Geography of the 7th class population of eurasia according to the plan. Geographical location of eurasia

Geography lesson. 7th grade.

Topic: Population, political map of Eurasia.

Purpose: to provide knowledge about the population of Eurasia, the number, national and linguistic composition of the continent.

Lesson Objectives:

Formulate an idea of ​​the population and states of Eurasia.

Consider the features of the modern political map of the continent. To acquaint students with various states of Eurasia.

To contribute to the development of skills and knowledge of working with geographical maps.

To develop cognitive motives, individual and creative abilities of students, to form a constant striving for enrichment with modern scientific knowledge.

To foster tolerance, collectivism, responsibility and creativity.

Equipment: physical map of Eurasia, density and population map, political map of the world, atlases.

Lesson type: lesson in the application of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Form of implementation: collective, pair, individual, practical work with cards.

Lesson structure

    Org. Moment.

    Psychological attitude

My friends! I'm very glad

Enter your friendly class.

And for me there is already a reward

The attention of your clever eyes.

I know everyone in the class is a genius

But without labor, talent is not for the future.

Cross the swords of your opinions

We will teach the lesson together.

Wish success with your eyes

And forward for new knowledge!

Tune in to work quickly, listen carefully, answer clearly, skillfully work with the card. Let's check the equipment:

    There is sea, you cannot swim.

There are roads, you can't go.

There is land, you can't plow.

There are meadows, you cannot sow. (geographic map)

2. The cards in it are sewn one to one in the printing house,

He is now always with you a geography guide. (atlas)

3. The ball is not large, it does not order to be lazy,

If you know the subject, then you will go around the whole world. (the globe)

Let's review our homework.

Let's do an alternative dictation. (we answer yes - no). Do you agree with the statement

    The location of natural zones is closely related to climate and climatic zones. (Yes)

    In the zone of arctic deserts, summer is hot, long, the temperature reaches + 40 ° (no)

    Natural zones stretch in a latitudinal direction, starting from the Arctic islands in the north to the taiga zone, and in the south they are located from west to east in the form of narrow stripes. (Yes)

    In the interior regions, where there is a lot of moisture, zones of deserts and semi-deserts are formed. (No)

    The tundra is a natural area with a harsh climate, mosses, lichens and tree-like vegetation grow on marshy soils. (Yes)

    Taiga is an area where only broadleaf trees grow (no)

    In the natural zones of forest-steppe and steppes, very fertile chernozem soils, called the "king of soils", are widespread; grain crops (wheat, rye, buckwheat, barley, oats) are grown here. (Yes)

    In the zone of variable moisture forests, evergreen trees grow - magnolia, camellia, laurel, bamboo. Among the animals are polar bears and polar foxes. (No)

    Tropical deserts occupy the Arabian Peninsula and the Thar Desert in India. (Yes)

    More than 40 thousand species of plants grow in humid equatorial forests, there are about 300 species of palm trees alone. (Yes)

A collective form of work aimed at the sound perception of someone else's speech and repetition of the homework "Find a mistake"

Let's take a look at the physical map of Eurasia and hear what I'm dreaming of.

Travel across Eurasia.

I like traveling very much. Summer. Vacation, I decided to visit the unusual points of the Eurasia continent. I got on a plane and flew west to the Pacific Ocean. The first stop was in Paris, the capital of Great Britain. This city is surrounded by very beautiful mountains of the Himalayas. Their soft, low tops accentuate the beauty of the landscape. Then I got to the coast of the Norwegian Sea. Subtropical plants - fir, spruce, pine, cedar everywhere created coziness and comfort. Butterflies were flying everywhere, and even saigas could be found in the forest. The next stop was in the north, on the island of Sri Lanka. It is the coldest island in the arctic climate zone. Having flown high Tibet, the Tien Shan and the Ural Mountains, I stopped in the center of oil production, on the West Siberian Plain, which today ranks first in the world in the extraction of black gold. Then I flew east to the Atlantic Ocean. There, the powerful current of the Gulf Stream washes the shores of the Kamchatka Peninsula and creates a sharply continental climate there. Having visited the famous Valley of Geysers, I returned home.

Well done! You have learned what geographic mistakes I make.

Getting acquainted with the characteristics of the continent, we touched on all natural components. In order for information about the mainland to be complete, what else do we need to learn about the mainland?

Problem: Why more than 4 billion people live on the Eurasia mainland (Brainstorm).

The mainland Eurasia is the largest in terms of population and the number of states on the mainland. And we move on to the topic of our today's lesson "Population and the political map of Eurasia." We will explore the continent further.

