The better to process the outer paneled door. How to cover a wooden door: restoring the old, giving uniqueness to the new

Do you want to renovate the interior of your apartment, but do not have the necessary funds? Or have you moved into a new home, and you absolutely do not like the doors left over from the previous owners? You can save a lot if you paint the doors.

What coatings to use

Paints differ in the base used for the manufacture.


They are convenient for painting, and the coating of them is practical to use: you just need to wash off the dirt from the surface with a damp cloth. One layer is enough. But if you want to get a deep saturated shade, then you can use pine or oak in two layers. In addition, several layers will reliably protect the array from external influences.


They do not have an unpleasant odor and are non-flammable. The paint adheres well to the surface of a solid wood door, dries quickly (about 24 hours). If there is high humidity in the room, the drying process may take a little longer. When applying acrylic paint on an old coating, further cracking can be avoided due to the special composition and structure of the paint.


Stain differs from ordinary paints in that it does not remain in a separate layer on the surface of a wooden door - it penetrates into the interior of the wooden leaf. Such an impregnation is suitable for emphasizing the natural structure of solid pine and other beautiful wood species.

The stain will help to change the shade of the interior door, make it deep and rich. When stained, the color of the canvas will appear uniform. Oil-based or water-based impregnations can be used for coloring immediately after purchase. If you purchased them in powder form, then dilute with methyl alcohol. After applying to the solid pine, it is necessary to cover the door with a layer of varnish.


It well protects the massif of pine and other species from external influences. Due to its structure, it makes the wooden door resistant to moisture and scratches. There are many types of varnishes that can help give solid wood doors a new look. This way you can emphasize the deep, intense color of solid pine with a suitable varnish.

Benefits of stain and varnish

Protective stains differ from classic impregnations. If the door is covered with such a compound, it will "breathe". In this case, the coating is resistant to moisture and cracking. There is a large selection of wood stains on the market. They are suitable for solid wood products:

  • pine trees;
  • oak;
  • spruce and other breeds.

Some of the wood stains are transparent. Such solutions emphasize the beauty of wood and protect it from harmful influences. For application, you must use brushes. Read the instructions carefully: some manufacturers suggest covering in one layer, while some recommend applying in several layers.

The door, previously painted with paint, should preferably be covered with transparent varnish. In this case, it will be less susceptible to external negative influences, retain the gloss and color of the coating. If you have covered the door with acrylic varnish and notice that a whitish tint remains, do not worry - after it dries completely, it will become transparent.

By choosing a special cold cure varnish, you can make your solid pine door finish glossy or matte.

How to start updating the canvas

The process includes the following steps:

  1. Before painting, remove the door from its hinges, remove decorative elements.
  2. Remove the top coat. If you do not remove it, the effect of the subsequent painting will be insignificant, moreover, the varnish or paint will lie unevenly and may peel off over time.
  3. Remember that when sanding with sandpaper, you need to make smooth movements along the grain. Cross-sanding will show the grooves after the final varnishing.
  4. After removing the top layer, mask all cracks and dents with putty.
  5. Re-process the surface of the solid pine with sandpaper. The presence of roughness and irregularities is unacceptable.
  6. After that, vacuum the door, wipe it with a damp cloth and dry it thoroughly.
  7. It is easier to paint in a horizontal position. So the coating will lie flat, and it is much easier to carry out the work.

Coloring can be done with tools:

  • brushes;
  • rollers;
  • spray guns.

The choice of tool depends on your preferences and skills in working with them. The spray gun is used by professionals, besides, it has a high cost. If you need to paint or varnish just one door, then you should think about the advisability of buying it.

Features of applying stain and varnish

Any wood is suitable for staining: pine, oak, birch. It should be applied generously so that the surface is saturated. After the wood has absorbed the stain, the remains must be removed. A brush and acetone are used for washing. It is necessary to carry out this procedure until the composition stops washing off. After that, the door should dry well.

Varnishing is done in two stages. After the first layer has been applied, it is necessary to wait for it to dry and remove any roughness and unevenness with sandpaper. After that, it will be necessary to process the varnish again.

Painting veneer

If your interior doors are made of veneer, then the sanding procedure should be carried out with extreme caution. It is unacceptable to use grinders - they can break the top layer of the veneer. The work must be carried out manually, and it is better to entrust this work to professionals.

