Ensuring the safety of personnel at the enterprise as one of the ways to optimize its profitability. Work of the company's security service with personnel Security personnel

Safety threats when working with the personnel of the enterprise arise on the basis of:
poly-role behavior of a person in relation to the resources of the organization (possession, disposal, use);
moral and ethical attitudes and economic preferences of a person (motivation, professionalism);
- the psyche of a person, that is, the properties of his personality (the nature of interpersonal relations, volitional qualities).
The purpose of checking an employee is to minimize the risks of implementing threats related to personnel at all stages of the employee's "life cycle".
The employer wishes to receive answers to the questions:
whether the candidate for the vacant position has harmful inclinations;
whether there is a criminal record and (or) being under investigation;
whether the information about the previous places of work was reported correctly;
is loyal to the management of the company;
does not have any connections with competitors;
is not hatching criminal plans.
Hence, such a serious and constant attention to the human factor in the system of measures to ensure safety in society, in the organization.
History testifies:
the Arabs offered the suspect to touch the red-hot sword with his tongue. If a person burned his tongue, he was found guilty. It is noticed: the guilty person's saliva dries up in his mouth, and he gets a burn;
in China, they used the same principle, only the suspect answered the questions with dry rice in his mouth. If the rice did not get wet, then the person was found guilty;
in India, a number of words were named to the suspect, including words related to the crime. The person had to answer with any word and at the same time beat the gong. Noticed: when answering a keyword, the pause is longer, the blow is stronger;
in Africa, suspects were given a bird's egg and offered to pass it on to each other. Noted: the perpetrator of the crime will crush a fragile egg;
in Europe, a "judicial hunk" was practiced - dry bread. If the suspect had difficulty swallowing, he was found guilty;
Ibn Sina (Central Asia) suggested observing the pulse of a suspect when listing key words related to a crime. If the pulse was interrupted, the person was confessed to be involved in a crime;
Cesare Lombroso (Italy) measured the blood pressure of a suspect during interrogation, thereby determining his involvement in the crime. It is noticed: the liar has physiological changes in the body (pressure, pulse);
Leonard Keeler (USA) simultaneously recorded the suspect's respiration, relative blood pressure, and electrical activity of the skin on the world's first Keeler polygraph.
These verification techniques are irrevocably a thing of the past. In modern organizations, the leading place is taken by the verification of information provided by the employee, including documentary. These procedures are carried out with the written consent of the employee on behalf of the organization by the security service or personnel management service. In this case, the method of official inquiries is used.
However, direct communication with a person - an applicant for a vacant position, with some preparation and observation, can give answers to many questions, in particular, whether the interlocutor is truthful. Let us illustrate this with examples.
Verbal diagnostic techniques:
the option “to catch on contradictions”. In the interview, insert questions that are the same in meaning but differ in wording. The answers must match;
option "recommendation". They directly ask which of the former employees could characterize his personal and business qualities. With insincerity, confusion is possible;
option "trap". A number of questions are asked in the specialty (language proficiency, computer).
Non-verbal diagnostic techniques:
option "gestures". Covering the mouth, touching the mouth, nose, rubbing the eyes, scratching the neck are evidence of difficulty in answering;
option "looking away or frequent blinking." If a person does not look the interlocutor in the eyes for less than half the time of the conversation, then he is considered insincere;
option "nervous movements". If a person suddenly begins to make small uncontrolled movements (straighten clothes, hairstyle, brush something, rearrange small objects, change posture), this should alert;
option "hoarseness and coughing". Lying creates a throat muscle spasm;
option "raising the timbre of the voice." It is generally accepted that the voice of a high timbre comes from the head, from the mind, and the voice of a low timbre comes from the heart, from feelings. If a person makes an effort to "construct" a phrase, his voice rises (insincerity?);
option "unfinished phrases". The person does not say some phrases and pauses after that. This indicates an internal collision with an obstacle in the form of information that they would like to hide.
Diagnostic technique during the interview with the candidate:
the question "Tell us a little about yourself." Pay attention to how the candidate presents his / her biographical data: emphasizes his desire to work or speaks about his qualifications, speaks briefly, accurately, clearly, keeps calm, confident;
the question "What difficulties do you see in life and how do you cope with them (how do you look at life)?" Possible conclusions: pessimist optimist, knows how to interact with people or not;
the question "What attracts the work with us in this position?" The interlocutor should give serious and concrete reasons, and not common phrases like “I am attracted by a serious company, growth prospects, etc.”;
the question "Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position, what are your advantages over other candidates?" The best question for a candidate is to show his main merits without false modesty. It is alarming if here the candidate will operate only with formal biographical characteristics;
the question "What are your strengths?" The interlocutor is reasoned, specifically lists his own strengths, necessary for this work. It is alarming if you hear verbal cliches like: "I am sociable, neat, executive";
the question "What are your weaknesses?" A clever one will necessarily present his shortcomings as advantages (a workaholic - instead of: disorganized);
the question "Why did you leave your previous job?" The habit of conflict is a persistent characteristic and will certainly manifest itself in the response. Positive fact - the interlocutor will emphasize the positive reasons for leaving (the desire to fully realize their capabilities);
the question "Have you received any other job offers?" The opinion about the employee will increase if there is a positive answer with an interest in this particular work;
the question "Will not your personal life interfere with this work associated with additional loads (irregular working hours, long business trips)?" The question is often asked to women, they try to set additional harsh conditions in circumvention of the law (not to issue a sick leave, not to take vacations without payment);
question “How do you imagine your position in 5 (10) years? A positive fact if a career is planned;
the question "What changes would you make in your new job?" Initiative is good when you know the issue, otherwise - idle talk;
the question "Who can I contact for feedback on your work?" Withholding such information will immediately reveal the lack of positive recommendations;
the question "What salary are you counting on?" Judgment - "who does not know his own worth, he will always be cheap."
The methods of ensuring security include the activities of the personnel management service for the assessment, promotion, and stimulation of the work of the personnel of the enterprise.
The problem of safety becomes most acute during certification, service transfers, incentives, and release of workers, i.e., during the implementation of procedures known as personnel management.
The normative regulators of the behavior of employees in the organization are here:
corporate culture - the system of values ​​adopted in the organization;
personnel policy - a system of measures and norms of work with personnel.
Certification is a procedure for evaluating an employee and making a decision on
its further use in the organization. In essence, this is an ongoing employee review, during which the following are assessed:
professional skills (knowledge, experience);
moral attitudes (adherence to principles, honesty);
strong-willed qualities (energy, perseverance, efficiency);
business qualities (initiative, independence, purposefulness, diligence, efficiency).
Certification Methods:
biographical method of assessing employees by their biographies and characteristics;
the comparative method, or the method of standard assessments, when the actual data of the employee are compared with the required (benchmark) or set of qualities (matrix);
the method of summarized assessments with the accrual of conditional points for the intensity of manifestation of certain qualities;
a method of testing employees based on assessing the degree of success of answers to asked questions (situations);
the game method, which is a more complex variation of the testing method, when an employee is offered to solve a problem situation;
ranking method, when an employee is assigned a certain rank among other persons;
a graphical method for constructing a personality profile.
Experts participating in the certification process, at the stage of making a decision on the assessment of an employee, use the following methods:
simple: majority principle, dictator's principle;
complex: the Delphi method (multi-round), the Pareto principle (a decision is made that is not profitable for everyone to change), the Cournot principle (the decision is rational and does not infringe on the interests of everyone), the Edgeworth principle (the optimal solution among coalitions of experts).
The results of certification, along with personal data, are included in the employee's database (dossier), providing a regime for minimizing risks.
Service transfers are the implementation of measures defined as an employee's career. Career - promotion of an employee up the career ladder: change of profession, specialty, qualifications, status (position), role (responsibilities).
Career is realized in the form of vertical and horizontal movements of the employee in the organization or outside it.
Vertical movements are accompanied by changes in position, horizontal - changes in the nature and content of work.
Career models that ensure the neutralization of the risks of employee demotivation:
"Ladder" - each step of the career ladder an employee takes a fixed time;
"Snake" - the constant movement of the employee within the organization;
"Crossroads" - the movement of an employee according to the results of certification, carried out on a regular basis.
Career development problems that increase the risks of implementing threats related to the employee's personality:
at the beginning of a career: a clash of initiative and routine, dissatisfaction due to inability, incorrect assessment of one's role, functions, incorrect assessment by a manager;
mid-career: lack of vacancies, the effect of internal dismissal.
Conditions for neutralizing risks: realistic information about work, proactive appointments, greater autonomy.
Release of personnel is a process aimed at ending a hiring relationship.
Safety conditions:
guarantees of non-proliferation of confidential information;
guarantees of loyalty to the company and management after dismissal.
Methods of working with a dismissed employee:
at the initiative of the employee - in the form of a “final interview”, during which the true reasons for dismissal, bottlenecks in the organization are revealed, an attempt is made to influence the employee's decision to dismiss;
but on the initiative of the administration - in the form of transmitting a notice of dismissal (official stage). When an employee is laid off or an organization is closed, after an official announcement, the dismissed employee is consulted with the provision of possible assistance in self-assessment and employment;
upon retirement - in the form of gradual preparation of the employee for retirement with the subsequent transition to a flexible work schedule, consulting, mentoring.
Reduction management programs (planning the release of personnel), including:
timely movement of workers within the enterprise;
preventive retraining of employees;
termination of recruitment for vacant jobs;
socially oriented selection of candidates for dismissal.
Types of risk reduction programs:
"Golden parachute", the dismissal of an employee with the provision of financial support to start his own business;
"Preferential age", the dismissal of an employee on a pension several years earlier with payment of the pension from the funds of the enterprise;
"Preferential window", the dismissal of an employee within a certain period (within a few months) with the preservation of many social benefits in force at the enterprise.
Incentives - encouragement of an employee based on work results or in the course of the labor process. The purpose of incentives is to provide a given employee motivation to work. Incentives are based on administrative, economic, social and psychological methods.
Administrative ones are built on the basis of the use of normatively established methods of punishment and reward. Focused only on formal organizations and formal relationships. Administrative methods of punishment cause a natural reaction of escape from punishment, are effective only for workers with low labor qualifications and degraded labor consciousness. Administrative incentives are effective but not flexible enough. The expected reward is taken for granted. The lack of administrative methods is a limited set of methods of influencing the employee, high inertia and subjectivity.
Economic methods use techniques that create positive and negative motivation. Based on the results of the economic activity of the employee, the organization as a whole. Neutral to the nature of social relationships in the group. Effective for all categories of workers. The range of methods for influencing an employee is wide. Distinctive features - efficiency, the ability to establish a direct connection "work - pay" (association "justice / injustice").
Socio-psychological methods are based on a system of values ​​enshrined in the norms of the corporate culture of the organization and the moral norms of society as a whole. They are used to form selective labor motivation for certain categories of workers. Ineffective for persons with pronounced economic and deviant behavior. Focused on informal relationships in the organization. The range of methods is unusually wide. Very prompt. Perception depends on the personality of the manager and the social status of the employee.
Socio-psychological characteristics of incentive systems:
Time wages.
Advantages - prostate, taking into account the individual characteristics of the employee, the possibility of comparison (by analogy). Disadvantages - bureaucracy, lack of direct connection with the results of the enterprise as a whole. Consequences of application: conformism and impersonality in the team, the emergence of a "swamp" or a militant minority, the development of a syndrome of "internal dismissal" among a number of employees, an increase in frustration (irritation), cases of flattery, intrigue, "extortion" of salaries and bonuses. The psychologically "fair" amount of the bonus is 30% of the salary (tariff).
Piecework wages.
Advantages - taking into account personal results, the ability to use labor standards. Disadvantages - limited application, focus on quantitative results, negative impact on the level of professionalism and team spirit in the group. Consequences of application: a decrease in the professional and qualification level, difficulty in forming a team spirit in the group, regular conflicts in the distribution of work and the calculation of earnings. The prize is perceived as a "handout".
"Variable" wage systems.
Advantages - flexibility, accounting for economic results, the ability to compare (fact / base). Disadvantages - subjectivity, complexity of perception, lack of a regulatory framework. Consequences of application: the formation of authoritarianism under the guise of democracy, the possibility of emotional outbursts and tough lobbying for the size (conditions) of payment, the growth of instability in the group. Bonuses are effective as bonuses (gifts).
Competency payment systems.
Advantages - taking into account individual capabilities and ambitions.
Disadvantages - the complexity of assessment and perception, the lack of a regulatory framework. Consequences of application: the emergence of "intellectual ballast", stratification in the group, protectionism, the creation of a conflict situation.
The psychologically justified level of pay differentials is up to 20%.
Payment systems using "social packages".
Advantages - simplicity, high social effect, the possibility of comparison (by analogy). Disadvantages - the development of informal relations of the "bullying" type, with a weakness of the trade union - a slide towards authoritarianism. The psychologically perceived cost of the "social package" is from 10% of real wages.
General incentive rules to ensure the safe behavior of personnel:
availability (I can earn no less too!);
perceptibility (bonus not less than 20% of the salary, the salary is greater than the possible damage from theft) ";
the minimum gap between results and payment on time (the lack of incentives is made up by theft);
a combination of incentives and penalties;
a combination of material, social, psychological incentives.
In the overwhelming majority of cases, destructive behavior of employees is based on the elementary disregard of the employees' motivational attitudes by the management.

