Optimist advice. - What is the real source of optimism? Stay on top of your goals due to obstacles

From an objective point of view (with the exception of the rarest radical cases), what happens in our life can be considered both good and bad. However, our subjective assessment remains in the mind: either positive or negative. Pessimists are not those who are tuned in to the bad, but those who "catch" the negative from the outside and live by it. Optimism, according to psychologists, is a normal, healthy state of the human psyche. Today psychologists will give you advice on how to improve your mood in literally 10-15 days.

Keep in control

To help yourself become an optimist, you need to work in two directions: first, learn to abstract from negativity, and second, be able to rejoice. Use willpower: When negative thoughts appear, say to yourself "Stop!" Whatever is happening in the world, you are the only controller of your own consciousness, on which your reality depends.

How to Become an Optimist: Manage Your Mood

From a physiological point of view, hormones-regulators and neurotransmitters affect our consciousness. For example, serotonin. Medications that increase serotonin production are often prescribed for people with depression. This substance raises the tone of the body, increases activity and gives a good, cheerful, positive attitude.

You don't have to take pills to get the right amount of serotonin. Its activator is bright light. To help serotonin quickly enter the bloodstream, we need to fall asleep in complete darkness and wake up in a well-lit room.

Therefore, it is important to sleep at night: during the daytime sleep, this neurotransmitter is not produced at all. Get in the habit of opening the curtains in your room right after you wake up. You will see: the mood will rise!

Choose a company

It is very common to complain about life at work or with friends. Without knowing it, participating in such conversations, you absorb these conversations. Be able to translate the topic of such a conversation into something more positive. Jokes are a great way. Don't be afraid to joke as much as you want.

Imagine: a friend, as usual, complains about the boss - he filled up with work, reprimanded, canceled the award. Give a hint to a friend: there are no bad bosses. There are only funny ones! It's better to laugh at the problem than cry to each other in the vest. So imperceptibly and colleagues' mood will improve.

Do everything on time

Whether we like it or not, every day we perform a whole list of routine tasks that can also change our mood from plus to minus. A report that needs to be submitted by the end of the week, an unfinished letter and an unfinished project - from time to time things appear in our life that we do not want to do: they cause boredom, and we often put them off until later.

As a result, the load of unfulfilled work begins to crush and makes us nervous. In order to have time to do everything uninteresting, start a diary. It will help you regulate your work and free time: after the report, you have every right not to touch work folders and switch to something pleasant.

If you strictly follow such a schedule, then over time you will notice that all the dreary things are done much faster than it seems. In addition, the time for completing the task will be at least halved at once: now you no longer stretch the "pleasure", but quickly get rid of it.

Adjust brightness

Color and light have a profound effect on consciousness. For example, shades of orange, blue and light green have a very good effect on mood. At the same time, experts believe that burgundy, dark brown and black can cause anxiety and sadness. Pay attention to the color scheme that prevails in your apartment and wardrobe.

Don't be afraid of contrasts

If you want to achieve a good mood at a physiological level, take a contrast shower every day. When cold water enters the skin, the hormones of joy - endorphins - are released into the blood. They block the pain signal from low temperatures, create a positive mood and even mild euphoria! A small "shake" with hot water fixes the level of endorphins in the body.

Get ready at night

Sleep is one of the main controllers of consciousness. During 8-10 hours of sleep, the brain processes all the information received during the day. The key idea of ​​a dream is the things that we think about just before falling asleep. Do you remember how teachers at school advised you to cram material at night? In some magical way, on the exam, you suddenly remember exactly the formula that you memorized the day before in half-asleep.

Just imagine: all these eight hours the brain was thinking over a certain passage from the textbook, revising it from different angles, and decomposing it into its constituent parts. This feature of our body can be used in another way: before falling asleep, dream! Think positive. Play pleasant memories. Imagine all the joys that lie ahead of you. Self-control plus psycho-training will help you get what you want faster than you think. And a good mood in the morning is guaranteed. Checked!


“Many people believe that negative experiences kind of ennoble a person. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite, - explains psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky. “The thing is that when you suffer because of something, you do not have enough mental strength to develop, grow spiritually and intellectually.”

Negative experiences often cause obsession, and you can take a lot of mental energy to process a problem. It's another matter when you think positively: you see a picture of the world without any black coloring and accept what surrounds you. You live fully, you are not distracted by suffering.

