and night, at any time. He fulfilled all bodily desires and always loved the servant of God (name) ardently and passionately. Amen".

The result will not keep you waiting long. Life will get better in a few days.

A simple prayer for masculine strength

Many women are afraid to use white magic for their own purposes. In these cases, you can read a simple but effective prayer. Waking up early in the morning to say:

“Lord Almighty give my beloved a fleshly desire and a mighty strength. Give him youth and bodily closeness, strengthen his body and soul. Send an angel to protect him, may every night be a joy for him. Amen".

Prayer words must be pronounced at least three times. Going to bed, wait until the beloved falls asleep, and pray again, ask the Lord for healing. Whisper the words of prayer until a change occurs. Literally in two weeks, the man will take the initiative, will begin to desire you, the male power will return to his body again.

Sexual impotence can overtake even at a young age. When this happens to a man in his prime, he starts going to doctors, trying magic elixirs. However, traditional treatment does not help if there has been a conspiracy of male power to deprive him of the joy of sex.

Conspiracies will help bring male strength back to normal

Ancient conspiracies to strengthen potency have been known for a long time. They have survived to this day in the form of prayers, rituals and magic spells. Some of them are very powerful. For example - Vanga's conspiracy to increase masculine strength, or prayers, which must be read from male powerlessness during rituals.

Magic rituals are capable of doing more than just good. They often resort to spells to separate a man and a woman, to send damage, to harm a happy rival.

What are the types of conspiracies to take away masculine strength? There are many rituals. Black magicians use in their rituals charmed scissors, with which they "cut" the thread of love that connects two people. The man then ceases to feel sexual attraction to his chosen one.

Some rituals are performed by women themselves, using knots on underwear, making "linings", talking food and drink. All this is aimed either at reducing a man's attraction to the fairer sex, or to deprive him of the opportunity to have sexual intercourse.

Voodoo magic rituals have tremendous destructive power. In this case, a complex ritual is performed. A special conspiracy is read to give energetic negative power to the needle piercing the doll in the genital area.

If your loved one has unexplained problems with sex life, try to remove the spoilage yourself. This must be done without fail, regardless of whether the magician cut off the feelings that bind you with scissors or the rival was damaged by impotence.

How to determine if damage has been done

Damage to male power is also dangerous because a man not only cannot be close to a woman, but also experiences mental suffering. The most obvious signs that erectile dysfunction is due to spoilage are:

  • the erection is very weak and the position does not improve even with great arousal;
  • indifference to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity is increasing every day;
  • irritability, outbursts of unmotivated aggression;
  • insomnia, poor sleep;
  • there are no pathologies with health - doctors in helplessness shrug their shoulders.

Sometimes a man, on whom it is "done", cannot even get an appointment with a doctor, something interferes with him all the time. You can restore health to the genital organ at home with the help of magic.

How to independently remove damage aimed at male power

You can remove sexual weakness from male dignity with the help of conspiracies that can get rid of spoilage. Then you can read a conspiracy for special power, which will return the man the opportunity to possess his beloved woman.

Sometimes all the conspiracies are read by the wife. Sometimes the husband himself must conduct a ceremony to remove damage and increase potency. Rituals need to be carried out taking into account the phase of the moon.

When a person is freed from damage, it is necessary to conduct a ritual to restore male strength. Here are two old methods that were very popular in the past centuries.

The first way

This ritual must be performed by the man himself in order to regain a healthy organ.

The first ritual requires a thistle plant.

A thistle is transplanted into a place sheltered from everyone. After that, it is fertilized with its own seed. When the plant is well received and grows, it is cut off. This must be done on the growing moon.

The plant is brought home and divided into two parts. One must be dried and placed in a specially sewn small linen bag that will serve as a talisman.

The second part is poured with boiling water and insisted for three hours. The herbal infusion is taken at night, one tablespoon. The root of the plant is dug up and planted near the house.

Second way

When the moon is full, the wedding ring must be removed from your finger and urine must be passed through it three times. Passing a stream through the ring, they say three times:

“Cast off all this ailment, rise up and leap like a young one, do not fall any more, be full of strength. Amen to my word. "

Despite this "original" way of returning male power, it was very popular among the people.

Strong impotence conspiracies that can be done at home

The word is material. Even scientists come to this conclusion. Ancient popular conspiracies, backed up by belief in a positive result, have tremendous power. A conspiracy for male sexual impotence will help return an erection and the ability to again enjoy intimacy with a loved one.

Conspiracy to the moon

The ritual must be performed by both spouses. On a full moon, they go outside and find the moon in the sky with their eyes. Each of the spouses mentally turns to the Lady of the Night and asks her for help. Then the wife reads a short prayer for impotence three times:

“As the moon does not fall from heaven, so let the end of the servant of God (name) be. It stands and does not fall, I am a servant of God (name) makes me happy. Now and forever. Amen".

After that, they join hands and return home.

Bath conspiracy to restore male power

This ritual helps relieve male weakness and restores sex drive. The husband must himself carry out this ceremony to enhance potency. The ritual will require a church candle and holy water.

You can regain your former passion with the help of a ritual

Fill the bath with warm water. A lighted candle is placed nearby. Holy water is added to the bath. Then you have to immerse yourself there completely. As soon as the surface of manhood disappears under water, they say:

“3 monks were walking, 3 were carrying the schema. Take the staff, take the belt. Hold, hang yourself, I'll be healthy, to hell with the disease. 3 monks, 3 troparions, 3 schemas, 3 bibles, Lord, I pray, heal me. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

After 10-15 minutes have passed, they rise and dry themselves. The penis is sprinkled with holy water and not wiped off. The candle is extinguished with the fingers. The ritual is carried out until complete recovery once a week.

Healing nail

The nail is attached with wax to the bottom of the glass.

For the ritual you will need:

  • vodka;
  • Cup;
  • church candle;
  • nail.