When operating electrical installations, safety rules must be observed. The system of measures for electrical safety applies to all personnel involved in servicing these devices (installers, repairmen, employees of the operational sector, etc.).

The installer studies the safety rules for the operation of electrical installations

The procedure for applying the rules:

  • It is forbidden to deviate from the observance of the rules. In cases where it is impossible to organize safe work, it is necessary to inform the immediate supervisor of all violations and failures in the operation of electrical equipment.
  • It is unacceptable to follow orders that are contrary to the rules and pose a safety risk to personnel.
  • When working with increased danger, additional measures should be taken to improve electrical safety.
  • In the event of accidents with injury, electric shock to people, the voltage is removed without permission.
  • Power tools, machines and mechanisms are subject to testing in accordance with the established procedure and in accordance with the approved inspection times.

Prompt service

Operational services are carried out by employees from the operational sector of the local and mobile brigades.

Features of work and requirements for workers who perform maintenance of electrical installations (EI):

  • the employee must have sufficient knowledge of operating diagrams, operating instructions, electrical safety standards;

An employee who complies with the standards of electrical safety when servicing power plants

  • maintenance of the power plant is carried out according to the schedule approved by the person responsible for the electrical engineering of the enterprise;
  • operating personnel for sole maintenance must have a tolerance group of at least 3 when servicing power plants up to 1 kV, for power plants higher than 1 kV, group 4 is required.
  • operational and technical personnel for the period of maintenance of the power plant assumes the powers of operating personnel;
  • it is forbidden to leave the workplace until the end of the shift;
  • it is forbidden to remove posters when inspecting switchgears, as well as to touch open current-carrying elements of electrical installations;

What the warning posters look like when inspecting switchgears

  • the list of persons admitted to the sole inspection is approved by the person in charge of the electrical facilities;
  • EI doors must always be closed.

Features of delivery of the shift:

  1. It is forbidden to transfer the workplace in an uncleaned state, with contamination of electrical equipment. In the event of a malfunction of electrical installations, the change of duty is carried out by order of the higher management.
  2. An employee of the operational sector is responsible for the safe operation and safety of electrical equipment.
  3. The shift supervisor informs the dispatcher about accidents and malfunctions.
  4. In the event of overloads on the line and accidents, the shift leader takes action under the guidance of the dispatcher of the power supply organization to stabilize the situation.
  5. It is forbidden to change the personnel on duty in the event of emergencies. The duty of the new shift in case of long-term accidents begins in accordance with the order of the management.
  6. Before accepting a shift, personnel must:
  • familiarize yourself with electrical schemes and general schemes of the power system;
  • have information about the condition of the equipment;
  • report in a timely manner on emerging malfunctions and failures in the operation of the power plant;
  • collect information about protective equipment, power tools and operational documentation.

Equipment inspection:

  • Sole: for employees of the administrative and technical staff in the presence of 4 groups for electrical safety (5 - for power plants above 1 kV) and at least 3 for operating personnel.

Individual inspection of equipment by an employee of the administrative and technical staff of the 4th group on electrical safety

  • Operators are allowed to open the doors of electrical equipment up to 1kV.
  • For power units above 1 kV, it is forbidden to open the cameras alone, to climb inside the equipment. Inspection is carried out at the barrier line.

Manufacturing jobs

Distinguish between works:

  • With voltage relief - these are works that are carried out in electrical installations where voltage is removed from live parts.
  • Without removing voltage on live parts and near them. Such works include actions that are carried out directly on these parts.
  • Without removing the voltage away from live parts that are energized. This work eliminates the accidental approach of working people and the repair equipment they use, tools to live parts at a certain distance.

Features of work without relieving stress:

  • The complexity of servicing power plants of different voltage classes is determined by the highest class.
  • When working without removing the voltage, the team must consist of at least two people, of which the manufacturer must have an electrical safety group of at least 4, the rest must be at least

A team of trained electricians who perform work without relieving stress

  • Without removing the voltage, it is forbidden to touch the insulators on the EI.
  • During construction installation, it is impossible for live surfaces to be behind a person or on both sides.
  • It is not allowed to bring long metal structures into the switchgear.
  • In electrical installations above 1 kV, masks, gloves and electrical insulating stays are used to remove the fuses. For power plants up to 1 kV, masks are used only in cases where the fuse-links are open.
  • It is forbidden to touch the metal parts of the instrument cases after finishing work, since the voltage may be applied without warning.
  • During bad weather, it is forbidden to service open switchgears (RU). Installation in indoor switchgears during rain and fog takes place with the use of special protective equipment.
  • If any faults are found (deformation of the insulating surface, violation of varnish coatings), the damaged product should be replaced.
  • It is forbidden to replace wires without removing the voltage in the spans of the supports, where the wires intersect.
  • The logs of all electrical equipment units, indicating the technical data and the numbers assigned to them, are kept by the person responsible for the electrical economy.