It is necessary to carefully select the material for the coating:

  1. If the door is brand new, and you simply do not like its color, then you can do without sanding. Just pick the right shade of varnish and get to work. If there are small defects, you can simply varnish them, and then rub with polish.
  2. Faux veneer doors are paintable. But there are some difficulties associated with the fact that such a door has a smooth surface, from which paint will roll. You can use a primer, but in this case, the effect of the natural wood structure will not be preserved.

In this case, the paint must be applied in two layers. For painting veneer doors, you should choose water-based paints. If the structure of the paint is dense, the individual pattern of the coating will be lost.

Before processing a veneer door, carefully consider and evaluate the scope of the upcoming work. If there is a small flaw in the form of a scratch, local painting can be dispensed with. If you need to radically change the color, carefully approach the choice of coating. If you change the surface of the outer layer with chemical dyes, environmental friendliness will be violated.

If you follow the suggested tips and tricks, the updated interior doors made of solid pine or other wood will become your pride and will revive the interior of your apartment.

An important element of any home is the front door. It performs the main protective function and also decorates the exterior. This is a kind of visiting card, because by its appearance you can learn about the status and tastes of the owners. Therefore, when choosing a door, it is necessary to avoid low-quality materials and its damage: chips, scratches, dents, scuffs and other defects that spoil the appearance.

Doors made of solid high-quality solid wood are in no way inferior to metal ones. Wooden models are very popular among country house owners. For their production, wood is used from oak, ash, beech, pine, spruce, ebony, meranti, teak, nyato and other types of mahogany.

Advantages of wooden entrance doors:

  • High level of burglary resistance - one-piece door array is a very durable material;
  • Durability - natural wood has served for more than a dozen years, and treatment with antiseptics and paints and varnishes additionally increases the operational life;
  • Low thermal conductivity - even in cold weather, the door remains warm;
  • Good sound insulation - a wooden sheet does not allow noise from outside and outside;
  • Environmental friendliness - wood is a natural material that does not emit toxic substances and harmful fumes, besides, its bioenergetic characteristics cleanse and harmonize the atmosphere in the house;
  • Aesthetics and originality - a wide range of colors of different types of timber and artistic wood cutting makes it possible to choose the desired shade, shape and decor of the door;
  • Ease of disposal;
  • To be restored.

Preparatory work before installation

To protect the front door from fungus, mold and decay, discoloration of wood, cracks, it is important to thoroughly treat it with special protective compounds. This action will significantly extend the life of the solid wood. You can preserve the natural color or hide the texture pattern. Depending on this, a wide selection of materials for dyeing wood is presented on the market of paints and varnishes: from opaque enamels to tinted varnishes, impregnations, stains.

The processing of new wooden doors and those that have already served a certain period of time is different. In the first case, it will be reduced to a minimum, while in the second it will be necessary to prepare the canvas with high quality. Do not neglect safety precautions during work. You must first put on a respiratory mask and rubber gloves.

The technology for processing wooden door arrays and slopes consists of several stages:

  1. Grinding... Initially, wood is sanded with coarse sandpaper or a sander to remove burrs, roughness, old paint.
  2. Antiseptic coating... The antibacterial mixture, which is applied in a thin layer, protects against mold, rot, fungi and other microorganisms. For comfortable and high-quality processing, it is better to use a brush on the corner parts of the door and frame, and a roller on a large flat surface. Professionals use spray guns, which greatly facilitates the work. After the first layer of the composition has dried, and this is at least two days in a warm room without a draft, the antiseptic is applied again. This action will provide the wood with reliable protection.

  1. Putty... Further, if necessary, cracks, scratches and other damages are repaired. To do this, use a joiner's putty. After the final drying of the putty, the wood is treated with fine-grained sanding paper to the maximum surface smoothness.
  2. Padding... A special solution is applied to the door array in two or even three layers, which are layered separately and left to dry for a day each in a closed warm place. It is imperative to apply a primer exclusively for wooden surfaces.
  3. Finishing... If you plan to paint the door, then it is advisable to prefer drying oil to a primer. Today, wood is rarely painted, but more and more often it is stained and varnished. Staining solutions have a natural wood tone, but differ in shades. Color saturation is controlled by the number of layers applied. The stain dries for half a day. When the surface is completely dry, the door leaf, box, slopes are varnished. If desired, varnishing is carried out in several layers with a difference of 36-40 hours.