Humor is a great accumulator of optimism. Books, movies, performances, TV shows - if they are really good, then they will surely cause emotional involvement in the viewer. We worry about the hero, we sympathize with him, we worry. It is for this reason that psychologists advise watching more comedies, going to light theatrical performances.

Flip through magazines with anecdotes often, watch funny videos, popular TV sitcoms. Read books by Sergei Dovlatov, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Isaac Babel - they have a lot of great humor. And pay attention to children's literature - even adults adore it.

How to Become an Optimist: Understand Yourself

One of the main reasons for negative consciousness is our doubts, which experts call fears. We are often afraid of change, failure, risk. It is the life that does not suit us that gives rise to negativity. To get rid of bad emotions and gloomy moods, you need to work through doubts.

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Good day, dear readers! And how do people manage to always think good things? There are so many failures, problems, fears around. They don't seem to notice all this. I really want to change the situation, learn not to pay attention to the bad. Become a truly happy person.

Today I will give advice from a psychologist on how to become an optimist. Real. Who pays no attention to difficulties. They will change your mind. Do you think this is impossible? Even if you are a pessimist, reprogramming your consciousness is real. You just have to try very hard, give up the set. It's difficult, but the end justifies the means.

No need to blame yourself

Almost all of us constantly blame ourselves for something. You want to quit smoking, but you can't. Crave to start going to the gym, but can't find the time to do so. You think about, but you do not see a way to be realized.

Stop blaming yourself. Your thoughts make you not a better person. No matter how difficult the task is before you, the inability to complete it brings even more harm to the psyche.

Imagine, a girl really wants to lose weight, but she never accepts an attempt to do it. She walks around the mirror, constantly looking for evidence of her own imperfection and reproaches herself for being lazy. This feeling torments her every day, haunts her throughout her life.

If you really want something, then either do it or try to get the idea out of your head.

Perhaps this is not how you need this additional income, recognition and fame? In the end, if there was an urgent need, you would find a way to solve the problem.

I assure you, as soon as you get rid of the problem - stop noticing it or take a step towards execution, you will feel better, and you will not notice how your mood improves.

Filter the flow of information

Any image, picture - evokes us. You look at the kitten and smile, see a photo of the catastrophe and start to worry. The more positive images in your life, and as a result of emotions, the better you feel.

Start to control the information flow that falls on you.

Watch comedies, family ones more often, surround yourself with photos of kittens, subscribe to Vkontakte groups that offer high-quality humor. In fact, even in him, the roots of evil can lurk. Watch any comedians' performance - they are unhappy with politics, medicine, and the people around them.

If humor is built on aggression, then you absorb it into yourself. A very simple example. If you look at beautiful photos of food, you will not notice how after 15 minutes you will have an apple or a sandwich in your hand. If you watch sad movies, you won't notice how you start to feel.

Read more

The easiest way to avoid being influenced by negative information is to read. Of course, not all literature will do. Dostoevsky can drive you into even greater depression.
I recommend Jack Canfield's Chicken Soup for the Soul, a collection of cute and naive stories about love and life. Night of Wish Fulfillment»Chetana Bhagata about modern India, office workers and magical fulfillment of desires.

The book " Dandelion Wine"Ray Bradbury, I think, has already buzzed all the ears of those who pondered the question of whether it is possible to turn from a pessimist to an optimist. I think that it is necessary to read it at least in order to once again come across this title to leave the author a comment on the article: "Yes, I already know, I read it."

What else? " Paradise is somewhere near"Fanny Fleg," Book of deception"Martha Ketro, as well as" Unadorned cat"Terry Prachetta. This book will definitely make you smile more than once!

Surround yourself with positive people

Taking the right path and trying to limit yourself from negativity, it is difficult to remain an adequate person who does not start giving advice and endlessly says: "Well, stop burdening me with your problems."

Communicate more and try to avoid preaching. Tell yourself, try to find positive topics for conversation, listening to someone else's grief and failures, try not to muddle the problem, but try to find the bright sides in it.

This applies very well to ourselves, but, you must admit, telling the truth to others is much easier than following your own instructions in life. Learn from other people's experience to look with joy at failure.

Make your loved ones happy, and you will not notice how every day you yourself will become a little more joyful.
Within 10 days you will feel how your mood improves, and your emotions turn into feelings that do not leave you with such ease. Over time, you will begin to take care of yourself less and more on a whim, without control.

