Sizes of garden tiles for paths. Paving slabs for paths

This means that you will certainly be interested in paving slabs for paths in the country. Prices for this type of finishing material fluctuate in a fairly wide range, allowing you to choose the right option for your family budget. We invite you to get acquainted with the existing varieties.

Read in the article

Advantages and disadvantages of street tiles for walkways

The choice in favor of such a material is made thanks to:

  • large assortment... You can always choose a tile for the garden of a suitable shape, texture and color;
  • presentability... The beautiful appearance of each element will allow you to achieve the perfect design of the site with the implementation of the most complex design project;
  • ease of installation... Installation work can be done independently;
  • the absence of puddles on the finished track... Excess moisture is quickly removed through the inter-tile space;
  • wear resistance... Street tiles for paths are not afraid of ultraviolet radiation, precipitation and temperature fluctuations;
  • long service life... Durable material can last at least 15 years;
  • maintainability... Damaged elements can be replaced with new ones if necessary.

The main disadvantages include the high price for most high-quality and durable materials.

Types of paving slabs: distinctive features of the material

Manufacturers offer paving slabs of various types. Choosing the right material for the tracks in your country house, you should focus not only on its price, but also on the features. We suggest that you get acquainted with the existing varieties so that it is easier for you to choose the appropriate option.

Vibrated paving slabs

During the production of vibrated elements, the concrete mixture is placed inside a constant vibrating mold to ensure sufficient density. Then the workpiece in the form is sent to a warm room, wait half a day and remove it.

This production technology allows you to form a product with a smooth surface. The shape and color of the item can be of any shape. However, the strength characteristics of such products are relatively low, which significantly limits the possible area of ​​use. Such tiles for paths in the country do not retain their characteristics well at low temperatures, but they are inexpensive.

Vibro-pressed paving slabs

In the process of vibrocompression, the concrete mixture is poured into a mold, and then placed inside a special vibrating equipment. The generated pressure increases the density of the material. The method does not allow to form elements of various shapes and colors, however, you can always form an interesting ornament.

Finished products have high performance characteristics. They are wear-resistant, not afraid of low temperatures, almost like a stone. Due to the porous structure, the material possesses shock-absorbing properties, which makes it possible to use it in the construction of platforms for storing vehicles.

Ceramic and porcelain stoneware paving slabs

Ceramic products are produced by pressing. The first is clay with the addition of a certain amount of sand and minerals. The pressed billet is annealed. It can be matte and glazed. The first option is preferable for giving, as it has a uniform color throughout its thickness.

Porcelain stoneware is also obtained from a composition, the main component of which is clay. Under the influence of high temperature, low-melting clays are vitrified. As a result, a monolithic product is formed, the color of which depends on the amount and characteristics of the dye added to the raw material. In terms of wear resistance, such outdoor garden tiles are superior to ceramics, and are capable of absorbing a minimum amount of moisture. The thickness of the finished products is maximum 12 mm. They can be polished or unpolished. From a safety point of view, the second option is preferable, since it is easy to slip on the polished surface.

Polymer concrete paving slabs

To form such products, a mixture is used, consisting of 60-70% of fine sand of plastic fillers, heated to the melting temperature. The result is products with a low coefficient of thermal expansion. To give the desired color, dyes are added to the composition. Due to their high strength characteristics, polymer concrete blocks can be used in the formation of tracks with various operating loads. They are affordable.

Tile selection options for garden paths

When choosing a road tile for a summer residence, it is worth considering:

  • the location of the cottage. For regions where there are fairly strong and frequent frosts, granite or vibropressed products that can withstand temperature fluctuations are preferable;
  • load. If a vehicle will enter the site to be installed, the choice should be made in favor of vibropressed blocks with high strength characteristics. Vibrocasting products can be used to form beautiful footpaths;

Attention! For the device of pedestrian paths, products with a thickness of 3 mm are suitable.

  • the price. For giving, from the point of view of cost, vibropressed products are preferable;
  • Colour. Bright blocks get their color thanks to the addition of special dyes. Cheap additives often reduce the density of the material and reduce its strength.

Design techniques for paving paths in the country on the example of popular models of paving slabs

The same material can be laid in different ways. We offer you to get acquainted with design techniques that you can always use when paving paths in the country with tiles of a certain shape and size.

California Paving Slabs 300 x 300 x 30mm: Laying Options

Externally, California paving slabs with dimensions of 300 × 300 x 30 mm are similar to the usual, laid "brick". The pattern imitates a square in the center and four long bricks. The material was named in honor of the state of the United States, where this paving option is especially popular.

Paving slabs Scales 245 × 190 × 60 mm: paving options

The material got its name due to its characteristic shape. It can be obtained by vibrocompression and vibration casting. Possesses high strength characteristics. The weight of one element is 3.6 kg.

Paving slabs Wave 237 × 103 × 60 mm: interesting ideas for implementation

Curly products allow you to form a beautiful pattern that imitates the sea wave. Made from. Differs in high performance characteristics. The weight of one element is 3.05 kg. We offer you to see a photo of the paving slabs in the country house:

Paving slabs 12-Bricks 50 × 50 × 5 cm: ideas for implementation

Due to its large dimensions (50 × 50 × 5 cm), 12-brick paving slabs are laid relatively quickly, forming an even, beautiful coating. With its help, you can form not only a single-color pattern, but also a multi-colored one. The latter option is preferable to use when landscaping a large area.

Paving slabs Vostok 40 × 40 × 5 cm: color solutions

Paving slabs Vostok measuring 40 × 40 × 5 cm are presented in a wide range of colors. You can always choose the right option for your site. Due to the presence of a pattern, a monochromatic coating is most often formed. Although other styling options are possible.

