Do-it-yourself steel bath soundproofing. Secrets and installation methods

Steel bathtubs are no longer considered the absolute standard of convenience and quality, however, most modern people have them. Someone inherited it from their parents with furniture and apartments, others bought it themselves, considering the steel bathtub traditional - it is cheaper, more familiar and lasts a long time. True, the capacity has a significant disadvantage - a high noise level. Any thing that accidentally falls into the bathtub makes a deafening crash. Even pouring water is accompanied by a loud sound. There are two options to solve the problem: replacing or soundproofing the bathtub. How does the process look like, how complicated and expensive is it? It is worth understanding in more detail.

Advantages and disadvantages of steel tanks

Why are steel bathtubs so popular even now? A large, heavy piece made of solid 4mm thick steel has several advantages:

  • affordable price;
  • popularity (found in any specialty store);
  • resistant coating (enamel lasts for many years);
  • fast warming up;
  • structural stability;
  • ease of delivery, necessary movement, installation;
  • the ability to install various mounts;
  • modern design, size options;
  • no static induction;
  • there is a "self-cleaning" effect, also color fastness.

Simply put, a steel bathtub serves its owners for decades, retaining its appearance and basic properties.


  • low noise insulation;
  • rapid loss of stored heat.

The first drawback is easy to eliminate, now many people make soundproofing of the bath with their own hands. We also solve the second disadvantage.

Soundproofing and insulation of a bathtub made of steel

Tired of the "loud" bath, people try to replace it without thinking about other possibilities to solve the problem. Moreover, a number of measures for effectively eliminating rumble and slowing down heat loss can be carried out in advance, during the installation of the container. Then the metal bathtub will be modernized enough to withstand its cast iron and acrylic counterparts.

Most acoustic noise isolation methods are inexpensive and easy to implement. You can bypass the call of a specialist to handle it yourself.

What methods exist:

  • vibration-pick;
  • soundproofing with foamed polyethylene;
  • use of polyurethane foam;
  • liquid acrylic.

Each method requires special materials and the ability to use them.


The surfaces of the bowls are cleaned of dirt using Vibrozol. The material is easy to find on the market, in specialized stores, large supermarkets. Especially where auto parts are sold. The vibration damper is designed for the automotive industry, it helps to restore the lost sound insulation of the car so that the rumble of the engine does not drown out the driver. At the heart of Vibro-deflector is bitumen, a special rubber base. The material has a sticky consistency.

The adhesion of the Vibrate remains unchanged regardless of the temperature level around it.

If it removes the ventilation of the car well, then it is also suitable for the bath.

How to use - having turned the container over, you need to process its outer part with Vibro. Whole or individual areas. Places where tap water flows down into the bath, part of the bottom where the human body will be located. Additionally, the sections of the side walls. The vibrator will significantly reduce the audibility of the hum, and will also keep the heat.

Construction foam is actively used by craftsmen for the repair or construction of a new building. It is also suitable for creating sound absorption in the bathroom. You can buy it at any hardware or hardware store. Before use, protect hands, head (wear a hat or scarf), face. Read the instructions.

How to use - turn the container over and degrease the surface. It is enough to treat it with an alcohol-containing composition. Then slowly cover the bathtub with a thick layer of this type of polyurethane foam. Apply gently in a dense, even layer, being careful not to allow gaps. Act slowly, then the foam has time to solidify without dripping. After finishing processing the side of the bath, turn it over to the second one, but after the foam has completely dried.

Plastic wrap will help to enhance the effect. Suitable polyethylene used by summer residents to create greenhouses. It is dense, inexpensive and quite elastic. After applying the foam, cover it with a piece of film prepared in advance. Pressing firmly with your hands, form a crust resembling a shell.

Important instructions:

  • foam designed for indoor installation is suitable;
  • it is better to carry out very presentable processing in the summer;
  • to obtain a uniform layer, it is worth buying a special nozzle or "gun";
  • before processing, preheat the cylinder (hold it under the tap, turning on the hot water) and shake;
  • leave the overflow place free;
  • view the indicated expiration date and use the foam until the expiration date.