Optimistic people are healthier, happier, and more successful than people whose workdays are as dark as Monday morning. Optimists smile more often, everyone likes it and easily cope with their problems. Positive emotions help them move forward without getting hung up on their failures, and minor troubles leave no trace in their eternally sunny soul.

Sounds tempting? Optimism is not a gift from heaven and you can change your life position to a more positive one, and 5 tips will tell you how to do it.

Don't tie happiness to success.

“I don’t have a car, so I’m unhappy”, “I’m not as sociable and brave as I should” - people find thousands of reasons that supposedly interfere with their happiness, and think that if these reasons are eliminated, an eternal high will come. If you think so, you are wrong.

Happiness doesn't come from the outside, it comes from the inside.

Do not set conditions for your happiness and do not demand anything from yourself. Success will delight you and failure will upset you, but if you don't tie your happiness to achieving your goal, you can find pleasure in any moment and don't feel unhappy just because you don't have a car or a crowd of friends.

Surround yourself with positive people

Mood is in the air like bacteria, and smiling from ear to ear is just as infectious as grumbling and irritability. Optimists try to communicate with their own kind and avoid grumpy and angry people.

The optimist feels that life is too short to be wasted on people who emit poison for any reason and spread gloomy emanations.

Just what you need

An optimist will not waste his time on something that is not interesting to him, but is “correct” or “prestigious” according to social concepts. Positive people have the courage to live by their own rules, not caring what others think of them.

It is impossible to be optimistic if you continually give up your desires for the sake of public opinion. When internal contradictions break apart, what kind of optimism is there?

Stay on top of your goals due to obstacles

Optimists, like all successful people, are creative in their approach to tasks and do not give up in case of trouble. They know they will never have everything they need and make do with what they have at the moment.

Steve Jobs did not panic when he did not have enough money to start a business: he sold his only vehicle - VW Microbus.

Walt Disney did not get depressed when he was told that Mickey Mouse is "a giant mouse, which only women scare." He promoted his project, and look what attitude towards Mickey today.

Donald Trump went bankrupt four times (in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009) and each time his ingenuity helped him rise again. Back in 2011, his fortune was estimated at $ 2.9 billion.

Life is not fair. And that's ok

So many people get upset, angry, or discouraged because life should be fair by their standards. They take offense like children: “Oh, so! Have I been treated unfairly? Then I will not do anything, and let it be bad for me. "

Optimists know that life is unfair: some were born in a palace, some in a slum, some are more beautiful, luckier and healthier, others get nothing.

It doesn't matter what resources you initially have - if you want to, you can achieve anything, and positive people will never complain that they were unfairly cheated.

An optimist thinks like this:

Life is unfair and unpredictable. And that's okay.

Hello everyone! Are you an optimistic person? How often do you enjoy every moment of your life? Do you find Monday a tough day? If all this does not fit the characteristics and personal portrait, then you should think about the time to become kinder to the world around you. Positive emotions of a person help not to give up even in the most difficult situations, which, it would seem, are simply unbearable. In life, it is important not to hang your nose, but to wave your hand at every failure, believing that even a negative experience will definitely come in handy. How do you become an optimist in this complex routine of events?

An environment of positive people

Everyone is greatly influenced by society, namely people. If a person is in, then his interlocutor will also deteriorate. Therefore, it is very important to surround yourself with only the most positively charged people. No one is perfect, even optimists can grumble and be dissatisfied with something, but, as a rule, this does not last long. The main thing here is to avoid permanent people with a bad character and inner evil. Anyway, it's time to remember a simple truth: you need to spend your personal time on good people, and not on those who spread only gloomy emotions.

Mind for a good future

Sometimes we do not notice how we program ourselves for bad things. This happens imperceptibly: first thoughts, then actions, and then a completely change of behavior to a permanent one. Every time in the head of an insecure person the phrase sounds: "What if I can't do it?", "I am unlucky as always!" From the very beginning, we deprive ourselves of a positive attitude, limit our capabilities, set limits, slow down our own progress, etc. In such cases, it is important to drive away the obsession that everything is bad, forbid yourself to think about the unattainable. The mood should be the most favorable.

Live, not exist

A little more smile

No gesture can show the best intentions than a sincere smile. First, it disposes and attracts people. And secondly, a good mood always comes to a person who often smiles, and this, in turn, is real optimism. You can't play a smile, just like you can't pretend. Make it a rule: every day to smile at all passers-by.