Features of laying paving slabs in the country: an algorithm of actions

If you decide to perform, read the order of installation work. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the base so that the finished coating is perfectly even and lasts long enough. We invite you to find out how to achieve this.

Preparation of the base

Getting started preparing for the tracks, you should remove the fertile layer and form a trench 17-20 cm deep.Around its perimeter, you need to install guides, when calculating the width of which, the dimensions of the curb must be taken into account. A sand pillow is being prepared: sand is poured and evenly distributed over the surface of the future base.

Attention! The path leading to the house should be sloped away from the building to ensure water drainage.

The thickness of the pad should be about 15 cm with a trench depth of 20 cm. One cube of sand is enough to form 7 squares of sand layer. The sand is carefully compacted using special equipment or tools. The compacted layer is abundantly wetted with water and leveled.

Advice! If there is no gasoline rammer, make a tool from a wooden bar.

Paving slab laying technology

We carry out as follows:

  • we put each element in place, upsetting with a rubber mallet and controlling its spatial position. If there are deviations, pour sand under the element, or vice versa, remove the excess. Leave a gap of 5-7 mm between adjacent elements;
  • we install the border. Its top surface should be flush with the track being formed. Leave a gap equal to the seam width between the laid canvas and the curb;
  • close up the seams. Spread dry sifted sand over the formed surface. Using a wide brush with stiff bristles, fill the inter-tile gaps with sand. We spill the path with water to compact the sand.

What is better to buy paving slabs: the opinion of our editorial staff

The choice of a suitable option will depend on financial capabilities, design project and operational load. Preference should be given to products from trusted manufacturers and those that have positive reviews.

Products deserve attention:

  • "BRAER"... The manufacturer uses the technology of modern double vibrocompression, implemented on an automated line. An innovative dyeing method allows you to obtain products in a wide range of colors. You can always choose a product of the desired color and shape;

Feedback on paving slabs "BRAER":

Read more on Otzovik:

paving slabs "BRAER"

  • "Factories" Gothic "... The production is carried out on modern equipment. The manufacturer's catalog contains paving stones and a number of related products. The manufacturer offers rectangular, square and triangular tiles, as well as products of a more complex configuration. The production of tactile tiles for the visually impaired is in progress;
  • Bricus... The company offers a variety of high-demand collections. The collection "Profi" has an affordable price. "Natur" belongs to the middle price category. The elite class is represented by the "Premium" collection;
  • LSR Group. The Russian manufacturer offers high quality clinker in various colors.

Review of the paving slabs "Old Town":

More details on Otzovik:

paving slabs "Old Town"

Advice! If you want the finished track to turn out beautiful and non-standard, pay attention to the vibrocast tiles. If a reliable coating is required, vibropressed elements will be the best choice.

Paving slabs for paths in the country: prices and a better place to buy

The cost of a product depends on its production technology, size and design. The better the tiles, the more you will have to pay for them. We propose to figure out where to buy paving slabs so that their price does not turn out to be excessive for the family budget.

Where is the best place to buy paving slabs: the best solution

The cost of the same product can vary significantly. If you buy paving slabs directly from the manufacturer, you can significantly reduce the cost of purchasing the material.

Share in the comments what kind of paving stones for paths you have in your country house, indicating the price in your region.

Paving slabs for paths in the country are made from a variety of materials. Rubber, wood, stone, concrete - all have their own pros and cons, different types, manufacturing nuances and the specifics of styling, which you need to be aware of in order to be able to choose. The more knowledge you have, the easier it is to choose the material that is suitable for your summer cottage, making the area around the house not only useful, but also beautiful.

You also need to take into account the color, shape, size, styling methods, and other nuances with which you can turn design planning into a creative process and the search for beautiful combinations. But the easiest place to start is with materials.

Varieties of tiles

Before buying, it is important to take into account all the nuances of one or another type. Consider the most relevant tile options.


Plastic is the cheapest material available in any field. It does not require complex processing, polymers are cheap for it, the performance properties are not too high as a result, but the price compensates for them.

There are different types:

Modular... It looks like a cellular lightweight tile of a bright color, which has special fasteners to tie the disparate modules into a single canvas. The material is pure plastic. The cost is very low. It looks cheap, in two or three years it becomes unusable, because it is unstable to temperature extremes, easily cracks from frost, and melts from heat. It has a specific advantage - it will not slip on it if it is not completely covered with ice.

Polymer sand... Looks like solid plastic tiles in a bright color, also with fasteners. The material is plastic mixed with sand in different proportions. The cost is small, but more expensive than modular. Looks cheap as well, as the plates remain plastic in appearance. Not suitable for an old wooden or stone house, it will be appropriate only for a house sheathed with siding. More resistant to temperature extremes and lasts longer. It has a specific drawback - it will slip very easily on it, since the surface remains smooth.

Decking... He is a terrace board. It looks like wooden parquet, it consists of two layers. Below is a modular tile with fasteners, on top there are several slats with gaps to allow moisture to pass through. The material is plastic mixed with wood chips in different proportions, most often one to four. It is quite expensive, looks respectable and beautiful, on a par with a natural wooden surface. This is the main plus - aesthetics in the absence of the main disadvantages of wood.

In general, plastic tiles have a list of advantages:

But there are also disadvantages:

  • Instability to sudden changes in temperature, weather conditions. In the sun, the plastic burns out, cracks from the ice formed in the cracks, swells in the heat, and can deform.
  • Immunity to aggressive chemicals. Household acid spilled on the coating will deform it.
  • Unstable to heavy weight. A man can easily endure, but a car is no longer there.
  • Fragility. Wears out much faster than rubber and concrete coatings.
  • Unaesthetic. In very rare cases, plastic tiles look good if they are not decking.


Plastic is a good solution if you don't want to spend a lot of time and effort on styling. You can put it near outbuildings in the depths of the site, forgetting about the problem of paths for several years.


