Syntactic analysis of the offer life is amazing. How to make a syntactic analysis of the sentence

Many PC users may have a need for a syntactic analysis of the sentence. This may be caused by classes by standard school Program, learning philology and linguistics at the university, or other related purposes associated with syntactic analysis of verbal structures. At the same time syntactic analysis It assumes the possession of the necessary knowledge of knowledge, because a number of users may have the need to make it easier to facilitate this process, in particular, due to the involvement of auxiliary online resources. IN this material I will tell you how to perform a syntactic analysis of the offer mode online, and what resources will help us in this.

As you know, a classic syntactic analysis of the proposal is made according to the following algorithm:

  1. Definition of the purpose of statement of proposals (narrative, prominent, questional);
  2. Determination of emotional coloring proposals (exclamation, non-exclacial);
  3. Determination of the number of grammatical foundations at the proposal (one basis is a simple sentence, two or more bases - complex);

If a proposal simple, then it is also necessary to determine the single-maintained or two-stroke, common or not, complicated or not, which parts of the speech are expressed by members of the sentence, to draw up a proposal scheme.

If a the proposal is complex, then it is necessary to define an allied or non-union connection, the communication method (intonation, verification, writing), to determine the type of complex proposal (non-union, complex, complex) and so on.

Syntactic disclation online - features of implementation

The abundance of the syntactic parameters and the wealth of options for drawing up proposals make a syntactic analysis with the help of robotic systems quite complicated. Therefore, there is a fairly small amount of resources that carry out a syntactic or adjacent analysis of the proposal (text). Below I will describe a number of such resources, and I will tell you how to use them.

SEOSIN.RU - Resource allows you to perform text analysis

SEOSIN.RU resource is one of the most well-known resources of such a plan. The possibilities of this site, according to the development of developers, allow you to carry out a morphological and syntactic analysis of text online, as a result of which the user receives statistics about the existing text.

To work with this resource, go to the specified link, insert the text into the window, enter the control number at the bottom, and click on "analyze".

ADVEGO - Semantic Text Analysis

The popular content exchange "ADVEGO" can boast the built-in tool for semantic text analysis, which can also be useful in the syntactic analysis. This tool Determines the total number of words used, the number of significant and unique words, the number of "water" and so on.

To work with the resource you need to register. Then go to the "SEO-Analysis of the Text" tab on top, insert the required text on the page that opens, and click on "Check".

Instrument of semantic analysis on "Advego"


The resource is a powerful linguistic tool that allows the syntactic analysis of various English-speaking offers with the help of such as Linguistic Knowledge Builder, Pet System Parser, Answer Constraint Engine Generator, and others.

To work with this service, go to the resource, insert your English-language offer to a special line, and click on the "Analyze" button on the right. The system will handle the offer and give you the result.


Help Satisfaction Analysis Offers Online You can relevant philological and linguistic forums (in particular,, and others). You can register on one of these forums, and in your post ask specialists to help in the syntactic analysis of the proposals you need.


Conducting a syntactic analysis of the proposal involves the possession of the appropriate knowledge base, without which such a parse will be simply impossible. At the same time, the resources available on this topic are quite scarce, and as a result of a number of conceptual causes, a full-fledged syntactic analysis of the proposal cannot be carried out (this is especially true of Russian-speaking resources). Therefore, in this regard, I recommend or replenishing my knowledge base, or to ask for help for the philologic forums - you will surely help you in the necessary syntactic analysis.

When working with various texts, many need to make out a proposal for its composition. The implementation of such a parsing usually suggests the presence of relevant philological knowledge, capable of helping in a correct analysis of the text you need. At the same time, the network also exists services that perform operations on the syntactic disable offer online. After a thorough study of the rules for the analysis of different proposals in composition, I decided to set out all my developments in this article.

At the beginning, I note that the expression "analysis of proposals in composition" is somewhat incorrect, since according to the composition, words usually disassemble, and what interests us in this case are called "Syntactic Debriefing".

At the same time, the specified syntactic analysis (in school it is also called "analysis of members") is usually performed as follows:

  • Decide which analyzed proposal for his statement (narrative, questioning or is a wonderful nature);
  • Indicate the emotional color of the sentence (it is exclaiming or not exclaiming);
  • Mark the number of grammatical foundations in this offer (if the suggestion is simple, then the basis, if complex is two or more);

If the offer is simple:

An example of a simple sentence:

"It was an extraordinary autumn day!"

