Garlic rust treatment. Treatment of garlic for diseases

All gardeners dream of a good harvest. However, it is not enough to create good conditions for the growth of certain crops, to water and feed them on time. It is also important to fight pests, fungal and infectious diseases. Garlic is one of the crops most commonly damaged by insects or unpleasant diseases. Do not get upset ahead of time, because not every disease of garlic damages the crop, and many of them can be successfully fought. Prevention also plays an important role.

How does rust appear?

Rust is called so because of the manifestation of the disease. It can be found on the leaves, which are covered with light yellow or red spots. In severe cases of the disease, the leaves look "rusty" entirely. The spots are convex and look like red spores on garlic leaves. Subsequently, the leaves turn black and dry completely.

Rust is a fungal disease. The entire cycle of the appearance and development of the fungus takes place on one plant. It can develop due to an infection that remains in the garden after planting before garlic. Perennial onions planted next to a bed of garlic can often cause rust.

This disease is very common in central Russia. It is dangerous in that it leads to a significant decrease in the harvest of garlic.

Ways to deal with garlic rust

Due to the fact that garlic rust is ubiquitous in Russia, it makes sense to think about disease prevention before planting a crop. Before planting, the seed must be warmed up for about 12 hours in the oven, in the sun or in another way. The air temperature for warming up should be from 35 to 40 ° C.

Also, before planting, chives can be disinfected with a formalin solution. The cloves just before sowing must be peeled and folded into a bag. The solution is prepared as follows: one part of formalin (40%) is taken for 250 parts of water. Keep the garlic bag in the solution for 10 minutes. After that, the bag must be placed in an airtight material (tarpaulin, rubber, etc.) for two hours. The last stage of processing is airing in the shade.

Also, preventive measures can be called the removal of a bed of garlic at a considerable distance from the planting of perennial onions. After harvesting, all plant residues should be carefully removed from the garden bed where the garlic will subsequently be planted.

If the disease has already begun to develop in the garden, then the first step is to break off and destroy the affected leaves. If you notice the onset of the disease in a timely manner and remove the causative agent of the disease in time, then it is quite possible to stop the spread of rust.

For more severe cases, chemicals should be used. You can spray the leaves with copper sulfate, HOM, tar soap solution, Bordeaux mixture. Spraying should be repeated a week after the first treatment.

Despite its strong immunity, garlic infects viral, fungal, bacterial diseases and is often attacked by insects. Garlic diseases can be treated with chemicals and folk remedies. Insecticides and preventive measures will help fight pests.

The main diseases of garlic and their symptoms

Horticultural crops are susceptible to disease. Garlic is no exception, it suffers from fungi and viruses. There are many diseases that can infect a plant, it is difficult to distinguish them without some experience. Photos of diseases of garlic and methods of dealing with them will help to visualize what this or that pathology looks like, and to recognize the signs of diseases even in the early stages. The sooner the treatment starts, the easier and faster it will pass.

Common fungal diseases of winter garlic and their symptoms:

  • Fusarium. This common fungal disease can destroy an entire crop. The disease can be recognized by individual brown stripes appearing on the leaves. If fusarium is not cured in time, it will get to the head, which will begin to rot from the bottom and eventually die. If the disease manifests itself during storage, white mold forms on the affected bulbs - the causative agent of the disease.
  • Rust. The disease can be recognized because yellow, slightly convex, rounded spots appear on the leaves of the culture. In the future, brown-red swellings are formed on them, which turn black over time. The leaf dries up and dies off.
  • Peronosporosis. Quite a dangerous disease, which is also called downy mildew. The disease is caused by fungi of the Peronospore family, which are often present in bulbs and soil. They are activated at high temperature, humidity and severe neglect of the garden. At first, the disease manifests itself as yellow-brown spots covered with a gray bloom. Gradually, the lesions increase in size. The fungus develops and enters the culture head. It stops growing and dies off.
  • Aspergillosis. A disease known as black rot develops in bulbs when not properly stored. The head becomes soft and then dries up. If you peel off the skin, black dust will appear - spores of fungi that are able to transfer to healthy heads.

Garlic viral diseases

Vegetable crops are susceptible to only two diseases of this type: yellow dwarfism and mosaic. Diseases are dangerous because they do not respond to treatment. They spread quickly and are capable of destroying the entire crop, so it is important to recognize them early on.