They light a candle and, looking at its flame, say:

“Beyond the sea-ocean, on the distant island of Buyan, there is a high mountain, on the mountain there is a green oak, and in its trunk there is a red-hot nail. As to stick out and stand that nail forever, so my husband will indulge in fun with me, the servant of God (name) ”.

Then, using wax, a nail is attached to the bottom of the faceted glass with the head down. Vodka is poured into a glass to the brim and given to her husband to drink. Then the nail is pulled out and driven into the mighty tree to the very top.

Ancient ritual on the belt

On the waxing moon, they go to the market and buy, without bargaining, a belt for trousers. It should be made of genuine leather. At night they undress and put on a belt on their naked body, then they read a conspiracy from male impotence:

“I, servant of God (name), will go out into a clear field, where the cypress is green. The roots of that tree are strong and the branches are strong. So let the power of the servant of God (name) become unbending, not blown away by the wind. Amen".

The belt is always worn. He will increase masculine strength every day.

Bottle conspiracy

The husband should trust his wife, since only she should perform this ancient ritual.

Conspiracy with a bottle must be carried out 3 times

Find a long-necked green glass bottle. They fill it with holy water and say:

“Lord, bless, Lord, help. Just as this bottleneck always stands cheerfully and straight, so the servant of God (name) would always have mihir on the servant of God (name), day and night, both for bodily lust and hot love. Amen. Amen. Amen".

The water from the bottle should be drunk within a week. This conspiracy is carried out three times, when a young month appears in the sky.

Prayer for sexual impotence

This rite of passage to increase potency must be performed by the husband himself. Three church candles are lit on the waxing moon. Looking at the fire, they turn to the Lord in prayer, asking him for mercy and healing. Then they say:

“Lord, grant me a natural attraction to the marriage bed. Do not extinguish the power of the beginning of life. Grant youth to my members, strengthen them and fill them with strength for bodily intimacy. May every night be a blessing for me and my wife. Amen".

After that they don't talk to anyone and go to bed. The words of the prayer are pronounced until complete recovery every morning, as soon as they get out of bed, and repeat before going to bed.

Conspiracy from male weakness from Natalia Stepanova

“In the middle of the forest there is an oak, On that oak there is a strong branch. So strong - do not knock down, Do not chop with an ax, Do not break with your bare hand, Witchcraft do not interrupt. She will not be frightened of the female body, Will not fade or break Neither in front of a girl, nor in front of a widow, Not in front of an old woman. Everything will be all right, strong and gratifying. I close the lock. Amen".

A little water is poured into each corner of the hotly heated bath, the rest is poured over themselves, paying special attention to the intimate place. Soon a healthy organ will delight its owner again.

Full moon conspiracy to return potency

The ritual is performed only when the moon is full.

On this day, they go to church and buy 13 candles. At night, candles are lit and a bowl of holy water is placed next to it. Pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“As the trunk does not bend from the wind, so let my man gain strength. In bed, in fact, in worries and in the body. His weakness will go away, fatigue will go away. If there is muck on it, let him get away, he will return to the instigator with the illness. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

For 13 days, you need to add this water to the man's drinks.

Rite of passage from Vanga to return potency

This very strong Vanga conspiracy, in order to increase masculine strength, should be read by a woman. At night, on the full moon, they take the husband's wedding ring and put it on the table in front of them. Three church candles are lit. Then, looking at the "symbol of fidelity", they read:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. The circle of the servant of God (name) is put by Yaga Baba tyn iron. Yaga Baba rides a circle of iron tyna on an iron foot. Beats with an iron pestle, drives, drives, eats devours. And so it would have eaten and eaten, devoured and devoured from (name) for even flesh and combustible blood. So that the servant of God (name) was strong for the servant of God (name), even if it was flesh and combustible blood. For the young and for the decrepit, and for the intervening months. In days and nights. An hour and half an hour. And in a quarter and half a quarter. All my words will be through the ring. Amen."

After that they go to bed. In the morning, the husband should put on the ring and not take it off until he is fully recovered. To significantly increase male strength, a conspiracy from the Bulgarian healer Vanga is read for three months in a row on the night of the full moon.

How to return masculine strength with the help of a conspiracy

The life of a real man cannot be called easy: constant stress, hard work, responsibility not only for oneself, but also for the family. It's good if the body can handle it. But impotence can occur. Then a young man cannot feel like a full-fledged man, his body ceases to obey.

Disease can be the cause of impotence. In this case, it is necessary to heed the doctor's recommendations. But magic can also help. It is worth reading the conspiracy on male strength, and everything will work out.

Constant stress can cause serious illness and lead to male powerlessness.

The causes of impotence

Before using the potency conspiracy, you need to understand why this problem arose. Sometimes a person needs treatment from a specialist. You can combine therapy and reading conspiracies. Then you are more likely to get a positive result.

  1. Psychological reasons. Sometimes impotence can appear even in physically strong and healthy men. The cause is overstrain and stress. A young man can be in a state of nervousness for quite a long time, and this will not affect his well-being in any way. But at some point, the excess of adrenaline will affect his abilities. This impotence can come on suddenly. Sometimes it goes away very quickly.

If impotence has psychological reasons, then it can also suddenly disappear as it appeared

Endocrine system disorders are often the cause of impotence.

Conspiracies that can return masculine strength

If you suddenly have problems in bed, you need to be examined by a doctor and get medical treatment. At the same time, you can read the conspiracy from impotence. These magical ways, proven over the years, will help a man overcome problems in his sex life. And it is important not only that he can satisfy his partner. It's about his self-esteem, about whether he will feel like a real man. Such problems are a real misfortune for the representatives of the strong half of humanity and are hard on them. Therefore, it is very important to return this ability to him, even if with the help of magic.

If traditional methods of treatment do not help, there are special conspiracies that can return masculine strength.