After conducting a syntactic analysis, we can see that this proposal is a narrative, exclamation, simple, twisted, complete, not complicated.

If the offer is complex:

  • Decide with the connection in a complex proposal - allied or non-union;
  • Indicate the connection used in the proposal - intonation, the verbulent, writing;
  • Specify the type of complex proposal - the non-union, complex, complex.

An example of a complex sentence:

"The bouquet had roses and lilies, but she liked the tulips more."

After a syntactic analysis of this offer, we can see that this proposal has a narrative nature, not exclaiming, complex, has an allied connection, complex. The first proposal here is a double, the grammatical framework is the words "roses and lilies were", it is common, and complicated by homogeneous subjects.

The second proposal in this complex proposal is a two-stroke, its grammatical basis are the words "tulips liked", the proposal is common, and not complicated.

Services to pave a proposal for the composition online

Due to the wealth of grammatical structures, and the complexity of creating a powerful network tool for text syntactic analysis, presented in the network services (koi) have rather weak opportunities to carry out a full syntactic analysis of proposals. Nevertheless, I would allocate the following resources:

Among Russian-speaking resources for conducting semantic analysis online (De Facto, they are practically not represented) I would allocate the service It allows you to determine syntactic and morphological errors, demonstrates the general associativity of the text, performs other types of analysis. Unfortunately, the service does not always work stably, dysfunctions are often observed in its work.

  1. To work with this service, go to the site
  2. Enter your offer to the corresponding window, and click on "analyze".

Lovers of English in syntactic analysis can help a powerful linguistic resource Its capabilities allow us to analyze the proposal for its members. At the same time, this site also has other auxiliary tools for implementation. different species Linguistic analysis online.

  1. To work with this resource, log in to the LEXISRX.COM website.
  2. Insert your offer to the appropriate window, and click on the Analyze button.

Linguist Forums

In the syntactic analysis of the proposal online, you can contact the help of the "human factor", and go to a variety of linguistic forums (level, and analogues). Register there, ask your question, and you will help you.


Network resources that make it possible to analyze proposals in composition, have a rather poor character, which is associated with the difficulties of creating such resources. Nevertheless, there are several such tools in the network (most of them are English), allowing us to easily hold the text analysis we need. Use the functionality of these services to parse the necessary proposals, and the online syntactic analysis.

In contact with

§one. What is a syntactic parse that its specificity

Syntactic analysis - This is a complete grammatical characteristic of a syntactic unit:

  • phrases
  • simple sentence
  • complex offer

When syntaxed analysis, it is important to be able to distinguish the units of syntax, to realize that these are units of different levels, and understand what signs is characterized by each of them. Syntactic analysis requires not to confuse the phrase and a simple proposal, as well as a simple and complex proposal and know how to disassemble each of them.

§2. What you need to know and be able to do

The syntactic analysis requires knowledge and skills.

Need to know:

  • what is the difference between the phrase and proposal
  • what is the difference between a simple and complex proposal
  • how the phrase is built, and what they happen (view of the main word)
  • syntactic ties of words in phrases: coordination, control, adjoining
  • what signs characterize the proposal: the purpose of statement, meaning and intonational finality, the presence of a grammatical basis
  • what are the suggestions on the number of grammatical foundations: simple, complex
  • what are simple sentences in their structure: double, single-part (called, definitely personal, vaguely personal, generalized personal, impersonal)
  • what happens complex sentences: According to the nature of the syntactic connection of their parts: allied, non-union; Allied: Difficult and Compactified)
  • what is the syntactic role of words in the sentence (analysis of the sentences)

You need to be able to:

  • to determine how syntactic units refers to a single unit
  • allocate phrases in the proposal
  • find the main and dependent word in phrase
  • define a type of syntactic
  • define the grammatical basis
  • determine the type of proposal for a grammatical basis (double-maintained - single-maintained) and by the nature of the main member (for single-delivery proposals)
  • define members of the sentence
  • define complicating components: homogeneous members, separation, introductory elements (introductory words and suggestions, plug-in designs), circulation, direct speech and citation
  • determine the number of parts in the complex sentence
  • determine the type of syntax and type of complex offer

§3. The procedure for parsing syntax units


1. To determine the main and dependent word, allocate the main thing, to put the question to the dependent.
2. Determine the type of phrase on the main word: nominal, verbal, nareny.
3. Determine the view of the syntactic connection: coordination, control, adjoining.

