Does the fortune-telling of Josephine de Beauharnais come true? Fortune telling by Josephine Beauharnais: the French way to know the future

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The woman, who went down in history as defeating Napoleon Bonaparte himself, not only turned the heads of all men of that century, but was also familiar with the mysterious ritual of fortune-telling. She achieved a lot herself, without resorting to the help of influential persons of the empire. She herself knew how to weave intrigues and arrange the future of her protégés, she did not make the decisions that others imposed on her. She decided everything herself - how to love, how to play, how to build her own destiny. She had one secret - she knew how to consult with Tarot cards - this was her secret strength and charm. The ability to predict events from the cards gave tremendous power over the minds of that generation. Josephine didn't just say what would happen, she instructed how best to act in order to achieve more.

The charming Josephine de Beauharnais has become a symbol of women in the era of the great Bonaparte. And we will use her secret and conduct a tarot divination ritual with you. The way Josephine once saw him off, and which has been named after her ever since. So, we begin the fortune-telling of "Josephine de Beauharnais". This event should be carried out not very often and it depends, first of all, on the phases of the moon. On the eve of the full moon, but not on the night of this event, it is quite appropriate. It is better to guess alone, because the cards themselves will give you advice, and you should not interpret them in additions and statements "from knowledgeable people".

Online fortune telling will save you from what Josephine herself was doing - from cutting a deck of cards. The computer will do this, you just have to wait and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. Fortune telling "Josephine" stands on three "whales" - love, wealth and power. These components can relate not only to you alone, but also to a person close to you. The prediction that falls on each of the three parts of the ritual can be general and individual. You decide this at the very beginning, when you just start it.

Maps will show what awaits both of you in the near future, and most importantly, indicate the existing obstacles to achieving the goal. If you are guessing only for yourself, expect very useful advice on what to pay special attention to right now. This will prevent trouble in the future, and you can be prepared for future events, or even anticipate them. One way or another, you will learn not only your fate, but also the secret thoughts of your environment. The cards will reveal who is your true friend, and who is not too attached to you and may turn out to be a traitor.

Josephine knew how to deal not only with men, but also with women. We should carefully look at her behavior, and we will see that the ability to be courteous is dictated by some thoughts, and not by the natural course of life. These thoughts told her the cards. Do not move away from your enemies, get closer to them - in this case, they will not be able to hide their true face. This will give you additional strength and self-confidence, nothing and no one can shake your beliefs and aspirations. Fortune-telling will become your secret weapon, help you build relationships with others and bring you mandatory good luck.

This is a single case in history when the popularity of the prophetic ritual called "the fortune-telling of Josephine de Beauharnais" is tantamount to the glory of its creator, the mysterious and magnificent wife of Napoleon. Moreover, some lovers of this solitaire do not even realize that she was the author of the symbols from the fortune-telling deck, a daring beauty, a windy lover who miraculously managed to walk on the edge of the blade and remain unharmed.

In the article:

Fortune telling of Josephine de Beauharnais - a mystical gift of fate

Josephine's life has been surrounded by mystical events since childhood. It seems that someone's strong hand led her through fate and pulled her out of the most dangerous events that threatened the life and freedom of the beauty. Several times she miraculously escaped the death penalty and imprisonment.

She changed men like gloves, despite the fact that they were famous, influential persons. Despite this, for a long time she managed to postpone the divorce from Napoleon. She was incredibly wasteful, but there was always someone to fund her wallet and pay off her debts.

Either fate loved this lady very much, or the magical patrons helped, one way or another, her secret will never be revealed. The only magical legacy left after this femme fatale is the fortune-telling of Josephine de Beauharnais, created from beginning to end by her own hands. It seems that this ritual played an important role in the life of the Frenchwoman.

A true deck made with your own hands

Madame Beauharnais communicated very closely with people practicing magic rituals. Her closest friend was Napoleon's personal fortune teller -. Skillfully using her own intuition and magical knowledge received from her friend, Josephine created her own prediction system, a kind of solitaire from pictures drawn with her own hands.

This solitaire game requires a deck of 40 pictures, each of which should be cut in half obliquely. You get 80 triangles, which are laid out in 10 rows of 8 pieces. The matched images predict the future or answer the question posed.

Ideally, the pictures should be made by hand. Such a deck will absorb the energy of the creator and will answer his questions as truthfully as possible. Moreover, the fortune-telling of Josephine Beauharnais is based on very simple symbols and objects, and their meaning is deciphered in an elementary way.

Original card meanings

Josephine's deck is conventionally divided into two parts. The first includes symbols that have a direct, inherent meaning.

