Setting the sound m and m. Practical material for setting and automating the sound "m"

The presentation “Automation of the sound M in syllables, words and sentences” can be used for classes with children of the primary and secondary groups with general speech underdevelopment. It presents material for automating the sound M in syllables, words of different syllabic structures and sentences. The content is selected in such a way as to virtually eliminate the sounds of late ontogenesis. The speech material is accompanied by the display of corresponding pictures.

When automating sound, choose only those syllables, words and sentences that do not contain “difficult” sounds for the child. Complete tasks only in a good mood!



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Completed by: teacher-speech therapist GBDOU kindergarten No. 362 Kozlova G. R. Automation of the sound M in syllables, words and sentences.

Automation of the sound M in syllables Repeat chains of syllables after an adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly. Ma-ma-ma, M o-mo-mo, M u-mu-mu, M e-me-me, M e-we-we. Ma-we-me-mo-mu, We-me-mo-mu-ma, Ma-mo-mu-ma-we, Mo-mu-ma-we-me, Mu-ma-we-me-mo.

Automation of the sound M in syllables Repeat chains of syllables after an adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly. Am-am-am, Om-om-ohm, Um-um-um, Um-um-um. Um-um-um-um, Um-um-um-um, Um-um-um-um, Am-um-um-um.

Automation of the sound M in syllables Repeat chains of syllables after an adult. Correctly pronounce the sound M Mum-mom-mum, Mum-mum-mum, Mum-mum-mom, Mum-mam-mum. Ama - omo - umu, Imy-eme-omo, Omo - ama - umu, Eme - omo - umu.

Automation of the sound M in syllables Repeat pairs of syllables after an adult: am-ma. Mo - om Um - mu Me - um Om - mo We - ym Ma - am Em - me ym - we Mu - um Am - ma

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound correctly Mm ama Manya

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly macaque magic

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M m m m m a g correctly

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound correctly M m adam mike

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M mango manto correctly

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Correctly pronounce the sound M manka magnet

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound correctly M m akovka madonna

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly fashion coin

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M moh m otok correctly

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound correctly M monakh m ped

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Correctly pronounce the sound M capelin flywheel

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M m uka m uha correctly

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly mummy muff

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound correctly M muddy multik

Automation of the M sound at the beginning of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M wash m er correctly

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M dama r correctly. Kama

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly Tyoma puma

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M yama Panama correctly

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly paper lipstick

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly, tomato border

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the M sound correctly cayman command

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Correctly pronounce the sound M chest of drawers lump

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M silent smoke correctly

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly

Automation of the M sound in the middle of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly ladies dwarves

Automation of the M sound at the end of a word. Repeat the words after the adult. Correctly pronounce the sound M tom v am, n am, t am, b om! t opim.

Automation of the M sound at the end of a word Repeat the words after an adult. Correctly pronounce the sound M house smoke

Automation of the M sound in words with consonant clusters. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly

Automation of the M sound in words with consonant clusters. Repeat the words after the adult. Pronounce the sound M correctly fiction room

Automation of the sound M in sentences Repeat sentences after adults. Pronounce the sound M correctly. Mom is at home. There are gnomes at the house.

Automation of the sound M in sentences Repeat sentences after adults. Pronounce the sound M U Mani maki correctly. Poppies in the fog.

Automation of the sound M in sentences Repeat sentences after adults. Pronounce the sound M U Tomy Panama correctly. Dima has a lot of paper.

Thank you for your attention!

Automation of sound M

    Repeat the syllables.


Am - om - um - y


Um - om - am - mind

Mu - we - ma

Um - om - am - y

Mu - ma - we

Om - mind - ym - am

    Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word: Poppy, magician, small, Masha, shop, car, raspberry, painter, tangerine; wash, wash, cape, soap, moo; mot, moss, skein, coin, hammer, monologue, sea, sailor, frost, carrot; Muk, dregs, flour, fly, mousse, museum, music, mulatto, Murka, purr.

Sound in the middle of a word: Mom, godfather, Kama, Duma, home, lady, sum, winter, KAMAZ, smear, team, break, frame, Roman, mosquito, chamomile; kumiss, reeds, frames; chest of drawers, lump, smoke, mute, lock, lemon; to whom, to that, stir up the clamp, Talmud.