  • Yellow dwarfism is carried by aphids. The disease can be recognized by lethargic and drooping leaves - they acquire a yellow tint at the tips, become bumpy, twisted and decrease in volume. The culture stops growing and gradually dies off.
  • Mosaic is a viral disease that spreads through soil, seeds, plant debris. It manifests itself in the fact that stripes and dots of a light yellow hue are formed on the leaves and stems. The feathers themselves weaken and sink to the ground. The plant gradually withers and dries up. The denticles become elongated, and you can notice their underdevelopment.

Bacterial infections

Garlic bacteriosis is a deadly disease for vegetable crops, and it affects garlic during the growth stage and during storage. The causes of the disease are premature harvesting, improper storage and insect activity.

In the early stages, the disease affects the denticles. Ulcers of a yellow-brown hue appear on them. The teeth rot and do not germinate. Gradually, the lobules become transparent, mucus forms in them. Garlic gives off a pungent, unpleasant odor.

Bacterial infections are dangerous because they cannot be treated. All crops and contaminated seed have to be destroyed.

Disease control measures

Viral and bacterial diseases are incurable. Control measures include prevention, destruction of affected plants and soil treatment with strong fungicides such as "Karbofos" and "Hom".

Only fungal diseases of garlic can be treated, and their treatment depends on the stage and type of disease. In any case, you should fight at the first sign. First of all, the damaged parts of the plant are removed. From powdery mildew, the bed is processed with copper sulfate. After harvesting the recovered crop, it is important to dry the bulbs well.

Bordeaux liquid is used to treat rust. The same remedy is effective against fusarium and black rot. In addition, fungicides cope with fungal infections; for garlic it is worth using "Fitosporin", "Champion", "Kupraksat".

Folk remedies for fungal diseases

Not only chemical preparations will help to cope with diseases, there are effective folk recipes that destroy fungi and mold. The infusion of calendula and yarrow helps well. To prepare 50 g of medicinal plants, 1 liter of hot water is poured. The mixture is infused for 7 days, then filtered and diluted with water at the rate of 1 liter of infusion per bucket.

It is recommended to treat the soil and seed with the tool before planting. Another spraying should be done during the growth of the garlic feathers. The infusion effectively prevents fungal diseases, but does not accumulate in the plant.

It is useful to spray garlic for prophylaxis with a solution of fermented milk whey. For its preparation, the product is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. In addition, it is recommended to treat the bed with a solution of soda ash, made at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water.

Folk remedies for viral diseases

Infusions and decoctions will not be able to cure such diseases. But they will scare off aphids and garlic mites, which carry mosaic and yellow dwarf viruses. For these purposes, an infusion of tobacco is used. For preparation, dried and crushed leaves are poured with 10 liters of water. The mixture is infused for two days, after which it is filtered and used for spraying.

An infusion of wood ash helps to scare off the carriers of viruses. For cooking, a bucket of water is heated, a glass of ash is poured into it, after which the mixture is stirred and infused for a day. 40 g of liquid soap is added to the infusion, after which the soil and plants are sprayed with the agent.

Garlic pests and control

Stem nematode

You can recognize the pest by yellowing, wilting stems and leaves with light stripes. Near the bed, inhabited by nematodes, a sharp smell of rot is clearly felt. The garlic heads gradually dry out. Nematodes are capable of destroying most of the crop. The first rule of how to deal with them is to remove the affected plants and burn them away from the site. The soil of the bed is treated with bleach or formalin. Neighboring healthy crops - with insecticides such as "Akarin", "Fitoverm". It is not recommended to grow garlic in this place for another 2-3 years.

Root mite

Onion moth

This insect can be seen with the naked eye. Adult butterflies practically do not harm the plant, but their caterpillars are very dangerous. These insects feed on the pulp of the leaves and eat the rudiments of the pedicels, which leads to the destruction of future seed. Insects are destroyed by spraying with insecticidal preparations. Iskra and Dachnik have proven themselves well.

Insecticides and acaricides are effective, but poisonous drugs that can accumulate in culture. If there is any doubt about how to treat garlic from pests, you should try proven folk remedies. Such methods are no less effective, but at the same time they are safe for plants and gardeners.

Folk remedies for pests

So that a nematode does not start in the soil, each square meter of the garden is watered with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. salt diluted in 3 liters of water.

To scare off onion moths, a mixture of 100 g of crushed wood ash is prepared, 1 tbsp. l. tobacco dust, 1 tsp. ground red pepper. All components are mixed, this dust is used to treat the garden bed 2-3 times per season for prophylaxis.

