Three-phase meter: how to take readings from devices of different types? The transformation ratio of the electricity meter Electric meter vector 3 how to take readings.

To avoid problems and disputes with the energy supplying organization, it is necessary to pay monthly electricity bills. But how to take readings of the electricity meter, how to calculate the consumption and the amount of payment? More on all this.

Electronic electricity meters have a small display and a number of buttons. In most models, some numbers are constantly changing on the display. Usually this is the following data:

The data replaces each other all the time in a circle. But usually there is also a (ENTER) button that allows you to reset the state to its original state and start showing from the first position. This is usually the date. It's just easier to navigate the numbers that are displayed on the screen. For example, consider how to take readings from an electricity meter using the example of several of the most popular models of electronic metering devices.

Mercury 230 and 200

Multi-zone counters Mercury have several modifications, but the most common are Mercury 200 and 230. They are for one, two, three zones. Regardless of the type, the data on electricity consumption is taken according to the same scheme:

Further there is a large number of numbers that we no longer need. The only thing that can come in handy is the TOTAL position. The total consumption is indicated here. This figure allows you to check whether you have written off the readings and calculated the energy consumption correctly: the sum of the readings by zones must coincide with the TOTAL figure. There may be a slight discrepancy of 1-2 kilowatts due to rounding off during write-off.

How to read the readings? Subtract from the value just written off the one that was written down a month before. The resulting figure is your monthly electricity consumption. We multiply it by the current tariff, we get the amount that must be paid for electricity. If the electricity meter is multi-zone (day-night), we carry out this operation separately for each zone, substituting the required tariff. The total is calculated last.

If the meter has just been installed, your contract contains all the starting values ​​for the zones. The first time in the calculation we subtract them, then the numbers that were taken in the previous month.

How and where to transfer the testimony, in what time frame - it all depends on the region. The procedure is prescribed at the local level and approved by the regional administration. When installing or replacing an electricity meter, you should be explained everything in detail. In addition, the procedure for data transfer and payment is spelled out in the contract that you sign with the energy supply company.

We write off readings from electronic meters Energomer

The process of taking readings of any other meter is practically no different. Let's give one more example: Energomer's electricity metering devices. They also have a button, but it's called "PRSM" or just a button without an inscription. In such models, it is one, so you will not be confused. digits also replace one another after a few seconds (5-10 seconds). In order not to wait for the change, you can press the "PRSM" button, after which the T1 icon and the number will be displayed. These are the readings for the first zone.

To view the readings for the second zone, you can wait a little, but it is fashionable to press the "PRSM" button. Then the T2 icon and other numbers will appear. These are the readings for the second zone. As you can see, everything is exactly the same. Only the appearance of the device itself has changed. All other actions are the same.

An example of a calculation based on the readings taken (two-zone tariff)

To make it clearer, not only how to take readings of the electricity meter, but also how to calculate them, we will give an example.

Let's say in the previous month the readings were 3435 for the first zone (day) and 2908 for the second (night). At the time of filling out the receipt, the readings are as follows: 3567 at the day rate and 3092 at the night rate. In the photo, they are recorded in the corresponding columns. Next, we find the electricity consumption per month for each of the tariffs:

  • Day: 132 kWh * 6.19 rubles / kWh = 817.08 rubles.
  • Night: 184 kWh * 1.63 rubles kWh = 299.9 rubles

If there are three zones, one more line is added and three digits are added at the end. If the tariff is single-zone, then the calculations are simpler: just consider the difference in readings and multiply by the current tariff. This will be the required amount of payment.

We take readings from mechanical electricity meters

Mechanical electricity meters are installed in many apartments and houses. It is correct to call them "induction". They differ in simplicity of the device and reliability. They can be distinguished by their appearance: there is a rotating wheel on the front panel, which changes the rotation speed depending on the flow rate. 1250 revolutions of this disc and the reading on the counter should change by 1 kW. To control the speed of its rotation, there is a control mark on the disk. It is usually red in color.

If a lot of electricity is used at the moment, the wheel rotates faster. If the flow rate is low, it barely spins. There may be situations where it stands at all.

Above the disc is a field with numbers (mechanical calculator). So they should be written down when you take readings from the electricity meter.

