Elephants from Star Wars. Interesting facts about the Star Wars movie

Factrum publishes a list of fun little things about Star Wars. And may the force be with you, dear readers! We're serious ;-)

1. What do R2-D2 and Energizer Rabbit have in common?

Grant Imahara, a robotics engineer and co-host of MythBusters, created R2-D2 for Star Wars Episode 1 and 2 and Energizer Bunny for the commercial.

All images in post: Bigpicture.ru

2. Bravo, Sir Alec

Alec Guinness, the actor who played Obi-Wan Kenobi, didn't think very highly of Star Wars. He even called the film "fairy-tale bullshit." Nevertheless, Mr. Guinness was one of the few filmmakers who believed that the film would be a hit, and bargained for himself 2% of the royalties received by George Lucas. In this way he became a very wealthy man.

3. Into space without panties

Carrie Fisher didn't wear underwear in Star Wars. George Lucas convinced her that "no underwear is worn in space."

4. About unobtrusiveness

Carrie Fisher got George Lucas to give her a copy of the Star Wars TV movie. Festive edition ". She now plays the movie at the end of the parties, when she’s tired and wants everyone to leave.

This creation is little known to our viewers, so let's explain: "Holiday Edition" was filmed with financial support from General Motors in 1978, when Episode IV had just been released and no one yet knew whether "Star Wars" would become a hit or not. The plot tells how Chewbacca tries to return home to celebrate a national holiday with his family. The family at this time watches various TV shows, musicals and endures oppression from the Imperials (and it is not known which is worse). At the end of the film, Carrie Fisher sings.

In short, the space opera turned into a drama. George Lucas, trying to wash away the shameful stain from his reputation, repeatedly made attempts to buy and destroy all available copies of the special issue, so Fisher's request was a separate test for him.

If you're still not completely sure why Fischer's method of getting rid of guests works flawlessly, just watch the special masterpiece for yourself.

5. Smart

While filming for The Empire Strikes Back, the Darth Vader actor was told to say “Obi-Wan killed your father” instead of “I’m your father” so that even the actors would not know how it would end.

6. Damn bold

While working on Episode 4 of Star Wars, George Lucas paid a fine and resigned from the Directors Guild to get around the Guild's requirement for standard credits. The subtitle "Episode IV: A New Hope" did not appear until 1981, four years after the film's release. Yes, these are two facts in one.

7. Oh, Yuen!

During the filming of the action scenes of The Phantom Menace, Ewan McGregor constantly imitated the sound with which the laser swords slashed through the air. George Lucas explained to the actor many times that the sound would then be added by the special effects specialists. Ewen replied, "Sorry, I got carried away again."

8. Useful when the word "shotgun" sounds too boring

In the Star Wars universe, there are conventional firearms. It's called the slugthrower. This is the weapon of choice for bounty hunters for superiority over blasters.

9. Topher, edit me

Topher Grace, star of The 70s Show, edited the first three episodes into one film, which fans of the saga recognized better than the original.

10. Lucky bet

George Lucas was confident that Close Encounters of the Third Kind would earn more than Star Wars at the box office, so he suggested that Close Encounters director Steven Spielberg trade in 2.5% of the box office profits. Spielberg gets his 2.5% to this day (see how he smiles).

11. Fox definitely regrets it

Fox transferred all rights to the original trilogy-inspired merchandise to George Lucas to keep him from raising his salary, as managers did not expect Star Wars to become such a big hit.

12. Star Wars can change a person's life

After watching Star Wars in 1977, James Cameron quit his trucker career and took to conquering the film industry. Conquered: Terminator, Alien, Terminator 2, Titanic, Avatar.

13. "Synchronous" cameo

George Lucas allowed members of N Sync to play cameo roles in Attack of the Clones to please his daughters. An episode was cut from the final version of the film.

14. What's in a name

George Lucas proved to be a lover of the literary technique of "speaking names". Vader means "father" in Dutch. The name Yoda is translated from Sanskrit as "fighter".

15. And it's true

In the Brazilian version of Star Wars, Count Dooku's name had to be changed to Dukan, because in Portuguese, dooku means "out of the ass" or even "take in the ass."

16. In what order should you watch all episodes at once?

In Machete order, presumably the best for watching the saga. The intrigue is tied in episodes IV and V, then prequels come as flashbacks (except for episode I, it can be skipped), and episode VI ties the story together. The order was suggested by Rod Hilton on his blog. Rod is a developer, he programs in Ruby and Java, so it's hard to reproach him for the lack of logic.

