Plastic partitions divide one room into two. Dividing the room into two parts using drywall

It is worth resorting to zoning when you need to divide one room into several in the event that separate zones should have different purposes. Thanks to this design technique, it is possible to visually and realistically separate the territory from one another, endowing, if desired, each with autonomy.

Zoning is often used in one-room apartments, when one room must be divided into personal space and a corner for receiving guests, when in the daytime the room must be used as a dining room, and in the evening it must be used as a place to sleep.

Zoning can be done with:

  • arches;
  • backlit niches; glass or plasterboard shelves, aquarium or fireplace;

  • installation of the podium;
  • phytowall;

  • false partition;

  • sliding doors;
  • curtains, etc.

Bedroom and nursery in one room. Zoning

It is sometimes important for a young family to organize a place for themselves and a small child in a one-room apartment. If the kid is of preschool age, he will need two main areas - for recreation and a play area. If the child is a schoolchild, it will be necessary to highlight three functional points: a place to sleep, a place to study and a place to play.

In the first case, the bedroom is divided into three zones, in the second - into four, more precisely, there will be two main zones in both cases, but the child's space will also have “subzones”.

Since the child goes to bed earlier, you should give him a space away from the door to the room, and if this is a place near the window, the play area will first be located here, and then the area for doing homework. If there is only one window in the room, the thought of opaque partitions should be discarded right away. The following can act as visual room dividers:

  1. Sliding wardrobe or rack.
  2. Curtains.
  3. Podium in combination with curtains and furniture.
  4. Screen.
  5. Arch.
  6. Light zoning.
  7. Zoning with different types of finishes.

In addition, each zone should have its own lighting. For the workplace - a natural source in the form of a window plus a table lamp. The baby may have to share this place with dad or mom, who will need to sit at the computer in the evenings. It makes sense to think over this point as well, because the sizes of business furniture should be different. It is better to place a wall lamp above the child's bed, and the play space can be illuminated by a small chandelier, common to both zones - an adult and a nursery. There should be a floor lamp by the bed of adults. It is desirable that the lamps are united by a common style. Wallpaper in two areas can be different: restrained and monochromatic for the parents, and brighter and with a pattern for the baby. They can be either contrasting or in tune with each other.

Zoning the bedroom from the living room

When you have to combine the bedroom with the living room, you should think about placing the bed away from the front door: if one of the family members receives guests, and the other is tired or wants to read a book, he can retire to the sleeping area, and the guests will not pass past him.

There can also be several options for the visual and real division of space: a podium for a bed plus a wardrobe, which can be turned both "facing" the bed and the living room area, a screen + lighting, multi-textured (and different colors and patterns) wallpaper + false partitions , curtains and arches. The less furniture and other items you "clutter up" the room, the better. Partitions can be transparent, translucent, openwork and so on, in a word, giving the impression of lightness.

If the room is small, it is better to choose light colors for wallpaper, furniture and partitions. An openwork wrought iron partition is a special chic, but you can do it easier by making it out of drywall with windows and holes of an interesting shape. Partitions may not be stationary, but movable and made of glass.

Zoning the bedroom and study

The simplest solutions will be those aimed at combining a bedroom with a study. This is true if one (or both!) Family members work or study in educational institutions or offices, where sometimes it is necessary to take work home. A stationary partition is possible here, but not for the entire room, but only for its part, so as to separate the computer desk from the sleeping area. Shelves for books can be built into the partition. The bed can be installed on a podium, and if the height of your ceiling allows, the podium is made higher, and the space under it is used as a wardrobe with drawers.

A variant with a bed on the "second" floor is possible: those who want to go to bed early will feel isolated and it will be easier for him to relax. A two-story version is also possible for a bedroom and a nursery, in this case the child sleeps on the second floor, and the first is reserved for a table with textbooks.

Zoning a bedroom with a kitchen

Sometimes it becomes necessary to combine a bedroom and a kitchen. Here again you can use the same visualization methods that have already been listed. But there will be subtleties! In order for odors not to interfere with you, you will have to get a very good hood.