Power plant maintenance without removing voltage:

  • To organize work in power plants up to 1 kV, protective equipment (SZ) is used - protective devices at workplaces, insulating supports, gloves, etc. The power tool must also be equipped with dielectric handles.
  • For objects above 1 kV, SZ insulating current-carrying parts are used. In the case of using means of isolation from the ground, the repair process is carried out in accordance with the flow charts with all the necessary safety measures.
  • When using SZ, it is necessary to pay special attention to the rules of safe operation - hold only by the intended surfaces, do not grab the handles by the stop rings, hold the tool in such a way so as to exclude the possibility of overlapping the wires of electrical equipment, etc., do not use wet SZ.

Protective equipment required for maintenance of the power plant without removing the voltage

  • In electrical installations up to 1 kV, it is allowed to dismantle and replace fuses (plugs) of transformers without removing the voltage. They can also be removed in line circuits that are not used by switching devices.
  • In the induced voltage zone, work is allowed to repair wires by touching them, provided that SZ is used and grounding is applied to the wire no further than 3 meters from the place of the working team.
  • To service the elements of power transmission lines, ropes are used, thrown over the existing wires on all sides of the span. The cables are pulled in smooth movements.
  • To ensure safety during repairs of wires located above power lines under voltage, safety measures approved by the head of the power transmission organization are used: ways to prevent wires from dropping, etc.

A responsibility

The person in charge of the outfit is also responsible for the amount of work to be done, labor safety at the plant, qualification requirements of all team members and the supervisor.

The orders can be issued by an authorized employee of the electrical sector. To do this, the candidate must have a tolerance group of at least 4 in the power plant up to 1kV and 5 in the power plant above 1kV.

Also, an order for a number of works can be issued to a person from the operational staff with a clearance group of at least 4.

Team members must comply with safety rules, special instructions of the manufacturer, instructions for use and maintenance of SZ.

The admitter is obliged:

  • be responsible for the quality and safety of performing work duties at the facility;
  • make the necessary entries in the logs;
  • have a 3 group for electrical safety for power plants up to 1 kV or 4 for installations above 1 kV;
  • in power plants up to 1 kV, it is possible to combine this position with the duties of a responsible manager.

The manufacturer, issuing the order and the responsible manager can combine several duties at the same time. In this case, the electrical safety group must be no less than that required for one of the positions held.

The list of persons who can be appointed to the positions of supervisor, manager and responsible person is approved by the management of the enterprise and the person responsible for the electrical equipment.

If there are doubts about the organization of the safety of the work process, the preparation of the site stops.

Responsible managers are not allowed to be directly involved in the technological process.

The supervising employee is prohibited from terminating the supervision of workers during the execution of the order.

In power plants up to 1 kV, it is allowed to perform the duties of an admitting person, a work supervisor or a member of a team.

On overhead power lines (OHL) of all voltage classes, it is allowed to combine the duties of the admitting and manufacturer of works by one person.

Performing work on overhead power lines

For military organizations, the selection of officials is similar.

During the acceptance of the work performed, the head of the referral is responsible on an equal basis with the admitting employee. It is checked: the quality of installation, safety, proper preparation of the site, etc.

The manager can be selected from among the employees of the electrical sector with 5 gr. on electrical safety. For power plants up to 1 kV, the appointment of a responsible manager (alongside) is not required.

The observer should:

  • be sure to be present when performing construction installation in especially dangerous conditions;
  • have a group of at least 3;
  • monitor the performance of the duties of the work team and the correct implementation of safety measures and installation.
  • to exercise control over the installation, the presence of a memory device (protective device) and the use of the necessary SZ for this type of work.

Manufacturer of works:

  • Instructs the crews about the safety measures at this electrical installation. Is responsible for their performance by employees.
  • Monitors the state of grounding, installed fences and other SZ.
  • Must have a qualification of at least 4 for power plants up to 1kV and 5 for installations above 1kV.

Procedure for issuing orders

The outfits must be written out in 2 copies. To be completed in legible handwriting. Corrections, strikethroughs and corrections are not allowed.

The document is issued to the team immediately before the start of the preparation and arrangement of the work site.

The manufacturer is supposed to issue one outfit per team. For actions of the same type, a general document can be issued, indicating the sequence of repairs at different electrical installations (when working without removing the voltage).

What does a sample electrical work order look like?

Obtaining additional documents is required in case of moving to the next floor or in a switchgear with a different voltage class.

When performing work on electrical installations, the team includes at least 2 people - a team member and a work contractor. The brigade can include no more than two people with a tolerance group of 1, provided that for each member with a group. 3 included one employee with gr. 1.

In the case of work on several connections of cable and overhead power lines (cable and overhead lines), one outfit can be issued, provided that there is no voltage on electrical installations and there is no access to other power plants.

In the event of a change in the number of working personnel, as well as an expansion of the working space, a new outfit is issued.

The person in charge of the outfits determines the composition of the teams. The contractor is responsible for the qualifications of the workers. The qualifications and composition of the team members are determined based on the scale and level of complexity of the construction.

It is possible to transfer orders over the telephone. At the same time, the number of copies of the document increases to three: 2 is filled in by the work manager, and 1 - by the person responsible for issuing. The employee responsible for issuing orders must dictate the text of the document in the form of a telephone message. Instead of the visa of the person in charge on the forms, his surname is registered and certified by the signature of the person receiving the outfit by phone. Admission to work in such cases is made in accordance with the generally established procedure.

Operational personnel while on duty can be involved in the performance of work and included in the order without an entry in the operational log.

If the operational staff combines the duties of repairmen (provided that there are no operational staff), two copies of the order are issued. They are kept by the person responsible for issuing the order and the manufacturer.

Clearing trails

Before the start of the working process, the members of the brigade are supposed to warn about the danger of the approach of trees with power lines.

Trees in emergency condition are subject to felling first. To prevent damage to power lines by felled trunks, braces are used. Immediately before felling a tree, all members of the brigade are notified.

Clearing by a team of employees of the security zone of the power line

The tree shaft is carried out only in the direction of the undercut.

The felling area must be cleared before starting the process. In the presence of snow cover, two paths (5 m) are cleared in the direction of the fall and from it at an angle.


  • felling trees with sawing, and also felling one tree on another;
  • chop dry and rotten units;
  • leave sawn trees not felled during breaks;
  • climb trees to be demolished;
  • stand on the line of the tree falling;
  • make cuts to the end;
  • approach a dangerous distance (8 m) to the place where the tree falls on the wires;

Secondment of personnel

The seconded personnel include employees who perform work on electrical installations, but are not included in the staff of this structural unit.

The admission to work in the EI is granted to the employee by the organization to which he arrived on the basis of the direction (letter) of the sending enterprise.

Like a full-time employee, a business traveler must have a personal identity card, not stitched, accredited at a permanent place of work.

The organization to which the staff is sent is responsible for:

  • safety of the work being carried out;
  • provision of SZ for all posted employees;
  • compliance of the admission group, the personnel with the work performed in the plant.

Employees of the enterprise operating the plant should prepare the site, start up and turn off the electrical equipment.

The briefing is carried out by a person from the administrative and technical sector with the 5th group of admission for electrical safety, as well as with the 4th group. workers of the operational staff.

Conducting briefing on safety during the operation of electrical installations to the dispatched staff of workers

Passengers sent to the place of arrival undergo special instructions, taking into account the peculiarities of production and electrical equipment.

Responsible for the orders must be tested for knowledge of the electrical circuits on which repairs are to be made. After that, a record of the passage of the briefing is made in the regular journal.

Line repair

If the line is repaired in phases, one grounding is applied, and work is allowed at a distance of no more than 20 m from it. If several teams are involved in the line, the wire is grounded at each site.

If necessary, personnel can move along cables (with a cross-section of at least 70 mm 2) and wires over 240 mm 2.

Inspection of power transmission lines in difficult weather conditions, as well as in hard-to-reach areas, should be carried out by 2 employees with a group of at least 2 admission.

Disconnection of grounding slopes is carried out strictly with grounding gloves, only after grounding the lightning protection cable.

If it is necessary to stop traffic on the roads, a representative of the transport service is called, who regulates the movement of vehicles. For the normal movement of vehicles in emergency areas, the wires are raised to the required size.

Personnel should have boards labeled “Caution, Voltage” for installation in service areas.


  • Switch to traverses with live wires during phase-by-phase repair.
  • Climb on the supports to inspect overhead power lines (OHL).
  • Walk under the power line at night.
  • Approach broken wires at a distance of less than 8m. In such cases, it is necessary to limit the approach to the accident site and prevent the approach of living organisms before the arrival of the personnel of electrical networks.