17. Altruist Smuggler

Burt Reynolds, Al Pacino, Christopher Walken and Jack Nicholson auditioned for the role of Han Solo, but Harrison Ford ended up playing the charismatic smuggler. He received only $ 10,000 for filming A New Hope. According to the original plan, Solo was a swamp from the planet Dagoba, so this whole parade of stars might not have taken place.

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1. Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain did not allow filming Star Wars on her lawn. Some scenes of the space saga were supposed to be filmed at Windsor's Great Park in Berkshire. Previously, for example, the film "Goodbye Christopher Robin" was filmed here. The park depicted the Magic Forest in which Winnie the Pooh and his friends live. However, an army of stormtroopers is not a donkey Eeyore da Hryuntik-Piglet ... And ideal lawns for the British, as you know, are sacred!

2. In the meantime, keep a close eye on the Imperial stormtroopers! Two of them were played by British princes William and Harry. Guess who? Moreover, of course, they do not take off their helmets in the frame. This is reported by The Daily Mail, citing its sources. Members of the royal family visited the set at the British studio Pinewood.

By the way, the famous rapper Tupac Shakur dreamed of playing Mace Windu in the first episode and persistently negotiated a meeting with George Lucas. The meeting did not take place - in September 1996, Tupac was shot dead.

3. Fearing information leaks, the filmmakers excelled at spying skills. So, the actors were given only a part of the script for the day, and it was destroyed immediately after the final command "Stop!" in the evening. Actors, even the most famous ones, passed several security cordons. And during the moments of rest, they were forced to wear camouflage robes, hiding the costumes from shooting by drones from the air.

4. Movie Merch Available Now! It started on September 1, 2017, and this day became known as Force Friday II. Among the "souvenirs" are a series of postage stamps issued by the Royal Postal Service of Great Britain. They depict Chewbacca, Maz Kanata, Supreme Leader Snoke, droids and others. Curious: some details on stamps with droids can only be seen under ultraviolet light.

5. The mimic creature, the porg bird (this pet was bred aboard the Millennium Falcon), according to film critics, was created solely for the purpose of “monetization”. Well, how not to buy a toy for a child, but a T-shirt with this charm? By the way, the creators of the image of Porg birds from the planet Ech-To were inspired by the colonies of Atlantic puffins, which are teeming with the Irish rocks.

“Most of all I was afraid that there would be some reasonable person who would say: 'Hey, I'm sorry! But you can't hear sounds in space! ”- George Lucas

6. Benicio Monserrate Rafael del Toro Sanchez, known to us as the actor Benicio del Toro, was supposed to play the role of Darth Maul in the 1999 film Star Wars. Episode I: The Phantom Menace ". However, he left the project. But in "The Last Jedi" he will appear on the screen! His hero is described as "a murky type who is unknown for whom." The conventional name is "DJ". “You will see - there is a reason for such a nickname,” the director said in an interview. Since this acronym hides a spoiler, it's easy to guess the version: DJ -Dark Jedi, Dark Jedi.

7. We'll celebrate Star Wars Day on May 4th. Why on this particular day? It's a play on words. The famous phrase from the film - "May the Force be with you" - is written in English "May the Force be with you". In the same way, another phrase “May the fourth be with you” is read, that is, “May the fourth of May be with you”.

8. The world's first Star Wars themed hotel will appear at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida, USA in 2019. Designed in the form of a spaceship, this fully interactive hotel will invite every guest to become a citizen of the galaxy by choosing the appropriate costume. Tourists will be able to meet representatives of various races from the space saga, and droids will serve food and drinks in the hotel restaurant.

Before the premiere of the new long-awaited film of the Star Wars universe, there is very little left. The Force Awakens movie will be released on world screens on December 14 (in Ukraine it will be December 16, and in Russia - December 17). Everyone is waiting for her. I think you too. The creation of J.J. Abrams has already managed to acquire various secrets, assumptions about the plot and other fan stuff. Therefore, today I decided to prepare for you a small selection, consisting of 10 interesting facts about the movie "Star Wars: The Force Awakens". Believe me, there are really interesting moments here.

Jar Jar Binks skeleton

Back in the July issue of the American magazine Vanity Fair, interesting information appeared that there will be a lot of Easter eggs in the new Star Wars, which will be appreciated by true fans of the universe. One of the biggest surprises - for a moment, the skeleton of that same Jar Jar Binks in the desert will be shown in the frame.

