Warm plaster for outdoor use with your own hands. Do-it-yourself warm plaster

Many people today are wondering what warm plaster is, for what purposes this material is suitable and how to work with it. Let's start with the fact that these products are not so long ago on the domestic market of building and finishing materials.

So, warm plaster is a mixture made on the basis of the simplest cement. But, unlike ordinary cement mortar, sand is not added to the composition. Instead of him other ingredients are used:

  • Expanded clay chips;
  • Perlite sand;
  • Expanded polystyrene granules;
  • Powder made from pumice, etc.

What types of warm plaster exist

If you are interested in what warm plaster is, you should keep in mind that it can be different. There are many types, now we will talk about most popular of them.

  • Among all the varieties of warm plaster, one can note the composition, which contains expanded vermiculite. Expanded vermiculite is a mineral lightweight aggregate that is obtained by heat treatment, which is subjected to vermiculite rock. If you need warm plaster for outdoor use - it's time to pay attention to just such products. And if you don't want to look for other decent options, another use of the material is also possible. For example, this warm interior plaster is also suitable. Quite a decent, versatile building material. Among the advantages of vermiculite are excellent antiseptic properties.
  • If we consider the popular types of warm plaster, one cannot ignore the "sawdust mixture". This substance contains sawdust, as well as particles of clay, cement, even paper. That is why it is not recommended to use sawdust warm plaster for outdoor use. On the contrary, the mixture is most often purchased specifically as a warm plaster for interior work - any specialist will confirm this.

Sawdust plaster is ideal for covering brick (concrete) and wood surfaces. It is recommended that the room is regularly ventilated during the drying of the sawdust plaster. It takes about two weeks for the composition to dry. If the doors and windows are closed in the room, mold and fungus may appear on the surface - be sure to keep this in mind.
  • People who want to buy warm plaster always pay attention to the type of material that contains expanded polystyrene foam granules. This plaster contains not only expanded polystyrene - here you will also find cement, various aggregates and additives, lime. You need a warm plaster for the facade - this option is well suited, however, it is also often used for indoor work.
Since it is the last version of plaster (with expanded polystyrene granules in the composition) that is the most common (which cannot be said about other types), we will consider it in detail within the framework of this material. All comparisons with other materials will also be made specifically for this species.

Warm plaster and its scope

Consider those industries where this material is used today. Anyway, manufacturers recommend following:

  • Facade decoration and thermal insulation;
  • Sound insulation of internal and external walls on existing buildings, as well as additional insulation;
  • Wall insulation, if well masonry is used;
  • Insulation of the slopes of door and window blocks in those places where they adjoin the walls;
  • Insulation of risers for cold and hot water supply, sewer risers;
  • For interior finishing works (as a sound insulator and insulation);
  • Warm plaster is advised to be used for insulation of ceilings and floors.

External finishing of the facade with warm plaster

Let's talk in more detail about how effective the material is when performing exterior finishing of facades of houses.

  1. Warm facade plaster will be heavier than all other possible types - up to ten times or more. Therefore, for such a wall, most likely, a more solid foundation is required;
  2. If it is assumed that the construction of the facade insulation will have a plaster layer over the insulation, the thickness of the insulation usually varies from 50 to 100 mm (depending on the thickness of the load-bearing wall, the desired temperature inside and the climatic zone). If you pay attention to what the thermal conductivity coefficient is, then everything is clear - in order to achieve similar indicators, the layer of warm plaster should be one and a half to two times thicker.
  3. In other words, a layer of warm plaster will have to be done with a thickness of 100-200 mm, but the maximum application is only 50 mm - otherwise there will be dumps. Therefore, warm facade plaster should be applied from both sides of the wall at once.

Now, based on all of the above, consider all advantages and disadvantages of the material:


  • It is applied very quickly (in a day, even one plasterer will be able to apply 110-170 sq. M.);
  • Can be applied without using reinforcement mesh (in places where there are no cracks and corners);
  • The walls do not need to be leveled if you are going to apply warm plaster;
  • The material has excellent adhesion (adhesion) - to all other wall materials;
  • When arranging this insulation, there are no metal bonds, respectively, you do not need to worry about cold bridges;
  • Rodents will never settle in the wall, which has been insulated with warm plaster;
  • For more information about the advantages of warm plaster (including for insulating facades), see the video material. Perhaps you will receive answers to all your questions after watching.

Disadvantages of warm plaster

  • The composition is not a topcoat - not only a primer should be applied to the surface of warm plaster, but also a decorative layer of plaster;
  • The required layer of insulation is obtained thicker than with foam insulation, cotton wool (approximately one and a half to two times).
Based on all of the above, let's talk about where it is really worth using "warm" plaster.
  • When sealing various joints, cracks in the walls, floors of the house;
  • As additional insulation, but this is already during internal work - that is, you will need warm internal plaster (in a situation where work cannot be done outside - when, for example, there is already an expensive cladding, which will surely deteriorate during disassembly);
  • Warm plaster is often used for basement insulation;
  • When finishing window slopes, the material is also often used.

Warm plaster application - technology

Before work, the surface of the wall is prepared in the same way as before applying a simple cement-based plaster. That is, all dust is removed, as well as the remains of other solutions. If necessary, the surface is treated with special impregnations of deep penetrating action, or simply strengthened with a plaster mesh.

