Ondulin roofing pluses and minuses, features. French chic: ondulin on the roof What load can ondulin withstand

Ondulin roofing material is usually considered as an aesthetically attractive and easy-to-install analogue of traditional slate. Bright from ondulin looks impressive and has a number of advantages. At the same time, the material is not devoid of some drawbacks. Its properties will be discussed in detail below.

Material features

Ondulin first appeared on the construction market in the 40s of the last century. Invented in France, roofing material has improved over time thanks to advances in technology. In Russia, ondulin, whose technical characteristics allow it to compete with a wide range of coatings, is deservedly popular.

The advantages of the coating are due to the use of high quality components. For the manufacture of corrugated sheets used:

  • cellulose fibers (base);
  • bitumen purified using a special technology;
  • polymer resin impregnation;
  • mineral filler;
  • harmless natural pigments based on mineral substances.

The ondulin cellulose base is impregnated under high pressure, which ensures the required strength characteristics of the finished product. The use of natural substances guarantees the environmental friendliness of the material. Mineral dyes allow the production of sheets of various colors.

Basic characteristics

Ondulin is produced in sheets measuring 200 × 95 cm, 3 mm thick. The height of the corrugation is 36 mm. Considering that during the installation of the covering, the corrugated sheets are overlapped, the useful area of ​​the ondulin is 1.6 m. This should be taken into account when calculating the amount of material required for arranging the roof.

The weight of an ondulin sheet is only 6 kg, while one slate sheet weighs more than 4 times more - 26 kg. Light weight is the main advantage of bituminous roofing material. Thanks to this property, ondulin is much easier to install, since you can lift the material to the roof alone.

Considering how much ondulin weighs, we can state that its delivery will be much cheaper than transporting slate. If necessary, ondulin can be transported by light vehicles. In addition, loading and unloading sheets requires significantly less effort and time.

Since the weight of ondulin allows you to mount lightweight coatings that do not exert a high load on the structure of the structure, you can use a lightweight rafter system when installing an ondulin roof.

Basic material properties: pros and cons

The list of technical characteristics of ondulin primarily includes such parameters as resistance to temperature effects, durability, fire safety, environmental friendliness.

Durability... The operational life of ondulin, subject to correct installation, can be more than 25 years. At the same time, the manufacturer gives a 15-year warranty. This characteristic does not distinguish corrugated bitumen sheet from other roofing coverings - you can choose a more durable material.

Resistant to temperature extremes... This property can be attributed to the disadvantages: due to the introduction of polymer additives into the composition of polymer additives, ondulin is more resistant to the effects of temperatures than roofing material, nevertheless, in the heat the sheets soften, and in the cold they become brittle. Incorrectly executed battens can damage the roofing under snow load.

Environmental friendliness... The undoubted advantage is the environmental friendliness of the material made from natural ingredients, confirmed by the appropriate certificates. Manufacturers emphasize that such a roof can be used to collect drinking water during precipitation. The disadvantages include the unpleasant smell of bitumen, which can appear in very hot weather.

Fire safety... The disadvantages of ondulin include the low class of its fire safety, since the material contains bitumen. At temperatures above 230 degrees, ondulin is capable of self-igniting, supports combustion, and has high smoke-forming properties. It can be used on the roofs of buildings, which are subject to increased fire safety requirements (educational and childcare facilities, etc.), but in this case, installation is carried out using special fire protection strips. They allow you to divide the coating into separate segments to localize possible fires.

The positive properties of ondulin are inherent in many roofing materials. The list of pluses can include:

  • soundproofing properties;
  • biological resistance (resistance to fungi, mold, insect damage);
  • resistance to aggressive environments;
  • UV resistance.

An undoubted advantage is the wide range of ondulin shades, which makes it possible to choose the most suitable roof color.

Installation features

The technical characteristics of the material, namely light weight, flexibility, brittleness at low temperatures, have a certain impact on the principles of roof installation. In general, the fastening of the covering sheets is carried out in the same way as the installation of corrugated slate - the laying is performed with an overlap, and for fastening to the crate, roofing nails or self-tapping screws with a rubber gasket are used to protect the structure from moisture penetration.

