Online test to determine your leadership qualities.


1. In the team that I lead, surveys of the socio-psychological climate, opinions, moods of people are carried out (by my own specialists or external consultants)

2. The work of the team uses, where necessary, standard rules, guidelines, instructions and other management documents

3. I substantiate and defend the opinion of the team, if I am convinced of its fairness, before the higher management

4. Carefully plan management work

5. I do my best to get my subordinates to fulfill the plan.

6. My subordinates clearly know their own and the general tasks facing the unit

7. I personally decide what and how should be done in a team to achieve production goals, providing subordinates with executive functions

8. I allow my subordinates to display a high level of initiative and independence in choosing ways to achieve their goals

9. I allow my subordinates to display a high level of initiative and independence in choosing ways to achieve their goals, provided that they justify their importance

10. As a manager, I hardly have to deviate from the established schedule and organize work on weekends or overtime.

11. To ensure control over the implementation of plans and discipline of execution, I demand that subordinates inform me about the work they have done.

12. I allow subordinates to set their own pace, mode and order of work, if this does not negatively affect the final results

13. Provide leadership by consulting and providing reasonable advice from subordinates

14. I try to maintain a certain business etiquette, style of relations and behavior in the team, I make sure that my subordinates adhere to it

15. I plan the career development of subordinates so that they know the prospects for their advancement and the conditions required for this

16. I believe that under the conditions of scientific and technological progress, the best results in production and management (quality, reliability, accuracy, etc.) process

17. In the work of the team that I manage, there are rarely failures, rush jobs

18. I inform the team about the events taking place in it, and the general state of affairs in the management system

19. I maintain my appearance, clothes, order in the office, demeanor at the proper level

20. Payment and incentives for work in the team are carried out in accordance with the real contribution of each to the overall result

21. As a leader, I implement a long-term personnel policy (I adhere in practice to the principles of hiring, promoting, dismissing employees known to the team)

22. Analyzing the work of subordinates, I come to the conclusion that they are not knowledgeable and skillful workers, they do not have enough initiative, efficiency and other necessary qualities

23. In the leadership I use a personal positive example as a means to influence subordinates and create a favorable socio-psychological climate in the team

24. In the team that I manage, there are rarely conflicts

25. I create conditions in which subordinates have favorable opportunities to express their opinion and have a practical impact on the management process

26. In the leadership I use delegation of authority (I reserve the solution of only the most important issues, and transfer the minor ones to lower levels)

27. I read books and other publications on how to lead people

28. As a leader, I adhere in practice to scientific recommendations for working with people

29. I believe that administrative factors (orders, regulations, instructions) should play a leading role in order to increase the efficiency of people in the field of management.

30. The production results of the team I manage are high

31. As a leader, I create conditions for ensuring the physical health of subordinates at work and at home, encourage them to strengthen their health

32. To ensure high production results, I create conditions in the team for the manifestation of creativity and initiative

33. I demand precise justifications from subordinates in the formation of production plans and measures to improve production and management

34. For the sake of production necessity, it is necessary to overshadow the solution of such issues of the development of the team as the analysis and improvement of the socio-psychological climate, the maintenance of general order in the organization of work, etc.

35. I am making efforts to get from subordinates to ensure high work discipline and adherence to the accepted daily routine

36. The work of the team is carried out on the basis of a clear balance of rights, duties, functions, responsibilities and their fair distribution between departments and team members

37. To achieve high production results in the team, professional training is carried out and independent work is encouraged to improve qualifications

38. As a leader, I pay great attention to controlling the actions of subordinates, maintaining a high pace and quality of their work

39. The leadership style that I adhere to has a positive impact on the behavior of team members, their attitude to work and the general socio-psychological climate

40. The leadership style I follow has a positive impact on the bottom line of the organization.

41. I believe that social and psychological methods (trust, moral and psychological climate, consciousness, etc.) play the main role in increasing the return on people in the field of management.

42. Most often, I make decisions alone, but I consult with deputies

43. In the decisions made, responsibility is transferred in accordance with the authority

44. I think that my style of communication with subordinates is friendly

45. I prefer the tough nature of relationships with subordinates

46. ​​I consider the principle of "carrot and stick" to be the most correct

47. I prefer to use more reward than punishment

48. I prefer to give the initiative in the hands of subordinates

49. I consider it reasonable to be a diplomat and not enter into "showdowns" with subordinates

50. I prefer to give the initiative in the hands of subordinates and trust them more

Test key: Count the number of positive answers ("Yes"): 40 or more - you are an ideal leader or a person with high self-esteem; from 30 to 40 - your leadership style is good and there is nothing to worry about the fate of the case; from 20 to 30 - the style of your leadership is far from perfect, you need to read a special

Scarlet literature and undergo training in management and communication methods; less than 20 - obviously, you are not capable of being a leader or are very underestimating your grades. Are you a pessimist or melancholic?

Methodology "Self-assessment of management style"

The methodology given in the book by A. V. Agrashenkov “Psychology for Every Day” (M., 1997) was somewhat modified by me in order to reduce the number of questionnaire items (instead of 60, 33 were left) and to exclude those that have a very distant relation to the diagnosed styles ...

Instruction. For each item of the questionnaire, answer, without hesitation for a long time, "yes" or "no", depending on whether you agree or disagree with the statement expressed in it, and make a corresponding note in the answer sheet.

Questionnaire text:

1. In working with people, I prefer that they follow my orders unquestioningly.

2. In difficult situations, when making a decision, I always think about others, and then about myself.

3. It annoys me when someone takes too much initiative.

4. As a rule, I do not rely on my assistants.

5. I am able to objectively evaluate my subordinates, distinguishing among them the strong and the weak.

6. I often consult with my assistants before giving a responsible order.

7. I rarely insist on my own, so as not to irritate my subordinates.

8. I always require subordinates to strictly follow my orders.

9. It is easier for me to work alone than to lead someone.

10. I ignore collective leadership to ensure that one-man leadership is effective.

12. I try to react to the rudeness of a subordinate so as not to cause a conflict.

13. I do everything so that my subordinates willingly follow my orders.

14. I always strive to be the first in all the endeavors of the team.

15. It is easier for me to adapt to the opinion of the majority of the collective than to oppose it.

16. I have to ask more often than demand.

17. I give good specialists a lot of freedom in solving complex problems, I don't have much control over them.

18. I like to discuss and analyze with subordinates the problems of the team.

19. My assistants cope not only with their own, but also with my duties.

20. It is easier for me to avoid conflict with senior management than with subordinates who can always be "put in place."

21. I always strive to fulfill my orders, even in spite of the circumstances.

22. To better understand my subordinates, I try to imagine myself in their place.

23. The most difficult thing for me is to interfere in the work of people, to demand additional efforts from them.

24. I am more concerned about my own problems than the problems of subordinates.

25. I think that the management of people should be flexible: neither iron adherence nor familiarity can be used.

26. I see the leadership of people as a painful occupation.

27. I try to develop cooperation and mutual assistance in the team.

28. I am grateful for the advice and suggestions of subordinates.

29. Sometimes it seems to me that in a team I am an extra person.

30. Management efficiency is achieved when subordinates are only executors of the chief's decisions.

31. It is best to give the team full independence and not interfere in anything.

32. I am often accused of being too lenient towards subordinates.

33. The main thing in leadership is to skillfully distribute their responsibilities among assistants.

Processing of results and conclusions. For each affirmative answer, 1 point is awarded.