The number of digits and how to read the electricity meter

The window may contain a different number of digits. First of all, you need to separate the whole part from the fractional part. Often it is separated, as is customary in mathematics, by a comma, and in some models - by another color (red, burgundy). Also, the fractional part may differ in size. In some models, the numbers after the decimal point are larger in size, in others - smaller.

The number of decimal places varies from model to model. It can be one to two or three digits. But there are also options with only integers. There are no decimal places in them. Before you take the readings of the electricity meter, you need to determine exactly how many digits you need to write off.

When writing off readings, the fractional part should not be taken into account. That is, you write down only those numbers that come before the comma. Here you need to be careful and carefully track where exactly the comma is. Because if only the whole part is shown in the induction meter, and you do not take into account one or two of the last digits, you are underpaying a very substantial amount. Sooner or later, this fact will become clear, you will be billed for all the unpaid kilowatts, to which the amount of the fine will be added. And now she is very, very large. Therefore, before taking the readings of the electricity meter, you need to carefully look at the scoreboard and decide what to write off.

If you yourself cannot determine whether there is a comma on your meter, it is better to contact the subscriber department of the energy supplying organization, tell them the model of your meter and ask how many digits you need to take into account. The same information can be obtained from the management company, from the local electrician, the controller.

The procedure for taking readings and calculations

It is necessary to record the readings of the electricity meter once a month. In different regions, the timing of the submission of testimony is different. Somewhere they demand to transmit the testimony at the end of the month, somewhere - until the 20th. Check the calculation procedure at the same subscriber service or at the controller. The exact calculation procedure is spelled out in the contract, which must be in the hands of each subscriber.

If the meter has just been installed for you, in the act that was given to you there are primary indications. We take them as a starting point. We write off the numbers that are at the time of taking the readings. All leading zeros can be skipped and only significant digits can be written.

Then it is necessary to carry out standard calculations: subtract the one that was in the previous month from the figure just written off. We get the number of kilowatts used in the current period. We multiply this figure by the tariff, we get the amount of payment.

Three-phase meters

There are two types of three-phase electricity meters: modern electronic direct switching and the old model, in which, when installed, a transformer is mounted on each phase. To take readings from the electricity meter, check what type of device you have installed.

If an electronic three-phase electricity meter is installed, the process of taking readings is exactly the same as described above, with the only difference that there are three phases. To take readings, press the "enter" button or similar, write off readings for all three phases.

If the meter is of the old model, with transformers, the transformation ratio is known for each phase. When calculating, the readings for each phase are multiplied by the appropriate factor. We get the actual expense. Then we sum up the readings and multiply by the tariff.

But this calculation procedure is not established in all regions. In some cases, when filling out a receipt, you just need to indicate the flow rate and transformation ratio, and all calculations are carried out by operators. Now you know not only how to take readings from the electricity meter, but also how to calculate the payment for the consumed kilowatts.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the "Notes of an Electrician" website.

In the comments to that article, questions are often asked about the position of the comma on the counter drum.

To answer, I had to clarify the counter modification, and then answer the question posed. In this regard, I decided to write this article-cheat sheet.

When taking readings from electricity meters only a whole fraction of a kilowatt-hour needs to be taken into account. In some meters, only a whole part of the kilowatt-hours is located on the drum of the counting mechanism, while in others, in addition to the whole part, there is also a fraction of kilowatt-hours, which do not need to be taken into account when taking readings.

Let us refer to GOST 6570-96, clause 6.41:

Hence it follows that fractions of kilowatt-hours should be separated from the whole part of kilowatt-hours by a window (frame), highlighted in a different color (most often red) and must be separated by a comma. When taking readings from an electric meter, only the whole part should be taken into account, i.e. digits to the left to the decimal point.

Similarly, for kilowar-hours for reactive energy meters.

If you have an electronic meter, then instead of a comma, a period is usually put in the readings on the LCD display. The meaning remains the same - we take into account only the whole part, i.e. all digits up to this point.

Everything seems simple, but sometimes citizens-consumers, when taking readings, mistakenly do not take into account the comma, which means that fractions of kilowatt-hours are counted as whole kilowatt-hours. In this regard, unrealistically large electricity bills are obtained (see).