Such a property as flexibility, to a certain extent, is one of the disadvantages of ondulin. With a large pitch of the lathing, the roofing structure becomes vulnerable and may not withstand high snow and wind loads. Regarding these technical characteristics, rigid materials, including slate, take precedence.

The construction industry today involves taking into account certain factors that, in one form or another, affect the quality and durability of houses. To a greater extent, this applies to those parts of the building that are more exposed to the external environment, primarily the roof. When installing roofing, it is necessary to use materials that combine such parameters as strength, aesthetics, accessibility and safety. Ondulin today meets all of the above characteristics, in more detail the pros and cons of ondulin are discussed in the article.


Ondulin sheets are produced in standard sizes with slight deviations - the sheet size has certain standards and may have a small error from the manufacturing companies. The length of the sheet should be 2000 mm, width 950 mm with a sheet thickness of 3 mm. Onduline coating has a wave form, the wave height should not exceed 36 mm with an error of 2 mm in both directions. The weight of a standard ondulin sheet is 6 kg.

The service life of ondulin is 50 years, the manufacturer also gives a 15-year waterproof guarantee.

Production and composition of ondulin sheets

The basis for the coating is cellulose fibers, which are pre-pressed and impregnated with bitumen. Resin or mineral-based dyes in this case perform a protective function, the ingredients allow you to maintain their original appearance for a long time. Synthetic substances are not used in the production of ondulin, which makes the material environmentally friendly.

Pros and cons of ondulin

Color spectrum

Due to the unique characteristics of roofing ondulin, it can be used as a covering for buildings of any purpose. The material is completely independent of external conditions, which makes it universal for use in regions with any climatic conditions, which is confirmed by numerous reviews. All characteristics are confirmed by conclusions and certificates, therefore ondulin is considered one of the most profitable options for roofing.

Ondulin cost

The average price of ondulin per m² is 230 rubles, in a standard sheet a little less than 2 sq.m., the price per sheet varies from 300 rubles to 630, depending on the manufacturer.

When choosing the color of the coating, it must be borne in mind that over time, the ondulin roof may become a little lighter (see photo of roofs).


  • waterproofness
  • strength, ability to withstand heavy snow loads
  • resistance to decay and low temperatures
  • UV resistance
  • protective coating prevents acidic environments
  • fire resistance
  • resistance to alkalis, acids and industrial gases
  • elasticity
  • thermal insulation, noise insulation


  • fire hazard
  • small color range
  • lack of a snow retention system
  • the need for a large number of fasteners

Which is better: ondulin, metal tiles or keramoplast


Even after a few years, having become a little lighter, such a roof will look elegant.

Installation of ondulin does not require special knowledge, does not take much time, any owner with a minimum set of skills can do it. Elasticity is one of the most important characteristics of the material, the size of the sheets allows you to use material sparingly, which reduces the price.

The kit includes everything necessary for the installation of the roof: gable and ridge elements, insulating films, fastening materials.

Metal tile

Installation of metal tiles requires special skills and knowledge; moving and cutting heavy sheets requires time and assistants. The strength of the material is deceiving, the optimal weight and price are achieved by reducing the thickness of the sheet, which increases the brittleness of the material. In some cases, deformation may occur due to a strong gust of wind or during transportation.

The base material of the metal tile is susceptible to corrosion, which negatively affects the appearance of the roof and may entail unnecessary costs. The places of attachments, joints and joints require additional reliable sealing, while in the case of ondulin, the role of a sealant is played by the resins that are part of the material. The metal tile is characterized by resistance to mechanical stress, high temperatures, snow and sunlight.

The disadvantage of metal tiles is the ability of metals to collect condensate, which requires the complication of waterproofing systems and ventilation of the under-roof space. All additional work is costly, so installation of the roof is much more expensive. For the transportation of ondulin, no special transport is required; if necessary, it can be brought by car; the transport of metal tiles requires the rental of freight transport.