It is important that the surface of the wall, which will be insulated with warm plaster, is thoroughly moistened with water - before starting all work.
  1. When the composition is prepared for use, the entire package is poured into a container (its volume must be at least 50 liters);
  2. Next, add water in the amount indicated on the package of warm plaster;
  3. Everything is thoroughly mixed with a mixer;
  4. The resulting mixture should be used within 120 minutes of preparation.

How to check if the required consistency is obtained or not? It's simple:

  • Scoop up the solution with a trowel, turn it over;
  • If the mortar holds well on the trowel and does not fall off, it means that the plaster is completely ready for use;
  • The finished plaster can be applied both by machine and by hand.

To avoid any difficulties when applying warm plaster, pay attention to the video: applying warm plaster. The lesson will be useful for both professionals and novice finishers-repairmen.

How do they look subsequent work:

  • The plaster mixture is applied with ordinary plastering tools (trowel, spatula, trowel, etc.) in several layers;
  • The thickness of one layer should not be more than 2 cm;
  • Each subsequent layer should be applied no earlier than 4 hours after the previous one was applied;
  • If there is a high level of humidity outside, and the air temperature is low (especially in the autumn season), the drying time of the layer increases;
  • It is customary to apply the solution only to the surface that has been leveled, primed;
  • Apply warm plaster with a wide spatula, this is done strictly from the bottom up;
  • It is impossible to arrange the plaster with a thick layer at a time - because of this, the solution may simply slip;
  • Inspection and acceptance of plastering work is usually carried out about three to four weeks after all work has been done.

Common mistakes when applying warm plaster

It is not difficult to guess that during such work, certain mistakes are often made - especially when the work is performed by novice specialists or just amateurs. Consider this moment in more detail:

  1. If delamination is observed, then you made some mistake during work;
  2. If the applied composition starts to crack;
  3. If the geometry of the room changes due to the fact that the layer of warm plaster is too thick.
How to check the "geometric" quality of the plastering work that you have performed? In this work, you need a plumb line, as well as a two-meter rail, as a rule, a bubble level. Everything is checked simply: a two-meter rule is applied to the surface (as a rule, an aluminum rail is used as such a tool). If gaps are detected, then there are violations in the geometry.

It is important that deviations from the horizontal (or vertical) of the plastered surface are not more than 3 mm per meter.

About material consumption

What can we say about material consumption? Everybody is here quite understandable:

  • For each square meter of surface, it takes from 10 to 14 kg, if the desired layer thickness is 25 mm;
  • If the desired layer thickness is 50 mm, then the consumption is 18-25 kg per square meter;
  • 1 square meter of wall insulation with warm plaster will cost you $ 40 (information will be useful to those who wish to buy such plaster) - with a layer thickness of 25 mm;
  • If you turn to specialists to get them to do the job, you will have to pay up to $ 15 or more for each square meter.
  • To isolate "airborne noise" with warm plaster (it can be TV noise, talking, the sound of a car engine), the material must have a fibrous structure. In addition, it must be breathable. The effective thickness here starts from 0.5 cm;
  • To isolate "impact noise" - knocks, falling objects, sounds of footsteps, the material must have elasticity (like rubber).
Warm plaster does not meet either the first or the second requirement, so all the data on excellent sound insulation performance are most likely slightly overestimated.

For some work, warm plaster (facade, interior decoration) is really used often and this is quite justified. But its use is far from always advisable - in many cases, you can limit yourself to completely different materials or insulation and get either the same or more impressive result.

Be sure to take this into account when performing finishing or repairs - in order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises in the future.

What are the features of facade insulation with plaster mixes, what are the pros and cons of this method, how to prepare the solution yourself, the technology of its application to the wall.

Features of work on the insulation of facades with warm plaster

Recently, the so-called "warm plaster" has become widespread among thermal insulation materials. At the heart of this mixture is a cement mortar, to which a filler is added.

The latter must have the following main qualities:

  • Hydrophobicity... Helps prevent moisture from entering the façade.
  • Vapor permeability... Water vapor must pass through the material and not condense.
  • Low thermal conductivity... This quality helps the material to keep warm.
All these qualities are fully possessed by porous materials, which enable the plaster to breathe and not let cold air and moisture pass through. Therefore, vermiculite (light mineral substance), expanded polystyrene, pumice powder, expanded clay crumbs, sawdust, paper can act as fillers.

For insulation of facades, plaster is mainly used with the addition of pumice, expanded clay and expanded polystyrene. The mixture with the rest of the fillers is used mainly for interior decoration.

Warm plaster has earned its popularity due to its unique feature. Using just one material within the framework of one technological process, you can get good insulation of the facade, noise and waterproofing, and an aesthetic exterior finish.

As a heat-insulating material, warm plaster can be used for finishing even those facades that are decorated with decorative details. In addition, it is used to insulate window slopes and door blocks, internal and external walls, water supply risers, sewers, floors, ceilings, and more.

Advantages and disadvantages of facade insulation with plaster

The method of insulating facades by means of plaster is quite simple, budgetary and does not require labor-intensive work.

Let's consider the main advantages of this method:

  1. Simple application process. Excellent adhesion of warm plaster is manifested in the fact that it "sticks" to almost all types of surfaces. The material will not fall off or crack if all installation work is carried out in accordance with the rules.
  2. No complicated preparatory work needed. You do not have to remove irregularities from the walls in advance, since the material used in the insulation process is quite plastic and can act as a leveling agent itself.
  3. High speed of plastering. The technology of insulation with plaster is not much different from the usual plastering of walls. You can apply the material manually, or you can use a special technique to automate the process.
  4. The method is suitable for finishing complex carved facades. It is quite possible to emphasize the main decorative elements on the surface with plaster. At the same time, unnecessary irregularities, defects, cracks, chips can be easily eliminated.
  5. Lack of cold bridges. Since the heat-insulating material will not have joints, there cannot be cracks through which cold or moisture can penetrate either.
In addition, this material is environmentally friendly under any temperature conditions. It will not burn, smolder, decompose, freeze, since it consists of natural non-toxic components. Rodents or microorganisms will not start in the plaster.