For the manufacture of rubber tiles, secondary raw materials are used - used car tires. At the same time, its price is higher not only than that of plastic, but also than that of cheap clinker or concrete tiles.

Pros include:

  • Safety. Rubber is a soft material, falling on which it is difficult to get injured. If children or elderly people are resting at the dacha, rubber tracks will be very convenient for them.
  • Durability. Rubber wears out slowly, its service life is ten years.
  • Ease of installation and repair. Rubber has no fasteners, like plastic, but it cannot break, does not require special alignment, it is easily replaced if some element of the finished track fails.
  • Resistant to temperature extremes and moisture. Rubber does not melt in the sun, does not crack in frost, completely insensitive to moisture. Does not rot.
  • Light weight and resistance to mechanical damage. Rubber cannot be broken, cannot be crushed, easily transported without thinking about accuracy. It does not crack, easily withstands the weight of not only a person, but also a machine.
  • UV and chemical resistant. Will not fade in the sun, will not be damaged if gasoline or household acid is spilled on the track.
  • Noise isolation. For tracks in the country, this factor is not so important, but if you are annoyed by loud noises, clatter of heels, noise of footsteps, choosing rubber is a good decision, since it completely drowns them out.

But no material is perfect, rubber also has disadvantages:

  • Lack of ice resistance. In summer, you cannot slip on rubber even after rain, but in winter, when ice freezes on top, it is as easy to fall on it as on a slippery stone track.
  • Flammability. The rubber burns, even though it takes time to ignite. Gives off black suffocating smoke in the process.
  • Potential bad faith of the manufacturer. If the concrete slab is just brittle and obvious, then poorly made rubber can give off harmful substances. Therefore, you need to check its quality especially carefully.


Rubber is a good option for stowing by the pool or in a place where children will play. But giving this material an aesthetics sufficient for a front yard is going to take a lot of effort.

Natural stone

Natural stone is made simply - it is simply crushed and leveled so that beautiful shapes are obtained. Apply:

  • slate;
  • quartzite;
  • granite;
  • shungite.

For people who do not feel sorry for funds, there is an option to pave the paths with marble.

The stone has its advantages:

  • Durability. Natural stone practically does not wear out - this can be seen on the paving stones of old cities, which were laid many centuries ago. The paths from it are practically eternal, the maximum that can happen to them after a couple of decades of rain and snow - a beautiful even shape can become somewhat more free, grass will sprout between the plates.
  • Natural beauty. Natural stone is the most beautiful material that only wood can match. It is not painted like artificial materials, but the simplicity, naturalness of its colors itself looks good, especially if you pick them up tastefully, so that they fit the garden and buildings.
  • Insensitive to moisture. Nothing will happen to the stone, even if it lies in the mud or in a puddle for six months.
  • Insensitivity to temperature changes, ultraviolet light, ice. The stone does not crack, does not fade, does not melt - nothing can happen to it.
  • Reliability. A stone tile cannot be broken, a person can walk on it, or a car can drive over it - it will withstand any weight.

But of course there are disadvantages:

  • Uniformity of colors. Yes, the natural colors of the stone are beautiful with their veins, with their different scales, with their variety of shades. But the brightness that artificial material possesses, the abundance of colors with which you can lay out any drawing or pattern, is not peculiar to them.
  • Great weight. Stone is a heavy material. It needs to be loaded onto a vehicle, it needs to be unloaded, it needs to be laid out with paths - all this requires human labor, time, effort. In addition, not every foundation will withstand a stone.
  • High price. Natural stone is an expensive material, especially some of its varieties are usually the most beautiful. It can be much cheaper to use a different coating.
  • Immunity to some biological threats. Moss, fungus or mold can grow on the stone. In itself, this will not harm him, but it can change the overall appearance of the track for the worse.
  • Difficulties with the form. Hard types of stone are difficult to cut into tiles of the same size and shape, therefore they are often sold in a rather bizarre form, with many angles, with irregular bends. It will take an effort to make a decent path out of this chaos.
  • Icing. The stone does not have any protection from ice; even in summer, some of its varieties can slip and fall.


Stone is a versatile material. It is better not to place it next to water sources, but otherwise it will look good in any area of ​​the site.


Paving slabs that came from Holland, invented in the nineteenth century. It is made of clay with an admixture of dyes - first it is formed by pushing it through the hole under high pressure, then it is fired once. The resulting result is highly dense and has a whole list of advantages:

  • High durability. Clinker wears out almost as long and reluctantly as natural stone. It can be walked on for decades before the effect is seen.
  • Durability. It can serve almost as long as natural stone. Neither rain, nor wind, nor the scorching sun can harm her.
  • Resistance to temperature extremes, frost. No heat, no cold, no ice will affect the clinker, as well as biological threats.
  • A variety of colors, shapes. The clinker is made artificially, so it can be given any color and any shape, from banal monochromatic rectangles to fantasy polygons with a complex pattern.

The cast version is considered somewhat more fragile, but there is not much difference between the results of technological processes.

They have the same advantages:

  • Variability. Many colors, many shapes, patterns on the surface - concrete tiles are perhaps the most diverse and can even be made to order.
  • Low price. In terms of stone and clinker, concrete is starting to look like a cheap solution, although it certainly costs more than rubber and plastic.
  • Stability. Does not suffer from temperature extremes, is not subject to biological threats, does not fade in the sun, does not crack under ice, and wears out for a long time.

There are, of course, disadvantages:

  • Relative fragility. Concrete begins to crack and crumble earlier than clinker and natural stone - these are its characteristics. This happens especially quickly if the product was produced in one region and is used in another.
  • Installation difficulties. If a mistake was made during the installation process, it will be difficult to fix it and you will have to start from the very beginning.


