Mulberry is what a tree looks like. Mulberry - useful properties and contraindications

Many people love the fruits of the mulberry, or mulberry tree for their original and refreshing sweet and sour taste. At the same time, both berries and leaves have healing properties, and the tree itself looks great as hedges or decorative plantings.

Mulberry belongs to the Mulberry family, the Shelkovich family. This tree is distinguished by longevity: the average life is 200 years, in some cases up to 300-500 years. The record holder is a tree growing in Israel, whose age has exceeded 2 thousand years!

The average height of trees ranges from 10 to 15 m. In youth, they grow very quickly. Dense and resilient wood is suitable for joinery and cooperage work. In Central Asia, musical instruments are made from it.

Leaves are simple, with a serrate edge, often lobed on young shoots. It is them that the silkworm larvae feed on, for which the tree received the second common name - mulberry. The mulberry tree prefers loamy or sandy loam soil. If it is very light, the mulberry can grow adventitious roots, which provide it with additional stability.

You can form a plant in the form of a tree or shrub. In this case, the tree will need an area of ​​2.3-3.5 m, the bush - 0.5-1 m. Since mulberry blossoms are not particularly decorative, the appearance of the crown itself is appreciated in landscape design. Depending on the variety and shape, it can look weeping, pyramidal, spherical, spiral, etc.

Some varieties are famous for leaves of unusual color or huge size: for example, in the Shelley-150 variety, one leaf with a petiole can reach 0.5 m in length! The mulberry tree can be grafted onto other crops. This is usually done in the spring, before flowering begins.

Main types

The classification itself is rather confusing. In different systems, individual subspecies are sometimes considered independent species, and the large number of hybrids further complicates the system. Although about 200 species have been identified in total, 17 of them are considered valid. There is a popular classification method - by the color of the bark.

Black mulberry is not suitable for growing silkworms, but its berries, which look like blackberries, are most often eaten. The homeland of this species is Southwest Asia. The bark is dark, reddish-brown.

White mulberry is commonly used for breeding silkworms. In China, where this species was first discovered, it has been cultivated for about 4 thousand years. In Russia, it can grow up to the Volgograd line, in regions with a more severe climate, the tree takes root with difficulty. The fruits are edible, but have a less intense, sometimes sugary-sweet taste. Most often they are white, but they can also differ in intense black color. The bark is light gray, thick. Red mulberry grows mainly in North America.

Its wood is considered the most valuable. The fruits are sweet and edible. The red variety has a subspecies - the so-called. small-leaved mulberry. It differs from the main one in smaller fruits and leaves.

Flowering and fruiting

The mulberry tree begins to bear fruit 4-8 years after planting.

It blooms in April-June, depending on the region and variety. Flowers can be male or female. It is logical that the tree is capable of self-pollination, however, with group plantings, its yield increases markedly.

The fruits of a mulberry or mulberry ripen unevenly, from the end of May to August: on one branch there can be both fully ripe berries and barely formed ovaries. Usually, the fruit becomes edible when it acquires a characteristic color for the variety. These fruits are prone to shedding and hardly tolerate transportation. The average berry size is 2-3 cm.

The fruits of the black mulberry tree are distinguished by a particularly rich sweet and sour taste, as well as a pleasant pronounced aroma. They are consumed fresh, used to make jams, preserves, syrups, artificial honey, vinegar and wine. They serve as a good filling for baked goods.

The fruits of the white mulberry, in addition to fresh consumption, are dried, canned and used for making wine. Sometimes novice gardeners have a question: is mulberry rather a berry or a fruit? The answer is clear: it is a berry.

Medicinal properties

Information about the beneficial properties of mulberry can be found in ancient sources. Practice and scientific research have confirmed these findings. Among the most valuable qualities of this plant, experts tend to name its beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems, the ability to renew blood, improve mental abilities and strengthen immunity. Mulberry fruits are much healthier than many other fruits and berries.

In particular, they contain:

  • organic acids: citric and malic;
  • macronutrients: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, copper;
  • vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B9, C, K.

They remove phlegm, have an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect, therefore they are recommended for infectious diseases, including ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, etc. Leaves are also very useful - they contain tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, resins, vitamins C and group B. Extracts are made of them for the preparation of pharmaceuticals, and are also used in folk medicine.

