Zoning of the kitchen and bedroom in a studio apartment. Interior design, layout and zoning of a studio apartment

When you have only one room at your disposal, you involuntarily forget about aesthetics, having occupied your head with the solution of primary tasks: where to put a double bed, how many square meters to allocate for a living room and where in all this chaos can you find storage space? Not to mention free movement. In general, zoning a one-room apartment is not an easy job. The good news is, you don't have to "reinvent the wheel" - just get ideas from our article!

The main methods of zoning

Owners of one-room apartments can be proud of their home, as open space, like studio apartments, is very popular today. In them, the number of partitions is minimized, while the emphasis is on space and freedom.

But in order to harmoniously organize the interior, it is necessary to resort to zoning. This is a kind of magic wand in the world of design, which allows you to divide the room into visible living areas, while maintaining its functionality. You can use anything for this: from fabric to furniture.


Traditionally, ladies hid behind screens to change their outfits and maintain their dignity. For a long time, this element was forgotten - either because even in the smallest apartment you can find a place to change clothes, or because of the changeable morals. But in vain, because this is the simplest version of the partition.

Screens are ideal when you need to divide the space into two areas. At the same time, they are mobile, do not require complex installation, and do not take up much space when assembled. You can purchase products that fit into any style, hide part of the room from prying eyes, or create light outlines by decorating the interior.

Curtains and curtains

To avoid a clear division of the room into zones, you can use curtains. They are best suited for fencing a bedroom, creating an intimate, cozy environment inside that encourages sound sleep.

However, the effect depends on the material. For example, light tulle will only visually separate the area from the rest of the room, but will give it a feeling of airiness. More massive curtains will do an excellent job of zoning, but for small spaces it is better to give preference to textiles in light shades.

You can install the curtain-partition on a regular cornice inside the room or create a structure like holders for canopies.

Plasterboard partitions

You can visually zone a one-room apartment with the help of plasterboard partitions. It is problematic to remove them if necessary, such as, for example, a mobile screen, but in appearance they cannot be distinguished from the main wall.

Plasterboard construction is cheap, lightweight, easy to install and has good sound insulation. It can be flat, round, arched, helping to create a unique design. Depending on the needs of the space, it is made a bright accent in the interior or an inconspicuous part of the wall, which in any case will perfectly cope with the zoning mission.

Shelves and cabinets

We are accustomed to placing bookcases and shelves along the wall, thereby "taking away" a huge part of the room. To save space and divide it into two zones, it is enough to place such furniture perpendicular to the wall.

For this, cabinets with through shelves are more suitable, but in the case of a closed structure, the back side can be made mirrored or used as a slate board, covered with special paint. Items that combine several functions at once are a modern solution not only for small apartments, but also for spacious rooms.


A small podium is another great way of zoning a studio apartment. Owners of high ceilings can place a living room, dining room or study on it. But with low ceilings, you can only afford a bedroom, which assumes minimal movement.

Such a hill can serve as additional storage space, thanks to the drawers. For very high podiums, steps are recommended. The advantage of podiums is that they do not take up extra space and help to highlight some area.

Sliding partitions

Based on the principle of sliding doors, such partitions allow you to completely separate the area or make it open. Modern products open up take up a minimum of space, and thanks to the different materials, they help to create the right atmosphere.

For example, if there are no windows in the resulting area, it is better to choose a translucent surface that provides privacy, but allows some light to pass through. Ideally, this solution will fit into Japanese style or minimalism.

A one-room apartment is not only a solution for bachelors. A married couple with a child can comfortably accommodate here, if you choose the appropriate zoning option.

For a small child, you need to choose the warmest and lightest part of the room, which can be expanded or modified over time.

To be able to monitor the safety of the child, but at the same time providing him with personal space, you can use an ordinary screen, curtain or sliding partition.

Children of all ages will love the kids on the podium, and the higher the better. For this, you can purchase bunk furniture. Transform constructions with a table crossing two zones will help to control the child's activity.

You can visually separate the nursery from the living room in a one-room apartment with the help of flowers. Often, children are greedy for everything bright and cheerful, so that the children's corner will be easy to distinguish from the rest. You just need to make sure that the shades in the interior are combined.

For this typical zoning option, any type of partition will work. You need to build on the features of the layout, design and the desired effect.

In square-shaped studio apartments, it is customary to highlight the bedroom area with dense partitions, which practically create the feeling of a separate room. This can be achieved by combining different types. For example, shelving on one side and curtains on the other.