Concrete is a versatile material that is suitable for any part of the site.

Planning and design

If you can choose the material, guided by the general idea of ​​the site and by tastes, then you will not be able to do this with the rest of the characteristics. The design of the tiles should match the design of everything else, it should fit into the overall concept.

To make this possible, you need to approach planning consistently:

  • Draw up a site plan. You need to apply a house, outbuildings, the largest flower beds and beds to it - everything that has at least something to do with the landscape.
  • Make a plan for future tracks. The paths should lead from the house to the outbuildings and to the gates, and they should go as the inhabitants of the house walk, and not as it seems beautiful on the plan. Bend around big obstacles, take into account the "little things" like hanging over the place where the path should pass, the branches.
  • Assess prospects. According to the plan, you can estimate what the tile should be so that everyone is comfortable. If there is a well or a pool on the site, you need to take a rough texture and material that is not afraid of moisture. If there is weak soil on the site, which easily crumbles and does not hold the weights well, it is better to forget about natural stone. Also, estimate the budget of the enterprise and whether cars will drive along the paths, think about how much the maximum temperature difference is. How much heat and how cold will the track have to endure? How long will they walk on it?

The abrasion rate depends on how much they walk. From the maximum temperatures and differences - the required frost resistance. If there is a car driving on the paths, the tiles should be thicker. And it depends on the budget how expensive it will be.

Having decided what the technical characteristics should be, you can move on to more pleasant and complex matters: to design.

You need to take into account:


According to the norms, pedestrian paths should be no more than seventy-five centimeters, so that an adult can safely walk along them.

When the plan is ready and the final styling pattern is selected, you can take on the selection.

The nuances of choosing tiles

First you need to navigate the exact characteristics... Size, shape, frost resistance, wear resistance - all this you should know before you go to the store. And already directly in the store, you need to imagine how a good tile should look like, how it differs from a low-quality one and what documents to ask the seller.


Each tile has a set of characteristics to consider when purchasing. The first is size. Exist:

  • Petite. Such a good thing is that you can lay out any pattern or pattern from it on a narrow summer cottage path, and also that you do not have to think too much about the base and whether it will withstand. But there is also a big minus - more work will be required. After all, laying out three large tiles in a row is much easier than forming a row of ten small ones.
  • Average. A universal option. The drawing will not work, but here's a beautiful complex pattern - quite. It is not necessary to think about the reason yet, difficulties with laying should not arise either. Ten by ten centimeters is an example of a good medium tile.
  • Big. The patterns are only the simplest, and you will have to think about the base - if it is not strong and even enough, the tiles may sag on one side or crack. But if you have the strength and time to prepare, and you prefer the monochromatic beauty of the geometric order to complex patterns, this is a good choice.

Medium product size - universal option

After the size, you should decide what shape should be:

  • Square... For square tiles, simple patterns are suitable - they can be laid out in a checkerboard pattern or create a semblance of a brick pattern. It is best if they are multi-colored and this will make them look more fun.
  • Rectangular... You can also lay out a checkerboard pattern, but not so effectively, but a brick pattern, "herringbone", laying in waves will look. You can create a drawing with different colors.
  • Wild stone... This is the name of the tiles made of natural stone, which are not made according to the shape, but according to the way the stone split. Patterns with them will not work, and in order to form a path, you will have to make an effort. To make the work easier, you can first do it on paper.
  • Complex shapes... Clover, hexagons, circles, stars - they are all a pattern in themselves. It is enough just to lay them according to the drawing.

Very small tiles can be used in order to make a meaningful drawing, regardless of the shape - the stained glass window is made according to the same principle. Also, if you want to do something specific, fantasy, invented on your own, for which there are no necessary forms, you can always contact the manufacturer and place an order.

It will cost twice as much as a regular product - or even five, depending on the complexity of the form.

Then you should choose the thickness:

  • Two to four centimeters. Used for footpaths. If you are going to lay paths in the country exclusively for walking on them, this option suits you.
  • Six to eight centimeters. Withstands very intensively moving people or a car. It is hardly needed at the dacha.
  • Eight to ten. Withstands the weight of any cars, it is usually used in factories, gas stations and in private yards where the car will be parked.

For a summer residence, a thick tile is definitely not needed - and this is good, because the thicker it is, the more expensive.

Then you need to choose purely technical parameters. The abrasion resistance is indicated on the packaging, the higher it is, the more reliable the track that you get will be. Frost resistance is indicated next to it - the value shows how many freeze-thaw cycles the tile can endure.

The best options have an indicator of more than two hundred and should be guided by them.

The last parameter to look at is color. It depends on it how impressive the resulting track will look.

There are many options:

Having decided for yourself what the material should be in terms of all characteristics, you can go to the store and choose a specific batch there.

What to look for when buying?

The tile must not only fit the design, it must also meet quality standards. Determining if they are going to deceive you is quite simple. Necessary:

  • Ask the seller for documentation. Any consignment of goods must be accompanied by a certificate of conformity, which will confirm that it has been manufactured in accordance with state standards, as well as a test report, which contains all the information about wear resistance, frost resistance, and other qualities of the product. If the seller is jittery, trying to change the subject, there is a high probability that something is wrong with the product - it is better to go to other people.
  • Check random tiles from the batch. Even if the product that you are offered is bad, the top, visible, layer in the package will be done well so that you don't guess anything. Asking to get a tile from the middle is normal, especially if you are ready to buy this particular package later.

FORUMHOUSE users are well aware that life outside the city is not only a pleasant pastime in a hammock in the garden, but also constant chores. Everyone equips their "ten acres" to their liking. And if the creation of landscape design is a matter of personal preference, then garden paths are simply vital on any personal plot and at any dacha. Indeed, in addition to purely decorative purposes, it is the paths that allow us to move freely around the site, regardless of the season.