Man has been living on the continent of Eurasia for a very long time. There is reason to believe that some areas of East and South Asia are the ancestral home of the human race. The remains of human ancestors at different stages of development were found here.

In Eurasia, the most ancient civilizations of the Earth are known in India, China, Mesopotamia, on the Mediterranean coast.

More than 4 billion people live on the Eurasia mainland, ¾ of the world's population.

Sensational news.

7 billion inhabitants of the planet were born on planet Earth. Every second the population increases by 3 people, and annually by 90 million.

Before you instruction card

Population and countries of Eurasia.

1. Man has been living in Eurasia for a very long time. There is reason to believe that some areas of East and South Asia are the ancestral home of the human race. The remains of human ancestors at different stages of development were found here.

The most ancient civilizations of the Earth are known in Eurasia:

In India



On the coasts of the Mediterranean.

They played a great role in the development of human society.

On the territory of Eurasia there are large countries of the world in terms of area: Russia, China, USA, Canada, Australia and the smallest - Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Vatican, etc.

Group work. I distribute to the children cut cards depicting the faces of representatives of different races (cut into four strips - hair, eyes, nose, mouth)

Assemble the cards from the component parts. What did you do? - right, portraits of representatives of different times.

How many remembers what race is? Race is a historically established group of people, distinguished on the basis of their relationship, unity of origin, which manifests itself in external similarity (color of skin, eyes, hair, skull shape, body length, etc.)

The population of Eurasia is diverse in terms of racial and ethnic composition. Most of them are the peoples of the European race.

Exercise. According to the table, describe the features of the races of Eurasia:


1. Assignment. Determine the racial and ethnic composition of Eurasia. What races live in Eurasia (definition of races)?

Groups of people with similar racial characteristics are called human races. According to the table, describe the features of the races of Eurasia. Why are there such differences in the external appearance of representatives of different races and why does each race have certain characteristics?

As a result of communication between peoples of different races, there are mixed races.

Conclusion: Scientists believe that human races were formed as a result of adaptation to different environmental conditions and these conditions left their imprints on representatives of different races. Equality of races is proclaimed on Earth. All races are equal to each other. It has been proven that there are no higher or lower races among the races. Race equality has been proven by many scientists. One of them was N.N. Miklukho Maclay.

Working with the map "Peoples and population density of the world"

Task 1. What peoples, their families and groups live on the territory of Eurasia? Name and show on the map.

Task 2. Show on the map the most populated parts of the continent. What areas are sparsely populated and why?


Modern world religions emerged and developed further on the territory of Eurasia

World religions

Buddhism Christianity Islam

Asia is the birthplace of all major religions in the world. In Jerusalem, there are religious shrines of the three religions of Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

The political map of the world displays the territorial and political division of countries.

A map depicting the location and borders of states on the globe is called political map of the world .

There are more than 250 states in the world, and in Eurasia there are about 90 independent states. The countries of Eurasia are divided into republican and monarchical by state structure.

The republic is the legislative body, the parliament, the executive body is the government, and the president of the country exercises leadership on the basis of the constitution.

Monarchy is a form of government where the state is ruled by one person, and power is inherited from father to children


Absolute constitutional

Power is concentrated in power is limited to execute

hands of one person representative function

unlimited power Great Britain, Japan

king, sheikh, sultan

Classification of countries by geographic location.



Insular and archipelagic countries


Exercise. Name the countries located on the coast.

Landlocked States and Oceans

Which states border on nine others?

1. Countries large in area Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia

2. Highly developed countries - Great Britain, Italy, France, Germany, Japan

3. Low level of economic development - Nepal, Bhutan, Cambodia, Laos.

4. Oil exporting countries - Libya, Saudi Arabia, the countries of the Persian Gulf.

5. "Dragons of Asia" - South Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Taiwan, Indonesia are developing intensively.

In the first half of the 90s, two dozen states appeared on the former territory of the USSR and Yugoslavia. The sovereignty of the Czech Republic and Slovakia was proclaimed, Belgium passed from a unitary form of government to a federal one. Cambodia changed its form of government from a republican to a constitutional monarchy. Germany was reunited, many absolute monarchies in Asia became constitutional: Hong Kong and Macao from colonies became provinces of China.