Organization of work on cable lines, switchgears (switchgears) and substations (substations):

  • Depending on the nature of the work, repairs can be carried out with or without stress relief.
  • In the case of the same type of work, provided that the voltage is removed and that it does not enter other electrical installations, one outfit can be issued.
  • It is forbidden to turn on bus sections until the end of the execution of the order.
  • It is possible to disperse the executive personnel at the facility, provided that several or one member of the brigade has an electrical safety group of at least 3.
  • For repairs in RU, orders are issued by the personnel serving this facility.

Lighting fixture maintenance

When servicing the lighting network on a telescopic tower with an insulating link, the cleaning of the fittings and the replacement of bulbs are carried out without removing the voltage. Provided that the luminaires are located below the phase conductors, maintenance is allowed on wooden stairs.

If the tower does not have an insulating element, all suspended wires on the support must be grounded. This type of work can be carried out by persons with a clearance group of at least 3.

Before replacing the ballast (PAR) or gas discharge lamps, it is necessary to disconnect the wire from the mains and discharge the capacitors. Removal of voltage is necessary to organize work on one disconnected circuit in the area of ​​the induced voltage of the transmission line above 35 kV.

Work without relieving stress is possible:

  • subject to remoteness from live parts, production at a height above 3 m from the level of a person's foot;
  • for clearing the route from tree branches;
  • subject to the use of special hoisting vehicles.

For each overhead line, a separate outfit is needed, except for those cases when the document is issued for the same type of work (for servicing multi-chain lines, etc.).

In case of a break in work until the next day, the installed grounding on the lines cannot be removed. Continuation of work is carried out only after checking the efficiency of the grounding device.

Video about TB

Safety precautions when working with electrical installations are discussed in detail in this video.

Safety rules for the operation of electrical installations of consumers are necessary to achieve the quality of work of electrical networks and systems.

3.2 Measures to ensure occupational safety

In the conditions of modern production, certain measures to prevent injuries and diseases are not effective enough. It is necessary that they are carried out in a comprehensive manner, forming a subsystem for labor safety management in the production management system. This opens up an opportunity for targeted regulation of the process of creating safe working conditions in production.

Starting the preparation of one or another measure to ensure occupational safety, it is necessary to determine: why it will be carried out, for whom it is calculated, what results are expected. Depending on the goal set, methods of achieving it are chosen, give instructions to employees, create commissions (groups, councils, etc.). The composition of the commission (working group) for the preparation and implementation of measures to ensure occupational safety must include representatives of those for whom the measures are primarily designed.

One of the important principles of the construction and functioning of the occupational safety management system is the principle of the systems approach. It is expressed in the fact that on the basis of program-targeted management, a complex of interrelated organizational, technical, sanitary and individual measures is carried out, aimed at creating conditions for highly productive and safe work at all sections and stages of production.

Organizational measures are part of the general system of organization of labor and production; stipulated by regulatory documents. These include:

Meeting the requirements of the scientific organization of labor;

Certification and certification of workplaces;

Instructing security personnel;

Professional selection and organization of medical examinations;

Social insurance;

Placement of personnel in accordance with qualifications;

Development of plans for eliminating the consequences of accidents;

Development and implementation of plans for inspection and repair of equipment;

Development of a cleaning schedule for workplaces;

Drawing up a list of hazardous work;

Investigation, registration and analysis of industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

Organization of special meals;

Promotion of labor protection;

Development of a system of incentives and punishments.

At hazardous production facilities, the organizational measures for labor protection also include:

Licensing of hazardous work;

Equipment certification;

Investigation of accidents and elimination of their consequences;

Emergency forecasting;

Expertise and declaration of industrial safety; liability Insurance.

Technical measures include ensuring compliance with safety requirements for production equipment, its placement, pipelines and communications, lifting and vehicles, technical means of protecting personnel, methods and instruments for monitoring environmental parameters and the level of hazardous and harmful factors. General measures: automation and mechanization of work; remote control; use of control machines; blocking and signaling. Private events: installation of fences; shielding from radiation; compliance with electrical safety requirements, etc.

Sanitary measures are developed mainly at the stage of construction design, provided and improved as necessary in the course of the organization's current activities. These include: compliance with labor protection and safety requirements in the planning and maintenance of the territory, main and auxiliary buildings, warehouses, individual workshops and premises; ensuring the necessary parameters of the microclimate and air purity in the working area (ventilation, heating, air conditioning); ensuring the quality of lighting; provision of sanitary facilities and sanitary facilities; compliance with the requirements of production aesthetics and sanitary protection of the environment.

Personal protective measures include: selection of effective personal protective equipment (PPE) for workers; ensuring the correct storage and serviceability of PPE; training of personnel in the rules for the use of PPE.

Analysis of information on the investigated enterprise showed that the working conditions at the enterprise are less safe. But at the enterprise 80-90% of the equipment is obsolete, as a result of which it is necessary to raise the technical level of production. Namely, the introduction of new, progressive technology, mechanization and automation of production processes; improving the use and application of new types of raw materials and materials; changes in the design and technical characteristics of products; other factors that increase the technical level of production.

In order to ensure the safest working conditions, to reduce the number of injuries, as well as to prevent injuries, I would suggest the company to carry out a number of basic measures:

Improve control over compliance with safety requirements and instructions;

Improve the organization of workplaces, equip them with a technological grade;

Pay special attention and conduct coursework on health and safety with workers;

Check the knowledge of the safety of the personnel serving the production equipment;

Eliminate design flaws in the equipment, the consequences of which can lead to injuries;

To carry out work to improve the reliability of the protective and safety equipment of the equipment;

Provide compulsory test for production technique;

Control the implementation of the equipment preventive maintenance schedules;

Measure the resistance of the grounding devices of equipment, insulation of electrical installations, apparatus, electrical network of the enterprise with the paperwork in time and norms;

Immediately report all identified deficiencies to the chief engineer and take urgent measures to eliminate them.

Occupational safety measures for a specific workplace are aimed at minimizing existing hazardous and harmful factors, such as noise, vibration, insufficient (unsatisfactory) lighting, dustiness, chemical factors, etc. Establishing a functional relationship between production (chemical, physical, biological, psychophysiological) and economic factors will make it possible to assess the scale of costs or savings on labor protection measures, i.e. get a forecast of the expected efficiency.

3.3 Effectiveness of proposed measures

An objective assessment of the economic efficiency of labor protection measures allows you to develop recommendations for the choice of equipment, technological processes (ergonomic approach) and strategic guidelines for the development of investment programs to improve working conditions at the enterprise.

The result of evaluating the economic efficiency of labor protection measures is a quantitative assessment of the costs and incomes of the enterprise associated with issues of labor protection and safety. These data can serve as a justification for making management decisions to optimize (improve) the working conditions of employees.

Labor protection is one of the most important factors in increasing production efficiency. Assessment of the economic efficiency of work on labor safety is an important element for mobilizing the efforts of the management and working personnel in improving working conditions, as well as forming the psychology of prioritizing work to ensure labor safety. The main goal is to optimize work on labor safety, identify priority measures by assessing their economic efficiency.

The enterprise has a standard "Occupational Safety Standards. Evaluation of the Economic Efficiency of Work on Occupational Safety". It is a model of a local normative act in the system of labor safety standards at the enterprise, contains documents regulating the procedure for the implementation, assessment and further analysis of the economic efficiency of labor protection measures. The standard regulates the procedure for the implementation, assessment and further analysis of the economic efficiency of labor protection measures. The results obtained on this basis should be a universal quantitative tool for the OSH management system. The structural diagram of the enterprise standard is shown in Figure 3.3.

Figure 3.3 "Occupational safety standards. Assessment of the economic efficiency of work on labor safety"

The economic interest of enterprises in improving labor conditions and safety is achieved by reducing material losses associated with reducing occupational risks. Reducing the level of risks will reduce the number of accidents, which are the most costly sources of potential losses.

The implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor is carried out in stages:

Identification of problems that are supposed to be solved;

Establishing the causes of these problems, setting goals;

Development of activities to achieve the set goals;

Description of the consequences of the proposed measures;

Determination of the cost of their implementation and the economic effect of their implementation.

We will evaluate the efficiency on a specific example and calculate the annual economic effect, as well as the payback period. The annual economic effect is calculated using the formula:

E g = E p - E n * Z unit, (3)

where E p - the amount of savings in implementation costs from the implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor;

E n - standard coefficient of comparative economic efficiency = 0.15

З units - one-time costs associated with the development and implementation of the event.

In the workshop of steel enameled products, a progressive brigade form of labor organization was introduced. Welders on resistance welding machines were united into a specialized team and new equipment was purchased, since the old one did not meet the labor safety conditions. As a result, the number of welders decreased from 8 to 5 people.

Let us compare the costs of the implementation of activities with the income from their implementation. The costs and benefits are summarized in the following table:

Tab. 3.1 Costs and benefits from the implementation of activities.


Thousand roubles.


