Arguments about happiness in adolescence. The problem of belief in a happy future according to text B

  1. (46 words) Akaki Akakievich from Gogol's story "The Overcoat" becomes happy when he finally gets a new coat. A new overcoat is almost the only thing he so sincerely wished for. Therefore, the hero feels like a full-fledged member of society at the moment when his dream comes true. An ordinary overcoat brought great happiness to Bashmachkin.
  2. (43 words) We will find a happy character in Pushkin's novel "Eugene Onegin". This is the poet Vladimir Lensky. He put his whole soul into his poetry, and doing what he loves, especially creativity, makes a person happy. In addition, he was inspired by mutual love, in which he saw the ideal.
  3. (43 words) Remembering the ending of Pushkin's poem Ruslana and Lyudmila, the reader understands that love that has passed through obstacles is happiness. Despite all the difficulties and obstacles that stand in the way of the lovers, the heroes find each other. Not only they are happy, but we are also when we get a happy ending.
  4. (44 words) Cinderella from the fairy tale of the same name by Charles Perrault endured ridicule and remained aloof while her sisters bathed in luxury. But the heroine was lucky enough to meet the Fairy Godmother, who organized her fateful meeting at the ball. The poor girl and the prince marry, and the lovers remain happy for the rest of their lives.
  5. (52 words) Happiness implies a loved one nearby, and this is not always a person. In Turgenev's story "Mumu", the mute Gerasim becomes happy only when a faithful dog named Mumu is with him. The silent hero is forced to get rid of the animal by order of the lady, and parting with the animal makes him unhappy, because it was the dog that brought joy to Gerasim.
  6. (54 words) Sometimes one element is missing for happiness, like the characters in Volkov's fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City". Goodwin fulfills the cherished desires of the Scarecrow, granting him brains, the Tin Woodman, who received a heart, and the Cowardly Lion, who wanted courage. At the end of the tale, it turns out that the only thing the heroes lacked was faith in themselves, but having received what they wanted, they became happy.
  7. (56 words) Everyone has their own happiness. If we recall the fairy tale by James Barry "Peter Pan", then we will see that the main character is enjoying his childhood. The boy, who does not want to grow up, lives on the island of Naveland, which is visited by other characters - the girl Wendy Darling and her brothers. The heroes return home, and Peter Pan prefers an eternal childhood, because this is how he feels happy.
  8. (50 words) From childhood, we believe that a happy ending awaits honest, intelligent and decent characters. This is what happens in Fonvizin's comedy "The Minor". The prudent, virtuous Sophia finds her happiness when officer Milon saves her from Prostakova. Lovers find each other, and negative characters can only embark on the path to long-awaited happiness.
  9. (55 words) Happiness is also desirable for ambiguous, frightening characters in one appearance, such as the monster of Victor Frankenstein from the novel by Mary Shelley. The monster of the scientist is unhappy because of his loneliness, so he asks Victor to create a bride for him. But the scientist understands what consequences this threatens the world, and refuses. Left without a single attempt to find happiness in the world, the monster becomes a cruel killer.
  10. (53 words) Happiness is the fulfillment of cherished desires. Everything that the youngest son of the miller from Charles Perrault's fairy tale "Puss in Boots" wanted, he achieved thanks to the unusual puss in boots, which the hero inherited from his father. An enterprising partner helps the character gain the title, the respect of the king, the castle, the wealth and love of a beautiful princess. At first, the upset hero becomes happy, fulfilling his dreams.
  11. Examples from life