Millennium Falcon

JJ Abrams is a serious person, so he can do whatever he wants. For example, why not recreate the life-size Millennium Falcon spacecraft? So he recreated it, on a 1: 1 scale. And not only recreated, but also fully equipped inside. It is clear that this was done for a reason, but for the filming of a new part of the film.

Used and worn out items

After the release of the first trailer, it became clear to everyone that JJ Abrams returned to the "dusty surroundings." That is, now we will again see used and worn out starships and other old elements. That is, in terms of the picture, the film will look more like the fourth part, and not oversaturated with computer graphics from the first to the third. It is also interesting that almost all air rifles in England were bought up, because the filmmakers really wanted to show the recoil when the Imperial stormtroopers were firing from their weapons.

New droid BB-8

The image of the new droid BB-8 was invented back in the mid-1970s just for R2-D2, but then it was simply impossible to implement technically, so everything happened exactly as it happened. Now they decided to return to this model.

A lot (a lot) of money

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has a budget of $ 200 million. This is more than the amount available for filming any of the previous parts. But there is simply no doubt whether this money will pay off. The film will be a success! By the way, the very first trailer on YouTube gained more than 20 million views in the first day alone (now there are already more than 75 million views).

The bright side of power

The Force Awakens is the first motion picture from the familiar (classic) Star Wars universe, where the phrase "The bright side of the force" is used. Although before that, in the extended series and in some computer games, the opposite part of the dark side of the force was considered related to good.

The main character

In any film there should be a main character, even in one where there is just a bunch of all kinds of storylines. In The Force Awakens, judging by the official poster, Han Solo has been given the lead role.

First screening of the film

The first to see the new film was one of the longest-serving fans of the Star Wars series. Daniel Fleetwood, dying of cancer at the age of 32, had the opportunity to see an uncut version of the film. Right at home. Fleetwood died on November 10, 2015. I think Disney's move is worthy of respect.

Luke Skywalker

Carefully! It is possible that this could be a spoiler. According to the plot of the film (according to rumors, of course), Luke Skywalker disappeared 20 years after the death of Darth Vader, spent all this time alone and found himself on the dark side of the force.

Movie tickets

Also, another fact that speaks of the almost inevitable success of the film is that tickets for "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" began to sell (and were sold out very quickly) 2 months before the premiere - October 19, 2015. In Ukraine and Russia, tickets also sold like hot cakes.

It is clear that we will learn much more about the film (not only in terms of the plot) after its release. We wait!

1. Each actor, whose hero was supposed to have a lightsaber in the film, had the right to choose the color of the sword himself. Mostly they took blue, like Anakin Skywalker or Obi-Wan Kenobi, green, like Yoda, or red, like Darth Vader or Emperor Palpatine. Only Mace Windu has a sword of an unusual purple color. Actor Samuel L. Jackson thought such a lightsaber would look funny.

2. The word "Jedi" by which George Lucas called his space knights comes from Japan. "Jidai giki" ("historical drama") is a genre in Japanese cinema that tells about samurai, their legends and real historical events. For example, Takeshi Kitano's film "Zatoichi" belongs to this genre. Lucas, who was in the Land of the Rising Sun a year before filming Star Wars and saw these films on TV, loved the word "jidai" and transformed him into "Jedi."

3. All stormtroopers in Star Wars are armed with E11 blasters. They were based on the Sterling L2A3, a World War II 9mm submachine gun used by British forces. Due to the peculiarity of the design of the pistol (and, as a consequence, the blaster), it can only be held with the left hand, so all the attack aircraft in the film turned out to be left-handed.

4. "Star Wars" could be called differently. The fact is that the 20th Century Fox film studio was unhappy with the name, believing that it was negative. During the work on the film, a competition was announced among the film crew and actors for the best version of the title of the picture. But no one could come up with anything interesting, and therefore decided to leave "Star Wars".

5. Darth Vader was the first hero invented by George Lucas for Star Wars. Vader (Vader) from the Dutch language is translated as "father". Darth stands for "Dark Lord of the Sith". Anakin Skywalker's name was borrowed by George Lucas from his friend, director Ken Annakin. In general, "anakin" is the Greek word "enax" in the accusative case, which translates as "lord".

6. The character of Han Solo was copied by George Lucas from his friend, director Francis Ford Coppola, and played by Harrison Ford. Although according to the original idea of ​​Lucas, Han Solo was supposed to be a green alien monster without a nose and with gills. In addition to Ford, Kurt Russell, Nick Nolte and Christopher Walken auditioned for the role.