For the production of ceramoplast, only natural minerals, polyaffins, pigments and technological additives are used. The presence of natural minerals in the composition provides excellent impact resistance. Keramoplast is not afraid of corrosion, provides a high level of sound insulation. In general, the material is more modern than metal or ondulin, but it costs more.

Installation of ondulin

Fastening the ondulin to the rafters

A variety of coatings are presented in a wide range and belonging to different price categories: from budget to expensive options. At the same time, buyers' attention is focused not only on the price, but also on the quality of the purchased goods. Among the available, but meeting all the technical requirements, operational characteristics include ondulin, the pros and cons of which are to be studied today.

Invention and production of this type of roofing

In more than 70 years of industrial evolution, this material, invented in 1946, has gained considerable fame. The first batch of ondulin was released by Gaston Gromier and literally "thrown" on the market. Initially, the consumer sector was wary of such a novelty, but a year later, the factory launched all production facilities. They were aimed at the production of an onduline coating, which became popular not only in domestic open spaces, but also in neighboring European countries. They began to actively export it.

Ondulin and the domestic industry

The Russians only became aware of the onduline at the end of the last century, when it was impossible to say about the domestic consumer that he was spoiled with high-quality cheap goods and building materials. It is the material described that has become the product that has shown in practice that imported goods are not always expensive. This period is characterized by a construction boom associated with the replacement of traditional slate with an alternative and no less reliable option - ondulin, the pros and cons of which have already been appreciated by many buyers.

The world's best material manufacturers

Due to the quality of their products, about which negative statements were rarely found, and the cost of the material, the French have mastered the world market in record time, selling not only materials, but also the technology for making an onduline coating. This made the material sold under various brands available today. Among the high-quality, according to buyers, characterized by a mass of positive properties of ondulin, production:

  • France - Onduline;
  • Belgium - Aqualine;
  • America - Nuline;
  • Turkey - Corrubit;
  • Germany - Bituwell.

When choosing a manufacturing company, it is worth considering that the sheets of material from each supplier differ in size. So, giving preference to a particular brand, remember this, so as not to be mistaken when calculating the required amount of material.

Technical characteristics of domestically produced ondulin

The length of the ondulin sheets is 200 cm, the width is 95 cm, the thickness is 0.3 cm, the height of the wave (corrugation) is 0.36 cm. The weight of a standard sheet is 6 kg, which is 20 kg lighter in comparison with an ordinary sheet of asbestos slate. The strength characteristics of ondulin are not inferior to ordinary slate and even surpass it, and the installation is characterized by simplicity.

Ondulin is supplied to the market in the form of sheet plates, complete with 20 fasteners. for 1 unit of products.

What is this material made of

During production, raw materials are processed under high pressure and temperature. Ondulin contains:

  • fiberglass;
  • cellulose fibers;
  • refined bitumen;
  • mineral compounds replacing the filler;
  • mineral pigments that color the material;
  • thermosetting resin.

Reviews about ondulin: pros and cons from the words of buyers

The consumer sector is interested in what are the advantages and disadvantages of this or that type of material. First of all, those who are going to purchase building materials pay attention to the recommendations and reviews not of consultants and sellers, but of those who, like them, once faced a choice and have already tested ondulin on their own roof.

From the reviews and recommendations of buyers on the Internet and on the forum about ondulin, the pros and cons of the material, as well as other performance characteristics of the material, we have chosen the most interesting, clearly emphasizing all the pros and cons. They are tagged by hundreds of buyers across the country. And they summarized them into two groups that characterize ondulin as a roofing material better than others.

So what are the pros and cons of ondulin?