The key to decrypting the data. The manifestation of an authoritarian leadership style is evidenced by affirmative answers to points: 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22, 30.

The manifestation of the democratic style of leadership is evidenced by the affirmative answers to paragraphs 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27, 28.

The manifestation of the liberal (conniving) style of leadership is evidenced by the affirmative answers to paragraphs 7, 9, 16, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33.

The sum of the points scored on each scale (for each style) is calculated and the degree of expression of each style is determined:

- 0-3 points - weak,

- 4-7 points - average,

- 8-11 points - high.

If the scores are low on all scales, then the style has not been formed, if they are high, we can talk about a mixed management style. The prevalence of assessments on one of the scales by 3 points or more indicates a greater manifestation of the style characterized by this scale.

Methodology "Style of leadership" (A. L. Zhuravlev)

The methodology is aimed at assessing the prevailing leadership style: directive (authoritarian); collegial (democratic); liberal.

Instruction. You will be offered 27 characteristics of your leader's activities and each of them indicated 5 options for its manifestation. Please select one or more of these 5 options that correspond to his manual and check them off. Please be sincere.

1. Distribution of powers between managers and subordinates:

a) centralizes management, requires that all details be reported to him;

b) passive in performing managerial functions;

c) clearly distributes functions among themselves, their deputies and subordinates;

d) expects instructions from above or even demands them;

e) centralizes management only in difficult situations.

2. Actions of the head in critical (stressful) situations:

a) moves to more stringent management methods;

b) does not change the way of management;

c) does not do without the help of higher managers;

d) begins to interact more closely with subordinates;

e) does a poor job with his duties.

3. Contacts of the manager with subordinates:

a) not sociable enough, speaks little to people;

b) regularly communicates with subordinates, talks about the state of affairs in the team, about the difficulties that have to be overcome;

c) knows how to communicate, but deliberately limits communication with subordinates, keeps at a distance from them;

d) tries to communicate with subordinates, but at the same time experiences difficulties in communication;

e) communicates mainly with the asset of the team.

4. The productivity of the team in the absence of a leader:

a) performers work worse;

b) the team does not reduce productivity;

c) performers are constantly not working at full capacity;

d) work productivity increases;

e) the team works with varying degrees of success.

5. The attitude of the head to the advice and objections from the side of the executors:

a) he himself seeks advice from his subordinates;

b) does not allow those under his leadership to advise him, let alone object;

c) subordinates not only advise, but can give instructions to their leader;

d) the leader is consulted even when circumstances do not particularly require it;

e) if the performers know how best to do the job, they tell their manager about it.

6. Control over the activities of subordinates:

a) controls from case to case;

b) always very strictly controls the work of individual performers and the team as a whole;

c) controlling the work, he always notices positive results, praises the performers;

d) controlling, always looking for shortcomings in work;

e) often interferes with the work of performers.

7. The ratio of solutions to production and socio-psychological problems in the process of team leadership:

a) he is only interested in the implementation of the plan, and not in the relationship of people to each other;

b) solving production problems, trying to create good relations between people in the team;

c) is not interested in work, approaches the matter formally;

d) pays more attention to building relationships in the team, rather than completing production tasks;

e) when necessary, protects the interests of his subordinates.

8. The nature of the orders of the head:

a) orders so that you want to do it;

b) the leader does not know how to order;

c) the request of the head does not differ from the order;

d) orders are accepted, but they are not carried out well enough and quickly;

e) his orders cause discontent among those under his leadership.

9. The attitude of the leader to criticism from subordinates:

a) usually does not take offense, listens to her;

b) listens, even promises to take action, but does nothing;

c) does not like to be criticized, and does not try to hide it;

d) accepts criticism only from senior managers;

e) does not respond.

10. Behavior of a leader with a lack of knowledge:

a) he solves even those issues with which he is not very familiar;

b) if he does not know something, he is not afraid to show it and turns to others for help;

c) does not seek to replenish his knowledge;

d) when he does not know something, he hides it and tries to independently make up for the lack of knowledge;

e) if he does not know how to solve the issue or to complete the work, then he instructs his subordinates to do this.

11. Distribution of responsibility between the manager and subordinates:

a) one gets the impression that he is afraid to be responsible for his actions, wants to reduce his responsibility;

b) distributes responsibility between himself and his subordinates;

c) assigns all responsibility only to himself;

d) often emphasizes the responsibility of higher leaders, tries to shift his responsibility to them;

e) it happens that the leader, being responsible for some business, tries to shift it to his deputies or subordinate leaders.

12. The attitude of the manager to his deputies or assistants:

a) tries to ensure that his deputies are qualified specialists;

b) he achieves the trouble-free obedience of deputies and assistants;

c) the head does not care who works as his deputy (assistant);

d) is careful in relation to substitutes, because he is afraid for his position;

e) does not want to have a very qualified specialist nearby.

13. Emotional satisfaction of the performer in the absence of the head:

a) the performers are happy when the leader is absent, they feel some relief;

b) it is interesting to work with the leader, so they expect his return;

c) the absence of a leader is not noticed by the performers;

d) at first, the performers are happy that the leader is absent, and then they get bored;

e) at first, the absence of a leader is felt by the performers, and then they are quickly forgotten.

14. Prevailing methods of influencing subordinates:

a) to perform some kind of work, he often has to persuade his subordinates;

b) always orders, commands, instructs, but never asks;

c) often turns to subordinates with assignments, requests, advice;

d) often makes remarks and reprimands guided;

e) his remarks are always correct.

15. The nature of the manager's treatment of subordinates:

a) always addresses subordinates politely and kindly;

b) in relation to subordinates is tactless and even rude;

c) often shows indifference in addressing subordinates;

d) it seems that the politeness of the leader is insincere;

e) the nature of his treatment of subordinates often changes.

16. Participation of team members in management:

a) the leader involves the members of the team in management;

b) often the leader shifts his functions to others;

c) management functions are not fixed stably, their distribution may change;

d) it happens that management functions are actually taken over by other members of the team, and not by the leader;

e) management functions are performed only by the head.

17. Maintaining labor discipline by the head:

a) strives for formal discipline and ideal submission;

b) cannot influence discipline;

c) knows how to maintain discipline and order;

d) discipline looks good, as subordinates are afraid of the leader;

e) does not sufficiently suppress violations of discipline.

18. The nature of communication between the head and the performers:

a) communicates with subordinates only on business issues;

b) when talking to subordinates about the matter, the leader asks about the personal, about the family;

c) often communicates on personal matters, without touching the case;

d) the initiative of communication comes from the performers, the leader rarely speaks himself;

e) it is often difficult to understand the leader in communicating with him.

19. The nature of the decision-making on the management of the team:

a) the head single-handedly develops decisions or cancels them;

b) rarely undertakes a difficult task, but rather leaves it;

c) tries to solve together with subordinates, single-handedly decides only the most urgent and operational issues;

d) decides only those issues that arise themselves, does not try to foresee their solution in advance;

e) takes on the solution of mostly minor issues.

20. The relationship between people in a team:

a) in the team, mutual assistance and mutual trust are insufficiently developed;

b) tries to make subordinates have a good mood at work;

c) there is an increased staff turnover in the team, people often leave the team and do not regret it;

d) people treat each other sensitively, in a friendly way;

e) in the presence of a leader, performers constantly have to work in tension.

21. Granting independence to subordinates:

a) encourages subordinates to work independently;

b) sometimes the leader imposes his opinion, but says that this is the opinion of the majority;

c) performers work more on the instructions of the head than on their own;

d) performers are left to their own devices;

e) provides subordinates with independence only from time to time.