Foamed polyethylene is also suitable for soundproofing a steel bath with your own hands. The material is familiar to any builder or installer. It has excellent heat-insulating, noise-insulating and waterproofing properties. Available, can be purchased at any specialized (hardware) store.

There are enough varieties of polyethylene among the assortment, but the usual inexpensive option is suitable for a bath.

How to use - glue parts of polyethylene, "planting" them on strong glue or take special polyethylene mats with a sticky base. The procedure itself is simple, because polyethylene is light, the gluing surface is smooth, in addition, there is no task to do it beautifully.

Liquid acrylic

The essential difference between it and all of the above materials is the consistency of the substance - it is liquid, also in use. Liquid acrylic is freely available at any hardware store or hardware store.

How to use - it is used to process the inner surface of a steel bath. The only negative is its pungent odor, also a long time required for drying (48 hours).

For noise insulation, a mixture of components is usually used:

  • semi-finished product from acrylic enamel;
  • hardener No. 144.

Plus - in addition to soundproofing, the material improves the external aesthetic qualities of the bath.

Processing technology:

  • finish the surface using sanding paper or cleaning material;
  • wash off the dirt;
  • degrease the walls with a simple alcohol-containing solvent;
  • dry the surface;
  • remove the siphon, and carefully wrap the taps with foil;
  • apply acrylic in bulk, covering the inner surface;
  • perform processing continuously, making circular movements.

As the mixture flows down, it will leave a thin (approx. 6 mm) layer. Acrylic is durable, wears out slowly. The procedure itself, if performed with your own hands, takes 2 hours. There are many shades of the substance on the market, it is easy to choose your own.

Pros of acrylic:

  • no drips;
  • no stains (during and after processing);
  • high strength;
  • durability;
  • no bubbles;
  • improving the external aesthetic qualities of the bath;
  • ease of application;
  • reducing slipperiness.

Acrylic seems to be the least problematic material if you choose. In addition, it does not require moving a heavy bath, because it needs to be processed inside, not outside.


A special plastic material, the basis of which is a polymer adhesive substance, the outside is covered with a light but resistant aluminum foil. Serves as an excellent noise or heat insulator, so it can be used to treat a bath. The use does not require knowledge of special skills or special mechanisms.

How to use:

  • the bath is measured, then a piece of the required size is carefully cut from the vibroplast;
  • the part is thoroughly warmed up with a hairdryer;
  • now you need to remove the outer film and apply it more tightly to the metal surface of the bath, reheat the material with a hairdryer. It is more convenient to press with a roller or a wide spatula.

Hold until the vibroplast "grabs" tightly.

Material pluses:

  • safe, does not emit any hazardous substances;
  • affordable;
  • resistant, withstands -45 +100 temperatures;
  • moisture repellent;
  • does not react to possible chemical irritants.

Soundproofing the bathtub is a useful and inexpensive process, especially if there is no desire to change the steel container. But then taking a bath will bring more pleasure. The boominess will decrease and the heat will be stored longer. What material to take for the implementation of sound insulation is chosen by the owner himself, most are sold in ordinary hardware stores.

A steel bath is not inferior to a cast iron bath in terms of durability and reliability. But such a product has a very significant drawback, which causes discomfort every day. It is about the noise generated in the bathroom during its use. Drops, a strong pressure of water, things falling on its surface - all this does not give pleasure to the owners of the apartment. Unpleasant sound negatively affects the atmosphere in the family. It is very easy to change this situation. Soundproofing a steel bath will help in this, which is not as difficult to produce as it might seem at first glance. There are several ways to do this. Each method does not require large expenditures and is completely done on our own.

It's a great material for more than just sound insulation. It perfectly keeps heat, thereby preventing the rapid cooling of water. In addition, air-filled polyethylene cells protect the outer layer of the bath well from damage. You can purchase a similar coating with a metallized or foil layer. Such products have additional insulating properties. For work, it is better to choose a product with a self-adhesive ability.