Positive aspects of using the material

Among the advantages inherent in ondulin are the following characteristics:

  1. The plasticity of the material, which allows it to survive all kinds of stress. So, when hammering in a nail, don't worry about cracking the surface. The composition of the sheets containing bitumen eliminates the need for additional impregnation of the material for the roof slope with sealing mixtures intended for sealing the fastening holes. Bitumen itself is an excellent sealant.
  2. Ondulin is resistant to minor mechanical damage, for example, to scratches.
  3. It is one of the finest silent roofing systems in the world today.
  4. Under the influence of sunlight, ondulin practically does not heat up, which makes it possible to compare it with a ceramic coating, although it is inferior to metal products.
  5. Ondulin is a covering on the roof of a house, characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties. Although it cannot be said that ondulin is suitable as an alternative replacement for any material.
  6. Moisture never collects under the ondulin layer, which means that the possibility of condensation formation is practically excluded.
  7. Colonies of harmful organisms, for example, fungi, are not formed on the surface and under it. Together with frost resistance and resistance to sunlight, changes in temperature and humidity, this roofing material can last up to 25 years, as the manufacturer says. From this it turns out that the pros and cons of ondulin affect the service life of the coating, which depends on the quality of the material and production technology.
  8. Ondulin is an environmentally friendly material consisting of natural ingredients. In addition, it can be painted in any color, at the request of the buyer, so it will suit any landscape design, organically fitting under it.
  9. Light weight of the sheets, which is important for a number of reasons:
  • there is no need to strengthen the entire roof structure or its individual sections: the rafter system and the lathing;
  • working at a height with such material is simple and easy, you do not have to ask a neighbor or friend for help, because you can cope with lifting sheets to the roof on your own, without risking safety: neither your own nor the people around you;
  • this material is easier to store and transport even in the trunk of your own car, which can hold up to 50 sheets of ondulin, the total weight of which will be no more than 300 kg.

Some material flaws

Now check out the cons of ondulin, and take note of the pros. This will come in handy both when choosing a material and at the stage of performing installation work, which, by the way, can be easily done with your own hands without the help of specialists, which provides an opportunity for additional savings.

  1. Not all manufacturers guarantee the flawless appearance of their products throughout the entire operational period. Burnout of the surface is not excluded. This process is gradual, and its intensity depends on the type of pigment and its color. So, brown and red colors fade slowly, smoothly changing their shade to a dimmer one.
  2. Uneven distribution of bitumen can also damage the roof of the house, leading to uneven burnout. As a result, the roof becomes spotty and far from aesthetically pleasing.
  3. The pros and cons are very contradictory due to the velvety structure of the coating, which, when constantly in the shade, becomes a favorable "soil" for the development of moss and other green vegetation.
  4. Caution - the material is flammable. This is one of the biggest disadvantages of the coating. The pros and cons of ondulin and tiles in this regard are obvious, since in this regard the buyer gives preference to the latter of the options. When heated to +200 ° C and above, ondulin is prone to spontaneous combustion.


As you can see, this material is not without errors, but are there any drawbacks in slate, and in tiles, and in other roofing material? What exactly to give preference to is up to you. Construction is a serious matter, and the roof is the basis that protects the future house from above, and who knows if in a couple of years a covering will be invented even better than those on the market, but so far Ondulin is firmly and confidently holding its positions in sales, being the best alternative roofing finishing material for outdoor use. Now, blocking a house, bathhouse, gazebo, garage or other structure is simple, reliable and inexpensive with the help of ondulin.

While classic roofing is a proven and popular option, an unconventional roofing material is a real experiment that makes a building look extraordinary and memorable. These are the epithets that describe the modern French coating "Ondulin", which has already proved its ease of use.

What is Ondulin

Ondulin is a material that was born in 1944 thanks to the efforts of the Frenchman Gastand Gromier. In Russia, where they learned about it only 50 years later, they call it euro-slate.

Sometimes, as the author of the article noted, ondulin is called a tile. However, this is wrong. The unusual material must be confused with the Onduvilla bitumen-ceramic tile, which outwardly resembles Euro-slate, but has completely different dimensions and a different composition.

Because of the waves, ondulin looks like slate and, due to its European origin, is sometimes called euro-slate

Ondulin contains the following components:

  • cellulose fibers compressed at high temperature;
  • bituminous impregnation;
  • resin;
  • mineral pigments;
  • coloring matter.