Preventive measures

Diseases and pests of garlic are not terrible if you adhere to the rules of growing a crop:

  • Before planting, it is worth treating the bulbs with saline or potassium permanganate. In addition, the teeth are ground with chalk or lime at the rate of 20 g of powder per 1 kg of material.
  • It is recommended to store seed in a room with a temperature not exceeding + 10 ° С. It is desirable that the humidity does not exceed 60–70%. The bulbs are thoroughly dried before storage.
  • Before planting, it is recommended to warm up the cloves for 7–8 hours at a temperature of + 40 ° С.
  • It is advisable to treat the soil of the beds with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. This will destroy the fungal spores in the soil.
  • The affected parts of the culture, including diseased planting material, cannot be used for mulching the beds or preparing compost. Such plants should be burned immediately.

It is recommended to observe the crop rotation. Do not grow garlic after or near potatoes, carrots, cabbage, onions. The best neighbors for culture will be calendula, thyme, or mint. In addition, garlic should be grown in the same area after 3-4 years.

It is necessary to regularly weed the bed, remove weeds. Such plants are often inhabited by pests and pathogenic fungi. It is also important to observe the correct watering regime.

Greetings, dear friends!

Quite a dangerous disease garlic rust capable of infecting not only garlic and other bulbous, but also many garden crops. It develops on the upper part of plants - stems and leaves. Symptoms can vary slightly. This is partly because rust is caused by three different types of microscopic fungi: Puccinia porri, Puccinia allii and Melampsora allii.

However, they are all capable of infecting garlic. For him, the symptoms look something like this:

The most common in the case of Puccinia species is the initial stage of the disease, when the leaves of garlic are covered with light yellow, slightly convex rounded spots;

Then bright brown-red swellings appear on them, in which the spores of the fungus develop;

Later, the swellings turn black, with a significant area of ​​the lesion, the leaves dry out;

Light red-orange pads appear on the stems and leaves of plants affected by the fungus Melampsora allii over the yellow spots.

The area of ​​distribution of this disease is very wide. However, it is most often found in Moldova, Ukraine and Central Asia. In central Russia and Moscow region. specifically, garlic is affected somewhat less frequently.

The disease, as a rule, does not lead to the complete death of the crop, but the losses from it can be very significant, since the premature loss of foliage leads to less accumulation of organic and nutrients. This leads to underdevelopment of heads and a decrease in yield. In addition, the taste and keeping properties are sharply reduced and, as a result, the garlic loses its commercial qualities.

Fungal spores are very frost-resistant, so they can overwinter in plant debris in the beds. The mycelium (mycelium) of the fungus may also remain there, which may begin to develop again in the spring. It is plant debris that is the main source of garlic infection. Infection can also occur if there is an affected onion field nearby. After all, do not forget that spores are very easily carried by the wind.

Prevention and treatment of the disease

The most important prevention methods:

Strict adherence to the sequence of crop rotation with a minimum time distance of 3-4 years;

In the crop rotation, precursors that can be a source of infestation, that is, species affected by rust, should be avoided;

Last year's plant residues must either be removed and burned, or destroyed by deep plowing of the soil in the fall;

Garlic and onions, especially of different ages, should be geographically separated;

Excessive thickening of crops of both garlic and onions should be avoided unnecessarily;

During the growing season, weeds should be removed, and the soil should be periodically loosened;

Every 10-12 days, make a preventive examination of crops and remove diseased specimens.

The crop must be warmed up before storage - 10 hours at + 40 ° C is quite enough.

Good results in combating garlic rust are obtained by chemical treatment of cloves and one-cloves before planting. In addition to commercially available drugs, a solution of 40% formalin is suitable at the rate of 40 ml per 120 liters of water. Garlic, divided into cloves, is soaked in this solution for 2 hours.

It is used to combat the disease that has already appeared on the leaves. For better adhesion with poorly wetted garlic leaves, paste can be added to the solution. For the same purposes, you can use copper sulphate or a fungicide produced under the name "Khom" - mixed with liquid tar soap. Spraying should be repeated after 10-12 days, but stop 3-4 weeks before the expected harvest. It should be remembered that copper is a heavy metal and its salts are unsafe for humans.

For plant treatment, you can also use those fungicides that are used to combat downy mildew. These include the following drugs:

1. Alirin-B is a curative and immunizing bacterial fungicide with a protective effect. Created on the basis of the B-10 bacterial strain by the Institute of Plant Protection (VIZR). Works against quite a few fungal diseases. Can be used not only for treating crops such as onions and garlic, but also for many other garden plants.