Zoning ideas for a 1-room apartment - photo

Nothing better illustrates theoretical material than completed projects of one-room apartments, in which zoning principles are involved. Studying them, you can get interesting ideas for yourself and be convinced of the effectiveness of different solutions.

1. Wooden aesthetics in Moscow

The designers from the Welcome Studio in the Wood & Stone project managed to combine two opposite properties - intimacy and openness. Typical odnushka 49 sq.m. turned into a proportional space, divided into convenient squares. The apartment includes the following zones from the obligatory "set for a comfortable life": a bedroom, an office, a living room and a kitchen with a small dining room.

Zoning is carried out using wooden partitions, the design of which resembles blinds. They let in light and are used everywhere, creating a holistic image that is inseparable from the overall interior. Natural materials create a light atmosphere in the home.

Housing of this type can hardly be called a dream apartment. The small size and low ceilings only complicate the redevelopment, limiting the choice of "tools". But designer Alena Ganko was able to comfortably organize these apartments.

The original layout required the dismantling of several walls, after which a functional zoning structure was placed between the bedroom and the hallway. It is at the same time a niche for books, a wardrobe, and also separates the recreation area, making it as compact and comfortable as possible.

Located in the same space as the living room, the kitchen is visually set apart by a narrow dining table. The neutral color scheme of the finishes is the perfect backdrop for bright pieces of furniture.

3. Bright apartment-vest

Designer Marcel Kadyrov turned this walk-through long apartment into a stylish studio.

It is difficult to design such an interior without resorting to zoning. After all, even bachelor housing should have comfortable boundaries.

In the center of the space, there are two wardrobes that form a small dressing room. She, in addition to the main purpose, helps to divide the hallway with living areas. For the same purpose, several pipes with shelves are installed between the sofa and the bed - a rack of unusual design.

How to divide a room into two zones- this question is often asked by the owners of studio apartments and apartments with a free layout, but it is also relevant for small apartments, where you need to combine 2 completely different zones in one room.

If the interior of the room is designed in the same style, then it is rather difficult to place 2 zones with different purposes in it. But designers advise not to give up, because even in a small room you can create an interior that will harmoniously combine, for example, and.

A radical way to divide into two zones

You can divide the room with a partition. It is not necessary to make a brick wall (if you do not need additional soundproofing between rooms), you can divide one room into two using drywall installed on a metal frame.

However, you should take into account that this solution is not suitable for small rooms. A small area, divided into 2 even smaller parts, will deprive your rooms of functionality, make them uncomfortable and more reminiscent of technical rooms than a residential part of an apartment.

Such a solution will not work for most studio apartments, since the charm of such apartments is precisely in the absence of additional walls. You will "steal" valuable square meters from yourself, but you will not achieve positive results.

The main ways of zoning an apartment

If you want to install a partition in a large room, then pay attention to the windows. It is advisable to install the partition so that at least one window remains in both zones.

In some situations, such a solution is impossible, and one of the rooms is left without natural light. In this case, it is best to make a partition of colored or frosted glass, which can isolate the room, but will allow light to pass through.

Mobile partitions for zoning

The advantage of this method of zoning space is that you can always make redevelopment in accordance with your wishes and needs. Partitions are different. So, for example, partitions on an aluminum frame can completely delimit the space from floor to ceiling (while they are not "firmly attached" to the base, which allows them to be carried or removed). You can choose the design of the partition yourself, making it more transparent - glass or "dull" made of plastic and even laminate. Partitions with photographs will be an excellent interior solution. This stylish design element will not only help you zone the space, but also give your room an unusual look.

If you want to enclose part of the room so as not to reduce its size, then use a screen. Since the screens come in different heights, you can choose one that will cover the second area (usually the sleeping area), but at the same time leave free space from the end of the screen to the ceiling. Thus, it is this uncovered part that will allow the room to look solid.

You can make a suitable screen with your own hands, it is not difficult at all. The caracas of the screen must be made of slats of suitable length, fastening them together with nails and corners. Paint the slats and connect them together into a screen, fastening with hinged loops. You can stretch absolutely any fabric on the frame: plain or patterned, silk or linen. The choice of fabric, color and pattern depends on the interior of the main room. Don't forget the legs for your screen.

Rack for room zoning

This method of zoning rooms is very popular among designers. Installation of shelving helps not only to clearly distinguish between different zones, but also adds functionality to the room. On the shelves of the rack you can place books and flowers, vinyl records and your favorite magazines. There is a place here for photographs and souvenirs brought by you from different countries. Try to choose an unusual shape, then the border between the zones will seem less sharp.