If you have doubts that you are not correctly taking readings of the electricity meter (whether you need to take into account the comma or not), then you can always contact and consult:

  • directly from the specialists of the manufacturer of your meter, by contacting them by e-mail or by calling the contact phone
  • in the network company that took your accounting meter into operation
  • on the Internet, including on this website

Especially for you, I have compiled tables for the most common single-phase and three-phase energy meters (data taken from the operating instructions), where the exact position of the comma is indicated.

To use the tables, you need to know:

  • type (modification) of the meter
  • rated voltage - 57.7 (V), 100 (V) or 220 (V)
  • rated (basic) and maximum current - 1-7.5 (A), 5-7.5 (A), 5-50 (A), 5-60 (A) or 10-100 (A)
  • gear ratio (or meter constant) - (imp / kWh) or (imp / kWh)
  • number of digits (digits) on the drum of the reading device

All these data can be found in the passport, form or on the front panel of the meter.

Single-phase one-rate meters Energomera

Most often, problems arise when taking readings from meters with an electromechanical mechanism (drum), so I gave examples of only such meters. Meters with an LCD display usually have no problems - a dot (comma) in the readings is clearly displayed there.

1. CE101 meters, housing type R5, S6, S10 and R5.1

2. Counter ЦЭ6807Б, type of housing Ш4 (fixing only in the shield).

Three-phase single-rate meters Energomera

1. ЦЭ6803В, housing type Р31 (fastening only on a DIN-rail).

2. ЦЭ6803В, type of housing Ш33 (fastening only to the shield).

3. ЦЭ6803В, type of housing Р32 (universal fastening, both on a DIN-rail and in a shield).

4. ЦЭ6804, housing type Р31 (mounting on a DIN rail) and Ш33 И (mounting on a shield). The letter "I" - means that the meter has an indication of the opposite directions of phase currents and indication of the phases of the supply voltage.

5. ЦЭ6804, housing type Р32 (mounting on a DIN-rail and into a shield).

Examples of different counters for clarity

I will give a few examples for clarity.

Consider a three-phase one-rate meter of the TsE6803V 1T 220V 1-7.5A 3f.4pr modification. M6 Sh33:

  • 1T - single rate
  • 1-7.5 (A) - rated (basic) and maximum current
  • M6 - number of digits on a mechanical reading device (drum)
  • Ш33 - housing for installation in a shield only
  • 3200 (imp / kWh) - gear ratio

This counter has a comma after the fifth digit - 00000.0. Indications - 11656 (kWh).

Consider a three-phase one-rate meter of the TsE6803V 1T 220V 10-100A 3f.4pr modification. M7 R32:

  • 1T - single rate
  • 220 (V) rated phase voltage
  • 10-100 (A) - rated (base) and maximum current
  • 3f 4pr. - for a three-phase four-wire network
  • M7 - number of digits on a mechanical reading device (drum)
  • Р32 - universal mounting of the case, both on a DIN-rail and in a shield
  • 320 (imp / kWh) - gear ratio

This counter has no comma - 0000000. Readings - 4 (kWh).

Here is a similar counter, only in a different case design.

Readings - 169499 (kWh).

Below is a three-phase meter TsE6803V with the same parameters, except for the rated current and gear ratio: 5-50 (A) and 640 (imp / kWh).

Indications - 93137 (kWh).

Here is an induction three-phase meter C4-5178, in which all the numbers are taken into account when taking readings.

Indications - 44849 (kWh).

Induction three-phase meter CA4-I678 - when taking a reading, all the numbers on the drum are taken into account.

Indications - 23531 (kWh).

Single-phase induction meter SO-IE 2-1. There are no commas on the scale; all the numbers must be taken into account when taking readings.

Indications - 2675 (kWh).

But the three-phase meter Mercury 231 AM-01 falls under an exception to the rule. It does not have a comma on the counting mechanism, but the last reel is red. According to his passport (clause 1.7), the first 5 digits indicate a whole part of kilowatt-hours, and the last digit - a fraction of kilowatt-hours. This means that only the first five digits are taken into account when taking readings.

Apparently, the manufacturers of Mercury 231 AM-01 do not comply with the requirements of the GOST specified in the article and limited themselves to highlighting a fraction of kilowatt-hours only in red, without a comma.

This counter has a comma after the fifth digit - 00000.0. Indications - 3833 (kWh).