Work and materials

New equipment

Interruptions in the work of the workshop


Reduced work interruptions

Reduced absenteeism

Saving energy consumption

Payback period = Cost / Annual income or savings = 7180/2620 = 2.7 years. Therefore, it is recommended to take a payback period of 2.7 years. Measures are considered effective if the payback period of the one-time costs does not exceed the standard.

The average salary of one welder per year is 1,300 thousand rubles. The savings in the wage fund will be: 1300 * 3 = 3900 thousand rubles, the savings in social contributions at a rate of 39% will be: 3900 * 39/100 = 1521 thousand rubles. Total savings in implementation costs from the implementation of measures to improve the organization of labor: 3900 + 1521 = 5421 thousand rubles. Therefore, the annual economic effect will be:

E g = 5421 - 0.15 * 7180 = 4344 thousand rubles.

Thus, we can say that the calculation of the annual economic effect allows an enterprise to make a decision on the appropriateness of using the proposed measures. Judging by the calculations, we see that the introduction of new safe equipment at the enterprise gives an economic effect of 4344 thousand rubles. in year.


Labor protection is the creation of healthy and safe working conditions by various means.

Labor safety is a state of working conditions in which the impact on the worker of hazardous and harmful production factors is excluded or the impact of harmful production factors does not exceed the maximum permissible values.

Occupational safety and health require technical and organizational measures to ensure safe work at the enterprise. Failure to comply with the safety rules and operating instructions by personnel can lead to injuries and occupational diseases.

Creation of safe working conditions at enterprises of various forms of ownership is one of the main priorities.

The high level of organization of labor protection at the enterprise contributes to the growth of labor productivity of workers, and thereby the growth of production, and an increase in its efficiency; reducing the loss of working time, reducing the incidence of industrial injuries, occupational diseases, etc.

The presence of a safety system makes production more efficient and less harmful to human health. Modern security systems allow timely prevention of possible failures.

Today, the problem of labor safety of personnel at the enterprise is especially relevant, since it is from good and safe working conditions that the mood and working capacity of the employee and, as a consequence, the growth of labor productivity, which is reflected in the final financial and economic results, depend.

The main purpose of the analysis of the safety of personnel at the enterprise is to determine the most effective ways and measures. Ensuring labor safety at the enterprise includes the identification, analysis and assessment of existing threats, the development of a subsystem of countermeasures on their basis.

The object in this course work is the analysis of the financial and economic results of the enterprise JSC "Santep".

When writing a term paper, the following tasks were set and subsequently solved:

The work safety and its determining factors are considered;

The principles, means and methods of ensuring the safety of personnel are studied;

Given the organizational and economic characteristics of JSC "Santep";

An analysis of the personnel potential and safety measures at the enterprise was carried out;

The most effective ways and measures to ensure the safety of personnel are identified.

In this work, I have revealed the meaning and essence of the principles of ensuring labor safety and their implementation at the enterprise, and also examined in detail the main criteria and indicators. An assessment of human resources and an analysis of the financial and economic results of the activities of the enterprise OJSC Santep were carried out.

Analysis of the composition and structure of labor resources, analysis of profit and profitability, which are directly related to the functioning of the organization, show that the enterprise I am considering, unfortunately, is financially untenable.

The enterprise is small, that is, it does not have a significant amount of labor resources. In 2010, the number of all personnel was 223 people. Rational use of workers is an indispensable condition for ensuring the continuity of the production process and the successful implementation of production plans and business processes.

As a result, for the company Santep OJSC, we see that profit in 2010 decreased by 25% compared to 2009, of which net profit fell by 85.7%. Compared to 2008, it decreased by 82.7%, of which net profit - by 99.5%. This is a consequence of a decrease in demand for manufactured products.

The profitability of production activities, calculated on the basis of profit from sales in 2009 compared to 2008 increased by 33.2%, and in 2010 compared to 2009 by 6.8%. But the profitability of production activities, calculated on the basis of net profit, gradually decreased over these periods.

Analysis of the state of occupational safety of personnel revealed to us information about accidents, morbidity and the condition of the equipment. In this regard, it can be noted that working conditions have become better and safer, and hazardous factors of influence are decreasing. The equipment is being modernized, safety briefings are carried out in a timely manner. In 2010, there is a decrease in occupational diseases and the absence of accidents, which indicates the effectiveness of the measures taken in the organization's health and safety policy.

In the third chapter, the ways of ensuring the safety of personnel at the enterprise of Santep OJSC were considered, a new management strategy and measures to ensure labor safety were proposed. I also calculated the economic effect of the proposed measures to improve the organization of labor in order to ensure safety, which is equal to 4344 thousand rubles. per year, which gives reason to talk about the feasibility of introducing and using the proposed measures.


1. Frolov, A. V. Life safety. Labor protection: textbook.

manual for universities / under. total ed. A. V. Frolov. - Ed. 2nd, add. and revised - Rostov n / a .: Phoenix, 2008 .-- 750 p.

2. Life safety: textbook / ed. prof. E.A. Arustamova. - 10th ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Publishing and trade corporation "Dashkov and Co", 2006, - 476 p.

3. Alekseev, V.S., Muradova, E.O., Davydova, I.S. Life safety in questions and answers. - M .: TK Welby, 2006 .-- 208 p.

4. Belov, S.V., Ilnitskaya, A.V. Life safety. - M .: Higher school, 1999 .-- 448 p.

5. Zotov, B.I., Kurdyumov, V.I. Life safety at work. - M .: Kolos, 2006 .-- 432 p.

6. Sapronov, Yu.G., Sysa, A.B., Shakhbazyan, V.V. Life safety. - M .: ITs Academy, 2004 .-- 320 p.

7. Zhuravlev, P.V., Kartashov, S.A., Mausov, N.K., Odegov, Yu.G. Personnel management technology: Manager's handbook. - M .: "Exam", 2000. - 576s.

8. Organization management: textbook / ed. A.G. Porshneva, Z.P. Rumyantseva, N.A. Salomatina, - M., New knowledge, 1999. - 450p.

9. Tsvetaeva, V.M. Personnel management - SPb .: Peter, 2000 .-- 192 p.

10. Personnel management of the organization: textbook / ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M .: Infra-M, 1998 .-- 512s.

11. Personnel management: textbook / ed. T.Yu. Bazarova, B.L. Eremina, M., - Minsk, New knowledge, 1998, - 320s.

12. Maslov, E.V. Enterprise personnel management: Textbook / ed. P.V. Shemetova .- M .: INFRA-M: Novosibirsk: NGAEiU, 1999.

13. Organizational psychology: reader / comp. and the general edition of L.V. Vinokurov, I.I. Skripyuk - SPb .: Peter, 2000. - 512 p.

14. Personnel Management: Encyclopedic Dictionary / under. ed. AND I. Kibanova. - M .: INFRA-M, 2000, - 461 p.

15. Egorshin, A.P. Personnel Management. - Novgorod .: NIMB, 2000, - 607 p.

16. Shekshnya, S.V. Personnel scheduling and recruiting. - M :, Int-synthesis, 1997, - 80 p.

17. Dessler, G. Personnel Management: trans. from English, - M .: BINOM, 1997, - 432 p.

18. Shekshnya, S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization. - M .: Int-synthesis, 2000, - 336 p.

19. Durakova, I.B. Personnel management: selection and recruitment. - M .: Center, 2000, - 160 p.

20. Hwang T.A., Hwang P.A. Fundamentals of life safety. - Rostov n / D .: Phoenix, 2002 .-- 320 p.

21. Savitskaya, G.V. Economic analysis: textbook. / G.V. Savitskaya. - M .: New knowledge, 2007 .-- 679 p.

The personnel and the complexity of the equipment of the enterprise. ... further suggestions and the way improving the efficiency of maintenance ... the main measures for securing security labor are mandatory instruction ...

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  • Personnel security is a key component of a company's economic security. Since in the course of performing their duties, employees meet daily and hourly with business partners, negotiate with them, conclude contracts, the manager must be sure that the actions of the staff will not put his business at risk. The security service of the company (SB) comes to the rescue, whose work allows you to get to know employees better and foresee their actions.

    World statistics show that about 80% of the damage to the material assets of organizations is caused by their own personnel. Over the past 20 years, about 100 US banks have collapsed due to employee fraud. Unfortunately, it cannot be said that the situation is different in domestic business. That is why the issues of personnel security should remain in the focus of attention of managers even (and especially) in the case when the financial and economic indicators of the company are healthy. Top managers need to have the fullest possible understanding of the quality of the "human capital" that creates this well-being, and is also the carrier of information about the company, including confidential information.

    Security Council tasks and methods of their solution

    The main conditions for effective work with personnel are the consistency of the Security Council's activities in various areas (internal security, information security, legal security, technical protection, etc.) and close interaction with other structural divisions (with the personnel department, special department, etc.).

    The task of the Security Council is, on the one hand, to identify persons prone to fraud, embezzlement, dishonest work, etc., on the other hand, to contribute to the creation of a unified team of verified conscientious employees. For this, organizational, organizational and technical measures, are used personal observations and conversations as well as the results.