Conspiracy with a nail

This potency conspiracy is very simple and effective. You need to take a glass and a nail. The nail is hung by the cap, so that it is on the edge of the glass, and vodka is poured into it, speaking it. Vodka must be consumed. The nail must not be removed from the glass. Then you need to take the nail to a deserted place and stick it into the ground. He must completely hide in the soil.

“On the high mountain Buyan there is a green oak with a red-hot nail in it. With rage and pity, so that the servant of God (the name of the man) on the servant of God (the name of the woman) stood like a nail. "

A conspiracy that helps from male impotence

You need to say the cherished words when there is uncertainty in your abilities.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. There is the Holy Ocean-Sea, on the Holy Ocean-Sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, the summit is damask. The circle of that damask oak will not bend by the wind, will not break with a whirlwind. So it would be with me, the servant of God (name), there were 70 lived and one lived on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young young women, on gray mares. I, the servant of God (name), would have become better than the former, braver than the former, like a turius horn, like a spruce branch. And the servant of God (name) would be ardent and bright for female lust, for hollow revenge, forever and ever, amen. "

When there is uncertainty in their abilities, it is enough just to read the conspiracy.

Three Mondays conspiracy

These words of conspiracy must be pronounced 3 months in a row. You need to wait for the first Monday of the month, take half a glass of water and speak the conspiracy. The next day, in the morning, you need to take a sip from the glass. The remaining water must be used for washing, not forgetting about the organ for which the conspiracy is read.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, a tree grows not a tree - an iron cypress. Does not break with the wind, does not bend with hail, does not incinerate by lightning. Its roots are strong, its branches are damask. It stands in the middle of the sea-ocean - it won't bend, it won't bend, so I, the servant of God (name), would have lived seventy and one lived, now, and ever, and forever and ever, amen. "

There is another version of this conspiracy. Only not water is used, but a man's belt. It is also read before bed on the first Mondays of three months. After pronouncing these words, the charmed belt must be put on or put under the bed. This is an old conspiracy. With the help of it, you can attract unprecedented energy to a man. It also helps to establish a sex life.

A conspiracy on a belt will help from male powerlessness

“I, the servant of God (name the name), will get up, blessing, I will go out into the open field, crossing myself, I will go to the eastern side, to the sea-ocean, Buyan Island. There a mighty cypress grows, its roots are strong, damask boughs, does not break by the wind, does not stray with hail, does not incinerate by lightning. So let the power of the servant of God (name the name) never bend, bend, serve with faith and truth. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with a bottle

You need to find a bottle, the neck with the bark would be straight and long. It is necessary to pour half a glass of holy water into it. Then you should read the words of the conspiracy and give the man a little of this charmed water to drink.

“Lord, bless, Lord, help. Just as this bottleneck always stands cheerfully and straight, so the servant of God (name) would always have mihir on the servant of God (name), day and night, both for bodily lust and hot love. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Holy water conspiracy

This ceremony is useful for wives who dream of returning masculine strength to their spouse. It is necessary to wait for the full moon. In the church you need to take holy water and buy candles, 13 pieces. Leaving the church, you must say:

“I leave weakness, I call on strength. And all the failures, let them go to the grave. Amen".

With impotence, holy water will come to the rescue

Left alone, you need to light candles, bring a vessel with consecrated water and repeat the plot several times. This water should be given to a man for at least 13 days. If the conspiracy does not help, you need to repeat the ceremony on the next full moon.

“As the trunk does not bend from the wind, so let my man gain strength. In bed, in fact, in worries and in the body. His weakness will go away, fatigue will go away. If there is muck on it, let him get away, he will return to the instigator with the illness. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Drinking conspiracy

You need to say these words over some drink (tea or milk).

“On the east side, There is a branch in the depths of the sea. It does not bend or break, and does not wriggle like a snake. He cannot be broken, he cannot be interrupted. Whoever takes a bitch, That one ... wakes up. He will not sleep, peace, He will bother all the women. When the dawn is clear, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the sun and in the evening. As a bough is strong in the depths of the sea, So let a strong hollow place be on me. The key to my words, The castle to my deeds. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Tea mug conspiracy is very effective for impotence

Prayer for the improvement of married life

Prayer, appeal to the Higher powers is a good way to solve any problem. There is a special prayer that will help with impotence.

“Bring, Lord, an even and natural attraction to the marriage bed and do not let the great power of the universal life principle fade away and become only a memory. All my youth, come into my members and fill them with new strength to continue and strengthen bodily closeness. Each night will become a blessing, as well as for me, and for the woman who merged with me with the Light of the Lord, who with her whole body gives immeasurable bliss to my body. In the name of the Lord, I call on the powers of Heaven to help me in this. Amen".

Use a special prayer to improve your married life.

Conspiracy that gives masculine strength

It is best to perform this ceremony on a full moon. You need to stand in the middle of a room in which there is no one. On four sides you need to put lighted candles, hold a cup of water in your hands. Before reading the conspiracy, the prayer "Our Father" is pronounced three times, then a prayer is read to St. Panteleimon. Now you can start reading the conspiracy itself:

“From the earth, from the month, from the moon - a saint, come and settle, triple - multiply, submit to God's servant (name). Light, day and darkness are dark, on all four sides, to the east, and to the west, and to the north, and to the south, I ask, I conjure, I pray for water. So that there are strong forces, strong forces, boil the water, extinguish the candle, melt the wax, add strength. Amen".

When these words are pronounced, you need to drink 6 sips of water. And take the remaining water into the bath and pour over yourself, trying to wet the whole body, starting from the head.

After pronouncing the conspiracy, you need to drink 6 sips of water

Scissors conspiracy

This ceremony is performed on the full moon, at 12 o'clock in the morning. You need to buy scissors and not use them for their intended purpose, as well as take a mug of water. It is necessary to leave the house at night. Neither neighbors nor relatives should see this. Then you need to put the scissors in the water and speak them. Drink all the water in one gulp. Heading home, you cannot touch the threshold with your foot, you need to step over it with your left foot.

