Installation of sliding interior doors - independent installation of a sliding door system. Installation of sliding interior doors How to hang a guide for sliding doors

346 06.10.2019 7 minutes

Choosing interior doors is not an easy task. And if earlier this choice was simplified by the fact that the assortment in the stores was scarce, now manufacturers are doing everything to make the buyer “scattered” from the variety of models and types. However, here, too, certain trends can be traced, and guided by them.

One of the clearly visible trends in the design of residential premises in recent years is the preference for sliding interior doors by buyers. These models are very comfortable and ergonomic: they save space, are ideal for small apartments, but also look good in spaces of a decent scale. In addition, sliding interior doors look stylish, giving the home a touch of modernity and minimalism, which is so fashionable now. From the article we will learn how to install such doors in our apartment on our own: we will consider all the stages of work in detail.


The second name of sliding doors is a slider: this is how this model is called in Western countries, from where they, in fact, came into our everyday life. The peculiarity of this type of doors is that they are not installed on hinges, as we are all used to, but move along special narrow rails on rollers.

The result is significant space savings, more rational and ergonomic use of the available square meters. And besides, sliding doors are also quite durable if they are operated "without fanaticism" and carefully. What are the standard sizes of door frames, you can see

On the video how to install sliding interior doors:


This type of door has two subtypes: built-in (coupe) and accordion. Let's tell you more about them.

Built-in (coupe)

When this model opens, it turns out to be "recessed" in the wall. In this case, a mechanism is used that allows the door to be displaced when opening / closing strictly parallel to the wall.

Sliding built-in compartment interior doors

The principle of operation of such doors is simple: rollers are put on them from above and below, and guide rails are installed on the doorway or above it. In this way the rollers slide on and the door functions perfectly. But what should be the thickness of the door frames of interior doors, and what they are, indicated


This model is made from a kind of dies (lamellas): plastic or wooden. Moving according to the accordion principle, the lamellas are compressed, allowing you to save space.


It should be noted that it is better to choose this model from a good manufacturer, and not save much on the purchase, since cheap products of this type quickly fail.


Let's find out what are the advantages of this type of door.

This model looks unusual and unusual for most people. Perhaps, over time, sliding doors will become commonplace, but now, having a similar model in your home, you can gain a favorable reputation as a person who has good taste and follows the trends of modern fashion.

Sliding interior doors do not create inconvenience when planning furniture arrangement. Since they do not require additional space for themselves, you can put any furniture directly next to the doors.

As a result of the indicated advantage, there will be no “blind” zones in the apartment where furniture cannot be placed due to the fact that the door leaf opens there.

Slider doors are safe: you and your children will not get your fingers caught in the closing sash, and you will not bump your forehead against a corner or doorframe in the dark.

On the video, the advantages of sliding interior doors:

Such models are not afraid of drafts: they will not open and close from the wind.

And the most important advantage, which has already been mentioned, is a significant saving in living space.


In fairness, it is necessary to identify the disadvantages of such models.

The cost of installing these products is sometimes slightly less than their cost: that is, quite expensive. But thanks to our article, you can easily eliminate this drawback, since you can cope with the installation yourself.

It will also be interesting to understand how it is carried out, because every man should understand what can be done with the door if the lock breaks in it.

Sliding models do not provide sufficient insulation for rooms. All noises, smells, and other phenomena will freely penetrate into the adjacent room. Some people struggle with this drawback by putting a pad of felt or other soft material on the end. In this case, when closing, the door is pressed against the jamb more tightly.

The pencil case (the tunnel into which the door goes) is rather difficult to clean due to its narrowness and inaccessibility. If a small detail rolls into it, then it will be problematic to get it. In addition, it can restrict and complicate the normal operation of the doors. Ordinary debris and dust are removed from the pencil case with a vacuum cleaner with a narrow nozzle. And some owners of sliding doors go further, and simply remove drywall from one side of the pencil case, exposing its mechanism.