After the topcoat has dried, the canvas, box and other parts can be mounted in place. Subject to the rules for servicing the front door, its service life will significantly extend. Thanks to natural wood, the interior and exterior of the house looks prestigious.

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All wooden structures used in the construction of buildings must be covered. This will not only increase their wear resistance, but also significantly improve their appearance. The paints and varnishes that are used for this serve as reliable protection against moisture and ultraviolet radiation, which have a detrimental effect on wood. However, they must be used at the earliest stage of construction.

Wooden surfaces are subjected to constant loads, the degree of which depends both on the location of the building and the cardinal points, and on many other factors. Especially the material wears out in the coastal area and in open spaces. At the same time, the wall of the building, located in the north, wears out much less than on the south and west sides.

Painting wooden surfaces - a whim or a necessity

Since wood is a natural material, it is capable of deterioration under the influence of certain factors. Among which:

Ultraviolet Its effect has a detrimental effect on wooden surfaces, destroying and modifying them. The material turns gray, and its fibers begin to stick out in different directions. Such surfaces get dirty quickly.
Moisture Promotes wood swelling. When it dries, its volume decreases, and since these factors cause a state of stress, over time it cracks altogether.
Moisture-laden air It is a catalyst for the formation of fungi that attack blue and mold wood. The former tend to penetrate the structure of the material, painting it in a gray-blue color, while the latter are formed on the surface, covering the wood with dark spots. In contrast to these two, rot fungi contribute to the destruction of wood, making its further use impossible.

Painting wooden doors: how to paint them

In practice, it has been proven that old houses have excellent wooden doors, which are distinguished by their strength, good quality and reliability. In the last century, wood was considered to be an inexpensive building material, therefore the highest quality, and sometimes even valuable wood species, was used. Many owners of old doors are still in no hurry to change them, even in spite of the thick layer of paint that makes the door look unsightly. Now there is an opportunity, using innovative materials and processing technologies, to restore an old door, which will make it more valuable and beautiful. If you have the skills to work with wood, then you can do a high-quality painting of the door with your own hands. To do this, it is necessary to observe the selected painting technology, as well as to understand the peculiarities of using modern materials in the paint and varnish industry.

Decorative and ordinary painting of a door can be performed using different technologies, which differ significantly from each other. Before choosing one of the methods, you need to pre-prepare the doors. This activity consists of several stages:

  • all old layers (paint, putty, varnish) are removed down to the wood itself;
  • the surface is sanded and leveled;
  • cracks, cracks, irregularities and scratches are putty. To do this, use mastics, putties and other materials matched to the color of the tree;
  • re-grinding with emery paper is carried out after the putty has dried.

One of the most difficult is the initial stage - cleaning the door surface from old layers of coatings. But almost all doors that need painting need such processing. In order to perform the work on painting the door as efficiently as possible, you need to know how to carry out preparatory work and how to directly paint the door itself. Only loose and cracked layers can be removed with a normal scraper or trowel. After that, you need to carefully sand the wood with a sander or sandpaper. Then the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. Such a laborious method of getting rid of the old coating does not exclude the possibility of damage to the wood. But paint can be removed easily, quickly, without violating the integrity of the door. To do this, you can use the advice of experienced craftsmen. Now on the Internet there are many different sites where you can find such advice. But there are several of the most popular methods, which will be discussed below.