“As this iron does not bend, so Efim would not bend in God's servant (name). As these scissors do not bend, do not break, so God's servant (name) has a stand. Like a bull has a horn, so would God's servant (name) stand. From now until the century. Amen".

Feedback from visitors


Especially this remedy helps in the treatment of impotence caused by non-enhancement of male strength. Conspiracy to win the lottery. Conspiracies from loneliness for a guy, girl or widow. Conspiracy is a prayer for all diseases. Conspiracy if there are no children for a long time.

They can seriously complicate not only your marriage, but also your life, because it is not difficult to put such an evil eye even on a young man. If your husband is sick, then you should focus on treating the ailment, and only then use a conspiracy that gives masculine strength.

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Conspiracy for impotence - painless return of male power

For the first time the word "impotence" was used in 1420 in the work of T. Hockleave "De regimine principum" in the sense of "failure" or "lack of strength": "The impotence of a man is not spread as far as his influence." And in the sense of "loss of sexual power" the word was first used in 1655 by T. Fuller in the "History of the Church in Britain", where even the Pope was called impotent. But, undoubtedly, the question of male infirmity was present for a very long time, long before the appearance of this word.

And people tried, without any medicine, to restore the health of a man with the help of conspiracies. Conspiracies and prayers for impotence- these are old spells that need to be read in a whisper so that not a single soul knows about it. The conspirator must necessarily have intact teeth, he must not be a drinker, a smoker, otherwise the power of the conspiracy disappears. Conspiracies cannot be sold or taken for money, and they are only allowed to be transferred from the elder to the younger. And the most important condition: a word is valid only if it contains a thought that can become alive.

Conspiracy for impotence(popularly called - nevstanikha) is usually read on the waxing moon, before lunch or when the sun rises. Such conspiracies are spoken by a man to himself, or the one who wants him health speaks for him. Some people use conspiracy to impotence, but this should not be done, because the main rule of the healer is to do no harm.

Healing conspiracy for impotence

It is necessary very early to go to the well to get water for someone who is sick, and on the way back, you cannot pause, turn, so that it does not happen there, and whoever you meet there.

Then the brought water must be poured into a triptych (near the icon) and also poured over the axis of the cart. At the same hour, the healer recites the words three times: "As the skeleton stands, so stay with (the man's name) rubbish on (the man's name) from now on to the ages."

Male conspiracy

You need to bury the tail from the boar between two trees. Stand with your feet on the point where the tail is buried and say: "While you lie here, my h ... will stand." Such a spell is very strong, it lasts for a long time, until the pig's tail snaps. Then the ritual is repeated again.

Popular conspiracy against impotence

You need to take a huge nail, place it in a glass with the head down and sentence, while pouring vodka on it:

Then you need to get the nail, and the man must drink vodka from this glass.

Conspiracy from male infirmity with a plate

If the man is weakened in the sexual part, go to the bazaar, buy a plate without any pattern and rim, so that no one eats from it even once, do not bargain. Then you need to put it on the ground, turning it upside down, ask the peasant to kick the plate well so that it bursts, and then immediately say: “You are broken, but my h ... will not break!

A complex but effective conspiracy-rite from nevstanikha

For three months in a row, on every first Monday before going to bed, you need to say half a glass of blessed water, and when you wake up, you need to drink one sip, and pour the other water over yourself when washing.

The conspiracy against impotence is active, healing and, most importantly, effective. Healers have been using it since ancient times. For the first time the word "impotence" was used in 1420 in the work "De regimine principum" (by T. Hockleave) in the sense of "inconsistency" or "lack of strength."

Conspiracies and rituals to increase and strengthen potency

Male health problems are a serious problem for every member of the stronger sex. Erectile dysfunction causes not only physical but also psychological problems. In search of ways to get rid of an ailment, people can also use such a remedy as a potency conspiracy.

Conspiracies for impotence

Magical help to strengthen potency may be required not only when there is suspicion of the negative impact of ill-wishers, but also in cases where the violation of potency is caused by more real reasons.

How to distinguish the consequences of spoilage from a simple health disorder

Like any other magical effect, damage to male power can be distinguished by a number of special signs, namely:

  1. A clearly observed process of an unreasonable deterioration in a man's sexual health, signs of impotence appeared.
  2. Deterioration of sexual functions to the point of their complete extinction and impotence.
  3. A man who has been corrupted shows indifference to the fairer sex, he has no desire for sex.
  4. The behavior of the victim is changing. Unreasonable aggression, irritability and fits of anger appear.
  5. A man exposed to the negative effects of spoilage cannot get an appointment with a doctor who can help him.

The last sign best distinguishes sexual weakness as a consequence of someone's ill will from dysfunctions of the body for natural reasons. If a man constantly fails to get to the doctor - the doctor is not at his workplace, the doctor is constantly busy with other things, mountains of urgent matters fall on the patient - this all indicates that some person or force does not want the victim of a sexual disorder provided assistance and eliminated the problem of impotence.

In addition, there are some more indirect signs that can make you think about the presence of energy programs that affect the level of potency, namely:

  1. The state of psychological discomfort is the manifestation of paranoid signs, a high level of anxiety, manifestations of a depressive state.
  2. Sleep disturbances of the victim are observed - nightmares, insomnia and chronic lack of sleep appear.
  3. Along with the deterioration of sexual functions, existing chronic diseases are exacerbated.
  4. A man is increasingly repulsed by women who feel the presence of corruption at a subtle level.
  5. There is a strange reaction to a man from pets. Cats and their relatives, horses, cows show a particularly vivid reaction.