For example, they are recommended to be applied to the inflamed joints for half an hour 3-5 times a day. It is recommended to rinse your mouth with an infusion of leaves 4-5 times a day in case of inflammatory processes (stomatitis, etc.). In any case, when using fruits or decoctions from leaves for medicinal purposes, you must consult with a specialist in advance, since self-medication can be hazardous to health.

Video "Growing mulberry"

In this video, you will hear helpful tips for caring for mulberries.

Or a mulberry tree, was known even during the reign of Tsar Ivan IV. Then, for the first time in Russia, the tsarist manufactory began to produce beautiful natural silk for the tsar's court. The leaves of the mulberry tree served as food for the silkworm, from the cocoons of which silk was obtained. Mulberry was also very fond of Peter I, by a special decree he forbade the felling of mulberry trees. In many countries, to this day, mulberry trees are used to make real silk, but in Russia such production is practically not developed.

Mulberry belongs to the mulberry family, which is represented by a number of tall trees and shrubs. Its berries are actually the fruit of mini-nuts with accrete pericarp. White and black mulberries have earned their fame in our country, but they also grow in the wild. fodder mulberry, aka satin, and in America grows inedible mulberry red with valuable wood. Breeders have bred about 400 varieties mulberry tree.

The one that silkworm caterpillars ate in China.

Her leaves are delicate, the silk is of the highest quality. The fruits are usually white, yellowish or pinkish, juicy, sugary-sweet, however (!) There are also dark ones. White mulberry is quite frost-hardy, widespread everywhere. The tree has a thick gray bark.

She came to us from the South, from Iran, and capricious silkworms are not suitable for food - her leaves are too coarse. But for people, its purple-black fruits are of undoubted gastronomic interest. Sweet, with sourness, outwardly resemble with an oblong shape of berries. Flavoring nuances are richer than that of white mulberry.

The tree is thermophilic, although frost-resistant varieties appear. The bark of black mulberry is reddish-brown.

Mulberry cultivation

A mulberry tree can reach 35 m in height, but in a garden it is necessary to shape the crown so that the tree is no higher than 2-3 m. The mulberry lives for an extremely long time, 200-300 years. For 5 years after planting, you can wait for the harvest, and even earlier from grafted trees. A 10-year-old tree produces up to 100 kg of fruit.

Mulberry plants can be self-pollinating (monoecious - when there are male and female flowers in the same inflorescence on the same tree) or have female and male plants (dioecious). Depending on this, one tree is planted or, necessarily, a couple (male and female).

Mulberry is often used due to its excellent fruiting and good vitality within the city. She looks great in group plantings and in the form. Now choose more decorative forms of mulberry: for example, weeping, whose branches gently slope to the ground itself.

Low mulberry trees with a spherical crown have also gained popularity. In group plantings, a pyramidal or narrow-pyramidal crown is most often used. The height of such trees can reach 6 m.

Mulberry propagation

1. Seeds

The seed method is used by breeders to adapt mulberries to the harsh northern regions or to grow rootstock for grafting. To do this, take seeds and them for 2 months.

If sown without stratification, then soak them before planting for 3 days. Sowing is done in early spring.

2. Vegetatively

Mulberries can be propagated undergrowth, layering(for weeping form), green cuttings, vaccination.

Black mulberry (С2-3l.) 544 rbl WATCH
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White mulberry (C2-3 l) 544 rbl WATCH
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Mulberry black 299 rbl WATCH
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Mulberry black 850 rbl WATCH

Mulberry care


In order for the tree to withstand frost well, in the first half of summer (until July), mulberries must be watered and nourished with mineral and organic ones. And starting in July, you need to stop fertilizing and watering the plant. This will help the mulberry, being in a dormant period, tolerate temperature changes and frost well.


The tree is formed with a stem of 0.5-1.5 m, the crown height will be 2-4 m, and its shape is broom-shaped or spherical.

Young growths of the last year often freeze over, because they still have a weak bark and it loses moisture very quickly, in contrast to old shoots covered with cork bark. In this case, they need to be cut, this operation will not affect the harvest.

Harvesting and using mulberries

Mulberries, depending on the climate and variety, ripen from late May to August. Ripening is very uneven, on one branch there may be already fully ripe berries that are just starting to grow.