7. Peter Mayhew, who worked as a hospital orderly, got the role of Chewbacca due to his enormous height - 2 m 18 cm. This Wookiee was copied from the dog of George Lucas Indiana, the Alaskan Malamute. The language Chewbacca speaks was made through a compilation of polar bear, badger, walrus and camel sounds.

8. The most famous robots - P2-D2 (R2-D2) and C-TriPiO (C-3PO) - could be called A2 and C3, but then George Lucas decided to give the droids more "full" names. According to the director, their names are just a pleasant set of letters and numbers, which does not mean anything and cannot be deciphered in any way. C-TriPiO - a golden droid that looks like a man - Lucas made in the image of a robot from the science fiction movie "Metropolis" in 1927.

9. The creation of the Obi-Wan Kenobi character George Lucas was inspired by the film of the Japanese director Akira Kurosawa "Three villains in a hidden fortress" (1958) and the main character of the picture itself - General Rokurota Makabe. That is why the image of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi is so reminiscent of a samurai.

10. The character Luke Skywalker has undergone many changes before he became what he is. At first, George Lucas wanted to make him a girl. Then he thought about Luke being a dwarf. According to the next version of the director, Skywalker could become a 60-year-old general. Even the hero's name was originally Luke Starkiller, and only after the filming of the epic Star Wars IV: A New Hope began, he became Skywalker. ...

11. George Lucas was very unhappy that in 1983 US President Ronald Reagan announced the Strategic Defense Initiative and called it "Star Wars". In retaliation, the director gave the Viceroy of the Trade Federation - a greedy, cowardly and evil type - the name Nute Gunray. Chickpea translates as "newt". Gunray is an anagram of the Reagan surname, as well as an anagram of a wordplay: ray gun - from English. "Beam weapon".

12. The name of the teacher and Jedi Yoda was taken by George Lucas from Sanskrit: Yoddha means "warrior". In Star Wars IV, V, VI, Yoda was a doll. Lucas was so impressed with the work of Frank Oz, who not only voiced Yoda, but also operated the doll, that he spent thousands of dollars on an ad campaign trying to win him an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor. But the Film Academy refused the director, believing that the puppeteer is not an actor.

13. Actress Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) was very worried that her heroine in all three parts of the epic where she appears, walks in long, shapeless clothes, behind which her figure is not visible. George Lucas made a concession to Carrie and in the last film in the scene when Leia is held captive by Jabba the Hutt, he exposed the actress as much as possible.

14. The dress that Queen Amidala wears in Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace is based on the outfits of the Mongol aristocracy. It took the dressers eight weeks to sew it. The prototype of Amidala's spacecraft was the legendary SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft. And Amidala's pseudonym - Padme - is translated from Sanskrit as "lotus".

15. To recreate the car races and crashes in Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace as faithfully as possible, the special effects team carefully reviewed the NASCAR and Formula 1 series crash archive.

16. Jabba the Hutt's advisor Biba Fortuna was played by Michael Carter. In the first couple of weeks of filming, it took eight hours to transform the actor into this evil hero. A month later, dressers and make-up artists got used to changing Carter's clothes in just 58 minutes. Removing Bib Fortuna's makeup took 25 minutes.

17. To get the roar of the crowd during the car races, the sound engineer went to an American football match and recorded the reaction of the fans on a tape recorder. The crying of a three-year-old girl, processed on a computer, became the sound made by underwater monsters. The sound of the Ty-Fighter spaceship is a compilation of the yelling of a young elephant and the rustling of tires on a wet road. And the sound of the shuttle door of Darth Vader opening - the clang of the bars of the cell of Alcatraz prison.

18. Initially, it was assumed that the spacecraft "Millennium Falcon" will have the usual shape of an elongated cylinder for rockets. But then George Lucas came up with the idea to make it elliptical - in the shape of his favorite hamburger with olive.

19. The prototype of one of the largest ships of the Empire "AT AT", capable of navigating through dense forests, deep snow and desert sands, were the cranes used in ship ports. In order for these giant walkers to look realistic, the creators of the picture watched for a long time the elephants, whose gait they eventually "appropriated" "AT AT" for themselves.

20. Several times the heroes have to break through the asteroids. The filmmakers approached objects flying in space creatively. In Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back, a floating boot and a potato can be seen among the asteroids. And in Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones, one flying boulder has legs, and the other asteroid is completely made in the form of a cow.