It so happens that a person has most of the signs, but they are implicitly expressed. Such a development of events is not yet a reason for panic and confidence that a magical effect was exerted on a man.

The causes of impotence can be very different. Also, the methods of treatment are very different, a conspiracy against impotence, rituals, slander for a firm stand at the husband, the transfer of damage from the husband to the animal, etc.

Is it possible to check for the presence of negative magic programs

Before concluding that there is any damage, every self-respecting practitioner will conduct a thorough diagnosis in order to correctly identify the source of problems and adversity. Spoilage for deterioration of potency can also be diagnosed. For this, magicians use the following ritual.

A glass is taken and filled with cool water. For a while, the container is left alone so that the liquid can calm down and settle. After that, one egg is driven into the used container with the settled liquid. It is recommended to use homemade fresh eggs for the ceremony. A person who is diagnosed with magical programs that have a negative effect on male strength presses his chin against his chest, and a glass with an egg and water is placed on his crown. It takes five minutes to hold the glass on your head.

At the end of the waiting time, the diagnostic practitioner looks at how the egg is positioned in the water. A sign of spoilage is the separation of the yolk from the protein and the arrangement of the protein in stripes. In the case of dividing the egg white not only into stripes, but also into other figures, which greatly violate the purity of the water, we are dealing with a strong impact.

Various conspiracies to improve potency

A conspiracy to rapidly increase potency is a fairly strong magical remedy used by people in order to eliminate existing problems and regain confidence and a full-fledged personal life. Some of them are recommended to be read by women in order to heal their husband, while others should be read by the man who suffers from potency disorders.

The desire to return the former "boner", and again feel confident in the sexual field, has been relevant throughout the history of mankind, therefore the proposed conspiracies against impotence have been tested by many years of use by our ancestors and their companions in life. A strong conspiracy ritual for potency is able to remove the weakness of the penis after the first rite.

Conspiracy to heal a spouse

  1. Running water or spring water. It is worth remembering that water taken from wells cannot be used to carry out this rite.
  2. Previously unused scarf in red.

Sorcerers recommend reciting the proposed potency conspiracy during the full moon. The woman stands in the center of the room, where there is no one else, holding a container filled with water in her hands and with her head covered with a handkerchief.

Upon completion of the spell, it is necessary to give the husband seven gulps of liquid, over which the text of the conspiracy was pronounced. Afterwards, repeat the intake of the liquid used in the ritual for the next week in the evening. Each time you should drink seven sips. The remains, if any, are poured under the tallest living tree growing in the yard.

When this conspiracy is being chastised, it is boring to concentrate on curing the spouse's problem. Only then will the magic work in full force and give relief from the problem, which, with a certain probability, will cause the family to break up.

Ritual to increase male strength

This conspiracy on a riser is read by a man suffering from an ailment. To implement it you will need:

  • four candles;
  • a cup filled with running water.

The ritual is performed in a room where there is no one else. Standing in the center of the room, a man needs to put candles on four sides around him, light them, and hold the container in his hand. Before starting the ritual, read the text of the prayer "Our Father" three times, then - the prayer addressed to Saint Panteleimon. After reading the prayers, a conspiracy is pronounced:

From the earth, from the moon, from the month - a saint, come - settle, triple - multiply, submit to the servant of God (name). Light, day and darkness, darkness, on all four sides, to the west and east, north and south, I ask, I conjure, I beg the water. So that there are strong forces, strong forces, boil the water, extinguish the candle, melt the wax, add strength. Amen.

Upon completion of the reading of the magic spell, six sips of liquid are drunk from the cup, and the remainder must be poured over oneself to its full height. Like the previous one, this conspiracy is used to increase male potency while there is a full moon in the sky.

The prayers read before performing the ceremony will help to activate the light forces of the subtle worlds of magic and call on the spirit that will surely help get rid of violations of potency.

Scissors conspiracy

In order to carry out a ceremony in which a strong conspiracy to increase potency is used, a person will need:

  • scissors that have not been in household use;
  • a cup filled with running water or tap liquid.

At midnight during the full moon, a man needs to take scissors with water, and then go outside his house. It is extremely important that there are no strangers within sight, otherwise the conspiracy will not have the desired effect. To carry out the ritual and regain masculine strength, the scissors are dipped in liquid and cast the following spell:

As the iron does not bend, so the servant of God (name) Efim would not bend. As scissors do not bend, do not break, so the servant of God (name) to stand. Like a bull's horn stands, so would the servant of God (name) stand. From now until the century. Amen.

The conspiracy is read three times, after which the water used in the ritual is drunk in one gulp. Going home, do not step on the threshold of the house, step over it with your left foot.

Correct execution of all the subtleties of the performance of rituals and reading conspiracies allows you to get the maximum result the first time. That is why it is important to accurately do everything that is necessary, without contributing to your own bit of creativity and metamorphosis.

Conspiracy from impotence used in the bath

The proposed conspiracy is used to increase male potency while visiting the bath. It is a very effective method of magical aid for such a delicate and serious problem. The key to success is the correct observance of all recommendations and instructions for the ceremony.

Collect a bottle of water. A liquid taken from a tap or running water is suitable. After that, it must be poured into a bottle made of glass. It is very important to observe the timing of this step. The liquid is poured at midnight of the full moon, otherwise the conspiracy will have no effect. The bottle is filled with liquid, pouring it through the opening of the wedding ring, while talking at the same time.

After that, a man who wants to regain his masculine strength with the help of magic must visit a bathhouse, take a steam bath there using an oak broom, pour a bottle of charmed water into a basin where there is cold water, and completely pour himself over.