Ripe berries crumble quite easily, so at the beginning of ripening lay a cloth or film under your mulberry in advance to make it easier to harvest.

Traditional medicine of many Asian countries has been using mulberries for a long time as a cure for many diseases:

  • the bark of a mulberry tree when brewed is the strongest anthelmintic;
  • infusion of berries helps with coughing;
  • berry juice helps to cope with stomatitis, tonsillitis and many inflammations of the mucous membrane;
  • infusion of leaves is a godsend for hypertensive patients.
An excellent jam is made from mulberries.

But even the use of berries in food raw or as part of desserts in no way diminishes the merits of this wonderful delicacy.

Shelley number 150

This variety and two more below belong to Leonid Ilyich Prokazin from the Poltava region. Shelley berries are very large, up to 5.5 cm, with high taste, a very high-yielding variety. It is considered one of the best and most famous mulberry varieties.

Black mulberry Shelley 150. Photo from the site

One leaf of Shelley mulberry 150 reaches a length of half a meter with a petiole!

Mulberry Luganochka. Photo from the site

Do mulberries grow in your garden?

Mulberry, here, mulberry, mulberry, mulberry - these are all the names of the same plant, black, purple and white, whose sweet berries we remember from childhood. And mulberry wood is another reason this tree deserves respect.

Mulberry: main characteristics

The Mulberry family includes 17 tree species growing in the warm temperate and subtropical zones of North America, Africa, Asia. It is a deciduous wind-pollinated plant.

As a rule, the height of a tree does not exceed 15 meters, its diameter is 1 meter, and it can live for 200, 300 and even 500 years. The leaves of the mulberry are lobed, serrated, simple; a complex fruit that consists of drupes, tasty and sweet.

In addition to wood, which we will talk about in detail, other parts of the tree are also valued. For example, mulberries are used to make goodies, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks. Mulberry leaves are the food source of the silkworm. In addition, this is just a beautiful tree with a dense tent-shaped crown, which is used in landscaping and protective afforestation as a drought-resistant species.

Mulberry wood: physical and mechanical properties

Mulberry wood belongs to the ring-vascular species. It has a brown-red core and a narrow yellow sapwood (3-5 rings). Over time, under the influence of sunlight, the material turns brown. Both the annual layers and the medullary rays are well discernible.

The wood of the mulberry tree is characterized by large vessels of the early zone, often with clogged white tills; the late zone is distinguished by small vessels and parenchymal cells, forming small groups that look like light dots, and closer to the outer border, in wide layers, by wide lines located parallel to the layer.

Mulberry wood has a density of 600-700 kg / cubic meter, which is comparable to beech wood. It is viscous, heavy, but does not accept protective compounds due to its low water absorption. It is quite sensitive to biological influences, therefore it is not used for outdoor work. But the cutting tool is processed well, like,.

Mulberry wood: drying

Drying mulberry wood occurs under normal conditions, albeit for a rather long time: 30-35 days for material with a thickness of 3-3.5 cm.

Stage 1 - humidity at least 85%, temperature 40 degrees (8-10 days)

Stage 2 - the humidity decreases, and the temperature rises to 70 degrees

Stage 3 - 6-hour moisture-heat treatment, rapid heating of the chamber to 90 degrees and turning off the heating

Stage 4 - wood cooling for 7-10 days.

The properties of mulberry wood are almost not warped or cracked during the time they are very much appreciated by craftsmen.

Mulberry wood: application

The use of mulberry wood is determined by its pleasant color, beautiful texture and rather high quality material. The older the tree, the more valuable the mulberry wood. Therefore, the market cannot offer a large amount of mulberry wood. Accordingly, things made from this material are not serial, but exclusive.

Baskets are woven from young branches of this tree, paper for money is extracted from it in Japan, and musical instruments in Central Asia. In China, the mulberry tree is one of the main sources of wood along with the ovoid tree.

Mulberry wood serves as a source of the extract, which is used to dye fabrics yellow.

The aforementioned properties of mulberry wood are used in the manufacture of barrels for elite alcoholic beverages. This is a good alternative to the classic oak barrels.

