Which door is better to put in the bath? Types of wooden doors for a bath Choosing a door to a steam room.

In order for the temperature in the bath or sauna to remain at the desired level for a long time, it is necessary to choose and install the doors that lead to the steam room, and to the bath itself, too. Since the bathhouse and sauna are premises with non-standard conditions and tasks, the equipment for them is not quite ordinary.

Entrance doors to the bath

There are no special features. It is required to keep warm and protect yourself from thieves. Therefore, you can put any doors to the bath from the street, even metal. The main thing is good thermal insulation: you cannot release heat. But there are problems with the iron door. They do not lead, they do not swell, they are reliable and keep warm well (if they are well insulated). But in winter, when you open it and jump out to cool down, you will definitely close it - do not condemn the bathhouse. But back, if you accidentally touch the surface, you will freeze instantly. Here is a review of the entrance metal door in the bath:

There is an entrance metal door in my bathhouse. No problem opening and closing. But in a good frost I froze to her. I jumped out of the steam room - everything is fine. And when he came in, he accidentally touched it and that's it, instantly froze. It's good that the hand, although it was also not up to jokes.

Such a problem is also solved: it is sheathed on the outside with a wooden lath or clapboard, varnished. No problem.

In general, so far there is nothing better for thermal insulation than a well-made canvas from an array. A thick board (you can take a tongue-and-groove floor) keeps heat well, and even fits in style to most country baths. There are some on sale, but if you do not trust the factory blanks, you can make the outer door to the bath yourself. If you need good insulation, then you can knock down two shields, between which you fill the bars, fill the gap with insulation. Then connect both shields and arrange the perimeter with a thin strip. It will turn out to be warm, economical and reliable.

But the wooden entrance door to the bathhouse is not without flaws: it rots and swells. Rotting can be fought with impregnations and antiseptics. There is no way to cope with swelling. Here is such a case in a bathhouse near Arkhangelsk:

We came to a friend's dacha to take a steam bath. The door was swollen and did not want to open. With our attempts, we tore off the handle, then took the tire iron out of the car and gouged it open. We steam up, leave, but we can't close it - the lock is inside. It was a good sledgehammer and nails. They scored. And then the friend says, and then how to open it? We came up with this: we will bring an iron handle, fasten it with healthy self-tapping screws, tie it to the car and pull it up. They did so, but the doors had to be changed.

And here is another review about the wooden street door to the bathhouse:

I have a wooden door on the street from the bathhouse. But I did it according to my mind: dry wood, which I impregnated before and after. But on the door: and a hydro-barrier, and insulation, and foil outside. The cladding is independent on both sides.

The third option - the entrance door to the bathhouse - is plastic. If there are no security questions, then this is a good option. And the color can be made to order: just like a tree. The imitation is so good that until you touch it with your hand, you will not understand that it is plastic. Their cost is higher than white for a door by about 2 thousand rubles.

There is also an option: a frame door, but the frame is made of steel, a sheet of metal is also welded on the outside. There is good insulation inside, on both sides - sheathing with a board or block house. A great option for those who like to do everything with their own hands. In principle, you can order the manufacture of the entire structure, or only the metal part (and the door frame too).

Which door to put in the bathhouse on the street, decide for yourself. There are enough options to choose from, and all (or almost) the arguments are given.

Into the washroom

Doors to the washing room from the rest room or dressing room are made of regular sizes, possibly smaller in width - in order to minimize the humidity that is inevitably increased in such a room. The width of the door to the wash compartment is desirable 600 mm.

There are also requirements for resistance to moisture: this factor must be taken into account. If you choose wood, then leave a larger gap between the door leaf and the door frame. In normal interior doors, it is 2-3 mm, and when installing the door in the washing room, it should be made at least 5 mm. Otherwise, the swollen door simply won't open or close.

Glass door panels are good in this sense: what kind of moisture they absolutely do not care, the dimensions remain unchanged. They do not have to be transparent at all; rather, they are an exception. They are made of special heat-resistant glass, they are difficult to beat, they are usually sold complete with hinges, and often with a door frame. So there should be no problems in terms of installation and operation. People have enjoyed it for years and are happy. Glass doors in the washroom are an innovation that has caught on well.

Sometimes they put in the washing room and plastic doors. They are good for everyone in this room: they keep warm, they are not afraid of moisture. There is not only white, but also "wood grain" so that the interior will not spoil. Not everyone just likes the idea of ​​using plastic in the bath in principle, although there is plastic in the Russian steam room on the windows and nothing melts.

It is better to place the hinges outside, i.e. from the sink side

Steam room doors

This is where the difficulties begin. The conditions that are at times created in this room are far from normal: high temperature and humidity. In addition, letting off steam during the procedure is very undesirable. Based on these requirements, the door height is chosen. Let's take a closer look.

Steam in the steam room accumulates under the ceiling. The normal thickness of this layer is 60-80 cm. This is enough for normal vaping, subject to its periodic renewal (it must be renewed during the procedure). It is at this height - 60-80 cm from the level of the final ceiling that the lintel should be located (the upper edge of the door).

Let's give an example. With a ceiling height of 230 cm, we get the height of the bath door: 230 cm - 60 cm = 170 cm. But it is better to leave a larger pocket for the steam. In general, the normal height of the door to the steam room is considered to be no higher than 160 cm.

Read about the optimal dimensions, arrangement of windows and doors in the steam room here.

For all that, a high threshold is also needed - about 20 cm.It performs more than one task:

  • Keeps cold air out when walking back and forth.
  • Prevents floor drafts.
  • Serves as an insurance against hitting the top of the head on the lintel: lifting a leg, a person instinctively bends down. So a high threshold is a bump reliever.

The height of the door to the steam room was determined, you need to decide with the width. Everything is at your discretion: you can make it wider than the standard, and much more. So it will be more convenient to pass. With a door height of 160 cm, its width can be 130 cm, so it is more convenient to enter. The baths have decided on the size of the door to the steam room, but when planning, you need to take into account that they should only open from the steam room. This is a safety requirement: if necessary, it is easier to knock it out.

There is no disagreement with the materials for the door to the steam room: wood. There may be a question about the breed. Some do not use conifers, as they have a lot of resin, and hot resin is no joke. But if this is a Russian steam room, then there are no temperatures capable of "melting" the resin in it - the maximum to which the traditional air is heated is 70-85 ° C. So pine and spruce are also suitable for a Russian bath. For saunas - only hardwood, but about the doors to the sauna - just below.

Here is a tip from an experienced bath lover from Chelyabinsk:

Everything in my bath, except for the floor (larch) and the ceiling (aspen), is made of pine. On the walls there is a pine grooved board. There is resin only in two places, and then in the corners, where its presence does not bother me at all. The doors are made of imitation pine timber, the jamb is made of thick boards, there are no drips. The window is pine varnished, it does not flow, the shelves and the one made of pine is a board 50 * 150 mm. Feelings are great. I often have guests: it's cold, they run in to get warm. All perfectly.

So you can use pine in the steam room. Nobody got burned.

The dimensions of the door to the steam room are determined based on the height of the ceiling and "working" conditions

Another option is glass doors to the steam room. It does not suit everyone, but they look very good. Their main advantage is that you can see the silhouettes of people inside, and if someone feels bad, come to the rescue in time.

Bath door insulation

It is not necessary to make a sealed room out of the steam room. Fresh air should come in at least a little. If the bath door is made of a thick board, there is no need to lay it with anything. Not on the canvas, not around the perimeter. A good solid wood door (grooved board, imitation timber, etc.) in the steam room will keep the steam without problems.

You need to insulate only in one case: if they are made of thin boards. Then you can beat it with felt, which is sometimes done. But you will dry the felt.

If steam does not hold up in the steam room, then most likely it is not the door that is to blame. There can be many reasons for this:

  • Incorrectly made pipe passage through the ceiling.
  • Errors in the vapor barrier of walls and ceilings.
  • Cracks in the walls.
  • Wrongly sized doors or windows are located at the wrong level - steam escapes into doors and windows.
  • There is not enough oven power.

If you solve all these problems, then everything will be fine with steam. And the cracks between the jamb and the canvas are not at all an obstacle in the steam room.

Sauna doors

Since the humidity in a dry-air steam room is low, there are no problems with wood swelling. There are definitely only two options: wood or glass with wooden handles. Plastic in a sauna is definitely contraindicated. In any case, you should not put the doors to the steam room out of it. In the washing room - you can, in the steam room - no.

The dimensions of the door are easier here than in the Russian steam room. Here the situation is different with the threshold: it either should not exist, or it should be low. And in any case, there should be a gap of about 2 cm between the threshold and the door leaf.Only with such an installation, there will be normal air movement in the sauna steam room, and it will be possible to breathe there even at temperatures above 100 ° C.

Bath door installation

Difficulties can arise when installing doors in a log house - from a log or a bar. Here the technology is different.

First of all, doors and windows are not put into a fresh blockhouse. It must stand, shrink for at least a year. At this time, caulking of crowns is periodically carried out, which constantly lowers and then lifts the logs, changing the geometry of the walls. How to put doors / windows here? They will not withstand such loads. You need to wait until the main shrinkage has passed.

In a well-established log house, holes are made for windows and doors. Most often, they cut it out with a chainsaw. Marking is done only using a laser level or a plumb line. The accuracy of the building level is not enough here.

In the resulting hole, the logs can walk freely, which is unacceptable. In addition, a wooden house can rise a little after many years - when caulking, and settle - after. All the same, you will periodically have to plug the gaps that form.

In such conditions, even the thickest door frame is unlikely to be able to withstand the load. Therefore, they came up with the idea of ​​making a window or casing in the windows / doors. This is a thick plank door frame that compensates for changes in height and holds the free ends of the logs. They are made in several ways.

Method one

Such an installation is possible only on a well-established log house. The procedure is as follows:

  1. The logs are suspended, leveling the surface around the perimeter so that the platbands can be installed later.
  2. Two side posts are nailed, fastening them to each crown with several long and thick nails. The length of the nail is at least three times the thickness of the board.
  3. The horizontal rack is nailed 6-8 centimeters below the height of the opening. This gap will serve to compensate for the shrinkage of the building. Later, this hole is filled with insulation.
  4. A door frame is nailed to the finished window, then the door leaf is hung.
  5. The last stage is the installation of platbands. First, they are nailed on one side, the cracks are foamed with polyurethane foam or linen tow is laid. At the top, the gap is filled with insulation tightly folded in several layers. Then everything is closed with platbands on the other side.

When cutting an opening in a bath from a rounded log, half of the log should remain intact above and below - this is less likely that the doors will jam.

Method two

This option for installing a door in a log house is more laborious, but also more reliable. It also assumes installation in an incompletely established log house.