Sound at the end of a word:

House, smoke, I will give, to you, bam, bom, com, catfish, myself, deputy, noise, scrap, rum, album, burbot, temple, brom, shame.

Mka, mno, me, mni, mla, mra, mru, rma, rchma. Umka, Tomka, bag; many, many, multiply, multiplication; me, opinion, doubt; stones, remember, knead; young, baby, junior; darkness, gloomy, gloomy, marble; feed, inn.

    Repeat the sentences.

Mom washes Masha. Mom has a poppy. Manya loves raspberries. Little Mook goes to the store. The godfather has a small bag. There is smoke coming from the house. Mom washes the frame. Manya breaks the lock. There is a small room near the house. The godfather has a small catfish. Manya looks at the album. Dima has a crowbar. There is darkness all around. There is a lot of marble in the castle. There is a small key in the lock. Catfish in the bag. Masha multiplies. Mom washes the baby. Masha is younger than Vitya.

    Repeat the phrases.

Ma - ma - ma - I’m at home myself.

Mu - mu - mu - milk for anyone?

We - we - we - we walked.

Mo-mo-mo-eating popsicles.

    Repeat proverbs and sayings.

A lot of snow - a lot of bread.

Lots of water - lots of grass.

Moscow is the mother of all cities.

    Repeat the tongue twisters.

Have you washed the raspberries?

They washed, but did not soap.

The cat lapped milk

And Borya dipped a bun in milk.

    Repeat the riddles.

The red maiden sits in prison,

Head on a leg

And the braid is on the street.


There are polka dots in my head.


Flying all day long

Everyone gets bored.

The night is coming

Then it stops.


Drinks gasoline like milk

Can run far.

Carries goods and people.

You are familiar with her, of course.


    Learn poems.

Mom, I love you so much

That I don’t really know!

I am a sea ship

I'll give it the name "Mom!"

(Ya. Akim)

Can I? - Asked the mouse?

What you? You're still a baby.

(G. Satir)

    Game "Give me a word"

And play pranks without a break

We could do it all day... (monkeys).

We are a puppy in soap and water

Two hours with a washcloth... (washed).

Clinging to the rear tire

Masha is going to... (car).

In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole

Gray baby.

Who is this? (Mouse).

    Game "On the contrary"

The adult asks the child to name words with opposite meanings (antonyms) that begin with the sound M.

Stupid - (wise)

A lot - (few)

Big small)

Dry - (wet)

    Retell the story

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

We have a cat named Murka. Murka has a beautiful mustache and a fluffy tail. Murka loves to drink milk. Mom buys it in the store especially for Murka.

Here, Murka milk.

Mur-mur-mur, - thanks the cat. What Murka

Sound M

Articulation of sound

See sound M. The difference is that when pronouncing the sound Mb, the lips are tensed much more, the tongue is arched, its tip rests on the lower incisors.

Sound production. By imitation.

    Repeat the syllables.

Me - me - mu

Me - me - me



Me - mu - me

Yam - yam - yam

Me - mi - me

Name - name - name

Mi - me - mu


Mu - mu - mu

Eat - eat - eat

    Repeat the words.

Sound at the beginning of a word:

Meow, mint, ball, mint, mint, soft, pulp, meat, mutiny, mumble, meat grinder; mine, blink, minute, minus, bear, mile, Mila, dear, peace, minor; copper, medic, throw, mark, bear, place, jellyfish, bag, blizzard, medal, furniture, chalk; honey, chalk

Sound in the middle of a word:

Name, hush, banner; house, comedian, fireplace, domino, vitamin, freeze; comet, stone, change, note, replacement, camellia, change; hint, droppings.

Confluence of consonant sounds in syllables and words: Tme, dme, bme, vme, sme. Cancel, cancel, dismiss; replace, sweep; exchange, exchange; together; estimate, brave.

    Repeat the sentences.

Mila has a medal. Mila throws a ball. The bear loves honey. Misha blinks at Mila. The ball flies for a minute. Mila threw the ball accurately. Misha eats meat. There is a fireplace in the house. There is a banner hanging on the house. The comet flies past Mila's house. Mitya noticed the stone. The comedian took the hint. Mitya carries the banner. Mint has a minty taste. There's a snowstorm blowing outside. Misha takes vitamins. The bear loves honey. Mitya draws with chalk.

    Repeat the phrases.

Mi - mi - mi - I sing the note E.

Mi - mi - mi - let's go ourselves.

