Vocabulary for beginners in English. English words everyone should know

In the first field, type the word you want to translate, in the second field, select the direction of translation (the default is English-Russian translation), to translate, press the "enter" key or on the magnifying glass icon. A translation with transcription will appear below.

English words with transcription and pronunciation

  • Type Russian characters on your keyboard - turns on the on-screen keyboard for Russian letters;
  • Show keyboard - opens the on-screen keyboard for Russian letters;
  • Hide keyboard (to type in English) - hides the on-screen keyboard for Russian letters.

This is an electronic version of the Oxford Pocket Dictionary of the English-Russian and Russian-English languages. An authoritative professional dictionary containing about 210,000 words and phrases.

If you dream of studying English abroad then this link is for you. Description of schools with photos and videos, duration and intensity of courses, as well as how much it all costs.

Supplements to the on-line dictionary. A quick guide to English grammar

1 The article in which is given. Gives an idea of ​​how many letters are in the English alphabet and how it is read.

2 These articles deal with the phonetic transcription of the English language. The first part is given. In the second part -.

3 English verbs: regular and irregular. What is the difference, as well as three forms of irregular verbs or.

4 In the article, you can learn how to pronounce English numbers correctly, how to translate numbers from Russian to English, how dates are pronounced in English, and also discusses mathematical formulas and expressions.

5 have differences. It is also useful to know about this, so as not to be surprised why the same words in different texts are spelled differently.

About this English-Russian and Russian-English online transcription dictionary

I have long wanted to put a good one on my site.online translator with transcriptionand different meanings of words, and this, in my opinion, is one of the most successful. Most sites use a text translation system with the help of translation programs such as "Socrates". But for learning English, this is not the most suitable online dictionary, because when we come across an unfamiliar English word, we need to find out its transcription, stress, ambiguity of use cases. When translating, it is the explanatory dictionary that is important. With a purely machine translation, at best, we will lose the very meaning of the statement and its stylistic component, and at worst, we will get an unrelated set of words. Computer servicesonline translatorsdo not provide an opportunity to look at the different meanings of words or their choice is limited, so machine translation must be corrected using such dictionaries. On the site "site" you are given the opportunity to use high-qualityonline dictionary is completely free, that is, this is an English Russian dictionary with pronunciation... It doesn't matter what you wanted to find in the search engine: be itRussian translator online, or english online translator or online translator for free- the dictionary presented here is exactly what you need. The dictionary will help you find answers to many questions that arise during translation. If you have the Internet, then you are sure to find the right word. And since you are reading this text, then you definitely have it. By the way, besides the English-Russian and Russian-English directions, there are many other languages ​​in the database of this dictionary, so thisfree online translator with- one of the best options that can be found on the Internet among English Russian translators with transcription and pronunciation! So if you don't have a paper dictionary at hand, you can always rely on an electronic one.online english dictionaryon that website. Use and succeed in learning English.

The English language is known for frequent spelling and pronunciation of words. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult for beginners to navigate how to pronounce this or that expression from the text. Today's material will provide some support for beginners in this matter. Here we have collected basic English vocabulary with transcription and Russian translation, and also described the pronunciation of English words in Russian letters. Thus, you will not get confused in transcription signs and reading rules, but you will easily understand how the correct pronunciation sounds.

Before moving on to the study of vocabulary, I would like to note several important points.

The phonetic system of the English language has 48 sounds. And that's just with 26 letters! Letter combinations play a huge role here, thanks to which a new sound is formed. Reading rules given in the next article tell about this phenomenon in detail. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with them, since pronunciation in Russian is only an auxiliary element that does not convey all the subtleties of the British accent.

In addition, for the correct expression of sounds in English, it is necessary to develop the appropriate articulation. How to do this will be told in an article about the features and rules of pronunciation of English words. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with this material without fail. Since the Russian transcription, of course, will facilitate the perception of words for children and beginners, but will not help much in setting purely English "speaking".

Thus, of course, it is convenient to be able to use a hint with pronunciation in Russian, but you cannot use it all the time. Try to gradually master the transcription rules and try to pronounce new words yourself, and use the Russian version only for reference purposes. With this guideline, let's move on to our list and learn how to pronounce popular English words.

Pronunciation of English words in Russian letters - phrasebook

The above expressions will help you compose a short English text about yourself, maintain a light conversation at the first meeting, and understand the meaning of most standard phrases. In addition, you do not have to constantly need a translator, because knowing the correct pronunciation of words, you will be able to independently perceive and translate expressions pronounced by foreigners.