  1. Gamair is also a bacterial biological fungicide. Created on the basis of the M-22 strain at the same institute. The fungicide is intended to suppress the development of fungal diseases. The range of use is the same as for Alirin-B.

I wish you to garlic rust bypassed your beds. Until next time, friends!

Garlic is exposed to various diseases and pests as often as other cultivated plants. To know how to prevent their appearance or development, it is necessary to be able to recognize the symptoms of garlic diseases, and to fight them regularly. Garlic dies from a narrow list of pests and diseases, and other pathogenic factors are simply not able to cope with this insecticide. Most often, garlic is exposed to fungal diseases, molds in the ground, in order to prevent this, you need to know what to do when the primary symptoms of such diseases appear.

Garlic pests stop the growth of the plant, and also gradually lead to its death. Moreover, many insects contribute to the spread of dangerous garlic pathologies.

To prevent this, it is necessary to treat garlic from pests with the help of deterrent compounds. The best of these is the ash solution, which is prepared according to the instructions:

  1. A glass of wood ash is added to a bucket of hot water.
  2. Everything is mixed and infused for 1 day.
  3. 40 grams of liquid soap is added to the resulting liquid.

A prepared agent is used for processing soil and plants.

Stem nematode

The most dangerous pest affecting garden crops is the stem nematode. It is a filamentous worm, the length of which can reach 1.5 millimeters in length. The worm feeds on plant sap, gradually completely destroying the culture. Therefore, every summer resident is obliged to start their treatment and prevention of garlic disease in time to protect it from the next infection. You can recognize the presence of a pest by the following symptoms:

  • light dashes appear on the leaves;
  • garlic feathers gradually dry out, curl;
  • a pungent smell of rot begins to emanate from the plantings;
  • the bulbs dry up.

The stem nematode disrupts the integrity of the bulb, which is why the appearance of garlic neck rot is often observed. This pathology and pest completely destroy the plant and crop.

The most effective way, a method of dealing with stem nematode that affects garlic, is the treatment of plantings with Calypso. Use the mixture for pest control strictly according to the instructions attached to it.

Root onion mite

The most common insect infecting garlic is root mites. The size of their little body is no more than 0.7 millimeters in length; in color it resembles a clouded glass. Within 1 month, a mature individual grows from the laid eggs, and during the season several generations of insects are formed.

It is possible to recognize pests of garlic and fight them only on the basis of the symptoms that appear:

  • the appearance of brown dust on the bulbs;
  • peeling of the bottom;
  • rotting of the fetus.

If you store an infected crop, the tick persists, the infection contributes to the drying of the heads.

If the tick has already infected the planted crop, it is recommended to use the following control measures to eliminate it from the garlic: treatment with Clofentezin or Dimethoatom-400. In the early stages of the development of pathology, Actellik or Neoron can be used.

Garlic four-legged mite

You can recognize the presence of this pest of garlic by the corresponding symptoms. The plant culture is damaged as follows:

  • leaves curl along an average vein;
  • leaves begin to turn yellow at the edges;
  • the teeth become dark green or covered with yellow spots.

These mites are very dangerous as they cause mosaics.

To combat this mite, it is necessary to use acaricides by the method of processing storage facilities before laying the crop, for spraying the crop during the growing season. To reduce the risk of contamination of the crop in the storage, it is necessary to dry it within 1 week at a temperature of 35-37 degrees.

Onion fly

Such pests of garlic reach a length of 8 millimeters, with a wingspan of 14. You can recognize a fly if you know the description of the pest:

  • the body is brown in color;
  • the edges of the wings are edged with fringe;
  • the insect lays eggs in early June.

The pest damages the feathers of garlic, which greatly slows down its growth and productivity. How to deal with garlic pests:

  1. 250 grams of shag is mixed with a spoonful of hot pepper.
  2. The mass is mixed with 2 liters of hot water and infused in a warm place for 3 days.
  3. Everything is filtered, diluted to 10 liters and mixed with 30 grams of liquid soap.

To combat the insect obtained by the infusion, the plant culture and soil should be sprayed once a week during May, and then re-treatment is carried out in July.

Diseases of garlic

Basically, garlic diseases are fungal or bacterial in nature. In advanced cases, such pathologies can destroy most of the crop, therefore, if they occur, it is necessary to immediately take control measures.

One of the most common pathologies is peronosporosis of garlic. It manifests itself:

  • yellowing of the upper part of the stem;
  • gradual drying of the stem;
  • slowdown in growth.