    Repeat proverbs and sayings.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf. He who dared ate it.

    Repeat the riddles.

They beat him, but he doesn’t cry,

It just jumps higher and higher.


In the summer he walks through the forest,

In winter it rests in a den.


The white pebble melted

He left marks on the board.


Horned, but not butting.


twisted, tied,

Impaled on a stake

And he's dancing down the street.


    Learn a poem.

Colored ball jumping

In the yard in front of me,

This ball is very cute:

He hasn't broken glass yet!

(G. Vieru)

    Game "Give me a word."

The adult invites the child to suggest the right word at the end of each poem.

Doesn't fit in the book

Clubfoot... (bear).

Our Tanya is crying loudly,

Dropped it into the river... (ball).

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

I sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar.

This is a forest animal... (bear).

    Game "On the contrary".

The adult invites the child to name words that are opposite in meaning (antonyms) and begin with the sound Мь.

    Game "Be careful".

The adult invites the child to listen to the story and name all the words with the sound Мь that appear in it.

Mila has crayons. She drew a bear, a jellyfish, a ball, and a medal. Mila made beautiful drawings. Mila showed the drawings to Tyoma. He also decided to draw something, took a chalk and here in front of us is a comet. Well done boys!

Corrective and developmental tasks.

1. Teach the child to determine the direction of sound in space.

2. Prepare the child for mastering the sound-syllable series by forming spatio-temporal representations.

3. Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sounds [M] and [M"], differentiate sounds by ear and in pronunciation.

4. Introduce the following concepts into the child’s passive and active vocabulary: “consonant sound”, “hard (soft) consonant sound”.

5. Learn to determine the place of sounds [M], [M"] at the beginning, middle and end of words.

6. Learn to analyze syllables like AM, MA.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise “Follow the sound” (development of auditory attention).

The adult blindfolds the child and rings the bell. The child must follow the sound of the bell.

Task 2. Didactic exercise “Before - between - after”.

The adult invites the child to remember what seasons, months, days of the week he remembers; asks to say them in order. Then the adult asks questions: what is the first month of the year? last? before March? after March? between June and August? (Similarly, the game is played based on the days of the week and seasons.)

Task 3. Introducing the sound [M].

The adult asks the child to guess the riddle and answer the question:

Hungry - mooing,

Full - chews,

Gives milk to all children. (Cow)

“How does a cow moo?” - "MMM..."

An adult shows the child in front of the mirror and explains the articulation of the sound [M]: when we pronounce the sound [M]:

The lips are closed without tension;

The air comes out through the nose;

The neck "works".

The adult shows the child the sound symbol [M]: the cow moos: MMM...,

then he explains that the sound [M] cannot be sung, because the sponges create a barrier to the air. This sound is a consonant, hard, voiced (the neck “works”), so we denote the sound [M] with a blue circle with a bell. In this way the child learns characteristics sound [M].

Task 4. Phonetic exercise.

The cow moos: MMMMMMMMMMM... (following the adult, pronounce the sound [M] for a long time).

Task 5. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands.”

The adult pronounces a series of sounds, syllables, words and asks the child to clap his hands if he hears the sound [M] (isolated, in syllables, in words):

m, a, y, m, m, and; am, ar, or, om, ma, mu, ka, sa, we;

poppy, Olya, fly, house, soup, flour;

Task 6. The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat the syllables, while the child should feel the lips closing when pronouncing the sound [M]:

ma, mo, mu, we; am, om, mind, im.

Task 7. The adult invites the child to repeat the syllable sequence:

ma-mo, ma-we, moo-ma, moo-we; um-om, um-im, um-am, om-im.

Task 8. The adult pronounces words, emphasizing the sound [M] in them with his voice, and the child names the same first (last) sound in the words:

poppy, fly, car, soap; house, catfish, lump, scrap.

Task 9. The child is asked to choose from a number of drawn objects those whose names contain the sound [M]:

at the beginning of words: poppy, fly, mask, brand;

at the end of words: house, catfish, album;

in the middle of the words: bag, plane, lamp.

To determine the place of the sound [M] in a word, it is recommended to use a card and a blue circle with a bell.

Task 10. Remember with your child:

months of the year whose names contain the sound [M] (March, May);

time of year whose name contains the sound [M] (winter).

Task 11. Complete the sentences (agreeing pronouns with nouns):

This is my... (hat). This is my home). This is my... (coat). These are my books).