  1. At the end of the opening, a groove is selected in the logs. Its width is 50 mm, its depth is 48-50 mm. This can be done with a chain or circular saw, but best of all with a milling cutter. All is refined and leveled with chisels and chisels (especially in the corners).
  2. A block of 50 * 50 mm is hammered into the groove made. Its length with a standing log house is 2 cm less than the height of the opening, on a fresh one - by 5 cm.
  3. The upper bar is fixed as before, lower than the height of the doorway and also by 5 cm.
  4. The door frame is nailed to a block.

With this method of mounting the door in a wooden bath, it turns out that the entire load during shrinkage falls on the timber, and the door frame remains intact.

Method three: shedding from a bar

This type of installation can also be used on an unsettled log house. There is more work to be done: both the tenon and the groove will need to be molded. It is more convenient to make a thorn with a circular saw and a little chisel and chisels. The groove is like anyone, but the most convenient device for this is a milling cutter.

  1. A spike 50 mm thick and a little less than 40 mm deep is cut on the vertical parts of the opening.
  2. In bars with dimensions of 100 * 100 mm or 100 * 200 mm and a length slightly less than the height of the doorway (2 cm shorter for an established log house and 5 cm for a fresh one), a 40 * 40 mm groove is cut in the middle of the width.
  3. At the bottom of the doorway, we work on a threshold for the width of the casing bar - for its reliable fixation. It should be slightly recessed, about 5 mm.
  4. After installing the sidewalls, a transverse board is attached from above. It is obtained 5.5 cm (or 2.5 cm) below the doorway.
  5. With this method, the bath door box can not be installed, but the doors can be hung. directly to the casing. When choosing this installation method, you need to cut out the recesses for the hinges in the sidewall, and then hang the door leaf.

In the video below, everything is demonstrated in detail and intelligibly (just wait until the end of the digression).

In this video, you choose a recess for installing the racks.

Choose any setting for the door in the bath. All of them have been tested, but the best, according to experts, is the second. With a small amount of work, it guarantees that the box will not flatten and the doors will not jam.

Read more about the manufacture of casings and ossicles here.

Which door to put

It's about the steam room and what type of door leaf should be. Many put the voiceless, citing thermal conductivity. But from a safety point of view, it is advisable to see at least a silhouette of a person in the steam room. If someone becomes ill, there will be an opportunity to react and come to the rescue. With a blind door to the steam room, there is no such possibility.

What other options could there be?

  • Glass doors. They are not necessarily transparent. Matte, tinted, with or without different patterns have shown themselves very well. The main thing is that the silhouette is visible. Nothing else is needed.
  • Combined. In this case, a tempered glass insert is made. For those who are worried about the temperature or the safety of the steam, you can put a double glass (also opaque). In order to see the movement of a narrow long strip. Where to place it is a matter of taste.

When choosing a door, do not forget about this aspect. Still, high temperatures, humidity, hot metal objects and more. High-risk area.


Doors in the steam room, baths and saunas are selected in different ways. In the Russian steam room, they play low and wide, and with a high threshold. In the sauna - the height is not regulated, but a ventilation gap under the door is required.

How to choose the front door to the bath

From time immemorial, the bath has been used to relieve stress accumulated during the day and simply to take in the healing water procedure that is so beneficial for the body.

The bath must be treated with full responsibility, since the presence of a stove and a sufficiently high temperature inside the room make it unsafe.

It is better to build a bathhouse with your own hands and not resort to the help of specialists. There are many reasons for making this decision. First of all, the design is relatively small. Secondly, there is a chance to fulfill your design and carpentry talents. And thirdly, you acquire knowledge in the field of building a bath. For example, building wooden entrance doors to a bathhouse with your own hands means passing an exam in carpentry.

Varieties of doors to the bath

The bathhouse is not one room, therefore, there are also several doors there. They can be divided into outdoor entrance doors for the bathhouse and doors located inside the premises.

The entrance doors to the bath should protect the room from the influence of the outside world. It is impossible for a stream of cool air to penetrate into the bathhouse, therefore, a vestibule is placed for additional protection. Slots are also in no way allowed between the door and the opening, otherwise drafts will spoil the whole process of taking bath procedures, which can affect the health of visitors. In the photo below you can see how tightly the front door to the bath is set, and what aesthetic beauty it creates.

As for the internal doors of the bath, their functional role is to separate premises such as a steam room, a changing room, a vestibule. These doors are easy to install, and their design is simpler than that of the entrance doors.

The material from which this structure is made can be divided into:

  • the entrance doors for the bath are wooden;
  • entrance doors to the bath, made of wood with glass inserts;
  • entrance doors to the bath, made of glass.

The metal structures and the bath itself are 2 different things, since the use of metal in the bath room, of course, is not acceptable in essence, except for the stove. As for structures made of chipboard or other materials, they are not used because of the danger of the release of decomposition products of resins at high temperatures.

Also, the entrance doors to the bath are divided by size into:

  • standard;
  • non-standard.

Standard doors can be purchased ready-made. They are made according to the relevant standard norms. Custom doors are ordered from craftsmen or made by hand.

What material is used for entrance doors, and what is their size?

The entrance doors to the bath must be small. Usually the width of the canvas itself is about 80 cm, and the height of the opening is 150 cm. We do not disregard the height of the threshold, which ranges from 10 to 15 cm. Accordingly, the opening is set so that the entrance door to the bathhouse opens from the street.

If there is a desire to better insulate the door, then there are many materials for thermal insulation of a room, the price of which is varied. It is also desirable to insulate the ceiling in order to reduce heat loss in the bath room. Glass cloth is made of special heat-resistant glass.

It must be borne in mind that windows and doors should not:

  • heat;
  • change shape when the temperature changes;
  • change shape due to high humidity, which is necessarily present in the bath.

What requirements does a wooden door to a bathhouse meet?

First of all, the door must be made of sound material. It should be installed on the side of the bath, where water cannot enter the doorway during rain.

A good option is to put the door on the dowels... It is easy enough to install, sturdy and has low thermal conductivity.

How to make a door for a bath with your own hands?

To make the front door to the bath with your own hands, you need to perform some steps:

  • it is necessary to use boards of the same thickness;
  • we make a selection of veneer along the edges of the board material;
  • then we lay the board material in a line and press firmly;
  • then we mark the grooves. The base of the groove should have a diameter of about 5 cm and the top of the groove about 3.5 cm.

  • We choose the grooves as follows: at an angle of 45 ° we make several cuts in a depth equal to half the thickness of the board. The reward saw will help us in this work;
  • to make a clear angle, you need to put a bar of the desired slope near the groove;
  • we remove wood with a chisel;
  • dowels can also be of different types: resemble a trapezoid, a regular look, or dowels with a burst.

Usually, dowels are used that are the same thickness of the board itself.

Use thick dowels to complete the doors, as they will warp less with use.

  • you need to assemble the boards into dowels;
  • eliminate all imperfections on the dowels;
  • nail the dowels and carefully cut out all unnecessary;
  • cut out the door for the bath in a square;
  • turn the door over and align the front part;
  • if desired, the dowels can be glued, or you can simply nail.

What are the features of wooden doors?

Making a wooden door is a good and reasonable choice. Wood boasts its own qualities, which cannot be said about metal, glass or plastic.

Structures made of wood have low thermal conductivity. They keep warm enough and, most importantly, you will never get burned. Wood is easy to assemble and much easier to work with than glass or plastic doors.

In addition to the above points, you also need to take into account the design approach, intertwined with traditions. If you imagine for a second that in the bath you can use a material other than wood, then this is impossible and difficult, since the aesthetic qualities of wood cannot be compared with anything, and they can be used in any design fantasy.

To make parts for a bath, they use such types of trees as linden, ash, aspen, oak or cedar. The quality of the material and the work performed depend on the tool you used, as well as on your ability to work.

The bathhouse is a room in which everyone can have a good rest and get a lot of pleasure from the vaping process. However, ideal conditions cannot be created without installing high-quality bath doors - this article will discuss their correct choice.

It should be borne in mind that such a structure will require the installation of several doors, and at the same time they will all be different from each other. An exception can be only the simplest bathhouse, where it is enough to install one low door. In other cases, you will need an entrance bath door, separately - to the washing and steam rooms, and in this case you cannot do without a careful approach.

Each of these doors has its own properties, they can be used in certain places. In addition, their design can also vary, in particular in the material of execution, which determines their huge choice and price component. For example, a simple type-setting wooden door is suitable for a steam room.

A plastic door to the bathhouse will also be relevant, but already in the washing room. If you do not know which doors to put in the bathhouse at the entrance, then in this case it is better to choose a structure of better quality, especially if the structure is located far from the main dwelling.

That is, we can conclude that before you buy a bath door with a box, you need to think over everything very carefully. If you neglect the basic rules, the bath will not be able to function properly, thereby reducing the quality of relaxation.

Front door selection

In one case or another, it is worth pointing out the main characteristics that you need to pay attention to first of all when choosing a design for an entrance door.

It is worth highlighting the following:

  • performance material must be strong and reliable;
  • when closing, the door structure must fit snugly against the box and casing;
  • the locking mechanism must be of high quality;
  • for fire safety purposes, doors should not open inward;
  • there should be no cracks causing drafts.

Which door is better to put into the bathhouse at the entrance is not an easy question. Doors in this case can be installed not only from wood. At the same time, the main thing is to observe fire safety, so you should not equip them according to the principle of a safe option, because an overly complex design can cause all sorts of difficulties.

At the same time, it is worth noting that it is also not worth buying entrance doors at exorbitant prices, unless of course you plan to store valuable things in such a place. The main thing is that the purchased door is strong, reliable and easy to open and close. Even when buying, you can save money by choosing a seller with free shipping and installation, this will greatly simplify the process of completing some of the work.

We decide on the door to the washing room

A washing room should be present in any bath, in which people can wash themselves before the procedures, as well as freshen up after the steam room. Naturally, a washing room of any size should be equipped with a door so that the resting person feels comfortable in the bath. Since temperatures in such a room are usually low, the doors in them can be very different.

In this case, the dimensions of bath doors with a frame are selected individually, and plastic is best suited as a material, both from the point of view of hygiene and for operational reasons. The plastic door is easy to care for, and any detergent can be used.

Some requirements for doors in such a room:

  • doors should be easy to clean thoroughly;
  • to prevent drafts, the door leaf should adhere to the frame without problems;
  • to improve safety, the doors can be equipped with a viewing window;
  • installation of the lock is optional;
  • in the case of installing wooden doors, special attention should be paid to possible deformations.

The washing room can be called the only room in which you can install the cheapest and simplest door, because it only serves to hide a person from prying eyes. If you consider in more detail all the options, then you can purchase an inexpensive door along with a door frame and fittings. In this regard, it is recommended that you take your time and choose the most hygienic version of the product.

Which door to choose in the steam room

The steam room is considered the most important room in the bath, therefore, in this case, the selection should be approached with special attention. If the dimensions of the door to the steam room are incorrect, or it does not close properly, the microclimate in the steam room will be spoiled, and with it, the bath procedures themselves.