Word Transcription Pronunciation Translation
Hello! [hello] Hello!
Good morning! [ɡʊd ˈmɔːnɪŋ] [good mooning] Good morning!
Good afternoon! [ɡʊd ˌɑːftəˈnuːn] [good aftenun] Good day!
Good evening! [ɡʊd ˈiːvnɪŋ] [good evening] Good evening!
What is your name? [wow from yo name] What is your name?
My name is ... [may name from] My name is…
Where are you from? [ue ar yu from] Where are you from?
I am from ... [ah uh from] I'm from…
I speak ... [ay speaker] I speak…
How old are you? [how old ar yu] How old are you?
I am 20. [ah uh twenty] I am 20 years old.
Nice to meet you! [nice to mit yu] Nice to meet you!
How are you? [how ar yu] How are you doing?
I am very well, thanks. [ay um weary wel sanks] It's okay, thanks.
Good bye! [ɡʊd baɪ] [good bye] Goodbye!
All the best! [ɔːl ðə best] [ol the best] All the best!

Appeals and questions

Mister [mistress] Lord
Madam [ˈMæd.əm] [madam] Madam
Young man [young man] Young woman
Young lady (miss) [young lady] Girl, young lady, miss
Ladies and Gentlemen [ˈLeɪ.dis ənd dʒen.tl̩.mən] [lades and gentleman] Ladies and Gentlemen
I am a tourist. [ay uh e tourist] I'm a tourist.
Excuse me, can you help me, please? [ɪkˈskjuːs miː kæn ju help miː pliːz] [ikskews mi, ken yu help mi pliz] Sorry, can you help me?
Could you spare me a moment? [kud u spee mi e moment] Could you take a minute of your time for me?
Do you speak Russian? [du yu spik rushn] Do you speak Russian?
Where is the bus stop? [wer of the bass stop] Where is the bus-stop?
Where I can take a taxi? [wer ai ken take e taxi] Where can I get a taxi?
I'm lost. I'm seeking the hotel Riga. Where is it? [Aym lost. Aim siking ze hotel Riga. Ware of it] I'm lost. I am looking for a hotel "Riga". Where is it?
When does the bus leave? [Wen daz ze bass liv] When does the bus leave?
Could you do me a favor? [Kudu doo mi e favor] Would you assist me?

Other English topics: Three forms of the verb think

Conversation and understanding

Do you understand me? [do yu understand mi] Do you understand me?
Yes [yes] Yes
# [know] No
What do you mean? [wot du yu min] What do you have in mind?
Speak slower, please. [Speak Slowe, pliz] Please talk slower.
Speak louder, please. [speaker laude, pliz] Please speak louder.
Write it down, please. [right it down, pliz] Write please.
I think you misunderstood me. [ah sink yu misandestud mi] I think you misunderstood me.
Please, say it again. [pliz, sey it egen] Please say it again.
Please, accept my apologies. [pliz ekept may epologis] Please accept my apologies.
Sorry for ... [ˈSɒri fə (r)] [sori for] Sorry for ...
I beg your pardon ... [ah bag yo padn] May I contact you?
It's all right. [ɪts ɔːl raɪt] [its ol wright] Everything is fine!
You are welcome! [yu ar welcom] Please.
No harm done. [but haam dan] Not worth an apology.
Could you ... [where do you ...] Could you…


May I ask you? [mei ai ask yu] Can I ask you?
Do you like ....? [do you like] You like…?
I don’t like it. [ah don’t like it] I do not like this.
I prefer ... [ah prifyo] I prefer…
Would you please give me ...? [wood yu pliz give mi] Could you give me ...?
Do you mind ...? [doo yu mind] Do not you mind?
I don’t mind ... [ah dont mind] I do not mind…
I forbid you to ... [ah phobid yu tu] I forbid you ...
By no means! [buy know mins] In no case!
May I invite you to ... [mei ai invite yu tu] May I invite you ...
Let’s go to ... [letts go tu] Let's go to….
With pleasure! [wiz plezhe] With pleasure!
Unfortunately, I can’t ... [ʌnˈfɔːtʃənətli aɪ kænt] [Anfocenatli Ay Kent] Unfortunately I can not