22. The attitude of the leader to the advice of others:

a) regularly consults with performers, especially experienced workers;

b) consults with subordinates only in a difficult situation;

c) usually consults with deputies and subordinate leaders, but not with ordinary performers;

d) listens with pleasure to the opinion of colleagues;

e) consults only with senior managers.

23. The ratio of the initiative of the leader and subordinates:

a) the initiative of subordinates is not accepted by the head;

b) believes that it is better to do less (then less will be asked);

c) the leader supports the initiative of subordinates;

d) the leader cannot act on his own, but waits to be "pushed";

e) neither the manager nor the subordinates show initiative.

24. The nature of the leader's exactingness:

a) his favorite slogan: “Come on, come on!”;

b) he is demanding, but at the same time he is fair;

c) we can say about him that he is too strict and even picky;

d) perhaps he is not a very demanding person;

e) the leader is demanding of himself and others.

25. The attitude of the leader to innovations:

a) he is probably conservative, because he is afraid of the new;

b) willingly supports expedient innovations;

c) supporting innovations in the field of production, with great difficulty changes the nature of communication with people;

d) he does better with innovations in the non-production sphere (in everyday life, on vacation, in interpersonal relations);

e) innovations pass by the leader.

26. Involvement of team members in the development of solutions:

a) in his work he widely relies on public organizations;

b) many issues are resolved by the team at a general meeting;

c) some important cases are resolved in fact without the participation of the head, his functions are performed by others;

d) the leader himself decides most of the issues for the team;

e) the leader promotes the introduction of various forms of self-government in the team:

27. The attitude of the leader to himself:

a) the leader is indifferent to what his subordinates think of him;

b) never and in anything does not show its superiority over the performers;

c) considers himself indispensable in the team;

d) is enthusiastically engaged in his business and does not think about how he is being evaluated;

e) the leader is overly critical of the performers.

Key. Use the table to calculate the score for each leadership style:

- D - directive,

- K - collegial,

- P - conniving.

Bring the sum of points for each leadership style to a figure that is convenient for further analysis: divide by 10 and round to the nearest whole number.

The result is expressed in three numbers, each of which is within the range of 10 points. First, identify the dominant leadership style. For a quantitative indicator of the dominance of a particular type, a difference of 3 points or more is taken.

Possible ratios of the three extreme types in a leadership style are:

1) D-1-1: directive style (for example, 10-2-4, 6-3-4, 9-5-4, etc.);

2) 1-K-1: collegiate style (for example, 4-9-4, 3-8-4, 5-10-4);

3) 1-1-P: conniving style (for example, 3-2-10, 4-3-9, etc.).

If two styles, approximately equally pronounced, dominate the third, the leadership style is mixed:

4) D-K-1: directive-collegial (for example, 7-8-4, 6-7-3, etc.);

5) 1-K-P: collegially permissive (for example, 4-7-9, 4-7-7, 3-6-7, etc.);

6) D-1-P: directive-permissive (for example, 8-1-6, 8-3-8, 7-2-9);

7) D-K-P: mixed (for example, 2-3-3; 3-3-3; 5-6-6; 10-8-8).

At the same time, the results of the mixed type correspond to different characteristics of the leadership:

- equally low expressiveness of styles (2-3-3, 3-3-3, etc.) is typical for inexperienced leaders;

- equally average expression of styles (5-6-6, 6-6-4, etc.) characterizes a rapidly changing leader;

- equally high expressiveness of styles (10-8-8, 9-9-8, etc.) characterizes a contradictory, unpredictable type.

Interpretation of results. Any combination of styles is acceptable if the directive value is in the range from 5 to 7 points (better 6-10-5 or 5-0-4 than 3-0-4 or 3-8-3).

Methodology "Inclination to a certain style of leadership" (E. P. Ilyin)

The methodology was tested for reliability and validity in the dissertation of Nguyen Ki Tyong (2000) and is a questionnaire with which you can find out about a subject's tendency to a particular style of leadership. It should be borne in mind, however, that in real leadership a person may use a different style.

Instruction. Imagine that you are leading a team. You are asked to answer how you would implement this guidance in the situations outlined in the questionnaire. For each item on the questionnaire, out of three answer options (a, b, c), choose the one that most characterizes your behavior as a leader, and circle the letter corresponding to the answer.

Questionnaire text:

1. When making important decisions, you:

a) consult with the team;

b) try not to take responsibility for making a decision;

c) make a decision alone.

2. When organizing the execution of the task:

a) provide the freedom in choosing the way to complete the task for the team members, leaving only general control;

b) you will not interfere in the course of the assignment, believing that the team will do everything right on its own;

c) you will regulate the activities of the team members, strictly determining how to do it.

3. When exercising control over the activities of subordinates:

a) you will tightly control each of them;

b) entrust the implementation of control to the subordinates themselves;

c) consider that control is optional.

4. In an extreme situation for the team:

a) you will consult with the team;

b) take all the leadership on yourself;

c) Rely completely on the leaders of the team.

5. Building relationships with team members:

a) you yourself will be active in communication;

b) you will communicate mainly if someone turns to you;

c) you will maintain the freedom of communication between you and your subordinates.

6. When managing a team:

a) you will provide assistance to subordinates in their personal affairs;

b) consider that there is no need to "meddle" in the personal affairs of subordinates;

c) you will be interested in the personal affairs of subordinates rather out of politeness.

7. In relations with team members:

a) try to maintain good personal relationships, even to the detriment of business;

b) you will only maintain a business relationship;

c) try to maintain both personal and business relationships to the same extent.

8. In relation to comments from the team:

a) do not allow comments to your address;

b) listen to and take into account the comments;

c) treat the comments indifferently.

9. While maintaining discipline:

a) you will strive for the unquestioning obedience of subordinates;

b) you will be able to maintain discipline without reminding your subordinates of it;

c) take into account that maintaining discipline is not your "strong point", and you will not "put pressure" on your subordinates.

10. With regard to what the team thinks of you:

a) you will not care;

b) try to always be good for your subordinates, you will not go to exacerbations;

c) make adjustments to your behavior if the assessment is negative.

11. Having distributed powers among themselves and subordinates:

a) demand that you be informed of all the details;

b) you will rely on the diligence of subordinates;

c) you will only exercise general control.

12. If you have any difficulties in making a decision:

a) seek advice from subordinates;

b) you will not consult with your subordinates, since you will still have to be responsible for everything;

c) accept the advice of subordinates, even if they were not asked.

13. Controlling the work of subordinates:

a) praise the performers, celebrate their positive results;

b) you will first of all look for shortcomings that need to be corrected;

c) you will exercise control from time to time (why interfere?).

14. Leading subordinates:

a) you will be able to order in such a way that the tasks will be carried out unquestioningly;

b) you will mainly use a request, not an order;

c) you don't know how to give orders at all.

15. With a lack of knowledge for making a decision:

a) you will decide for yourself - after all, you are a leader;

b) do not be afraid to ask for help from subordinates;

c) try to postpone the decision: maybe everything will work out by itself.

16. Assessing yourself as a leader, you can assume that you:

a) be strict, even picky;

b) be demanding, but fair;

c) unfortunately, you will not be very demanding.

17. With regard to innovations:

a) you will be rather conservative (no matter what happens);

b) if they are appropriate, then willingly support them;

c) if they are useful, you will achieve their implementation by order.