In the case when ordinary material is purchased, you need to perform the following actions:

  • turn the bath over;
  • cut off the required size of foamed polyethylene;
  • apply a special adhesive;
  • put the material on the surface with glue inside;
  • press gently.

With this method, you need to cover the entire outer side of the plumbing. In addition to the fact that this material is very light and easy to work with, there will never be an unpleasant smell in the bathroom.

This material is not very convenient to work with, but it perfectly insulates the bath. Its main advantage is that it is a completely environmentally friendly raw material. Such products are preferred by those who prefer only natural materials. In addition to the fact that when heated, the cork does not emit harmful substances at all, it is completely fireproof and has good moisture-resistant qualities. Cork agglomerate is produced in rolls. In addition to plumbing, they can be used for soundproofing the entire bathroom.

In order to soundproof the bath with a cork, you should:

  • turn over the plumbing device;
  • cut off a small piece of cork raw materials;
  • apply special glue to the material and to the metal surface;
  • press well and fix for a while;
  • the next piece is glued end-to-end and fixed until it solidifies completely.

But this material also has its drawbacks. The bathtub treated in this way does not have a very presentable appearance. For greater aesthetics in the bathroom, such a coating is additionally decorated with a special screen or ceramic tiles. And, of course, the price. The cost of cork material is much more expensive than other heaters for plumbing.

Polyurethane foam

The most affordable and simple soundproofing option. Do-it-yourself processing is very fast, an experienced craftsman can handle it in a few minutes. The only condition is that for the bathroom it is better to purchase a special foam designed for indoor work.

Finishing takes place in this way:

  • a film should be laid on the floor, otherwise, if the mixture gets on the floor covering, it will be difficult to remove it;
  • the bath is turned upside down and all holes are sealed with tape;
  • the surface is well treated with an alcohol-containing liquid;
  • first, a frequent mesh is applied using a sealant;
  • further, the foam is distributed neatly, with a uniform density;
  • work is best done starting from edge to bottom;
  • from time to time, work must be suspended, wait until the mixture hardens a little.

Plumbing processed in this way does not have a very presentable appearance. In addition, such a material is very susceptible to moisture; fungus quickly appears on the foam. Therefore, it is better to take care of additional decorative finishes in the bathroom in advance. There are some tricks in using polyurethane foam, taking into account which sound insulation will be more reliable:

  • it is better to use foam when the temperature is high. It is resistant to heat and therefore swells better;
  • to prevent stacks and evenly lay this product, you should use a special nozzle;
  • foam output will increase if the can is heated under a stream of warm water and shaken;
  • do not cover the place where the siphon is installed with a mixture;
  • polyurethane foam has a shelf life, after which it loses its quality.


This is a unique material. It contains bitumen and rubber. Its original purpose is to soundproof the car, but it does an excellent job of soundproofing the bathtub. A feature of vibration insulator is the presence of an adhesive on one of the sides. This allows for a snug fit on a smooth surface at any temperature. Not the entire product can be processed with this material, but only in places where water flows from the tap and where the body touches the surface.


Liquid acrylic

It is applied to the entire inner surface of the bath. The main disadvantage of this material is a pungent odor and a long drying time (about two days). For sound insulation, a composition of two components is used: a semi-finished product of acrylic enamel and hardener No. 144. In addition to sound insulation, acrylic gives plumbing a beautiful aesthetic appearance.

The processing technology is as follows:

  • the surface is finished with sanding paper and a cleaning (abrasive) material;
  • dirt is washed off;
  • the walls are degreased with a solvent;
  • the surface is dried;
  • the siphon must be removed, the taps must be wrapped in foil;
  • acrylic is applied in bulk to the entire inner surface;
  • you need to process continuously in a circle.

The mixture flowing down will leave a thin layer 6 mm wide. This material is highly resistant to wear and tear. The DIY finishing process takes about two hours. In addition, a varied color palette of this substance can be seen on sale.

The advantages of acrylic treatment include:

  • no drips;
  • stains do not appear during use;
  • high impact strength;
  • service life is not less than 10 years;
  • no air bubbles during application.