Therefore, increased requirements are imposed on materials for paving garden paths, such as durability, safety, environmental friendliness and presentable appearance. Paving slabs meet all these requirements. With expert advice and step-by-step instructions from users of our forum, this article will help you lay the tiles for the path in the country yourself!

How to make a tile track. Planning.

Any construction should begin with a careful planning of all work. The laying of paving slabs will not be an exception. First of all, you should pay attention to the following points:

The total number of tracks and their location on the site. Tile for the path in the garden.

The key rule can be formulated as follows: "The central path in the garden should lead from the entrance to the site to the house." If there is a garage, workshop or gazebo on the site, then paths should be put to them. Thus, you can ensure the zoning of the site, providing an unobstructed passage to each building.

Sidewalk width

The path leading to the house should be of such width that two adults walking towards each other could easily miss each other on it. On average, this value ranges from 1 to 1.5 meters.

Paths that are not used as often and lead to flower beds or beds can be made from 0.5 to 0.8 meters wide.

You should also clearly define the functional purpose of the tracks.

Denis Bogdanov Landscape improvement specialist, nickname on the forum Denis Vlad-ch

- For myself, I clearly divide the paths into decorative, leading to the gazebo, and functional, which are subject to heavy stress and lead to the house or garage.

Tracks that are heavily loaded require more thorough foundation preparation than those tracks that are used from time to time.

Denis Vlad-h

You also need to consider how you will care for the garden path in winter and autumn.

In contrast to a bulk path, it is easier to care for paving slabs. By removing snow and fallen leaves, you will not throw rubble aside.

The second most important characteristic of a garden pathway after functionality is how pleasant it is to walk on it. And in order to understand this, you can use the secret of landscape designers.

Vladimir Petriv Director of Petriv Landscape Designe

I always advise you to first walk along the pre-marked paths and make sure that everything is comfortable, and it is convenient for all households to move along them. I can say that after such a "walk" you almost always have to make adjustments to the original plan for marking the track.

In addition to determining the functionality of the garden path, it is necessary to choose the thickness of the tiles. And here it is better to adhere to the following rules.

How to make a sidewalk walkway: step by step instructions

In addition to determining the functionality of the garden path, it is necessary to select the thickness of the tread tiles. And here it is better to adhere to the following rules.

Konstantin MerzlyakovExpert at Factory GOTIKA, Moscow:

For garden paths and the local area, where cars do not enter, the paving slabs of the path can be no thicker than 40-50 mm. And for a path providing the passage of a passenger car and a parking lot, the thickness of the tiles must be at least 60 mm.

Vladimir Petriv:

The initial preparation for laying garden paths is usually associated with excavation, and this should be linked to the geoplastics of your site. With large differences in elevation, slopes, etc., it will be necessary to move and remove large land masses - a very costly event that requires the use of construction equipment

Geoplastics is the artificial formation of the relief and architecture of a site.

How to lay a tile garden path. Recommendations of specialists.

Paving slabs are an environmentally friendly and durable coating for a garden path. And its durability and beauty, first of all, will depend on the quality of the paving slabs and compliance with the laying technology. You can do the tiles on the tracks with your own hands.

Konstantin Merzlyakov

Modern paving slabs are made of concrete. The shape of the tile can be absolutely any, which allows you to successfully fit the garden paths into the landscape design of any site.

The service life of concrete vibropressed tiles is on average 15 years, provided that the base is properly prepared.

And, like any coating, paving slabs require maintenance during operation (cleaning, use of water-repellent coatings, etc.).

The first stage of the preparatory work for the laying of paving slabs is the breakdown of the contour of the area to be laid and the setting of control "beacons". The angles of the territory, binding to the existing areas, slopes are taken into account. After the work on the breakdown of the contour has been carried out, the preparation of the base is started, which includes the following types of work: planning, the device of the supporting layer, the installation of curbs and the device of the leveling sand layer under the tiles.

DIY sidewalk paths

We make a path from paving slabs in the following step-by-step sequence:

  • Earthen boxes are torn off under the side stone;
  • A side stone is installed along the perimeter of the site. The curbstone is necessary for the firm fixation of the paving slabs;
  • The underlying layer is poured;
  • The base is being laid;
  • Tiled flooring is laid;
  • The tile joints are filled.

It should also be remembered that the following guidelines should be followed when laying tiles.

Alexander LoginovTechnical Director of TD BRAER

Work on the arrangement of pavement coverings must be carried out in accordance with SNiP 3.06.03-85 "Highways" and SNiP III-10-75 "Improvement of territories".

And the independent installation process can be broken down into a number of successive stages.

  1. Planning and designing a garden path. It is necessary to determine the type of soil on the site. Then develop the layout of garden paths, choose the design and pattern of the tile layout;
  2. Calculation of the cost of the required materials;
  3. Carrying out works on laying a garden path.

Garden paths made of tiles.

Let's take a closer look at each of the points.

Alexander Loginov:

The choice of the method of laying the tiles depends on the state of the suburban soil and the subsequent operating conditions of the site: the blind area of ​​the building, the pedestrian zone, the area for the passage and parking of cars, etc.

It should be remembered that the result of your work, first of all, will depend on the thoroughness of the preliminary marking and preparation of the base for laying the tiles.

The planning includes the following points:

  • draw the layout of the site to be paved;
  • measure the area in order to dimension the plan;
  • based on the above points, calculate the required number of tiles for laying, as well as the amount of materials for preparing the base of the track from tiles with a border.

After developing a plan, they begin to mark future tracks.

Alexander Loginov

First of all, determine the direction of the water flow. Please note that water should go along the blind area of ​​a building or along a path to drainage wells or lawns. The slope can be made longitudinal, transverse, longitudinal-transverse, but not less than 0.5%, that is, 5 mm per meter.