Renovation also presents a lot of problems. When purchasing a door, it is recommended that you purchase several spare rollers of the required size at once so that they can be easily replaced if necessary. But what are the sizes of entrance doors with a box, you can see

Tools and materials

What we need to install the doors on our own.

Note: Experienced installers advise using four rollers for a model weighing more than 27 kg, and in the case when the door weighs less, two will be enough.

How to install

Let's consider in detail the process of correct installation of sliding interior doors with our own hands.


At the initial stage, it is necessary to find out and precisely determine the place where the door will be located, as well as in which direction it will open.

Sliding door device

Opening decoration

  1. You must first measure the parameters of the opening: its width and height. Experts recommend taking measurements at different points: at the very top, bottom, in the middle. This approach will avoid an annoying calculation error. The height of the door should be measured both open and closed in order to take into account possible unevenness in the floor.
  2. After measurements, a bar is installed for attaching the guides. To install it evenly, a line is drawn above the box - as even as possible. Precisely along this line, the timber is attached. Provide a sufficient width of the timber so that after fixing the platbands, the door can close without interference.
  3. After installing the timber, the upper rails are mounted using hardware. Immediately check how well the roller will slide along the guides: just run it back and forth a couple of times. If you encounter difficulties and obstacles, eliminate them immediately so that you do not return to this question again.
  4. Then install the bottom rails. This can be done either by selecting part of the flooring or directly onto the flooring. In the first version, the runners are recessed into the floor, and in the second they are located on its surface.
  5. Install the guide knife. But since the lower guides are rarely used, they use a packet knife, which performs the function of holding the door. Also, the packet knife does not allow the door, when closing-opening, to leave the selected course, to deviate from the given direction.

It is also worth paying attention to how the insulation takes place and which one is the best and how to choose it.

The sliding door system does not include thresholds. This is very convenient, since the presence of thresholds in the house always creates certain obstacles when driving. And many mothers know how many bruises and bumps, "thanks" to these protrusions on the floor, are stuffed by children. The absence of thresholds, in addition to its obvious ease of use, also allows you not to destroy the floor covering, since there is no need to lay runners.


To make our doors slide, we attach rollers to their upper end. And on the lower end, about 15 mm from the edge, holes are drilled, between which a groove is selected along the entire length. It is most convenient to do this work with a chisel.

The groove width should be 2 mm wider than the knife. And the depth should be equal to the height of the knife: this is, on average, 10-18 mm. That part of the end face where there is no groove can be a natural limiter of movement.


In order for the product to take on the proper look, it is necessary to mount all the relying accessories: handles and a lock, if the latter is available. This stage of work requires special care, since the door has already been installed, and it is important not to damage it. Many entrust this delicate matter to professionals in order to guarantee a flawless result. It is also worth paying attention to how it is carried out

Final installation


In order for the device to look organic, it is necessary to mask all the elements and mechanisms of the structure. In other words, you should hide all the functional filling so that only a beautiful and stylish door remains in plain sight.

Sliding door decor example

For such disguise, platbands are used. They should be installed on the box and top rails. By the way, the design of some models does not provide for such disguise at all, but, on the contrary, proudly demonstrates the entire internal mechanism of work. Most often, a similar solution is used in the design of modern interiors: loft, high-tech, etc.

We examined the features of installing interior sliding doors. As you can see, this type of door has undeniable advantages, especially important in the conditions of small apartments, which are the overwhelming majority in our country. So make up your mind, choose the right model, and our recommendations will help you install it correctly. After a little fuss with the installation of the structure, you can enjoy the fact that there is much more space in the apartment, and the design of the living space has acquired interesting modern touches.

Installing sliding interior doors can save space in an apartment and a private house when the owners are trying to expand the living space. You can carry out the installation of the structure yourself if the owner of the house has the skills of carpentry and the necessary tools.

There are several types of construction:

  • sliding;
  • cascading;
  • folding;
  • radius sliding.