    1. (42 words) I feel happy when I am surrounded by my family. Feeling that they support me, I understand that harmony reigns in the world. The person who can seek parental advice and help is already happy. The family is not the only, but the main element of the big picture of happiness.
    2. (41 words) If you watch dance shows, you can see not only competitions for championship and dances of participants, but also the emotions of dancers from participating in projects. Most say that dance is life for them, and the opportunity to do what they love already makes a person happy.
    3. (54 words) A girl told me how she went to India and met a little boy there. Seeing his glowing gaze at the chocolate bar that my friend was holding in her hands, she decided to share the sweetness with him. Noticing his reaction, she gave the boy all the chocolate bar, because at that moment he smiled like the happiest child in the world.
    4. (41 words) An acquaintance told me that he could not imagine his life without travel. As soon as the holidays come, he tends to buy tickets to different parts of the world. Travels give him an unforgettable experience. The seas and sights of different countries inspire him, and he feels happy.
    5. (48 words) If it is more difficult to make an adult happy, then the child does not want so much from life. Taking children to an amusement park, adults lead them into a magical world. Roller coasters, a Ferris wheel, shooting galleries - all this can cause indescribable emotions in a child. His face will show that he is happy.
    6. (49 words) From childhood, cartoons teach us the main things and reveal the secrets of a difficult world with the help of our favorite characters. The sequel to the original The Lion King focuses on Timon's search for happiness. He becomes happy only by finding a real home in the jungle and loyal friends - the boar Pumbaa and the lion cub Simbu.
    7. (41 words) My friend used to say that happiness is true friends. When we congratulated her on her birthday and arranged an unexpected surprise, the birthday girl's face shone with real happiness. A friend was glad that the right people were always with her. And we were happy to please her.
    8. (57 words) My deskmate told me that he loves to go to the country. There he has many friends, acquaintances, and in general, the village is associated with fresh air, which cannot be breathed in a noisy city. The sounds of nature allow him to be alone with his thoughts, and so he finds peace of mind. Coming to his dacha, he seems to be recharging and becomes happy.
    9. (53 words) Our teacher told us how in her student years she was carried away by interesting stories, novels and stories. Reading distracted her from external problems, it seemed to her that the books immersed her in a special world, each page of which cheerfully welcomes the young reader. For her, a hobby became happiness, so she decided to go to the Faculty of Education in order to discover happiness to others.
    10. (48 words) Happiness is a collection of separate categories, consisting of life values, memories and pleasant moments. But everyone has their own. It is probably impossible to convey in words my emotions when they gave me an electric guitar for my birthday. It was my dream, which my parents fulfilled. Tuning a new musical instrument, I felt the happiest.
    11. Interesting? Keep it on your wall!

Classical Russian literature has always willingly raised universal human themes. This is understandable: the reader is more interested and easiest to empathize with precisely those characters who are somewhat similar to them. The strongest feelings in people are awakened by those characters who live the same way as they do. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov in his small play "The Cherry Orchard" raises several topics: greed, family twists and turns.

Philosophical Arguments, the Problem of Happiness and Questions of Will

But the most important theme, which runs through the entire work as a red line and "glues" its parts, is precisely the theme of happiness. The problem of human happiness, oddly enough, does not come up very often. It would seem, what could be more important? After all, if a person is unhappy, he does not value life, and this is the most serious problem that can only come to a person. The fact is that the problem of human happiness is not a resolved issue, because everyone interprets the very concept of happiness in different ways. For some, this is an abundance of money, for others - the joyful faces of relatives at the festive table. For Chekhov, this is a cherry orchard.

Internal conflict against the background of external

But why do literary critics believe that The Cherry Orchard is a work about happiness? What are their arguments? The problem of happiness in the play is associated with almost every character. For example, Ranevskaya believes that she will lose the last joy in life if her beloved cherry orchard, in which she spent almost her entire life, is cut down. Her daughter Anya dreams of getting married - in this she sees happiness for herself. Old Fiers is also glad that he can take care of his masters, and this brings him sincere joy. Lopakhin, on the other hand, is an excellent example of a person who is in search of mercantile happiness. So, the problem of happiness in The Cherry Orchard is not only the inner conflict of each character. This is also the main idea, which at the same time remains rather elusive. It is widely believed among literary critics that the cherry orchard itself symbolizes the unattainable that every character dreams of, but in the end this unattainable dream leaves them. She leaves because few people have made enough effort to keep her. These are the main arguments. The problem of happiness is a very broad topic, and Chekhov was able to masterfully reveal it, putting only a few successful remarks into the lips of the heroes.

Humanity Above All

Interestingly, each character behaves in a very human manner. In The Cherry Orchard there is not a single hero who could be called too picturesque or formulaic. For example, old Firs meets in every third family - a kind of elderly compassionate man who is ready to give his last shirt, even if he himself has nothing. The author shows him as if in passing, but it is this character that causes the most compassion. The reader does not know what Firs wants, and he sees only the boundless care and love that he shows to his masters. But Lopakhin is irritating. The person who initially tried to support the family ends up stabbing them in the back. It can be seen that he repents a little, but most of his remorse is still feigned. Lopakhin is an ideal businessman, which is why he has such petty arguments. The problem of happiness seems ridiculous to him, because he has material benefits in the first place, but can you compare them with ephemeral happiness?

The tragedy of Ranevskaya

Everyone wants to grab their little piece in life, but not everyone does it smoothly. The problem of happiness in the works of Russian literature is raised with the help of the image of ordinary Russian people who live a simple life. The unlucky Ranevskaya is trying to find her happiness in another country, where she flees after the tragic death of her son. But she cannot find the long-awaited peace there, because she also took her prejudices and naive character there. She still returns to Russia, almost without a livelihood. Amazingly, her cherry orchard existed without her for five whole years, and she did not think of it abroad. However, when there was a real threat of destruction of this garden, a symbol of her former happy life, she panicked. A person is weak, because he becomes attached not only to other people, but also to territory and things, and Ranevskaya cannot imagine that the symbol of her past happiness will suddenly disappear somewhere.