The direction of the slope must be such that water flows from the paving into the drainage system or onto the lawn, but not to the building!

After the place for laying the tiles has been determined, the boundaries of the path are designated. To do this, pegs are driven along the boundaries of the site, along which a cord or fishing line is pulled. After that, you can start excavation, adhering to the following recommendations:

  1. The excavation is carried out so that after laying the front surface of the tile goes to the specified level of your site;
  2. The site formed after excavation is leveled and tamped;
  3. If the soil is soft, it must be moistened (spilled with water from a hose) and tamped.

Vladimir Petriv

Drainage and drainage into a storm drain or a storage well must be thought out and installed at the preparatory stage of laying garden paths.

Tiling garden path

Konstantin Merzlyakov

When laying paving slabs on a complex curved surface and with a large difference in height, it is necessary when planning to lay a larger percentage on the consumption of tiles (trimming, fitting, etc.).

Preparation of the base of the sidewalk path

The most important step in laying paving slabs is preparing the base. The correct foundation will not allow the track or platform to "sink", ensuring their longevity. It should be borne in mind that, despite the tight seams between the tiles, the base is still saturated with water. Therefore, a permeable drainage bearing layer (gravel, crushed stone) is needed at the base. Then part of the water from the surface will be diverted through the paving stones and the supporting layer into the soil.

How to make tile tracks.

It is also important to understand what layers the correct version of the base cake consists of.

Alexander Mishin Expert of the company "Wienerberger Brick"

The cake consists of several layers: a natural subsoil, a sub-base, an underlying layer, a "bed" and, in fact, a "sidewalk".

"Bed" is a layer of sand or fine gravel. The sub-base is a fill layer of soil, and the underlying layer consists of gravel or crushed stone.

Alexander Mishin

The thickness of the "bed" for any type of soil base is on average 3-5 cm. The thickness of the remaining layers should be formed based on such parameters of the soil base as moisture, density and composition.

Alexander Loginov

For the main bearing layer, frost-resistant material, homogeneous in grain composition, is used (crushed stone, gravel). This material should be laid evenly in height and with the correct slopes.

To build an ordinary pedestrian path for a summer cottage, you will need to make a carrier layer 10-20 cm thick.When arranging areas for driving and parking cars, a 20-30 cm layer is used.Under heavy loads, the carrier layer is increased and placed in 2-3 layers, each layer is compacted vibratory plate or vibratory roller.

As mentioned above, the method of preparing the base largely depends on the expected load on the garden path. It is also necessary to take into account the bearing capacity of the soil.

The user of our forum, Oleg Novitsky, advises how to build a sidewalk path from tiles in difficult soil: if there is so-called heavy or clay soil under the base, or you have a swampy summer cottage, then the thickness of the crushed stone base must be at least 10 cm.

Then geotextiles are laid.

Geotextiles are highly water permeable and do not allow materials to mix (mixing of materials leads to the formation of voids and dips in the coatings).

Alexander Mishin

The use of geotextiles is appropriate when the natural subsoil is located in a swampy area and has high humidity. A layer of geotextile is arranged over a natural soil base.

The next layer of our "pie" is screening on the geotextile base.

Oleg Novitsky

We fill the site with screenings (or sand). The dropout layer must be at least 10 cm. This layer must be compacted very carefully. At this stage, it is necessary to accurately level the entire base for laying using a rule or other tool.

Screening has a not very good property - caking. This means that over time, the base becomes almost monolithic, and then, due to its low strength, it cracks, and cracks and cavities form in the coating. To avoid such a nuisance, use a vibrating tool for compacting and ramming and do not work in rainy weather. The best screening for such work is dry.

Then we proceed to create the base level, guided by the following algorithm:

  • The boundaries and centerlines of the plot are marked with a rope;
  • Loose sand can be leveled just below the edges of the curb;
  • We compact the resulting pillow with a vibrating plate.

Oleg Novitsky

For compacting a layer of sand, an electric or gasoline vibratory rammer with a rubber sole is well suited. With its help, it is possible not only to qualitatively prepare a gravel-sand cushion, but also to avoid further subsidence and sinking of the soil under the laid tiles.

Alexander Loginov

It must be remembered that all base layers are poured, leveled and compacted, taking into account the 0.5% slope!

The preparatory stage is completed by filling with river sand or a cement-sand mixture. To do this, a layer of clayless river sand with a thickness of 1-2 cm is poured onto the base without compaction, the layer must be loose.

DSP (cement-sand mixture) is taken in a ratio of 1: 8-1: 10, because cement is needed to bind the sand so that it can be washed out with water.

Alexander Mishin

The use of a cement-sand mixture as a "bed" is justified only when it is assumed that there is an intensive traffic of vehicles on the surface of the tiles. The garage and pedestrian area of ​​a private house does not apply here, because traffic and load are not so intense here.

Laying paving slabs

In order for the garden path to be durable, and the tiles lay flat on it, the summer resident must also break its laying into several successive stages.

Laying begins:

  • from the bottom point;
  • from optically important boundaries;
  • from conspicuous elements: porch, front entrance to the house;
  • manual laying of the tiles is carried out diagonally in the direction "away from you", so as not to disturb the prepared top layer.

Before laying the first row of tiles, in order to maintain the exact position of the seams, it is necessary to pull the cord along the entire length and width of the object. After that, sticking to the cord, proceed with the installation.

It is recommended to check the location and straightness of the joints every three rows of laid paving slabs. Laying is done with a rubber mallet (mallet), lightly hitting the tiles. Every 3-5 square meters of paving slabs laid, but not yet compacted, its surface is controlled using a two-meter rule or a building level.