It turns out that ondulin, unlike slate, which it vaguely resembles, is devoid of harmful components (asbestos). Resin and mineral pigments act as beneficial additives. They help the material withstand the onslaught of atmospheric precipitation.

Ondulin has standard sizes:

  • thickness - 3 mm;
  • width - 95 cm;
  • length - 2 m;
  • wave height - 3.6 cm.

Ondulin sheet has a length of 2000 mm and a width of 950 mm

The main technical characteristics of euro slate include:

  • fire safety class KM5, which indicates its flammability and unsuitability for hospitals and children's institutions;
  • the ability to withstand a load of up to 0.96 tons per 1 m²;
  • immunity to alkalis, acids and refined products;
  • harmlessness;
  • the ability to contact with water without serious consequences;
  • long service life;
  • coloring in red, brown, green or black, which makes it possible to create a multi-colored coating.

Ondulin of different colors can be combined, for example, you can combine green leaves with red

Advantages and disadvantages of onduline coating

Judging by the reviews of the owners, the main advantage of ondulin is water resistance. Coated with a special compound, the euro slate simply repels moisture from itself. In addition to this, it is fixed with nails only at the highest points of the wave, which is why the water droplets quickly roll down without penetrating the material.

Other advantages of ondulin are:

However, some characteristics of ondulin cause serious discontent. Most often, the owners of the roof from the Euro-slate complain about the following problems:

However, in most cases, it is not the material that should be blamed for the appearance of some shortcomings of the euro slate, but the owner of the roof himself. The author of these lines more than once had to be convinced that the low strength of ondulin is just a consequence of improper installation. For example, wishing to somehow save on the construction of the roof, the sheet of euro-slate is fixed with ten nails, and not twenty, as required. And other owners of private houses are trying to reduce costs at the expense of lathing: they take less boards than they need, and lay them out at an impermissibly large distance from each other.

Video: about the disadvantages of ondulin


Ondulin manufacturers claim that it is capable of serving for 15 years. However, as the owners of the Euro-slate roof noticed, with careful operation, the material may not need to be replaced even for 30 years.

The service time of ondulin can be extended to 30-40 years if you adhere to the following rules:

  • build a crate of durable boards or beams;
  • use nails from only one manufacturer, made of alloy steel and equipped with a wide plastic head;
  • do not save on the number of fasteners;
  • decorate the ends of the slopes with tongs;
  • to hem the cornices with soffits.

Ondulin's choice

Roof tiles "Ondulin" are suitable for any structures, not excluding domed or conical roofs. But since this material comes in several varieties, choosing it can be somewhat difficult.

A classic ondulin of 10 waves measuring 200x95 cm should be taken to cover a flat and vaulted roof.

Classic ondulin is often purchased for covering flat roofs

Ondulin "Smart", in contrast to the standard version, although it has 10 waves, but weighs less, since it is made in the format 195x95 cm. Such material protects much better from moisture, since it is equipped with a hydro-barrier lock, which prevents drips from seeping under the upper overlap sheet when it rains slantingly. Ondulin "Smart" is considered to be an improved version of the classic euro-slate, because the points of fasteners placement are indicated on it, which greatly simplifies installation.

Ondulin "Smart" due to the presence of special holes has an advantage over a simple ondulin

Another variation of the Ondulin tile is compact. This type of material is a real find for complex and small roofs that are being built on sheds, gazebos and garages. The length of the compact euro-slate is 100 cm, and the width is 75 cm, as a result of which a sheet in 8 waves weighs only 2.5 kg.

The decrease in the thickness of the compact ondulin is compensated by the increase in the number of overlaps. Therefore, the finished coating is quite durable.

Ondulin "Compact" has 8 waves instead of the usual ten

Despite the difference in the size of the sheets, the waves of all variations of ondulin are the same. This means that several types of material can be used on the same roof at the same time. It is easy to see a big plus in this: the roofer does not have to suffer during the construction of a complex roof and partial repair of the coating.