Strong conspiracies often require prior preparation and utmost precision during their execution, but the resulting result will exceed all expectations. Therefore, following all the recommendations with the utmost precision will certainly bear fruit, which will bring relief from problems and a happy life. Egg rolling is an ancient healing

From time immemorial, in order to cleanse a person from corruption, I will use

Another conspiracy used during a visit to the bath

There is more than one potency conspiracy that is used in the bath. This ritual is performed on Maundy Thursday preceding Easter. The power of this magical rite has been proven by many centuries of history and its repeated use. It is also extremely important to observe the correct execution. A man, longing for the return of potency, goes to the bathhouse, taking with him a head of garlic and one pod of red pepper. First you need to steam well with an oak broom, then fill the basin with water, put garlic and pepper there and read the plot:

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Everything about religion and faith - "Orthodox prayer for male power" with detailed descriptions and photographs.

The life of a real man cannot be called easy: constant stress, hard work, responsibility not only for oneself, but also for the family. It's good if the body can handle it. But impotence can occur. Then a young man cannot feel like a full-fledged man, his body ceases to obey.

Disease can be the cause of impotence. In this case, it is necessary to heed the doctor's recommendations. But magic can also help. It is worth reading the conspiracy on male strength, and everything will work out.

Constant stress can cause serious illness and lead to male powerlessness.

The causes of impotence

Before using the potency conspiracy, you need to understand why this problem arose. Sometimes a person needs treatment from a specialist. You can combine therapy and reading conspiracies. Then you are more likely to get a positive result.

  1. Psychological reasons. Sometimes impotence can appear even in physically strong and healthy men. The cause is overstrain and stress. A young man can be in a state of nervousness for quite a long time, and this will not affect his well-being in any way. But at some point, the excess of adrenaline will affect his abilities. This impotence can come on suddenly. Sometimes it goes away very quickly.

If impotence has psychological reasons, then it can also suddenly disappear as it appeared

Endocrine system disorders are often the cause of impotence.

Conspiracies that can return masculine strength

If you suddenly have problems in bed, you need to be examined by a doctor and get medical treatment. At the same time, you can read the conspiracy from impotence. These magical ways, proven over the years, will help a man overcome problems in his sex life. And it is important not only that he can satisfy his partner. It's about his self-esteem, about whether he will feel like a real man. Such problems are a real misfortune for the representatives of the strong half of humanity and are hard on them. Therefore, it is very important to return this ability to him, even if with the help of magic.

If traditional methods of treatment do not help, there are special conspiracies that can return masculine strength.

Conspiracy with a nail

This potency conspiracy is very simple and effective. You need to take a glass and a nail. The nail is hung by the cap, so that it is on the edge of the glass, and vodka is poured into it, speaking it. Vodka must be consumed. The nail must not be removed from the glass. Then you need to take the nail to a deserted place and stick it into the ground. He must completely hide in the soil.

“On the high mountain Buyan there is a green oak with a red-hot nail in it. With rage and pity, so that the servant of God (the name of the man) on the servant of God (the name of the woman) stood like a nail. "

A conspiracy that helps from male impotence

You need to say the cherished words when there is uncertainty in your abilities.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. There is the Holy Ocean-Sea, on the Holy Ocean-Sea there is an island, on that island there is a damask oak, that damask oak has damask roots, the summit is damask. The circle of that damask oak will not bend by the wind, will not break with a whirlwind. So it would be with me, the servant of God (name), there were 70 lived and one lived on the female face of a red maiden, on old women, on young young women, on gray mares. I, the servant of God (name), would have become better than the former, braver than the former, like a turius horn, like a spruce branch. And the servant of God (name) would be ardent and bright for female lust, for hollow revenge, forever and ever, amen. "

When there is uncertainty in their abilities, it is enough just to read the conspiracy.

Three Mondays conspiracy

These words of conspiracy must be pronounced 3 months in a row. You need to wait for the first Monday of the month, take half a glass of water and speak the conspiracy. The next day, in the morning, you need to take a sip from the glass. The remaining water must be used for washing, not forgetting about the organ for which the conspiracy is read.

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. On the sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan, a tree grows not a tree - an iron cypress. Does not break with the wind, does not bend with hail, does not incinerate by lightning. Its roots are strong, its branches are damask. It stands in the middle of the sea-ocean - it won't bend, it won't bend, so I, the servant of God (name), would have lived seventy and one lived, now, and ever, and forever and ever, amen. "

There is another version of this conspiracy. Only not water is used, but a man's belt. It is also read before bed on the first Mondays of three months. After pronouncing these words, the charmed belt must be put on or put under the bed. This is an old conspiracy. With the help of it, you can attract unprecedented energy to a man. It also helps to establish a sex life.

A conspiracy on a belt will help from male powerlessness

“I, the servant of God (name the name), will get up, blessing, I will go out into the open field, crossing myself, I will go to the eastern side, to the sea-ocean, Buyan Island. There a mighty cypress grows, its roots are strong, damask boughs, does not break by the wind, does not stray with hail, does not incinerate by lightning. So let the power of the servant of God (name the name) never bend, bend, serve with faith and truth. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy with a bottle

You need to find a bottle, the neck with the bark would be straight and long. It is necessary to pour half a glass of holy water into it. Then you should read the words of the conspiracy and give the man a little of this charmed water to drink.

“Lord, bless, Lord, help. Just as this bottleneck always stands cheerfully and straight, so the servant of God (name) would always have mihir on the servant of God (name), day and night, both for bodily lust and hot love. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Holy water conspiracy

This ceremony is useful for wives who dream of returning masculine strength to their spouse. It is necessary to wait for the full moon. In the church you need to take holy water and buy candles, 13 pieces. Leaving the church, you must say:

“I leave weakness, I call on strength. And all the failures, let them go to the grave. Amen".

With impotence, holy water will come to the rescue

Left alone, you need to light candles, bring a vessel with consecrated water and repeat the plot several times. This water should be given to a man for at least 13 days. If the conspiracy does not help, you need to repeat the ceremony on the next full moon.