Our world has many faces. The world of Eurasia consists of 101 states of the world (2010) large, medium, small, republics and kingdoms, developed post-industrial countries and poor, lagging behind in their development. These are the Eiffel Tower and the English Big Ben, the Spanish bullfight and the Moscow Kremlin, the Great Wall of China, the Sacred Fujiyama of Japan and the Catholic Vatican, young Astana and Ancient Rome. But we are all united by one thing, we live on the same earth, although we are different in skin color, religion and interests, we are inhabitants of planet Earth.

The task "Guess the object" (define the country by description)

1. The republic is called the country of natural contrasts. When there is still snow in the north, gardens and tulips bloom in the south at the foot of the mountains. The republic amazes not only with its size of natural resources, but also with generous hospitality. (Kazakhstan)

My Kazakhstan is great, mighty!

It has many rivers and high mountains

Nations all live in friendship

Found all home comfort

Do not know grief and war

And in love with their land since childhood

Live, grow, my country.

You are the most beautiful!

2. There is one polar island,

It is inside like a samovar.

There from the crevices in the sharp rocks

Steam escapes with a whistle

And the stream will not stick into that

Water is like boiling water

Reykjavik, the capital of the land of ice, is heated by natural hot water, and therefore there is no smoke and soot. The heat from underground sources goes to the greenhouse greenhouse, where bananas and tomatoes, melons and grapes grow. This city is considered the cleanest city in the world. What country are we talking about? (Iceland)

3. In this country, there is an annual tradition of mowing tulips in mid-May. A monument to a cow has been erected in this country. There is a museum of cheese and mustard. (Netherlands)

4. There is a country in the east

She is famous for Sakura.

Think I'll give you a hint

This country is on the islands.

The country, which is called very strangely, the country "vice versa". And there is every reason for this. In this amazing country, a woman serves a coat, the steering wheel is on the right side, the cats are tailless, here they write from top to bottom, eat with chopsticks, sleep on the floor, white is a mourning color. The country of the rising sun was named by its neighbors. It rises from behind the sea, it sits behind the mountains. (Japan)

5. This country is considered a trendsetter. The city of Plombier gave its name to the famous ice cream sundae. It has Alien, Marcel. Mademoiselle is spoken in it. There is beauty and grace in it. Of course this is ... (France)

6. There is a country in Europe

She looks so much like a boot

Arina will answer or Aliya

What a wonderful country (Italy)

7. This country is near the Red Sea

It neighbors Saudi Arabia

The country is called (Yemen)

8. Two European countries have two names each. Remember them. (UK - England, Netherlands - Holland)

9. Name two European-Asian states (Russia, Turkey)

10. Which country ends in three "I" (Austria)

11. The largest country in the world in terms of population, the greatest rivers in the world, the Yanuza and the Yellow River, flow through its territory. The main crop is rice. (China-Beijing)

12. In December 1971, the seven principalities of the Persian Gulf - Abu Dhabi, Dibai, Ajman, Sharjah, Umm al-Qaiwain, Fujairah and Ras al-Khaimah - created a federal state. The discovery of huge reserves of black gold played a significant role in the creation of the federal state. Name the state and the capital. (UAE)

Eurasia has become the cradle of ancient civilization and culture in the history of human development and will continue to remain the center of human development and prosperity.

Primary fixing of the material.

1. Underline the word that you think is superfluous in each line:

Rome, Berlin, Lima

Israel, Austria, Algeria

Cape Town, Beijing, Tokyo

India, Australia, Pakistan

Astana, Almaty, Moscow.

2. Underline the names of peoples living in the territory of Eurasia:

Arabs, Russians, Australians, Kazakhs, Arawaks, Chinese, Americans, Berbers, Swedes, Germans, Mexicans, Yakuts.

Let's analyze the lesson: What is the level of the goals set, comment on your impressions, achievements, educational skills.


1. Continent Eurasia is the most densely populated continent of the globe.

2. More than 2500 peoples and nationalities live on it.

3. There are 101 countries of the world on the mainland.

4. All countries of Eurasia are divided into groups according to different criteria.


Test "Eurasia"

1. The largest continent on the globe

I) North America

K) South America

L) Antarctica

M) Eurasia

2. On the mainland Eurasia lives

H) 1 bln.

O) 4 billion

P) 2 billion.

R) 3 billion

3. How many races live on the continent of Eurasia

I) 1

K) 2

L) 3

M) 4

4. What race are Kazakhs?

H) Negroid

O) Mongoloid

P) Caucasian

P) Mixed

5. The largest state by territory

B) China

C) India

D) Canada

E) Russia

6. The largest state in the world in terms of population

E) China

G) Japan

H) Canada

I) Poland

7. The most numerous people in the world

Y) Mongols

F) Poles

X) Russians

C) Chinese

Marking a lesson.