When optimal environmental conditions are formed, the fungus actively spreads and can infect all planted crops. Therefore, it is important to prevent the occurrence of peronosporosis. Since the pathology is not capable of developing in bright light and elevated temperature indicators, its prevention is carried out in the following way:

  • before sowing, the teeth are warmed up under the sun for 2 days, while it is desirable that the ambient temperature reaches 40 degrees Celsius;
  • the harvested crop is warmed up in the same way;
  • before sowing, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the soil from organic residues and disinfect it.

The reason for the development of this disease is the use of contaminated material for sowing, organic residues in the soil, and the spread of fungal spores downwind. To combat it, use:

  • Tiram - strictly according to the instructions.
  • Fentiuram - 3 kilograms are poured into 10 liters of water.
  • Polycarbocin - 40 grams of the drug is used for a similar volume of liquid.
  • Arcerida - 30 grams of the product is dissolved in 10 liters.

For the processing of inoculum, you can use a 2-3% solution of the drug Tiram. The cloves are soaked in the solution for 20-25 minutes.

Garlic bacteriosis is another type of pathology that can destroy almost the entire crop. This pathology affects garlic during the growing season, during storage of the crop. Infected teeth rot, do not form seedlings. On tubers, the pathology is manifested by yellow and brown lesions. In some cases, the teeth become transparent and then acquire the consistency of mucus.

To minimize the risk of contamination of garlic with a bacterial disease, you must:

  • to cultivate the soil with Hom;
  • maintain an interval of 4 years between crops in one place;
  • pre-fertilize the earth with phosphorus;
  • remove organic residues before sowing;
  • maintain the full ripening period of the vegetable;
  • remove the tops only after drying, at a temperature of 23-30 degrees, this process takes 10 days.

It is also recommended to use insecticides to reduce the activity of insect pests, treat the seed with formalin, observe the storage conditions of the crop: humidity not more than 60–70%, temperature 1–4 degrees for winter garlic and 16–18 degrees for spring garlic.

Garlic rust

Rust is a type of garlic disease that affects crops and appears as yellowish streaks. Gradually, these stripes become wider, and then they fill the entire sheet plate. In some cases, rust does not appear as dashes, but as yellow rounded spots, which eventually acquire a reddish tint and a convex shape.

Under the influence of this disease, you can lose a significant part of the crop. Such harm is caused by the fact that the plant culture gradually loses its leaves, the activity of accumulating nutrients decreases, the heads do not grow. The likelihood of this disease can be reduced if prophylaxis is carried out before sowing. To do this, you must use the instruction:

  1. The slices are filled with 40% formalin solution and left for 2 hours. It can be made by mixing 40 milliliters of formalin and 120 liters of water.
  2. The beds are watered with a solution prepared from 10 liters of water and 15 milliliters of Fitosporin-M. If this composition is not available, it can be replaced with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.
  3. Only after such processing can you start sowing the culture.

If the planted garlic is sick with rust, it must be treated with copper sulfate or Hom fungicide. The greatest effect is obtained by a mixture made from Hom and finely grated tar soap. It is required to irrigate the stems once every 10-14 days. The irrigation procedure should be completed 30 days before harvest.

In addition to these drugs, anti-peronosporosis agents can be used to combat rust:

  • Alirin-B.
  • Gamair.
  • Cuproxat.
  • Champion.
  • Median Extra 350.

These anti-rust preparations increase the plant's resistance to pathologies.

Black mold of garlic

Black mold is a type of garlic disease in which the vegetable in storage rots and also kills the planting. This pathology is activated if there is poor ventilation in the storage and is manifested by the appearance of black spores that look like dust. Gradually, the teeth soften and rot. Poorly dried or insufficiently ripe fruits carry the greatest risk of developing black rot. Also, rotting on garlic can occur if the planting is more than 6 hours in high humidity conditions.

Control measures, counteracting the infection will eliminate the disease of garlic. It is recommended to use Bordeaux liquid for this. 3 weeks before harvesting, the beds are irrigated with a 1% composition. Also, to combat black rot, you can use drugs recommended for eliminating bacteriosis.

Fusarium garlic

Fusarium most often appears in a southern climate. This pathology affects the plant in the ground during the growing season. The fungus is activated at ambient temperature indicators of 15-30 degrees and an increased level of humidity. The reason for the appearance of this pathology may be the remnants of the past infected crop in the ground, the use of water for irrigation with fusarium spores. Therefore, for sowing, it is required to select only whole teeth, any damage to their integrity threatens to contaminate the culture.