Making sliding doors with your own hands is easier than other types of partitions. This is due to the simplicity of the design, shape, installation of the curtain and the installation of accessories. Depending on the width of the opening, the device of sliding doors provides 1 or 2 canvases, which move along special rails along the wall. Partitions can be independently made from different materials.

Advantages and disadvantages

An interior single-leaf or multi-leaf door has the following advantages:

  1. saves room space;
  2. visually increases the size of the room;
  3. there is no threshold;
  4. you can divide a large room into zones.

The disadvantages include:

  • poor sound insulation;
  • the need to monitor the cleanliness of the rail;
  • easy penetration of odors between rooms;
  • the need for an accurate fit of all structural elements.

Before you know how to make a sliding door, you need to prepare materials and tools.

Materials and tools

You will need the following tools:

  1. tape measure, ruler, square and pencil;
  2. jigsaw or circular saw;
  3. screwdriver;
  4. drill;
  5. drills of different diameters for wood and concrete;
  6. self-tapping screws;
  7. roller mechanisms;
  8. construction plumb line and level;
  9. milling machine;
  10. sandpaper or sander;
  11. chisel and hammer.

Canvases can be made from the following materials:

  • plain or laminated chipboard;
  • strained glass;
  • solid wood;
  • combination of several materials.

The weight of the structure depends on the material of manufacture. To mount sliding doors with your own hands, you need to select mechanisms based on this indicator. The material for the leaf is chosen based on the budget of the owners and the functional purpose of the door.

How to make your own sliding doors?

For the manufacture of glass partitions, skills of working with this material are required. If they are missing, you should contact the professionals. Working with glass requires special tools that are expensive.

It is necessary to consider how to assemble a sliding door from wood. This material is easy to process, stronger and more reliable, has better sound insulation, frame products weigh less than solid wood, and panels can be made if desired.

Design features

Before starting work, you should draw up a diagram or a design drawing and indicate all the parameters. The design of sliding doors can have one or more leaves, depending on the size of the opening. You can make a solid canvas or with panels of various materials. Depending on the weight of the structure, the door can be suspended or on roller mechanisms.

Sometimes a product is installed that is pushed deep into the wall. To do this, dismantle part of the partition and make a niche of drywall.

Preparatory work

Before making a sliding door with your own hands, you should prepare the material. Boards or blocks must be treated with a plane and sanded with emery paper or a sander. You should also prepare a shield if you plan to have a hollow door inside. It is worth deciding in advance on the method of fixing the boards. Common compounds are:

  1. half a tree;
  2. thorn groove.

Measurements and markings

When making a door on rollers with your own hands, it must be borne in mind that the canvas should be several centimeters larger than the opening on each side. If the passage does not exceed 80 cm wide, then a single-leaf door is made. When the width of the opening exceeds 1 m, 2 canvases are made. All sizes are transferred to beams or boards.


To make frame sliding doors with your own hands, you need to make a frame. The pre-prepared bars are cut according to the drawing. If the structure includes infills, recesses are made in the inner part of the frame and lintels with a milling machine into which the inserts will be mounted.

The joints of the boards or beams are coated with wood glue or PVA. The wood should be treated with an antiseptic to protect the material from decay and the harmful effects of insects. Additionally, the structure is covered with fire retardants, which prevent the wood from burning quickly.

To make a sliding door mechanism with your own hands, you will need:

  • upper and lower guides along which the canvas will move;
  • a wooden bar to which the upper rail is attached;
  • rollers and fasteners suitable for the weight of the structure;
  • clamps preventing the web from leaving the rail.


First, a frame is made from solid boards or glued beams. Crossbars and a centerpiece are made of this material. From the inside, the timber is processed with a milling cutter, making a groove for the panels. If you make a curly cut, you do not need to use glazing beads. When the installation of the latter is planned, the surface near the groove is made even.

Vertical and horizontal elements are interconnected by means of a spike and a groove. The thorn is cut out in the transverse parts. It should fit into the groove up to half the width of the bar. The recess is adjusted to fit the spike so that the parts fit tightly into each other.

The panels can be:

  1. glass;
  2. plywood;
  3. thin boards, etc.

