January 14 is an old new year tradition. What is Old New Year and why is it celebrated? The history of celebrating the old New Year in Russia

It is customary to celebrate the New Year in Russia for a long time and on a grand scale - in January we rest for more than a week. However, the festive mood persists even after the end of the official holidays, because on January 13 the whole country celebrates the old New Year. About when and how a holiday with such a controversial name appeared.

Old New Year 2019 is a magical, unusual holiday for all Orthodox Christians. It arose as a result of a change in chronology, and it is usually celebrated in countries in which the Church uses the Julian calendar.

Previously, Christians lived according to the Julian calendar, in which 12 months were associated with certain natural phenomena. Until the 20th century, the calendar "lagged" 13 days behind the "European", Gregorian. In 1918, it was decided to completely switch to the Gregorian calendar, to a new style, after which the day of January 14 became the Old New Year.

The history of celebrating the old New Year in Russia

The Old New Year came into our culture along with the old style of chronology.

In 1918, the Bolshevik government decided to change the calendar. Tsarist Russia lived according to the Julian calendar, and Europe according to the Gregorian calendar. The first was created in the Roman Empire and was based on ancient Egyptian astronomy. The Gregorian calendar was more accurate, it was created in the 16th century, taking into account the latest knowledge about the structure of the universe. The difference between the two systems of calculation was 13 days and created inconvenience for the conduct of international political and economic affairs and led to funny incidents in everyday life. For example, according to the dates on the postmarks, it appeared that the telegram had been received in Europe several days earlier than it had been sent to Russia.

The transition to the Western European calendar took place on February 14, 1918. According to the decree, the main goal of the entire project was "to establish in Russia the same number with almost all cultural peoples."

An unusual holiday also appeared - the old New Year, that is, the New Year in the old style, which was not forgotten among the people. However, the old New Year was celebrated on a smaller scale than the night from December 31 to January 1.

The Russian clergy did not agree with the transition to the new style and did not abandon the Julian calendar. But this was not so important for the Bolsheviks, who had already signed the Decree on the separation of church from state and school from church. The old style became informal.

Today the Russian Orthodox Church still uses the Julian calendar. Therefore, Christmas in our country is celebrated on January 7, and in Catholic states - on December 25. New Year, or rather "New Year", the Orthodox Church celebrates on September 14 (September 1 according to the old style) - not from the Nativity of Christ, but from the creation of the world. During the secular New Year holidays, believers keep the Nativity Fast.

On January 1, they commemorate the holy martyr Boniface, who should be prayed to get rid of drunkenness (the ailment of wine drinking).

Contrary to popular belief, the tradition of celebrating the old New Year exists not only in our country. There are similar holidays in the countries of the former USSR, as well as in Greece, Serbia, Montenegro, Algeria, Tunisia and many other countries. In all states, the appearance of an unusual date is associated with the transition to different calendars, but each country has its own traditions. In the German-speaking regions of Switzerland, for example, on January 13, they celebrate the old St. Sylvester's Day, dress up in fancy dress and wish each other a Happy New Year. In Macedonia, on the New Year's Day, according to the old calendar, carnivals are held. There is an analogue of our holiday in Wales - the Hen Galan festival. It also means the onset of the New Year according to the Julian calendar, and on this day children can "carol" - go home and receive sweet gifts.

In Russia, the old New Year, according to statistics, is celebrated by about half of the country's population, gathering at the festive table. A number of museums and cultural organizations devote thematic exhibitions to the holiday.

Why Old New Year?

Actually, here we come close to answering this question. The Old New Year, in itself, is a relatively young holiday - it was formed after in 1918, by decree of V.I. Lenin, the country adopted the Gregorian calendar. Prior to this, Russia lived according to the Julian calendar, which was adopted in the 15th century.

Let's go back to 1918. What have we got as a result of the change of chronology? Changing dates (this is just when the old style changed to the new one, so to speak). The New Year, naturally, "left" a little back. That is, before it was January 1st, but now it was January 14th. In other words, the Old New Year (which we celebrate on the night of January 13-14) is the New Year according to the old calendar - January 31-1 of the old style. The date is constant, in other words, Old New Year, and in 1967, and in 2000, and in 2018, 2019, and so on, it is celebrated on the night of January 13-14.

In light of all this information, the name of the holiday - Old New Year no longer seems so strange. Everything is logical and understandable.

Why do we, in general, celebrate it, is it an unofficial holiday? Well, our people love all sorts of parties, what really. However, there is a more cultural version: it is believed that the Old New Year appeared thanks to the believers in our country.