“As the trunk does not bend from the wind, so let my man gain strength. In bed, in fact, in worries and in the body. His weakness will go away, fatigue will go away. If there is muck on it, let him get away, he will return to the instigator with the illness. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Drinking conspiracy

You need to say these words over some drink (tea or milk).

“On the east side, There is a branch in the depths of the sea. It does not bend or break, and does not wriggle like a snake. He cannot be broken, he cannot be interrupted. Whoever takes a bitch, That one ... wakes up. He will not sleep, peace, He will bother all the women. When the dawn is clear, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the sun and in the evening. As a bough is strong in the depths of the sea, So let a strong hollow place be on me. The key to my words, The castle to my deeds. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Tea mug conspiracy is very effective for impotence

Prayer for the improvement of married life

Prayer, appeal to the Higher powers is a good way to solve any problem. There is a special prayer that will help with impotence.

“Bring, Lord, an even and natural attraction to the marriage bed and do not let the great power of the universal life principle fade away and become only a memory. All my youth, come into my members and fill them with new strength to continue and strengthen bodily closeness. Each night will become a blessing, as well as for me, and for the woman who merged with me with the Light of the Lord, who with her whole body gives immeasurable bliss to my body. In the name of the Lord, I call on the powers of Heaven to help me in this. Amen".

Use a special prayer to improve your married life.

Conspiracy that gives masculine strength

It is best to perform this ceremony on a full moon. You need to stand in the middle of a room in which there is no one. On four sides you need to put lighted candles, hold a cup of water in your hands. Before reading the conspiracy, the prayer "Our Father" is pronounced three times, then a prayer is read to St. Panteleimon. Now you can start reading the conspiracy itself:

“From the earth, from the month, from the moon - a saint, come and settle, triple - multiply, submit to God's servant (name). Light, day and darkness are dark, on all four sides, to the east, and to the west, and to the north, and to the south, I ask, I conjure, I pray for water. So that there are strong forces, strong forces, boil the water, extinguish the candle, melt the wax, add strength. Amen".

When these words are pronounced, you need to drink 6 sips of water. And take the remaining water into the bath and pour over yourself, trying to wet the whole body, starting from the head.

After pronouncing the conspiracy, you need to drink 6 sips of water

Scissors conspiracy

This ceremony is performed on the full moon, at 12 o'clock in the morning. You need to buy scissors and not use them for their intended purpose, as well as take a mug of water. It is necessary to leave the house at night. Neither neighbors nor relatives should see this. Then you need to put the scissors in the water and speak them. Drink all the water in one gulp. Heading home, you cannot touch the threshold with your foot, you need to step over it with your left foot.

“As this iron does not bend, so Efim would not bend in God's servant (name). As these scissors do not bend, do not break, so God's servant (name) has a stand. Like a bull has a horn, so would God's servant (name) stand. From now until the century. Amen".

Feedback from visitors


Especially this remedy helps in the treatment of impotence caused by non-enhancement of male strength. Conspiracy to win the lottery. Conspiracies from loneliness for a guy, girl or widow. Conspiracy is a prayer for all diseases. Conspiracy if there are no children for a long time.

They can seriously complicate not only your marriage, but also your life, because it is not difficult to put such an evil eye even on a young man. If your husband is sick, then you should focus on treating the ailment, and only then use a conspiracy that gives masculine strength.

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How to return happiness and understanding to the family with the help of a conspiracy on male power

In ancient medicine, many ailments were cured by the power of conspiracy knowledge. Today people have again discovered this storehouse of health. It is not only healers and healers who can apply non-standard methods of treatment. To protect themselves and their loved ones from the intrigues of ill-wishers, everyone has the opportunity to use the gift of the word of God - this is a conspiracy for male power, from spoiling the young at a wedding, a wife's conspiracy to reconcile with her husband, prayers of spouses and parents for children and others.

Male conspiracy

To use the heritage of previous generations, one must remember that it can only help a person with a pure soul and the one who performed the sacrament of baptism.

A person belongs to two worlds: the physical and the spiritual, therefore, he can be healed physically - with pills, injections, operations - and on another level - by fasting and prayers.

Strong half of humanity

Men are considered the stronger sex, but modern reality has led to the fact that their average life expectancy is shorter than that of women. They spend more time on tedious work, and they drown out the stress experienced by bad habits.

The most terrible types of ailments are those that end in failure in bed - impotence. This leads to discord and scandals for the married couple.

In the old days, people sincerely believed in the help of God, the newlyweds certainly got married in the church in order to raise strong offspring. Sexual impotence was removed simply: the girl took her husband's wedding ring, who passed urine through it three times. With severe damage, a week-long stay in monasteries was shown, keeping the relics of the saints.

Nowadays, rarely any of the representatives of the strong half is recognized in erectile dysfunction. The task of restoring harmony in the family is undertaken by a woman.

First you need to understand the reasons for the malfunction in the body of your beloved man, support him and set him up for examination by an expert. It is most effective to combine medical advice with a conspiracy to restore male power.

Unconventional treatment

It so happens that various circumstances persistently prevent getting to a specialist: the queue is scheduled for weeks in advance, the patient has urgent matters, sudden attacks of illness, etc. This alarms attention.

The main signs of damage to deprivation of male power include:

  • unreasonable deterioration in sexual mood;
  • excitable aggression and constant irritability;
  • assault;
  • indifference to the opposite sex.

In this case, the problem cannot be solved at the physical level. It is worth turning to the heritage of ancestors who left more than one example of the speech influence of prayers - verbal formulas that can influence the existing reality, changing it. The omnipotence of words, with the right combination, will be able to return the joy of sexual contacts.

Verbal Formulas for Strengthening Masculinity

A conspiracy is just a tool in the hands of a certain person, it can carry both constructive and destructive power and take away male power.

If there is a suspicion that the spiteful critic has brought a heavy evil eye in order to deprive the spouses of the harmony of sexual life, then the wife must first order a church lecture in three large churches - the magpie.