Using plaster for insulation, you also solve the issue of sound insulation and decorative finishing of the facade. This method of facade insulation can be used even in hospitals and public institutions for children.

Among the disadvantages of this method of thermal insulation, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • The facade insulated with plaster will have to be additionally coated with a primer, paint, since this heat-insulating material cannot act as a finishing material.
  • It is necessary to apply "warm plaster" only on a dry surface, since it cannot be a sanitizing material.
  • The coefficient of thermal conductivity of plaster is several times higher than that of many other heaters. It averages 0.6-0.8 W / (m ° C). Thus, the plaster is approximately two times colder than the extruded polystyrene foam. Therefore, for high-quality insulation, its layer should be one and a half to two times thicker than when using other materials.
  • To insulate the house from the outside with plaster, a stable foundation of the building is required. The material has a very high density, which exceeds the same indicator of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene by 10 times. Not every foundation is capable of supporting this additional weight.
  • In order to better retain heat, it is recommended to apply insulation outside and inside the house, since the layer should not exceed 50 millimeters, and this, as a rule, is not enough in a harsh winter for high-quality thermal insulation. If the plaster is laid in a thick layer, then it will slide or fall off the wall under its own weight.
Technical characteristics of the material for insulating facades may differ depending on the filler and brand. So, some plasters do not need painting or other finishing, however, their price will be much higher than that of ordinary ones.

How to make warm plaster with your own hands

Plaster for insulating facades is a material that you can easily prepare yourself using inexpensive components sold in any hardware store.

There are several recipes for making plaster for wall insulation, which differ in composition and proportions:

  1. Plaster based on natural materials... This solution is suitable for insulating facades in areas with a fairly warm climate. To prepare it, you will need the following components: cement (0.2 parts), clay (1 part), paper pulp (2 parts), sawdust (3 parts). So much water is required so that the finished mixture is similar in consistency to a paste and it is convenient to apply it to the wall with a spatula.
  2. Plaster with perlite or vermiculite... Add the following ingredients in succession to the container: cement M400 (1 part), vermiculite or perlite sand (4 parts), plasticizer. The latter can be PVA glue at the rate of 50 grams per bucket of cement. Add water by eye so that the mixture is pasty.
  3. Plaster with perlite and expanded polystyrene... Insulation of the facade with heat-insulating plaster prepared according to this recipe is considered the most suitable for cold winters. Prepare and mix the following components: cement (1 part), perlite sand (3 parts), ready-made plasticizer in the amount indicated on the package, expanded polystyrene with a fraction size of 1-3 millimeters (1 part), polypropylene fiber (50 grams). Add water to obtain a thick consistency and mix thoroughly with a construction mixer.
You can check that the mixture is being prepared correctly by applying a small amount to the trowel and turning it over. If the composition has not fallen off, then it is ready to use. The same method of checking the readiness of the plaster can be used for purchased mixes from manufacturers.

Facade insulation technology with plaster

Applying warm plaster to the wall is no more difficult than conventional plaster. There is no fundamental difference between these two processes. The main thing is to maintain the thickness of the layer of mortar applied to the wall in order to ensure the optimal level of thermal insulation.

Calculation of material for facade insulation

To get a decent level of thermal insulation on "cold" walls made of brick, reinforced concrete in northern latitudes, you will need a layer of plaster, which will be equivalent to at least 10 centimeters of polystyrene foam. This means that its thickness should be about 20 centimeters or more.

In practice, however, such a layer cannot be applied. Its maximum thickness should be 5 centimeters on each side of the wall. Therefore, a standard layer will only help to slightly additionally insulate the building. We are not talking about creating a so-called full-fledged "warm house" using only warm plaster.

Material consumption is significant and amounts to:

  • For a layer of 2 centimeters - from 8 to 12 kilograms of solution per square meter;
  • For a layer of 3 centimeters - 12-16 kilograms of the mixture per square meter;
  • For a layer of 4 centimeters - 16-24 kilograms of plaster per square meter;
  • For a layer of 5 centimeters - from 18 to 25 kilograms per square.

Preparation before insulating the facade with plaster

The surface of the facade is prepared for plastering in the same way as a conventional plastering wall. First of all, it is necessary to remove dust, dirt, remnants of old solutions. If cracks, potholes, and other defects are found on the wall, it is recommended to strengthen it with a plaster mesh.

It will not be superfluous to install a plaster grid on monolithic smooth walls made of concrete or sand-lime bricks. It is attached to a row of dowel-nails.

If the facade of the house is affected by mold, fungus, then the surface must be treated with a penetrating antiseptic primer or special impregnation.

Before starting the process of insulating the facade with "wet plaster", prepare the necessary tools: a trowel, a building level, as a rule, several spatulas, beacons. The latter can be in the form of thin strips of metal or plastic.

Instructions for applying plaster to the facade

You need to prepare a mixture for insulating the facade in such an amount that you can use it within two hours. The prepared solution must be left to infuse for 5 minutes.