Color for dividing a room into two zones

Zoning a space with color is perhaps one of the simplest and at the same time complex techniques. It is available at the stage of apartment renovation. The main problem faced by the owners is the selection of suitable colors. Do not forget that colors should be not only contrasting, but also well combined with each other. If you chose 2 colors from cold and warm colors, then you will need more effort to achieve harmony between them.

To prevent the zones from looking too "detached" from each other, you can use various accessories. So, for example, choosing a warm orange color for the dining area and a cold sky blue for the living room, try to achieve the perfect combination between them. Place accessories in shades of orange in your living room. It could be sofa cushions or a large fluffy rug, a table lamp with a lampshade, or even a painting with beautiful orange flowers. It is worth doing the same when designing the interior of the dining area. A blue tablecloth or dishes, a chandelier located directly above the table, chairs' seats - all these elements will connect two different zones into one beautiful room.

Room height zoning

It is possible to zon a space not only with the help of flowers, visual zoning is also possible with the help of the height of the interiors. This method is also available exclusively at the stage of repairing the premises, as it requires thorough work. You can make two-level ceilings, each of which will correspond to a specific area. Also draw a section on the floor along the border of the zones. It is quite easy to do this using a combination of different materials (tiles in the kitchen and laminate flooring in the dining area, for example). A more costly, but also much more effective way is to create catwalks. Such drywall constructions can transform a room beyond recognition.

But be careful, do not use podiums in apartments with low ceilings, as they take away the height, and you run the risk of making the room very "short".

In the correct interior of a studio apartment, it seems that there are no clear boundaries between the functional areas, and they all flow smoothly from one to the other. However, this is only an illusion. In fact, the zoning here is quite clear. If this is a small-sized studio, here most often they do not erect between the wall partitions and the division into zones of the kitchen and living room can be conditional.

Zoning methods

Nowadays, many developers offer apartments with a free layout. Such housing is often used to make studio apartments. This makes sense, since a space without partitions seems larger and more airy. If the area of ​​the apartment allows, you can separate the kitchen from the room in several ways.

Let's consider a few of the most common ones.

Zoning the studio space with furniture. Separating the kitchen and living room can:

  • Dinner table. If you often have cozy gatherings with friends or family members, you can make a large, long table almost the entire length of the room. If meals in the apartment do not occur often, a simple transformer table that folds inward will be enough.

  • Sofa. If you decide to zone the space of a studio apartment with a sofa, it is better if it is a large corner sofa that can simultaneously serve as a bed.

  • Kitchen set. This option implies the presence of floor-standing cabinets, which can be supplemented with hanging small shelves. A lined kitchen "island" can include built-in appliances such as refrigerator, hob and sink. However, before moving the sink, it is necessary to consult with specialists whether it is possible to install a so-called "wet zone" in the middle of the room. This may require some additional construction work, which will increase the cost of the project.

  • Closet. This piece of furniture should be present in every apartment, no matter how small. The built-in wardrobe is thus a Solomon solution, performing two functions at the same time - storing things and dividing the room into zones. There are many types of wardrobes - it can be a radius wardrobe, two-sided - when a wardrobe is stored on one side, and on the other, it is equipped with shelves for kitchen furniture. There are also convertible wardrobes into which a folding bed is built.

  • Bar counter. Such a partition, complete with hanging shelves or holders for wine glasses, will look very beautiful. This is not only a functional, but also an aesthetic solution.

Sliding partitions or doors made of transparent material. Most often, such partitions are made to order from extra strong glass or plastic. A more budgetary way to highlight the kitchen area from the common space of a studio apartment is to install sliding doors or sliding doors between them. You can also hang a fabric curtain. Only fabric, it is advisable to choose a light texture - for example, organza or veil, so that through it there is a good view. If you certainly want to make the partition opaque, it is better if it is not the full height of the room, but slightly lower than human height.

Fans of modern installations will surely appreciate the interroom partition made of glass blocks. They can be completely transparent or colored. For more effect, you can create additional lighting on the blocks. This will add grace to the interior of the apartment without weighing it down.

A plasterboard partition or part of a wall. Quite often, in the houses of the old fund, the owners decide to make a studio apartment from a one-room apartment. In order to isolate the kitchen area from the living room in a studio apartment, the kitchen itself is often transferred to the loggia, while removing the double-glazed window with a window and door that separates the loggia from the room. The rest of the wall can be used both as a cabinet and as a table, and as a way to fence off one area from another.