    Building its activities in the company in this way, the Security Council should strive to conduct it conflict-free, but fundamentally and competently .

    Organizational activities held by the company include:

    • regulation of internal corporate procedures, including the development of regulatory documents (orders, orders, regulations, instructions);
    • organization of control over the economic activities of the company;
    • explanatory and educational work with employees (conducting classes on preserving commercial secrets, describing the methods of actions of competitors in relation to the company, etc.);
    • preventive work with employees (identification of persons prone to various offenses, clarification of the consequences of offenses, etc.).

    Organizational and technical measures include:

    • organization of physical and technical security of the facility (including control of the working hours of employees, registration of visitors, prevention of information leakage through technical channels, etc.);
    • analysis of detailed printouts of conversations on office phones, the use of e-mail, the Internet to study the connections of employees and the content of information;
    • analysis of the use of copying equipment (in order to prevent leakage of information that is a commercial secret);
    • control over the behavior of employees in places located in the area of ​​open CCTV cameras.

    Personal observations and conversations allow you to study:

    • personal characteristics of company employees;
    • features of the psychological climate in the team;
    • the degree of satisfaction of employees with working conditions, wages, etc.

    Target information and analytical work Security service with personnel - identifying positive and negative aspects related to the behavior of employees. This work consists of two stages:

    • collection and processing of information;
    • analysis and evaluation of the information obtained for making operational management decisions.

    The accumulation of information begins from the moment of studying the personality of a person upon hiring and continues continuously throughout his career in the company. The work schedule of an employee, the peculiarities of his behavior during negotiations, when organizing tenders, when preparing and concluding contracts, etc., must be constantly monitored by the Security Council.

    Very useful information about the company's employees can be obtained during unofficial events (holidays, evenings, excursions, cultural and sports events). In this environment, the microclimate in the team, the level of intelligence, culture, and personal behavior of employees are assessed.

    The information obtained in the course of studying the company's employees is formalized: they make up an analytical report, which is filed into the employee's personal file. This allows you to organize your work with data. The certificate should record whether the employee is negligent in the performance of official duties, whether he makes unprofessional decisions, violates discipline, is caught dishonest - or vice versa: shows high results in work, conscientiously performs his duties, is distinguished by high personal qualities (decency, honesty , willingness to help colleagues, etc.). The analytical information should contain the conclusions obtained as a result of the assessment of current events.

    For greater efficiency of this work, it is advisable to use automated databases that allow you to accumulate and organize information for each employee, group it into sections (for example, "persons", "organizations", "events", "contracts", "contacts"), identify patterns ... All data are interconnected, which makes it possible to form a dossier containing reliable information.

    When working with personnel, the Security Council takes into account the influence of external and internal factors that can affect the company's activities both positively and negatively.

    TO external factors relate:

    • socio-economic (improvement or deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the country as a whole, the impact on workers of changes in society, the level of unemployment, the level of wages, etc.);
    • political (political stability or conflicts in society, legal relations or corruption);

    TO internal factors relate:

    • organization of process management in the company;
    • leadership style (democratic, authoritarian, etc.);
    • features of internal corporate culture.

    An employee of the Security Council is obliged to note cases of inappropriate behavior of a company employee during the performance of his official duties, in relations with colleagues. Particular attention should be paid to the following facts:

    • violations of the working day (unmotivated tardiness to work, leaving during working hours, going to work outside of working hours, delays at work);
    • addiction to gambling;
    • alcohol abuse, drug addiction;
    • the presence of serious personal problems, stress.

    Possible "risk factors" for the company can be discussed when the employee's behavior is observed:

    • interest in the range of production and financial issues of the company that are not included in his functional responsibilities;
    • unreasonably frequent calls and contacts with organizations and persons not associated with business relations with the company;
    • conducting any business during working hours that is not part of the functional duties;
    • noticeable changes in the style of communication with colleagues, the appearance of uncertainty, fear;
    • use of equipment, duplicating equipment during off-hours for personal purposes;
    • signs of a sudden deterioration in the financial situation of an employee, a sharp increase in his personal expenses, which does not correspond to official income (purchase of expensive goods, real estate, etc.).

    One of the forms of work of the Security Council is the study of the relationship between the heads of structural divisions and subordinates. The company should develop forms of control over the work of employees - labor assessment cards (timeliness, quality of work, creativity, initiative, independence in decision-making). A sharply negative or overestimated assessment of employees' performance requires additional study and identification of the reasons.

    Thanks to information received from proxies and in personal conversations, security officers can study the psychological climate in the team, the attitude of employees to various forms of labor incentives, etc. The Security Council informs the company's management about its observations.

    The concept of "economic security" includes:

    • financial security (financial and economic viability of the company, resistance to bankruptcy, the level of solvency, etc.);
    • power security (regime of access to the territory of the company, physical security of objects, personal security of the management, counteraction to criminal structures, interaction with law enforcement agencies);
    • information security (protection of company information, including confidential information, information and analytical work with external and internal subjects, business intelligence);
    • technical and technological safety (creation and use of a technical base, technologies and business processes that strengthen the competitiveness of the enterprise);
    • legal security (comprehensive legal support for the activities of the enterprise, professional legal work with contractors and government bodies);
    • personnel security (prevention of negative impacts on the part of the company's personnel on all elements of economic security).

    Working with contracts

    A very important area of ​​the Security Council's work to prevent material damage to the company is control over employees whose duties include the conclusion of contracts. Security officers must be well versed in the legal and economic peculiarities of the company's activities in order to fulfill the requirements of the developed provisions and instructions governing the functions of each participant in the contractual process (employee, his head, chief accountant, economist, lawyer, security office).

    Based on experience, I would like to make the following recommendations:

    1. The employee, whose powers include the conclusion of contracts, is obliged to make sure that the counterparty also has the appropriate powers (the right to sign) and documents (passport, certificate of an entrepreneur, statutory documents, certificate of state registration, a certificate from the statistics department, certificates, licenses, work permit etc.). It is necessary to make copies of the documents submitted by the partner and transfer them to the Security Council, which will study them and conduct a check with the participation of news agencies for the reliability of the company.
    2. During preliminary negotiations with partners, you need to pay attention to:
    • the business history of the counterparty company and the reputation of its top officials;
    • the competence of the representatives of the counterparty company;
    • the decency and accuracy of fulfilling the requirements during the preparatory period before signing the contract, etc.
  • For a more complete study of the partner, it is necessary to visit the company's office (in some cases, together with a security officer). Even a cursory examination of the premises, office equipment, information on the number of employees will sometimes lead to a conclusion about the success of a potential partner.
  • When working with a draft contract, an employee is obliged to negotiate such conditions that will reduce the risk of non-fulfillment of the contract by a partner (prepayment, payment upon completion of work, third party guarantees, pledge, letter of credit, etc.).
  • Particular attention must be paid when concluding contracts with newly created companies and novice managers, since their lack of experience in doing business increases the risk of non-compliance with the terms of the contract.
  • Additional information about the future partner, obtained from any sources, is brought to the knowledge of the Security Council.
  • The prepared draft agreement must be endorsed as an internal corporate document certifying the consent of all officials (including the Security Council) in accordance with the Regulations on the registration of agreements, and receive recommendations regarding the forms, conditions and obligations of the parties to the agreement; the implementation of these recommendations is mandatory.
  • After signing the contract, the executing employee is obliged to carry out systematic control over its implementation, monitoring the work of the counterparty company (reorganization, liquidation, change in the form of ownership, etc., are possible).
  • The employee responsible for the execution of the contract is advised to keep copies of all documents related to this transaction.
  • The employee working with the contract is obliged to immediately inform the management of his company, the Security Council and lawyers about the facts of violation of the terms of the contract by the partner.
  • Studying the contract, the Security Council pays attention to the subject of the contract, pricing, calculation procedure and conditions of performance. It is necessary to make sure that the employee authorized to work on the contract follows all the requirements of the instructions, correctly answers questions regarding the contract. It is necessary to immediately identify incompetence (poor knowledge of the market, inability to work with contracts) and negligence (a superficial study of the partner and the advantages of working with him). The following signs may indicate intentional actions for mercenary reasons:

    • excessive haste in the execution of contracts (with the motivation "such a profitable partner will not wait", etc.);
    • provision of inaccurate or difficult to verify information about the counterparty;
    • justification of the need to work with this counterparty on the recommendation of influential people or higher organizations, etc.

    Consider an example of the work of the Security Council with employees responsible for contractual relations with counterparties.

    The object of study was the contracts concluded by the head of the structural unit of company N and his deputy for two years with the counterparty company (LLC "Mechta"). The subject of the contract and the pricing scheme were consistent with the market conditions, the procedure for implementation and the terms of the contract did not raise suspicions either. Analysis of the subject of the contract showed that Mechta LLC was engaged in work similar to that which was the responsibility of this structural unit of the company. Over the course of two years, Mechta LLC signed contracts worth over UAH 500 thousand.