When purchasing a refrigerator, you should pay attention to how loudly it works. A stationary partition in combination with an arch is the best solution. If there are two or more windows in the room, there will be no problems with allocating areas for sleeping and kitchen space. And if there is only one window, you should think about how to separate the bed so that the sleeping person is disturbed as little as possible, and in which zone you will have to turn on the light even during the day.

Before starting work on zoning a bedroom, you should develop a plan with drawings and drawings, make a list of the necessary furniture (and think about what to get rid of) and study well the ready-made options offered by the designers.

Whether your zoning will be single (decorating the walls with a single color, but highlighting zones with the help of other elements), parallel (dividing the room into two approximately equal parts), zoning taking into account the section of the corners, and so on, is up to you. In any case, the decision must be carefully considered.

Bedroom zoning. Photo


Perhaps the majority of residents of small apartments have thought at least once about how to divide a room into two zones, a child's and an adult's - photos from the Internet and video blogs on the topic throw up all the new options for translating this idea, and choosing one of them is not so easy. To do this, you need to take into account the characteristics of the room and the age and preferences of its inhabitants.

Zoning methods

A small living room with an area of ​​less than 15 square meters can hardly be divided into two full rooms. In such a room, it is better to organize a separate area with a baby cot. In order to arrange both an adult and a children's area in one room, you need a space of 18-20 square meters or more. There are many ways to zon a room.

1. Curtains and screens

The room can be divided with curtains. This is a simple and versatile zoning method. If necessary, they can be pushed apart, and when necessary, one of the zones can be isolated (during sleep or when the child is preparing homework) - covered. The cornice is easy to fix and just as easy to dismantle.

It is even easier to install a screen made of fabric or plastic. Screens fit well into the interior in a classic style, give the room comfort. The downside is that their height does not allow for a complete separation of the space.

To make the adult and children's zones in one room look like two separate rooms, you can divide them with a plywood or drywall partition. To ensure that both areas are sufficiently illuminated, the upper part of the partition can be made in the form of a rack for souvenirs or indoor plants. You can also glaze this part. Tempered glass is best suited for this purpose. Frosted, colored or patterned glass in the interior partition will look more harmonious than transparent glass. The disadvantage of this design is that both installation and dismantling of it require a lot of effort and time compared to other methods.

In such a partition, you can make an arch-shaped doorway, or you can install a sliding door. This design will allow adults to talk or watch a movie in the living room without fear of waking the child sleeping in the nursery. It should be borne in mind that the child should be able to open such a door, no matter from which side he is.

2. Furniture

Separation is also possible with furniture.

It can be a wardrobe, which is used for its intended purpose in one of the rooms, and in the other it is decorated with paint, wallpaper and other materials.

The rack will also be in place: it looks equally good on both sides and allows light to pass through.

Children's two-level furniture can also mark the border between two rooms.

3. Without constructions

A small nursery in the living room can be designated without additional structures. To do this, you can use:

  • colors (different wallpaper or paint on the walls, painting);
  • various floor coverings (wood and linoleum, tiles and laminate);
  • carpets, different in color or texture;
  • light (pendant lights or spot lighting on the border of the zones, local lighting for each half).

4. Other ways

If there is a niche in the room, it can indicate the territory of the child and hide the most bulky of his furniture (crib, wardrobe, etc.). A loggia can perform the same function if it is well insulated.

Zoning is possible using ceilings of different heights or ceiling beams on the border of the child and adult half.

A podium - a small hill on which a baby can be accommodated - will help to save space.
Even the style of the interior can be a zoning tool. The living room combined with the nursery is an excellent opportunity to design two zones at once in different styles. Classics and hi-tech, baroque and eclecticism, country and exotic style are well combined with each other. If you use two different designs, the nursery and the living room will look completely independent without additional tricks.

Nuances to consider

The living room, combined with the nursery, is not always sufficiently lit and is often cluttered with unnecessary furniture. These inconveniences can be avoided. In rooms with one window, the partition should allow daylight to pass into the half that did not get the window. And furniture that you can do without (ottomans, sofa) should be removed. For a small living room, a sofa, wall or rack and table will be enough. It is better to fix the TV on the bracket. In the nursery, it is convenient to use compact furniture sets that save space.