The size of the door to the steam room is selected individually, the main thing is that it is made of natural wood. Other options are simply not considered. During vaping, temperatures inside reach very high values, which can cause other materials to release substances harmful to health.

At the same time, the traditional design of the steam room involves the use of wood for interior decoration, so that the atmosphere in the room is harmonious and conducive to rest and relaxation.

Among the basic requirements for the door leaf for the steam room are:

  • it should be made exclusively from wood, and of good quality;
  • when installing the door, it is important to check the tightness of its fit to the door frame;
  • as an option, a transparent window can be provided in the canvas, which is necessary for safety;
  • no gaps or cracks should be observed on the surface of the door, that is, the door leaf is made in one piece;
  • in order to improve performance, it is advisable to use hard wood, which is not so prone to cracks and scratches;
  • the varnish or paint that will be applied to the door should be only water-based, that is, non-toxic;
  • the door leaf will last longer if you use stainless steel fittings for hanging it, which are not prone to corrosion and quick wear.

Recently, when equipping a steam room, buyers have opted for glass models. They have a number of advantages over their wooden counterparts - they are easy to wash, there is no need for periodic painting, and glass does not deform under the influence of a number of factors.

So we can assume that such canvases are quite durable. Nevertheless, when installing glass doors in a bath in a steam room, their dimensions must be calculated taking into account the required gap near the floor within 4-5 cm. Such an indent is needed to ensure ventilation so that you can feel comfortable inside the steam room.

However, it is better to entrust the manufacture and installation of this type of doors to professionals, since it will be quite difficult for you to make them yourself. Experienced people will be able to locally determine the exact size of the door to the steam room with a box, so that during installation there are no problems, and subsequently, the operation of the glass structure is safe, and there are no drafts in the room.

It is worth dwelling in somewhat more detail on the question of which door to put in the bathhouse in the steam room, if you doubt the choice of the type of wood. Below is a brief description of the most common breeds that are most often used for the manufacture of door panels in the bath.

Pine is the most demanded type of wood for the production of steam room doors. Among its advantages are low cost, presentable appearance and pleasant smell of wood. But the disadvantages include the low density of fibers, which leads to poor resistance to mechanical stress.

Spruce board will cost customers a little more, however, this material is more durable. Such wood is more difficult to damage, it deforms less, since it has a denser texture. Moreover, the spruce has a very beautiful color.

Only owners with a high level of income can afford to install oak doors in the steam room. However, the rather high cost of such products is justified by the quality, density of wood and its durability.

Linden is in great demand when buying doors to the steam room of a bath, since its beautiful appearance and performance are the best suited for use in this room. For the price, this option is quite affordable for the average buyer, so you can safely stop your choice on it.

Purchasing the right product

In order to be guaranteed to get a high-quality and durable product for your use, as well as to consult along the way regarding the intricacies of the installation and operation of a particular model of door leaves, it is better to buy them at specialized points of sale. Before you go shopping, you should find out the exact dimensions of the entrance door to the bath, based on the parameters of the opening and taking into account the need to install a door frame.

It is better to choose the material from which the canvas will be made in advance. In this case, you can build on the type of interior decoration of the entire room, and also take into account the overall color scheme inside the bath.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the general configuration of the door, that is, check the availability of the necessary fittings, as well as the door frame and platbands. If locks are provided, then there must be a set of keys for them.

A pleasant addition to the purchase of the door will be free shipping, if offered in the store. If you do not intend to install the door structure yourself, this point should also be clarified. Often, companies selling doors install them free of charge and even provide a guarantee for their products.

In any case, you need to approach the purchase of a door structure responsibly and slowly, because you are choosing a product for more than one year of service.

Choosing a door to the steam room: varieties and features

There are a number of natural requirements for the manufacture of doors in the steam room from the side of design features and safety measures. What needs to be done in order not to overshadow the bath procedures, and what are the requirements for this? Is there a question out of the way I want to know?

Construction requirements

The first thing that characterizes a good door leading from the washing compartment to the steam room is tightness. They should be without gaps, except that in some cases, they intentionally leave gaps from the bottom for natural ventilation of the air. Due to the high humidity of the room, it is difficult to imagine a cracked door in the steam room with large cracks through which air flows through. But that's not the point at all. It is necessary to correctly install the box without distortions and with the insulation of the partition. The air from the steam room leaves precisely through these places, and you don't even really determine the reason for the drop in temperature, a sin of poor thermal insulation or improper ventilation.

Slots appear when using wood that is not suitable for such doors or improper assembly. There are restrictions on the dimensions of the doorway. In private baths, its height should not exceed 170 cm and 65 is the recommended width. Let there be some inconvenience when moving around. This will not bother anyone, and the heat in a steam room with a door of this size will last longer. In order to make the door to the steam room of the required size, the dimensions of the opening are calculated in advance.

Safety engineering

It is so customary among avid bathers that they give themselves pleasure being in a steam room, where a temperature of 100 ° C is considered comfortable, and they also disperse the air with brooms, which makes it only hotter. All this is useful, but the human body may not withstand such procedures in safety precautions, there are certain rules that must be followed during the construction of a steam room. This is especially true for the door.

  1. It should open outward from the steam room. This reduces all risks. When a person feels bad, he tries to quickly leave the room, pushing everything in his path, and in a hurry he may not realize to open the door to himself. In addition, with this configuration, the iron hinges will be on the outside. That will reduce the likelihood of burning about them.
  2. Internal handles are made of wood or heat-resistant plastic that is not exposed to heat.
  3. It is forbidden to mount any, even the simplest, elements fixing the door in the steam room.

When choosing a material for building a bathhouse, special attention is paid to door structures. Their manufacture can be compared to a kind of ritual aimed at reducing possible risks to life and improving the quality of procedures. It is necessary to find and create a golden mean. How to do this, and from what material, we will understand further.

Manufacturing options

In housing construction, various materials are used for door panels. In the bath, many of them simply will not "take root" or will create some discomfort. Two types of doors are used as materials for manufacturing, and in fact, when combined, another type of doors is obtained. But everything is in order.

Wooden door

This is the progenitor of all materials. The doors for the steam room are made of tongue-and-groove boards. If desired, it is upholstered with clapboard or left in this form, if the material is polished. The door can be made of wood yourself or ordered from a specialized company. By type, they are ordinary or they are decorated with artistic carvings. This is at the request of the client, who is ready to pay for such delights.

Of the materials used to assemble door frames, the following types of wood are most commonly used:

  • linden, the main material that meets all the requirements for the manufacture of doors for a steam room;
  • aspen is also a good option - this tree does not swell much from moisture, and the doors from it will stand for quite a long time;
  • alder is also resistant to moisture and does not warp under its influence, as an option, it can be used to cover the inside of a door made of lower quality wood;
  • Canadian cedar, in most Russian regions it is difficult to get this material, but you can envy the lucky ones, because a door made of this wood species is comparable in durability to oak;
  • spruce and pine are also not prohibited in use, only you need to choose the material carefully so that we do not have resinous deposits;
  • oak, the only material that competes with plastic in terms of reliability in the manufacture of doors and windows for a bath.


They are quite popular, today the entrance doors to the steam room are made of tempered glass. They meet all safety requirements, do not heat up, do not break and create an original finish. Despite the statement of many skeptics that glass doors are more appropriate in saunas, many of them are installed in ordinary country baths, since

this allows the cost of the models.

Glass door characteristics:

  1. Waterproof.
  2. Security.
  3. Ease of cleaning.
  4. Heat resistance.
  5. Inexpensive cost.

Combined models

As noted, this is a combination of wood and glass. Such models look original and beautiful in their own way. The simplest option is considered to be a wooden frame, plain or carved with built-in glass windows of various sizes. It can be a full-length panorama or several small windows randomly located along the door leaf.

If you make the door wrong, you can greatly reduce the quality of the procedures carried out in the steam room. Precious heat will leave the room, and even choosing a stove for a steam room with a higher power, you will not achieve the desired result. During manufacturing, absolutely all parameters are important. The thickness of the canvases should not be less than 25 cm. If necessary, you can add a parameter by covering the door with clapboard. The dimensions are always smaller than those of conventional entrance doors. Let these parameters be inconvenient, but you will not constantly move furniture in the bath or bring some kind of equipment into the steam room. It is enough to go 3-4 times to steam for washing, you will not feel any discomfort.

After making the canvas, you can think about choosing accessories: hinges and handles. In most cases, hidden options for fastening opening fittings are used. Manufactured, they must be made of durable and moisture-resistant material and at the same time must be combined with interior decoration so that they do not spoiled by their appearance the attractiveness inherent in wood. It is better to put three hinges on the door for the steam room. Dampness will give the web more weight and therefore the two fasteners may not support its weight. In glass doors, these elements are usually already pre-installed, in accordance with all safety requirements.

Door handles are usually made of wood or heat-resistant plastic. It should not heat up and injure bathers. The only thing that cannot be used is metal, in all its forms.

Great hopes are placed on the functionality of the door in the steam room, and its shape and type of manufacture must correspond to all the declared parameters.

Bath doors - types, manufacturing and correct installation

Many city dwellers strive to find peace and rest in a country house, and if the size of the site allows, home craftsmen try to spend every season with benefit, having built something useful on their personal plot. Well, if you decide to build a bathhouse, then you are probably interested in the design of the entrance door, which allows you to keep warm air in the room. In order to build it, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances: the dimensions of the door to the bath, the features of the material and the installation technology.

In this article, we will talk about what the door sauna block should be, and how to properly equip it in order to ensure a high tightness of the building.

What should be a bath door

Today the entrance door to the bath can be either wooden or metal. The main function of this design is to keep the room warm.

It is of two types:

  1. The traditional design is single-leaf, small in size, high threshold and sealing, trimmed with heat-insulating material.
  2. If we are talking about the design of the "black" bath, then here the door can be double-leaf. In this case, the outer flap opens in order to remove excess smoke from the room.

The door to the dressing room must meet the following criteria:

  1. Have a seal and insulating padding.
  2. Do not let air in when closed.
  3. Ensure minimal heat leakage when opening.
  4. Easy and quick to open, which can be useful in case of fire.

Many manufacturers offer high-quality entrance door designs, however, the price of factory products is quite high, therefore, most often home craftsmen make them with their own hands.

Door dimensions

One of the main points in the manufacture of a door is its compliance with the size, because for better retention of heat, such structures are significantly reduced in comparison with analogues installed in residential premises.

Bath door dimensions:

  • The height from the floor usually does not exceed 150-170 cm.
  • The width is only 60-70 cm.
  • The threshold is at least 15 cm high.

Advice! The best option for a bath is a single-leaf door that opens outward. This design is easy to manufacture and effective.

A few tips from experts:

  1. In a traditional bath, only two doors are made: the first is the entrance, and the second opens the steam room. But in some cases, the dressing room serves as a washing room, if we are talking about a miniature design.
  2. If you want to install glass in the door, then it must be tempered.