The fact is that the church refused to switch to the new style and the Orthodox continued to celebrate the New Year according to the old calendar, that is, from January 13 to January 14. And then it somehow got accustomed.

When the Old New Year 2019 is celebrated

Old New Year 2019 is traditionally celebrated on the night of January 14. All the same, under the chimes, the most cherished desires are made, then fortune-telling, fortune-telling. The eve of the holiday is a generous evening, so you need to generously cover the table with various dishes, invite guests, and sing songs. It is believed that the more treats there are, the more generous the owner is, the most successful the year will be for him. On the morning of January 14, a man should be the first to enter the house.

The festive table should contain pancakes, pies and dumplings, meat dishes with sausages. Old New Year 2019 is celebrated with relatives, in a close family circle. On this day, you need to ask for forgiveness from loved ones, from friends, forgive your offenders. In the morning of a festive day they sow, and on the eve of the evening they generously. On the morning of January 14, it is customary to visit neighbors, relatives, godparents and sow grain in rooms, wishing prosperity, happiness, prosperity, financial luck. Also in the Old New Year they are wooed.

On a holiday, they do not lend, they themselves do not ask to borrow money, otherwise there will be financial problems. On a festive evening, wear new outfits to dress well throughout the year. During the day, you need to have fun to be happy all year. A man needs to be the first to enter the house on January 14, and then the year will be successful. You cannot be offended, quarrel, conflict. Also, you cannot count small money, you cannot take out the trash, otherwise you risk throwing away something important.

On the night of January 13-14 in Russia, as well as in many neighboring countries, the Old New Year is celebrated. AiF.ru explains how and when this holiday appeared.

Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that resulted from the change of chronology. Due to this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two "New Years" - according to the old and new styles.

How the Old New Year appeared

The date of the creation of the world (according to the ancient translation of the Old Testament) was previously considered March 1, 5508 BC. NS. Therefore, the New Year began on the first day of spring (according to the new style, March 14).

However, in the Constantinople era, this date was recalculated more accurately, and September 1, 5509 BC, was considered the day of the creation of the world. NS. Therefore, the New Year henceforth began on the first day of autumn.

In pagan times in Russia, the New Year was celebrated on March 22 - the day of the vernal equinox. After the adoption of Christianity in Russia, the Byzantine calendar began to gradually replace the old one, and the New Year now began on September 1. Even today, some teachings interpret this date as the true birthday of Christ. D For a long time, New Year's discord persisted in Russia - some continued to celebrate the New Year in spring, others in autumn. And only at the end of the 15th century - in 1492 - a single date for the beginning of the New Year in Russia was officially determined - September 1.

Only 2 centuries later, on December 19, 1700, Peter I promulgated the decree of the summer to reckon from January 1 from the birth of Christ (that is, according to the "new" style - January 14). Thus, in the Russian state, 1699 lasted only 4 months, from September to December.

By the twentieth century, the calendar of Russia, which continued to use the Julian calendar, was 13 days behind Europe, which had long since switched to the Gregorian calendar. To narrow this gap, in 1918, by decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the transition to the Gregorian calendar was carried out - a new style, and January 14 - the day of St. Basil, Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappodacia - turned out to be the Old New Year.

What other countries celebrate the Old New Year?

Old New Year is celebrated not only in the CIS. On January 13, a festive table is also laid in the following countries:

  • Greece;
  • Macedonia;
  • Romania;
  • Serbia;
  • Montenegro;
  • Switzerland.

The Old New Year is also celebrated in Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia. True, it is celebrated according to the Berber calendar, which is a Julian calendar with insignificant differences. As a result of accumulated errors, the eve of the holiday falls on January 11th.

Old new year today

On the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to "celebrate" their favorite holiday. Indeed, for many believers, the Old New Year is of particular importance, since they can heartily celebrate the beginning of the new year only after the end of the Nativity Fast.

Today, from year to year, the popularity of the Old New Year is growing, and Russia is no exception. More and more people regard it as a holiday in its own right, which prolongs the charm of the New Year or allows you to feel this charm for the first time. After all, this holiday is calmer, it is not characterized by vanity, which is an inevitable companion of the New Year.

When will the New Year be celebrated in 90 years?

Interestingly, the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars increases every century, when the number of hundreds in the year from the birth of Christ is not a multiple of four by one day. Now the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendar is 13 days. And from March 1, 2100, this difference will be 14 days. And since 2101, Christmas and Old New Year will be celebrated a day later.