Directly during the choice of ondulin, attention should be paid to such points as:

  • sheet dimensions, which, if they differ from strict parameters, indicate the fake of the material;
  • number of waves (necessarily 8 or 10);
  • the same thickness in all areas of each sheet;
  • perfect sheet quality (no stains and smudges);
  • evenness of paint application;
  • availability of a quality certificate.

Ondulin compatibility with different roofs

Since ondulin is a flexible material, it can be used to cover any roof configuration.

Shed roof

Ondulin is allowed to be laid on the roof in one slope if its slope is at least 5 °. If this condition is violated, it will be more difficult for the material to get rid of moisture on its own and it will not be able to serve the period declared by the manufacturer.

Ondulin looks as good on a pitched roof as corrugated board

To cover a pitched roof with ondulin, the following requirements must be met:

  • use for lathing beams with a section of 5x5 cm;
  • lay crate elements every 45 cm if the roof is tilted up to 15 degrees, or at a distance of 60 cm from each other when the roof has a greater slope;
  • lay out the first row of material at the cornice;
  • fasten the sheets by gluing all joints with mounting tape.

Sloping roof

A broken roof due to sharp corners is considered a complex structure, but this does not interfere with the laying of ondulin at all. Due to the angularity of the structure, the material, which is inferior to metal tiles in strength, is relieved of the load, since it is practically not covered with snow.

Ondulin is placed on a broken roof, starting from the upper zone

Installation of ondulin on a broken roof implies compliance with the following rules:

  • laying the material begins from the top of the roof so that you do not have to walk on the already fixed sheets;
  • in the lower area of ​​the structure, the first thing to do is lay out the bottom row of material;
  • the upper row of material at the junction of two planes of a complex roof, if necessary, is cut off with a hacksaw.

Hipped roof

The hipped roof, consisting of four identical triangular slopes, can be safely covered with ondulin. The fact is that the special shape of the roof does not allow snow or moisture to accumulate on the surface, which is why the flexible material completely gets rid of the adverse effects of atmospheric precipitation.

The four-pitched roof (hip or hip roof) is covered with ondulin without problems

Ondulin can be easily fixed on the hipped roof if you know the following points:

  • with a slope of more than 15 °, the sheathing beams are placed with a step of 60 cm, and the sheets of ondulin are laid out with an overlap of 17 cm;
  • when the slope of the roof is 10-15 °, the sheathing elements are placed at a distance of 45 cm from each other, and the pieces of ondulin are mounted with an overlap of 20 cm;
  • if the roof is tilted by 5-10 °, then the crate is made without gaps, and the material is fixed with overlaps of 30 cm;
  • the installation of ondulin is started from the leeward side of the roof;
  • the first sheet is laid 2 cm above the cut border, and its marking is performed along the edge of the diagonal rafter;
  • the last sheet in the row is mounted in the same way as the first, but all other pieces of material are laid according to the standard scheme - with side overlap in one wave.

Installation of ondulin

Laying ondulin on the roof includes the following steps:

Video: ondulin laying technology

The cost of an ondulin roof

The cost of installing an ondulin roof depends on the dimensions of the roof.

Table: how much is 1 m2 of ondulin roof

Type of work unit of measurement Price in rubles
Construction of the rafter system 1 m² From 300
Vapor barrier installation from 50
Laying insulation with a thickness of 150-200 mm from 70
Laying waterproofing from 40
Installation of counter grill from 20
Installation of step crate from 50
Frontal board device from 30
Treatment of battens and rafters with antiseptics from 30
Installation of ondulin from 200
Installation of wall / pipe connections n.m. from 160
Ventilated ridge strip device from 270
The device of the valleys from 70
Installation of end strips from 100
Installation of cornice strips from 100
Sewing cornices from 200
Installation of gutters (pipes and gutters) from 180
Installation of a roof window PCS. from 3200

Comparison of ondulin with other coatings

Usually, ondulin is compared to metal tiles, since these materials are slightly similar in appearance.

