Tool for installing stretch ceilings. Stretch ceiling tool description

Many home craftsmen are interested in topics that relate to stretch ceilings, namely, the possibility of their self-installation. However, it should be noted that for most ordinary craftsmen, the desire to do the installation of a stretch ceiling structure with their own hands is still not feasible. The reason for this is the rather high cost of stretch ceiling tools. Their purchase is much more expensive than installing the system itself.

Basic tools

For those who wish to carry out installation at a professional level and receive income from work, it is important to know what tool is needed for stretch ceilings.

To install such structures, you will need the following:

  • Heat gun.
  • Perforator.
  • Screwdriver.

Heat gun

One of the main processes when installing a stretch ceiling is the heating of the main canvas. In particular, we are talking about PVC fabric for stretch ceilings. For this type of work, craftsmen use heat guns. The operation of these devices is provided by the supply of gas or electricity. However, the home electrical network is not able to withstand such a too high load, therefore, in everyday life, a heat gun is most often used - a tool for installing stretch ceilings that runs on propane-butane gas.

If we describe a heat gas gun in simple words, then we can say that this is a direct heating heat generator, the operation of which is provided by natural or liquefied gas. For the manufacture of the cylindrical body of the device, sheet steel with a coating in the form of powder enamel, which is stable at a sufficiently high temperature, was used.

A gas burner, a fan and special stainless steel grilles are built into the inside of the body. The grilles are a kind of obstacle on the way of unwanted objects that can get into the device during operation.

To ignite a gas burner, the device is equipped with a piezoelectric element. The fan blows air into the housing, which in a short time is heated by the fire of the gas burner.

The air in the working room heats up very quickly, therefore, in order to prevent the melting of individual elements of the heat gun, it is necessary to create a kind of buffer zone for the heated air. For this reason, it is important to keep clearance at the front and back of the unit during operation. The gas supply can be regulated using a special valve, which allows you to control the degree of heating of the working area.


The next important tool on the list that you need for stretch ceilings is a hammer drill. With its help, holes are drilled in concrete or brick structures. It is recommended to purchase a device with a capacity of about 750 watts, since it is not expected to be heavily loaded.

If it is not possible to purchase a hammer drill, a drill with an impact function can be used. Although, it is worth noting that the productivity and speed of the hammer drill is much higher.


With the help of such a tool for stretch ceilings, such as a screwdriver, the baguette and brackets for lighting fixtures are fixed. The advantage of such a tool is its low weight and the presence of a battery. High quality devices ensure uninterrupted operation throughout the day, this can be called another advantage of the screwdriver.

When purchasing such tools for installing stretch ceiling structures, it is important to give preference to options with high cost and reliable batteries. This will allow you to get some savings, since a good device, even at a high price, will cost less than the annual purchase of batteries for it.

Another nuance that you should pay attention to when buying a screwdriver is the lack of a shock rotation function. In this case, the devices become unusable very quickly.

Supporting tools

In addition to the basic set, you may need a secondary tool for installing stretch ceilings. In particular, we are talking about the following:

  • Water level or chokline for skipping lines.
  • A tape measure or other device for measuring a room parameter.
  • Square.
  • A device for cutting metal.

You can purchase the listed tools, including a clip for a stretch ceiling, at any hardware store, and there is no need to choose high quality products or a trusted manufacturer.

When using a water level, there may be some inconvenience when placing marks in the immediate vicinity of the ceiling. Therefore, experienced craftsmen remove the plastic cones at the ends of the tube and guide the landmark directly along the hose.

As for such simple tools as a tape measure, a hacksaw and a tool for cutting metal products, there is no need to describe in detail and tell their principle of operation. They are known to the simplest home craftsman.

Rules for choosing tools for installing a stretch ceiling

To carry out finishing work at a professional level, you should purchase an expensive tool; it is not recommended to save on this cost item.

For example, the cost of Chinese heat guns is much lower than similar devices made in Europe. However, the gas during their operation does not completely burn out, which leads to a greater consumption of propane to heat the room to a certain temperature. In addition, incomplete combustion of gas is accompanied by the release of carbon monoxide CO, while European devices are characterized by the release of harmless carbon dioxide CO 2.

If we talk about a hammer drill or screwdriver, then professionals prefer European-made Bosch tools. The cost of such goods is much higher, but the service life is also quite long.