Our country is amazing in that people here celebrate almost all holidays, despite their beliefs. Moreover, some of them are adapted to everyday life and are not always considered religious. This article will consider the date of January 13: what holiday is celebrated on this day by Russians, as well as residents of other countries.

Orthodox church holiday

This date is very important for clergy and believers. What exactly is celebrated on January 13, what So, in memory of the Monk Melania (first of all). However, other religious figures are also honored on this day: the holy martyr Michael, the martyr Peter, as well as Saint Dositheus, the metropolitan of Zagreb.

Completion of the winter Christmastide

So, we figured out what Orthodox holiday is on January 13th. First of all, Melania is honored. Nevertheless, this day is most often considered as the end of the winter Christmastide. New Year's holidays are coming to an end, but the youth earlier allowed themselves to take a walk for another day. In the evenings, young men and women gathered in small companies, walked the streets, sang. In some areas of our homeland, this day is also called "Generous evening". Thus, young people could go from house to house and give generosity, i.e. with the help of special songs and sentences to earn various goodies. Sometimes the company dressed up and in the center of the city or village arranged a small concert with dances and dances to the accompaniment

It is important to note that girls especially loved this holiday (and still do). After all, it is customary to guess about Melania. Unmarried girls threw boots over their backs, counted the stakes on the fence, i.e. did everything to find out what kind of life they will have and whether they will soon be with their beloved. Now the fortune-telling has changed a little, but the expected result is still the same.


It should be noted that our ancestors followed various signs. So, on the day of Melania, one could guess what will happen next:

  1. If the sky is clear and the stars are visible on the night of January 14, a good harvest is expected this year.
  2. If there was a blizzard on the evening of January 13, it was believed that there would be a good harvest of nuts.
  3. If there is frost on the branches on the morning of January 14, it was believed that it was necessary to prepare barrels for honey, because the year would be fruitful for this wonderful food product.
  4. If on the morning of January 14, fog fell on the ground, the year also promised to be fruitful and rich.
  5. The people said: those who were born on Melania or Vasily (January 14) will be happy. And if they wear jasper around their necks, they are also rich.

There was also a simple custom associated with the future harvest. So, on the morning of January 14, it was necessary to go out into the garden and shake them all. Yes, so that the snow falls as much as possible. Indeed, in the fall, the fruits will crumble into the baskets.

Old New Year

I wonder what holiday is celebrated by the inhabitants of our country from 13 to 14 January? Old new year, of course! It would seem a bit strange name. However, in reality, it is extremely simple. The thing is that at this time earlier (according to the old calendar, old style) the arrival of the new year was celebrated. It should be clarified that this holiday appeared back in 1918, when the Gregorian calendar was introduced into everyday life (earlier people used the Julian calendar). It is celebrated very widely: with festivities all night long, revelry, fun.

Food rules on this day

Having understood what holiday from 13 to 14 January is celebrated, you need to tell and that at this time you need to put certain dishes on the table. First of all, the so-called "generous". It is seasoned with various dried fruits, poppy seeds and other goodies.

What holiday is January 13? Old New Year! On this day, hostesses should also regale guests with pies and pancakes. All generous people (young people who come to visit) should definitely be given a pancake with jam. By the way, you can even guess with the help of pancakes. They wrap caviar (for prosperity), meat (for a well-fed life), greens (for health), cottage cheese (for fun) and lean porridge (for poverty). What kind of filling in a pancake a person gets, such a life awaits him throughout the year.

Slavic holidays

We consider further the date of January 13. What holiday did our Slavic ancestors celebrate on this day? So, Mara Winter (or Szechenya, Chill) was celebrated. It was believed that it was at this time that winter fully comes into its own. According to popular beliefs, this day was considered terrible for all living things. Our great-grandfathers believed that this is the darkest and unluckiest day of the year. And all because the daughters of Mara - Fevers, Treasovitsa, who in all possible ways mischievous people and even harmed their health and life - were released.

It should be noted that little is known about this day today. They tried to talk less about him, there were no celebrations. However, if a person was dashing, then at this time he could call on the evil forces of nature in order to harm his foe.

Rite of passage on Mara Winter

We consider further the date of January 13. What holiday did our ancestors celebrate on this day? Mara Winter, mistress of winter. One ritual has survived that certain people could perform on that day. As you know, all the forces of nature, both good and bad, must be honored. And for this there were special people. Mara was also honored. To do this, in the forest it was necessary to find a fallen tree, a dog's skull was placed at its foot, and animal skins were tied to the branches. Mara was presented with boiled eggs and unleavened cakes, impaled on the so-called "Navi bones", that is, sharpened pegs. At this time, special spells and poems were recited. And all so that Winter Mara is not angry with people and does not spoil their lives.