Write a mini-essay on the topic “I would like to visit ?, because ……”

Closing remarks from the teacher:

We learned a lot today.

The material of geography was repeated

Well done, I'll tell you

And I will give instructions to all.

To succeed in geography.

You need knowledge, skills, desire to have.

We must strive for knowledge

Do not be lazy in class

And then the score is 5

Everyone will receive.

See you soon at geographic latitudes!

Eurasia is the greatest continent in the world. It occupies 1/3 of the entire land mass of the planet. The huge size and complex structure of the earth's crust create a unique variety of natural conditions.

Geographic records of the mainland

In Eurasia, there is the highest mountain on Earth - Chomolungma (Everest), the largest mountain system in terms of area - Tibet, the largest peninsula - Arabian, the largest geographic region - Siberia, the lowest point of land - the Dead Sea depression.

Eurasia is the highest continent on Earth, its average height is about 830 meters. In Eurasia, fluctuations in altitude are especially great. The difference between the Dead Sea Basin and the highest peaks of the Himalayas is more than 9 kilometers.

The relief of Eurasia is extremely diverse; it contains some of the largest plains and mountain systems in the world: the East European Plain, the West Siberian Plain, the Tibetan Highlands.

In Eurasia, there are the highest mountains on Earth - the Himalayas, with the highest peak in the world - Mount Chomolungma.

Rice. 4. Chomolungma

The Eurasian mountain systems of the Himalayas, Tibet, Hindu Kush, Pamir, Tien Shan and others form the largest mountainous region on Earth. This part of Eurasia is distinguished by the high activity of the earth's crust.

Rice. 5. Relief of Eurasia ()

How can we explain the diversity of the relief of Eurasia? This is the result of the mutual action of internal and external relief-forming processes.

The territory of Eurasia, like a mosaic, is composed of platform blocks connected by fold belts of different ages. The most ancient are the East European, Siberian, Sino-Korean and South China platforms.

Plains and mountains created by internal forces constantly change their relief under the influence of external forces.

Landforms created by rivers are ubiquitous on the mainland: mountain slopes are dissected by gorges and canyons, plateau surfaces - by terraces.

The largest plains of Eurasia - the Great Chinese, Indo-Gangetic, Mesopotamian, West Siberian - are formed by river sediments - alluvium.

Rice. 6. Mesopotamian lowland

In the southeast and southwest of Eurasia - the Indochina Peninsula, in the Mediterranean, in the Caucasus, karst forms are widespread. Limestones that make up the surface are dissolved by water seeping into the rock mass. And bottomless abysses appear on the surface, and deep underground - caves, partitioned off by palisades of stalagmites and stalactites.


Read § 43. Do some practical work:

In the contour map, using the atlas map and the text of the lecture, draw the objects of the coastline of the mainland.


The mainI am:

Geography. Land and people. Grade 7: a textbook for general images. uch. / A.P. Kuznetsov, L.E. Saveliev, V.P. Dronov. "Spheres" series. - M .: Education, 2011. Geography. Land and people. Grade 7: atlas. "Spheres" series. - M .: Education, 2011.


1. Maksimov N.A. Behind the pages of a geography textbook. - M .: Education.

Literature for preparing for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam

1. Tests. Geography. 6-10 grades: Study guide / A. A. Letyagin. - M .: OOO "Agency" KRPA "Olymp": Astrel, AST, 2001. - 284 p.

2. Textbook on geography. Tests and practical assignments in geography / I. A. Rodionova. - M .: Moscow Lyceum, 1996 .-- 48 p.

3. Geography. Answers on questions. Oral exam, theory and practice / V. P. Bondarev. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2003. - 160 p.

4. Thematic tests to prepare for the final certification and USE. Geography. - M .: Balass, Ed. house RAO, 2005 .-- 160 p.

1.Russian Geographical Society ().

2. Russian education ().

3. Journal "Geography" ().

4. Geographical directory ().

Lesson no.


Thing: Geography. Continents and oceans.

Class: 7

Lesson topic: Population, political map of Eurasia §23.

The purpose of the lesson: - provide information to students about the population of Eurasia, its size and settlement, about the national and linguistic composition;

Teach methods of working with various maps of Eurasia;

Contribute to the formation of cognitive interest in the subject under study.

Means of education: political map of Eurasia.

Lesson Methods: explanatory and illustrative.

Lesson type: combined.