  • The first method is the softening of the paint under the influence of high temperature. To do this, use a building hair dryer, a thermal gun or a blowtorch. The paint treated in this way will quickly peel off, even if there are several old layers. However, the high temperature method is not suitable for doors with glass elements because the glass will crack when exposed to such temperatures. Therefore, if possible, the glass must be removed and the rest of the fittings dismantled. The blowtorch must be handled with particular care. By negligence, if the flame is held in one place, burn marks will remain on the wood. In addition, it is imperative to adhere to fire safety measures, remove all combustible and flammable materials from the place of work.
  • The second method is the dissolution of old coating layers using chemical agents, that is, using organic solvents and special additives to them. They can be liquid, jelly or powdery. Mostly used are liquid products in vials or aerosols. These products are the most versatile and can dissolve many types of varnishes and paints, for example, oil, alkyd, film-forming, nitrocellulose and vinyl. Such funds are applied to the surface with a brush, sprayed with a roller sludge for several minutes (the time is indicated in the instructions for the tool). Then the old layers of the coating swell, loosen and peel off from the tree. If the coating layer is very thick, then this procedure can be repeated several times. Peeling paint can be removed with a scraper or spatula. It often happens that after removing old coatings, it is found that the wood has an uneven color and in some places is lighter or darker. In such cases, if the wood under the paint has darkened over time. You can use chlorine bleach, which is diluted in water (1: 3 ratio).
  • How to paint a wooden door

    Now on the market there is a large assortment of paints and varnishes, with the help of which you can give doors a unique design and style. Thanks to such a large selection, the possibilities of door design have significantly expanded. It is rather difficult to choose one option. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to give an answer to two questions: what paint is best to choose and not make a mistake with the choice; how to paint the door correctly and with high quality. The color scheme of the door depends primarily on the tastes of the owners, the tone of the furniture and the interior. For example, in a bedroom with a white suite in the style of "Louis", high swing double doors, decorated in white with gold panels, are well suited. And in a log house, doors impregnated with silky oil impregnation of natural color, etc., will look great.

    For other types of interiors, other painting technologies are also chosen. If the interior is made in antiquity or there is antique furniture, then artificial "aging" or painting "antique" will be the most suitable method. These two methods have become popular lately. However, not everyone can do such work. It is best to entrust this event to specialists, because without skills and appropriate knowledge, you can achieve completely deplorable results. It should be noted that the prices for such services are available to a large mass of the population. They are quite democratic. The process of artificial aging, or brushing, texturing is the treatment of a wooden surface using metal brushes that remove the upper soft layer of wood, leaving a coarser, embossed texture. With the help of toning, the effect of "patina" is created. Then the basic tone of wood fibers differs in color from the structural porous depressions. On top, the wood is covered with colorless varnish or wood paint to match the color of the interior.

    How to paint a wooden door

    Shop counters are now overflowing with a variety of varnishes, paints and impregnations and tints, so the choice is really large, and everyone can choose from a variety of options. More important is the question of choosing a paint for a wooden door. Each specific case must be considered individually and look for the most suitable options for quality, properties, cost. If earlier the choice of paint was not so difficult, now you cannot do without the help of a specialist.

    An important aspect is the issue of environmental friendliness, especially for interior doors. In this case, it is best to purchase an odorless, water-based paint, quick-drying, increased elasticity, moisture-resistant and resistant to temperature extremes. Fortunately, there is a large assortment of such paints on the domestic market. The question often arises about the choice of paint for doors in the country, in a country house, garage, office, etc. Many are faced with the problem of choice, because the paint for such doors must be resistant to moisture and different temperature conditions. In addition, you need to be especially careful when choosing paint for doors in medical institutions, children's institutions and a number of others, where doors are treated with aggressive detergents, disinfected, where the paint must be resistant and safe.

    Interior doors for painting

    Carrying out redecorating doors for painting, you can prepare yourself. The preparatory work, their sequence and methods have been written above. It remains only to find out how to cover the door with stain, impregnation and paint them with your own hands. The best option for an interior door is water-based acrylic paint. It gives the surface a matte finish, so it needs to be coated with an additional gloss varnish. You can also use alkyd paint, which does not need additional varnishing, since it has a wonderful glossy surface. If the door has a good textured surface, then it can be covered with only a few coats of clear water-based varnish.

    The prepared door is laid horizontally. A stain or impregnation is applied to a thoroughly cleaned surface. After the coating is dry, paint or varnish is applied. Painting begins with panels, then on protruding surfaces and at the very end on the canvas. If the windows and fittings have not been removed on the door, then they are pre-pasted with protective masking tape. It is recommended to apply varnishes and paints with a roller, as lint and streaks can be left from brushes. If there is a small layer of old paint on the door, then the question of their painting is greatly simplified. In this case, it is not necessary to completely remove the paint, and sanding with a primer and impregnation is not required. The door only needs to be rinsed and dried. The paint applied will give the door a fresh look and instantly renew it.