  1. The door should be light so that it can be easily broken down in a fire.
  2. When thinking about which door to put in the bath, remember that the ideal material is wood. The tree perfectly withstands humidity and temperature changes.

Advice! We make the door handle exclusively from wood, otherwise there will be a risk of getting burned.

  1. Plastic won't be the best alternative to wood. Therefore, such options may not even be considered.
  2. It is advisable to treat the inner surface of the door with antiseptics. However, varnish or drying oil cannot be used for processing, since these substances are capable of releasing toxic substances into hot and humid air.

We make the door ourselves

Many bath attendants noticed that installing a door in a bathhouse made by hand is a guarantee of long years of trouble-free service of the product. If you install a structure purchased for a lot of money from a manufacturer, then it will lose its original appearance in the second year.

The best wood for bathroom door designs is aspen, alder or linden.

Advice! If you have coniferous boards, then they are also good for work, but they must be pre-treated with special compounds that prevent the release of resins.

The first manufacturing option

Consider how to make a door to a bathhouse from boards.

This is the simplest, but nonetheless reliable option:

  1. We knock down the plank base in one layer. To do this, lay the boards with a canvas and nail two crossbars to them.
  2. We lay a layer of waterproofing, which is used as a polyethylene film, 150-200 microns thick.
  3. As an insulating layer, you can use mineral wool, tow, polystyrene, felt, matting, etc. We put the insulation on the film.
  4. We fix the thermal insulation material with plywood.
  5. Along the edges of the upholstery, it is necessary to fix the insulating roller. It is best to use thin felt or dermantin.

Additional protection of the door from the effects of steam is carried out as follows: sheathe the inside of the door with sheets of moisture-resistant plywood.

Second manufacturing option

This design is assembled from two frames, between which the insulation is laid.

The instruction assumes work in several stages:

  1. We assemble frames from bars 40 x 60 mm in cross-section. You will need 8 horizontal and 4 vertical bars.
  2. Corner joints are overlapped or spiked. The sharp corners of the bars are removed with an edge cutter.
  3. We cover the outer frame with sheets of OSB or fiberboard. We put polyurethane foam under them to ensure thermal insulation. You can also use felt or mineral wool.
  4. We put the inner frame on the outer one, fastening them with screws. The gap between the frames is filled with waterproofing material.
  5. We cover the door with boards, about 40 mm thick. They are fitted to each other using a jointer.

Installation of a door in a log house

Having assembled the door leaf, we did only half the battle, and the next step will be to install the doors in the bathhouse. There is a technology here, because if the installation is carried out incorrectly, then with each use of the bath, the wood of the door leaf will expand, gaining moisture. It is fraught with fungus and destruction.

In order to prevent moisture from entering the door, frame structures with panels are used. Thus, only two vertical beams will be subject to swelling.

Advice! Installation of the door is possible only when the frame of the bathhouse "sits down", that is, after at least 6 months after construction. Otherwise, over time, the geometry of the door leaf will be violated - a skew will appear. Even deep cracks are possible.

Consider how to install a door in the bathhouse:

  1. Determine the size of the box. For example, if the canvas is 80 mm thick, then the width of the frame racks should be 120 mm, with a thickness of 50 mm.
  2. We make two bars 7 cm larger than the length of the door leaf and 8 horizontal bars, from 5 to 8 cm long. In these blanks with a chisel, it is necessary to choose quarters for the leaf.
  3. On the hinge racks we draw the contours of the hinged leaves, we mill the seats for them, according to the thickness of the hinged leaves.

  1. We put long blanks and quarters on the table. On the side of the hinges, we make gaps of 2-3 mm in long blanks, only in this way it will be possible to ensure free opening of the door.
  2. We put the door leaf on the frame, inserting the hinges into place. We check if there are gaps in the structure.
  3. We fasten the box with self-tapping screws.
  4. We install a door with a box. The door leaf should open freely and close without gaps.


We considered options for the correct assembly and installation of the door leaf, taking into account the size of the door to the bath and its design features (see also the article "Doors for a linden bath: self-design and manufacture"). Watch the video in this article to visually explore the nuances of the topic.

The bathhouse is always equipped with a separate entrance. Installation of a door to the bathhouse is the last stage of construction. Due to the peculiarity of the use of the room, the choice of the door for the bath and the installation is carried out differently.

Bath - a special room designed for relaxation. It has at least two entrances - to the dressing room and the steam room. In the presence of a washing, shower, changing rooms, additional ones are installed. Their functions differ, but the design requirements are the same:

  1. Sauna doors should not release heat, otherwise the temperature will drop quickly. Small gaps are unacceptable.
  2. They must protect the steam room from the negative effects of external factors - cold, wind, snow.
  3. The box must be hermetically installed in the opening, therefore close attention is paid to the size of the door block in the bath.

Compliance with safety precautions

Before buying a door, check if it meets basic safety rules.

  1. It must open outward so that during force majeure situations people get out unharmed.
  2. Installing the structure on the outside will reduce the risk of burns on the hinges.
  3. Handles, locks, fittings in the interior must be made of wood.

Compliance with safety rules will make your stay in the sauna safe.

Which door to put in the bath: different rooms

The requirements for the materials that are used during the creation of door structures for bath rooms may vary.

The entrance door to the bathhouse from the street

So, which entrance door to the bathhouse would be better to put from the street. Choose any - metal, chipboard, PVC. The metal one has a big plus - it looks impressive, scares away unwanted visitors with one look.

The dimensions require special mention - the design is lower and narrower than the standard one. Width is 75 cm, height - 180 cm. Choose locks carefully, because the safety of the building depends on them.

Previously, it must be insulated, sheathed with clapboard, varnished on top. This will make the metal resistant to winter frosts, temperature extremes, and the vicissitudes of the weather.

For the steam room

The steam room is the main room of the building, the high temperature in which is constantly maintained. Non-standard operation of the premises requires the fulfillment of certain conditions:

  1. The door leaf should have low thermal conductivity, retain heat, and not let cold air inside.
  2. To be resistant to pressure surges, fungus, rotting, mold, not to emit harmful substances.
  3. Correspond to the dimensions: height - 160 cm, width - 75 cm;
  4. Maintain an internal microclimate - failure to meet conditions leads to a spoiled atmosphere.
Attention! The door should be easy to open, have simple locks, entrance mechanisms, so that during an emergency there is no crush. This is a safety requirement.

The traditional door to the steam room is a wooden or combined sheet with glass inserts. Another good option is a tree with thermal insulation, as well as with clapboard sheathing.

Metal, plastic are not suitable in this case - they are unsafe, short-lived, unstable to temperature extremes.

For washing

The washing room differs from the steam room in that the pressure is low and there is a large amount of water. You need a water-repellent cloth that is easy to clean. For example, glass or made of waterproof materials. The requirements are ideally matched to the linden construction. With high-quality ventilation, it will last a long time.

Even plastic is used - since temperatures do not reach high values, there will be no harm. Choose white or wood-like plastic.

Due to excessive moisture, the box will inevitably increase, get wet, so the gap between it and the floor is 5 mm, against the usual 2-3. The width of the canvas is 60 cm.

What are the manufacturing options

The quality and service life of the door block depends on the material from which the door block is made. Different raw materials are selected for different purposes.


Traditionally, wood was used in the baths. Floor, walls, ceiling - everything is wooden, doors too. You may be given several options:

  1. Linden. A versatile material used to create doors of any type. The main advantages are low price, pleasant aroma, does not rot. A very good choice.
  2. Aspen. The wood does not swell, does not heat up, it is suitable for decorating a washing room - it is used for finishing the floor, ceiling, walls, doors. The price of the solid aspen is small, it is easy to process, which has a positive effect on the cost.
  3. Pine. The low price is due to the wide growing area, ease of processing. Like all conifers, pine smells good, does not rot. Heats up quickly - so this is a poor choice for those who like high temperatures (above 65 degrees). The ideal temperature is 45-50 degrees.
  4. Larch. An array of larch will become a decoration of the steam room - it is recognizable thanks to its texture, pattern, which becomes more expressive under varnish. Since larch is a coniferous plant, it releases phytoncides that kill harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
  5. Oak. Expensive, durable, weighs a lot, looks solid. Suitable if you want to impress guests. The only negative is that it cracks when overheated, which makes wood an unsuitable option for a steam room.

The tree is used for the entrances to the inner rooms. It is the array that is taken - this reduces the likelihood of the appearance of the smallest cracks, joints. Hard grades are recommended. Choose a varnish that is water-based, non-toxic.


Plastic doors are often used at the entrance. They retain heat well, do not deform from the cold, and fungus does not form on them.

Plastic is an unfortunate material for rooms. This is an artificial material that, under the influence of heating, emits toxic substances, deforms.


Metal doors are ideal as entrance doors. They do not need to be looked after - the metal is not susceptible to mechanical damage, it tolerates mold and mildew. Due to the heat-insulating sheathing, it does not release heat, does not allow the cold to penetrate inside.

For rooms, metal bath doors are not used, since they have high thermal conductivity, they quickly heat up, and it is easy to get burned on them. Also, at high humidity, condensation forms, so the metal rusts.


A very stylish option - 8 mm thick tempered glass. The main advantages are appearance, heat resistance (withstands up to 300 ˚С), variety of decor. There are frosted glass constructions, glossy, patterned, transparent, of any color. Glass is easy to clean, safe and has low thermal conductivity.

The lower part of the glass sheet is shorter by manufacturing standards, which allows the air to circulate. This is important in a sauna, but unacceptable for a bath. Therefore, it is recommended to leave the glass doors for the sauna, and use wooden or combined doors in the steam room.


They are made of wood, glass is used for decoration - decorated inserts, windows. The combination door combines the traditional and modern vision of the bath, which makes it more attractive from a design point of view.

Before installing, you need to know that the kit includes a canvas and a box. They are made from different materials, but it is easier to work with an array. Installation takes place using hinges, polyurethane foam, hangers, platbands.

Box - U-shaped structure, attached to the walls and frames the doorway. A canvas is installed in the inner space.

The first stage is the assembly of the box. This is done with screws on a smooth horizontal surface according to preliminary marking.

Loops are different. For a tree, they will have to be selected independently, when buying metal, glass or plastic, they come in a set. External overhead hinges work best. It's easier to work with them - just place the canvas in a block, connect it with hinges, screws.

Attention! Before installing the block, make a markup - determine where the screws are attached. It is advisable to do this on the floor. Only after marking, carry out the installation - sequentially, first the block, then the canvas. It is enough to use two loops, positioning them at a distance of 20 cm from the top and bottom edges.

The box is fixed on foam or on straight hangers with screws. The foam is destroyed by moisture, so it is better to choose suspensions. The technology is as follows: the middle parts of the suspensions are connected to the block with screws or self-tapping screws, the flexible side parts are connected to the walls. Gaps are masked with foam or plaster.

The second important stage is the installation of platbands. You need to consider the order. First, the left casing is attached, then the upper one, at the end - the right one.