Video based on the article:

P.S. I hope this article will help you understand the readings of your metering devices. Thank you for the attention. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

The owner of the apartment is obliged to independently pay for the readings of the electricity meter. A special device is designed to measure energy consumption and is installed in every apartment or house. For competent accounting, you need to know how to correctly transfer readings and calculate the payment of energy.

Types of electricity meters and their readings

In accordance with current legislation, it is necessary to pay monthly for the amount of consumed electricity. To check the readings, it is necessary to provide free access to the device for representatives of the supplying services.

Types of electricity meters:

  • Induction apparatus;
  • Electronic models.

Induction meters of the SO - I446 and EAK3M type are single-phase, equipped with a rotating disk, which is located under the frame with readings. The coils inside the device generate an electromagnetic field that spins the aluminum disc.

The more electricity is consumed, the faster the disk spins along the axis. When all electrical devices are disconnected, rotation will stop.

The number of values ​​to be taken depends on the model device. Depending on the modification, the devices have a 5 - 7 value. The last value is usually specially highlighted in red, size or comma. The figures following the decimal point are not taken into account when withdrawing. They mean tenths and hundredths of a kilowatt. Sometimes you can find models without a comma. In this case, you must write down all the numbers in the frame.

Gradually, induction devices are being replaced with whiter electronic analogs. The best reviews were received by Mercury, Energomera, Cascade and Mikron.

Simple subtraction: how to read an electricity meter

After replacing or installing the meter, special services issue an act on the work and the initial readings of the device. Electricity meter data must be taken monthly.

To calculate, write numbers on a sheet of paper to the comma. Leading zeros are not taken into account. Then subtract the previous value from the result. As a result, you get the number of kilowatts used for the current month. If this is the first month after the installation of a new device, then the data must be taken from the act. You can then keep a log or save previous receipts to calculate new readings. The resulting number of kilowatts multiplies the tariff values ​​established in the given region. For example, residents of cities and villages of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, all useful information can be obtained on the official website of Krasnoyarsk.

If the counter values ​​are zero, you must record the parameters with all zeros and put one in front. From this value, you need to subtract the kilowatts of the last month.

  • The last readings for the month of June were 99865;
  • In August, the device showed 00005;
  • We substitute 1 for the last data, we get the figure 100005;
  • Subtract the previous month from it: 100005 - 99865 = 140 kW;
  • The calculation for the current month was 140 kW.

Next month, we count kilowatts as before, without zeros without substituting 1.

Some organizations send a ready-made receipt. It is necessary to enter the current numbers from the device into it, the calculation will be made by the operators automatically, entering the necessary data into the receipt. The consumer only has to make a payment.

Multi-tariff devices: how to take readings of the electricity meter day / night

Electronic meters are more expensive than induction counterparts, but they have more accurate readings and can take into account different tariffs. They are equipped with an electronic dial and a microcontroller that analyzes the signal and calculates the amount of electricity consumed. The board shows information, reflected in the form of numbers. The device can display the date, counter operation time, operation zones. The information alternately changes several times per minute.

Electronic meters can be:

  • Single-rate, while recording the readings with the letter T1;
  • Two-tariff T1, T2;
  • Three-rate T1, T2, T3.

Multi-tariff devices can significantly save energy. Different phases use separate tariffs and zones.

To take readings, you can wait until the device displays the data on the display, and write them down in a notebook.

The second method will allow you to do this work manually. On the device, press the enter button until the desired information is displayed in the window. Depending on the model, the data will be displayed under the signs T1, T2, T3. It is necessary to remove each result.

Three-tariff meter: how to count electricity

Regardless of the model, readings are taken according to the same scheme. The difference lies in the number of times the enter button is pressed.

For a three-tariff device, there is a division into 3 tariffs:

  • Peak hours from 7 to 10 and from 17 to 21, tariff T1;
  • Night tariff T2, grace time from 23 to 7 am;
  • The rest of the clock is half-dead.

To take readings, press the enter button and write down the data T1, T2 and T3 to the decimal point. We subtract the previous ones from them, multiply by the current tariff and add up the amounts received.

In order to understand how much to add kilowatts to the receipt and determine the total cost of electricity, let's look at an illustrative example: in May, T1 was 80 kW, T2 - 64, T3-75. Currently T1 - 102, T2 - 104, T3 - 125 kW. Tariffs for the peak zone - 4.25 rubles, for the half-peak zone - 3.20 rubles, at night - 1.60 rubles.