Thus, the equipment for the installation of a stretch ceiling with a main sheet of polyvinyl chloride can be called a rather serious and expensive set. Therefore, it is not advisable to purchase it for one-time use.

Stretch ceilings are currently popular during renovations. This is because the design of such ceilings is easy to install and affordable. Correct installation can be done with the right tools.


To carry out the process of strengthening the tensioning system requires some specific knowledge and experience. A number of accessories are also required to work on the installation of a ceiling base, which can be fabric or film. A feature of special tools is their high cost. Sometimes the equipment itself is more expensive than a stretch ceiling.

The selection and use of work tools requires a responsible approach:

  • the variety of the list and functions of the models can confuse the user;
  • the purchase of tools is carried out with the expectation of long-term use;
  • the result and safety of work depends on the purchased devices.


For the installation of stretch ceilings, you may need devices that are indispensable. There is also a list of complementary tools. Highlight basic equipment and additional tools.


Power tools or gas systems can be used as equipment, and the use of hand tools is equally important.

The main technical means for tightening the entire system is the heat gun. It carries out heating of the material, which contributes to easy installation in the future. This technique operates on gas. It is more difficult to work on electricity for a gun, because when it is turned on, a too high load on the electrical network is given. The heater body is made of steel with an enamel coating.

The interior of the gas-fired heat gun is equipped with a burner, air fan and steel grates. An open fire in the process of work heats up the room very quickly, so it is necessary to create additional free space near the device. The heating power level of the device is regulated using a special valve. In each specific case, it is necessary to use a specially designed gun of various sizes.

The main tasks for which the work of the heat gun is directed:

  • an increase in the air temperature in the room;
  • heating the entire surface of the stretch fabric;
  • maintaining the required heat level during operation;
  • prevention of fogging of the main floor.

Another important type of tool is a hammer drill, with which holes are made in the wall and ceiling, and the profile is installed. The set with the perforator must contain the drills required for mounting the baguette.

This device can be replaced with a drill with an impact mechanism. But it will not cope with all surfaces. Concrete and self-leveling ones are more difficult to drill.

The screwdriver helps to screw in the self-tapping screws. This tool can be powered by electricity and battery. It is more convenient to work with the latter option, since not all rooms are connected to the electrical network during the repair. The practicality of the workflow is ensured by using a smaller tool.

Other functions of the screwdriver:

  • fixing the profile for fastening the canvas;
  • installation of brackets for lamps;
  • carries out other auxiliary operations.

To carry out the soldering of the tensioning system webs, they resort to the use of an HDTV machine. The seams resulting from the operation of this device are practically invisible, the ceiling looks like a continuous canvas. This is the value of the equipment in question. It bears this name because of the effect of high frequency current.

The product consists of two main parts: a welding press and a generator.


Additional accessories are room measuring devices and necessary parts for the ceiling:

  • The laser tape measure allows you to take measurements while standing in one place.

    The laser level is much more convenient for carrying out repairs, as it provides high accuracy of indications. For correct marking, the level is fixed by hand, it is also possible to mount it on the wall. This method involves setting the level on a stand, which is suspended on a self-tapping screw or fixed on the heating pipe. For uneven surfaces, a more convenient laser level mounting system has been developed. This is a tripod, which is placed with its supports in the floor and ceiling. A stand is mounted on the rod, which ensures the movement of the tool.

  • Suspensions. Needed to hold the finished web. Their number depends on the size of the room.
  • A cord for marking a room. The purchase of this part does not require a careful selection of a specific characteristic.

    Stable ladder with the required height.

    Blades for fastening the profile. They are in the form of a spatula, which prepares the surface before directly stretching the canvas. Suitable for work are straight, curved and angled blades. The bend of the tool can have a different angle of inclination. A large and small shoulder blade stands out with a forty-five degree turn. The handle of the larger instrument is forty centimeters long.

A small spatula with the same angle is equipped with a handle no more than ten centimeters long.

The device, which has a structure bent like a ring at an angle of ninety degrees, is suitable for mounting hidden lighting in a box. There are scapulae in the shape of a triangle. Such models are able to penetrate holes with uneven bases. A straight blade will come in handy for rooms in which water or gas pipes pass.