  • Ring - relationships leading to the creation of a family or well-being in an existing marriage.
  • Laurel wreath - success, recognition, victory.
  • Road - trip, trip.
  • Crown - career.
  • The border - a new period in life is approaching, you just need to take a step.
  • Key - the solution to an important issue is already in the hands.
  • Horseshoe - absolute success in all endeavors.
  • Glass - a festive feast is not far off.
  • The sun - everything in life goes smoothly, calmly and well.
  • Scull - an omen of disease.
  • Snake - an unkind woman surrounded, capable of betraying at the most unexpected moment.
  • Mask - a meeting with a new person is approaching, who will play an important role in your destiny.
  • Woman's face - a woman who will become an obstacle in your path.
  • Penguin - a respectable and wise person who can come to the rescue at any time.
  • Ship - life goes with the flow, but storms are possible soon.
  • Arrow - a showdown is coming.
  • Saber - a very loud scandal, quarrel.
  • Anchor - forced stop, time to rest from problems, thinking about the situation.
  • Church - only faith and higher powers will help in your situation.
  • Flag - complete victory.
  • Heart - it's time to listen to your own intuition.
  • Coin - money will help to resolve all issues.
  • Watch - time does not stand still, it is necessary to act.
  • Bell - bad rumor, slander and gossip behind your back.
  • Chains - there is nothing stronger than blood ties, only they will help and substitute a shoulder in a difficult moment.

Along with these pictures, there are signs in the deck with a very specific interpretation.

  • Spruce - loneliness, secluded lifestyle.
  • Well - a very difficult period, insoluble problems.
  • Book - a financial or professional crisis is brewing.
  • Bonfire - a strong emotional outburst is ripening.
  • Interrogative sign - a new face in the social circle.
  • moon - there is a calendar month left until your problems are resolved.
  • Letter - very soon what you have been waiting for will happen.
  • Pigeon - there is complete calm ahead.
  • Table - your house is a full cup, no problems with money are foreseen.
  • Lightning - unexpected, but very important news.
  • scales - advice is needed, a neutral opinion.
  • Tangled rope - You cannot solve your problems without the help of a friend.

The divination of Josephine de Beauharnais contains three special cards that are a signal to end the ritual. If the alignment coincided Balloon , Candle or Lock , you can safely collect cards - now is not the time for fortune-telling, the question does not yet have an unambiguous answer.

Where could Josephine be if it weren't for solitaire?

It is known for certain that even before the marriage to Napoleon, many critical events took place in the life of the future first lady of France that threatened her life. Every time she was on the verge of execution or imprisonment, a magical alignment told her the right action. The fortune-telling of Josephine Beauharnais, like a compass, paved a safe path through the terrible jungle of fate.

One of Napoleon Bonaparte's wives, Josephine, is famous not only because she was married to the famous emperor. This woman was very fond of magic rituals and all kinds of fortune-telling. She even knew Madame Lenormand, who is considered the creator of the tarot cards. She is credited with creating Josephine's solitaire fortune telling, which is popular all over the world with girls who want to know more about their future.

Josephine's biography

This amazing woman was born in 1763. Her real name is Marie Rose Joseph Tachet de la Pagerie. At 16, she married Alexandre de Beauharnais, taking his last name. In a marriage with him, Josephine had two children, but after 6 years the couple separated.

Due to false testimony, de Beauharnais was recognized as an enemy of the people, because of which Josephine was sentenced to death. The verdict was overturned after a political coup in France.

Josephine met Napoleon through her lover, the Viscount de Barras. She was several years older than him, but this did not hurt her feelings, in 1796 their wedding took place.

But the marriage could hardly be called happy, since Napoleon was constantly at war. And his wife Josephine spent large sums on entertainment and led a riotous lifestyle, cheating on her husband. Napoleon wanted to dissolve the marriage, but at some point changed his mind. But after that, their relationship changed dramatically, Bonaparte himself also began to look for connections on the side. However, they divorced anyway, the main reason was that the couple could not have children. Josephine died on her estate in 1814, a few years after her divorce.

Bonaparte's wife had a strange hobby since childhood - she was very fond of magic and sincerely believed in all kinds of predictions or fortune-telling... Among her acquaintances were those who dealt with them professionally, in particular, Madame Lenormand. And there is also a legend that as a child she was predicted to become not just famous, but more than a queen. And so it happened. It is believed that it was she who invented the famous fortune-telling, which is called Josephine de Beauharnais solitaire. For this fortune-telling, use tarot cards or draw cards by hand.

40 card solitaire

The principle of fortune telling in this case is quite simple. You need to prepare 40 special playing tarot cards (or others with images of symbols). You need to choose a deck that you do not mind, since the cards will have to be cut in half. Then they are mixed and laid out in four rows. In total, there should be 10 cards in each row, laid out from random halves.

The prediction of the future depends on the combination of the halves.

If you are not guessing online, where all actions are thought out by a machine, but manually using special cards, then you definitely need to know what this or that card means. Madame Solitaire Josephine has this interpretation depending on which cards match in it:

To believe or not to believe fortune-telling - the girl decides on her own. If there are no special cards at hand and there is not enough time, then you can find the fortune-telling of Josephine Beauharnais online and tell fortunes using flash technologies, performing all the actions that will be indicated on the screen.

Fortune telling by a similar principle

In addition to the original solitaire, there are other fortune telling that work on its principle. Beauharnais solitaire in their case is the basis, while they can be carried out both online on specialized sites, and independently. There are girls who do not recognize Internet options and only believe in the results of classical fortune-telling.