Also, a woman herself can do a lot. But before reading healing texts, she must:

  • sincerely believe in the effectiveness of the speech being spoken;
  • do not hold any grudge against the person being spoken;
  • not tell others about the ceremony;
  • before starting to read "Our Father" three times;
  • squeeze your hands in front of you in a tight lock, and at the end of reading, quickly unclench.

Restoration of potency with a healing word

For fresh water before bed, read any of the options below. The water prepared in this way should be drunk and applied in the form of a compress to the sore spot.

“Lord God, bless, Father. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I will go to an open field, I will pray to the true Christ the King of Heaven. As the iron rod of the millstone does not collapse, does not roll over, does not stagger, so the servant of God (name) would have seventy veins and one vein, seventy joints against a hollow place. He did not bent against the woman, he did not hesitate, he would not stagger.

Always, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen";

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There is the Ocean-Sea, on the umbilical cord of the sea lies the Latyr-stone, on that stone there is a damask oak - damask branches and root. As long as that oak stands firmly and tightly, it would stand so firmly and tightly with a white rage and live on female lust, on a hollow place.

From under that Batyr-stone comes a bull-bull, damask horns and damask hooves. He walks around that damask oak and that oak wakes up, and pushes, and cannot break and knock down. How strong the damask oak stands, and how strong the horns of the porcine are, it would stand so firmly and fervently live on female lust, on a hollow place.

A rooster flies out from under that Batyr-stone. With him fly out far away chickens. As far as the rooster gallops ardently and brightly and tramples on the far away hens, so would (name) be ardent and bright for female lust, for a hollow place. Till the end of time. Amen".

Herbal Recipes

To give your husband back the opportunity to enjoy physical intimacy, you can use the following recipe (indicated in parts):

  • calamus root - 3;
  • bedstraw - 2;
  • rape - 3;
  • mint - 1;
  • asparagus seeds - 2;
  • nettle seeds - 3;
  • plantain leaf - 2;
  • hazel leaf - 2;
  • marshmallow root - 2.

Pour three tablespoons of the given herbal collection with three glasses of boiling water and insist in a thermos. Give a man four times a day, 150 grams one hour before a meal.

To enhance the effect of the broth, you can add a tablespoon of periwinkle infused with alcohol (50 grams of plant leaves per glass of alcohol).

The preparation of a medicinal tincture should be taken very seriously, since some of the constituent elements are conditionally poisonous.

Genesis 2: 18-24 says:

“And the Lord God said: It is not good for the man to be alone ... he will cleave to his wife; and they will be one flesh. "

This means that a married couple needs to take care of each other, jointly overcome difficulties, grow morally, and turning to the sacrament of prayer, you need to understand that health will come to the body when the spirit is healthy!

An ancient powerful male conspiracy to increase sex

The presented attitude is addressed to men. Having mastered it

conspiracy for an erection.

conspiracy for an erection.

Now you know how to return masculine strength using conspiracies and folk remedies.

Conspiracy for impotence - painless return of male power

For the first time the word "impotence" was used in 1420 in the work of T. Hockleave "De regimine principum" in the sense of "failure" or "lack of strength": "The impotence of a man is not spread as far as his influence." And in the sense of "loss of sexual power" the word was first used in 1655 by T. Fuller in the "History of the Church in Britain", where even the Pope was called impotent. But, undoubtedly, the question of male infirmity was present for a very long time, long before the appearance of this word.

And people tried, without any medicine, to restore the health of a man with the help of conspiracies. Conspiracies and prayers for impotence- these are old spells that need to be read in a whisper so that not a single soul knows about it. The conspirator must necessarily have intact teeth, he must not be a drinker, a smoker, otherwise the power of the conspiracy disappears. Conspiracies cannot be sold or taken for money, and they are only allowed to be transferred from the elder to the younger. And the most important condition: a word is valid only if it contains a thought that can become alive.

Conspiracy for impotence(popularly called - nevstanikha) is usually read on the waxing moon, before lunch or when the sun rises. Such conspiracies are spoken by a man to himself, or the one who wants him health speaks for him. Some people use conspiracy to impotence, but this should not be done, because the main rule of the healer is to do no harm.

Healing conspiracy for impotence

It is necessary very early to go to the well to get water for someone who is sick, and on the way back, you cannot pause, turn, so that it does not happen there, and whoever you meet there.

Then the brought water must be poured into a triptych (near the icon) and also poured over the axis of the cart. At the same hour, the healer recites the words three times: "As the skeleton stands, so stay with (the man's name) rubbish on (the man's name) from now on to the ages."

Male conspiracy

You need to bury the tail from the boar between two trees. Stand with your feet on the point where the tail is buried and say: "While you lie here, my h ... will stand." Such a spell is very strong, it lasts for a long time, until the pig's tail snaps. Then the ritual is repeated again.

Popular conspiracy against impotence

You need to take a huge nail, place it in a glass with the head down and sentence, while pouring vodka on it:

Then you need to get the nail, and the man must drink vodka from this glass.

Conspiracy from male infirmity with a plate

If the man is weakened in the sexual part, go to the bazaar, buy a plate without any pattern and rim, so that no one eats from it even once, do not bargain. Then you need to put it on the ground, turning it upside down, ask the peasant to kick the plate well so that it bursts, and then immediately say: “You are broken, but my h ... will not break!

A complex but effective conspiracy-rite from nevstanikha

For three months in a row, on every first Monday before going to bed, you need to say half a glass of blessed water, and when you wake up, you need to drink one sip, and pour the other water over yourself when washing.

The conspiracy against impotence is active, healing and, most importantly, effective. Healers have been using it since ancient times. For the first time the word "impotence" was used in 1420 in the work "De regimine principum" (by T. Hockleave) in the sense of "inconsistency" or "lack of strength."