18. Do you think that in a normal team:

a) subordinates should be able to work independently, without constant and strict control of the head;

b) strict and constant control must be carried out, since one cannot count on the conscience of subordinates;

c) performers can be left to their own devices.

Processing of results. For each choice made, 1 point is given.

The key to making a diagnosis.

End of the key.

In the table (key), the following designations are adopted: A - autocratic style of leadership, D - democratic, L - liberal (conniving). Points are summed up separately for each style (A, D, L) of the leadership.

Conclusions. Since in its pure form there is practically no inclination towards one of the leadership styles, we can talk about mixed leadership styles with a tendency to be inclined towards one of them. The respondents most often choose the answers characterizing the democratic leadership style. If there are more than 12 of them, we can speak of a tendency towards a democratic style; if it is less and, at the same time, elections A prevail by 3 points over L, we can speak of a tendency towards the authoritarian-democratic style, and if the elections of A prevail by 3 points over A, we can speak of a tendency towards the liberal-democratic style.

Methodology for assessing the level of democratization of management by style characteristics

A source: Rogov E.I... The teacher as an object of psychological research. M .: Vlados, 1998.S. 423-424.

Competent experts use 10 pairs of characteristics-parameters. The characteristics-parameters in the left column refer to the democratic leadership style, in the right - to the authoritarian one. The average number of characteristics in both columns makes it possible to judge the severity of a particular style. If the characteristics from the left column prevail over the characteristics from the right, then the leader has a democratic style; if on the contrary, it is authoritarian.

A source: ECO. 1982. No. 11.

Instruction. Put - this must be done correctly and objectively - for yourself scores from 1 to 5 and write them down next to each question.

Grades mean:

- 1 - no, this does not happen at all;

- 2 - no, as a rule, this does not happen;

- 3 - uncertain estimate;

- 4 - yes, as a rule, this is the case;

- 5 - yes, it always happens.

Approval questions:

1. I give my subordinates the necessary instructions, even if there is a danger that if they are not fulfilled, they will criticize me.

2. I always have a lot of ideas and plans.

3. I listen to the comments of others.

4. I mostly manage to make logically correct arguments in discussions.

5. I motivate employees to solve their problems on their own.

6. If I am criticized, then I defend myself, no matter what.

7. When others give their reasons, I always listen.

8. In order to hold an event, I have to make plans in advance.

9. For the most part, I admit my mistakes.

10. I offer alternatives to the suggestions of others.

11. I protect those who have difficulties.

12. I express my thoughts with the utmost persuasion.

13. My enthusiasm is contagious.

14. I take the views of others into account and try to incorporate them into the draft decision.

15. Usually I insist on my point of view and my hypotheses.

16. I listen with understanding and aggressively expressed arguments.

17. I express my thoughts clearly.

18. I always admit that I don't know everything.

19. I vigorously defend my views.

20. I try to develop other people's thoughts as if they were mine.

21. I always think over what others might answer and look for counterarguments.

22. I willingly give advice to others on how to organize their work.

23. Being carried away by my projects, I usually do not worry about other people's work.

24. I also listen to those who have a point of view that differs from my own.

25. If someone does not agree with my project, then I do not give up, but look for new ways to convince the other.

26. I use every means to get people to agree with me.

27. I speak openly about my hopes, fears and personal difficulties.

28. I always find how to make it easier for others to support my projects.

29. I understand other people's feelings.

30. I talk more about my own thoughts than listening to others.

31. Before defending myself, I always listen to criticism to the end.

32. I present my thoughts in a systematic way.

33. I help others get the floor in a meeting.

34. I closely follow the contradictions in other people's reasoning.

35. I change my point of view in order to show others that I follow my train of thought.

36. As a rule, I don't interrupt anyone.

37. I don’t pretend to be confident in my point of view if it’s not.

38. I spend a lot of energy trying to convince others how to do the right thing.

39. I speak emotionally to inspire people to work.

40. I strive for those who very rarely ask for the floor to be active in summing up the results.

Processing of results. The calculation of the results consists in the summation of the assigned points for each question-statement in accordance with the key. The sum of points for both the first and second styles of behavior is in the range from 20 to 100.

Key. A. Diplomatic style of behavior: answers "yes" to items 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 40.

Diagnosis. If the sum of scores "A" is at least 10 more than the sum of scores "B", you are a good diplomat, that is, you have a desire to take into account the opinion of others; You try to make sure that your own ideas match those of the employees; you compromise and make it clear to your employees that you are not at all indifferent to their contribution to decision-making.

If the sum of the "B" scores is at least 10 points more than the sum of the "A" scores, you conduct the discussion in an authoritarian, imperious and unceremonious manner, try to push through your projects, not paying attention to others, do not strive to make a decision a common cause, do not seek support, necessary for its implementation.

Management Style Methodology

In order to take the test, you will need a sheet of paper and a pen.

Test purpose:

The specificity of this methodology lies in the fact that it allows you to determine the styles of leadership not in an expert way, but with the help of self-assessment. Its second difference is that it allows you to identify not only the leading leadership style, but also the degree of expression of each of the three classic leadership styles.

Test material:

1. In working with people, I prefer that they follow my orders unquestioningly.
2. I am easily carried away by new tasks, but I quickly lose interest in them.
3. People often envy my patience and endurance.
4. In difficult situations, I always think about others, and then about myself.
5. My parents rarely forced me to do what I did not want.
6. It annoys me when someone takes too much initiative.
7. I work very hard as I cannot rely on my helpers.
8. When I feel that I am not understood, I give up the intention to prove anything.
9. I am able to objectively assess my subordinates, highlighting among them the strong, average and weak.
10. I often have to consult with my assistants before giving the appropriate order.
11. I rarely insist on my own, so as not to irritate people.
12. I am confident that my assessments of the successes and failures of subordinates are accurate and fair.
13. I always demand from subordinates strict observance of my orders and orders.
14. It is easier for me to work alone than to lead someone.
15. Many people see me as an empathetic and responsive leader.
16. It seems to me that nothing can be hidden from the collective - neither good nor bad.
17. If I meet resistance, I lose interest in working with people.
18. I ignore collective leadership to ensure that one-man leadership is effective.
19. In order not to undermine my authority, I never admit my mistakes.
20. I often do not have enough time for effective work.
21. I try to find a response to the rudeness of a subordinate that does not cause conflict.
22. I do everything so that my subordinates willingly follow my orders.
23. I have very close contacts and friendly relations with my subordinates.
24. I always strive to be the first in all endeavors at all costs.
25. I am trying to develop a universal management style that suits most situations.
26. It is easier for me to adapt to the opinion of the majority of the collective than to oppose it.
27. It seems to me that subordinates should be praised for every, even the smallest, achievement.
28. I cannot criticize a subordinate in the presence of other people.
29. I have to ask more often than demand.
30. Excitement often makes me lose control of my feelings, especially when I get bored.
31. If I had the opportunity to visit my subordinates more often, the effectiveness of my leadership would increase significantly.
32. I sometimes show calmness and indifference to the interests and hobbies of subordinates.
33. I give more competent subordinates more independence in solving complex problems, especially without supervising them.
34. I like to analyze and discuss their problems with subordinates.
35. My assistants cope not only with their own, but also with my functional duties.
36. It is easier for me to avoid conflict with higher management than with subordinates who are always dependent on me.
37. I always strive to carry out my orders in spite of the circumstances.
38. The most difficult thing for me is to interfere in the work of people, to demand additional efforts from them.
39. To better understand my subordinates, I try to imagine myself in their place.
40. I think that the management of people should be flexible: subordinates should not demonstrate either iron inflexibility or familiarity.
41. I am more concerned about my own problems than the interests of subordinates.
42. I often have to deal with current affairs and experience great emotional and intellectual stress from this.
43. Parents forced me to obey even when I thought it was unreasonable.
44. I imagine working with people as a painful task.
45. I try to develop mutual assistance and cooperation in the team.
46. ​​I am grateful for the suggestions and advice of subordinates.
47. The main thing in leadership is to assign responsibilities.
48. Management efficiency is achieved when subordinates exist only as executors of the manager's will.
49. Subordinates are irresponsible people, and therefore they need to be constantly monitored.
50. It is best to give full independence to the team and not interfere in anything.
51. For better leadership, you need to encourage the most capable subordinates and strictly exact from the negligent.
52. I always admit my mistakes and choose the more correct solution.
53. I often have to explain failures in managing objective circumstances.
54. I punish the violator of discipline severely.
55. In criticizing the shortcomings of subordinates, I am merciless.
56. Sometimes it seems to me that in a team I am an extra person.
57. Before reproaching a subordinate, I try to praise him.
58. I interact well with the team and take into account their opinion.
59. I am often accused of being too lenient towards subordinates.
60. If my subordinates did as I demand, I would achieve much more.