A few more tricks to help add space to the room:

  • replace blackout curtains with light translucent ones or blinds;
  • choose modular furniture, which, if necessary, can be easily rearranged or removed;
  • use glass and mirrors in decoration;
  • choose light textiles and furniture, refuse variegated elements.

When considering the design of a combined room, one should think about not only how to divide, but also how to combine the hall and the bedroom. The interior of the zones should be unique, but details are also needed that will unite the space. The materials that are used in both rooms will cope well with this task: curtains and pillows from the same fabric, lamps from the same metal, different designs of carpets made in the same color scheme.

(2 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

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In the conditions of modern apartments, people too often have to combine several functions in one room at once. For example, a bedroom can serve as a place for relaxation, study and wardrobe at the same time. Therefore, many are worried about the question of how to correctly divide a room into two zones so that it is both convenient and beautiful.

Image 1. Scheme of a plasterboard partition.

Numerous publications devoted to the interior, and similar television programs often talk about fashionable ways of zoning a room. But often we are talking about large bedrooms. But how to divide a room if its area does not exceed 10 m2? If you approach this issue creatively and first draw up a redevelopment scheme, then this task becomes quite solvable.

Techniques to help divide a room into zones

In order to divide a room into 2 zones, you can use the following techniques:

  • zoning using stationary partitions (for example, from drywall);
  • the use of sliding or mobile partitions (screens, curtains);
  • separation with furniture;
  • visual zoning.

Before dividing a room into two zones, be sure to draw up a rough diagram of the future appearance of the room. Consider where your TV or dressing table will be. And only after that choose the zoning option. Because each of the above methods have their pros and cons.

Picture 4. Screens made of light natural fabrics perfectly transmit light and air, and do not visually reduce the room.

  1. Only one small architectural element will help to visually divide the room. This can be a semi-arch, a small stand, or a low and short partition. A two-level ceiling will look no less impressive. The main thing is that the border between the zones is clearly visible.
  2. Try to decorate both areas in the same color scheme. Contrasting solutions, of course, look very stylish. But not every person can think of such an interior on their own.
  3. Combine the zones with an element that combines both styles. It can be a single floor covering, a design of one of the walls that "fits" into both designs, or a large ceiling chandelier.

In any case, use neutral, calm tones for both the nursery and the adult area. Remember that not only you, but also your child will live in this room. For the same reason, do not overload the bedroom with "childish" elements. A funny night light and one picture above the baby's bed will be enough.

Zoning the bedroom and study

You can divide the room into two independent parts using furniture. Such zoning is especially relevant in a room owned by a teenager. Because he needs two separate areas: a place for rest and work. The easiest way to do this is with a bookcase. But you need to choose it correctly.

You should pay attention to lightweight structures consisting of slats or thin tubes. For example, such as shown in the fig. 3.

Drawing of a screen for dividing a room.

The shelves of the rack must be high. This is necessary so that the books do not completely clutter them, giving access to sunlight from the window. It is wiser to place some trinkets at about chest level of a standing person on a rack: a collection of figures, sports awards, souvenirs. Heavy and bulky volumes are best placed down.

In order to make the work area look more comfortable, you should not only fence off the computer or desk. Otherwise, this part of the room will resemble a corral. Place an armchair, floor lamp, or small corner sofa next to it. Remove the TV from the bedroom area and equip the “study” with a place to relax and watch programs. Such a technique will make the room more comfortable and discipline the master of the bedroom.

Not only bookshelves are used as a partition. A large stand for the same TV is suitable for this. And if the room belongs to a girl, then it can be zoned with a dressing table with a large mirror. You can finally decorate the decor with curtains.

Zoning of premises using mobile partitions

The easiest way is to divide a room into 2 zones using mobile partitions. These include screens and all kinds of curtains. For example, such as shown in the fig. 4.