A plasterboard wall can also be a good solution for dividing the boundaries of an apartment. You can make niches in it on both sides. From the side of the kitchen, there will be stored dishes and accessories. From the side of the living room, in drywall niches, you can put small figurines, photographs, books or discs.

As an option for a partition, you can build drywall arches.

Different levels of the ceiling and / or floor. With the help of plasterboard panels on the ceiling, you can hide various communications. This method is good for apartments with high ceilings, but ineffective in a studio apartment, where the height of the shelf is small.

Lighting. You can zone the space using lighting fixtures. In this case, a prerequisite is the presence of lighting devices in each zone. LED lamps or small lamps running along the ceiling border between the kitchen and the living room will look very impressive. If the kitchen unit has a visor, you can build in lamps that will illuminate the working area. And in the living room space, you can hang a large chandelier or several lamps other than kitchen lighting.

Flooring. It can be one type of coating, differing only in color. Or there may be two fundamentally different materials. For example, the kitchen area is finished with floor tiles, and the living area is covered with laminate or parquet. At the same time, they do not have to be in the same color scheme at all. Materials can differ not only in texture, but also in color. Tiles can be light, and laminate, as opposed to dark, and vice versa.

Glass furniture is perfect for a small studio - it will visually expand the space. In a room with a large area, you need to select more fundamental furniture - for example, a counter made of natural stone or a material imitating marble or granite.

To eliminate the problem of food odor, which is inevitable in a studio apartment, a good cooker hood is absolutely essential in the kitchen. It is better to install a TV in a studio apartment in the place from where it will be visible from all viewing angles. Then the cooking process will be more fun, and communication with the guests will not be interrupted while watching a football match or broadcast.

Most people dream that their home would be a real fortress, a place where you can take a break from the bustle of work and problems, be alone with yourself. However, studio tenants cannot always boast of a sufficient amount of personal space. Indeed, in such an apartment, the living room, bedroom, work and dining areas intersect with each other and do not have clear boundaries. We offer some simple and inexpensive tips to help you divide your living space and create coziness in a small studio.

1. Apartment plan

You should start zoning only on the basis of a plan. You need to clearly understand what space should be the result: how many square meters and what corners will become the bedroom, living room, dining room, kitchen and study. After that, it will be possible to make a furniture arrangement scheme that will correspond to the functionality and the allotted area.

2. Instead of a wall - bookshelves

Bookshelves can help separate one living area from another (such as a bedroom from a living room), while maintaining the feeling of open space. Unlike a wall, a shelving unit is a very practical thing, because different things can be stored on open and closed shelves.

3. Bed behind curtains

In the studio, as in any tiny apartment, every inch counts. Therefore, in order to separate the sleeping area, it is better to choose curtains rather than walls. Curtains will completely cover the bed from prying eyes and can become a stylish interior detail.

4. Sofa

Another way to separate the living room from the bedroom is to place the sofa with the headboard towards the bed. Thus, the sleeping area will be located behind a kind of barrier, and this will give a feeling of security and comfort.

And if you put the sofa back to the dining table, then you get the border between the dining room and the living room.

5. Partition with a TV

A partition with a plasma panel can serve to separate the kitchen with a dining area from the living room.

6. Different levels

With the help of special furniture, you can raise the bed (and even the workplace) to a level above the floor. Thanks to this, there will be more space for storing various things. So it is possible even in an apartment with an area of ​​less than 30 square meters.

The fashionable word "studio" today is called a one-room apartment, which combines all the main areas: kitchen-dining room, living room and bedroom. In addition to them, a place is found in the room for a work and dressing room, thanks to which housing with a small area becomes multifunctional.

It should be noted that despite the seeming simplicity in the matter of arranging a studio apartment, its design should be thought out especially carefully, because only one detail or area, placed incorrectly, can significantly reduce the level of your personal comfort.

Incorrect zoning

The cornerstone of all studio apartments is the zoning of space, which further defines the convenience, practicality and functionality of small open-plan housing. That is why it is impossible to treat the delimitation of the room carelessly and imprudently, for example, by setting up a dining group near a sleeping place.

Combining a dining room and a bedroom is a rather strange decision, comparable in absurdity with a kitchen-bathroom.

The layout of a studio apartment should be clear and as convenient and logical as possible: the kitchen should be combined with the dining room, the dining room with the living room, the bedroom with a work or dressing area.