Due to its delicate yellow color and silky texture, mulberry wood is used for crafts, jewelry, furniture, parquet, etc.

If you are interested in learning about the wood of other fruit trees - and, - you can learn about them from separate articles.

Tatiana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board

How useful was the information for you?

Mulberry has been known since the time of Tsar Ivan IV. By 550 AD, Christian monks had already mastered industrial espionage, having successfully carried out a special operation: taking out from the Chinese the grens - silkworm eggs and the secret of making silk.

Therefore, during the time of Ivan the Terrible, for the first time at the tsar's manufactory, they began to produce natural silk for the tsar's court. The silkworm, from whose cocoons silk was obtained, was supposed to be fed with mulberry leaves.

He was very fond of mulberries and Peter I. To prevent mulberries from being cut down, a special decree was issued. Many countries in our time use mulberry trees to obtain natural silk.

Mulberry belongs to the mulberry family, it is represented by rather tall trees and shrubs. Mulberry berries, only in appearance, berries, upon careful study, turned out to be the fruit of mini-roots, with accrete amniotic fluid.

Mulberry fruit

White and black mulberries are popular with us. In the wild, the fodder mulberry (satin) is known, in America an inedible species of red mulberry grows, which is valued for its valuable wood.

White mulberry

This is the same tree that the silkworm caterpillars used to feed on in China.

The silkworm is no less beautiful than a silk scarf

She has the most delicate leaves - the silk is of the highest quality. Its fruits are usually white, with yellowish or purple hues, and sometimes dark. This frost-resistant tree has a wide growing area, also due to its thick bark. The bark of the mulberry is gray, sometimes with a green tint.
In the world, breeders have bred about 400 varieties of mulberry.

White mulberry, variety Black-browed - and there are spots in the sun

Black mulberry

This is a tree that came to us from Iran and other southern countries, therefore the tree is thermophilic. The bark is reddish brown.

Picky silkworms will not eat its tough leaves. But people really like its delicious purple-to-black berries. Oblong in shape, they resemble blackberries, sweet with a slight sourness, their taste is richer than that of white mulberry. Recently, frost-resistant varieties have been bred.


Mulberry trees can grow up to 35m in height. Such a giant would not be appropriate in the garden. Try to form a tree about 2 to 3 meters high. Carefully select the planting site, mulberry is a long-liver, 200 years is not the limit for it. Three-hundred-year-old specimens are noted. Begins to bear fruit in the fifth year, and grafted trees even earlier. From a ten-year-old tree, you can get up to 100 kg of tasty and healthy fruits.

I distinguish between monoecious and dioecious plants. Monoecious - self-pollinating when one plant has female and male flowers in one inflorescence. Dioecious - have only male or female flowers. Depending on this, either one tree or a couple are planted.

Silk trees are very often used in landscape design. They are good because they perfectly tolerate urban conditions, look great in group plantings or as a hedge. Provides the designer with a choice: you can choose a tree that bears fruit, and if you don't want to look at the crushed berries on the path, plant a male plant.

Plant male plants near paths

Mulberry tolerates pruning well, you can shape the crown at your discretion.
Recently, decorative varieties have been very popular. For example weeping, which hangs branches to the ground. Low-growing varieties with a spherical crown are in demand. For group plantings, narrow pyramidal or pyramidal crowns are used, with tree heights up to 6 m.

Seed propagation

The seed method is used by breeders mainly for the purpose of acclimatizing mulberries in the northern regions, or - to grow a stock for subsequent grafting. Before sowing seeds, they are stratified within 2 months. Sowing without stratification is carried out after three days of soaking. Sowing seeds is carried out in early spring.

Vegetative propagation

The vegetative method of propagation offers propagation by grafting, shoots, green cuttings and layering (for weeping form).
Grafting is used mainly for cultivars, using budding. The stock is a white mulberry. If the buds of the scion have ripened well, and the rootstock separates the bark well, the time for inoculation has come!


Decide in advance with the formation of the tree: you will have a plant with a stem or a bush form that is convenient in the garden. In the first version, the distance between trees will be about 5m and 4m between rows. In the second case - 0.5m and 3m between the rows. The rest of the user is the classic recommendations for planting trees. It will not be superfluous to take into account that the roots of the mulberry are very fragile and require careful handling.