The repair also uses an electric spatula, which is a device with a moving blade. The cost of such a tool is much higher than a manual one, so it is not worth purchasing it for one-time work.

Another list is highlighted, which includes materials important for self-assembly:

  • a gas cylinder with a volume of fifty liters, complete with a hose;

    sealant kit;

    sharp stationery knife;

  • detergents that may come in handy during installation;

    plywood or plasterboard material may be needed if heavy lighting is planned to be installed;

    screwdriver crowns.

The part, without which it is impossible to fasten the stretch ceiling, is a profile. It is usually marketed with a length of more than two meters. The exact amount depends on the place of purchase. The profile is equipped with locks that have the function of fixing the ceiling base. Such a device greatly facilitates the installation, dismantling and adjustment of the ceiling during repairs. Many experienced craftsmen work with it.

How to choose?

Tools for installing stretch ceiling systems are selected taking into account the following points:

  • production;
  • the power level should ensure high-quality work performance;
  • availability of a guarantee: the cost of most of the necessary devices is quite high, therefore, the period of warranty service allows you to save material resources in case the manufacturer turns out to be unscrupulous.

The choice of a heat gun depends on the area of ​​the room in which the stretch ceiling is being installed. For installing a ceiling in a small room up to 20 sq. m. it is enough to purchase a device with a power of 15 kW. It is easy to use due to its low weight. For larger rooms with high ceilings, a cannon with a power of at least 30 kW is needed for stretching.

The purchase of a puncher is carried out taking into account the careful choice of the power of the device. For high-quality drilling, a 750 W device is suitable. Attention is also drawn to the presence of a dust removal system: it is very important.

The quality of a screwdriver depends on the durability of the battery. The longer the charge lasts, the better the device.

During the acquisition of an HDTV machine, attention is drawn to the presence of launch buttons. Better if there are two of them, they allow you to start the work process by simultaneously pressing both buttons at once.

High-quality equipment complies with safety regulations. In less traumatic devices, the unit can be started only with two hands.

When choosing a blade, the convenience of the tool handle is taken into account. It is made from sanded wood material.

Tools for installing stretch ceilings are necessary for arranging a fabric or film surface in a room. Many people are interested in DIY installation, but knowledge, some experience and a special tool for a stretch ceiling are needed to complete this process. The article offers to get acquainted with some of their types and methods of use.

Features of basic and additional tools

The tool for installing stretch ceilings can be special, which is not used anywhere else, and general, which can be found at any installer.

The main list includes the following items:

These include:

  • Drill for working with a hammer drill.
  • Crowns are a working tool for a screwdriver.
  • Drill bits.
  • Pens for cutting ceramics and glass, if required.
  • Plywood. It may be needed when installing a chandelier or any other heavy lighting device. Instead of plywood, you can use suspensions or drywall profiles.
  • Sealant.
  • Glue.
  • Scotch.
  • Stationery knife.

Advice: Whatever category the tool for installing stretch ceilings belongs to, it should be purchased of high quality, from trusted manufacturers. In this case, you cannot save money, then the tools will last a long time, the installation can be done with high quality, and it is a pleasure to work with them.

Features and principle of operation of the heat gun

The PVC fabric used for the installation of stretch ceilings requires warming up in order to pull it over the baguettes. For this there is a special device called a heat gun. It can work on gas or from the electrical network.

For domestic use, propane-butane equipment is usually used, which is due to the inability of the home electrical network to withstand heavy loads.

A heat gas gun is a direct heating heat generator that runs on liquefied or natural gas.

In him:

  • The cylindrical body is made of sheet steel, coated with a resistant special powder enamel, resistant to heat.
  • Fixed inside the case:
  1. gas stove;
  2. air fan;
  3. grates, stainless steel - two pieces to prevent any foreign objects from entering the interior of the appliance.

The gas is ignited from the piezoelectric element in the installation. The emerging fire begins to quickly heat up the air blown by the fan.

Advice: The room heats up quickly enough with an open fire. It is very important to ensure that during operation of the device there is always a free space in front and behind, which will serve as a buffer zone for hot air. If it is absent, the fuse may melt, which will lead to the failure of the device.

A special valve regulates the gas supply to the burner, which makes it possible, if necessary, to fix the degree of heating of the room. For professionals who are constantly engaged in the renovation of premises, the tools for stretch ceilings should only be of high quality.