Also, acrylic makes plumbing less slippery. The touch of the skin to the metal becomes much more pleasant.


Plastic material based on polymer adhesive, covered with durable aluminum foil. Good noise and heat insulator. Shows excellent performance characteristics. It is not difficult to cover the plumbing with this tool with your own hands. The bathroom is processed with vibroplast according to the following method:

  • a piece of the required size is cut from the material;
  • with the help of a hair dryer, the part warms up well. As a result, the material will become elastic and more pliable;
  • remove the protective film, apply it to the metal surface and reheat it with a hairdryer, press it well (you can use a roller or staple).

The advantages of vibroplast include:

  • does not emit harmful substances;
  • small price;
  • withstands temperatures in the range of -45 +100 ° С;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • does not react with chemical irritants.

Maybe soundproofing any bathtub is not the most important part of comfort, but you shouldn't deny its positive aspects, especially if there are many people in the family. In this case, so that others do not feel discomfort, it is best to decorate the plumbing with a good sound absorber with your own hands.

More recently, cast-iron bathtubs were installed in apartments. These products were distinguished by their strength, high weight and high quality. This design was white and ideally suited to any interior design. Cast iron products were replaced by metal ones, but in comparison they have some disadvantages. One of the most significant disadvantages of the product is the loss of heat and the sound of pouring water. A modern person adapts to any conditions, therefore, at the moment, using high-quality heat-insulating materials, it is possible to make a steel structure in terms of properties that are not inferior to cast iron. In this article, we will try to consider the technology of heat and sound insulation using various materials.

Features of steel bathtubs

A bathroom, or as it is also called a plumbing container, today in everyday life use metal models, since they are not as expensive as cast iron or ceramic, and have a relatively low weight, which is especially convenient for transportation. The service life of a metal structure varies from 20 to 30 years. The inner surface of the bowl is covered with abrasion-resistant enamel. Today, on the market, products are offered to customers of any color, which allows you to choose a bowl as close as possible to the main interior design. As for the features of metal baths, they include the following:

  • low weight of the product;
  • variety of sizes;
  • a large selection of models;
  • wear-resistant enamel coating;
  • long service life.

Due to its relatively low weight, which is five times less than that of cast iron. A plumbing tank can be brought to any floor without unnecessary complications, which is quite difficult to do with the same cast iron structure.

There is a huge selection of bathtub models on the market today. Compared to cast-iron structures, metal is easier to process, so the buyer is offered not only the choice of the product in terms of length or width, but also in shape. Depending on preferences, parameters and cost, you can choose the most suitable option.

The inner surface of the bathtub is covered with a special enamel, which has a strong structure and effectively protects the product from mechanical stress and abrasion. Enamel coating technology is applied using high temperatures, as a result of which the polymer material polymerizes and becomes very durable.

As the manufacturers of plumbing equipment indicate, a steel product can be used for at least twenty years, but as practice shows, even after thirty years, the surface remains smooth and usable.

Interesting! Steel products have a high degree of heat transfer, which in turn contributes to the rapid heating and cooling of the bowl. Also, during the intake of water, a rumble is heard, which is quite loud. If you make the soundproofing of the bathroom yourself, then you can simultaneously solve two problems at the same time.

Features of iron baths

Iron and steel baths are considered to be products made of cast iron and steel. If cast iron structures have certain parameters and standards, then in the case of steel structures, everything is much more complicated. Plumbing tanks can be made of both conventional and stainless steel. According to their characteristics, these materials have a significant difference, both in performance and cost.

Today, stainless steel baths are not popular and they are rarely found on sale. Steel structures are another matter, their modern market offers a huge number of models that can be selected according to size, appearance and other criteria. Steel structures have many advantages, but there are also disadvantages. When choosing plumbing for your home, you need to weigh the pros and cons, only then make a decision.