Key to the test:


By counting the numbers of the corresponding statements and entering the "key" table, you can determine the degree of expression authoritarian, liberal or democratic management style.

Depending on the received sums of answers, the degree of expressiveness of the style will be different: minimal (0 – 7), average (8 – 13), high(14 - 20). If the scores are minimal on all three indicators, the style is considered unstable, indefinite. An experienced leader has a combination of management styles. In our opinion, a combination of authoritarian and democratic management styles is more preferable, when a manager applies flexible methods of working with people and daily approves an effective management style.

For a more complete description of the individual management style and its subsequent improvement, one can be guided by the data presented in the table.

Characteristics of an individual management style:

Sum of affirmative answers

Degree of expressiveness of management style

0 – 7 Minimum: manifests itself in a weak desire to be a leader, unstable managerial skills, self-confidence, stubbornness, a desire to bring the work started to the end, criticize lagging and incapable subordinates.
8 – 13 Average: reflects good leadership qualities, the ability to manage the actions of subordinates, exactingness and perseverance, the desire to influence the team by force of order and coercion, purposefulness and selfishness, a superficial attitude to the requests of subordinates, unwillingness to listen to the proposals of deputies.
14 – 20 High: reveals pronounced leadership qualities and a desire for one-man power, inflexibility and decisiveness in judgments, energy and toughness in demands, inability to take into account the initiative of subordinates and provide them with independence, excessively harsh criticism and bias in assessments, ambition and low compatibility with deputies, abuse of punishment , disregard for public opinion.
0 – 7 Minimum: unstable desire to work with people, inability to set tasks for subordinates and solve them jointly, uncertainty and ambiguity in the distribution of responsibilities, impulsiveness in criticizing the shortcomings of subordinates, weak exactingness and responsibility.
8 – 13 Average: the desire to shift their responsibilities to deputies, passivity in managing people, undemanding and gullible, fear of the need to make decisions on their own, excessive leniency towards violators of discipline, a tendency to persuade.
14 – 20 High: complete indifference to the interests of the team, unwillingness to take responsibility and make difficult decisions, undemanding and self-withdrawal from management, increased suggestibility and weak-willedness, lack of principle and inability to defend one's point of view, lack of activity goals and specific plans, connivance, flirting, familiarity.
0 – 7 Minimum: weak desire to be closer to subordinates, to cooperate and listen to the advice of assistants, attempts to direct the activities of the team through deputies and an asset, some lack of confidence in their managerial qualities.
8 – 13 Average: a steady desire to live in the interests of the team, take care of the staff, trust deputies and encourage their initiative, use persuasion and coercion, listen to the opinions of the staff.
14 – 20 High: the ability to coordinate and direct the activities of the team, provide independence to the most capable subordinates, develop initiative and new methods of work in every possible way, convince and provide moral support, be fair and tactful in a dispute, study individual personality traits and socio-psychological processes of the team, develop publicity and criticism , prevent conflicts and create a friendly atmosphere.
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Hello! In this article, you will learn about the peculiarities of different leadership styles in organizations, what advantages and disadvantages they have in themselves, and how to recognize these styles at the stage of accepting a leader into the company.

Basic leadership styles in organizations

Management- activities aimed at setting goals, coordinating the work of the team, analyzing and searching for ways to improve labor efficiency.

Supervisor- a formal, but not always a de facto leader. Its managerial functions are subject to appointment or voluntary assumption of duties, subject to ownership of the company.

The formation of a leadership style is determined by the type of team, the urgency of tasks, and the conditions for implementation. The accumulated experience, personal qualities, temperament, and the type of the nervous system are of great importance. The choice is influenced by specific situations, professional training of employees, the level of motivation.

Team Leadership Styles are divided into three main types:

The team style is characterized by single-handed decision making, strict administration. Such a leader does not need the opinion of his subordinates, imposes his will, exerts psychological pressure. He uses threats, does not perceive emotions, his tone is harsh, does not tolerate objections. Keeps distance with subordinates, is afraid of qualified workers expressing their opinions.

2. Democratic(negotiable, economic).

The collegial style is distinguished by the joint development of an action plan and its implementation. A manager using cooperative management listens to the opinions of employees and maintains a friendly atmosphere in the team.

Conflict situations are resolved by negotiation and compromise. A democratic leadership style presupposes the striving of a group of employees to fulfill the assigned task, the distribution of responsibilities in accordance with their abilities. The manager does not control the production process, he is interested in the final result.

Such management increases the interest of employees in the fulfillment of the assigned tasks, stimulates the manifestation of initiative and creativity, development, and advanced training.

3. Liberal(conniving, anarchic).

This type of leadership is distinguished by the delegation of tasks and parts of responsibility to other team members. The anarchist manager sets tasks, creates conditions for work, and sets time frames. Subsequent work consists of outside supervision, expert advice and assessment of the final product of collective labor.

The conniving style of leadership leads to the seizure of actual power by deputies, heads of departments. The manager is soft in communication, contacts are initiated by the employee, he is not concerned about the observance of strict discipline. Often goes to persuasion, does not keep promises, cannot say a firm "no".

With all the negative qualities, the liberal recognizes the level of professional training of each employee, assigns feasible tasks. This is yielding positive results.

Employees think that only their creativity and independent decision-making will ensure the end result. In fact, the result is predetermined by a competent organization, the distribution of responsibilities by the leader.

The analysis showed that the choice of an authoritarian, democratic or liberal leadership style does not affect work efficiency. Each type has its own pros and cons. The validity of a style is determined by the specific state of affairs in the organization.

In difficult industrial situations requiring tough decisions, taking full sole responsibility, an authoritarian leadership style is acceptable. And if production is stable and streamlined, then employees will prefer a Democrat leader.

The liberal leadership style is acceptable in a team of highly qualified specialists who do not need control or guardianship. There, everyone does his own thing, is responsible for the final result of the tasks.

The replacement of outdated production with new technologies, the changing labor market, and the increased level of professional training dictate the need to improve the efficiency of the leadership style.