    SB checked Mechta LLC by using the services of news agencies. The date of registration of this company coincided with the start of work by the structural unit. The number of employees of OOO Mechta is two people, the office is registered at the place of residence of one of the employees. Analysis of the financial documents showed that the amounts that went through her financial statements exactly corresponded to the invoices paid by the company N. In the course of further investigation, it was established that company N paid for the work that the employees of its structural unit actually performed during working hours. Thus, the head of the division and his deputy had additional earnings, and company N suffered losses. After the administrative measures were taken, the illegal scheme ceased to exist.

    It is also possible to carry out such a form of verification of the contractual work of employees as an expert assessment under contracts (design, scientific and technical, when developing a company's credit policy, etc.), which allows you to confirm or deny the effectiveness of work on them and the objectivity of the actions of the Security Council.

    One of the most important measures of control over personnel by the Security Council in the process of financial and economic activities of a company is interaction with the internal audit service to audit financial and economic activities. Together with the auditors, the Security Council examines the violations identified during the verification process that may or have already caused damage. This includes unreasonable expenses for various activities, the formation of accounts receivable and other violations. By analyzing these checks, the Security Council identifies specific persons who committed violations and reports the results of the check to the company's management for taking administrative or other measures.

    During the inspection period, the Security Council also uses the materials obtained in its daily work, indicating the infliction of economic damage in the inspected structural unit, which are confirmed or not in the course of this inspection.

    Ensuring confidentiality of information

    When working with personnel, the Security Council pays great attention to ensuring the protection of confidential and commercial information, the leakage of which may harm the interests of the company. It is necessary to develop a list of documents and information that are trade secrets, regulations on the system of access to such documents, as well as the procedure for accounting, storage and organization of work with them. When hiring, as indicated in the previous article (Organization of the work of the company's security service with personnel), the Security Service representative instructs new employees, introduces them to the rules for working with documents containing confidential information and commercial secrets. The employee signs a nondisclosure agreement.

    As practice shows, competitors often get the information they are interested in using imperfections or violations of the rules for the protection of commercial information, as well as human weaknesses and vices.

    By monitoring the observance of the established procedure by the company's employees, the requirements for the protection of confidential information and commercial secrets, the Security Council reveals the facts of their violation. For this, organizational, technical measures are used, as well as work with trusted persons. When analyzing the causes of information leakage, the security service should propose ways to eliminate them, as well as identify persons who may contribute to such a leak or directly transfer commercial information to competitors.

    Let's give an example of the Security Council's fight against information leakage. Progress has developed a long-term plan for the next year. The rival company Meteor managed to obtain this document. Taking advantage of the strategic information it contains, Meteor has achieved notable success, capturing part of the market share previously occupied by Progress products.

    The investigation revealed violations when working with documents constituting a commercial secret. The long-term plan belongs to the category of information with limited access. The head of the structural unit violated the Regulation on working with documents containing commercial secrets, since he did not control the process of preparing and replicating materials. Persons who did not have permission to work with this category of documents were involved in drawing up the plan. When editing, copying and mailing copies of this plan to the branches of the company, no accounting was taken of the number of copies transferred, which, as a result, led to the leakage of commercial information.

    Based on the materials of the investigation, administrative conclusions were drawn.

    Elements of technical protection

    Consider the use of regulatory measures that control the use of the Internet and the company's local network. It is advisable to prepare instructions on the procedure for their use, in which to regulate the admission of employees, to provide for the disconnection of users when they move, layoffs, etc., as well as in case of inappropriate use of the Internet and the local network.

    Each company also defines its own corporate rules for the use of e-mail, which is communicated to the staff in the form of orders, instructions. The task of the security service in monitoring users is to record the leakage of information containing commercial secrets. To solve this problem, it is necessary to interact with the IT department of the company and the presence of certain programs (for example, for Exchange servers - the Promodag storelog program).

    Let us consider the case of misuse of office personal computers by an employee of the Kolos company. From a conversation with proxies (from among the employees of the automation department), it became known that in the division where documents that are trade secrets are concentrated, employee N violates the rules of the instruction “Procedure for using the Internet at Kolos”.

    The Security Council recorded the fact that N unauthorizedly installs hacker programs, has a personal external modem on his work computer, in addition, 70% of the volume of his PC's hard drives is occupied by game programs.

    At the request of the Security Council, the automation department revealed an unauthorized program installed by employee N, which made it possible to remotely control several computers on the network, including gaining access to documentation that is a trade secret.

    The employees to whom the “controlled” PCs were assigned indicated in their explanations that when the computers malfunctioned, they turned to N for help as a good “computer technician” specialist. They knew nothing about the presence of an additional program.

    In his explanation, N did not admit his involvement in the installation of the hacker program, pointing out that the computer in which the software changes were found had been repeatedly used by employees of other departments. However, further investigation proved the guilt of this employee: he installed a program to unauthorized control of computers of other users. Although the trade secret was not leaked (the installed programs were used for games), N was punished.

    In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that it is important for the security personnel, together with the personnel of the personnel department, to create an atmosphere of trust in the team. Every conscientious employee should feel support from the employer, have the opportunity for career and professional growth. Carrying out work through proxies, informing the management about the situation in the company, the Security Council stands guard over the economic security of the company. The atmosphere of suspicion and surveillance is unacceptable, it can destroy the team.

    In the event of conflict situations, the security service objectively evaluates them and finds compromises between the parties. Prevention of conflicts between managers and subordinates, between the interests of employees and the company helps to reduce risks for the organization: reduce the number of thefts, use of shadow schemes, leakage of commercial information to competitors. Ultimately - to reduce the degree of possible damage to the company from the actions of disloyal employees.

    • Human Resources Policy and HR Strategies


    1 -1

    Threats to safety when working with the personnel of the enterprise arise on the basis of: -

    poly-role behavior of a person in relation to the resources of the organization (possession, disposal, use); -

    moral and ethical attitudes and economic preferences of a person (motivation, professionalism);

    Human psyche, i.e.

    E. properties of his personality (the nature of interpersonal relationships, volitional qualities). The purpose of checking an employee is to minimize the risks of implementing threats related to personnel at all stages of the employee's "life cycle".

    The employer wishes to receive answers to the questions: -

    whether the candidate for the vacant position has harmful inclinations; -

    whether there is a criminal record and (or) being under investigation; -

    whether the information about the previous places of work was reported correctly; -

    is loyal to the management of the company; -

    does not have any connections with competitors; -

    is not hatching criminal plans.

    Hence, such a serious and constant attention to the human factor in the system of measures to ensure safety in society, in the organization.

    History testifies: -

    the Arabs offered the suspect to touch the red-hot sword with his tongue. If a person burned his tongue, he was found guilty. It is noticed: the guilty person's saliva dries up in his mouth, and he gets a burn; -

    in China, they used the same principle, only the suspect answered the questions with dry rice in his mouth. If the rice did not get wet, then the person was found guilty; -

    in India, a number of words were named to the suspect, including words related to the crime. The person had to answer with any word and at the same time beat the gong. Noticed: when answering a keyword, the pause is longer, the blow is stronger; -

    in Africa, suspects were given a bird's egg and offered to pass it on to each other. Noted: the perpetrator of the crime will crush a fragile egg; -

    in Europe, a "judicial hunk" was practiced - dry bread. If the suspect had difficulty swallowing, he was found guilty; -

    Ibn Sina (Central Asia) suggested observing the pulse of a suspect when listing key words related to a crime. If the pulse was interrupted, the person was confessed to be involved in a crime; -

    Cesare Lombroso (Italy) measured the blood pressure of a suspect during interrogation, thereby determining his involvement in the crime. It is noticed: the liar has physiological changes in the body (pressure, pulse); -

    Leonard Keeler (USA) simultaneously recorded the suspect's respiration, relative blood pressure, and electrical activity of the skin on the world's first Keeler polygraph.

    These verification techniques are irrevocably a thing of the past. In modern organizations, the leading place is taken by the verification of information provided by the employee, including documentary. These procedures are carried out with the written consent of the employee on behalf of the organization by the security service or personnel management service. In this case, the method of official inquiries is used.

    However, direct communication with a person - an applicant for a vacant position, with some preparation and observation, can give answers to many questions, in particular, whether the interlocutor is truthful. Let us illustrate this with examples.

    Verbal diagnostic techniques: -

    the option “to catch on contradictions”.

    In the interview, insert questions that are the same in meaning but differ in wording. The answers must match; -

    option "trap". A number of questions are asked in the specialty (language proficiency, computer).