    Wooden door paint

    The assortment of paints presented in stores today gives free rein to imagination and the opportunity to translate into reality the most daring design ideas for decoration. Most of the paints from well-known manufacturers are of high quality, safe, presented in a wide color spectrum and with high protective properties. Paints and varnishes are divided into several groups:

    • by types for: varnishes, paints and impregnations (stains, film-forming and non-film-forming);
    • by chemical composition: water-based and organic-based;
    • by application: for internal work, for external work and combined;
    • according to the protective principle: from mechanical, organic, chemical influences; from changes in humidity and temperature.

    Transparent types of coatings: oil impregnations, varnishes, glazes.

    Opaque enamels and paints can be: oil, alkyd, acrylic, polyurethane, perchlorovinyl.

    Many people know about painting a wooden door with varnish. It is only necessary to mention that for internal work, it is not worth using nitro varnishes, which are distinguished by a high level of toxicity. For interior work, water-based varnishes are used, which are distinguished by safety.

    Wood door painting

    The standard color of a wooden door, depending on the coating used, can be enamel or decorative. Enamel painting consists of the following stages:

    • preparatory;
    • priming and sanding works (putty, priming, sanding);
    • painting (applying tinted enamel on a dried primer).

    The decorative painting process consists of the following stages:

    • surface preparation (more thoroughly than for enamel painting);
    • grinding, dedusting;
    • primer;
    • painting with decorative paint;
    • drying for several hours (3-5);
    • applying a finishing layer of decorative paint;
    • drying for three days.

    To carry out a high-quality painting of a door, you need to carry it out in several stages. This is done to ensure that the paint dries completely. Only after the final drying of the last layer of paint can you start inserting windows, installing fittings and installing the door into the door frame itself. If a new door is being painted, then you should not adhere to special recommendations. The order of work is the same as when painting the old door. The use of a spray gun will help speed up the work and at the same time simplify it. However, only people who have the skills to work with it can use it well. Inexperienced craftsmen will have difficulty applying paint evenly when working with such equipment.

    As a rule, old doors have a high-strength panel and a high-quality box, but the appearance deteriorates over time due to a thick coating. As one of the budget renovation methods, regular wood door paint is used. In this article, you will learn how you can paint wooden doors, and get acquainted with other modern methods of renovating coatings at home.

    Rice. 1. Door before and after painting

    Selection of paints and varnishes

    LKM are classified according to the following criteria:

    • By composition (water and organic);
    • By protective action (against organic and chemical substances, mechanical influences, changes in humidity and temperature);
    • By the method of use (internal, external, combined);
    • By type (impregnation, paints, stains, varnishes).

    1. Paints. They can be used for processing new and old doors. There are no difficulties with the choice, but due to incompetence, people choose the wrong material. Paints and varnishes are transparent and opaque. The first formulations include certain pigments exhibiting a woody structure. But often opaque coatings are used, consisting of organic solvents (oil, alkyd and other types).

    The most popular is alkyd enamel, the cost of which is affordable. This coating has high strength, a wide range of shades.... But the enamel smells bad, its unpleasant smell remains for 2 days, so they work with it on the street, first removing the canvas from the hinges or freeing the room. An alternative solution is acrylic enamel, which also has many colors, but lacks a toxic odor. The dried paint has no special strength, therefore, it is additionally treated with acrylic varnish to protect it from mechanical stress.

    Rice. 2. Paint on wood

    A more resistant coating for wood doors is nitro paint, which has optimal durability. The composition is toxic, sometimes leads to allergic manifestations, so you need to work with it in protective equipment. If an old surface is treated with nitro paint, preparation and grinding of the panel to a light shade is carried out in advance.

    2. Varnishes. Refers to traditional coatings that give wood a shine and protect its surface. Usually varnish is used for covering doors in rooms with high humidity (baths and saunas).