21. The appearance of General Grievous from Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith was inspired by a bottle of liquid soap. The communicator Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace is actually a slightly modified Sensor Excel Razor for women, and among the junk in the spaceship, you can see used printer cartridges. In the same first episode, you can see aliens, similar to the creatures from the films "Alien" and "Alien".

22. The name of the funny alien Jar Jar Binks was invented by the five-year-old son of George Lucas. Dedicated Star Wars fans have taken a dislike to this hilarious character, who first appeared in Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace, because of his comic and cynical nature. For laughs, George Lucas started rumors that the next movie would be titled Star Wars II: Jar Jar's Big Adventure.

23. Each race has its own language. For example, the Ewoks communicated in Tagalog, which is common in the Philippines. The Javos race spoke Zulu, computer accelerated. The Rodian Greedo explained himself in Quechua, the language of the Peruvian Indians, played backwards. And Jabba the Hatta's speech was borrowed from one of the Vietnamese dialects.

24. The planet Tatooine, where Anakin Skywalker was born and where his son Luke later grew up, was named after the real city in Tunisia - Tatooine. Filming, respectively, took place in the same country. But one day, the film crew almost became the cause of an international conflict. Libya really did not like the fact that on their border with Tunisia there is a huge amount of incomprehensible military equipment, and, considering this a threat, the authorities almost announced a general mobilization. The Tunisian government politely asked Lucas to move inland.

25. In 1980, three years after the release of the first film in the epic Star Wars IV: A New Hope (1977), the first images of Saturn's moon Mimas were taken, which turned out to be very similar to the Death Star from the film by George Lucas. Astronomers tend to believe that a similar dent on Mimas is a crater formed as a result of the collision of a celestial body with a huge asteroid. George Lucas did not comment on this post in any way.

26. The sound with which Obi-Wan Kenobi's lightsaber falls into the reactor shaft at the end of The Phantom Menace is absolutely identical to that heard in Return of the Jedi: when Luke Skywalker drops his sword and informs the Emperor that he is a Jedi ...

27. Princess Leia's jewelry, which she wore during the awards ceremony for Luke Skywalker and Han Solo after the Battle of Yavin, was actually made in Finland, and the design of Leia's necklace is called "Lapponia" and today very, very similar necklaces can be bought in stores Finland.

28. Initially, they wanted to take the famous American actor Burt Reynolds for the role of Han Solo. It was rumored that he later turned down the role because he considered the project too risky.

29. Harrison Ford deliberately did not study his monologue for the comlink in the prison block where Princess Leia was held to make things look more realistic and at ease.

30. When stormtroopers enter the room on the Death Star where C-3PO and R2-D2 were hiding, one of them accidentally hits his head on the rising door.

31. To keep the filming of Return of the Jedi as a secret as possible, especially in Arizona, it was announced that it was filming the horror movie Blue Harvest and posters were posted that it was “the worst movie of all time”. Even the entire staff wore T-shirts and hats with this inscription.

32. The Directors Guild of America, which Lucas was a member of during the filming of Episode 4, did not like the fact that there are no credits at the beginning of the film and they demanded that he insert credits at the beginning. Lucas declined, claiming it would ruin the intro. The organization fined him. Lucas paid and left the Guild forever. Since then, many films have had no or few credits at the start.

33. Industrial Light N Magic, specializing in special effects for films, is today one of the largest companies in this category. But not everyone remembers that it was created precisely thanks to the filming of "Star Wars".

34. Months of constant filming and trying to keep track of every little detail finally finished George Lucas and he was hospitalized with a bout of hypertension. Apparently, therefore, for the 5th episode, he hired a separate director - Irwin Kershner.

35. To cover up the shocking ending in Episode 5, Lucas told the actor who wore the Darth Vader costume, David Prowse, to say "Obi-Wan-Kenobi killed your father!" Only at the stage of the finalization of the film, this place was duplicated by the actor who spoke for Vader - James Earl Jones, and changed to "I am your father!".

36. In the early stages of script writing, it featured the planet Had Abbadon, which was completely covered by the city and was the capital of the Empire. Then they decided that filming for the planet would be too expensive, and this was not necessary for history, so the planet was removed. Later, Timothy Zan used this idea in his book "Heir to the Empire", although he renamed the planet Coruscant.

37. According to one of the first ideas of Lucas, "Attack of the Clones" should have formed a "love triangle": the matured Anakin in love with Amidala and (!) Obi-Wan Kenobi, also in love with Padme, at the end of the film had to be left with nothing ...