To determine the presence of pathology, you need to know its symptoms:

  • drying of the ends of the stems;
  • the appearance of brown stripes on the stems;
  • the formation of pink plaque in the leaf sinuses;
  • softening garlic heads;
  • the formation of pink, whitish or yellowish mycelium in the lesions;
  • rotting roots.

To eliminate all pathological causes, prevention of fusarium is necessary, as well as knowledge of measures to combat it in case of damage to garlic. Prevention consists in the careful selection of the seed, its treatment with Chromium, Fitosporin, Maxim, as well as watering the beds with disinfecting fungicides and eliminating all residues from last year's harvest.

If fusarium garlic is manifested by primary symptoms on a growing plant, it is necessary to take measures to combat it, such as treatment with Quadris. If the disease persists, the affected plant must be discarded in order to prevent its spread.

In most cases, garlic is very resistant to pests, as it has a specific smell. Insects don't like him. But culture is sometimes prone to disease. Garlic can be infected with fungi, often turns yellow, and sometimes spots appear on it. Diseases of garlic and the fight against them, photos - those aspects that deserve detailed consideration.

In the photo, the rust of the leaves of garlic

Rustnot indifferent to the crops of bulbous crops. Yellow spots of a convex shape that gradually spread are the most common manifestation of the disease. Plants lose leaves, as a result of organic matter less and less, the taste of such garlic also deteriorates. Rust control measures:

White rotgarlic affects it not only during development, but also during storage of culture. Often this ailmentcalled sclerotinia. The main symptoms of the manifestation of white rot:

  • leaves turn yellow;
  • mycelium appears at the base of the plant;
  • leaves dry;
  • the cloves of garlic become soft and start to rot;
  • the garlic dies.

The mushroom hibernates in the ground, in the so-called sclerotia. Small white dots are quite noticeable. In order for the plant to remain healthy, it is not recommended to re-plant the crop in the same place, it is better to follow the rules of crop rotation. In the photo you can see the white rot of garlic. in order to recognize alarming symptoms in a timely manner.

Everyone can fight the disease. To do this, it is worth performing the following measures, including preventive ones:

Garlic turns yellow: what to do?

If the garlic begins to turn yellow, then most often it is fusarium... Plant tips, stem and leaves change color, deform and gradually wither. On them you can see a bloom of pink. Moreover, the bulb loses its roots. Fusarium especially affects garlic, which grows in the southern regions. Crop losses in some cases are up to 70%.

What to do if garlic turns yellow due to fusarium? First of all, experienced farmers recommend doing the following:

  • use high-quality planting material;
  • treat garlic with drugs"Hom", "Maxim";
  • disinfect the soil with fungicides;
  • remove the remnants of the crop from the garden.

To prevent fusarium from infecting garlic, it is important to perform a full range of actions: process, timely dispose of plant residues, store dried tubers in proper conditions.

In the photo bacteriosis of garlic

Bacteriosisgarlic causes huge damage to the culture, worsens the presentation. It infects plants during the growing season when stocks are stored. The cloves infected with bacteria begin to rot, and accordingly do not germinate. How is bacteriosis manifested? Yellow-brown wounds, transparency of the teeth, mucus with an unpleasant odor are some of the manifestations of the disease.

Measures of control and prevention of bacteriosis of garlic:

  1. Compliance with crop rotation.
  2. Soil treatment with a preparation Hom.
  3. Fertilizing the soil with phosphorus fertilizing.
  4. Timely removal of plant residues.
  5. Application of insecticides.
  6. Compliance with the storage conditions for tubers.

Mosaic often affects garlic. You can determine the disease if you look at the photo well, and also know the symptoms of the manifestation of the disease:

Mosaic is a virus carried by ticks. The infection persists most often in plants of perennial fruits and in planting material. Initially, the disease manifests itself in the form of a mosaic of the aboveground part of the plant.

Ways to combat and prevent garlic mosaic:

  1. Removal of infected plants.
  2. Selection of uterine bulbs directly from uninfected plants.
  3. Vector and weed control.
  4. Spraying with karbofos.

Video about diseases of garlic and the fight against them:

Diseases of garlic and the fight against them, photos - those questions that interest the owners of farms. Compliance with the rules of crop rotation, removal of plant residues, weeds, following the recommendations from the article - this is what will help summer residents to collect a generous harvest of garlic in their own garden.