Entrance [entrance] entrance
Exit [ˈEksɪt] [exit] Output
Pull [pool] To myself
Push [push] Push
Open [ˈƏʊpən] [open] Open
Closed [close] Closed
Caution [ˈKɔː.ʃən] [koshen] Carefully
Do not enter [doo note inter] Do not enter
Do not disturb [doo note disteb] Do not disturb
Wet paint [wet paint] Painted
Keep of the grass [kip of the gras] Passage on the lawn is prohibited
No admission [know administration] No entry
No parking [know packing] No Parking
No smoking [know tuxedo] No smoking
Beware of cars [bive of kaa (r)] watch out for the car
Chemist's [camist] Pharmacy
Grocery store [ˈꞬrəʊsəri stɔː (r)] [growseri stoo (r)] Grocery store
Bakery [bakery] Bakery
Car hire [kaa haye] Car rental
Currency exchange [ˈKʌr (ə) nsi ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ] [karensey xchange] Currency exchange
First aid [first aid] Ambulance
On sale [ɒn seɪl] [he is a sale] Available for sale
Sold out [soul out] Sold
Reserved [rizevd] Booked
Smoking area [ˈSməʊkɪŋ ​​eəriə] [smokin eria] Smoking area
Taken [ˈTeɪ.kən] [teikn] Busy
Staff only [staff onley] For staff only

Important verbs

do [doo] do, do
write [wright] write
watch [watch] watch
see [si] see
go [ɡəʊ] [go] go, head
buy [buy] buy
pay [pei] to pay
cost [cost] cost
drive [drive] drive a car
know [know] know
say [sey] talk
speak [speaker] talk (in the language)
lose [pocket] lose, lose
look for [bow pho] search
open [ˈƏʊpən] [open] open
close [close] close
stay [stay] stop (reside)
keep [kip] keep, store
want [wont] to want
visit [ˈVɪzɪt] [visit] visit
drink [drink] drink
eat [it] there is
need [nid] to need
can [ən] [ken] be able to

Frequently used adjectives

good [ɡʊd] [good] good
bad [bad] bad
black [black] black
white [white] White
gold [ɡəʊld] [gold] gold
red [red] Red
blue [blue] blue
green [ɡriːn] [green] green
expensive [ɪkˈspensɪv] [Iskpensitive] expensive
cheap [chip] cheap
comfortable [ˈKʌmftəbl] [camftable] comfortable
private [‘Praɪvət] [private] private
touristic [tourist] tourist
beautiful [ˈBjuːtɪfl] [beauty] beautiful
big [big] big
small [pitches] small
short [ʃɔːt] [shot] short
long [long] long
cold [cold] cold
warm [wow] warm
hot [hot] hot
old [əʊld] [old] old
new [new] new
young [young] young
interesting [ˈꞮntrəstɪŋ] [intersting] interesting
fine [fine] beautiful
wonderful [ˈWʌndəfl] [wandeful] wonderful

Popular adverbs

left [left] left
right [wright] on right
more [moore] more
less [les] less
a little [e little] Little
well [well] OK
badly [ˈBædli] [badley] poorly
late [late] late
early [ˈꞫːli] [yoli] early
already [ɔːlˈredi] [alradie] already
also [ˈƆːlsəʊ] [olsow] also
often [ɒfn] [office] often
probably [probable] Maybe
everywhere [euryer] everywhere
soon [sung] soon

This set of phrases will be enough for you to master your first communication skills with foreigners. But, finally, I would like to remind you once again that the pronunciation of English words written in Russian letters does not convey the peculiarities of English phonetics! Therefore, as soon as you get used to speaking English a little, get down to the rules of reading and English articulation. Only they can deliver you a truly British pronunciation.

You should fall in love with Basic English, if only because you only need to learn 850 words to learn it. Oddly enough, this amount is quite enough to communicate easily and naturally with a resident of any English-speaking country. Of course, if you need English for the profession of a translator or for reading Wilkie Collins in the original, then welcome to philology or very serious courses. However, if your goal is simply to speak an international language, then welcome to this article!

For the sake of simplicity, 850 words are divided into major groups:

1) objects and phenomena (600 words, of which 400 are general, and 200 are designations of objects);

2) action or movement (100 words);

3) expression of quality (150 words, of which 100 are common and 50 with the opposite meaning).

Particularly encouraging is the fact that out of 850 basic words, 514 have only one syllable! This is not a conservationalist or anything worse for you. Already rubbing your palms in anticipation of the Basic Dictionary? Please.


If you act according to the "from simple to complex" method, then the minimum vocabulary can be learned from picture words. There are 200 of them. You can stick stickers all over the apartment (if the household does not go crazy, taking an apple from the refrigerator with a piece of paper "apple"). Or cut pictures from books. Or download images on the Internet and print them with signatures (by the way, you can flip through them in queues or traffic jams). And here is a ready-made list with pictures on Wikipedia.