It depends on the door whether the atmosphere will be comfortable in the bath. Reasonably selected front door will not allow cold air to penetrate inside, and interior doors will create coziness and the right atmosphere in the steam room and washing room.

If you decide to build a bathhouse, then you are probably thinking about the doors to the steam room. But this issue must be approached with special attention, since the door will constantly be affected by significant temperature drops and high humidity. Moreover, such a door should carefully protect the steam room from outside cold air getting there. But also match the interior. The right choice will make it possible to improve the environment and atmosphere in the bath. The best bathroom door is, of course, a wooden one.

  • do not collapse under the influence of high temperature;
  • do not change your own temperature too much;
  • not be damaged by condensation water.

For the steam room, a double-leaf door is most suitable, which can be opened in case of smoke. What you need to remember. Whichever door you choose, its sashes should open exclusively outward. In this case, the hinges on the doors will not rust. In case of an emergency, people in the bath can easily leave this room, even if the door is small. The sauna door should also have high-quality thermal insulation thanks to mineral wool or felt. The height of the door block should be about 170 cm, width - 60 cm. A 30 cm long sill mounted outside will act as thermal insulation.

What you need to pay attention to when choosing doors

All baths are subdivided into the following types: Turkish, Russian and Finnish. They all have their own characteristics and therefore they have different requirements for the materials used:

  • having visited the Russian and Finnish baths, you can see that they are equipped with glass, wooden or combined doors;
  • in the Turkish bath (hamam), only glass doors in a duralumin box are used.

Not every tree species is suitable for the manufacture of door leaves, boxes, handles. Aspen, linden or alder are preferred. Today, aspen is considered one of the available options. It is this tree that is least susceptible to deterioration at high moisture content, therefore it does not lose its physical properties for a sufficiently long period of time.

All fittings, including locks and hinges, used for sauna doors must be made using non-corrosive materials. As for the door handles, only wood is used in their manufacture, because it has low thermal conductivity. It must be remembered that for such premises as a bathhouse or a sauna, automatic locks are contraindicated due to the fact that an emergency situation may arise, and as a result, an accident. The correct option is a wooden handle with a roller click mechanism.

If only wood was used in the production of doors, then over time they will stop closing due to high moisture. This will be possible if the fibers swell. Therefore, modern saunas are equipped with glass doors that do not deform when heated. Below we point out the positive aspects of glass doors.

What doors are installed in the bath

There are only three main types of sauna doors.

  1. Glass. Most popular models. But there are certain requirements for this material. First of all, it must be hardened in order to have special impact resistance and heat resistance. Such doors are made of 8mm glass, sometimes 10mm thick. The glass can have a transparent or matte appearance with different shades (white, gray, pink). Glass undergoes special processing using modern technologies - diamond cutting, sandblasting, printing with ceramic paints, fusing decor. Glass doors not only make the sauna attractive, but also help to change the room, making it more spacious, airy and light. They have excellent practicality and are easy to wash and clean.
  2. Doors with wood blank panels are used in saunas made of the most suitable wood. Linden is considered the most accessible and popular. But you can also make doors from more valuable and expensive species, which include abash, ash, Canadian cedar. Abash is a representative of hardwood, growing on the African continent. Its wood is creamy white, gradually turning to pale yellow. It is characterized by increased thermal conductivity, does not become slippery when wet, strong and durable. But such doors are very expensive. As for the wooden linden doors, they are practically in no way inferior to the abash doors. In recent years, oak doors have become very popular. They have a rather long service life, look very luxurious and expensive.
  3. Combined doors. Made of wood with glass inserts. Such doors have a wide variety of designs, which will make it possible to comply with a certain style of the room.

How to choose an entrance door

It must be remembered that whichever door you choose, it must have certain characteristics that must be taken into account when you choose doors.

Let's dwell on the main points:

  • the material used must have special strength and reliability;
  • the closed door leaf should not have any gaps between the frame and the casing;
  • the locking system must be of high quality;
  • according to fire codes and regulations, the door must open exclusively outward;
  • complete absence of cracks to avoid drafts.

Sometimes it is very difficult to make a decision on installing an entrance door to a bathhouse or sauna. It is not necessary to make it wooden. The most important thing is that it is easy to use so as not to cause an accident. It should be noted that the entrance to the bath door should not be too expensive, it is not necessary, unless you are going to store expensive products there. The main criteria for an entrance door are as follows: it must be strong, reliable, and can be easily opened and closed. You can choose a retailer who will deliver your door to your home for free. This will save you money.

Doors for the dressing room

If your bathhouse or sauna is equipped with a dressing room, then you can also close it with a metal door. In the dressing room, the humidity is not as strong as in the sauna, and this room is fenced off from the steam room by a door. Therefore, any solid door will do. It can be made insulated, or you can not do this if you make the door to the recreation room insulated and sealed. But the second door should not be afraid of high humidity. It can be made of plastic - it will keep warm, has good tightness, and does not corrode.

We put the doors to the rest room

If your project does not provide for a separate room for the hallway, put double doors at the entrance. This will help you reduce heat loss and maintain a stable indoor temperature, as well as prevent moisture damage to your outer door. And in this case, the outer door can be of any kind, and the inner one - no frills, but with steam and heat insulation.

If you decide to put a door made of metal, then it is advisable to upholster it from the inside and outside with a lining. As a rule, such doors are already equipped from the inside with a certain heat insulator. It can be replaced only on condition that such a door will let warm air into the street. Entrance doors can be made of wood or plastic.

Installing doors to the steam room

Let's find out now which door needs to be installed in the steam room. Do not forget that the steam room is one of the most important rooms in a bath or sauna. It also has the warmest temperature and the greatest humidity. Therefore, the issue of installing doors in the steam room must be approached with special professionalism.

Very important! It is strictly forbidden to install doors in the steam room, in the manufacture of which materials were used that can emit organic volatile compounds during heating, which are dangerous to the health of others and can lead to harmful consequences. Such materials include plastic and some heat insulators.

According to the good old tradition, the steam room is protected from other rooms with a wooden door. Moisture and high temperatures can harm her, but she is the safest for the health of others. More resistant species include such types of trees as linden, aspen, ash. Linden is considered the best option. You can buy such a door at any building supermarket, or you can make it yourself. It's not that hard. It is enough to have the appropriate materials and tools, as well as the desire and free time. Detailed step-by-step instructions for making it can be found on the Internet.

Currently, glass doors are being installed in the steam rooms of modern saunas and baths. It all depends on the preferences of the owners. Although such doors have a gap between the floor and the door leaf, which is so necessary in a sauna. But in a Russian bath, it is not needed, since heat escapes through it, which should not be in a bath. Therefore, either the opening is being adjusted, or a sill is made.

There is more humidity in the washing room, but the temperature is lower than in the steam room. In this regard, it is necessary to install such a door with moisture resistant qualities. Such a door can be made of glass or plastic. You can also stop at a wooden model, if the ventilation system works well in the bath and the installed stove ensures high-quality drying of the premises after the end of the water procedures.

From time immemorial, the bath was considered the main attribute of Russian culture. And in the modern world there is no more useful structure that would combine so many useful functions. To steam up and have a good time, there are baths and saunas, which must be built in accordance with all safety rules. It is especially important to install quality doors both at the entrance and inside the premises. They must comply with all norms and requirements so that in an emergency they do not become an obstacle for vacationers.

What should it be?

As with any other door, a number of requirements are imposed on the structural characteristics of door frames and bath sheets. They must be durable and safe so as not to pose a potential hazard to those in the steam room. For example, they should not have elements that can heat up at high temperatures.

Ordinary doors, which are ideal for installation in city apartments or offices, are not appropriate here. In this case, special designs are needed, made according to certain technologies and from suitable materials.

Basic requirements for steam room doors:

  • They should keep the heat inside the room as much as possible and not let it pass into other rooms. Therefore, the canvas should not have any cracks or crevices and it should be closely mounted in the doorway.
  • The structure must be airtight, and the sheet itself must be firmly inserted into the door frame.
  • The product must be made of a material that is not subject to deformation from constant high humidity and temperature extremes.
  • The door frame in a Russian bath, in contrast to standard sizes, should be slightly lower. Usually it has a height of no more than 1.5-1.8 m, and its width is 0.60 m. Such dimensions provide free movement between rooms and maintain a high temperature in the steam room.
  • Indoor products in confined spaces should be installed at a rise of about 10 cm from the floor in order to ventilate between rooms. If a ventilation system is provided in the bath, then the gap does not need to be left.
  • The street door must be especially strong. Its optimum height should be 180 cm in order to comply with international standards.

External door structures must meet all safety rules, and therefore they must necessarily open outward. This will help prevent a possible negative outcome of events, because in the event of an emergency it is much easier to go outside through the door that opens from oneself.

The materials from which the canvas and loops will be created should not repent and burn a person upon contact. And for additional security, it is necessary to make a window in the door that leads to the steam room.

Manufacturing canvases for a bath in compliance with all requirements will help to protect the structure and the people inside. The same rules apply to windows.

Materials (edit)

The door to a bath or sauna must be strong and durable enough so that even after a few years it retains its original appearance. It must be resistant to moisture, temperature extremes and pressure. Among other things, it is important that she personifies reliability and safety. Therefore, for such difficult requirements, only some types of materials are suitable that can withstand the effects of bathing conditions.

The real Russian bath is always built of wood. All the elements in it are wooden, and therefore the door leaf is made of natural wood. It must be moisture and heat resistant, have an attractive design and have a beneficial effect on human health.

Wooden structures are an environmentally friendly product, and therefore absolutely safe to use. They have low thermal conductivity, which helps keep steam out of the steam room. A warm bath should hold the heat long enough so that all visitors have time to take a good steam.

Traditional wood products look beautiful and give off a pleasant wood scent that allows you to relax and feel good.

But besides numerous advantages, wood still has some disadvantages. For example, its constant presence in a humid environment can deform and shrink the structure, which will force the owners to change the damaged door. And the tree is often a breeding ground for insects and fungus. Therefore, it is very important to treat the door with a special compound before installation.

Most often, in the manufacture of wooden canvases for bath structures, they use linden... It has high performance characteristics that are required for rooms with high humidity and frequent temperature changes. From linden and larch, the best products are obtained, which, moreover, have a low price.

Another suitable breed is aspen... The aspen box meets all the requirements, does not dry out or crack over time. Alder has the same qualities.

To heal the human body, it is best to use cedar products... And if you want to slightly facilitate the visual perception of space, then it is better to use abash.

Of course, natural oak... It has a unique structure, and therefore costs many times more than other types of wood. Oak door frames look solid and solid.

Glass doors are manufactured tempered glass which has high strength. It repels moisture well, tolerates high temperatures, does not deform or crack. Glass products are distinguished by increased safety and at the same time have a low cost, which allows them to be installed in modern saunas. Glass is a material that does not need constant maintenance. Sometimes it is enough to wipe them with a glass cleaner.