During the classes:

I ... Org moment(greet class, mark absent).

II ... Knowledge update. The survey is carried out in the form of tests on the topic "Natural zones" (appendix).

III. Motivation for educational and cognitive activities, psychological attitude.

IV. Explanation of the new material:

1. There are 91 independent states in Eurasia, 44 in Europe and 47 in Asia.

The linguistic and ethnic composition of the population of Eurasia is very complex. More than 4 billion people live on the mainland, which is ¾ of the world's population. Intensive population growth is observed in the southeast of Asia. The population of the two countries of this region - China and India - exceeds 2 billion people. Therefore, densely populated areas are located in Southeast Asia. The average population density of this region is 1000-1500 people per 1 km 2. In the European part, especially on the Atlantic coast, the population density is also high. The northern regions of the mainland are distinguished by harsh natural conditions, and the highlands are sparsely populated.

Representatives of all races of the globe live in Eurasia. Their national and linguistic composition is also diverse. The most common is the Caucasian population. The Asian part is inhabited by the peoples of the Asian race. Representatives of the equatorial race live on the island of Sri Lanka and in southern India.

Modern world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Islam) emerged and spread further on the territory of Eurasia.

The political map of the mainland, before acquiring a modern look, underwent constant changes for a long time. Currently, there are over 90 independent states in Eurasia. The largest of them are Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia.

The countries of Eurasia are divided into republican and monarchical by state structure. In the republics, the legislative body is the parliament, the executive body is the government. The president is in charge of the state.

The monarchical form of government is widespread mainly in Europe and in the Arab countries. Monarchies are subdivided into absolute, theocratic, and constitutional. Power is inherited.

Thus, Eurasia, which has become the cradle of ancient civilization and culture in the history of human development, will continue to remain the center of human development and prosperity.

2. Physical minutes.

    Working with the map "Peoples and population density of the world."

The population of Eurasia is linguistically divided into families and groups.

Exercise 1. What peoples, their families and groups live on the territory of Eurasia? Name and show on the map.

Assignment 2... Show on a map the most populated parts of the continent. What areas are sparsely populated? Why?

4. Working with the map "Political map of the world".

Exercise 1... What are the criteria for grouping the countries of Eurasia? Give examples of countries in each group.

Task 2. Name and show the countries that are part of Northern Europe.

"It is interesting!"


Many capitals of the world have their own symbol: London - Tower, Rome - Colosseum, Moscow - Kremlin. Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, has a bronze figurine of the Little Mermaid with a sprig of seaweed in her hand; she looks at the sea with sad eyes ... Denmark is the owner of the oldest national flag, which was adopted in 1219.


In Finland, the second Sunday in November is the annual Fathers' Day, during which national flags are flown and paternal insignia are presented.


Reykjavik, the capital of the land of ice, is heated by natural hot water, and therefore there is no smoke and soot. The warmth of underground sources also goes to the greenhouse greenhouse, where bananas and tomatoes, melons and grapes grow. It is considered the cleanest city in the world.


Numerous competitions, contests, youth festivals are preferred all over the world. But in Norway, an international grandmothers festival is held. Ladies, who have reached the sixty-year milestone, compete with each other in motorcycle riding, parachuting, scuba diving in the cold North Sea. The list of types of competitions becomes more diverse from year to year.

4. Working with the textbook - filling out the table:

Eurasia Region

Countries and their capitals

Branches of industry and agriculture

V. Securing new material :.

1. What are the reasons to determine the unevenness of the settlement of the territory of Eurasia?

2. What ethnic and linguistic groups divide the population of Eurasia?

3. What world religions are common in Eurasia?

4. How many states are located in Eurasia?

5. What forms of government exist?

Vi. Summarizing. Homework. §23, mark the countries of Eurasia on the contour map.

Learning new material.

Actualization of knowledge, the transition to a joint definition of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Mainland Eurasia is the Olympic champion among all continents of the world. Let's remember what records the mainland can be proud of:

  • The largest continent is in terms of area.
  • The only continent that is washed by all four oceans.
  • The highest mountains are located - the Himalayas.
  • The deepest lake is Baikal. (1620 m)
  • The largest sea - lake - Caspian
  • The lowest place in the world is the Dead Sea and the saltiest.
  • The largest peninsula is Arabian.
  • All climatic zones and natural zones of the northern hemisphere are found on this continent.

I want to show you one video, in which I ask you to remember another record of the mainland.

Watching a video clip about China... (Discovery Atlas, China 1.16 min.)