Task 12. Introducing the sound [M"].

An adult asks a child a question: “What is the name of a baby cow?” - “Calf.”

The adult draws the child’s attention to the fact that the calf is small, he moos: Mmm...

Then he introduces the child to the symbol of the sound [M"]: the calf moos: moo... , X characteristicssound: consonant, soft, voiced, and designation: green circle with a bell.

Task 13. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [M"]”:

m, a, y, m, and, m; me, ka, pa, mi, ki, me;

ball, soup, bowl, Misha, peace, crow.

Task 14. The adult invites the child to listen carefully and repeat a series of syllables:

me-me, mi-my...; um-oh, um-um...

Task 15. An adult asks the child to list pictures whose names begin with the sound [M"]:

ball, bowl, bear, chalk, subway, month.

Games with pictures: “What’s missing?”(the child closes his eyes, the adult removes the picture. The child must remember the name of the picture that was removed.)

"What changed?"(the child closes his eyes, the adult swaps the pictures. The child must remember and replace the original row of pictures.)

Task 16. Differentiation of sounds [M] - [M"]. Didactic exercise “Clap your hands if you hear the sound [M]”:

m, m, m, m...; ma, me, mi, mu...;am, om...; ball, fly, poppy, Misha...,

Didactic exercise “Say the opposite” (game with a ball: an adult pronounces a syllable with a hard consonant sound [M], while throwing the ball to the child. The child catches the ball, pronounces a syllable with a soft consonant sound, returning the ball to the adult, etc.):

ma-mya, mo-..., mu-..., we-...; me-ma, mi-..., mu-..., me-...

Task 17. The child is asked to choose among the names those that begin with the sound [M] ():

Misha, Mark, Marina, Miron...

Paste into your notebook pictures with images of objects whose names begin with the sounds [M] and . (At the end of the lesson on the topic, the adult invites the child to remember which pictures he pasted into his notebook.)

Task 18. Didactic exercise “Say the word, name the first sound in the word.”

In the underground, in the closet

She lives in a hole

Gray baby.

Who is this?., (mouse)

He slept in a fur coat all winter,

I sucked a brown paw,

And when he woke up, he began to roar.

This is a forest animal... (bear)

Guess the riddles, name the first sound in the answer:

In winter he sleeps

In the summer, the hives are stirred up. (Bear)

No arms, no legs,

And he can draw. (Freezing)

The girl is sitting in prison,

And the braid is on the street. ( Carrot)

Flying all day long

Everyone gets bored

The night will come

Then it will stop. (Fly)

Learn pure sayings:

Ma-ma-ma - I'm at home myself.

Mu-mu-mu - milk for anyone?

Mo-mo-mo - we eat popsicle.

We-we-we - we read the book.

Mi-mi-mi - sing the note E.

Me-me-me - give me some grass.

Task 19. The adult says a couple of words and asks the child to determine what the first sound is in these words, and then make a sentence with each word:

mouse - bear; soap - Mila; small - crumpled.

Task 20. Exercise for fingers and development of coordination of speech with movements:

We wrote, we wrote, -

And now everyone stands up together

They stomped their feet,

Hands patted.

Perform appropriate movements.

We wrote, we wrote, - Rhythmically clench your fingers into fists.

Our fingers are tired.

We'll take a little rest -

And let's start writing again.

Task 20. Introducing the letter M.

Letter M with two humps,

Like a camel - see for yourself!

O. Hoffman

What does the letter M look like? Letter M from fingers: close the tips of your index fingers, lower them down along with your middle fingers, and squeeze the rest into a fist.

Letter games.

Task 21. Syllable analysis: AM, MA. Drawing up diagrams from circles. (A consonant sound is a blue circle with a bell, a vowel sound is a red circle.)

Composing the syllables AM, MA from the letters of the split alphabet. Reading, copying, writing in block letters from dictation.

Practical material on audio automation M
1. Repeat the syllables.

Ma - mo Ma - mo - mu Am - om - um - y

Mo - ma Mu - we - ma Um - om - am - y
Mu - we Mo - ma - mu Um - om - am - mind
We - mu Mu - ma - we Om - um - ym - am

2. Repeat the words.
Sound at the beginning of a word: Poppy, magician, small, Masha, shop, car, raspberry, painter, tangerine; wash, wash, cape, soap, moo; mot, moss, skein, coin, hammer, monologue, sea, sailor, frost, carrot; Muk, dregs, flour, fly, mousse, museum, music, mulatto, Murka, purr.