  • T1 = 102-80 = 22 kW x 4.25 rubles. = 93.5 rubles;
  • T2 = 104-64 = 44 kW x 1.6 rubles. = 70.4 rubles;
  • T3 = 125-75 = 50 kW x 3.2 rubles. = 160 rubles;
  • We add the results obtained: 93.5 + 70.4 + 160 = 323.9 rubles.

The receipt requires you to fill in the total amount and you can go to the nearest branch for payment.

With the help of a two or three-rate device, you can significantly save money. Transfer automatic washing, charging phones, and the operation of heating appliances at night.

Popular energy meter Energomera

When choosing a meter, it is necessary to determine the number of its phases. If the voltage in the room is 220 - 230 volts, you can use the single-phase option. For higher voltages, a three-phase model is required. It allows you to divide consumption zones, for example: sockets are connected to one phase, light to the second, other needs to the third. For a three-phase device, a transformer must be installed. Most often, the device is installed in cottages and industrial premises.

The model Energomer CE102 day - night is in demand in terms of price policy and quality. The manufacturer produces a single-rate single-phase model CE101, which is equipped with a mechanical dial that allows it to remain operational at low temperatures.

The device has a number of advantages:

  • Acceptable price ranges from 700 to 1000 rubles;
  • Manufacturer's warranty for 5 years;
  • Accuracy of measurements;
  • Low energy consumption.

The modern device se102m is an interesting, versatile, multi-tariff model that has received an award for quality. The device has a memory and archives data for 12 months. Ce102 integrates with many automatic programs, for which it is loved by inspection companies.

Depending on the modification of the model, the number of buttons may vary. The readings are displayed by pressing the "Frame" or "PRSM" button.

For three-phase use, the company has developed the CE68038 models, and the more advanced Ce301, which has protective functions: an electronic seal and control of opening the device lid. It can count up to 12 different traffic and up to 32 exceptional days when there is a preferential treatment.

Energomera: how to take readings from a two-tariff electric meter

To take electrical readings on the two-tariff device Energomer 102, you just need to take a sheet and write off the readings that will appear on the display in turn. Parameter T1 corresponds to the daytime consumption of the energy carrier, T2 - to the nighttime, T - to the total number of consumed kilowatts.

The second way is manual control:

  • It is necessary to make a short press on the "FRAME" button, the T1 reading will appear, write it down in a notebook;
  • Press the button again, T2 appears;
  • The third press will get the total result T1 + T2 = T.

All data must be recorded. Next, we make a calculation from the readings obtained, subtract the previous ones, and we get the consumed kilowatts for each parameter. We multiply the obtained figures separately by the night and day rates. We add up the results and get the required figure for payment.

If there is no data for the previous month, you can find out which numbers to take for calculation by viewing the information on a smart device. To do this, hold down the "FRAME" button for a long time. The display will show information for the past month.

You need to write off the numbers only to the comma, since when calculating the management companies can take them for kilowatts, and demand payment for unused energy.

Modern electricity meter with remote reading

Modern models are equipped with a remote control. This allows for the automatic transfer of data without human intervention. The remote transmission process takes place over a network on the internet.

Remote Control Advantage:

  • Work in multi-tariff mode;
  • Remote control by smart phone to cut off the energy in the room;
  • Effective reading of information for inspection companies;
  • Remote control of readings in rarely visited places, a summer residence or an apartment for rent;
  • Saving valuable time.

In addition to the above merits, meter readings can be read daily, which will help to avoid conflict situations.

The installed program directly affects the functions of the microcontroller, which transports the signal to the copper interface lines. The consumer is not required to hand over new data; he is responsible for showing the first parameter once after installation.

User manual: how to read the meter Mercury 230

Mercury models are in special demand. These devices are actively installed in apartment buildings. The Mercury 230 is a further development of the well-proven 200, 201, 206, 208 series instruments.

230 models can work autonomously and connect to an automated control system using a cable via the Internet. A multi-tariff meter can take readings at 4 tariffs. If the use of multiple tariffs does not suit you, you need to pay attention to 231 models. It is equipped with a mechanical scale and is much cheaper. The newest development was the multifunctional three-phase device Mercury 234, which surpassed its counterparts in functionality.