    Non-verbal diagnostic techniques: -

    option "gestures". Covering the mouth, touching the mouth, nose, rubbing the eyes, scratching the neck are evidence of difficulty in answering; -

    option "looking away or frequent blinking." If a person does not look the interlocutor in the eyes for less than half the time of the conversation, then he is considered insincere; -

    option "nervous movements". If a person suddenly begins to make small uncontrolled movements (straighten clothes, hairstyle, brush something, rearrange small objects, change posture), this should alert; -

    option "hoarseness and coughing". Lying creates a throat muscle spasm; -

    option "raising the timbre of the voice." It is generally accepted that the voice of a high timbre comes from the head, from the mind, and the voice of a low timbre comes from the heart, from feelings. If a person makes an effort to "construct" a phrase, his voice rises (insincerity?); -

    option "unfinished phrases". The person does not say some phrases and pauses after that. This indicates an internal collision with an obstacle in the form of information that they would like to hide.

    Diagnostic technique during the interview with the candidate: - the question "Tell us a little about yourself." Pay attention to how the candidate presents his / her biographical data: emphasizes his desire to work or speaks about his qualifications, speaks briefly, accurately, clearly, keeps calm, confident; -

    the question "What difficulties do you see in life and how do you cope with them (how do you look at life)?" Possible conclusions: pessimist optimist, knows how to interact with people or not; -

    the question "What attracts the work with us in this position?" The interlocutor should give serious and concrete reasons, and not common phrases like “I am attracted by a serious company, growth prospects, etc.”; -

    the question "Why do you consider yourself worthy to take this position, what are your advantages over other candidates?" The best question for a candidate is to show his main merits without false modesty. It is alarming if here the candidate will operate only with formal biographical characteristics; -

    the question "What are your strengths?" The interlocutor is reasoned, specifically lists his own strengths, necessary for this work. It is alarming if you hear verbal cliches like: "I am sociable, neat, executive"; -

    the question "What are your weaknesses?" A clever one will necessarily present his shortcomings as advantages (a workaholic - instead of: disorganized); -

    the question "Why did you leave your previous job?" The habit of conflict is a persistent characteristic and will certainly manifest itself in the response. Positive fact - the interlocutor will emphasize the positive reasons for leaving (the desire to fully realize their capabilities); -

    the question "Have you received any other job offers?" The opinion about the employee will increase if there is a positive answer with an interest in this particular work; -

    the question "Will not your personal life interfere with this work associated with additional loads (irregular working hours, long business trips)?" The question is often asked to women, they try to set additional harsh conditions in circumvention of the law (not to issue a sick leave, not to take vacations without payment); -

    question “How do you imagine your position in 5 (10) years? A positive fact if a career is planned; -

    the question "What changes would you make in your new job?" Initiative is good when you know the issue, otherwise - idle talk; -

    the question "Who can I contact for feedback on your work?" Withholding such information will immediately reveal the lack of positive recommendations; -

    the question "What salary are you counting on?" Judgment - "who does not know his own worth, he will always be cheap."

    The methods of ensuring security include the activities of the personnel management service for the assessment, promotion, and stimulation of the work of the personnel of the enterprise.

    The problem of safety becomes most acute during certification, service transfers, incentives, and release of workers, i.e., during the implementation of procedures known as personnel management.

    The normative regulators of the behavior of employees in the organization are here: -

    corporate culture - the system of values ​​adopted in the organization; -

    personnel policy - a system of measures and norms of work with personnel.

    Certification is a procedure for evaluating an employee and making a decision on

    its further use in the organization. Essentially, it is an ongoing employee review that assesses: -

    professional skills (knowledge, experience); -

    moral attitudes (adherence to principles, honesty); -

    strong-willed qualities (energy, perseverance, efficiency); -

    business qualities (initiative, independence, purposefulness, diligence, efficiency).

    Approval Methods: -

    biographical method of assessing employees by their biographies and characteristics; -

    the comparative method, or the method of standard assessments, when the actual data of the employee are compared with the required (benchmark) or set of qualities (matrix); -

    the method of summarized assessments with the accrual of conditional points for the intensity of manifestation of certain qualities; -

    a method of testing employees based on assessing the degree of success of answers to asked questions (situations); -

    the game method, which is a more complex variation of the testing method, when an employee is offered to solve a problem situation; -

    ranking method, when an employee is assigned a certain rank among other persons; -

    a graphical method for constructing a personality profile.

    Experts participating in the certification process, at the stage of making a decision on the assessment of an employee, use the following methods: -

    simple: majority principle, dictator's principle; -

    complex: the Delphi method (multi-round), the Pareto principle (a decision is made that is not profitable for everyone to change), the Cournot principle (the decision is rational and does not infringe on the interests of everyone), the Edgeworth principle (the optimal solution among coalitions of experts).

    The results of certification, along with personal data, are included in the employee's database (dossier), providing a regime for minimizing risks.

    Service transfers are the implementation of measures defined as an employee's career. Career - promotion of an employee up the career ladder: change of profession, specialty, qualifications, status (position), role (responsibilities).

    Career is realized in the form of vertical and horizontal movements of the employee in the organization or outside it.

    Vertical movements are accompanied by changes in position, horizontal - changes in the nature and content of work.

    Career models that ensure the neutralization of the risks of employee demotivation: -

    "Ladder" - each step of the career ladder an employee takes a fixed time; -

    "Snake" - the constant movement of the employee within the organization; -

    "Crossroads" - the movement of an employee according to the results of certification, carried out on a regular basis.

    Career development problems that increase the risks of implementing threats related to the employee's personality: -

    at the beginning of a career: a clash of initiative and routine, dissatisfaction due to inability, incorrect assessment of one's role, functions, incorrect assessment by a manager; -

    mid-career: lack of vacancies, the effect of internal dismissal.

    Conditions for neutralizing risks: realistic information about work, proactive appointments, greater autonomy.

    Release of personnel is a process aimed at ending a hiring relationship.

    Safety conditions: -

    guarantees of non-proliferation of confidential information; -

    guarantees of loyalty to the company and management after dismissal.

    Methods of working with a dismissed employee: -

    at the initiative of the employee - in the form of a “final interview”, during which the true reasons for dismissal, bottlenecks in the organization are revealed, an attempt is made to influence the employee's decision to dismiss; -

    but on the initiative of the administration - in the form of transmitting a notice of dismissal (official stage). When an employee is laid off or an organization is closed, after an official announcement, the dismissed employee is consulted with the provision of possible assistance in self-assessment and employment; -

    upon retirement - in the form of gradual preparation of the employee for retirement with the subsequent transition to a flexible work schedule, consulting, mentoring.

    Reduction management programs (planning the release of personnel), including: -

    timely movement of workers within the enterprise; -

    preventive retraining of employees; -

    termination of recruitment for vacant jobs; -

    socially oriented selection of candidates for dismissal.

    Types of risk reduction programs: -

    "Golden parachute", the dismissal of an employee with the provision of financial support to start his own business; -

    "Preferential age", the dismissal of an employee on a pension several years earlier with payment of the pension from the funds of the enterprise; -

    "Preferential window", the dismissal of an employee within a certain period (within a few months) with the preservation of many social benefits in force at the enterprise.

    Incentives - encouragement of an employee based on work results or in the course of the labor process. The purpose of incentives is to provide a given employee motivation to work. Incentives are based on administrative, economic, social and psychological methods.

    Administrative ones are built on the basis of the use of normatively established methods of punishment and reward. Focused only on formal organizations and formal relationships. Administrative methods of punishment cause a natural reaction of escape from punishment, are effective only for workers with low labor qualifications and degraded labor consciousness. Administrative incentives are effective but not flexible enough. The expected reward is taken for granted. The lack of administrative methods is a limited set of methods of influencing the employee, high inertia and subjectivity.

    Economic methods use techniques that create positive and negative motivation. Based on the results of the economic activity of the employee, the organization as a whole. Neutral to the nature of social relationships in the group. Effective for all categories of workers. The range of methods for influencing an employee is wide. Distinctive features - efficiency, the ability to establish a direct connection "work - pay" (association "justice / injustice").

    Socio-psychological methods are based on a system of values ​​enshrined in the norms of the corporate culture of the organization and the moral norms of society as a whole. They are used to form selective labor motivation for certain categories of workers. Ineffective for persons with pronounced economic and deviant behavior. Focused on informal relationships in the organization. The range of methods is unusually wide. Very prompt. Perception depends on the personality of the manager and the social status of the employee.

    Socio-psychological characteristics of incentive systems:

    Time wages.

    Advantages - prostate, taking into account the individual characteristics of the employee, the possibility of comparison (by analogy). Disadvantages - bureaucracy, lack of direct connection with the results of the enterprise as a whole. Consequences of application: conformism and impersonality in the team, the emergence of a "swamp" or a militant minority, the development of a syndrome of "internal dismissal" among a number of employees, an increase in frustration (irritation), cases of flattery, intrigue, "extortion" of salaries and bonuses. The psychologically "fair" amount of the bonus is 30% of the salary (tariff).

    Piecework wages.

    Advantages - taking into account personal results, the ability to use labor standards. Disadvantages - limited application, focus on quantitative results, negative impact on the level of professionalism and team spirit in the group. Consequences of application: a decrease in the professional and qualification level, difficulty in forming a team spirit in the group, regular conflicts in the distribution of work and the calculation of earnings. The prize is perceived as a "handout".