Metal tiles (left) and ondulin (right) are very similar, however, knowing their characteristics, it is impossible to confuse these materials

Table: comparison of ondulin with metal tiles

Criterion for comparison Material
Metal tile
Installation (which is easier to fix on the roof) Lightweight, since the material is very elastic, it is easy to cut and takes any shape. You can work alone with just a hammer, tape measure and a hacksaw. Heavy, impossible without experience, since this business requires skills in working with special tools and accurate measurements.
Base for roofing Quite a frequent step of the lathing, which is due to the insignificant rigidity of the material. A relatively rare lathing step, because metal is a durable material.
Strength Due to the cardboard in its composition, it requires careful handling. This means that climbing on the roof is strictly prohibited in heat and frost. You can climb onto a roof made of this material at any time of the year without fear of breaking or pushing the coating.
Life time It does not deteriorate under the influence of water for 15 years, but it begins to suffer from ultraviolet radiation much faster. In fact, it can serve for about 30 years. It is resistant to corrosion and therefore performs its functions for at least 10 years, and maximum - 15. However, after three years of operation, this material begins to lose color.
Fire resistance Combustible material due to the presence of cardboard in its composition. Withstands temperatures up to 110 °. Not afraid of fire, able to withstand temperatures up to 130 °.
Noise isolation Due to its softness, it absorbs all noise, not excluding the hammer of hail. Therefore, it is ideal for those who equip a bedroom under the roof. Metal is never "quiet", it perfectly reproduces sounds. Under a metal roof, the noises will become more muffled if good thermal insulation is arranged.
Snow cover Little snow lingers on the rough surface of the material. On a slippery metal surface, snow accumulates in a large layer and rolls off the roof in a huge avalanche.
Appearance Not rich colors. Regular corrugated sheets. Variety of colors. The design can be both classic and original.
Price From 200 rubles per square meter plus components for 250-280 rubles. Nails usually come with the material. From 190 rubles per square meter plus components for 100-300 rubles. Fasteners are purchased separately.

After a detailed examination of ondulin, we can conclude that the material is preferable for small buildings. Euroslate, no doubt, will appeal to those who crave silence and originality.

The pros and cons of ondulin are discussed today in almost all specialized forums about the roof, and this is not surprising.

Traditional asbestos-cement slate, which until recently covered almost all domestic roofs, is gradually becoming a thing of the past.

It was replaced by more modern, which means, high-quality, safe and beautiful materials. One of them is European slate, aka ondulin.

What is ondulin?

Ondulin was invented in France, where in 1946 the first batch of new roofing material came out.

Today Euroslate is produced in many countries under other trademarks, for example, Nuline in the USA or Bituwell in Germany.

The physical characteristics of the material are the same for different manufacturers, since the same materials and production technology are used, but the dimensions of the sheets are different.

The ondulin sheet measures 200 x 95 x 0.3 cm and weighs only 6.5 kg, which makes roofing easier.

Each of the trademarks has representative offices in other countries, for example, in Russia there is the largest plant of the Ondulin company, capable of producing up to 15 million sheets of Euro-slate per year!

In addition, it manufactures all types of roofing films and fasteners. Since 2013, the plant has also produced flexible tiles of the same brand, onduvilla.

Most often, ondulin is compared with traditional asbestos-cement gray slate. Externally, both roofing materials are similar - corrugated sheets for pitched roofs.

But compared to ordinary slate, ondulin even differs in appearance - it has a color, and the palette is quite wide.

Another important difference concerns environmental friendliness. Asbestos-cement slate contains asbestos - a material with carcinogenic properties.

Although the danger is not the slate itself, but the asbestos dust when it enters the lungs of a person, therefore it is dangerous not so much to use as to extract asbestos, this fact tarnished the reputation of the material and led to the invention of ondulin.

For the manufacture of the latter, organic cellulose fibers are used, which are pressed when heated to 120 °.

Finished corrugated sheets are first painted and then impregnated with bitumen with polymer additives.

Whatever disadvantage of slate is not to remember - this will be the parameter by which the euro-slate differs extremely favorably.

Waste paper is used as a raw material for the production of ondulin. Other components are added to the purified and shredded cellulose, including resins and mineral additives.