In order for the insulation with warm plasters to be as effective as possible, it is recommended to carry out work on applying the mixtures at a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius, and an air humidity of about 70%.

We carry out the work in the following order:

  1. We fix the beacons on the wall on the solution. We verify their position using a stretched cord or a building level. They should be located in the plane of the future surface formed by the plaster layer.
  2. Apply the first layer with a trowel, spray or brush. Its thickness should be 2 centimeters. We work from the bottom up.
  3. We level the mixture with the rule, relying on the beacons.
  4. Leave the first layer to dry well for four hours.
  5. Apply a second layer of the required thickness. Usually it is no more than three centimeters. We level the plaster with the rule and rub in with a float.
  6. After the second layer has dried, the surface should be re-cleaned and leveled with a float. It takes 4-5 hours to completely dry the plaster.

Note! If you plan to apply the composition using a spray or spray with a brush, then its consistency should be more fluid than using a trowel and spatula.

Finishing works

The facade, insulated with plaster, needs finishing. It can be carried out both immediately after the heat-insulating mortar has dried, and after some time.
  • Before covering the surface with decorative materials, check its evenness again using a building level. The maximum deviation in different areas can be no more than 3 millimeters per square meter.
  • It is best to start painting no earlier than three days later.
  • It is recommended to use paints that do not form a film on the surface to allow the walls to breathe.
The maximum strength of the plaster layer is achieved only 28 days after application. And the thermal insulation properties reach a maximum 60 days after the final drying of the mixture.

How to insulate a facade with plaster - watch the video:

Insulating a house with plaster is a convenient, fast and inexpensive way of thermal insulation. You can not only carry out your own work on applying the composition to the facade, but also prepare it at home. However, it should be remembered that, despite the many advantages, this method is not suitable in all cases. In particular, “warm plasters” are not effective enough in severe frost conditions.

Warm facade plaster is a building mixture containing insulating fillers and components that bind them. It is used for external and internal work as a preparatory layer for subsequent finishing and forms a durable coating with thermal insulation properties.

The basis for the heat-insulating material are binders (sand, gypsum, lime or a mixture of these materials), plasticizers and additives that increase the properties of vapor permeability and adhesion of the solution and reduce the hygroscopicity of the porous coating.

The name "warm" plaster was given due to the fact that the sand fraction, which is part of the usual mixture, was replaced by other fillers with low thermal conductivity.

Fillers are:

  • granular polystyrene foam;
  • sawdust;
  • pumice powder;
  • expanded clay chips;
  • expanded vermiculite;
  • perlite;
  • foam glass.

Properties and scope

Special additives endowed the thermal insulation mixture with universal properties. It can be used to decorate walls inside the house, as well as as an outdoor covering.

Warm plaster is well suited for sealing gaps and crevices, joints between walls and floors of a building. With its help, you can insulate the basement of the house, complete the design of window slopes.

But, perhaps, most of all, the facade of the building needs insulating finishing, since it is he who is exposed to the active influence of the external environment (rain, wind, low temperatures).

In addition, the low thermal conductivity of the plaster saves heat inside the building, and the coating itself has the properties of a thermos - in winter it does not allow heat to go outside, and in summer it protects the room from the heat.

Since the finished solution has a significant weight, the plaster is applied with a thickness of 25 to 100 mm, but for a more effective thermal insulation effect, a layer of 100-120 mm is required.

However, such a finish puts a serious load on the wall structure, and the application of a thick layer is not an easy task.

Types by type of filler

Thermal insulating compounds have different properties depending on the filler:

  • sawdust mixture is the most budgetary option, which is good for self-cooking. It can be used for finishing wood and brick surfaces. The disadvantage is the long drying of the solution (about two weeks);
  • composition with expanded polystyrene filler. The material has good thermal insulation properties, but at the same time, low strength, so it is advisable to cover such a finish with an additional protective layer;
  • perlite mixture. The filler is made from volcanic glass, which is heated to a high temperature. The heated material swells, as a result of which a lot of air bubbles are formed - they give the composition its heat-insulating qualities;
  • the minus of perlite is that it absorbs water well, which is why such a coating will require additional waterproofing;
  • plaster with vermiculite... This filler is expanded mica. It has high temperature resistance, which makes it resistant to high and low temperatures.

  • However, just like perlite, it has increased moisture-absorbing properties;
  • expanded clay composition. Expanded clay is a granular porous material. In the manufacture of plaster, the finest fraction (sand) is used, which is characterized by high density and, accordingly, low thermal conductivity;

  • plus to this, the material has a less active ability to absorb moisture (8-20%), in contrast to perlite and vermiculite. The disadvantage is that it is heavier in weight compared to other fillers;
  • composition with foam glass... Foam glass filler is obtained by foaming quartz glass at a high temperature. As a result, the granules of the material acquire a fine-pored structure that does not absorb moisture, but at the same time passes air and water vapor well;
  • the cured mixture forms a durable, waterproof and fire-resistant coating. The thermal conductivity of foam glass plaster is lower than that of expanded polystyrene, vermiculite and perlite counterparts.


Today, you can find thermal insulation mixtures on sale, the price of which depends on the manufacturer. Here are some examples:

  • warm IVSIL plaster (12 kg). A mixture based on cement with the addition of foam glass as a filler - 790 rubles;
  • heat insulating KNAUF mix (25 kg). Cement-based composition with expanded polystyrene filler -347 rubles;

  • WARMMIX plaster (14 KG). The mixture consists of cement, foam glass and polymer additives - 1950 rubles;
  • KEM plaster (35 kg). Filler - perlite. Price - 295 rubles.