Combined designs combine glass and wood... This combination allows you to get a beautiful and comfortable product that meets all the necessary requirements. Such a canvas consists of a wooden frame and a glass insert, which can have absolutely any size.

Metallic doors are best installed at the entrance to the building. The metal has high strength and stability, and therefore is able to protect any room from drafts and other weather conditions. Having trimmed the metal with clapboard or solid wood and adding heat-insulating material, you can get a beautiful and functional product.

Canvases from the lining good in that they are able to retain heat inside the room and at the same time do not let outside noises and sounds inside. If they are pre-treated with a special agent, then they will be able to withstand the effects of moisture. The main advantage of the lining is its affordable price, and the ability to paint it in any shade makes lining products the most in demand.

Steel structures are distinguished by increased positive qualities. They are stronger than iron products and are more resistant to external influences. The steel door should only be installed at the entrance to the bathhouse, since it can get very hot and can burn people in the steam room.

In no case should you use plastic as the main material for this canvas. When heated, it is not only able to melt, but also to release toxins that are harmful to the body.

As an alternative to it, it is possible to use foamed PVC... Such products are resistant to moisture and mold and mildew. Many people use floorboard structures to integrate the interior of the room.

Given the numerous reviews, it is safe to say that an aspen, linden or oak door is better suited for bath facilities.


Relatively recently, only wood was used for the manufacture of sauna doors, which has quality characteristics. Other materials are currently being used to create the perfect box.

According to the device, a paneled and panel door is distinguished. The paneled has a complex structure and consists of four elements. But the panel board is filled with wooden slats, veneer or MDF.

Wooden structures for a bath can be of two types: deaf and combined. A blind door consists entirely of wood, and a combined door is a door leaf with a glass window. Also, products can be entrance and interior. To enter, you need to select a massive and strong door with a metal frame, but the inner canvases should be light.

For the bath space, you need to choose the right canvas that will be easy to open and close. These can be sliding or swing doors. It is they who are suitable for this structure for all safety requirements. The main thing is that the swing box with the seal must open outward.

In door shops, you can find the perfect model that will meet all the needs of the buyer. This applies to standard sizes, but non-standard items must be made to order.

Wedge blades are considered the best option, which can easily withstand changes in temperature and humidity. Wedges located on them allow the wood to retain its original appearance and prevent its deformation. With proper care, wedge products can last up to thirty years.

When choosing or making a door structure for entering a bath, you need to think about its insulation. This is important because most of Russia is in harsh climatic conditions.

It is very important to choose the right sheds, because inside the steam room there should be no elements that could be harmful. Therefore, it is best to pick up a box with hidden hinges inside the structure, and at the entrance you can purchase a door with absolutely any awnings.

The door structure in the bath building must be oriented towards complete sealing. Therefore, it should, to a minimum, release heat from the steam room when opening and protect the dressing room from cold air. To meet these requirements, the perimeter of the box must be padded with thermal insulation.

Features by type of room

As a rule, a bathhouse consists of several rooms: a washing room, a steam room and a dressing room. Sometimes a pool can be placed in it. All of these zones require doors that have specific functions and are compliant with regulations.

So, the front door for a log bath should be reliable and strong enough so that neither burglars nor drafts can get into the room. Therefore, any box made of durable materials can be installed at the entrance of the building. The only thing is that the metal doors will be warm on the inside, but cold on the outside. This nuance often causes inconvenience to people who like to run out into the street after the steam room.

A canvas made of natural solid wood has the best thermal insulation characteristics and is able to perfectly fit into the interior of a sauna building. Many craftsmen may well build it with their own hands. The main thing is, at the end of the work, treat the wood with an antiseptic and paint and varnish.

To prevent possible deformation of wood, it is necessary to purchase a product framed with metal. Such a frame will securely fix the wooden leaf and help to avoid problems with opening and closing the door. Indeed, quite often the wood structure swells and makes it difficult for people to freely enter the street.

A standard box can be installed in the washing room or in the dressing room. In these areas, keeping warm is not so important, so narrow and low models will not be needed. When installing wooden products, it is necessary to provide a gap of 2-5 mm between the canvas and the frame. This is important so that when the wood swells, the door can be opened and closed without much effort.

For the washing room and dressing room, it is good to install glass models. Heat-resistant glass does not deform, deteriorate or crack. Thick glass is able to withstand even very high temperatures and keep warm inside the room.

Often, plastic models that imitate natural wood are selected for these functional areas. In this case, plastic does a good job with its main tasks: protecting the space from the ingress of cold air and retaining heat inside.

Choosing a door to a steam bath or hamam is much more difficult than to a sink. This is due to unstable temperature and humidity inside the steam room. For it, it is necessary to select a low and narrow door so that when the structure is opened, a minimum of heat escapes from the room. In addition, it is necessary to install a high threshold, which will prevent drafts and cold air flows from entering the steam room. Its optimal height should be 15-20 cm.

When choosing the material for making a product that will close the steam room, it is better to give preference to natural wood. If it does not reach temperatures above 85C, then conifers can be used. For other cases, only hardwoods are suitable.

It is also very important to install a good door on the gable of the building. There are no increased requirements for it, but it must have high strength. Its standard dimensions are 50 × 50 cm, which is quite enough for indoor use.


Bath door decoration is an important point in building design. After all, not all decor methods are suitable for rooms with high humidity. For example, wallpaper or vinyl stickers will be inappropriate here, because after a short period of time they will simply come off.

Iron and glass structures do not need additional decoration, as they themselves look very aesthetically pleasing. And it is difficult to decorate metal or glass without special equipment.

At home, it is possible to make a carved canvas. For this, two methods can be used: overhead and on the very surface of the tree.

The overhead method uses carved elements that are attached to the canvas with glue. This method is good because it does not have to remove the product from the hinges, and the patterns themselves can be bought ready-made.

Carving on a door leaf is a complex and painstaking job. Blind and slotted threads can be used. Carved doors are usually installed at the entrance of a building to add a luxurious and solid look to it.

Antique structures will look very organic in the bathhouse building. This design will create a rustic atmosphere of yesteryear, making city visitors feel like real country dwellers. You can also age a tree yourself. This may require a stain or brushing technique.

Often, the owners of a sauna building think about whether it is necessary to paint wooden door panels, because inside the structure there is constant high humidity, which can damage the paint. Designers advise to paint wood with a paint and varnish product that is able to withstand any external influences.

In any case, wood products need constant care. From time to time it is necessary to renew the varnish layer, and after a few years it will be necessary to completely restore the canvas. To do this, you will have to completely clean off all layers of paint or varnish and cover with a new product.

Examples of

There are a huge number of different design options for doorways in baths and saunas. Some people do not strive for originality and install standard boxes that do not stand out from the general background. But there are those who strive to make any room unique, and therefore come up with various methods of decorating door designs.

Canvases with images of soaring people and even animals look original. A chubby man pouring himself out of a jug will add some irony. And a slender girl in a towel will add a sense of beauty to the space.

It is not necessary to install a rectangular door in a steam room. The glass model of an oval or zigzag shape looks very original. Of course, this option requires careful redevelopment, but it looks very impressive.

Often, a wooden canvas inside a structure is decorated with carvings. These can be unusual patterns or specific images. For example, the image of a steering wheel or a sea wave is very popular. The marine theme is more relevant than anywhere else for baths and saunas.

If glass is chosen as the main material for the door product, then you can choose a model with an unusual pattern. Stained-glass windows and a mosaic of multi-colored pieces look very beautiful. The main thing is that the glass is strong enough and suitable for installation in rooms with constant changes in temperature and pressure.

Smooth canvases with inscriptions characterizing the purpose of the room look quite interesting. These can be simple words, or there can be phraseological phrases that suggest the purpose of specific zones.

Whatever doors to the bath are chosen, it is important that they consist of moisture-resistant and sealed materials that can withstand constant pressure. It is desirable that they have a minimum of steel elements that are prone to incandescence.

For information on how to choose a door to the bath, see the next video.

Which doors to the bathhouse are better?

Standard saunas have 2 doors: the entrance door and the door to the steam room.

If you decide to build "in white" or an older one in "black", then you should know that they also differ from the number of doors in the bath. For example, in a “white” bathhouse, it is best to use a single-leaf door, and in a “black-style” bathhouse, a double door is best suited. The height of the thresholds is no less important. It should be about 15 cm, sometimes even 20 cm. This is important when ventilating the bath. Otherwise, you can just make more windows.

Entrance doors are naturally best made of wood. The usual size of a door in a bathhouse is 80 centimeters wide and 150 centimeters high. The door frame is made in such a way that the door can open outward and not inward.

For even better thermal insulation, the door is insulated with special modern thermal insulation materials. It is also recommended to insulate the ceiling of the bath - this will reduce heat loss. Doors need such a width that a lot of heat does not escape through them. Another useful property of the door is that it should not be bulky and massive, since the purpose of the door is good thermal insulation. Strength is also not very important, since in case of an accident it will not be so easy to break it.

If glass doors are to be used, they must be made of heat-resistant glass (8 mm). A high-quality box is required for glass doors. For its manufacture, a technology is used that allows you to splicate a tree with the help of a special safe and heat-resistant glue "D4". Thanks to this adhesive, the service life of the glass door is significantly increased. Veneered or solid wood will not work for such a door, since the high temperature can cause the frame to deform.

The structure of windows and doors must meet the following requirements: 1. Do not heat up; 2. not to deform due to temperature changes and high humidity.

To ensure the doors fit as tightly as possible to the opening and keep warm, install combined doors (wood with glass).

Sauna door made of heat-resistant glass

What does the door to the bathhouse consist of?

For the right choice, focus on your needs, and the general requirements that are provided for the doors for baths. The best choice would be a wooden blind door made of linden, pine or cedar. Its wood perfectly retains heat, has a long service life, and does not react to temperature changes.

What should be the door leading to the bathhouse? Wooden fixed doors are made only of high quality wood. It should be located on the south side (so it will not be flooded with oblique rain), and should be on the dowels. The keyed door is particularly durable and has low thermal conductivity. To give such doors shine and special beauty, you can paint them with varnish or drying oil, which now exists in different colors. A wooden door can be easily made by yourself.

Experts recommend choosing glass doors, as they retain much more heat in the steam room than any other door. The design of such a door is very diverse. You can choose a door mirrored or with a picture. There are also silhouette doors in which only the outline of the figure can be seen. Such a door makes it possible to look after the children, but it will not work to spy through such a door.

It is customary to make steam room doors with vapor barrier, frame (70˟140 cm) and insulated with foam, felt, tow or mineral wool. The frame on both sides must be sheathed with planed fitted boards. The gaps between the jambs and doors are lined with a special rubber tube, which is nailed to the jambs with small nails along the entire perimeter. If the gap is still large, the pipe is nailed to both the doors and the jamb.