How to eliminate the noise of collecting water

Perhaps the main disadvantage of the steel bowl is its insufficient sound insulation. When water is collected in the bathroom, this process is heard by half of the house, or, in extreme cases, by the neighbors. However, do not be upset, with the use of modern sound-absorbing materials it is possible to effectively eliminate the sounds coming from the bathroom while drawing water. You can select materials in accordance with your requirements. There are many ways to protect the bathtub not only from unpleasant noise, but also from heat loss, because as you know, steel products have high heat transfer due to which the water in the bowl can quickly cool down.

As insulating materials, you can use:

  • foamed polyethylene;
  • construction foam;
  • technical cork covering;
  • noise insulation of the car;
  • acrylic coating;
  • installation of liners.

You can perform soundproofing on your own without resorting to the help of specialists. The treated structure will be able to deliver less loud noise during water picking up. Having the necessary tools and materials at hand, the work can be done independently and at home.

Do-it-yourself soundproofing for the bathtub

Depending on what is at hand can be used to handle the bowl. It is worth noting that before starting work, it is necessary to prepare the room in advance for the upcoming improvements to the steel product. If the apartment is planned to be renovated, then you can leave everything as it is, but when you need to do everything carefully, then the room should be prepared initially.

First of all, the floor surface is covered. You can make such protection using plastic wrap and masking tape. If you do not have such materials at hand, then ordinary newspapers are suitable as an alternative. It is necessary to spread the protection all over the floor so that the insulating substance does not accidentally fall on the floor covering.

It also does not hurt to put some kind of rag under the product. This is necessary so that the enamel of the sides is not damaged during soundproofing. Depending on the choice of method and materials, heat and sound insulation can be carried out from several hours to two days.

Photo: Sound-insulated steel bathtub. Author: Manarbek Bushuev

When soundproofing is done using polyurethane foam, even a small drop on the floor can spoil the appearance of the entire bathroom. You also need to take care of the cleanliness of the treated surface. Some soundproofing materials are glued directly to the bottom of the bathtub. Processing is carried out with a rag with an alcohol solvent, such processing will not only remove dust and debris, but also provide degreasing of the metal surface.

Advice: if you make noise insulation in a small room, then the walls should also be protected with a layer of polyethylene or paper. When everything is ready, you can start.

Depending on the choice of soundproofing material, the appropriate tools are also selected. Let's try to consider the most popular soundproofing options for bathtubs.

Foamed polyethylene

This material is considered the most affordable and easiest to use. The characteristics of the material are recognized as one of the most effective in soundproofing metal surfaces. The porous structure of the canvas and its parameters make polyethylene foam one of the best material of its kind available to everyone. On sale, polyethylene foam is presented in rolls, so it is possible to purchase a piece of a certain size if the material is cut at the point of sale.

Currently, in the hardware store you can buy not only ordinary polyethylene foam, but also with a foil base. By treating the inner surface of the bowl with such a material, you can not only minimize the noise level, but also improve the thermal insulation qualities of a metal product. As everyone knows, foil or a thin metal film helps to retain heat, as it reflects it.

The soundproofing process is as follows: foam polyethylene in the form of small mats is glued to the previously prepared surface of the bowl. On the soundproofing, it is necessary to remove the protective film and carefully stick it on the metal surface.

Important! To achieve the maximum effect in sound insulation, it is not necessary to completely cover the entire lower part, it is quite enough to stick the mat in the place where the water flows into the bathroom. After such processing, the noise level will be significantly reduced.

To protect the metal bowl from rapid cooling, you need to use foamed polyethylene foam. It is necessary to glue the material over the entire inner surface of the product, only in this case it will be possible to keep the water temperature in a certain temperature regime for a long time. The main advantage of such sound insulation is ease of installation and affordable cost of consumables.

Technical plug

Alternatively, you can also use a technical plug. According to its characteristics, the material provides a high degree of sound insulation. Its porous structure absorbs sound, and the environmental friendliness of the product does not emit harmful vapors when heated. Despite these characteristics, the technical plug is not popular among buyers, since it has a high cost and the sound insulation process is rather complicated. The container must be glued in accordance with the instructions on the package. When finished, the bathtub does not have an attractive appearance, however, using special screens, you can hide all design flaws.