Why is ondulin good?

One of the main advantages of ondulin (and it also has disadvantages, about them below) is moisture resistance. This is the merit of water-repellent impregnations that do not allow moisture to penetrate into the thickness of the material.

The amazing moisture resistance is enhanced by the technology of roofing and the composition of the material itself.

When laying the ondulin, the nails are driven into the highest point of the wave, and the rain stream that flows in the lower part of the wave does not come into contact with the hole.

A special impregnation made of bitumen melts under the influence of solar heat and strengthens the impermeability of the roof, transforming individual sheets into a single sheet.

Branded nails have the same properties - they seal the hole with bitumen, which finally makes leaks impossible.

The environmental friendliness and safety of ondulin is such that rainwater collected from the roof can be pampered with indoor plants that do not like tap water, of course, if the area is ecologically clean.

Euroslate is neutral to alkalis, acids and petroleum products, which contributes to its durability.

Temperature influences also practically do not affect the properties of the material; it is able to withstand extremely cold and hot periods.

The service life of the roofing material is at least 20 years (warranty period is 15 years). With proper installation, the service life of an ondulin can be higher than that of the battens.

The sheets are flexible, which makes it possible to cover even roofs with complex geometries without any problems. High plasticity allows you not to worry too much about a flat surface.

For cutting ondulin, an ordinary hacksaw is suitable for wood. If you lubricate her teeth with oil, then the case is great.

Ondulin is one of the few materials that are undemanding to the professionalism of the roofer.

The weight of ondulin is four times less than a sheet of classical slate! This makes the roofing process easier.

If laying ordinary slate is almost impossible alone, then one person can cope with ondulin.

Unlike asbestos-cement slate or ceramic tiles, ondulin is much less demanding on the strength of the rafters.

Ondulin is much cheaper than metal tiles and many other modern coatings.

Only ordinary slate or a noisy metal profile is cheaper, from which, without proper sound insulation, you can go crazy not only from the sounds of rain, but also from bird activity on the roof. The sound insulation of the euro slate is 40 dB.

Does Ondulin have weaknesses?

The disadvantages of ondulin are undeniable, although not as significant as the advantages. A few years after laying with euro-slate, the roof loses its bright color.

In some cases, the shade of sheets of one color does not completely match, and another defect is also encountered - spots due to the uneven distribution of bitumen.

The manufacturer does not consider the color inconsistency to be a defect, and it is not always possible to return the goods within the two weeks allotted by law.

On the one hand, the gradient on the roof is not such a serious problem, because it does not affect the protective properties of the roofing material in any way, but for many people it can ruin the mood.

Strength is another complaint about ondulin (reviews on the forums are a clear confirmation). Many users question its ability to withstand large amounts of snow.

The strength characteristics of ondulin depend not so much on the quality of the material, but on the correct installation of the rafter system and compliance with the sheet laying technology.

The problem often lies in the desire to save money. According to the technology, at least 20 nails must be used for one sheet of ondulin, but this requirement is not always met. Only in this way the roof will delight for decades.

If the slope of the slope is at least 15 °, then the pitch of the lathing should not exceed 60 cm. In this case, one square meter of the surface can withstand up to a ton of snow, which is quite enough even for snowy regions.

However, in the heat, you really shouldn't walk on the roof covered with ondulin. The coating becomes soft, then when the temperature drops, the strength returns.

In intense heat, the smell of bitumen evaporating from the roof surface can be felt.

Like any organic matter, ondulin burns, but the alternative to it is only expensive metal tile or ugly asbestos-cement slate.

Cheap metal coatings give only the illusion of fire protection, because thin metal burns out quickly enough.

The biological resistance of Euro-slate is comparable to the usual one - after a few years, spots of moss and flowering fungus may appear on it.

Ondulin, about the advantages and disadvantages of which we can talk for a long time, is one of the most acceptable options among the budget.

You can give loans for years for a more expensive coverage with better characteristics, or you can be content with the optimal ratio of price and quality - it is up to the owners of the house to decide in each case.