The love that saves the world

Many Russian writers raise the topic of finding their own place in life and satisfaction with this very life. Poets, on the other hand, focus much more on, For example, the problem of happiness in Anna Akhmatova's Poem Without a Hero and in a poem called You Invented Me grows precisely from the lyrical hero's awareness of his misfortune in the field of love.

In The Cherry Orchard, the theme of love is also raised, and it is also connected with happiness. Ranevskaya's daughter Anya dreams of getting married and starting her own family, so she experiences the loss of the cherry orchard much easier than her mother. She does not understand how expensive and symbolic for Ranevskaya this piece of land planted with trees is, because at her age the priorities are completely different. She is young and looks to the future, and Ranevskaya has already outlived her best years, so the past means so much to her. Perhaps, by this Chekhov is trying to hint to the reader that good things await us only ahead, and grieving about the past years is foolish.

Such different happiness for everyone

It is not in vain that literary critics bring up their irrefutable arguments: the problem of happiness in The Cherry Orchard is a very controversial topic. Critics are still discussing this work, and they have not come to a consensus. When this work is viewed at school or university, it is best to provide pupils and students with the opportunity to reason freely and not to enclose them in any framework. Probably, Chekhov would even like the ardor with which the younger generation discusses the problem of happiness - a question to which mankind has not been able to find a unanimous answer for centuries. If ever it is revealed, then the discoverer will never share the discovery, because happiness is something very individual and local. The fact that Ranevskaya seems precious has practically no value in the eyes of her daughter, and the difference between them is only one generation. The main thing is that people never get tired of looking for an answer to this important question: "What should I do to become happy?"

Option 12. Parsing the text from the collection Tsybulko 2018. Arguments.


We were given a cool essay on the theme "The happiest day in my life." I opened my notebook and began to think: what was the happiest day in my life? I chose Sunday - four months ago, when my dad and I went to the cinema in the morning, and after that we immediately went to my grandmother. It turned out to be a double entertainment. But our teacher says that a person is truly happy only when he brings benefit to people. And what is the use of people from the fact that I was in the cinema, and then went to my grandmother?
I looked into the notebook of my neighbor Lenka Konovalova. Lenka scribbled with incredible speed and passion. Her happiest day was when she was accepted as a pioneer. I began to remember how we were accepted as pioneers at the Museum of the Border Troops and the pioneer badge was not enough for me. The chiefs and counselors ran in, but the badge was never found. I said: "Come on, nothing ..." However, the mood soured. I continued to ponder. One day my mother and I took an old man home. He lost his shoe and sat in one sock. Mom said: you can’t leave him on the street, maybe he’s in misfortune. We asked where he lives and took him to the address. This act, for sure, is of great benefit, because the person at home and the family were not worried. But you can't call it the happiest day: well, they took it away and took it away ...
I leaned over to the right and looked into Masha Gvozdeva's notebook. I didn't make out anything there, but Masha, for sure, writes that the happiest day was the one when their synchrophasotron exploded and they were given a new one. This Masha is simply obsessed with diagrams and formulas. Lenka Konovalova turned the page - she had already completed half of the notebook. And I still sit and rummage in my memory the happiest day.
In general, to be honest, my happiest days are when I return from school and no one is at home. Then I rejoice at the opportunity to live the way I want: I don't warm up anything, I eat straight from the pan, then I turn on the player at full volume, I call Lenka Konovalova, and we start trying on my mother’s dresses and dancing. Then Lenka leaves, and I sit in a chair, wrap myself in a blanket and read. Now I am reading the stories of Cortazar. In his story "The End of the Game" he has the words "inexpressibly beautiful." They affect me in such a way that I look up and think: sometimes it seems to me that life is inexpressibly beautiful, and sometimes everything becomes disgusting.

I looked at my watch. Sixteen minutes left. I decided to write about how we planted trees around the school. I read somewhere: every person in his life must plant a tree, give birth to a child and write a book about the time in which he lived. I remembered how that day I was dragging a bucket of black soil, had a fight with Zhenya, but, be that as it may, the tree took root and will remain for future generations. This means that the teacher will like the content, she will give me an A.
I looked at my watch again. There are eleven minutes left. I took a pen and began to write about how my dad and I went to the cinema in the morning, and then went to my grandmother. And let the teacher give me what she wants. I wrote that the comedy was terribly funny and we laughed so hard that they even turned around at us. And my grandmother was as usual. We sat in the kitchen and ate delicious fish. But it's about food, it's about the environment. Everyone loved me and frankly admired me. And I also loved everyone one hundred percent and thus brought great benefit. I have papa's eyes, papa-grandmother's: brown, with a house on the edge. We looked at each other with the same eyes and felt the same thing. And they were like a tree: grandma is the roots, dad is the trunk, and I are the branches that stretch towards the sun.
And it was incredibly beautiful.
Of course, this was not the happiest day of my life. Just happy. And I didn't have the happiest day. He's in front of me.
"The happiest day"

V.S. Tokareva

Approximate range of problems:

1. The problem of defining the concept of happiness in adolescence. (Under what circumstances do teens feel happy?)

Author's position: A teenager can refer to different days of his life as happy, but a child is truly happy when he is with his family, everyone loves him and he loves everyone.