Sound in the middle of the word: Mom, godfather, Kama, duma, home, lady, sum, winter, KAMAZ, spread, team, break, frame, Roman, mosquito, chamomile; kumiss, reeds, frames; chest of drawers, lump, smoke, mute, lock, lemon; to whom, to that, stir up the clamp, Talmud.

Sound at the end of a word:
House, smoke, I will give, to you, bam, bom, com, catfish, myself, deputy, noise, crowbar, rum, album, burbot, temple, bromine, shame.

A confluence of consonant sounds in syllables and words: Mka, mno, me, mni, mla, mra, mru, rma, rchma. Umka, Tomka, bag; many, many, multiply, multiplication; me, opinion, doubt; stones, remember, knead; young, baby, junior; darkness, gloomy, gloomy, marble; feed, inn.

3. Repeat the sentences.
Mom washes Masha. Mom has a poppy. Manya loves raspberries. Little Mook goes to the store. The godfather has a small bag. There is smoke coming from the house. Mom washes the frame. Manya breaks the lock. There is a small room near the house. The godfather has a small catfish. Manya looks at the album. Dima has a crowbar. There is darkness all around. There is a lot of marble in the castle. There is a small key in the lock. Catfish in the bag. Masha multiplies. Mom washes the baby. Masha is younger than Vitya.

4. Repeat pure sayings.
Ma - ma - ma - I’m at home myself. Mu - mu - mu - milk for anyone? We - we - we - we walked. Mo-mo-mo-eating popsicles.

5. Repeat proverbs and sayings.
A lot of snow - a lot of bread. Lots of water - lots of grass. Moscow is the mother of all cities.

6. Repeat the tongue twisters.
Have you washed the raspberries?
They washed, but did not soap.

The cat lapped milk
And Borya dipped a bun in milk.

7. Repeat the riddles.
The red maiden sits in prison,
Head on a leg
And the braid is on the street. (Carrot)

There are polka dots in my head.(Poppy)

Flying all day long
Everyone gets bored.
The night is coming
Then it stops.(Fly)

Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far.
Carries goods and people.
You are familiar with her, of course.(Car)

8. Learn poems.
Mom, I love you so much
That I don’t really know!
I am a sea ship
I'll give it the name "Mom!"(Ya. Akim)

Can I? - Asked the mouse?
What you? You're still a baby.(G. Satir)

9. Game “Give me a word”
The adult invites the child to suggest the right word at the end of each poem.

And play pranks without a break
They could do it all day long...(monkeys).

We are a puppy in soap and water

Two hours with a washcloth...(washed).

Clinging to the rear tire
Masha is driving...(car).

In the underground, in the closet
She lives in a hole
Gray baby.
Who is this? (Mouse).

10. Game “On the contrary”
The adult asks the child to name words with opposite meanings (antonyms) that begin with the sound M.

Stupid - (wise)
A lot - (few)
Big small)
Dry - (wet)

11. Retell the story
The adult invites the child to listen to the story and then retell it.

We have a cat named Murka. Murka has a beautiful mustache and a fluffy tail. Murka loves to drink milk. Mom buys it in the store especially for Murka.

- Here, Murka, milk.
“Pur-mur-mur,” thanks the cat. How smart Murka is!

Snezhana Agletdinova
Sounds [m]–[m]. Letter M.

Target: formation of the concept of consonant sound, about sonority, hardness and softness of consonants.


Correctional educational:

1) give the concept of hard and soft consonants sounds;

2) teach selection sound[m] - [мь] from the composition of the word;

3) introduce to letter M;

Correctional and developmental:

1) develop higher mental processes: memory, attention, thinking;

2) develop phonation breathing;

Correctional and educational:

1) cultivate a culture of speech.

Methodological support

Didactic aids: subject pictures depicting a cow, calf, painting "Cow in the Meadow", 2 sound little man(blue and green, subject pictures depicting dairy products, counting sticks, card with letter M.

Motivation: the appearance of the Masha doll from the village of Maslenkino in the group.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

In the village of Maslenkino there lived a little girl Masha. Masha was small and could not speak yet. But she knew how to smoothly and loudly sing: a-o-u-y-e-i

To make the song sound more melodic, you need to inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders and exhale sing: a-o-u-y-e-i. Let's repeat Masha's songs (children repeat 4 times).