Alexander Loginov

As a framing of paths in a suburban area, curb stones should be used. These barriers should be made prior to laying the outside of the walkway to prevent lateral movement and tile settling.

Along the edges of the marked area of ​​the path along a stretched cord, dig a trench of small size and depth (so that the curb goes into this trench to the required level). The base of the trench must be tamped, poured, and the curb must be installed on concrete.

The border can be visible or hidden - it depends on the desire. If the border is hidden, then it should be placed so that the top of the tile exceeds the top of the border by the height of the chamfer.

Oleg Novitsky

To reduce the number of tiles per cut, start the longest row from the curb, placing whole tiles directly in front of it. The resulting voids should be exactly half of the tile. When slicing from one piece, you get the two halves you want, and I guess waste can be completely avoided. This technique can be used for curly symmetrical tiles.

The main enemy of any paving slabs is freezing water. Therefore, you cannot put the tiles on monolithic, waterproof substrates, concrete screed. In the open air, do not lay tiles on the mortar.

Sealing and vibratory ramming

After laying the tiles, the coating is compacted with a vibrating plate. After the first vibration compaction of the coating, dry sifted clean sand is poured onto the surface in such a way that the sand is easily and densely poured into the cracks between the tiles. The scattered sand is scattered evenly with a brush over the entire area and hammered into the seams, "tying" the entire coating into a single whole.

And in order to build a durable coating, when working, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Do not install tiles in rainy weather without a special canopy.
  • Do not sprinkle joints with a mixture of sand and cement.
  • If the site has a "complex", heaving soil, it must be borne in mind that its displacement can deform the tile. Then a more complex installation is carried out - with a phased preparation of a concrete pad as a base, which guarantees durability.

Thus, when laying garden paths yourself, you need to take into account every little thing and carefully plan all stages of work. After all, the path to your home begins with a garden path made!

- a modern way of decorating the territory near the house. It allows you to create tracks and surfaces with unusual patterns, different colors and textures. Let's take a look at what this material has advantages, varieties and how to do it yourself.

Advantages of paving slabs for

This material has the following advantages:

  • A huge assortment of shapes, shades and textures. Paths in the country house made of paving slabs are especially beautiful, they allow you to realize a complex design idea and;
  • Ease of use. Puddles do not form on the paths, since excess moisture is removed through the tile seams;
  • Wear resistance. The coating does not deteriorate from ultraviolet exposure, atmospheric precipitation and temperature extremes. It is a durable material that can be used for 15-20 years;
  • Maintainability. If the coating element is damaged, it is easy to replace it with another component;
  • Ease of installation. Even a beginner can install the tiles; this does not require any special tools.

Varieties of paving slabs

The product is made of cement and sand or concrete mix with the addition of granite chips. There are two types of material: vibrocast tiles and vibropressed.

Features of vibrated tiles

A special plastic mold is filled with a concrete mixture and placed on a plane that constantly vibrates. The concrete is compacted and set in a warm place for half a day and then removed. The technology allows you to create a perfectly smooth coating and give any shape. Then the detail can be of any color. However, the vibration casting technology also has disadvantages:

  • low strength
  • low degree of resistance to low temperatures
  • complexity of production
  • high price

Features of vibrocompression

The concrete mix is ​​placed in a mold, which is installed in a special vibrating equipment. The material is subjected to pressure, which seals it. Such a product cannot be given a variety of shapes, colors and a smooth surface. However, vibropressed tiles are durable and resistant to low temperatures. Its surface is porous, so the material has shock-absorbing properties, that is, it can be installed where there is traffic. You can also create unusual ornaments on the coating.

As for the price, vibrocast tiles are more expensive than pressed ones, since manual labor is used for their manufacture. And for the production of vibropressed tiles, automated equipment is used, which simplifies production.

Advice! If non-standard geometric shapes and a variety of colors are important to you, vibrocast tiles are an excellent option. If you need to make a durable track, it is recommended to choose vibropressed products.

Parameters for choosing paving slabs for a summer residence

  • The composition and features of production. These parameters are usually indicated on the seller's certificates or on the label of the building material;
  • Tile thickness. If the walkway is to be used for walking, its thickness can be no more than 3 cm. If vehicles are going to move along it, the thickness of the product must be at least 5 cm;
  • Tile sizes. Small elements are more difficult to break, while large tiles can crack from any strong impact;
  • The quality of the tiles. It is quite simple to determine it just by looking at the product. For it is not recommended to buy smooth coatings, as they will slip from moisture;
  • Nice appearance. There should be no stains or inclusions on the back side of the tile, the composition should be homogeneous, which guarantees high wear resistance of the product.

Of course, these are only the basic selection criteria, but even using them, you can choose a fairly high-quality product.

Advice! To check how high-quality a tile is, hit one element against another: if the sound is ringing, the product is good, if it is deaf, various mixtures were added to it during production.

The choice of installation method and option for paving slabs

The method of laying the tiles is determined, first of all, since it depends on it what the shape and dimensions of the product will be, and how much material is required. Popular installation methods:

  • The classic version. This is the laying of paving slabs in the traditional way: the elements are placed one after the other. Usually tiles in the form of a square or rectangle are used (they are easier to join).

Tip: to make such a path more unusual, you can use tiles.

  • Offset. This is also a fairly standard method of laying paving slabs: the elements are positioned in such a way that their joints do not coincide. Here, too, you can use a combination of multi-colored elements, but they must have the same shape.
  • Herringbone. The tiles are laid at right angles or 45 degrees. For installation, curly parts or rectangular elements are used. You can also use a more complex installation option - braid: the elements are also installed at an angle, but alternate, first along, then across. It is recommended to use only 2 colors to give the picture clarity.
  • Chess. For styling, elements of a square shape in two colors are used. This method seems simple, but it allows you to create quite effective tracks.
  • Geometry. Various geometric shapes are created from parts: squares, rectangles, zigzags, etc. You can use different colors, but the shape of the elements must be the same.