Successful European and Asian firms practice innovative analytical style. A top manager must generate ideas, analyze, implement them in production, maintain good relationships with the team, and respond to failures with dignity.

Another style - participatory, or participatory, presupposes an open relationship, involving subordinates in planning, making joint important decisions, and holding regular meetings. The leader creates groups that are empowered to make independent decisions. It is used in innovative scientific organizations, where all employees are highly qualified and creative.

The choice of management style is directly related to the personality of the manager. So, according to the nature of their actions, managers are divided into passive and active. Passive managers are liberal. In relation to the use of power, they are divided into unitarists and pluralists. The first type concentrates power in their hands, uses an authoritarian leadership style. The second one combines his opinion with someone else's to achieve a goal, practices a democratic style.

The characteristics of the styles indicate that in practice, in their pure form, they are not applicable. Leaders behave differently in each specific situation.

Throughout a managerial career, methods of all styles andas the case may beto complete tasks on timethe most effective of them are selected.

"Management grid" by R. Blake and M. Mouton

  • 1. (1; 1.) Primitive leadership or "rest at work" (joint management)

Permissive leadership style. The manager does not delve into the essence of projects and is cold with employees. He will not strive to develop the company, and in case of difficulties, he will turn to a superior manager for help.

  • 2. (1; 9.) Social Leadership (Country Club Management)

Leaders of this type are attentive to employees, but mediocre in production matters. Such a leader takes care of the needs of subordinates. But at the same time, production processes suffer. It should be noted that in such a team, employees are fired less often.

  • 3. (9; 1) Authoritarian leadership (power - submission)

Leaders of this type are more interested in solving production issues and in a lesser atmosphere in the team.

Such a leader will not allow familiarity. Discipline in the team is what is important for such a manager.

  • 4. (5; 5) Production and social management (organizational management)

A leader of this type tries to find a middle ground between an effective organization of the work process and a trusting atmosphere in the team. The last decision remains with him, but he will certainly ask the opinion of his subordinates.

  • 5. (9; 9) Team leadership or face-to-face leadership (group control)

This position characterizes a type of leader who treats both people and the production he heads in the same way. This type of manager strives to make every effort, both in the field of social policy and in production itself. They believe that the best way to increase productivity, improve the quality of products and services, is to actively involve subordinates in the decision-making process. This makes it possible to increase the job satisfaction of all employees, to take into account changes that affect production efficiency.

Strengths and weaknesses of each leadership style

For competent team management, you need to analyze the pros and cons of each management style. On the basis of this knowledge, personal qualities, choose the most appropriate option for yourself, suitable for a specific situation.

Advantages and disadvantages of management styles

Style Strengths Weak sides
Authoritarian Fast and clear setting of tasks, decision makingSuppression of initiative
Predictability of resultsWeak motivation
High disciplineLow dedication
Simplicity of control mechanism, which helps to avoid serious conflictsStaff turnover
Fast response to changes in external conditionsUnhealthy team environment
Efficiency in setting up work, solving organizational problems of new enterprisesExcessive control
Democratic Raising the interest and motivation of employees in labor results through participation in managementTime-consuming discussion and planning
An atmosphere of openness and trustHigh emotional dedication of the leader
Successful solution of non-standard tasksDifficulties in aligning interests
Achieving goals at low costReduced employee manageability
Liberal Employee creativity in problem solvingLengthy deadlines
Development of initiative, independenceLack of discipline
Increased personnel responsibilityThe indifference of the leader to the employees
The majority of companies decideLow level of control

After analyzing the table, we can conclude that the manual is divided into 2 types according to orientation:

  • to solve problems;
  • to the team.

Often, a manager intuitively chooses methods that are closer to him in terms of the perception of the world, the manner of communication, and education.

Leadership style and psychological climate in the organization

The task of the manager is to create a healthy psychological environment in the team. Effective, constructive work of employees is possible if everyone is interested in the end result of work with the manifestation of business, professional qualities and abilities. This is achieved by developing criteria for assessing the effectiveness and quality of work, psychological and material motivation.

Scientists have found that labor productivity is directly related to the interaction, compatibility of individuals in the work group.

Outside the team, motivation, despite the initial interest, gradually decreases, since there is no competitive moment.

The psychological climate includes three main components:

  • perception of the leader, participation in management;
  • solidarity of team members, ways of getting out of possible conflicts;
  • satisfaction with the contribution to the common cause.

The leader alone makes decisions, does not welcome the initiative, uses threats, disciplinary sanctions. When giving orders, he counts on unquestioning execution of orders, brings a minimum of information to the employees. Strict control is carried out, the imposition of their will.

These factors create an unfavorable environment in the team. The staff is in constant emotional stress, monotonously performs work, fearing to be penalized and reprimanded. An unhealthy psychological climate leads to conflicts and staff turnover.

Competent selection of employees helps to smooth the situation with an authoritarian management style. Collectives mixed by gender have a more cultural level, the presence of workers of different ages presupposes the exchange of experience, and a reduction in the time of adaptation.

Democratic leadership looks much more attractive to job seekers. With him, employees become involved in management, voluntarily take responsibility. Everyone is informed about the incentive system. The employee freely expresses his opinion, conflicts are discussed collectively. The leader perceives criticism, under the pressure of arguments, he is able to abandon his decision. Asks for the final result, does not control the little things, likes to negotiate.

Partnership relations, not imposing one's will, the formation of pride in completing assigned tasks motivates staff, creates a favorable environment, and stimulates them to fruitful work.

With a conniving style, interference in the affairs of the manager's employees is minimal. The liberal does not consider it necessary to control at intermediate stages, does not participate in the solution of important issues, is indifferent to criticism. Rewards are random, haphazard. With a polite, tactful treatment, the staff feels the indifference of the manager to him.

The psychological climate in the team with such a management style is unfavorable, since employees have no motivation to improve work performance.

How to identify a leadership style

The candidate's management style can be identified at the interview stage. For this, express tests and case interviews are used. When conducting surveys, they make notes about speech, demeanor, communication style, which can say a lot about a person.

Leader identification tasks

Test 1

Determines the presence, confidence in the correctness of his opinion. They offer to calculate the cost of goods based on unrealistic data or offer a plausible condition for the problem, but they dispute the correct answer. A real leader will not doubt the correctness of the decision, he will try to firmly defend his opinion.

Test 2

Asking the candidate to convey the story of the company to the interviewer. Observe the style of presentation. The leader will not repeat word for word; he will convey information from his point of view. In addition to listing the facts, the leader will express his thoughts on what he heard.

Test 3

They offer the applicant to do something out of the ordinary that disrupts the course of the interview. For example, tell a joke, sing. Based on the reaction to the proposal, they conclude that they are ready for an unexpected turn of events, a critical situation.

Companies with a high corporate culture conduct case interviews.

More often, the candidate is given tasks to find a solution to a problem situation. The answers determine creativity, conflict, stress resistance. Whether the applicant is able to take responsibility or redirect the search for a solution to another person.

Knowing the characteristics of leadership styles, it is easy to determine who the future leader is - a unitarian who concentrates sole power, a democrat who solves problems together with the collective, or a liberal who shifts responsibility to staff.

Answering self-test questions helps to identify the managerial style of leadership. Choose one of the three suggested options, tick the box.