On the mainland there is a country with the first place in terms of population in the world. And today we will get acquainted with the Population of Eurasia.

What would you like to know about the mainland population? (distribution of the population of Eurasia, the racial composition of the population of Eurasia, the peoples of Eurasia, the religious composition of the population of Eurasia, the country)

We have to find out:

1. The number and distribution of the population;

2. The racial composition of the population of Eurasia

3. National composition

4. Regions and countries.

This is the purpose of our lesson.

The size and distribution of the population.

Analysis of the table (presentation slide 2)

Compare the population of Eurasia with the population of other continents. What conclusion can be drawn from such a comparison?

Lives in Eurasia about3/4 of the world's population.

The population is about 4.5 billion people.

How did man appear on the Eurasian continent?

Work with text. Pair work... (Annex 1)

Read the text carefully and answer the questions:

  1. What have you learned about settling Eurasia?
  2. What ancient civilizations do you know, show them on the map.

Conclusion : Man has been living on the continent of Eurasia for a very long time. There is reason to believe that some areas of East and South Asia are the ancestral home of the human race. The remains of human ancestors at different stages of development were found here.

And how the population is located on the mainland, we will determine by analyzing the map “Population density. Peoples ”p.18-19.

Analysis of the map “Population density. Peoples ".

Identify on the map:

  1. Sparsely populated areas of Eurasia.

North-east of Eurasia, Central Asia, Tibet mountains, Gobi, Taklamakan.

  1. Areas with a high population density.

East Asia, Hindustan Peninsula, Europe.

What factors does a person use when choosing a place of residence?

Relief, climate, proximity of rivers, lakes, seas.

Working with statistical material.(Appendix 2)

  1. Determine from the table the countries with the largest and smallest area of ​​the territory.
  2. From the table "Population of the world" select the countries of Eurasia, which are among the ten largest in terms of population.

Dynamic pause.

Map analysis "Racial composition of the population"

What races are the peoples of Eurasia? What are the racial characteristics? Race is a historically established group of people, distinguished on the basis of their relationship, unity of origin, which manifests itself in external similarity (skin color, eyes, hair, skull shape, body length, etc.)

Conclusion: The population of the Caucasian and Mongoloid races lives on the territory of Eurasia, on the islands of the Malay archipelago, the population of the Negroid race.

The population of Eurasia is diverse in terms of ethnic composition.

How can you distinguish a representative of one nationality from another (according to national costume, customs, traditions).

But the main distinguishing feature is it's a language. Representatives of 40 nationalities live in Russia on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan, their villages are 10 kilometers from each other, but they do not understand each other, because speak different languages. Many nationalities are rare or very rare. On the map, name the peoples whose population is less than 10 million people. And now the peoples, the number of which is the greatest.

All peoples are worthy of respect. The famous French writer Victor Hugo said: "The greatness of a people is not at all quantified by its number, just as the greatness of a person is not measured by its growth." “Each and the smallest nation is a unique facet of God's plan” Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

And now small"experiment". During the experiment, I want to find out how you know a foreign language?

I ask you to translate what I say. In Belarusian: "Zen are kind", in Bulgarian: "Hello", in Serbian: "Good Dan", in Ukrainian: "Healthy Buly". Raise your hands, are there Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Serbs in the class? Why did we understand these languages? Nationalities with a similar language are combined into linguistic group , and groups in linguistic families. What language family are the peoples that I have just named (to the Slavic language family).

Working with the tutorial.

Checking presentation slides.

On May 24, Russia celebrates the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture. The holiday is known as the day of remembrance of the first teachers of the Slavic peoples - the holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, equal to the apostles. These saints are revered in other countries as the creators of the alphabet.This is not just a tribute to the memory of the founders of Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius, but also a symbol of the unity of the Slavic peoples, their inextricable historical connection and common cultural heritage.

The roots united us

They kneaded our blood in our veins,

Ukrainians, Belarusians,

And Bulgarians, Czechs, Russes,

Russians and Croats,

Serbs are all one rich.

We have a common gene pool,

It has not faded for centuries,

Only became stronger, stronger.

And now it is most likely

Forget all boundaries

And make friends with the peoples.

Let's go back to the map. What language families are common on the mainland of Eurasia (Indo-European, Sino-Tibetan, Ural-Yukaghir, etc.)

Most common peoples: Chinese, Indians, Pakistanis, Japanese.

Construction of a layout-schematic map "Regions of Eurasia"

Show on the map regions of Eurasia. Knowing the political map is very important for people.