Fairy tale script for the preparatory group in English. Scenario of a festive event in English for children of the middle group "A Joyful Trip

In order for the methodical office to meet modern requirements and requests

educators, it should be borne in mind that:

one). An important condition for the high effectiveness of the educational process is the permanent and timely informing of teachers about new developments in psychological and pedagogical science and practice, on the regulatory and methodological support of the pre-school education system. Here, information about its institution, copyright developments can be focused here, the DOO development program is presented.

2). The methods must be accessible to each educator, have a convenient schedule for holding meetings, seminars, consultations, etc.

3). All teachers of kindergarten must constantly work on the replenishment methodical Cabinet manuals, methodological developments, pedagogical innovations and so on. In this case, they will most take care of the safety of the methods of methods, will be better oriented in its content and use in educational work with children.

four). All design must be performed in a single style, have a conversation, creativity.

five). The experience presented in the office should motivate teachers for creativity, improving professional minds, competencies.

Modern approaches to the organization of a methodical office

The word "organization" comes from Latin "I inform the slim species, arrange." Organize material tools, one or another, but first of all, organize people. IN preschool institution The problems associated with the activities of teachers directly carrying out the educational process with children are issued.

The organization's phase includes a number of moments:

    study of cash, including answers to questions: what

was done to this point, whether there are traditions in the organizing business or the problem is solved for the first time, which can mostly affect the success of the case, etc.;

    setting the purpose and definition of working tasks (it is clear

imagine what you wish to achieve or in stages, etc.), planning preparation and business;

    development and selection of content, forms and methods of the upcoming

activities (immediately the scope of work, techniques, methods, funds that will be used, etc.) are estimated;

    ensuring the conditions of the upcoming work;

    setting tasks in front of the performers and creating a common mood on

work, instructing performers;

    direct assistance to people in the process of implementing this or

any case, which includes the assessment and qualifications of results, as well as encouraging for good faith and initiative.

Any business can be organized with the best result, if you know how to know people, their creative orientation, professional maturity of each employee.

By organizing the work of the Cabinet, we remembered the main thing: the content and design of it must comply with the needs of teachers of this pre-school institution. Information about the establishment and copyright, the annual plan, materials of the pedsoves should be focused here. Method must be accessible to each educator, have a convenient, flexible work schedule. All design must be performed in a single style, to have a conversation and creative work.

Based on the multifunctional purpose of the methodical office, it should be considered, first of all, as a creative pedagogical workshop, where the educator can get practical assistance in organizing work with children. The office should "provoke" teachers for creativity, encourage the improvement of professional skills. To successfully solve the tasks related to the provision of methodological assistance to educators, an increase in their qualifications and a common educational level, it is necessary to select material for the office that meets the most modern methodological requirements, and thoroughly thinking of its systematization.

Material Cabinet material can be sorted into several sections:

    regulatory and instructive materials,

    methodical materials,

    methodical and reference literature

    didactic and visual material,


An important place in the work of the Cabinet should be given the right organization of the library. The entire Children's Garden Book Fund can be divided into three parts: books for the educator (methodological and reference), books for children and books of sharing.

The core of the Pedagogical Cabinet is the methodical literature on children's education preschool ageSince his main task is to ensure educators with reliable and operational information on new pedagogical and psychological research. The duty of the methodologist is the replenishment of this arsenal of pedagogical thought. It is important to monitor the exit of social methodical literature, getting acquainted with promising plans and catalogs of pedagogical publishers, and order the necessary literature in a timely manner. Methodical literature on sections are placed: "Physical Development", "Moral Education", "Game", "Speech Development", "All about Nature", "Musical Development" - etc.

The method-of-method has a special department of the classics of foreign, Russian and Soviet pedagogy and psychology. The basis of the collections of writings or elected works of Ya.A. Kamensky, k.d. Ushinsky, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, I. Korchaka, L.A. Wenger, D.B. Elkonina, L.S. Vygotsky and other prominent scientists.

In the "Reference Literature" section there are various encyclopedias, reference books, magazines. To improve the speech culture of workers, DOW as desk books have dictionaries: " Dictionary Russian Language "V. Del," Dictionary of the Russian Language "S.Ozhhegova, Dictionary-Directory" Russian Literary Pronunciation "," Pedagogical Dictionary "," Dictionary of Ethics ", etc.

A significant place is given in the method-publishing periodical editions of professional orientation, such as "pre-school education", "Child in kindergarten", "hoop" (with the application), "preschool education", " Kindergarten"," Family and School "," Nanny "," Our Kid ", etc.

In order not to get lost in the period of the periodicals, you need to be able to select and use everything you need to work.

The library of child artistic literature includes works recommended by the T.Noronova program "from childhood - to adolescence."

In addition, this section includes collections of fairy tales, small folklore forms, cognitive literature, works of Russian and foreign poets and writers. So that teachers do not spend a lot of time looking for the desired book, the catalogs on topics are drawn up on the topics (about the Motherland, about nature, about technique, etc.), according to sections, according to the methods, on individual problems. The entire bookstation must be taken into account.

Work in the method-publishing will help educators in the future independently find everything you need and easily navigate in the abundance methodological materials and books.

It is necessary to organize work in the office so that the educators can sit there with a book, reflect, consult, get a consultation that every coming in the method-of-paper brings them new knowledge, new thoughts enriched. The methodical office should become the laboratory of creative labor educators, friendly exchange of opinions and experience.