Other holidays that are celebrated on this day in the Russian Federation

On January 13, what holiday is it still customary to celebrate in Russia? Day of the Russian press. It was on January 13, back in 1703, that the first printed newspaper "Vedomosti" was published. However, it is important to note that it did not have a permanent name. Sometimes the newspaper was called Rossiiskie Vedomosti, Vedomosti Moskovskie (if it was only about Moscow news), etc. The first issue covered the military and political affairs of the entire country.

We consider further the date of January 13. What holiday is celebrated in Russia today? It should be noted that the Day of the Russian Press was established not so long ago - in 1991. A holiday came to replace the Soviet Press Day, which was celebrated on May 5.

It is also important to note that on this day the most active figures of the Russian media are awarded. It is interesting that in 2010 about 47 thousand different newspapers and magazines were registered in Russia. And by 2015, their number had almost doubled.

Other holidays and days

  1. This is the day of the greatest prophet Muhammad. To be precise, the date of his birth is unknown. The day the prophet died is celebrated. That is why the date itself is celebrated with a certain amount of sadness. This day is called Mawlid an-Nabi. In Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Syria, it is celebrated very widely.
  2. January 13, what is the divine holiday in India? So, the goddess Lori is worshiped there. During this time, bonfires are lit throughout parts of northern India to signal the end of the harsh winter. It is customary to celebrate the arrival of Lori with fasting and gifts to each other. And in the evening, it is allowed to organize a feast with many delicacies and dishes. Also on this day you can see the special Indian dance Bhangra, in which only men take part.
  3. January 13, what is the church holiday for the Swedes? So, this is Knut's Day (Tjugondag Knut). The end of the Christmas festivities is celebrated at this time. The first word in the name of the holiday literally translates as "twenty", ie exactly twenty days have passed since Christmas (Catholic). The scenario of the celebration differs depending on the area. For example, in the southern part of the country, a man-sized straw effigy is burned.
  4. Memorial Day in Lithuania. In this country, January 13 is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of all defenders of freedom.

January 14 - Basil's Day

So, it is clear what Orthodox holiday is on January 13th. It's Melania's day. But on January 14, the Russian Orthodox Church honors Basil the Great. Among the people, this is Vasilyev's day, or Ovsen. From that date, people ended their festivities and went to get hired.

When a young year comes,
And the old one goes into the distance
Hide a fragile snowflake in your palm
Make a wish ...

When is the Old New Year celebrated from 12 to 13 or from 13 to 14 January?

Previously, the New Year was always celebrated from 13 to 14 January. The transition of the date of the celebration took place in connection with a change in chronology. In Russia, this holiday is not officially approved now. But people celebrate it the old fashioned way, they look forward to it and set the festive table.

In 1700, Peter I issued a decree, according to which the New Year began to be celebrated from January 1 after the birth of Christ. According to our calendar, which is used in the new style, this date falls on January 14th. Therefore, according to historical documents, the celebration of the Old New Year should be held from January 13 to 14, and not from 12 to 13.

There is an interesting fact, the decree of Peter I greatly shortened the year 1699. It lasted only 4 months. The shortest year in history began in September and ended on December 31st. Earlier, the beginning of the New Year was considered to be September 1, the date of the adoption of the state. And even earlier than the 15th century, the celebration fell on the day of the vernal equinox.
Thanks to the decrees of Peter I, not only a specific date for the celebration appeared, but also traditions associated with the new year. It was from the time of Peter that they began to decorate Christmas trees, decorate streets, and give gifts to each other. A good tradition has appeared on the night of the celebration to gather with the whole family at the festive table.

Even the behavior during the holiday was prescribed by decrees. There was a scuffle under a strict ban. It was forbidden to abuse alcoholic beverages. For the first time since that time, a whole week of non-working days was introduced on the New Year holidays. The people quickly fell in love with the holiday.

How is Old New Year celebrated?

Residents of cities and towns organized merry festivities with carnivals and fireworks. All night long, bonfires were burned in the streets, songs were sung.

People really liked the ceremony of decorating the Christmas tree. This custom dates back to pagan times. The ancient pagans decorated any conifers during the longest night of the year. Gifts, toys and ribbons were hung on the branches of firs and pines. Thus, they tried to appease the spirits, ask them for a good harvest, prosperity in the new year. Carnival costumes also came from this time. Pagans disguised themselves in costumes to create various images to hide from evil spirits. It was believed that on New Year's Eve, spirits descend from heaven to earth.