    There are many different varnishes:

    • Acrylic. The material is resistant to negative influences, moisture and ultraviolet light. Distinguish between matte and glossy coating without toxic odor.
    • Nitrocellulose. Varnish can be used for wooden doors. The coating is not suitable for the treatment of bathrooms and baths, as it has insufficient strength and cracks quickly.
    • Water-based varnish. It has no unpleasant odor. Material properties may vary due to different additives.
    • Polyurethane. The varnish has high indicators of strength and adhesion to wood, it is matte, semi-gloss and glossy. In addition to wood, polyurethane varnishes can be applied to parquet, veneer, countertops.
    • Oil varnish. There is no strong smell. The composition contains a lot of fatty resins, so the old coating is removed from the door in advance. It is better to apply with a brush due to its thick consistency.
    • Polyester. The composition has a pungent odor, is highly durable, but toxic, therefore it is suitable for processing street doors.

    It is better to paint interior doors with acrylic or polyurethane coating, and resistant materials are suitable for external works or rooms with high humidity..

    Rice. 3. Varnish on wood

    3. Stains. The task of such formulations is to tone the tree and provide temporary protection against negative influences. But a constant renewal of the layer is required, which emphasizes the woody structure.

    There are several options:

    • With a lacquer base (azure). The composition reduces the duration of work, but it is difficult to achieve aesthetics, therefore, a monochromatic surface can be obtained by spraying with a spray gun;
    • With oils. Dilute with solvent before use;
    • With water. It dries longer, but there is no toxic odor. The composition penetrates deeply, giving a richer shade and a clear pattern that looks beautiful;
    • Alcohol-based. It dries quickly, but is more expensive and has a pungent odor.

    Fig. 4. Wood door stain

    To protect wood from fungus, moisture and dirt, oil wax is used, which deeply penetrates the surface. The coating gives strength and shine.

    If you choose how to paint the surface of the door, then you need to take into account the drying time and the effect obtained.

    Preparing the canvas for painting

    First, the door is removed from the hinges, placed on a flat surface. Before using alkyd paint, it is better to place the canvas outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. The door is then locked so that all elements are accessible. Accessories are also removed or wrapped in foil, and the locks are sealed with tape.

    Door cleaning

    Pre-cleaning, removal of old enamel or paint... For such purposes, it is better to use a grinding machine, and in its absence, you can peel off the layer with medium-grain sandpaper. The bubbles that appear are removed with a hairdryer, which heats up the paint layer to remove it with a spatula. A costly and simple way to clean the surface is with cleaning compounds.

    Rice. 5. Cleaning and sanding the surface

    Old paint layers can be removed with an abrasive drill. Pieces of dust and paint are swept off the panel, the surface is sanded so that no scratches, irregularities or roughness remain. The surface is examined from both sides, the tightness of the joints is analyzed, the frame can be strengthened with fasteners and metal corners.

    Putty and sanding

    The existing cracks and grooves are repaired with a new filler.... For alkyd paint, a composition of any color is suitable, and before applying oil impregnation, varnish or wax, the tone of the putty should correspond to the panel. Dry areas of the door are sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. At this stage, any defects are eliminated.

    Rice. 6. Putty on the door

    Antiseptic coating

    When using paint, the surface is pre-treated with a fire retardant and antiseptic impregnation (for example, biotex) when the door is installed in the steam room. It is advisable to choose the funds of one company, which will improve the interaction and quality of the coating.

    Rice. 7. Wood preservative

    After that, the door must be primed, after which a layer of putty must be applied. It is necessary to process all the zones of the door, as well as the gaps in the decorative details, between the jamb and the lintel. After the putty dries, the surface is putty again.

    Dyeing technology

    If a new canvas is being painted, then it should be protected from swelling. Pre-lay it on a flat surface, process it with sandpaper or a grinder. Then the panel is primed, grooves and flat areas are processed. After the surface has dried, secondary treatment is carried out.

    Rice. 8. Directions for painting the canvas

    The old door of the house must be painted with high quality so that there are no spots and smudges on its surface. You hardly need to buy a spray gun to paint one or two canvases, so you can use a paneled brush or roller.

    After you have chosen what you can paint a wooden door with, you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances of the work:

    • fluff up the brush, removing poorly fixed hairs;
    • it is necessary to paint the panel door correctly in 3 stages, using a roller, from the upper left corner you need to move to the right, covering the entire canvas. After drying, the door must be processed longitudinally. Then you need to paint the canvas from the upper right corner;
    • when processing a paneled canvas, you need to use a brush, treat the surface carefully, avoiding excess coating.