If you prefer to zone the room in this way, then follow these tips:

  1. Use lightweight, translucent fabrics. They allow light and air to pass through and do not make the room visually smaller.
  2. Be sure to repeat the pattern on the curtain or screen in other details of the bedroom decor. From the same or a similar fabric, you can sew pillowcases for cushions, chair covers, or repeat an ornament in a wall decor element. But making a dividing curtain and curtains for windows from the same material is not worth it. Such a solution will only "overload" the space.
  3. Give preference to natural fabrics. They are easier to care for, they do not electrify and do not attract dust.
  4. Provide the opportunity to move the curtain to the side and remove the screen. Stationary partitions, even the lightest ones, sometimes get in the way.
  5. Do not use hanging curtains in the bedroom. Their knocking can interfere with proper rest.

But no matter how you decide to divide the room, remember that the bedroom should be cozy. Therefore, do not get carried away with fashionable solutions, but choose a design according to your taste.


In the interior design of a nursery, there are three basic techniques for dividing into zones:

1. Parallel zoning. Each inhabitant of the room is allocated a place to sleep, study, leisure, storage of personal belongings. The space is divided by a partition or color into two "complete" parts.

In a narrow room with a door opposite the window, a sleeping and working place for each can be placed along the right and left walls. You can make a common closet for storing children's clothes, shoes, common things.

2. Diagonal zoning. Stylish solution for zoning a square spacious room. The space is divided by interior items, colors, accessories, carpets. Such a division of the nursery in contrasting shades looks very modern.

3. Organization of common areas . The most popular and ergonomic way of zoning a room with an area of ​​10-15 sq. meters. Can be placed in a children's bunk bed for sleeping and a desk for textbooks, personal items for each child. A sports corner can also be shared.

Where to study and where to sleep?

There are several universal techniques to consider when zoning and choosing an interior. The nursery must have at least three zones:

1. Educational. The modern teenager spends most of his time studying. A growing person spends a lot of time doing homework. The study area includes a working, writing or computer table, chair, storage modules, textbooks. The choice of children's furniture depends on the age, height of adolescents, interests and the number of things.

Today manufacturers offer many design solutions for organizing the learning space in the children's room.

it modular systems with built-in table, wardrobes, shelves, drawers. That is, the working area is part of the composition of the modules.

Another option is a separate study area. "Classic" - table, chair, rack, shelves. For a more rational filling of a small-sized children's room, they are ideal transformer systems. For example, if we move the bed in, we slide out the table.

Our children spend a lot of time at the computer. When creating a children's learning space, you should consider the possibilities of lighting. Pay special attention to the selection of a table and chair in height, think over how to adjust these furnishings for a growing person.

2. Sleeping area. For a room in which two teenage children live, bunk beds are relevant.

Keep in mind that your child is growing up and should be comfortable. There should be enough space above the second tier so that the child can sit on the bed without touching the ceiling with his head.

If a person is calm and balanced, then the presence of red, orange, yellow shades will have an encouraging, stimulating effect on him.

3 more secrets to creating the perfect nursery

  • In the design project of any children's room, there should be a place to reflect the interests of children, their achievements. These can be shelves of a rack for drawings and crafts, awards, frames with pictures on the walls, mini-stands.
  • Interior stickers, wallpaper, drawings will help to highlight the individuality of each child in the room. Children will be happy if they are involved in the creation of such compositions.

  • If your room is small, be sure to use an area above your head for storage. The market now offers a huge selection of modular systems with spacious drawers.

When deciding the issue of planning, always remember that children will live in this space, not you. When creating a design project for a children's room for two teenagers, taking into account fashion trends and designer's advice, first of all rely on the needs and wishes of the children.

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Sometimes it happens that it is necessary to place zones for sweet dreams or relaxation and a living room in one living room. What is the right way to divide one room into two spaces, which, it would seem, are not quite compatible? Probably one of the important methods of dividing the design of an apartment or a house is to divide the room into zones. For example, one bedroom can be used to make a living room and a bedroom.

The division into functional zones in this case will allow placing several places in one room where you can rest, as well as a workplace.