2. The problem of the moral choice between hypocrisy and sincerity. (What to do: write what the teacher likes, or what you want, answer sincerely or not?)

Author's position: Making these choices in adolescence is not easy. But, having made the right choice, you cultivate in yourself from a young age the qualities of a highly moral, honest person. And this makes you feel happy.

In the text of Viktoria Samoilovna Tokareva, a Russian writer and screenwriter, the problem of belief in a happy future is described.

Reflecting on this problem, the author tells the story of a girl who was asked to write an essay on the topic “The happiest day in my life”. The heroine cannot concentrate and constantly looks at one or another notebook. Every moment of the girl's life was filled with funny memories, but none of them can be called decisive or memorable. But she believes that in the future she will have many new, interesting and happy ones.

Indeed, life is an interesting thing, filled with interesting moments, each of which can be the happiest. The main thing is to believe in it.

So in the work of Jack London "Love of Life" describes the struggle of the protagonist for his life. Despite his wounds and hunger, he believed that he would not die, that a happy future awaited him.

And in the work of A. Adamovich and D. Granin "The Siege Book" tells about the selflessness of the Leningrad people who performed a feat. After being under siege for 900 days, they did not surrender. Their actions were directed by faith in the future, the dream of a peaceful sky over the heads of their descendants.

Thus, a person should remember that life is filled with happy moments, and believe that whatever happens, everything will be fine.

Other works on this topic:

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  2. Reflections of the Russian writer Viktor Fedorovich Smirnov - the author of books for children and adults - set forth in his work, relate to the topic of belief in ...
  3. In the first edition of The Master and Margarita, a meeting of Moscow writers. Introduction “What to believe now? And is she needed? " - many are now asking themselves this question ...
  4. Environmental problems in today's life have come to the fore, scientists from different countries are sounding the alarm in connection with climate change. G. Rogov in his text addresses ...
  5. “The editorial office received a letter from the worker Nechaev, in which he told about the conflict with the engineer Zubatkin ...” After reading the story of Viktoria Samoilovna Tokareva, I thought about ...
  6. Essay "The future of Russia is in our hands" or "How I see the future of Russia" Does Russia have a future? I am an optimist, so my answer is yes. Not...
  7. What do we know about faith? Most often, our knowledge about it is limited to the most general concepts: belief in the supernatural, belief in God, belief in magic. So...
  8. The problem raised by the author of the text What is conscience? How does it affect a person? Many people are asking these questions. A.G. Ermakova describes in her work ...
  • Category: Arguments for writing the exam
  • L.N. Tolstoy - the epic novel War and Peace. In his novel, L. N. Tolstoy affirms his understanding of happiness as an eternal search for truth, his place in life. The heroes exploring life, events, people in the novel are Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. They are painfully searching for their own place in life. According to Tolstoy, this is the only way a person achieves the highest spiritual harmony with himself and the world. Also, happiness, in the mind of the writer, is love, family, life "in truth" and not in lies. The author rewards his favorite heroines with such happiness - Natasha Rostova and Princess Marya. They have wonderful, harmonious families in which love, peace and wisdom reign.
  • K. Paustovsky - the story "Fenino's happiness". The heroine reflects on the purpose of a woman - to make people happy. Meanwhile, she herself has such a gift. Paustovsky's Fenya is endowed with emotional sensitivity, responsiveness, and talent. She cannot pass by someone else's misfortune. So, Fenya puts on his feet the son of his friend, who was ill for a long time in the hospital. The author notes that her happiness lies in the fact that she lives for others.
  • N. Aseev - poem “What is happiness? Complicity ... ". In this work, the author reflects on happiness. Happiness is "participation in good human deeds", it is our help to people, our contribution to the development of life. Only by supporting our neighbor can we find peace and harmony in our souls. Also, happiness, according to the poet, is in mutual, shared love, in work, in the development of the entire Universe by man.
  • D.S. Likhachev - "Letters about the Good and the Beautiful." In his book, the author reflects on what happiness is. According to the scientist, happiness is a person's striving for good, justice, meaningful, interesting activity. The author encourages us to be happy, that is, “having affection, deeply and seriously loving something significant, able to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of our beloved work and loved ones. People who do not have all this are unhappy, living a boring life, dissolving themselves in empty acquisitions or petty, base "perishable" pleasures. "