Simple sentence

1. Perform a disclaimer by members of the sentence: to emphasize all members of the sentence, determine than (in a word which part of speech) they are expressed.
2. Give a characteristic for the purpose of the statement:

  • narrative
  • questionative
  • wise

3. Give the characteristic according to expressed emotions and intonation:

  • unkonsectant
  • exclamation

4. Determine the number of grammatical foundations and determine the type of sentence for their number:

  • simple
  • sophisticated

5. Give the characteristic by the availability of the main members:

    • doubles
    • sosta

a) single-maintained with the main member subject: called
b) Single-part with the main member of the taught: definitely personal, indefinitely personal, generalized personal, impersonal

6. Give the characteristic by the presence of secondary members:

  • common
  • non-proliferated

7. Give the characteristic of the fullness (availability of members of the proposal required by meaning):

  • full
  • incomplete

8. Determine the presence of complicating components:

    • uncomplicated
    • complicated:

a) homogeneous members of the sentence
b) separate members: the definition (agreed - inconsistent), the addition, circumstance
in) introductory words, introductory offers and plug-in structures
d) appeal
e) design with direct speech or quoting


With the expression of the separations involved and consistent turnover, as well as comparative structures, characterize the separation of separation

Difficult sentence

1. As in the simple sentence, determine the members of the sentence.
2. As in the simple sentence, give a characteristic of the purpose of the statement:

  • narrative
  • questionative
  • wise

3. As in the simple sentence, give a characteristic of expressed emotions and intonation:

  • unkonsectant
  • exclamation

4. By the number of grammatical foundations (more than one), determine that the proposal is complex.
5. Determine the type of syntactic connection between parts of a complex sentence:

  • with union tie
  • with non-union connections
  • with a combination of union and non-union

6. Determine the type of complex offer and communications:

  • complexed (: connecting, separating, interpreted, connecting, explanatory or gradual)
  • complexed (: temporary, causal, conditional, target, consequences, seed, comparative and extreme, as well as allied words)
  • nezuzoyny (communication in meaning, pronounced intonational)

7. Determine the type of complex proposal (for example: complex with the apparent variability).
8. Next is characterized by each part of a complex proposal (according to a simple proposal scheme - see a simple supply pavement scheme, PP. 5-8)
9. Create a scheme of a complex proposal reflecting

The syntactic analysis of the sentence is a detailed analysis of the sentence, divided into several components. Thanks to this method, students will check knowledge about the syntax of the Russian language. In schools, the syntactic analysis is the last chapter in the Syntax section, since it is possible to comprehensively use the previously obtained knowledge.

How to make a disclation

Syntax analysis - the process is logical and phased. Using school two types of parsing: oral and written. Their difference lies in the fact that in writing - part of the speech are marked schematically, and with orally they are pronounced.

Step-by-step analysis:

  1. Determine what kind of goal carries a sentence. If the author is trying to tell something - narrated, ask - questioning, to induce any action to any action.
  2. Emotional color The letter expresses the presence of an exclamation mark. If at the end you see an exclamation mark, then the offer is exclamation. If it is not - unknown.
  3. Consider the number grammatical foundations. One grammatical basis is simple, somewhat complicated.
  4. Describe The relationship between parts of the sentence is allied or non-union.
  5. Determine how parts communicate with each other: Unions (supervisory or writing) or intonation (punctuation marks).
  6. Depending on the unions describe type: Complexed, complex or non-union.
  7. Analyze Each part is the following parameters: The presence of main and secondary members, the search for complicating factors (homogeneous members, introductory structures, interjections, circulation).
  8. Make a schemeoffers, graphically emphasizing the components.

Note! The syntactic analysis of the complex offer differs from simply only the number of grammatical foundations. Because of this, some actions (step 7) are reused.

Best Online Analysis Services

Lexis Res.

LEXIS RES site is one of the best services for the syntactic parsing english language. The main advantagedetailed description All the values \u200b\u200bof a separate word, which will help users studying English.

The interface consists of two buttons. Team " Analyse"Runs the process. Results are available at the bottom of the page. Function " Random Sentences."Allows you to familiarize yourself with the work of the site on the example of a random offer.


  • Detailed syntactic analysis.
  • Lack of annoying advertising.
  • Wide service functionality.
  • Minimalist interface.
  • Extensive base of words.