    Rice. 9. The sequence of processing the canvas

    Painting with alkyd enamel

    To cover the doors with alkyd enamel, the following steps should be followed:

    • remove the panel from the hinges so that paint drips do not appear on the surface. Then, with a spatula and sandpaper, you need to remove the scuffs and the old layer, thoroughly rinse the surface and inspect for defects. Chips and cracks are putty, the surface is dried and sanded with sandpaper. At the last stage, priming is carried out;
    • the finished canvas lies on a horizontal surface of the floor, table or workbench, covered with polyethylene. The existing glass is sealed with tape. At a paneled door, the panels are first painted with a brush, and then the projections. In the future, the entire panel is painted over with a roller. With a two-layer application of alkyd enamel, you get a consumption of 40-80 g / m2;
    • in addition, you can tint the canvas under wenge, impregnating it with a special compound. This paint is based on natural oils. After a layer of paint has been applied, it must be carried over it with a rubber spatula or sponge about 10 times;
    • you can take liquid soap with paint. First, the cloth is covered with paint and liquid soap. The soap needs to be coated with another coat.

    Rice. 10. Alkyd enamel for wood surface treatment

    Stain treatment

    When choosing a stain, no primer is used. The agent penetrates into the deep layers of pine or oak wood, coloring its fibers and increasing the protective performance. There are several ways to apply the composition: rubbing, spraying, simple application and staining with a brush. Usually simple application is used.

    Rice. 11. Processing the canvas with wood stain

    Since the stain will fit better on a damp canvas, it needs to be slightly moistened. First, the coloring is carried out along the fibers, and then across them. The next layer is carried out in the direction of the fibers. From below we process the panel with jambs so as not to disrupt the design of the structure.

    After the water-based stain has been applied, sand the surface with a zero-grain sandpaper (due to the raised fibers), remove the dust and apply the next coat. If an alcohol stain is used, the fibers will not rise and no sanding is required. But aqueous formulations are odorless and non-toxic.

    Oil or wax impregnation

    There are some nuances in processing the canvas with oil impregnation. First, the Pinotex composition is mixed well. If applied incorrectly, dark areas and streaks may appear. For work, use a brush, spray, roller or foam sponge. Depending on the porosity of the material, the number of layers will be calculated.

    Rice. 12. Applying wax impregnation

    First, a little composition is recruited, distributing it evenly over the width of the panel. Then the impregnation is rolled out with a roller or rubbed with a brush without sagging. Drying time is 8-12 hours. Not later than in a day, another layer is applied.

    Imitation wood

    To paint interior doors under a tree with your own hands correctly, follow the instructions:

    • we apply light paint (beige, white, gray or yellow) to the building material;
    • the dried surface is treated with liquid soap;
    • cover with dark paint, remove liquid soap.

    The wood structure can be made on veneered material by brushing the fibers with a special brush (the effect is "antique"). Then one or more paint coatings should be applied to the surface and sanded.

    How to paint laminated doors

    Compared to natural wood doors, laminated products look aesthetically pleasing, easy to use and affordable. To process laminated doors, you will need a roller or brush, wood putty with a spatula, sandpaper, rags, solvent and special enamel.

    The surface is completely sanded, cleaned with a cloth from dust and putty with a thin layer. After the putty has dried, sandpaper is applied, applied a second time and polished again after drying. Before painting, the composition is diluted with a solvent. The paint is applied carefully, paying attention to hard-to-reach areas. After 3 layers, the result is fixed with varnish.

    Rice. 13. Varnishing wood surfaces

    If there are no defects, you can update the laminate flooring. A tinted varnish or stain, which is applied after sanding and tinting, is suitable.

    The choice of the color of the panel is carried out based on the wishes. The main recommendations include:

    • drying the surface before applying alkyd enamel;
    • combination of shade of canvas with furniture;
    • choice of a door made of solid wood, coated with oil impregnation, for a wooden dwelling;
    • combination of an aged door with antiques;
    • choice of doors with dark tint for lacquered furniture furnishings;
    • use of water-based paints.

    In the process of painting the door, you must observe the technique and safety measures.