If you wish, you can save on the purchase of ready-made compounds with warm plaster.

A self-prepared mixture is somewhat colder than a branded one, but it will cost several times cheaper.

Below will be considered an option for preparing a composition with polystyrene foam filler.

The screed is carried out in various types of rooms to level the surface and form the base of the floor. By going to find out the proportions of the mortar for the floor screed.

The screed is an indispensable component of the construction of any floor, which is located under the floor covering, and ensures the durability and resistance of the final finish. all about how to make a floor screed.

Wall decoration is an important component of a truly beautiful and cozy interior. complete information about stone wall panels.

To obtain the optimal density of the plaster (450-500 kg / m3), the following proportions are used:

  • 30 liters of foam chips (no larger than 3 mm in diameter);
  • 9 liters of fast-setting cement (it is better if it is white cement M600);
  • in the water that will be used to dilute the mixture, it is advisable to add a little detergent (25 ml per 10 l of water).
  • to increase the plasticity and adhesive properties of the solution, 1 kg of slaked lime can be added to the composition.

Before applying the solution, the surface walls are cleaned of dust and dirt, treated with a primer or reinforced with a reinforcing mesh(this measure is especially relevant when it is planned to apply a thick layer). Then they produce it.

If a proprietary mixture is used, the entire package is poured into a previously prepared container, the volume of which should be at least 50 liters. Add water to the composition and mix with a mixer.

To check the consistency of the finished solution, you need to pick up a little mixture with a spatula and turn it over. If the solution sticks and does not fall off, then it is ready to use.

For more information about the technology of applying warm plaster for the facade, see the video:

The plaster is applied in 2-5 layers (depending on its final thickness) using simple tools with a spatula, float, trowel. Another option is the use of beacons and rules, which will allow beginners in this business to apply the solution as evenly as possible. The maximum permissible thickness of one layer is 2 cm.

The time interval between overcoating must be at least 4 hours. In conditions of low temperatures and high humidity, this indicator increases.

After the solution is completely dry, you can take on further finishing, which will be needed in any case, since the warm plaster itself is not a topcoat.

Based on the characteristics of the above materials, we can say that the best option for facade warm plaster is a mixture with a foam glass filler.

But given the high cost of this composition, there is a reason to take a closer look at cheaper analogs, and possibly to ensure that prepare the thermal insulation mixture yourself.

Putting on a fur coat in winter, we do not forget about a sweater or a vest. Something similar happens with our houses, when instead of the usual decoration, heat-insulating plaster is used, from which it is cooler in the heat in the house, and warmer in the cold.

What is thermal insulation plaster

New building materials that fulfill a specific task are also being developed in the field of building decoration. The main purpose of using heat-insulating plaster is to ensure thermal conductivity of no more than 0.175 W / m-K with a bulk density of up to 500 kg / m³. If this condition is not met, the material does not sufficiently insulate heat. Ideally, a plaster coating that retains heat should be analogous to the classic insulation of facades, that is, it should be sufficiently strong, durable, and fireproof. The developers were able to solve the problem by replacing the heat-conducting fillers with low-heat-conducting components. That is, sand and stone chips in gypsum or cement compositions were replaced:

  • swollen vermiculite;
  • foamed glass;
  • sawdust;
  • straw cutting;
  • perlite, etc.

The result is different types of warm plasters that meet the specified requirements, which differ in the area of ​​use:

  • warm plaster for interior work;
  • heat-insulating facade (for outdoor use).

In addition, the compositions were modified, giving additional properties, as a result of which a heat-and-sound-insulating plaster appeared. This type of finish serves both as an acoustic and heat-insulating screen.

Thermal insulating compounds are used both for rough work (leveling) and for finishing.

Another class of components are modifiers. They are added to increase the lifespan, increase the elasticity of the solution, and prevent cracks when drying out. Manufacturers use branded plasticizers when creating mixtures. When making the composition with your own hands, detergents or PVA glue, ready-made modifiers available in hardware stores, microfiber are added to it.

Advantages and disadvantages of warm plasters

In order to reduce heat leakage, various materials are used in construction: mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, etc. They are laid on the outside walls.

Compared to such home protection, warm formulations have the following advantages:

  • simple application that a beginner can handle;
  • the material is highly plastic, it can be used to close up hard-to-reach places of structures;
  • surface leveling is not required;
  • no special fastening is needed; to improve adhesion, wetting of the surface is practiced;
  • the use of mesh reinforcement not over the entire area, but at the corners and for repairing cracks;
  • high adhesion rate allows you to apply compounds even on a metal base;
  • the material is microporous, which makes it breathable, helping to dry the walls;
  • fire safety of most compositions;
  • an additional benefit - good sound insulation of the insulated room;
  • resistance to biological damage;
  • frost-resistant coating, not afraid of temperature fluctuations;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • use of waste for the production of plaster composition (reduction of the polluting load on nature);
  • does not crack from vibrations and does not change under the influence of UV light;
  • thin-layer application provides additional insulation when using mineral wool and other insulation.

Warm formulations have their disadvantages:

  • compositions are more expensive than heaters (taking into account the reduction in the cost of work and a decrease in the cost of related materials, for example, mesh, the cost is comparable);
  • the increased dead weight of the coating with the additional load from the absorbed water require a strong foundation;
  • a protective coating is necessary, since the porosity contributes to the rapid absorption of moisture (this minus is not available for compositions with foam glass and expanded polystyrene);
  • formulations with organic components (sawdust, straw) are limited in use (only indoors);
  • the layer of insulation is thick, therefore it dries for a long time;
  • some fillers are flammable (polystyrene).