For example, heat guns of a Chinese manufacturer cost much less, but during operation, the gas does not completely burn out in them, which requires more propane to heat up than similar designs of European firms. In addition, incomplete combustion of the gas produces CO (carbon monoxide) instead of the relatively more harmless CO2 or carbon dioxide.

Rotary hammer features

Stretch ceiling installation is an indispensable tool that is used to drill holes for dowels for installing and fixing baguettes. Although holes can be drilled with a drill in brick and wood walls, it will be very difficult to do without a hammer drill in concrete.

When choosing a device for drilling holes in concrete or brick, you should pay attention to:

  • The power of the device is not less than 750 W, but it is better in the region of 1000.
  • Dimensions and weight of the device - remember that you will have to work under the ceiling.
  • The presence of a dust removal system.

The quality and long-term operation can be guaranteed by units from branded manufacturers, which is important for professionals. For temporary use, you can use simple domestic or Chinese models.

Advice! Any, even a branded tool, needs regular revision and lubrication of the main moving parts, which will significantly increase its service life.

Features of the screwdriver

  • The use of a screwdriver makes it easier to attach the baguette and brackets for installing lighting fixtures. You can also replace it with a screwdriver, but in this case, when screwing the self-tapping screws through 5 or 6 fasteners, the hand will get tired, which will increase the duration of the installation work.
  • The value of such a tool is its low weight and the ability of the battery to hold a charge for a long time. And when the set is equipped with two batteries, you can work with the screwdriver without stopping.
  • When purchasing a screwdriver, you need to ask the seller what type of batteries are installed, and what their capacity and voltage are (all this information is contained in the attached instructions). Here you should give preference to Li-ion options, however, the cost of these batteries is high, which should be understood and taken into account right away.
  • The larger the capacity, the better. The longer you can work without recharging, which is also important when working at height
  • Alkaline batteries are already the last century today, although devices equipped with them are still available for sale. A similar tool is suitable for those who are on a tight budget. We advise you to pay attention to the products of the company "Interskol" (the price for them is acceptable), which has established itself as a reliable and affordable solution.
  • If there are no problems with money, or you want a professional tool that can work day and night, then look towards the products of such giants as "Makita", "Bosch" or even "Hilti" and the like.

If you have any questions related to the purchase of tools or their features, you can additionally watch the video. Only high-quality and correctly selected fixtures and tools for installing a stretch ceiling will provide a correct and fairly convenient repair of the premises.

Or a fabric with a polyurethane impregnation, which is stretched over a baguette, fixed around the perimeter of the room. Thanks to their qualities and aesthetics, every year they are gaining more and more popularity among the population. Therefore, when building new ones, as well as when repairing existing cottages, individual houses, apartments, they are installed.

Types of stretch ceilings

Today there are two types of this coating.

  1. Seamless stretch ceilings are ready-made fabric canvases produced in widths from 2 to 5 m, which makes it possible to perform installation without seams in various rooms up to 5 m in size.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride coatings - are made according to the exact dimensions of the specific room in which the installation will be carried out. Their installation technology allows you to solve any design projects, to combine multi-colored canvases.

Features of installation of stretch ceilings

The canvas is fixed with a special plastic or aluminum baguette around the perimeter of the room. This is a profiled rail that serves as a fastener and is installed on the walls, but in some cases it can also be fixed on the ceiling. The texture, type of material, place of installation of the profile affect the choice of device technology and the procedure.

Installation of PVC stretch canvases differs from the installation of fabric ones. Vinyl surfaces need to be heated before starting work, but seamless ones do not need this. The material of their manufacture also has some peculiarities, which affects the installation process.

It seems that the installation of suspended coverings is easy and simple. But this is only at first glance. In fact, it will be difficult to correctly install stretch ceilings with your own hands. After all, this requires knowledge and practical experience.

Tools required for installation

A gas cannon is a tool for installing stretch ceilings that requires skill to work with it. Used for installing PVC cloths. PVC foil is produced in a smaller size than the ceiling area of ​​the room. In order to stretch it to a predetermined size and fix it in baguettes, it must be heated to 65 ºС. After cooling down, it takes the required shape.