Watering. In order for the plant to survive future frosts well, in early summer (until July) water and nourish with organic and mineral fertilizers. This will help the mulberry during the period of winter suspended animation to tolerate frost and temperature changes, which most often occur in the middle lane. From July, fertilization and watering can be stopped.


Form a tree with a stem of 0.5-1.5 m, with a crown height of 2-4 m, spherical or broom-shaped. Old shoots are covered with cork bark, unlike young shoots. Last year's young growths often freeze over: they have a thin young bark that quickly loses moisture. It is recommended to cut off the frozen shoots, do not grieve - this will not affect the harvest in any way. Otherwise, pruning is no different from pruning other trees.


Mulberries ripen from May to August. Maturation occurs gradually. So on one branch there can be fully ripe berries and just starting to grow at the same time. Ripe fruits fall off very easily. For the convenience of harvesting, at the beginning of ripening, it is recommended to lay a film, agrofibre or some other fabric under the tree.

Mulberry occupies its niche in the culinary and traditional medicine of Asian countries. Its brewed bark is an excellent anthelmintic, the infusion of berries will help with coughing. Berry juice is used for sore throat, stomatitis, and other inflammations of the mucous membrane. Infusion of leaves is useful for hypertensive patients. Well, we all mash raw berries with pleasure.


Black Baroness.

The variety was bred in the gardening "Rostok". Paradoxically, it refers to the white mulberry varieties. The fruits are large, up to 4cm in length and 1.5cm in diameter. Sweet, weak aroma. High-yielding variety, fruiting time: June-July. Frost resistance up to -30 ° С, after freezing it quickly recovers, practically without losing productivity.

Shelley 150

The variety belongs to L.I. Prokazin. from the Poltava region. A variety of a random seedling found by Prokazin. It is characterized by strong and stable growth. Fruiting period: May-June, has no periodicity in fruiting. Berries up to 5.5 cm in length, weighing 4-6 g, very tasty, average transportability. It is the largest mulberry fruit in the CIS and Poland. It is rightfully considered one of the most famous and best varieties. Shelley sheet 150 with a spine can be up to 0.5m.

White Tenderness

The variety belongs to white, belongs to L.I. from the Poltava region. Large and tender fruits up to 5 cm, not transportable. The variety bears fruit abundantly, fruiting is extended.


White variety, belongs to L.I. Prokazin. Creamy pink, very sweet large (up to 5.5 cm) fruits. High productivity.

Take care of the mulberry and she will take care of you.

Mulberry - mulberry tree | Near the househttp: //site/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/22.jpghttp: //site/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/ш22-150x150.jpg 2014-11-17T22: 28: 46 + 00: 00 Near the housePlant carecultivation, tree, weeping, horticulture, mulberry, mulberryMulberry has been known since the time of Tsar Ivan IV. By 550 AD, Christian monks had already mastered industrial espionage, having successfully carried out a special operation: taking out from the Chinese the grens - silkworm eggs and the secret of making silk. Handmade silk scarf Therefore, during the time of Ivan the Terrible, for the first time at the tsar's manufactory they began to produce natural silk for the royal court ... ...Near the house [email protected] Administrator Near The House

The deciduous mulberry tree or mulberry holds many mysteries. It has the longest life expectancy among fruit plants, comparable only to conifers. Healing properties are possessed not only by the fruits, but also by all parts of the plant; they have been used for a long time in folk medicine to treat ailments.

The height of the mulberry does not exceed 15 meters.

Mulberry is a tree from the Mulberry family, there are 17 species. Currently, breeders have bred about 400 plant varieties. Most often, black and white mulberries are grown.