Calculation of the thickness of a layer of warm plaster

To make such a calculation, use SNiP 23-02-2003.

Thermal conductivity of plaster - the ability of a material to conduct heat. If the temperature in the room is higher than the outside temperature, then when the heating is turned off, the heat "leaves" out through the walls (35%) and other structures. The intensity of heat loss depends on the area, the thermal conductivity of the wall material, the difference in temperatures between the street and home, and other parameters. To quantitatively express the thermal conductivity of plaster coatings, λ is used - the coefficient of thermal conductivity of plaster (how much it is capable of conducting thermal radiation through an area of ​​1 m2, a layer 1 m thick with a difference of 1 ° C). For example, for plaster compositions, the value of the coefficient λ in descending order (W / (m * ° С)) is as follows:

  • cement with sand - 0.93;
  • cement-lime with sand - 0.87;
  • lime with sand - 0.81;
  • clay with sand - 0.69;
  • gypsum - 0.35;
  • clay with sawdust - 0.29;
  • gypsum with perlite - 0.23;
  • cement with perlite - 0.3.

The coefficient λ = 1 means that the heat loss will be 1 W for a wall thickness of 1 m.If this indicator is not 1 m, but 20 cm, then the heat loss will be 1: 0.2 = 5 W. If the temperature difference is not 1 ° C, but 6 ° C, then the losses will be higher: 5 x 6 = 30 W.

To determine the thermal resistance, the formula R = d / λ is used, where λ (taken from the table), d is the thickness of the material.

For example, thermal resistance (R) for a foam concrete wall with a thickness of d = 51 cm

R = 0.51 / 0.3 = 1.7 (m2 * ° K) / W.

From the table for the outer walls, take the standard value of their resistance to heat transfer for the desired region. For example, for Moscow it is equal to 3.28 (m2 * K) / W, which means that the calculated resistance of foam concrete in Moscow is not enough for a house wall. And for Sochi (1.79) too.

With a thickness d

R = d / λ or d = R * λ

Using this formula, we calculate d = Ra * λ = 1.58 * 0.23 = 0.363 m or 363 mm. A plaster coating of this thickness does not suit us, so the use of insulation would be optimal.

For Sochi d = (1.79-1.7) * 0.23 = 0.021 m or 21 mm. In this case, for the Sochi region, the thermal conductivity of plaster (gypsum-perlite) is quite sufficient.

Areas of application of warm plaster

Facade walls are not the only place where warm plaster is used for outdoor use. It is used to insulate plinths, floors and ceilings, close up cracks, insulate sewer risers, as well as water supply risers. In addition, they are used as insulation for garages and other auxiliary buildings.

According to the application, the following varieties are produced:

  • topcoat compositions
  • for rough finishing.

Varieties of heat-insulating mixtures for plastering

Thermal insulation compounds are classified by the type of binder: gypsum, cement, etc., as well as by the type of insulation filler.


The material used for a long time is insulating clay plaster with a straw section. The straw in the mud serves as a reinforcement and creates voids.

As a result, the plaster coating can be thicker without delamination or cracking. It is applied as a rough layer on the wall along the shingles by hand. The coating is breathable, absorbing excess moisture from the air and returning it when the room is dry. Before application, the walls are moistened or sprayed with a clay mash. The main disadvantage is the long drying time. The main plus is a favorable microclimate, low cost.

Sawdust based plaster

Sawdust has long been used to insulate housing. They were filled with rubble, ceilings. They were added to clay and lime mixtures for coating walls. Sawdust retains heat better than wooden beams, since the thermal conductivity coefficient of sawdust is 0.06 - 0.07 W / (m2 ° C), and that of wood - 0.18. In terms of heat retention, sawdust is much closer to foam.

Compositions with sawdust can have a different mineral base - clay, gypsum (Armenian plaster: 3 hours of gypsum, 1 hour of sawdust), cement and lime. The main application is indoors. Before mixing the composition, the sawdust is sieved through a sieve with a mesh diameter of 5 mm.

Polystyrene as filler

A type of polystyrene - expanded polystyrene - is used for various purposes, for example, as a filler for anti-stress toys, upholstered furniture, and sleep pillows. The material is ultra-light (up to 98% air), does not absorb water, and is not food for microorganisms. It is used in cement screeds for insulating floors (1: 4: 4 - cement / polystyrene granules / sand), as well as a heat-insulating leveling layer (1: 3), laid under the screed.

Plaster mixes with polystyrene are used for work on facades and indoors. Produced on the basis of cement or cement with lime. Although they do not burn, they can release toxic substances when ignited.

Plaster mix with the addition of foamed glass

Small glass balls (up to 2 mm), which contain air bubbles that are not afraid of water, are perfect for use as a filler for warm facade plasters. Such compositions are easy to fit, retain heat well, and do not get wet.

Perlite-based vermiculite and expanded clay mixtures

When volcanic lava, solidified on the ground, comes into contact with water, obsidian hydroxide is formed - porous, rounded granules that look like pearls. Due to this, the hydroxide was named perlite. Granules have a high porosity, which reaches 40%, are capable of absorbing water 4 times more than they themselves weigh (hygroscopicity is a disadvantage of such mixtures). Expanded perlite is more often used for plastering composition (external and internal use).