The procedure for consuming electricity with different models is similar. The counter is controlled by 2 buttons. "Input" is used when displaying individual tariffs, the other - switches the operating modes.

Before taking data, it is necessary to check the readiness of the device. A dash in field A should be lit on the screen.

Procedure for taking readings:

  • Briefly press the "Enter" button, the tariff T1 will be displayed;
  • Write data;
  • Press "Enter" again, T2 will appear;
  • Repeat the procedure, write down the readings T3.

The warranty period for the device is 5 years. To make it convenient to use, instructions for use and operation are attached to each device.

In the event of a malfunction, eights or error indications will appear on the screen. You can view the value in a special table, where its decoding is given. Certain numbers and letters indicate the problem that has occurred. If it is not possible to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to take the device to a service center.

Ways to give readings on the electricity meter

A consumer can submit testimony to an electric company without leaving home. The older generation does not trust Internet resources, and prefers to submit data from an electronic meter by visiting the office of an energy company or housing office. It is necessary to testify on a monthly basis.

Methods for taking readings of an energy meter:

  • Use the point or box for receiving readings by visiting the power supply yourself;
  • Testify by telephone to the contact center of the utility company;
  • Enter meter readings via the Internet by registering on the energy sales website;
  • Calculate the data yourself and enter it into the receipt

You can deposit funds through terminals, mail, personal account on the Internet.

Unscrupulous consumers are trying to disassemble the counter, reset data, alter software algorithms, throw off and rearrange zero and phases. The direct representative of the energy company must remove the seal, reset the readings, otherwise you can get a large fine.

How to take readings from a two-tariff electric meter (video)

You can buy electricity meters on the site of an online store that delivers to Ekibastuz, Zaporozhye, Kramatorsk and other regions. The site demonstrates the display of various models. You can watch and read the technical specifications, as well as purchase indiv hot water distributors.

Let's figure out what the transformation ratio is. In fact, this is a technical value. The whole point is as follows. In order to account for the electricity consumed by a large object (such as a residential high-rise building), it becomes necessary to use specialized equipment that reduces the power of the voltage transmitted to the contacts of the general house meter.

These metering devices are not connected directly to the electrical network of the house, due to the impossibility of connecting high voltage power through a traditional direct-on meter (they do not work with high currents).

In order to prevent failure of the meter, it is necessary to reduce the power of the supplied voltage.

For these purposes, transformers are used, they are selected based on the required load level.

The transformation ratio of the electricity meter varies depending on the installed equipment. Thus, an electricity meter, paired with a transformer, reads the load reduced by 30, 40 or 60 times. Simply put, these numbers represent the transformation ratios.

How to determine the transformation ratio?

It often happens that on the purchased transformer, it is impossible to find the necessary information, in particular data, about the level of conversion applied to it. This information is important for choosing an electricity meter. Having data on the transformation ratio of the equipment used, one can understand how many times the electrical load has been reduced. You can find out these indicators by performing certain calculations.

To do this, you need to find out the voltage level on the secondary winding. Further, the figures of the current indicators, on the primary winding, are divided by the obtained value (data on the secondary winding). Thus, you will find out the coefficient you need for an electricity meter.

Calculated accounting factor, what is it?

To clarify the real level of power consumption, you need to take readings from your electricity meter and multiply it by the transformation ratio of the transformer (that is, 30.40 or 60 times). It will look something like this. On the dial of the electricity meter installed in you, the figure is 60 kW * h. The house uses a transformer that lowers the voltage 20 times (this is a coefficient). We multiply both numbers (60 * 20 = 1200kW * h). The resulting figure is the real power consumption.

Varieties of electricity metering devices

All meters existing today are divided according to the principle of their operation, there are three-phase and single-phase. They are not connected to the network directly, between them, in the circuit, in most cases, there is a transformer. But direct inclusion is also possible. For networks with voltages up to 380V, electricity meters from 5 to 20A are used. We already know that the transformation ratio is the difference between the voltage at the input to the transformer and the voltage at its output.

The electricity meter receives clean electricity, which has a constant value. Today, they resort to using two main types of metering devices. Until the mid-nineties of the last century, they installed mainly induction-type meters. They continue to work today, but they are gradually being replaced by electronic meters (this statement also applies to the general house meter).