Low lighting

Even if your apartment is rather modest in size, this does not mean that it is enough to install one light source, for example, in the form of an open-ended chandelier. Most likely, the rest, especially the remote areas of a one-room apartment, will not be properly lit, which will generally lead to a feeling of discomfort.

In small apartments, in which the main room is divided into several functional zones, partitions are often erected. And in the case of a poor lighting system, the space "splits" and turns into uncomfortable and rather gloomy. This effect can be avoided if an artificial light source is installed for each separate zone: a chandelier in the living room, suspensions in the kitchen, a floor lamp in the bedroom area, etc.


Bed at the entrance

Getting into a studio apartment, it is completely unexpected to see a sleeping bed located near the front door. Needless to say, this is extremely impractical, and you won't be able to retire or just relax.

When planning the space of a small apartment, try to place the bed as far from the entrance as possible. Ideally, it should be located on the opposite side or in the extreme far corner. In the foreground, it is worth placing the area of ​​the kitchen, living room or dressing room.


Non-functional furniture

Overweight furniture that does not have an additional function should not be used in a studio setting. So, it is not entirely justified to place a squat massive cabinet, sofas or armchairs that do not unfold, as well as stationary tables and large chairs.

If you are looking for a dining table, pay attention to folding models, compact when assembled; the bed can replace a sofa with a pull-out mattress, and the built-in structure along the wall will accommodate part of the wardrobe, books and dishes.


Without Borders

A one-room apartment, in which one zone flows smoothly into another, has the right to exist. But frankly speaking, such a stop is more like a hostel and does not differ in the comfort of a real, habitable space.

Build a light partition between the living room and the kitchen area, highlight the bedroom with color, and the dining room with material with an original texture. Even such a seemingly insignificant visual differentiation will make the studio volumetric, as well as more orderly.


Untapped potential

Quite often, studio apartments are distinguished by a significant ceiling height, while many ignore such an obvious advantage and is completely unjustified. As a result, in a large room, it is sometimes difficult to find a place to place a wardrobe, work area or dining table.

Use the provided opportunities competently, namely, in a high room it is appropriate to build a mezzanine floor for the sleeping area, or raise the floor level in a certain place. Inside such a podium, you can place sections for storing things and make the atmosphere of the apartment more original.


Monotonous design

Gone are the days when only two or three primary colors were used in the interior of an apartment, as well as restrained textures and uniform forms. Today, such a design will be called tasteless, almost raising it to the rank of archaism.


Designers strongly recommend not to be afraid to mix textures, especially natural ones: wood and metal, glass and stone. In addition, a noble combination of different shades of a natural palette of colors, characteristic of an eclectic interior, is welcomed.

In the studio, you can apply the main features of the modern style (for example, loft, Scandinavian, boho) and the classical direction in design (neoclassicism, classicism).

Bad storage systems

A studio apartment is a small living space, where you will have to be especially attentive to the question of how and where to arrange a large number of necessary things, items, equipment. Therefore, purchasing and installing retro furniture, antiques and small organizers will not be justified.

The best thing you can do to further the comfort and functionality of a small space is to order a built-in floor-to-ceiling cabinet with many sections, drawers, rails and shelves that are convenient for storing clothes, household appliances, bedding and more.

Only if there is a basic and fairly spacious storage system in a studio apartment, you can think about placing vintage or modern designer pieces of furniture in the interior.

What windows!

Window decoration can be called a separate independent sphere in interior design, and in small apartments, in particular one-room apartments, openings are either ignored or decorated too magnificently. Of course, neither the first nor the second option is suitable when we are talking about housing with a pair of windows with access to one side of the house.

So, if you deprive them of their decoration, you can create the impression of understatement, and if they are decorated with too thick curtains, they will take all the attention on themselves, and partially deprive the room of light in the daytime.

In this case, it is important to adhere to the golden mean, and as a textile design, choose fairly light flowing curtains on the floor, complementing it with transparent tulle or Roman blinds that gently scatter the rays of light during the day.


Headed bedroom area

Returning to the bedroom area in the space of a studio apartment, it is important to note that it is not correct to plan the situation based on the area of ​​the bed. Speaking of a modest room, such as a studio, the bed cannot be made the main, key object around which the entire layout is built. You will not feel completely comfortable, you will not be able to relax in the company of friends, and the room will seem smaller if the bed is placed in its center.

If possible, determine the most remote section of a one-room apartment for the sleeping area, as mentioned earlier. Also, it will be better if in addition to it you use a partition, ceiling cornice with curtains or sliding doors, which will provide privacy under any circumstances.