1.1. 200 picture words:

It is more convenient and quickest to divide these basic words into 6 groups by meaning: body parts, food, animals, transport, objects, etc. If you study at least 2 groups every day, then in three days you can master the basic vocabulary. The main thing is not to lose your knowledge and consolidate it in practice. Any acquaintance who agrees to become an evil examiner or pretends to be a dunno, who is interested in everything, is suitable for this.

umbrella - umbrella

1.2. 400 common words:

To make this sequence easier to learn, let's not reinvent the wheel. You can, of course, torment yourself and divide all words into semantic groups, but there will be so many of them that some will contain only one or two terms. Easier to learn alphabetically. There are about ten words for each letter. If you lean over a piece of paper for 10 minutes at least three times a day, you can learn at least 3 letters a day. The maximum depends on your goals and desires.

page - page
pain - pain, to hurt
paint - paint, draw, paint
paper - paper
part - part, to separate, to split
paste - paste, paste
payment - payment
peace - peace
person - person
place - place, place, take place, place
plant - plant, plant, graft, sow
play - to play
pleasure - pleasure
point - point, point, indicate
poison - poison, to poison
polish - to polish
porter - doorman, porter
position - to place, position
powder - powder
power - strength, power
price - price
print - print
process - process, process
produce - product, to produce
profit - profit, get profit
property - properties
prose - prose
protest - to object, protest
pull - tension, pull
punishment - punishment
purpose - intend, purpose
push - push, push
quality - quality, high quality question - question
salt - salt, salt
sand - sand
scale - measure, scale
science - science
sea ​​- sea
seat - seat, to sit down, place
secretary - secretary
selection - selection
self - self
sense - feeling, meanings, meaning, to feel
servant - servant
sex - sex, gender
shade - shade, shadow, shade
shake - shake, shake, shake, shake
shame - shame, shame
shock - shock, shock
side - side, to adjoin
sign - sign, sign, sign
silk - silk
silver - silver
sister - sister
size - size
sky - sky
sleep - to sleep
slip - slip, blank, slip, slide
slope - slope, slope
smash - hit, break
smell - smell, smell
smile - smile, smile
smoke - smoke, smoking
sneeze - sneeze, sneeze
snow - snow
soap - soap, soap
society - society
son - son
song - song
sort - kind, sort
sound - sound
soup - soup
space - space, space
stage - stage, stage, organize
start - start
statement - statement
steam - steam, steam, move
steel - steel
step - step, step
stitch - stitch, sew
stone - stone
stop - stop, stop
story - history
stretch - stretches, stretch, stretch
structure - structure
substance - substance, essence
sugar - sugar
suggestion - suggestion, guess
summer - summer
support - support, support
surprise - surprise
swim - swimming, swim
system - system

year - year

2. ACTION AND MOTION (100 words)

This list miraculously includes words that, it would seem, do not fit the concept of "action" at all: pronouns, polite phrases. Well, what did you want? Try asking someone to move without "please let him go northeast for the star."

You can learn alphabetically. And it can be divided into parts of speech: verbs, pronouns, prepositions, etc. Prepositions are easy to remember if you use a schema. Draw a square in the very center on a piece of paper and indicate movement with dots or arrows. For example, the preposition in translates as "in" - put a dot in the square and sign it in. And, for example, out translates as "from" - put an arrow from the square.

come - come, come
get - get, force
give - to give
go - to walk, to go
keep - to continue, to keep, to leave, not to allow
let - allow
make - do / do, force
put - put
seem - to seem, to appear
take - take / take
be - to be
do - to do
have - to have, to eat, to know
say - to speak
see - to see
send - send
may - can
will - to be to want
about - about
across - through
after - after
against - against
among - among
at - in
before - before
between - between
by - to, in accordance with, for, on
down - down
from - from
in - in
off - away from
on - on
over - by
through - through
to - to, to, to
under - under
up - up
with - with
as - because, as
for - for
of - from, oh, from
till - bye, until
than - than
a - any, one, each, some
all - everything, all
any - any, nobody
every - everyone
no - no, no
other - other
some - some, a little
such - this way
that - what
this - this, this
i - i
he - he
you - you, you
who - who
and - and
because - because
but - but
or - or
if - if
though - although
while - while
how - how
when - when
where - where, where, from where
why - why
again - again
ever - ever, never
far - the farthest
forward - send, forward
here - here, here
near - near, near
now - now, now
out - outside, outside
still - still
then - then
there - there, there
together - together
well - good, much
almost - almost
enough - enough
even - still, even
little - small
much - a lot
not - not
only - only
quite - quite
so - so
very - very
tomorrow - tomorrow
yesterday - yesterday
north - north
south - south
east - east
west - west
please - please
yes - yes


3.1. General (100 words)

This is probably the nicest part of the vocabulary. Without adjectives, the language would be too bland and official. You can learn alphabetically. And you can find images of objects or photographs of people and write on the back of what you think of them. Feel free to express yourself. The more you use the adjectives from the list, the faster you will learn.

important - important

3.2. Opposite (50 words)

The easiest way to quickly master words is to find antonyms. Have you already said everything about the different people in the photos? Change your perspective and use opposite adjectives. Or just write down first the designation of quality from paragraph 3.1., And through a hyphen - the opposite in meaning from paragraph 3.2.