The technical plug is more often used for soundproofing apartments and houses. The material is attractive and has a pleasant texture to the touch. The high cost of the material makes it less popular, however, with its use, the characteristics of the steel bowl will significantly improve.

Polyurethane foam

For soundproofing a sanitary tank, you need to take ordinary construction foam, which is used when installing plastic windows or sealing joints. The best option would be to use a polyurethane foam composition that is resistant to various temperatures and expands well. To work with polyurethane foam, you need a special gun, or if the composition in the cylinder includes a holder, then you will not need an additional tool, you can use it.

It's important to know! It is necessary to work with polyurethane foam with gloves and goggles so that the composition does not get on hands and eyes.

It should be understood that construction foam is a hazardous material. In case of contact with the surface of the skin or mucous membrane, an urgent need to try to wash off the composition with running water and contact a doctor. To avoid dangerous situations, it is better to entrust the work with polyurethane foam to a professional who will do everything quickly and efficiently in compliance with safety regulations.

Before starting treatment with foam, it is necessary to seal all the connection points of the connecting pipes with tape. To ensure better adhesion, the bottom of the bowl is pre-coated with silicone sealant or liquid nails can be used. Due to the properties of the sealant, the foam will adhere better to the smooth surface of the metal. You need to apply foam from the sides and up in a circular motion around the entire perimeter of the bowl.

In order for the foam to evenly lay down on the walls, the material should be periodically allowed to dry. If translated into a temporary equivalent, then the treated walls are left for eight hours and only after that the bottom of the bathtub is processed. After the foam is completely blown out, the treated structure is left for a day, that is, until it dries completely. Once dry, you can trim off excess foam. Some people use plastic wrap as an additional insulator, which is put on the treated side.

It's important to know! Despite the ease of processing, the material has some drawbacks, the foam absorbs moisture, which means that fungus or mold may form.


In fact, vibration insulation is a material used to improve sound insulation in cars. Today it can be purchased at any auto store. This material provides sound insulation and heat saving due to the foil base. Vibroisol contains a rubberized base and bitumen. One side of the insulating material has an adhesive composition, which guarantees a secure and effective fixation. The outer side of the material is covered with a layer that protects against heat loss. Vibroisol can be used both for the treatment of the entire surface, and for individual areas, if you need to save on material. The characteristics of such sound and heat insulation can eliminate the problem of loudly flowing water in the bathroom and the loss of heat.

Advice: to make the vibration insulator softer and more pliable, the adhesive strip must be heated using a regular hair dryer. This manipulation will make the piece elastic and soft.

Liquid acrylic

As you know, liquid acrylic has a dense structure, which, after application, forms a layer up to five millimeters thick. If the bowl is treated with such a composition, then the soundproofing qualities of the product, of course, will improve.

Liquid acrylic can also be used as sound insulation for the outside and inside of the product. This material has a number of positive qualities:

  • the treated surface has been in operation for ten years;
  • after processing, the degree of impact resistance increases;
  • when acrylic is applied, no drips or air bubbles form;
  • during operation, the treated surface does not lose its appearance and quality;
  • after processing, the surface becomes more pleasant and neat.

If we talk about the minuses, then it is only one, after processing you need to wait at least two days and the material has a strong smell. Before coating with an acrylic compound, the surface to be treated must be prepared, that is, free from dust, debris and degreased. The entire surface treatment procedure takes about two hours.

To process the product with acrylic, special equipment is needed, so not everyone can use the mines on their own. However, today, quite often, services for spraying with acrylic baths are offered as a service. You can order a treatment for the bath and no longer worry about the sounds of the water coming in.