You will also need the following tools for installation:

  • The hammer drill is indispensable for making holes for dowels, especially in concrete walls.
  • Screwdriver - used when screwing in self-tapping screws.
  • Laser level - with the help of it, marking is carried out, it has high quality and accuracy.

Additional tools

In addition to the above, to install the stretch ceiling, you will also need some auxiliary devices:

  • Measuring devices - tape measure, ruler.
  • Clothespins that hold the tension cover in a suspended state.
  • Stepladder of the required height.
  • Special paddles - used for setting canvases into baguettes.
  • Miter box - necessary when cutting baguettes at an angle of 45º.
  • Metal detector - needed to detect hidden wiring.
  • Detergent that may be needed when performing various jobs.

Expendable materials

Before starting work on installing a stretch ceiling, in addition to tools, you should prepare such consumables as:

  • perforating drill;
  • screwdriver nozzles;
  • profile or plywood;
  • glue, tape and hermetic material;
  • stationery knife;
  • feathers on glass, ceramics.

Stretch ceiling fastening technology

The methods of fastening the structure depend on the surface area, the location and the number of different decorative elements, lamps. The choice of the method is also influenced by the material from which the stretch ceilings are made. The installation technology of their different types is also different.

Ceiling sheets are fixed using one of three existing methods:

  • harpoon;
  • shtapikov;
  • clip-on.

Harpoon method

The harpoon fastening method applies only to those made of PVC. A mounting plate made of polyvinyl chloride film is welded along the perimeter of the canvas, allowing it to be connected to an aluminum molding. Using this method, it is convenient and not very laborious to install stretch ceilings. The photo will show how the work is being done.

Installation is carried out in stages.

  1. Before installing the tensioner, it is necessary to level, pattle, paint or wallpaper the walls.
  2. Along the entire perimeter of the room, an aluminum frame is mounted on the wall or on the ceiling, into which the canvas is filled with a special spatula or spatula.
  3. To stretch stretch ceilings, the installation technology of which allows this to be done, the material should be heated up to 65 ºС, using a tool for this - a gas cannon. Heating gives elasticity to the coating, which contributes to its easy reduction into a profile rail. After complete cooling, the film stretches and acquires a flat surface.
  4. Then technological holes are made for various pipes and cables.
  5. After that, lamps and chandeliers are hung.
  6. The final stage of work is the establishment

The harpoon method does not require a lot of time and money for the installation of a stretch ceiling, the price for 1 m 2 is acceptable (from 350 rubles). Such a fastening system is easily mounted and dismantled without consequences, if necessary.

Shtapikovy (wedge) method

Stretch ceilings made in our country, the installation technology of which does not provide for the soldering of a harpoon, need a glazing bead. This method is used for polyvinyl chloride coatings, as well as those made of fabric of a fine structure. This method does not withstand heavy structures. Therefore, for the installation of a stretch ceiling, the price in this case is much lower than the previous option. The shape of the fastening profile and the technology of fixing the web differ from the previous version and have the following scheme.

  1. Plastic wedge - glazing bead - fixes the canvas inside the baguette.
  2. U-shaped aluminum profile (no more than 1.5 cm high) is installed on the wall. It takes over the entire load of the structure.
  3. The stretch cover is the visible ceiling surface.
  4. The decorative skirting board is inserted into the profile, completely covering it.

The staple mounting system has both pros and cons. Its main advantage is its low cost. The quality of the blade tension depends only on the professionalism of the worker. Disadvantages - the likelihood of weakening the fastening of the coating and the lack of re-installation.

Clip method

Made of fabric, fastened with a clip-on method. To fix the tensioning fabric, an elastic, durable plastic molding is used, in which there are no technological grooves. Therefore, there is no need to use decorative elements. The fastening of the canvas is carried out not along the entire perimeter of the room, but in sections without heating. the installation technology of which is very simple, does not require much time for their installation.

The advantages of this method:

  • there are no technological holes;
  • reliability in the mount;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • no need to install a decorative skirting board.

The premises will look simply gorgeous if stretch ceilings are installed in them (photos are presented in the article).

Coatings of this type bring comfort and coziness to the house, pleasantly delight the owners. Qualitatively performed works in compliance with the technology of installation of stretch ceilings provide them with a long service life.

If ten years ago stretch ceilings in an apartment were considered a sign of high prosperity, now they have become a ubiquitous phenomenon. This was facilitated by the appearance on the market of a large number of companies offering services for installing stretch ceilings and reducing the cost of the panels themselves due to the expansion of their offer.