Thoughts of a positive-minded person:

  • constant compliments to others;
  • responsibility for mistakes;
  • showing joy to friends and loved ones;
  • the ability to forgive people;
  • have a favorite hobby;
  • my head is full of ideas and a clear plan for achieving them;
  • readiness for any life changes;
  • a constant desire to learn something new.

Thoughts of a negative thinking person:

  • constantly harbors resentment;
  • afraid of changes in life;
  • can boast of nothing but old victories;
  • is able to blame everyone for mistakes, except himself;
  • does not develop in any way and believes that the best pastime is watching TV;
  • complicates the situation to his own detriment;
  • very often feels sorry for himself;
  • likes to gossip;
  • secretly hopes that the people around him will fail;
  • has absolutely no life goals;
  • does not look for himself in life and does not know who he wants to become in the future.

The best self-control exercises to get a little more optimistic

  1. The optimist's weapon is an elastic band. Put on your hand the most common drugstore gum, they are very tight and unpleasant to the body. Every time you think that everything is bad, hurt yourself by delaying it. Yes, it is very painful, but effective. Let the painful sensations serve as an association that it is categorically impossible to think about the bad. The main thing here is not to forget to pull the rubber band after each negative thought. Over time, immunity to the bad will develop, and the person will become one step more optimistic.
  2. Limitation. To begin to control yourself in your own thoughts and statements, you need to take a blank piece of paper and write down all the most unpleasant phrases that make a person think about bad things. So, for example, opposite the words "I am constantly unlucky" or "I am a loser" should be opposed on an optimistic note. Written negative statements will acquire a vivid antithesis, which will become the main credo in life. An excellent exercise like this will build self-confidence and faith in the best.
  3. Counting smiles. Try waking up early in the morning and aiming to smile at five passers-by in a day. It is important to fulfill this plan, you cannot deviate from it, otherwise the transformation into an optimist simply will not work. As soon as the task set in the morning is completed in a day, the number of people can be increased. The game becomes much more interesting when the count reaches hundreds. A person himself does not notice who is charged with emotions only by smiling at a stranger.
  4. Good deeds. This is exactly the same exercise as the previous one. Only instead of smiling, you need to do very nice things. For example, feed a stray dog, transfer your grandmother across the road, throw a couple of coins to a beggar in the passage. It doesn't matter what kind of good deed it will be. You can do a certain number of things in a day, it will even be more interesting. It is not necessary to help people at every corner, but in your free time, spending a minute or two with a stranger, making him happy is a wonderful and very nice thing to do.
  5. Goal setting. Take a piece of paper, a pen and write down a list of 15 important goals or desires that you want to fulfill throughout your life. Every time you achieve what you want, cross out what you have written, putting a plus sign next to it. Living with a plan like this is much more enjoyable than not having one at all. So, one person fulfilled the entire list of his own desires, which he compiled and fulfilled in 10 years. The most striking events were as follows: jump with a parachute, see all 7 wonders of the world and take a photo in front of them, visit all important cities of the world, write a book and give it to the editor, record a song, go to university and get a diploma, start your own business, buy a big house for parents, start a family. And this is just a small list of what was written by that person. Try to compose what your heart and soul really want. There must be difficult points that simply cannot be achieved on any given day.
  6. Reading of books. Make a list of the most essential books that everyone needs to read. Believe me, here the vocabulary will expand, and the understanding of the world will become much wider, and interest in all living things will wake up. Now the Internet is full of pages where there is a rating of the best books, which are important for everyone to read in order to know a little more. It is very easy to be an optimist as soon as you start reading.

A vision of the positive in everything

These questions will help you figure out what an optimist wants to achieve in life:

  1. How will my future change if this happens?
  2. Maybe it's time to change something in your life?
  3. What opportunities are in front of me?
  4. What lesson can be learned from this situation that has happened?
  5. Will this be relevant in a few years?

It is important to answer all these questions honestly. Listen to yourself, understand what is repeating. In this small test, it is very important to understand yourself correctly, to hear what the heart and soul whisper. If convenient, you can even answer all five questions in writing in great detail. Let your emotions spill out onto the piece of paper. This is the only way to see the positive features.

It is much easier to be an optimist. It seems that these people have no worries and disappointments in life at all. No one knows for sure what is in the soul of a person who constantly smiles and achieves his goals. But one thing is for sure: an optimist is distinguished by fortitude. It's time to pull yourself together and become the same person who is not afraid of change and boldly meets difficulties. Being an optimist means not paying attention even to bad weather, which can ruin everyone's mood. Be above it all!

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