The inserts can be flat or have a relief surface. In the second case, plywood or boards are used, which are processed with a milling machine. The edges of the product should be 1-2 mm less than the groove in the frame. This will allow the panels to move freely. When all the elements are ready, they are treated with antiseptics.

Collect the entire structure on the table to avoid distortions. The joints are coated with glue. First, all the crossbars and panels are inserted into one longitudinal bar, then the second vertical bar is glued in. Glazing beads are installed after assembling the entire structure and fixed with glue.


This structure can be solid, shallow or hollow. The first type consists of a frame and planks that fit between the vertical elements. Hollow and shallow hollows contain transverse elements that give rigidity to the entire structure.

First, a frame is made according to the size of the canvas. To do this, cut a bar with a section of 30x120 mm according to the drawing. The elements are interconnected by fastening in a half-tree or in a paw. The surfaces are coated with glue and clamped with clamps. Make sure that the internal corners are 90 °.

After the glue dries, the joints are additionally fastened with pins. For this, holes of 7-9 mm are made and pins, pre-treated with glue, are inserted into them. Then one side of the frame should be lined. Plywood or fiberboard is chosen as the material, which is cut to the size of the frame. The facing material is fixed with glue.

If the structure is solid, then the frame is filled with a bar, pieces of MDF or other low quality wood. All parts are glued together and additionally glued to the facing sheet. In the frame of hollow or small-hollow doors, cross-members are installed, which are fixed with glue to the sidewalls and facing material. The second sheet is installed only after the glue has completely dried.

How to install a sliding door?

Installation of sliding doors may vary depending on design features. Installation includes the following steps:

  • preparation of the doorway;
  • fastening of guide elements;
  • installation of the canvas;
  • insert of handles.

To make the installation correctly, you must carefully follow the installation instructions for the sliding doors.

Preparation of an interior opening

First of all, you need to prepare the opening. If the canvas will move along the wall, remove all protruding elements, level the surface, fill the cracks. The belt should move without obstruction. Since the construction does not provide for a patch, the walls are plastered. The opening should be as flat and smooth as possible.

If you plan to install a sliding door inside the partition, you should dismantle part of the wall. To do this, increase the opening to the width of the door leaf, and then mount a drywall niche. The partition should go into the wall so that only a small part of the canvas remains, on which the handle is located.

Installation of guides

If the canvas is light, hang it only on the upper guide. If the sash is made of wood and has a lot of weight, it must be fixed in the lower runners. Since the installation of a sliding door can be done on 1 or 2 rails, both options must be considered.

To mount the upper guide, a canvas is placed to the opening. They measure the position of the door in the closed and open state. From the resulting line, they retreat upward 7 cm and draw a horizontal line. It determines the position of the rail to which the rail is attached.

The length of the bar must correspond to the guide. It is placed in such a way that the middle is exactly above the upper corner of the opening from the side of the open door. Then, the guide profile is fastened.

The upper runners are fixed with self-tapping screws. Then the carriage with rollers is assembled and inserted into the guides. It is necessary to check if the mechanism moves freely in the rail. Limiters are installed along the edges of the guides so that the web does not jump out of the rut.

The bottom groove is made using a milling machine. It should be 1 to 2 mm larger than the guide knife and the depth should be 18 mm. If the design does not provide for a lower rail, then a flag guide stopper is installed on the floor. It must fit into the groove in the door leaf. Its task is to limit the movement of the leaf and exclude lateral vibrations of the sash from below.

Installation of the canvas

Installation of sliding doors is carried out after installing all the guides. First you need to install the mounting brackets. They are fixed with self-tapping screws to the upper end of the door, having previously made holes with a thin drill. The canvas is hung on the upper rail, and then led into the lower guide. Carriages with rollers are connected to the brackets so that the nut and washer are on top. Then the fasteners are tightened with a wrench. After checking the movement along the upper guide, the blade can be installed in the lower groove.