The mineral group of hydromicas contains vermiculite, which consists of small layered scales of a brown-golden color. When heated, vermiculite swells and fills with air. They are used in lightweight concrete and warm plaster mixes. Has antiseptic properties. Perlite and vermiculite absorb odors and water well, therefore they need finishing plastering.

Expanded clay granules (crumbs) are produced by firing some low-melting types of clay. During firing, light, low heat conduction granules of various sizes are formed. For warm facade plaster, granules up to 5 mm in diameter are used.

Basic rules for applying warm plaster

To make a truly insulating plaster screen, you need to follow certain rules:

  1. It is important to properly prepare the base.
  2. To knead the dry mixture (SS), take the amount of water, following the instructions.
  3. In a large container, the entire volume contained in the package is mixed with water, so it is guaranteed that there will be the required proportion of components in each portion.
  4. SS is poured into the poured water, being careful not to dust. The mixture is stirred for 5 minutes with a mixer at slow speed (areas close to the sides and to the bottom are treated). Then let the solution “ripen” for 5 minutes and stir for another 2 - 3 minutes.
  5. Work quickly, trying to work out all the solution before the end of its life. The mortar which has begun to set for application to the wall is not suitable.
  6. Work is carried out at temperatures above + 5 ° C, below + 30 ° C. Drafts, direct exposure to sunlight and rain are not permitted. For facade work, a canopy is made.
  7. De-energize sockets and switches before plastering.
  8. Safety glasses are used to protect the eyes.
  9. Used beacons are removed after application of the solution. You cannot leave them in the wall, as they serve as cold bridges.
  10. The use of primers is necessary to ensure sufficient adhesion to hold the strong plaster on the wall.
  11. The insulating layer should be no thicker than 25 mm. If a greater thickness is required, apply several layers intermittently for drying. The surface of the overlapping layers is not smoothed for better adhesion.

Making warm plaster with your own hands

Commercially available CCs are not cheap. There is an alternative. Craftsmen prefer to create warm plaster solutions with their own hands. All components can be purchased practically for free. Clay or lime can be used as a natural plasticizer. Liquid soap is also suitable, which is added at the rate of 2 - 3 spoons per 20 liters of the mixture. In the store, you can buy a hydrophobization agent (use according to the instructions).

We offer you several recipes for compositions for thermal insulation.

Recipe 1. Mix for facades:

  • Part 1 - cement from M400;
  • 1 part - expanded polystyrene 1 - 3 mm;
  • 3 parts perlite;
  • 50 g - polypropylene fiber;
  • plasticizer (add according to the instructions).

The dry components are mixed and water is added so that the solution is of a paste-like consistency, does not drain from the trowel.

Recipe 2. Indoor mix:

  • 1 part - white cement M400;
  • 4 parts - filler (vermiculite or perlite);
  • 50 g / bucket of cement - PVA glue or factory plasticizer (adhere to the proportion recommended by the manufacturer);
  • water.

Recipe 3. Thermal insulation from a perlite-sand mixture:

  • 1 volumetric part of cement;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 4 parts perlite.

Recipe 4. Warm composition with sawdust and paper (for rooms and facades):

  • Part 1 - cement;
  • 2 parts - paper pulp, soaked in porridge;
  • 3 parts - sawdust;
  • water.

Recipe 5. Lime-sawdust composition:

  • 1 part sawdust;
  • 10 - 15 parts of dry slaked lime;
  • Water.

Lime is a powerful biocidal agent that is not attacked by rodents, mold and mildew. Quicklime cannot be used with sawdust, as a lot of heat is generated during mixing. The solution has a short life, therefore it must be produced quickly. The dry components are mixed, then cement or other binder (if desired) is added. Water is added last.

Recipe 6. Clay with sawdust and straw (for walls):

  • 1 hour - clay;
  • 2h - sawdust (or sawdust with straw).

For ceilings and floors, the proportion is 1:10. The solution has no expiration dates, since water is simply added if necessary.

Video about preparing and applying warm plaster

Preparatory work

The first step is to prepare the wall appropriately. The surface has been cleaned of old peeling coating, dust-free and primed. They also neutralize oil stains, remove old wallpaper and paint layers. Disinfects foci of mold and decay. Cracks and potholes are repaired. Shingles are nailed to wooden surfaces, or a mesh is attached. Lighthouses are installed along a plumb line.

Do-it-yourself warm plaster technology

Finishing coat

  1. The wall is moistened with a spray bottle.
  2. The mortar is applied in a layer up to 1 cm with a trowel or spatula, pressing the mortar mass against the wall to increase adhesion. This primary layer is not smoothed out. With a large coating thickness, a recessed reinforcing mesh is applied to this layer.
  3. The second and subsequent main layers (soil) are applied up to 2.5 cm thick. They are leveled (without trying to make them smooth) with a grater.
  4. When the total thickness of the coating reaches 4 cm, a second reinforcing mesh is applied. The edges of the mesh canvases overlap with an overlap of 10 cm.
  5. When filling the entire volume between the beacons, the surface of the upper layer is leveled by the rule.
  6. After the upper layer has set, the beacons are removed, the remaining grooves are filled with a solution.
  7. After complete drying of the solutions, a finish is applied over the rough coating.

Mix consumption

As a rule, the manufacturer on the packaging reports the average consumption of a centimeter layer of the composition per 1 m2. The consumption of the mixture is calculated based on the intended thickness of the plaster coating. The following consumption figures correspond to standard volumes:

  • 1m2 with a layer of 2.5 cm will need 10 - 14 kg;
  • the same square 5 cm thick will take 18 - 25 kg.