That's all. Congratulations! You have a basic vocabulary. And it will be quite enough for communication. It remains only to learn how to put these most necessary words into sentences. Welcome to grammar!

When we learn a language, we cannot do without a dictionary. After all, he is the main assistant in the study of new and incomprehensible words. Therefore, the dictionary will be needed throughout the training.

In this article I will tell you which dictionary is better to use and give you 5 of the best English online dictionaries that you can easily use.

So, let's begin.

What kind of English dictionaries are there?

There are 2 main types of English dictionaries:

1. English-Russian dictionary (bilingual)

In such dictionaries, an English word is given with a translation in Russian. That is, the dictionary uses two languages ​​- English and Russian.

Translation is how we translate a word into Russian. As a rule, this is one word.

For example:

table - table
pen - pen
dog - dog

As you can see, these are ordinary dictionaries that most learners are used to using.

2. English-English dictionary (monolingual)

In such a dictionary, the Russian language is completely absent. That is, one language is used - English.

Instead of the usual translation, the meaning of the word is given.

Meaning is the meaning that a word carries.

For example:

Table - a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs.
A table is a piece of flat-top furniture supported by legs.

The advantage of English-English dictionaries is that:

  • You understand in what situation to use the word

There are many words in English that have the same translation but have different meanings. Hence, these words are used in different situations. In the English-English dictionary, you will learn the meaning that the word carries. This will help you understand exactly in what situations you need to use it.

  • You are completely immersed in English

You don't have to switch from English to Russian every time. When you clarify words in English, you learn to think in it!

  • You can find out more information about the word

Many good English-to-English dictionaries have additional information:

  • words that are similar in meaning
  • words that are opposite in meaning
  • origin of the word
  • whether the word is used in spoken or official English
  • is the word used more often in American or British English?
  • stable word combinations

What is the best dictionary to use when learning English?

At the initial levels, of course, you should use a bilingual dictionary (English-Russian), since reading the description of a word in English (English-English dictionary), you are unlikely to understand anything.

Starting at the pre-intermediate level, it is better to switch to the English-English dictionary, as, as you noticed, it has significant advantages over the English-Russian one.

And now I will give you 5 online dictionaries that you can use.

Top 5 online dictionaries for learning English

When learning English, you can use the following dictionaries:

An English to English dictionary you can trust. Here you will find the meaning of English words in English.

It is good because:

  • You can listen to both the word (in American and British versions) and sample sentences using it.
  • Frequently used phrases are assigned to words.
  • The features of the use of these words (prepositions, arrangement in a sentence) are clarified.
  • The difference between similar synonyms is given.

This is an English-English dictionary that gives the meaning of a word in English.

This dictionary has a number of significant advantages:

  • You can listen to how the word is pronounced (in two versions).
  • You can enable the function to show the Russian translation for the word (you will see the translation in Russian and the meaning of the word in English).

As an addition, you can find an explanation of English grammar in the dictionary. Of course, it is given in English, so it is more suitable for advanced levels.

In this dictionary:

  • For each word, the most common definitions and dozens of examples of the use of vocabulary in context are given.
  • There are American and British pronunciations for each word.
  • A list of idioms containing the requested word is provided, for each of them an explanation and an example of use is given.
  • The vocabulary associated with the concept you are interested in is indicated.
  • A fairly wide range of synonyms for the word is given.
  • You can find the meaning of slang expressions, idioms and phrasal verbs.

This dictionary is interesting because it contains simple explanations. An interesting feature of this dictionary is that it contains information about the origin of words.

You can also find the meaning of phrasal verbs and slang.

Among the minuses - the recording of the pronunciation of the word and the transcription to it are given only in the American version.

An English-Russian dictionary for beginners.

  • Transcriptions are given and you can listen to the pronunciation of the word.
  • Examples of sentences with translation are given.

This dictionary is suitable for those who still find it difficult to use the English-English dictionary.

So, a dictionary is an important companion when learning a language. You can use any of the above dictionaries. But do not forget to remember the words - it is not enough to know their translation and meaning, you need to practice their use. Visit us at where you will learn the "simple sentences" technique that will make it easy for you to memorize English words.

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