Now the installation of a stretch ceiling, even during cosmetic repairs, is considered an ordinary operation. They are widely used both in new apartments and in old houses, where the owners are tired of struggling with inter-tile seams, irregularities and crumbling surface of the ceilings.

Professional installers, equipped with the necessary tools, stretch ceilings in a matter of hours. But this does not mean that it is impossible to do it yourself.

To do this, several conditions must be met:

  • You need to familiarize yourself with the technology in detail and act clearly according to it.
  • It is necessary to stock up on all consumables so that during installation everything you need is always at hand.
  • You need to buy or rent tools, without which it is impossible to qualitatively mount the ceiling.

Only when these three conditions are met can a high quality ceiling structure be achieved.

What tools you may need

There is a minimal set of tools and fixtures, without which the ceiling cannot be installed. But it's better to focus on a wider list.

So, to carry out work on the installation of a stretch ceiling, you may need:

  • a stepladder (or two);
  • an electric extension cord - for the convenience of connecting a power tool;
  • hammer drill or hammer drill;
  • rangefinder (laser tape measure), so as not to run around the room from corner to corner;
  • a screwdriver (better - a cordless one, then you will not be tied to an outlet);
  • pliers;
  • hammer;
  • screwdrivers;
  • water or laser level;
  • Miter saw;

  • mounting blades for working with the blade;
  • heat gas cannon and a cylinder for it;
  • gas leak detector;
  • metal detector;
  • chopping cord;
  • masking tape;
  • files;
  • drills for metal (with a diameter of 3 - 6 mm);
  • self-adhesive foil;
  • clothespins - clamps for fixing the canvas;
  • insulating tape;
  • files;

  • diamond file;
  • manual hole punch;
  • miter box.

The list seems long, but there are many more positions in the professional's set.

More about the purpose of the main tools

The purpose of such ordinary tools as screwdrivers, hacksaw, hammer, etc. is clear and without explanation.

Therefore, it is worth considering only the purpose of highly specialized devices:

  • Heat gun - installation of PVC canvases is impossible without it. Its cost is quite high, so such a device is extremely rare on the farm. In this regard, it is better to rent the device and borrow it for a while. Usually, when installing ceilings, gas cannons with a power of 10 kW or more are used, which are powered by a bottle of liquefied gas. Sometimes they use electric guns, but the household power grid is unsuitable for their work - the load is too large.
  • Perforator - used to prepare dowel holes in brick or concrete walls. An impact drill is also suitable for brick walls, and only a puncher is suitable for concrete walls.
  • Screwdriver - necessary for screwing in self-tapping screws, of which a large number are used. Doing this manually will take a lot of time and effort.
  • Stepladder - convenient for work at height. The platform available on it allows you to keep the necessary tool at hand.
  • Clamps - used to temporarily fix the ceiling panel. They are especially useful when working alone.

  • Spatulas (spatulas) for filling the cloth into baguettes. This is a specialized tool made of stainless steel. The paddles can have different configurations, lengths and angle of inclination towards the handle. These spatulas are very durable and do not bend. Ordinary putty putty knives will not work here. If you have a choice, it is better to purchase spatulas with wooden handles (rather than plastic), they lie better in the hand.
  • Chopping cord - needed to mark the baguette attachment line. It is a box of paint that will need to be applied to the thread. The thread is unwound and fixed at the desired level. Then it is pulled and released abruptly, after which a clear, even line remains on the wall.

  • Metal detector - used to locate electrical wiring, metal profiles and air ducts that may be in the walls and that can be damaged when preparing the holes for the dowels.
  • Gas leak detector - required to control the level of gas contamination in the room during the operation of the heat gun. Safety is very important when using gas equipment, since gas leaks from a cylinder through a faulty hose are not uncommon.
  • The miter box is needed for cutting baguette profiles at an angle of 45 degrees when they are joined in the corners of the room.
  • Manual hole punch - used for punching holes in aluminum baguettes. Holes in them can be made with a drill, but they will look sloppy and have burrs. The hole punch will allow you to get exactly the same and even holes.

To install a stretch ceiling, you will need various consumables, which you can purchase from the same specialized company where the ceiling panel itself is.