Considering the characteristics of the vibroplast, this material is similar to the previously described vibration isolator. It is widely used for insulation and soundproofing of the car interior. Vibroplast of various thicknesses is on sale, which allows you to choose the most suitable solution for your bath. The canvas should be glued to a previously prepared and cleaned surface. Such requirements are necessary so that sound insulation does not disappear over time. Considering that the composition contains bitumen and a rubber base, installation is best done using a construction or household hair dryer, which will heat the material and make it soft and elastic for work. Depending on the thickness of the insulation protection, the cost of the product itself also affects. Vibroplast does not react with water and is not exposed to high temperatures. Once treated, a bath can last for a long time.

Alternative options

There are still other options for heat and sound insulation of steel bathtubs. You can install a steel container on a hill, and then overlay the entire structure with bricks and soundproof plates that do not react with the aqueous environment. The optimal solution for such insulation is basalt wool. This material does not rot, in addition, it resists the formation of mildew and mildew. The outer part of the structure can be covered with ceramic tiles or other finishing materials. Thanks to the insulating layer, not only sound, but also thermal insulation will be provided.

There are a lot of options for processing steel bathtubs, and everyone selects sound insulation according to their preferences and budget.

Soundproofing set for bathtubs BWS

Recently, special soundproofing kits have appeared on the market, which help to significantly reduce the noise level. Consists of a set of special pads that are installed on a steel product. Despite the simplicity of the seals, they provide high protection against the sound of the accumulating water. The only thing that the insulation kit cannot provide is thermal insulation so that the water does not cool down too quickly.

Modern technologies and materials make it possible to create comfortable conditions in the apartment and, in particular, in the bathroom. Having made the heat and sound insulation of a steel bathtub, in terms of its qualities it will be no worse than cast iron products. If you put your hand, you can use improvised means to make high-quality soundproofing of the bath, especially since there are a lot of processing options, and everyone can choose exactly what suits them.

Steel bathtubs, due to their availability, have become very popular among modern consumers. But in every barrel.

There are even several of them. The most important thing is very poor sound insulation. A jet of water hits the bottom of the font, creating a vibration that propagates to the walls, and they resonate.

All this leads to a hum heard even by your neighbors. Unpleasant? Of course, but not all that scary! Below we will figure out how you can eliminate this feature.

The main reason for the appearance of noise when filling the hot tub with water is that the walls of the steel baths are quite thin and perfectly transmit vibration.

Accordingly, in order to get rid of the unpleasant hum, you just need to extinguish the vibration. Let's see what materials are suitable for this, and what are their main advantages and disadvantages?

Polyurethane foam

Polyurethane foam is a fairly popular material for reducing the noise of a font. It is most often used to eliminate one more " pains "for owners of steel hot tubs - high thermal conductivity.

Due to the peculiarities of the metal and the thickness of the walls, the water in it quickly cools down. You constantly have to pour hot water, which becomes expensive in the face of constantly increasing tariffs for housing and communal services.

For detailed instructions on how, and, in particular, how to do this, look in our articles by clicking on the links.

But foam copes with soundproofing, albeit not as well as specialized materials.

Main pluses:

  • good insulation;
  • availability;
  • ease of application.


  • not the most outstanding soundproofing qualities.

If you want to kill two birds with one stone at once with one weapon (heat and sound insulate your font), without making a lot of effort and money - the foam is your choice. Be sure to read the article on how to use it from the link above.


This is a material popular with motorists, which is often used for noise insulation of cars. It is made using bitumen and rubber, covering the outer layer with foil.


  • ease of use;
  • low price.


  • weak thermal insulation properties;
  • average sound insulation efficiency.


It is most popular for soundproofing steel bathtubs. It is most commonly used in automobiles. But it is also great for bathrooms, due to its resistance to moisture and excellent vibration-damping qualities.


  • high degree of vibration isolation;
  • ease of use.


  • high price compared to other materials.
  • weak thermal insulation properties.

It is the highest quality and most efficient material l for soundproofing fonts. Its only drawback is that if you want to achieve maximum thermal insulation as well, you will need or on top of the vibroplast.

If the bathtub is already installed, and it is not possible to insulate it on all sides, you can glue the vibroplast pieces to the bottom, in the place where the water jet falls, as well as on the front wall. Of course, this method will not help to completely get rid of the noise, but it will significantly improve the situation.