  1. When making decisions, you: a) consult with subordinates; b) try to pass the decision on to others; c) take responsibility for yourself.
  2. When solving organizational issues: a) you reserve only general control; b) do not interfere, providing the solution to the problem to the team; c) determine the actions of employees at each stage.
  3. How do you exercise control over subordinates: a) rely on self-control; b) think that control is not needed; c) track the actions of each employee.
  4. In a situation requiring urgent decisions: a) consult with the staff; b) shifting responsibility to the actual leaders of the team; c) you make the decision alone.
  5. Relations with the team: a) help subordinates; b) communicate freely; c) communicate only at the initiative of employees.
  6. Attitude towards criticism: a) take into account; b) do not react in any way; c) do not allow comments.
  7. Maintaining discipline: a) counting on self-discipline; b) do not put pressure on the team; c) demand complete obedience.
  8. If you have difficulty making decisions: a) seek advice; b) shift the decision to subordinates; c) you decide on your own.
  9. Leading a team: a) use a request; b) you cannot order; c) give orders and wait for unquestioning fulfillment.
  10. Assessment of yourself as a leader: a) demanding, but fair; b) undemanding; c) strict, picky.

Where: a) - democratic style; b) - liberal; c) - directive.

Count the number of checkmarks corresponding to each answer option. Pure leadership styles are rare. More often they are mixed, with a penchant for the democratic. For example, if the test result is: a) - 6; b) -3; c) - 1, then your style is democratic-liberal.

The German psychologist Michael Eichberger developed the types of leaders by which the management style is determined. The theory divides managers by gender, attitude to business and team:

1. The Iron Lady.

2. Despot.

An authoritarian leader who hides his complexes behind a mask of toughness and irreconcilability. Can publicly reprimand for a minor offense. In communicating with him, it is not recommended to show emotions, responding to comments.

3. Patriarch.

Makes decisions independently, without consulting anyone. Despite the authoritarian management style, he is respected by the team for his professionalism and care for people.

4. Older sister.

Loves meetings, discussions and teamwork. Picks up a strong team, patronizes subordinates. Innovative ideas and suggestions are welcomed. Adhering to a democratic leadership style, he does not accept the shifting of responsibility from one employee to another.

5. A lone wrestler.

The liberal manager is reluctant to bring information to the working group. Doesn't like to be bothered about trifles. He prefers to solve current affairs through a secretary.

The test of A. Zhuravlev, consisting of 27 characteristics of a leader, each of which contains 5 options, helps to determine the prevailing leadership style. The technique is used for self-diagnosis and expert assessment. The second option assumes passing the test by an equal number (1–5 people) of lower, higher and equal managers. After receiving the results, the answers are compared.

Efficient production, high performance determines the flexibility of a leader who adapts to changing conditions, who knows how to choose a management style of leadership depending on the tasks set, and the professional training of the team.

9. Techniques for learning leadership styles

Methodology "Self-assessment of management style"

The methodology given in the book by A. V. Agrashenkov “Psychology for Every Day” (M., 1997) was somewhat modified by me in order to reduce the number of questionnaire items (instead of 60, 33 were left) and to exclude those that have a very distant relation to the diagnosed styles ...

Instruction. For each item of the questionnaire, answer, without hesitation for a long time, "yes" or "no", depending on whether you agree or disagree with the statement expressed in it, and make a corresponding note in the answer sheet.

Questionnaire text:

1. In working with people, I prefer that they follow my orders unquestioningly.

2. In difficult situations, when making a decision, I always think about others, and then about myself.

3. It annoys me when someone takes too much initiative.

4. As a rule, I do not rely on my assistants.

5. I am able to objectively evaluate my subordinates, distinguishing among them the strong and the weak.

6. I often consult with my assistants before giving a responsible order.

7. I rarely insist on my own, so as not to irritate my subordinates.

8. I always require subordinates to strictly follow my orders.

9. It is easier for me to work alone than to lead someone.

10. I ignore collective leadership to ensure that one-man leadership is effective.

12. I try to react to the rudeness of a subordinate so as not to cause a conflict.

13. I do everything so that my subordinates willingly follow my orders.

14. I always strive to be the first in all the endeavors of the team.

15. It is easier for me to adapt to the opinion of the majority of the collective than to oppose it.

16. I have to ask more often than demand.

17. I give good specialists a lot of freedom in solving complex problems, I don't have much control over them.

18. I like to discuss and analyze with subordinates the problems of the team.

19. My assistants cope not only with their own, but also with my duties.

20. It is easier for me to avoid conflict with senior management than with subordinates who can always be "put in place."

21. I always strive to fulfill my orders, even in spite of the circumstances.

22. To better understand my subordinates, I try to imagine myself in their place.

23. The most difficult thing for me is to interfere in the work of people, to demand additional efforts from them.

24. I am more concerned about my own problems than the problems of subordinates.

25. I think that the management of people should be flexible: neither iron adherence nor familiarity can be used.

26. I see the leadership of people as a painful occupation.

27. I try to develop cooperation and mutual assistance in the team.

28. I am grateful for the advice and suggestions of subordinates.

29. Sometimes it seems to me that in a team I am an extra person.

30. Management efficiency is achieved when subordinates are only executors of the chief's decisions.

31. It is best to give the team full independence and not interfere in anything.

32. I am often accused of being too lenient towards subordinates.

33. The main thing in leadership is to skillfully distribute their responsibilities among assistants.

Processing of results and conclusions. For each affirmative answer, 1 point is awarded.

The key to decrypting the data. The manifestation of an authoritarian leadership style is evidenced by affirmative answers to points: 1, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 22, 30.

The manifestation of the democratic style of leadership is evidenced by the affirmative answers to paragraphs 2, 5, 6, 12, 13, 18, 19, 24, 25, 27, 28.

The manifestation of the liberal (conniving) style of leadership is evidenced by the affirmative answers to paragraphs 7, 9, 16, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 31, 32, 33.

The sum of the points scored on each scale (for each style) is calculated and the degree of expression of each style is determined:

- 0-3 points - weak,

- 4-7 points - average,

- 8-11 points - high.

If the scores are low on all scales, then the style has not been formed, if they are high, we can talk about a mixed management style. The prevalence of assessments on one of the scales by 3 points or more indicates a greater manifestation of the style characterized by this scale.

Methodology "Style of leadership" (A. L. Zhuravlev)

The methodology is aimed at assessing the prevailing leadership style: directive (authoritarian); collegial (democratic); liberal.

Instruction. You will be offered 27 characteristics of your leader's activities and each of them indicated 5 options for its manifestation. Please select one or more of these 5 options that correspond to his manual and check them off. Please be sincere.

1. Distribution of powers between managers and subordinates:

a) centralizes management, requires that all details be reported to him;

b) passive in performing managerial functions;

c) clearly distributes functions among themselves, their deputies and subordinates;

d) expects instructions from above or even demands them;

e) centralizes management only in difficult situations.

2. Actions of the head in critical (stressful) situations:

a) moves to more stringent management methods;

b) does not change the way of management;

c) does not do without the help of higher managers;

d) begins to interact more closely with subordinates;

e) does a poor job with his duties.

3. Contacts of the manager with subordinates:

a) not sociable enough, speaks little to people;

b) regularly communicates with subordinates, talks about the state of affairs in the team, about the difficulties that have to be overcome;

c) knows how to communicate, but deliberately limits communication with subordinates, keeps at a distance from them;

d) tries to communicate with subordinates, but at the same time experiences difficulties in communication;

e) communicates mainly with the asset of the team.

4. The productivity of the team in the absence of a leader:

a) performers work worse;

b) the team does not reduce productivity;

c) performers are constantly not working at full capacity;

d) work productivity increases;

e) the team works with varying degrees of success.