You can see a photo of the ideal zoning in the bedroom in any interior design magazine. Visual division is also done in order to create an optical illusion (visual increase in the area of ​​the room), as well as to increase the attractiveness of the interior.

Two zones in one room

For the correct zoning of a bedroom into two parts, it is necessary to know the general rules for dividing into zones, and also not to forget about the style of the entire room.

How can a room be divided into many zones? To do this, you can use the best ideas for zoning a bedroom, namely, use the following techniques:

  • arches;
  • falsity of the partition;
  • sliding doors.

The separation when using arches is considered a classic. Thanks to this design, you can make each of the zones private. The arch is not bulky. If you use plasterboard structures, you can make quite interesting visual effects.

If the room and funds allow, you can use decorative designs for zoning the space. For this, builders will definitely install niches, plasterboard shelves, glass partitions. There are sometimes quite attractive options when a fireplace or an aquarium is used instead of partitions.

The podium is a fairly practical solution for zoning space. Inside the podium structure, they often equip a storage space for various things. Occasionally, there are options for storing a small bed inside the podium. Its height can be about 20 centimeters. In order to clearly distinguish the podium from another space, a lighting solution is used - backlighting.

False partitions are an ideal solution for a studio apartment. Using such a partition, you can visually create the illusion of a wall that gives privacy and secrecy.

Sliding doors are the best helpers in dividing a room into several functional areas. Using correctly selected furniture, it is also possible to organize several separate zones in the room. In the kitchen, the most common option for organizing different zones in the room is the bar counter.

The bedroom can be zoned from the living space and using the most common curtains. Thanks to their use, you can quickly and easily organize a cozy corner for relaxation.

When is a visual division of a room used?

Dividing a room into several zones is necessary in order to divide the space into zones that have different purposes: the visual separation of a sleeping place from a worker, for example.

Zoning helps to cope with the problem of a one-room apartment - when one room needs to be divided into a common area and an individual one.

The space can be divided so that at different times of the day the room is used for its intended purpose, for example, during the day the room is used as a dining room, and at night it is used as a room for sleeping.

With zoning, you can create an optical illusion that can make the interior more attractive, and can also add or trim the area of ​​the room itself.

If you, at the stage of construction or renovation, decided for yourself that you will separate the bedroom using separation, try to think immediately how to perform zoning and at the same time take care of lighting in different zones.

Let's say that in the sleeping area you planned to divide into two completely different zones (by function) - do not lay one overhead lighting (meaning one chandelier on the ceiling). The ideal solution to this problem can be the installation of a floor lamp, sconce.

For a small room, it is not recommended to use very bright floor or wall finishes. Avoid painting the floor in different colors. For example, if the floor is painted with a single color paint, this will help to visually make the room larger. Forget about plain, contrasting wall art.

A light solid color on the wall will help to enlarge the room. Ceiling - it is better to install multi-level or stretch.

If you have a combined sleeping room and living room, this is ideal for converting it into a studio bedroom. To do this, you need to remove absolutely all partitions in the room. Zoning is necessary only with the help of a variety of furniture and different wall designs.

For example, a kitchen area needs to be decorated using tiles. The dining and living areas should be separated with plastered and painted walls in colors that match the tiles in the kitchen area.

We recommend placing a round table in the center of the room. It is best to hang a hanging lamp above the table. In the corner, you can comfortably place a TV and a corner sofa. Thus, you immediately get a relaxation area and a bedroom.

A transforming bedroom is when the room itself is small enough, but you want to place several zones there at once. Furniture with transformation mechanisms will come to your aid. That is, the bed in the morning will become a wardrobe, and in the evening it will again turn into a place to sleep.

Such items are usually designed in a specially equipped podium, which is easy enough to turn into the furniture you need. If you want to visually highlight the living area, put a small table for magazines in the corner. Soft chairs will not be superfluous.

The transforming bedroom option is ideal for young people - bachelors or couples without children. Elderly people are unlikely to fold and unfold furniture with such mechanisms every day.

Bedroom zoning photo