How to make a metal font silent with your own hands?

As mentioned above, the highest quality sound insulation can be performed using vibroplast. Consider detailed instructions on how to do it yourself.

Step 1. First, you need to cover the floor with cardboard (this is necessary so that the enamel is not damaged), and then put the bowl upside down on it.

Step 2. Before carrying out work, it is necessary to clean and degrease the surface so that the material adheres to it better. For these purposes, it is most convenient to use a special degreaser, but you can also use ordinary alcohol or dish detergent. Apply the composition to a rag and dry the tub thoroughly.

Step 3. Peel off the protective layer from the vibroplast sheet and attach it to the side surface of the font. In places of bend, cut the material with a knife so that there are no waves when gluing.

Now you need to carefully smooth out the material. For these purposes, a rubber roller is perfect, but if it is not there, you can use a regular rag.

Step 4. Use the same principle to glue over the rest of the bowl. For convenience, in places where the bottom bends, use small pieces of vibroplast. Remember to cut holes where the legs will be installed.

Step 5. Reinforce the joints between the pieces of material with reinforced tape. The insulation is ready.

If you plan not only to eliminate the noise of filling with water, but also to improve the thermal insulation of the hot tub, be sure to read our special articles:, and. You can cover the font with other material on top of the vibroplast..

Useful video

We found a useful video tutorial for you:


In the article, we examined in detail how to qualitatively soundproof a steel font. All of the above applies to acrylic models if you are not satisfied with its sound-absorbing characteristics.

If you want to do everything efficiently and for a long time, use vibroplast. If you want to save money and kill two birds with one stone, in addition to making also thermal insulation -.

How to make a soundproofing of a bathroom with your own hands? Of course, you can call a specialist who will make the soundproofing of the bath, regardless of whether it is made of steel or acrylic. But it is much cheaper to make the soundproofing of the bath on your own, and you can learn how to do this from our article.

Bath soundproofing

The steel bath has the same durability and reliability as the cast iron bath. But such a bath has one significant drawback, which causes daily discomfort. We are talking about the noise that this bathtub makes during its use. A strong pressure of water, things falling on its surface - all this can give unpleasant sensations to the owners of the apartment. Unpleasant sound negatively affects the atmosphere in the house, and it is very easy to fix this situation. Soundproofing a steel bathtub, which is very easy to make with your own hands, will help you with this. There are a few easy ways to get this job done, and each method is not expensive.

Material options

Foamed polyethylene

This material is great for more than just sound insulation. Foamed polyethylene keeps heat well, which contributes to slow cooling of the water in the bathroom. In addition, polyethylene air cells perfectly protect the outer layer of your bath from various kinds of damage. You can purchase such a coating with a foil or metallized layer. For quality work, it is best to choose a product with self-adhesive properties.

In the event that you purchased the material, you need to do the following:

  • Turn the bath over;
  • cut the required size of polyethylene foam;
  • apply a special adhesive to the surface of the bath;
  • lay the material on the surface;
  • press gently.

In this way, you need to cover the entire outside of the tub.

Foamed polyethylene

Technical plug

This material perfectly insulates the bathroom, but it is not very convenient to work with. The main advantage of this material is that it is a completely environmentally friendly raw material. Such material is chosen mainly by those who prefer only natural materials. When heated, the cork does not emit any harmful substances, is completely fireproof and does not have any adhesion to moisture. In addition to plumbing, a cork can be used to make complete soundproofing throughout the bathroom.

To properly make soundproofing with cork, you need:

  • Turn over the plumbing device;
  • cut off a small piece of cork;
  • apply special glue to the metal surface and to the material;
  • press the workpiece well and fix it for a while;
  • Glue the next piece of material exactly in the joint and hold until the glue completely hardens.

Technical plug

But this material also has its drawbacks. A bathroom treated with such material has a far from presentable appearance. To do this, in the bathroom, such a coating is often decorated with a special screen or ceramic tiles. And of course the cost. Such material will cost you much more than synthetic heaters for plumbing.