Which sounds of Masha singing? (vowels) Why are they called that? (the mouth is open, the air flows freely through the mouth without encountering an obstacle). How many vowels are there in total? sounds? Today we will introduce you to sound, which is different from vowels sounds.

2. Getting to know sound [m].

The girl Masha had a favorite animal. Guess the riddle and you will find out who it is. “When she’s hungry she moos, when she’s full she chews, she gives milk to all the children.”.

The speech therapist shows a picture of a cow.

Where are you going, cow - long horns?

Mmm! “A cow moos,” I go to the meadows.

How does a cow moo? Say sound [m].

Lips closed. Air cannot pass through the mouth. The lips built a barrier. The air found another way. Place your palm on your face and say sound /m/. Where does the air come from? (exits through the nose).

The speech therapist makes a conclusion: If when pronouncing sound the air meets an obstacle, then such sounds are called consonants.

- Sound[m] vowel or consonant? Why?

Place the back of your hand on the neck. The voice lives there.

If the neck trembles, it means it is ringing the sound runs.

Sound [M] voiced, since the voice is involved in its pronunciation.

The speech therapist introduces the symbol sound [m].

- Sound[m] is indicated by a blue square with a bell.

Bell on a square "speaks", What sound [M] voiced.

Meet the little man who will help us remember the designation sound [m]. His name is Muk. Muk helped the girl Masha take care of the cow.

4. Selection sound[M] from the composition of the word. A game "Catch sound» .

Among the syllables: am, op, n, u, we, pa, mu.

Among the words: Masha, grass, milk, water, semolina (porridge, hooves, moos.

Masha loves semolina porridge.

Masha loves to drink milk.

So that there is a well-fed cow.

So that she gives a lot of milk.

A cow came to the meadows.

Look at the picture "Cow in the Meadow". A cow stands on a green meadow, chewing grass. The cow has steep horns, thick sides, stands, wags its tail. Based on the picture, name the words with sound [m], highlighting it with his voice. (House, smoke, raspberries, flies, poppy, chamomile, reeds, ant.)

The cow returned from the meadow, and was greeted in the yard by domestic birds. Let's try to depict them.

5. Fizminutka "Poultry"

Our ducks in the morning -

Quack-quack-quack! Quack-quack-quack! They waddle in place, arms outstretched, "wings" back.

Our geese by the pond -

Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha-ha! They walk with their necks stretched forward and "waving" hands.

Our chickens through the window -

Ko-ko-ko! Ko-ko-ko! They stand up in a half-squat position and hit their sides with their hands.

What about Petya the Cockerel?

Early in the morning

He will sing to us: ku-ka-re-ku! They stand on their tiptoes, stretch their necks upward, and rise onto their tiptoes.

6. 3getting acquainted with sound [Мь].

Mmmm - the cow mooed, she was looking for the calf.

And the calf answers her: - Mm-m-m-m.

The cow moos sternly: MMM. Sound [M] - hard. And the calf answers her tenderly, kindly: MM-MM-MM. Sound [Мь] - soft. The lips stretch into a slight smile.

Which one sound [Мь]?

Sound [Мь] consonant, sonorous, soft.

Soft consonants are indicated by a green square, and since ringing sound, then a square with a bell.

And it will help us remember the designation of a soft consonant sound man sound. His name is Mick.

7. Differentiation sounds [M] - [Мь].

The cow has long been called the wet nurse. After all, she gives milk. And from milk in dairies they make products: kefir, cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, cheese and others. These products are called dairy products. Muk and Mick love dairy products very much and the girl Masha often treats them to them. So now she brought a treat for them. Let's name the products that Masha brought. (milk, butter, sour cream, popsicle).

Mook loves foods with sound [m] in the title, and Mick - with sound [m].

What products will Muk take? (Muk will take the milk, etc.) Why? (because the word milk sound [m] hard)

What kind of Mick? Why? (children's answers)

Let's say these again sounds: hard - [m], and soft - [m].

8. Getting to know letter"M"

You and I know that everyone sound has its own sign, by which it is designated. Let's get to know each other letter"M" (show letters) .

– Depict letter with fingers. Draw letter in the air. Build letter M from counting sticks.

9. Summing up

Which sounds did you learn in class today? Which sound [m]? (consonant, voiced, hard) Which sound [m](consonant, voiced, soft)