  1. Planed boards 4-5 cm thick.
  2. Along the edge of the boards, cut a quarter or tongue.
  3. Boards must be laid strictly in one row, squeezed tightly and aligned.
  4. Mark the grooves. You need to make the grooves in the form of truncated cones. Acceptable depth is ½ or ¼ of the board. The base of the grooves needs 50 mm, and their upper parts are not more than 35 mm.
  5. The grooves should be selected in this way: according to the marks made with a saw - a reward at an angle of 45˚, make 2 cuts with a depth of 0.25-0.50 of the thickness of the boards.
  6. To maintain the same cutting angle, fix the 45˚ cut blocks near the grooves.
  7. Remove the wood between the cuts with a chisel. When sampling grooves, you need to make a very flat bottom.
  8. Keys can be used in several types at once: regular, trapezoidal or bead. For the manufacture of dowels, bars are often used that will be equal to the thickness of the board used for the production of the canvas, and in length - 10-15 cm longer. It is better to use thick dowels, they will warp less during operation.
  9. Type dowels on the boards, but not completely in order to outline and check the protrusions.
  10. Eliminate all imperfections and remove the keys.
  11. Now you can finally cut all the ends into a taper.
  12. The next step is to trim the doors to a square.
  13. Turn the door over and plan the surface very carefully.
  14. Use waterproof glue, or nail the veneers to the board. This will increase the service life of the door and ensure high reliability of the fasteners.

Combined glass and wood door

Timber doors

You can also make a block door. It can be solid or lattice, it all depends on the purpose. To make them, you need bars, which are fastened with a special glue to each other with the planed side. Then you need to align the front sides. For decoration, plywood or fiberboard is used.

A cobbled door will become more reliable if you use pins along with glue to fix the beams. But it must be borne in mind that holes for the dowel must be drilled (strictly 10-15 mm). The pins are made of solid wood. Length - shorter than the hole by 5 mm. For a stronger attachment, use wood glue specifically designed for this.

Wooden door to the steam room with glass

Paneled doors

You can make a paneled door with your own hands. For it, use a simple block, on which you need to select a chamfer and molding. The selection of the moulting can be carried out both on a separate bar and on a strapping. The depth of the grooves when sampling the molding is 1.5-2 mm, then a panel is inserted into it. To make the door reliable and strong, use a panel up to 5 cm thick, and for the inner door - 8-22 cm.

For the manufacture of doors, plywood, board, wood-chip or wood-fiber sheet are sometimes used.

The door to the steam room made of natural wood

Bath entrance doors

For exterior doors, a 44-50 mm thick float panel can be used. Or thick or thin boards.

It is recommended to install insulating material between the layers (as well as on the floor). In order to fix the panel in the harness, you need to select grooves and ridges along the edge. The surfacing is carried out according to the wishes of the owner: from one or from both sides. The panel can be inserted into the frame, and then this frame is mounted in the strapping. So the door is given more originality and uniqueness.

Panels with figurines (figuratively planed ends) are made of shields, which are obtained by gluing boards with a width of 40-50 cm to each other. After that, markings are made of the shape of the panels for bath doors, and such a shield is carefully planed. Cropping is done according to these marks. Before inserting into the harness, you need to bevel the edge of the panel.

Panels are made at less than 2 mm distance between the grooves so that the wood will inevitably dry out over time. To upholster the door from the panels, it is necessary to take a bar of 54x110 mm. The bars are marked and carefully planed. If you plan to glaze the doors, then you need to consider the placement of the rebate. And after that, you can already start cutting out the lugs and spikes, and sampling the groove and fold.

Entrance door "like a fairy tale"

Bath accessories

Locks and doorknobs are best made of wood (at least indoors) to reduce the risk of burns. Sometimes handles are made of plastic, then it becomes dangerous because it can melt. For their manufacture, small blocks left after the manufacture of doors are ideal. Having shown imagination, the handle can be given a different interesting shape and design by shaving, or burning something out of it. Instead of wood, you can use the bones or antlers of a deer, for example. A metal hook can be installed at the bottom, and a lock on top - the latch must be made of wood. It is strictly forbidden to put an English self-closing lock in the bathhouse. Logically, the risk of being locked in a room where the temperature is very high will decrease.

Door hinges should be made of stainless material (ideally brass). Usually the doors are mounted on 2 hinges. But if the doors are made of thick and heavy wood, you can try installing them on 3 or even 4 hinges.

Wooden handles - ideal for a bath door

Doors from modern materials

Now they use heat-resistant plastic or glass. They do not require special care, they are also durable and do not lend themselves to temperature extremes. Doors made of such materials are distinguished by a wide range of colors, and various options for patterns and finishes. But their disadvantage is that they do not contain any beneficial properties for the human body. Of course, it is impossible to make such a door with your own hands. It is more realistic to order the manufacture of a door, or buy a ready-made one. A custom-made door has the advantage that you can independently choose the color, shape and configuration of the doors.

Do not forget that absolutely all doors in the bath must be treated with a moisture-resistant mixture and an antiseptic specially designed for the treatment of saunas and baths. Now more is known about what the doors to the bathhouse consist of.

When carrying out work on the installation of the door, you need to remember that over time, the door will undergo sedimentation. In order for the door to open as well as at first, you need to leave a 3-4 cm gap between the walls of the house and the door frames, the void of which should be insulated.

  • What are the doors to the bathhouse

    Which doors to the bathhouse are better? What are the doors in the bathhouse made of? Read the answers to these and other questions about the doors to the bathhouse in the article.

The bathhouse is a room in which everyone can have a good rest and get a lot of pleasure from the vaping process. However, ideal conditions cannot be created without installing high-quality bath doors - this article will discuss their correct choice.

It should be borne in mind that such a structure will require the installation of several doors, and at the same time they will all be different from each other. An exception can be only the simplest bathhouse, where it is enough to install one low door. In other cases, you will need an entrance bath door, separately - to the washing and steam rooms, and in this case you cannot do without a careful approach.

Each of these doors has its own properties, they can be used in certain places. In addition, their design can also vary, in particular in the material of execution, which determines their huge choice and price component. For example, a simple type-setting wooden door is suitable for a steam room.

A plastic door to the bathhouse will also be relevant, but already in the washing room. If you do not know which doors to put in the bathhouse at the entrance, then in this case it is better to choose a structure of better quality, especially if the structure is located far from the main dwelling.

That is, we can conclude that before you buy a bath door with a box, you need to think over everything very carefully. If you neglect the basic rules, the bath will not be able to function properly, thereby reducing the quality of relaxation.

Front door selection

In one case or another, it is worth pointing out the main characteristics that you need to pay attention to first of all when choosing a design for an entrance door.

It is worth highlighting the following:

  • performance material must be strong and reliable;
  • when closing, the door structure must fit snugly against the box and casing;
  • the locking mechanism must be of high quality;
  • for fire safety purposes, doors should not open inward;
  • there should be no cracks causing drafts.

Which door is better to put into the bathhouse at the entrance is not an easy question. Doors in this case can be installed not only from wood. At the same time, the main thing is to observe fire safety, so you should not equip them according to the principle of a safe option, because an overly complex design can cause all sorts of difficulties.

At the same time, it is worth noting that it is also not worth buying entrance doors at exorbitant prices, unless of course you plan to store valuable things in such a place. The main thing is that the purchased door is strong, reliable and easy to open and close. Even when buying, you can save money by choosing a seller with free shipping and installation, this will greatly simplify the process of completing some of the work.

We decide on the door to the washing room

A washing room should be present in any bath, in which people can wash themselves before the procedures, as well as freshen up after the steam room. Naturally, a washing room of any size should be equipped with a door so that the resting person feels comfortable in the bath. Since temperatures in such a room are usually low, the doors in them can be very different.

In this case, the dimensions of bath doors with a frame are selected individually, and plastic is best suited as a material, both from the point of view of hygiene and for operational reasons. The plastic door is easy to care for, and any detergent can be used.

Some requirements for doors in such a room:

  • doors should be easy to clean thoroughly;
  • to prevent drafts, the door leaf should adhere to the frame without problems;
  • to improve safety, the doors can be equipped with a viewing window;
  • installation of the lock is optional;
  • in the case of installing wooden doors, special attention should be paid to possible deformations.

The washing room can be called the only room in which you can install the cheapest and simplest door, because it only serves to hide a person from prying eyes. If you consider in more detail all the options, then you can purchase an inexpensive door along with a door frame and fittings. In this regard, it is recommended that you take your time and choose the most hygienic version of the product.

Which door to choose in the steam room

The steam room is considered the most important room in the bath, therefore, in this case, the selection should be approached with special attention. If the dimensions of the door to the steam room are incorrect, or it does not close properly, the microclimate in the steam room will be spoiled, and with it, the bath procedures themselves.

The size of the door to the steam room is selected individually, the main thing is that it is made of natural wood. Other options are simply not considered. During vaping, temperatures inside reach very high values, which can cause other materials to release substances harmful to health.

At the same time, the traditional design of the steam room involves the use of wood for interior decoration, so that the atmosphere in the room is harmonious and conducive to rest and relaxation.

Among the basic requirements for the door leaf for the steam room are:

  • it should be made exclusively from wood, and of good quality;
  • when installing the door, it is important to check the tightness of its fit to the door frame;
  • as an option, a transparent window can be provided in the canvas, which is necessary for safety;
  • no gaps or cracks should be observed on the surface of the door, that is, the door leaf is made in one piece;
  • in order to improve performance, it is advisable to use hard wood, which is not so prone to cracks and scratches;
  • the varnish or paint that will be applied to the door should be only water-based, that is, non-toxic;
  • the door leaf will last longer if you use stainless steel fittings for hanging it, which are not prone to corrosion and quick wear.

Recently, when equipping a steam room, buyers have opted for glass models. They have a number of advantages over their wooden counterparts - they are easy to wash, there is no need for periodic painting, and glass does not deform under the influence of a number of factors.

So we can assume that such canvases are quite durable. Nevertheless, when installing glass doors in a bath in a steam room, their dimensions must be calculated taking into account the required gap near the floor within 4-5 cm. Such an indent is needed to ensure ventilation so that you can feel comfortable inside the steam room.

However, it is better to entrust the manufacture and installation of this type of doors to professionals, since it will be quite difficult for you to make them yourself. Experienced people will be able to locally determine the exact size of the door to the steam room with a box, so that during installation there are no problems, and subsequently, the operation of the glass structure is safe, and there are no drafts in the room.

It is worth dwelling in somewhat more detail on the question of which door to put in the bathhouse in the steam room, if you doubt the choice of the type of wood. Below is a brief description of the most common breeds that are most often used for the manufacture of door panels in the bath.

Pine is the most demanded type of wood for the production of steam room doors. Among its advantages are low cost, presentable appearance and pleasant smell of wood. But the disadvantages include the low density of fibers, which leads to poor resistance to mechanical stress.

Spruce board will cost customers a little more, however, this material is more durable. Such wood is more difficult to damage, it deforms less, since it has a denser texture. Moreover, the spruce has a very beautiful color.