  • The resource is adapted only for English expressions.
  • Lack of graphic designations.
  • Without adequate knowledge of a foreign language, read detailed explanations will be difficult.


Delph-in service is another English-language resource dedicated to the syntactic analysis. Uniqueness It is that the Linguistic Knowledge BUILDER programming language is used here, which uses in foreign universities.

Using the Linguistic Knowledge BUILDER method gives advantages In terms of detail and its components. The visualization is responsible to the technology of English Resource Grammar, which is also used in foreign education.


  • Great for studying narrow-proof suggestions.
  • A huge number of tools for syntactic parsing in parts of speech.
  • There are no restrictions on the number of characters.


  • People who have a good English base can fully work with the service.
  • The bulky interface, whose development will have to spend time.


The MorphologyOnline site is a Russian-speaking resource dedicated to the syntax. The site interface fits into one button. From user required Enter the necessary word, and the program will analyze it.

For the convenience of users, the service will quit phased check. In most cases, the verification process performs in three stages: the definition of a part of speech, morphological signs and a likely syntactic role.


  • Detailed analysis.
  • Operational work site.
  • Lack of advertising.


  • The analysis is carried out within one word.
  • The main focus of the resource is made on morphology.
  • Narrow specialization. - Russian-speaking site, which disassembles the requested word. Presented service is carried out Check the selected word not only on syntactic and morphological features, but he drives the selected word on all popular dictionaries, including a dictionary of specialized terms.


  • Detailed analysis of the word, including the search for dictionaries.
  • Pleasant user interface.
  • The ability to choose criteria.


  • Program, the program disassembles one word.
  • The site is more oriented to the morphological analysis.


The Goldlit site is one of the best portals for a syntactic parsing. Key advantage In front of Russian-speaking competitors - the ability to analyze the proposals entirely.

The algorithm of action is extremely simple: the user enters the phrase or word. The portal processes information and disassembles each word separately. Near each member The initial forms of the word are written, part of the speech to which it belongs, and after grammatical analysis and declination of cases.


  • Detailed syntactic and grammar parsing.
  • There are no restrictions on the subject and number of signs.
  • Friendly interface.
  • The site is easy to learn.
  • Additional information on literature.


  • Lack of reference books in grammar.
  • The service is more directed to the literature.

Today we continue to study a complex proposal, in this lesson will learn to make it a syntactic analysis.

1. Determine the type of proposal for the purpose of the statement ( narrative, questioning, motivating).

2. Determine the type of intrusion proposal ( exclamation, unkonsectative).

3. Allocate simple proposals in the composition of complex, determine their bases.

4. Determine the means of communication of simple proposals in the complex ( union, Nessuzny).

5. Allocate secondary members in each of the parts of a complex proposal, to specify whether it is common or unprosted.

6. Mark the presence homogeneous members or circulation.

Proposition 1 (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Proposition 1.

Proposal narrative, unkonsectant, complex (has two grammar Basics), Union (United Union and), and the first, and the second units are unprosted (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Debriefing Proposition 1

Proposition 2 (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Proposition 2.

Offer narrative, unkonsectative, complex, non-union. The first part is common (there is a definition), the second is not prolonged (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Debriefing Proposition 2

Perform a syntactic analysis of the proposal (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Offer

Offer narrative, unkonsectant, complex, union. The first part is common, complicated by homogeneous faugible. The second part is common.

Fig. 6. Debriefing


1. Russian. Grade 5. In 3 parts of Lviv S.I., Lvov V.V. 9th ed., Pererab. - M.: 2012 Part 1 - 182 p., Part 2 - 167 p., Part 3 - 63 s.

2. Russian. Grade 5. Tutorial in 2 parts. Ladyzhenskaya TA, Baranov M.T., Tostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Enlightenment, 2012. - Part 1 - 192 p.; Part 2 - 176 p.

3. Russian. Grade 5. Tutorial / Ed. Razumovskaya M.M., Redeanta P.A. - M.: 2012 - 318 p.

4. Russian. Grade 5. Tutorial in 2 parts Fishchekova L.M. et al. - M.: Enlightenment, 2014. - Part 1 - 127 p., Part 2 - 160 s.

1. Festival website website pedagogical ideas "Public lesson" ()


1. What is the procedure for the syntactic pavement of a complex supply?

2. What are the complex proposals on the communication means between parts?

3. Emphasize the grammatical foundations in the sentence:

Approached the dawn rushing, heaven to heavenly.