In 1918, there was a conflict between church and government. Church officials opposed the transition of the celebration of religious holidays according to the new calendar. They continued to live according to the Julian calendar. In this regard, there was a failure in important church dates.

Traditions and customs of the Old New Year

Despite such an ancient history of the holiday, its popularity does not fade away today. Old New Year is not on the calendar, it is not recognized as an official holiday. But most families try to celebrate it with their closest relatives and friends. Many continue to give gifts to each other.

The difference between the celebration of the New Year and the Old is that the celebration according to the old calendar is celebrated in accordance with the ancient traditions that have come to us since the days of paganism.

Christmas trees continue to be decorated in houses; on this day, New Year's holiday programs are broadcast on television. The Old New Year for those who observed the Christmas fast is an opportunity to sit at the festive table, to indulge in meat dishes after a long abstinence.

According to old church customs, this night you need to cook a special porridge. All family members should take part in the preparation process. And then this porridge should be eaten together for breakfast. You need to cook a generous and varied kutya. The more varied the filling, the more secure the year will be.

January 13 is considered to be Vasiliev's evening. The main dish on the table on this day should be pork. This is due to the fact that Vasily was considered the patron saint of pig breeders. The better and richer the table is set, the more generous the coming year will be.

In Ancient Russia, during the Old New Year, it was customary to sing carols. It has been and remains a good tradition to visit neighboring courtyards. Each housewife prepared treats and sweets, and in wealthy families they pricked a pig. It was customary to treat everyone who entered the house that night.

Rice was sprinkled on the floor, thus asking the spirits for help in the future harvest. Coaxed higher forces were supposed to give a lot of health, vitality, strength.

1. Each girl participating in fortune-telling takes one onion and places it in water. The one that gives a green sprout the fastest will have a wedding soon.

2. Fortune telling on New Year's Eve and with the help of animals. For example, they launched a dog into the room where an unmarried woman was sitting. If the dog immediately ran to the girl, then she will be happy in marriage. If the dog starts sniffing the floor, this indicates that the husband will be stern and angry. But if the dog runs to caress, then the spouse can be expected to be affectionate and kind.

3. The future family life was also predicted from overheard conversations. The girls walked around other people's yards and listened to conversations under the windows. If in the hut you heard abuse, abuse, then the spouse will be grumpy. They drank in the house - the spouse may be a drunkard. If they laughed in the house, sang songs, then the husband will be cheerful.

Despite the fact that the Old New Year has disappeared from the calendars, it remains an important and significant holiday for many families. They are eagerly awaiting him and try to observe all good traditions in order to meet him with dignity.

Old New Year is a holiday that arose due to the difference between the Gregorian and Julian calendars. According to the old (Julian) calendar, this day would be the New Year. In Ukraine, it is still customary to celebrate this holiday, calling it the Generous Evening.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year on cereals

On the Old New Year, you can tell fortunes by taking any cereal. Hold your palm over a container with any cereal and mentally ask a question that can be answered "yes" or "no". Take a handful of cereal and sprinkle it on the table. Count the grains - if the amount is even, then the answer is "yes", and if it is odd, then "no".

Fortune telling for the Old New Year by the book

Take a book and mentally ask a question. After that, guess a page and a line without looking, and read it. This will be the answer to the question, although it can be interpreted in different ways.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year on subjects

For this divination, you will need bread, a ring and a hook. All these things need to be put in a bowl, add stones there, cover with a cloth and mix. Then get out some object without looking. If you get bread, the husband will be rich, if the ring, then beautiful, and if the hook, then poor or sick.

Fortune-telling for the Old New Year on the names of passers-by

You need to go outside on the evening of January 13 and call out to the first man who meets on the way. You need to ask him for a name - this will be the name of the betrothed.

Signs for the Old New Year

  • A man should be the first to enter the house in order to attract happiness and prosperity.
  • Sowers need to be given sweets and other tasty food, but not money - with them, you can give the material well-being of the family.
  • You don't have to say the word thirteen.
  • You can't count a trifle, it will attract unhappiness.
  • On the morning of January 14, the owner of the house must take an ax and knock it on the threshold, while pronouncing "bread", "health", "life".
  • You shouldn't take out the trash - you can also take out happiness from home.
  • You should not eat fish and poultry - happiness will fly away or float away.

All signs and fortune-telling work as long as you believe in them. In fact, all restrictions and "supernatural" coincidences are only in our head. Therefore, you should rely on yourself, and not on popular wisdom.

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