The induction-type meter has an outdated design. At the heart of its work, the interaction of magnetic fields produced in inductive coils and a disk, which, during rotation, reads the consumption of electricity. The disadvantage of these devices is that they are not able to provide multi-tariff metering. In addition, there is no possibility of remote data transmission.

The operation of electronic counters is based on microcircuits, they directly convert the readout signals. These devices have no rotating parts, which greatly improves their reliability and durability. Simply put, the transformation ratio of the meter has a direct impact on the accuracy of the data it produces.

Previously, the accuracy rates were 2.5, but the metering devices used today have an accuracy class of 2.0. Such high accuracy data is precisely what electronic equipment has. Today, only electronic meters are installed everywhere, which are confidently replacing induction meters.

The main advantage of technologically advanced equipment is that they are multi-tariff. This circumstance makes it possible not only to take into account the daily level of electricity consumption, but also in accordance with the time of the year. Changing tariffs is controlled by automatic equipment and is carried out autonomously, without requiring human intervention.

All electricity metering devices that are designed for high currents (from 100 A and above) include step-down transformers. They reduce the current flowing directly to the measuring section. One of the main parameters for the consumer in this case is the transformation ratio of the electricity meter. It is necessary for the correct taking of readings from such measuring instruments.

The transformation ratio is the ratio of the load currents and the electric meter. In this case, it will always be greater than one, since the consumption currents exceed the measured ones. When calculating the consumed electricity, the readings on the dial or panel are multiplied by this factor. The resulting value is the correct kilowatt-hours consumed.

And also the transformers have an accuracy class. For electricity metering equipment, it is 0.2 or 0.5. The lower the class value, the higher the accuracy of the measuring instruments.

Types of electricity meters

There are a huge number of different electricity meters. However, they can all be broken down into three main types:

  • induction or mechanical;
  • electronic;
  • hybrid.

Mechanical devices

Structurally, induction meters are made as follows - between two coils, current and voltage, there is an aluminum disk, which is mechanically connected to the scale.

The principle of operation is that the current flowing through the coils creates an electromagnetic field that makes the disc rotate. It transmits its rotation to the counting mechanism through a worm gear. The more current flows through the coils, the greater the inductance of the electromagnetic field, which makes the disk rotate faster, and therefore the scale.

In the classification of meters, inductive are the most inaccurate. This is due to errors arising from the transformation of the electromagnetic field into the rotation of the disk. And also quite serious errors can occur in the mechanism of rotation of the scale.

The main advantage of this type is its low price.

With electronic mechanism

Electronic electricity meters have appeared relatively recently. They are based on measuring current by means of analog sensors. The information from the sensors goes to the microcontroller, where it is converted and displayed on the LCD.

The advantages of electronic include:

  • Small size.
  • The ability to customize several algorithms for calculating electricity.
  • The highest accuracy class among other types due to the lack of a large number of elements during measurement.
  • The ability to customize the ASKUE system.

The main disadvantages are the high price and high sensitivity to voltage spikes in the network.

Mixed models

Hybrid meters, as the name suggests, are a combination of inductive and electronic meter components. The measuring part from them is taken from the mechanical ones, and the processing and output of readings is carried out using a microcontroller.

This type was created in order to reduce the price of equipment that could be connected to the AMR system. This type is insensitive to voltage surges.

The disadvantages include large sizes and low accuracy compared to electronic ones.

As mentioned above, when calculating the consumed electricity, it is important to know the transformation ratio of the meter. Information about it can be found both in the passport for the electricity meter and on the front panel of the device. Sometimes in electronic devices it can be found in the menu. It is designated either through the division sign, or simply by a number. Usually these are values ​​in the range of 10, 20, 30 and 40.

But there are often cases when there is no passport for the equipment. In this case, the transformation ratio can be calculated by yourself. To do this, you must have either two multimeters or special equipment.

In the first case, one multimeter measures the voltage on the primary winding, the second on the secondary. It is important to remember that measurements are taken only when the transformer is idle, that is, without load. In no case should the value of the rated voltage specified in the passport be exceeded, as this will significantly increase the error.

The use of special equipment makes it possible not to use an external power source, which greatly simplifies the measurement procedure.

When measuring the transformation ratio, measuring instruments with an accuracy class of at least 0.5 should be used.