Reinforcing layer works

Reinforcing plaster layer is intended for internal reinforcement of a thick coating, applying it to the facade insulation, at the joints of layers with different shrinkage characteristics, as well as in the case of plastering a building before the end of its shrinkage. For example, a reinforcing layer is made where part of the wall is made of gas silicate blocks, and part is made of bricks. This area of ​​the plaster coating must be reinforced without fail. It is carried out with a plastic or fiberglass mesh, which has sufficient strength and is not afraid of the internal alkaline environment of the insulating plaster coating. Reinforcement work is carried out inside the mortar. A layer of the mixture is applied on the ceilings and walls, then the mesh is laid out and recessed. On the walls of the facade on top of the insulation, the work on reinforcement is slightly different. First, the solution is applied with strokes, then the mesh is attached, and then they are plastered. They work with spatulas and polishers. When the layer is dry, the next one is applied on top of it in the usual way.

Manufacturers and prices

The list of companies and the thermal insulation mixtures they produce is long. Popular:

  • Umka UB-21 (Ecotermogroup company) is a warm plaster made of lime, cement, sand and foam glass for the northern regions, in need of finishing. It is applied up to 10 cm with reinforcement. Other insulation mixtures are UB-212, UF-2.

  • Cement Knauf Grűnband is made with expanded polystyrene. The admissible layer is up to 30 mm.
  • Unis Teplon has a gypsum-perlite composition that does not need finishing.
  • Au Benputz Perlit based on Portland cement with perlite filler. Finishing is indispensable.
  • Cement mix Teplolux DeLuxe retains heat with the help of foam glass. It is also not a finish line.
  • Thermo Um is universal - used for facades and rooms. The mixture is hygroscopic.

The prices are different. On average, the price of 1 kg of dry mix is ​​in the range of 11 - 21 rubles.

As practice shows, for the main areas of our country, heat-insulating plaster is not yet a panacea. However, its application allows not only to reduce heat loss, but also to reduce the noise level in rooms. For the southern regions, it is an excellent option for warming houses.

1177 10/06/2019 5 minutes

Warm plaster for outdoor use appeared on the modern market not so long ago. Today it is an innovative way of cladding, but at the same time it is already in great demand. And this is not surprising, since such a material has excellent thermal insulation properties, protects against the negative effects of bad weather, and also transforms the appearance of the facade.


The excellent thermal insulation properties of warm plaster are related to its composition. In the role of filler, manufacturers do not use sand, but components that have low heat conductivity. It will also be interesting to know more about how styrofoam and plaster work.

The role of filler can be:

  • Styrofoam;
  • wood waste;
  • expanded vermiculite;
  • perlite sand;
  • expanded clay crumb;
  • pumice stone.

If you want to know more about how warm plaster is used for outdoor use, you should go to

In a hardware store, you can often see warm plaster for external work, which contains expanded polystyrene granules. Due to the universal filler, the mixture for facade insulation has unique properties. Thanks to the foamed polystyrene, it is possible to increase the heat-insulating qualities of the plaster and significantly reduce its price.

In the video, warm plaster for outdoor use:

It is possible to use the ready-made mixture not only for thermal insulation of the external, but also of the internal walls. When developing plaster, manufacturers use the following components:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • plasticizers and much more.

To apply such plaster, you can use

Varieties of material

Today, plaster for external work is present in a wide range. Manufacturers produce material in the following forms:

Advantages and disadvantages

The popularity of warm plaster for outdoor use is so high due to its following advantages:

  1. It is allowed to use the composition as an auxiliary heat-insulating layer. Due to such a component as clay, warm plaster has antiseptic properties. This prevents fungi from multiplying, repels insects and rodents.
  2. Thanks to clay, which penetrates deeply into the structure of paper and wood, the material will become incombustible.
  3. Waste is used in the manufacture of the composition, so that the material is environmentally friendly.
  4. Due to the cold bridges, the thermal insulation qualities of the material increase.
  5. Warm plaster fits perfectly on any surface, as it has excellent adhesive properties.
  6. It is very easy and quick to apply the material.
  7. When using the material in question, it is not necessary to carry out preparatory work to level the walls.
  8. Thanks to the porous structure, the room has the ability to "breathe". Thus, favorable conditions are created in the house.
  9. The plaster resists the negative effects of bad weather.
  10. A layer of plaster 5 cm thick can replace 2 brick masonry.
  11. Warm exterior plaster is capable of converting the heat that is emitted by the sun's rays. In addition, it distributes it over the entire surface.
  12. Innovative grades of warm plaster are able to resist the effects of UV rays. Also, it does not age and cracks do not form.
  13. This is an environmentally friendly material, because it does not contain chemical components.

On the video, do-it-yourself warm plaster for outdoor work:

Of course, warm plaster has its drawbacks, which include:

  1. If the mixture is not based on expanded polystyrene, then it cannot be used as a final coating.
  2. Compared to mineral wool, plaster has a high cost. To obtain the necessary thermal insulation, the plaster will have to be applied in a rather thick layer.
  3. Due to its high density compared to other heat insulators, plaster needs a more powerful foundation, because the load on it increases.

Manufacturers and prices

Today, the range of warm plaster for outdoor use is quite wide. But you should trust the following manufacturers:

But what are the stencils for decorative plaster, you can see