Only owners with a high level of income can afford to install oak doors in the steam room. However, the rather high cost of such products is justified by the quality, density of wood and its durability.

Linden is in great demand when buying doors to the steam room of a bath, since its beautiful appearance and performance are the best suited for use in this room. For the price, this option is quite affordable for the average buyer, so you can safely stop your choice on it.

Purchasing the right product

In order to be guaranteed to get a high-quality and durable product for your use, as well as to consult along the way regarding the intricacies of the installation and operation of a particular model of door leaves, it is better to buy them at specialized points of sale. Before you go shopping, you should find out the exact dimensions of the entrance door to the bath, based on the parameters of the opening and taking into account the need to install a door frame.

It is better to choose the material from which the canvas will be made in advance. In this case, you can build on the type of interior decoration of the entire room, and also take into account the overall color scheme inside the bath.

When choosing a product, pay attention to the general configuration of the door, that is, check the availability of the necessary fittings, as well as the door frame and platbands. If locks are provided, then there must be a set of keys for them.

A pleasant addition to the purchase of the door will be free shipping, if offered in the store. If you do not intend to install the door structure yourself, this point should also be clarified. Often, companies selling doors install them free of charge and even provide a guarantee for their products.

In any case, you need to approach the purchase of a door structure responsibly and slowly, because you are choosing a product for more than one year of service.

Sauna doors to the steam room: dimensions with a box, which front door is better to put in a steam room, made of wood, plastic, glass

Sauna doors to the steam room: dimensions with a box, which front door is better to put in a steam room, made of wood, plastic, glass

Choosing a door to the steam room: varieties and features

There are a number of natural requirements for the manufacture of doors in the steam room from the side of design features and safety measures. What needs to be done in order not to overshadow the bath procedures, and what are the requirements for this? Is there a question out of the way I want to know?

Construction requirements

The first thing that characterizes a good door leading from the washing compartment to the steam room is tightness. They should be without gaps, except that in some cases, they intentionally leave gaps from the bottom for natural ventilation of the air. Due to the high humidity of the room, it is difficult to imagine a cracked door in the steam room with large cracks through which air flows through. But that's not the point at all. It is necessary to correctly install the box without distortions and with the insulation of the partition. The air from the steam room leaves precisely through these places, and you don't even really determine the reason for the drop in temperature, a sin of poor thermal insulation or improper ventilation.

Slots appear when using wood that is not suitable for such doors or improper assembly. There are restrictions on the dimensions of the doorway. In private baths, its height should not exceed 170 cm and 65 is the recommended width. Let there be some inconvenience when moving around. This will not bother anyone, and the heat in a steam room with a door of this size will last longer. In order to make the door to the steam room of the required size, the dimensions of the opening are calculated in advance.

Safety engineering

It is so customary among avid bathers that they give themselves pleasure being in a steam room, where a temperature of 100 ° C is considered comfortable, and they also disperse the air with brooms, which makes it only hotter. All this is useful, but the human body may not withstand such procedures in safety precautions, there are certain rules that must be followed during the construction of a steam room. This is especially true for the door.

  1. It should open outward from the steam room. This reduces all risks. When a person feels bad, he tries to quickly leave the room, pushing everything in his path, and in a hurry he may not realize to open the door to himself. In addition, with this configuration, the iron hinges will be on the outside. That will reduce the likelihood of burning about them.
  2. Internal handles are made of wood or heat-resistant plastic that is not exposed to heat.
  3. It is forbidden to mount any, even the simplest, elements fixing the door in the steam room.

When choosing a material for building a bathhouse, special attention is paid to door structures. Their manufacture can be compared to a kind of ritual aimed at reducing possible risks to life and improving the quality of procedures. It is necessary to find and create a golden mean. How to do this, and from what material, we will understand further.

Manufacturing options

In housing construction, various materials are used for door panels. In the bath, many of them simply will not "take root" or will create some discomfort. Two types of doors are used as materials for manufacturing, and in fact, when combined, another type of doors is obtained. But everything is in order.

Wooden door

This is the progenitor of all materials. The doors for the steam room are made of tongue-and-groove boards. If desired, it is upholstered with clapboard or left in this form, if the material is polished. The door can be made of wood yourself or ordered from a specialized company. By type, they are ordinary or they are decorated with artistic carvings. This is at the request of the client, who is ready to pay for such delights.

Of the materials used to assemble door frames, the following types of wood are most commonly used:

  • linden, the main material that meets all the requirements for the manufacture of doors for a steam room;
  • aspen is also a good option - this tree does not swell much from moisture, and the doors from it will stand for quite a long time;
  • alder is also resistant to moisture and does not warp under its influence, as an option, it can be used to cover the inside of a door made of lower quality wood;
  • Canadian cedar, in most Russian regions it is difficult to get this material, but you can envy the lucky ones, because a door made of this wood species is comparable in durability to oak;
  • spruce and pine are also not prohibited in use, only you need to choose the material carefully so that we do not have resinous deposits;
  • oak, the only material that competes with plastic in terms of reliability in the manufacture of doors and windows for a bath.

They are quite popular, today the entrance doors to the steam room are made of tempered glass. They meet all safety requirements, do not heat up, do not break and create an original finish. Despite the statement of many skeptics that glass doors are more appropriate in saunas, many of them are installed in ordinary country baths, since this allows the cost of the models.

Glass door characteristics:

  1. Waterproof.
  2. Security.
  3. Ease of cleaning.
  4. Heat resistance.
  5. Inexpensive cost.

Combined models

As noted, this is a combination of wood and glass. Such models look original and beautiful in their own way. The simplest option is considered to be a wooden frame, plain or carved with built-in glass windows of various sizes. It can be a full-length panorama or several small windows randomly located along the door leaf.

If you make the door wrong, you can greatly reduce the quality of the procedures carried out in the steam room. Precious heat will leave the room, and even choosing a stove for a steam room with a higher power, you will not achieve the desired result. During manufacturing, absolutely all parameters are important. The thickness of the canvases should not be less than 25 cm. If necessary, you can add a parameter by covering the door with clapboard. The dimensions are always smaller than those of conventional entrance doors. Let these parameters be inconvenient, but you will not constantly move furniture in the bath or bring some kind of equipment into the steam room. It is enough to go 3-4 times to steam for washing, you will not feel any discomfort.

After making the canvas, you can think about choosing accessories: hinges and handles. In most cases, hidden options for fastening opening fittings are used. Manufactured, they must be made of durable and moisture-resistant material and at the same time must be combined with interior decoration so that they do not spoiled by their appearance the attractiveness inherent in wood. It is better to put three hinges on the door for the steam room. Dampness will give the web more weight and therefore the two fasteners may not support its weight. In glass doors, these elements are usually already pre-installed, in accordance with all safety requirements.

Door handles are usually made of wood or heat-resistant plastic. It should not heat up and injure bathers. The only thing that cannot be used is metal, in all its forms.

Great hopes are placed on the functionality of the door in the steam room, and its shape and type of manufacture must correspond to all the declared parameters.

Which door to put in the steam room? Species overview

Which door to put in the steam room? External requirements and safety precautions. Choice of doors: wood or glass, which is better? Councils for the acquisition and self-production of door structures.

Sizes of doors for a bath: what should they be?

Even a small bathhouse should have at least 2 doors: the entrance door and the one that separates the steam room from the dressing room. Everyone can choose the color, shape, design of these products according to their taste. Therefore, we will not touch upon these parameters, but let's talk about the length, width and thickness of the structures.

What dimensions should the door to the bath be installed?

Traditionally, the bathhouse has doors made of wood - a material that can expand or contract depending on the level of humidity and temperature in the room. They usually open outward - this is very important for security. Under the door, a sill with a height of 10-15 cm is necessarily made, and a small gap of 5-7 cm is also left for steam to escape. Therefore, the structure cannot be too high in any way. It should not be wide either, otherwise the heat will go nowhere. The most optimal door dimensions for a bath are 180 * 65 cm plus or minus 5-10 cm. In this case, the entrance structures and door frames are made more massive than those that lead to the steam room or other rooms. In this way, maximum heat retention is achieved.

It should be noted that modern doors with a height of more than 2 meters and a width of 80-100 cm are not worth choosing for a bath. They are not suitable for her. In the bath, everything should be small - windows, steam room, doors and other details. This is the only way to save the heat emanating from the stove and enjoy taking full-fledged water procedures. However, making the doors too low is also not necessary. The tallest family member should enter the bath only with his head bowed, and not bent over in half.

Sauna room door sizes

The doors for the steam room in the bath are usually made lower than the entrance doors. This is due to the fact that in this room under the ceiling during heating, steam must accumulate in a layer of at least 80 cm. Therefore, to determine the height of the structure, subtract this number from the total parameter. For example, with a ceiling height of 240 cm, it will be approximately 160 cm. The width of the opening can be anything, it all depends on the wishes of the owner. If we talk about the standards, then usually it is equal to 60-75 cm. It is worth noting that the indicated figures are only approximate, it is not at all necessary to adhere to them.

Sizes of glass doors for a bath

Often wooden doors are installed in the bath - they are familiar, they can last a long time and withstand even very high temperatures and high humidity. But sometimes the owners give preference to glass structures offered by various manufacturers specifically for the bath. When choosing them, you should pay attention to all the parameters - glass thickness, type and model of the product, its heat resistance, the presence of mechanical damage (chips, scratches and cracks) and, of course, dimensions.

The height of the glass door for the bathhouse should be about 1.6 - 1.7 m, width - 60 - 80 cm. However, no one forbids the owner to put a structure of other dimensions (for example, narrower or smaller). The most important thing here is to look at the thickness of the glass, it should be at least 8 mm. A thinner one will burst sooner or later or lead to deformation of the structure.

Basic requirements for bathroom doors

Whatever the door model or size is, they must perform the function of keeping the heat in the bath with high quality. Therefore, certain requirements are imposed on them. So, they should:

  • be easy to open (so that you can quickly leave the room if necessary);
  • have a sill with a gap (for air circulation);
  • be strong, not wide, not very high;
  • have good thermal insulation and the ability to withstand external factors (moisture, high temperature, etc.);
  • be resistant to fire.

In addition, they should never slam shut. Otherwise, the risk of getting burned by grasping the handle or other parts is very high. Also, do not forget that wooden doors from the abundance of moisture and high temperatures can open. Don't risk your health! Place constructions that you can open even by crawling (if you suddenly grab your heart or something else happens).

Instead of a conclusion

When choosing a door for a bath, you should focus not only on its appearance or price, but also on its size. They do not have to meet the standards specified in this article. The main thing is that they look beautiful in your room and not be too high or low for it. And they also met all the necessary requirements that not all models on the modern market meet.

Sizes of doors for a bath: what should they be?

When choosing a door for a bath, be guided not only by prices or the appearance of structures, but also by their sizes. They should not be too high or too wide.