In the first case, fortune-telling looks like this:

And if none of the cards match during fortune-telling, you can repeat the alignment. Each time the cards are shuffled, they need to be energized each time. for about 5 minutes. If you skip this step, the results will be inaccurate.

With this kind of solitaire, one cannot write about death among the questions about the future. It is not recommended to do this due to the fact that it is very difficult to look on the other side of being without special energy preparation.

There is also a light version of such fortune telling. It differs from the previous one in that only 10 leaves or cards are involved in it and it concerns only heart issues. After all, it is they who are most often interested in girls.

Many people try to translate such fortune-telling into money. However, experts do not recommend doing this, especially for beginners. If for the first time none of the cards matched, and then this situation is repeated several times in a row, this does not mean that fortune-telling does not work. The problem may be that the person was simply distracted by their questions and did not focus on fortune-telling. You can shift the cards again or try to tell fortunes in a different way.

Josephine de Beauharnais solitaire is a very popular fortune-telling, which, unlike many others, has its own unique history. Indeed, if you believe its origin, it was invented by the wife of the legendary Napoleon Bonaparte.

Attention, only TODAY!

The history of all of Europe in the eighteenth century is associated with the name of this woman. Josephine Beauharnais is the same Josephine, the wife of the great emperor of France Napoleon I Bonaparte, her importance and influence on the world politics of her time and the history of the world as a whole cannot be overestimated.

“Josephine is a talisman given to me by fortune, only to her alone I owe my greatest exaltation,” wrote Napoleon. It was Josephine who inspired the great Napoleon. Before each battle, the emperor took out her portrait and prayed for it, like an icon. He wrote to her from every station where he changed horses.

However, not only this made Madame de Beauharnais famous.

Josephine was a superstitious woman, believed in fate and fortune-telling, paid a lot of attention to magic and cards.

She also visited Madame Lenormand, a fortune-teller (a fortune-teller who predicted a French defeat in Russia, Napoleon's loss of the crown, his parting with Josephine).

But Josephine herself knew how to guess perfectly. She even invented her own method, called the fortune-telling by Josephine de Beauharnais, and referred to as solitaire. If you learn it, you can easily, quickly and for free predict the future on maps, moreover, very accurately.

Secrets of Josephine's Divination

For fortune-telling, you need to lay out cards like a solitaire. In this case, the cards are French, they do not have the usual drawings and images of suits. The cards are cut in half with sharp scissors and carefully shuffled. Further - the solitaire is laid out in eight rows. The cards that lie with their halves are a prediction that should be interpreted.

You can, in principle, do without scissors - the Internet is full of sites offering free online solitaire play.

If another person is wondering to you - do not let him work for free - this is a bad omen.

Interpretation of results

It is not enough to find cards, the halves of which coincided, the fortune-telling of Josephine Beauharnais consists mainly in the interpretation of the results.

Each card has its own meaning, in the case of online fortune telling, you do not need to look for them, the program will tell and show the values ​​automatically. If you are guessing on real cards, you can peep the values ​​of the cards online.

So, for example, "Clover" is a sign of hope and expectation, close happiness. Neighborhood with good maps is a good sign, plans will come true, with bad ones - plans need to be urgently corrected, or trouble cannot be avoided. Profit and success in business, do not close yourself off from communicating with others.

"Horseman" - changes, movement, news flow. In the layout of personal life - changes, new relationships. On business - new ideas for a career, promotion, business trips and travel.

"Ship" means wealth and travel. Success in business, prospects for growth and development. Striving for change, the opportunity to get rich soon by trade.

“Home” is family and stability. Reliability, successful completion of unfinished business, indispensable and early success. Peace and confidence.

"Tree" - hidden, but steadily growing potential, vitality, hidden potential and opportunities. Stable income, wisdom and experience.

"Clouds" - coming troubles, crises. Impermanence and disharmony. Neighboring cards will reliably inform you where the trouble is coming from. Possible health problems, checking loved ones for loyalty. "Snake" means lies, flattery, betrayal. An important warning about the cunning enemy, whose deceit weighs heavily on you. Be careful. In love, there is acute tension, the intensity of passion and sexual charisma.

Description of the online game Solitaire Fortune Telling Josephine:

It was created in France. For many years it was passed down from generation to generation, and new details constantly appeared in it. There are legends that Josephine, the beloved of Napoleon Bonaparte, often played this solitaire when she was waiting for a message from her beloved, who was on the battlefield. You can also find out about the events that await you in the future with the help of Josephine's Fortune telling Solitaire. But in order to correctly decompose this solitaire, you must follow certain rules. To begin with, you will need to write about what interests you in a specially designated place. Then, divide the deck of 40 cards into two equal halves, mix them thoroughly. Put 10 cards in the first row and open them, then put the bottom cards under these cards, and only after that open them. If two cards come together, then put them aside. Lay out the other three rows in the same way. Converging pictures mean those events that await you in the future. But in order for fortune-telling to be as accurate as possible, at the very beginning you will need to very correctly and clearly formulate the question that interests you. If you can ask the question in the right way, you will get the right answer.