38. The sounds of lasers were obtained by tugging at the power line wire.

39. Han and Luke "escort" Chewbacca from Prison Block 1138: Lucas had a movie called THX 1138 (1970).

40. James Earl Jones, who voiced Darth Vader, turned down the royalties because he hadn't done anything special. But he was still paid after the release of the Special Edition of the film.

41. Mark Hammil held his breath for so long in the "waste incinerator" that a blood vessel burst on his face, and in the following frames it is visible only from one side.

42. There were many rumors that Boba Fett's ship, Slave 1, was made in the image and likeness of a street lamp, but then it turned out that during its assembly someone said that it looked like a lantern and off we go ...

43. In most of the scenes with Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher stands on a special stand so that the difference in height is not so noticeable: Carrie is about thirty centimeters shorter than Ford, which would make their kisses funny.

44. Jeremy Bullock (Boba Fett in the original trilogy) played the stormtrooper who dragged Leia when she shouted “Luke! It is a trap!". He also played the role of a stormtrooper who was disarmed by Lando's men.

45. The race of the mercenary Durge, a character in The Clone Wars animated series and several comics, is called gen'dai. This name was given in honor of the director of the "Clone Wars", whose name is Genndy Tartakovsky (Genndy Tartakovsky). Once upon a time, about thirty years ago, until his parents took him to the States, he was a simple Moscow boy and his name was Gennady. Probably, this also explains the fact that the Nonvane warriors in "The Clone Wars" speak Russian.

46. ​​One Mandalorian hunter in Knights Of Old Republic was named Bendak Starkiller. Initially, they wanted to call the character Luke Skywalker, but Lucas changed his mind in time.

47. All the “good guys” in the original trilogy have an American accent, and all the “bad guys” have a British accent. True, Darth Vader, who speaks with English pronouns, is an exception, since he later became "good".

48. In the third episode, all clone troopers are made on the computer. Not a single suit and helmet was made.

49. If Obi-Wan Kenobi drinks somewhere, you can expect a fight. In the first episode, on a Trade Federation ship, when the droid brought drinks, he just started drinking, and dioxis was immediately released into the room. In the second episode, he drinks at a bar on Coruscan and, before he can finish, chops off the hand of the hunter Zam Wessel. In the fourth episode, he also did not finish his drink, as he had to cut off the aqualish's hand.

50. According to the scenario, Lando Calrissian would have died in the explosion of the Death Star along with Han Solo's Millennium Falcon. But due to negative public reviews, this detail has been changed. Pay attention to Khan's remark as he flies away in a captured Imperial ship and takes a last look at the Millennium Falcon: "I have such a strange feeling that I will never see him again."

51. The scene of Leia's space capsule departure is the first work of Industrial Light & Magic (ILM), a special effects studio created by Lucas specifically for the filming of this film.

52. According to research, the sound of a TIE fighter is a combination of the roar of a young elephant and the sound of a car racing on a wet highway.

53. The sound of the fluttering wings of the merchant Watto was produced by sound engineer Ben Bertt as a result of opening and closing an ordinary umbrella.

54. In the credits, Jabba the Hutt opening the Pod Race is designated "Jabba the Hutt as Himself."

55. At the same time, the credits do not indicate that Ian McDiarmid is playing Darth Sidious.

56. The Phantom Menace is the only Star Wars movie to feature the Jedi's unique acceleration ability.

57. One of the ships flying over Coruscant just before the conversation between Darth Sidious and Darth Maul is identical to the Discovery from A Space Odyssey 2001. The same ship's escape pod is visible in the conversation between Qui-Gon and Watto in the background, among other rusty details at Watto's "shop" on Tatooine.

58. Darth Maul only blinks a couple of times during the entire movie. This was because Ray Park, who played him, had a hard time blinking in contact lenses, so Park came up with the idea of ​​a villain who never blinks.

59. Mace Windu was originally supposed to be an alien.

60. The only scene in the film that does not use visual effects is the scene of the meeting room filling up with gas at the beginning of The Phantom Menace.

61. In early versions of the script, Queen Amidala's planet was called Utapau, but eventually the name went to the planet where Obi-Wan fights General Grievous in Revenge of the Sith.

62. After scrolling through all credits at the end of the film, the ominous breath of Darth Vader ("The Phantom Menace") is heard.

63. The role of Amidala's double - Sabe - is played by Keira Knightley.

64. The scene of the lightsaber battle between Darth Maul and Obi-Wan with Qui-Gon was filmed for a month.