Features of installing paving slabs

The track can be laid out on your own by making the necessary elements with your own hands. On the one hand, it seems more time consuming than buying a ready-made coating. On the other hand, you will be sure of its quality. In addition, you can create a unique ornament, which would take a lot of time to find in the store.


  1. Make a solution. Mix 1 to 3 sand and cement, add water and mix well.
  2. Prepare the form. The average parameters of the formwork are 35 by 35 cm, the height is about 7 cm. To prevent the elements from sticking to the walls of the formwork, they can be treated with oil. You can also add dyes to the mixture so that the tiles are not gray.
  3. Smooth the surface and let dry. In this case, the sun's rays should not fall on the tile.
  4. After about 7 days, the elements can be removed, but they do not need to be laid yet - they should dry out for some time. When the tiles are completely dry, you can start laying them.
  5. Prepare the surface. Remove the grass, stones, etc. You can install the tiles on any surface: concrete, sand, gravel, or just on the ground.
  6. At the tile installation site, create a mound of cement and sand, compact it with your hands and level it with a rule. As a result, an even strip with a thickness of about 20 centimeters should form.
  7. Make drains and slopes for rainfall, secure curbs.
  8. Lay the bedding. For this, you can use sand without clay.
  9. Fasten the slats to level the surface
  10. Pave the walkway. Any method can be used: herringbone, braid, scatter, etc. Fill the distance between the elements with sand or soil.

Do you know how a woman goes shopping? I went in the evening for kefir - I returned with sausage, cake, a bottle of martini plus a package of juice for the promotion as a gift. Maybe even on the way to see some jars for bulk products in a nearby store. They are something she, in principle, unnecessarily, but the drawing liked. This is exactly how I went to the supermarket today for basic necessities. Everything was strictly according to the list until I wandered into the sales department. Imagine, I go in, and there they are ... Solar-powered lanterns for summer cottages! Since I am an incorrigible summer resident-shopaholic, I simply could not resist such a temptation.

And immediately mentally flew to her site. Evening descends on the ground, crickets are singing in the jasmine bush, the delicate aroma of night violets is entangled with puffs of smoke from the barbecue. As soon as the sun sets, ball-shaped lanterns come on along the sides of the main alley. Their light is still dim, but when it gets completely dark, they will illuminate the path well. So stop! The path ... This eerie path, trodden between the flower beds, will be proudly called a dacha alley? Well, no, we urgently need to plan and refine it.

How to choose a tile for a track

I jumped out of the grocery store like a bullet and rushed to the construction market. First you need to think about how to arrange the tracks on the site. In terms of area, my dacha is not large. Landscape designers advise in such cases to abandon straight alleys. After all, straight lines will simply connect the gate with the house, the gazebo with the play area. Boring! In order to visually increase the space, in a small area it is better to make ornate paths with rounded turns. For estates of solid areas, rectangular alleys that go around flower beds and lawns of regular geometric shapes are ideal. Moreover, they should not cross the central part of green spaces.

How to lay out tiles

How do you lay out a tile track? There is a whole technology for laying a country path. In principle, nothing complicated, if desired, I myself can cope with such a task. First of all, you should make a markup on the ground - draw the contours of the future alley. Wooden pegs or stretched rope will do. Then carefully remove the topsoil with a shovel. The borders must be made perfectly even - remember the drawing lessons. We remove at least 10 cm of turf, sand will be poured in its place, the builders call it a sand cushion. It is carefully tamped down and paving slabs are laid on top for a summer residence. The only tool used is a mallet.

Choice of material - varieties of tiles

Summer residents have a wide selection of materials from which to make paths on the site. Most Popular:

  • a natural stone,
  • wood (boards or cuts),
  • paving stones,
  • plastic,
  • concrete,
  • brick,
  • gravel.

Any design specialist will tell you: you need to choose the material from which the tiles for the garden are made, taking into account the general style of the site design. Is your brick country house? Lay a red brick path to it. Embodying eco-design ideas? Use wood cuts against a green lawn background. Want to make an alley with patterns? Colored paving stones are best suited for this purpose.

A versatile material is stone. It fits perfectly into any style of suburban landscape. The main requirement here is that at least one facet of the stone is even. The natural stone alley is durable, this is its most important advantage.

Wood path

Wood can be used as road tiles. Tightly laid wood cuts look very nice. You can use circles of the same diameter or trees of different thickness. Another option is boards of any shape and size. They can be painted, which will make it possible to update your summer cottage at least every season.

Paving stone path

The best option for a walkway is paving slabs that can withstand temperature extremes, high humidity and heavy loads. Its main advantage is that paving slabs for summer cottages will allow you to create beautiful patterns on your path.

But for those who like to save money, paving stones will not work. Since this material needs to be bought with a good supply. The fact is that if a defect is even slightly noticeable on a separate tile, it can no longer be used. The slightest crack will cause a lot of damage, and this is fraught with problems.

Brick path

If you like "patterned" alleys, you can use brick as a building material. Such a tile for a path in the country is laid on a solution, unlike all other types. It is imperative to make a curb on the sides of the alley, otherwise it will corrode in a couple of years.

By the way, the lanterns I have chosen, which we talked about at the very beginning (remember?), Will ideally be combined with any track. Whatever material I choose - whether it is a street tile for a summer residence or an eco-tree - they will favorably emphasize the romantic mood on my site. I bought the flashlights, but with the overhaul of the alleys I will have to wait. My dear readers, which of the options are you voting for? Maybe you are already embodying your design fantasies on your sites? Share your experience, which is better to buy a tile for a path in the country?

Country paths - 50 photos