Popular varieties:

  1. Istanbul black - medium ripening, with dense sweet berries of dark purple, almost black color. The height of an adult tree is more than 3 m, the weight of the berries is 6–10 g. It blooms in April, the harvest begins to ripen in July. The tree is frost-resistant, withstands cold temperatures down to -35 ° C. An adult tree brings up to 100 kg of harvest per year.
  2. Surprise - late ripening with an extended period of fruiting. The berries are black, large, up to 3 cm long, have a pleasant sweet taste. The tree is fast-growing, resistant to frost and disease.
  3. Royal - the largest-fruited variety, black berries, up to 6 cm long, can weigh 20 g. The mulberry is early-growing, the berries are tied in the first year after planting (two-year-old seedlings). The harvest ripens in June. The tree is medium-sized, with a spreading, dense crown, not afraid of drought and frost.
  4. Black Prince - begins bearing fruit for 2 years after planting. The variety is large-fruited, berries up to 5 cm, black, very sweet and juicy. The tree is frost-resistant, tolerates drought well.
  5. Smolenskaya rosea is an early, frost-resistant variety with fragrant small berries of red or pink color. Beautiful foliage allows you to grow the tree as an ornamental crop.
  6. White honey - an early variety, gives a bountiful harvest that ripens in June. The berries are medium in size, juicy and sweet. The variety is self-fertile and frost-resistant. An adult tree of medium size, begins to bear fruit in 4–5 years.

Where does the mulberry tree grow and what does it look like?

Mulberry is a tropical tree that takes root and grows well in central Russia. She has beautiful leaves, the fruits are somewhat reminiscent of blackberries, only much sweeter, with a faint aroma. In China, the mulberry tree has been cultivated for about 3 thousand years. In Russia, by the decree of Peter I, cutting down of this culture was prohibited.

In the southern regions, where a mulberry tree grows in comfortable conditions, its height reaches 15 meters, and its life expectancy is 300-500 years. The name mulberry comes from the word silk, once it was the main source of this fabric. The silkworm, which creates cocoons from a continuous silk thread, feeds only on the leaves of the white mulberry tree.

Features of growing mulberry

The tree does not require special care. In dry weather, it is watered, the soil is loosened in the near-trunk circle, and the crown is trimmed in spring and autumn.

In the northern regions, it is better to plant mulberries on poor soil so that the growing season is short. The place should be on the south side of the site, well lit. For good survival, the roots of the seedling are treated with any rooting agent.

For good fruiting, top dressing is added. In spring - nitrogen, in summer - organic, in autumn - phosphate and potash.

The tree blooms in late spring, so it is not afraid of spring frosts. In the spring, the frozen shoots are cut off, thanks to this the crown begins to branch well. Even after severe frosts, the plant recovers well, and the fruits of a mulberry tree can appear on the shoots of the current year.

What are the benefits of the fruits of a tropical tree

In the Caucasus, the plant is called the king berry for its medicinal properties. The composition of the fruit contains many substances useful for the body.

The chemical composition of mulberry berries:

  • Sahara;
  • tannins (in green fruits);
  • minerals (K, Na, Fe, Zn, Mg, Ca);
  • resveratrol;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, K).

Resveratrol is one of the most powerful antioxidants. There is a lot of potassium in berries.

Useful properties of mulberry:

  • diuretic and diaphoretic;
  • astringent;
  • blood-purifying;
  • antiseptic;
  • antipyretic (leaves);
  • anti-inflammatory.

Unripe mulberries have an astringent effect, while ripe ones, on the contrary, have a slightly laxative effect.
The crop usually ripens in July or August and blooms in May and ends in June.

Mulberry is used in folk medicine for the following diseases:

  • with a cold;
  • with hypertension;
  • with heart disease;
  • with diarrhea;
  • against cough;
  • with bronchitis and asthma;
  • with fever.

All parts of the plant are curative.

Black mulberry juice is an effective cough suppressant diluted with water and used to gargle with sore throat.

In China, the bark of branches and roots are used to prepare decoctions for high blood pressure.

Mulberry leaves are used to treat fever. They are harvested during flowering - in May or June, dried, and used for 1 year. The bark of the branches is harvested in the spring, and the bark of the roots in October. Mulberry berries are tasty and healthy, but there are restrictions in their use for several reasons:

  • diabetes - a high content of easily digestible carbohydrates leads to an increase in blood sugar;
  • obesity - appetite increases, dieting is more difficult;
  • hypertension - berries can increase blood pressure;
  • allergy - there is an individual intolerance to mulberry.

It is undesirable to eat ripe berries in large quantities, this can cause diarrhea.

Mulberry is a very grateful plant, in response to care, it will delight you with an annual harvest of healthy and tasty berries, and in the summer heat it will give you a saving shade. The tree does not require special care, its leaves, fruits and bark can be used for medicinal purposes.