5. The attitude of the head to the advice and objections from the side of the executors:

a) he himself seeks advice from his subordinates;

b) does not allow those under his leadership to advise him, let alone object;

c) subordinates not only advise, but can give instructions to their leader;

d) the leader is consulted even when circumstances do not particularly require it;

e) if the performers know how best to do the job, they tell their manager about it.

6. Control over the activities of subordinates:

a) controls from case to case;

b) always very strictly controls the work of individual performers and the team as a whole;

c) controlling the work, he always notices positive results, praises the performers;

d) controlling, always looking for shortcomings in work;

e) often interferes with the work of performers.

7. The ratio of solutions to production and socio-psychological problems in the process of team leadership:

a) he is only interested in the implementation of the plan, and not in the relationship of people to each other;

b) solving production problems, trying to create good relations between people in the team;

c) is not interested in work, approaches the matter formally;

d) pays more attention to building relationships in the team, rather than completing production tasks;

e) when necessary, protects the interests of his subordinates.

8. The nature of the orders of the head:

a) orders so that you want to do it;

b) the leader does not know how to order;

c) the request of the head does not differ from the order;

d) orders are accepted, but they are not carried out well enough and quickly;

e) his orders cause discontent among those under his leadership.

9. The attitude of the leader to criticism from subordinates:

a) usually does not take offense, listens to her;

b) listens, even promises to take action, but does nothing;

c) does not like to be criticized, and does not try to hide it;

d) accepts criticism only from senior managers;

e) does not respond.

10. Behavior of a leader with a lack of knowledge:

a) he solves even those issues with which he is not very familiar;

b) if he does not know something, he is not afraid to show it and turns to others for help;

c) does not seek to replenish his knowledge;

d) when he does not know something, he hides it and tries to independently make up for the lack of knowledge;

e) if he does not know how to solve the issue or to complete the work, then he instructs his subordinates to do this.

11. Distribution of responsibility between the manager and subordinates:

a) one gets the impression that he is afraid to be responsible for his actions, wants to reduce his responsibility;

b) distributes responsibility between himself and his subordinates;

c) assigns all responsibility only to himself;

d) often emphasizes the responsibility of higher leaders, tries to shift his responsibility to them;

e) it happens that the leader, being responsible for some business, tries to shift it to his deputies or subordinate leaders.

12. The attitude of the manager to his deputies or assistants:

a) tries to ensure that his deputies are qualified specialists;

b) he achieves the trouble-free obedience of deputies and assistants;

c) the head does not care who works as his deputy (assistant);

d) is careful in relation to substitutes, because he is afraid for his position;

e) does not want to have a very qualified specialist nearby.

13. Emotional satisfaction of the performer in the absence of the head:

a) the performers are happy when the leader is absent, they feel some relief;

b) it is interesting to work with the leader, so they expect his return;

c) the absence of a leader is not noticed by the performers;

d) at first, the performers are happy that the leader is absent, and then they get bored;

e) at first, the absence of a leader is felt by the performers, and then they are quickly forgotten.

14. Prevailing methods of influencing subordinates:

a) to perform some kind of work, he often has to persuade his subordinates;

b) always orders, commands, instructs, but never asks;

c) often turns to subordinates with assignments, requests, advice;

d) often makes remarks and reprimands guided;

e) his remarks are always correct.

15. The nature of the manager's treatment of subordinates:

a) always addresses subordinates politely and kindly;

b) in relation to subordinates is tactless and even rude;

c) often shows indifference in addressing subordinates;

d) it seems that the politeness of the leader is insincere;

e) the nature of his treatment of subordinates often changes.

16. Participation of team members in management:

a) the leader involves the members of the team in management;

b) often the leader shifts his functions to others;

c) management functions are not fixed stably, their distribution may change;

d) it happens that management functions are actually taken over by other members of the team, and not by the leader;

e) management functions are performed only by the head.

17. Maintaining labor discipline by the head:

a) strives for formal discipline and ideal submission;

b) cannot influence discipline;

c) knows how to maintain discipline and order;

d) discipline looks good, as subordinates are afraid of the leader;

e) does not sufficiently suppress violations of discipline.

18. The nature of communication between the head and the performers:

a) communicates with subordinates only on business issues;

b) when talking to subordinates about the matter, the leader asks about the personal, about the family;

c) often communicates on personal matters, without touching the case;

d) the initiative of communication comes from the performers, the leader rarely speaks himself;

e) it is often difficult to understand the leader in communicating with him.

19. The nature of the decision-making on the management of the team:

a) the head single-handedly develops decisions or cancels them;

b) rarely undertakes a difficult task, but rather leaves it;

c) tries to solve together with subordinates, single-handedly decides only the most urgent and operational issues;

d) decides only those issues that arise themselves, does not try to foresee their solution in advance;

e) takes on the solution of mostly minor issues.

20. The relationship between people in a team:

a) in the team, mutual assistance and mutual trust are insufficiently developed;

b) tries to make subordinates have a good mood at work;

c) there is an increased staff turnover in the team, people often leave the team and do not regret it;

d) people treat each other sensitively, in a friendly way;

e) in the presence of a leader, performers constantly have to work in tension.

21. Granting independence to subordinates:

a) encourages subordinates to work independently;

b) sometimes the leader imposes his opinion, but says that this is the opinion of the majority;

c) performers work more on the instructions of the head than on their own;

d) performers are left to their own devices;

e) provides subordinates with independence only from time to time.

22. The attitude of the leader to the advice of others:

a) regularly consults with performers, especially experienced workers;

b) consults with subordinates only in a difficult situation;

c) usually consults with deputies and subordinate leaders, but not with ordinary performers;

d) listens with pleasure to the opinion of colleagues;

e) consults only with senior managers.

23. The ratio of the initiative of the leader and subordinates:

a) the initiative of subordinates is not accepted by the head;

b) believes that it is better to do less (then less will be asked);

c) the leader supports the initiative of subordinates;

d) the leader cannot act on his own, but waits to be "pushed";

e) neither the manager nor the subordinates show initiative.

24. The nature of the leader's exactingness:

a) his favorite slogan: “Come on, come on!”;

b) he is demanding, but at the same time he is fair;

c) we can say about him that he is too strict and even picky;

d) perhaps he is not a very demanding person;

e) the leader is demanding of himself and others.

25. The attitude of the leader to innovations:

a) he is probably conservative, because he is afraid of the new;

b) willingly supports expedient innovations;

c) supporting innovations in the field of production, with great difficulty changes the nature of communication with people;

d) he does better with innovations in the non-production sphere (in everyday life, on vacation, in interpersonal relations);

e) innovations pass by the leader.

26. Involvement of team members in the development of solutions:

a) in his work he widely relies on public organizations;

b) many issues are resolved by the team at a general meeting;

c) some important cases are resolved in fact without the participation of the head, his functions are performed by others;

d) the leader himself decides most of the issues for the team;

e) the leader promotes the introduction of various forms of self-government in the team: This text is an introductory fragment.

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Application of the Methodology for the Study of Creativity

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Chapter 3 Methods of studying student motivation

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the author Ilyin Evgeny Pavlovich

IV. Methods for studying motivation and motives 1. Methodology "Revealing the awareness of various components of the motive" The method was developed by A. V. Ermolin and E. P. Ilyin. The initial material of the methodology is a form on which two variants of tasks are printed: option A - unfinished

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Application. Methods for studying volitional qualities

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