Installation of sliding interior doors will be incomplete without installing fittings. For such structures, mortise handles are used, as well as special locks. Locking devices are rarely installed, since the level of protection of such mechanisms is low. To make pens, you will need:

  1. Ruler and pencil;
  2. milling machine;
  3. chisel and hammer;
  4. screws and screwdriver.

First, the position of the handles is marked. They are placed at the level of the belt at a distance of 4-5 cm from the vertical edge of the canvas. Handles are applied to the door and outlined with a pencil. In size, a recess is made for the thickness of the fittings with a milling machine or chisel. You can also use a drill with a core drill of the required diameter. A hole should be made at the bottom and top of the handle. The wood between the grooves is removed with a chisel or a router.

To install sliding doors with a mortise lock, you need to make a recess with a drill at the end of the door leaf. A locking mechanism is mounted in the groove and closed with a special bar. The handle in this case is not a mortise, but a bracket. A recess is made in the opening for the striker. If the lock is padlock, it is screwed to the door leaf with self-tapping screws.

To prevent dust from entering the room, special brush seals are attached to the lower end of the canvas. If the design of the partition provides for 2 sashes, special seals are additionally installed at the ends of the adjoining canvases.

Installation of sliding doors should be carried out on high-quality roller carriages. Despite the high cost of mechanisms, they significantly save money in the future. Cheap rollers quickly fail with frequent use, they need to be changed. High-quality carriages will last a long time.

The cheapest way to make a door leaf is from plain or laminated chipboard, MDF. This material can be decorated to your taste. This can be done with varnish, paint, self-adhesive tape, wallpaper, or in any other way.

For wooden doors, you should choose a material dried in special cabinets. Otherwise, the structure may deform in the first months of operation, then the frame will have to be redone.


Sometimes it may be necessary to repair sliding doors. A common breakdown is poor blade movement in the guides. To do this, you need to either adjust the roller, or replace it. Sometimes debris gets into the guides, dust and dirt accumulates, which over time does not allow the mechanisms to move freely. To avoid this, the rails should be cleaned in a timely manner.

Probably, there is not a single person who is completely satisfied with the dimensions of their home. No matter how much space there is, for some reason it is always not enough. The installation of sliding doors will help at least a little to free up space, which, moreover, look very attractive and modern, giving the room a certain zest. These doors can be customized to suit any style. If their design is well chosen, they can become a chic addition to the interior.

Before moving on to installing sliders, you need to weigh the pros and cons. Like all other designs, sliding doors aren't perfect. They have their own advantages and disadvantages, because of which their installation in some conditions will be inappropriate.

Advantages and disadvantages of sliding doors

Let's start with the merits:

When properly installed, these doors open very easily;

They are a great way to disguise a room; they can be ideally suited to the interior;

They will not take damage from hitting the jamb in a draft;

The main thing is that they practically do not take up space when opening. Such doors can go behind a wardrobe, sofa or any other furniture or decor element, however, for this, the interior items must be at some distance from the wall.

It seems that sliding doors are good for everyone, but, as usual, the matter is not complete without a few fly in the ointment:

The biggest drawback of sliding doors is the impossibility of a tight connection, which is why they practically do not become an obstacle in the way of smells, sounds and light. The movement mechanism simply does not allow the canvas to press against the doorway. That is why they are not used as entrance or balcony doors;

It will not be possible to hang pictures or mount switches, sockets and other electrical elements on the wall into which the door leaf is hiding or on which it runs;

If a hidden design is chosen, then you will have to periodically clean the niche, which is very problematic to do. To make this process a little easier, you can make one of the walls removable, for example, from drywall.

So, the minuses do not scare you and the decision to change the interior doors has been made. Where do you start? First you need to decide on the type of sliding structure.

Types of sliding doors

All sliding doors can be roughly divided into two main groups:

1. Parallel sliding.

2. Sliding-folding.

Each of these types differs in assembly technology, fittings and has its own design features.

Parallel sliding doors can have one, two or even several leaves. Usually, the number of leaves does not exceed four, while the entire length of the opening is divided equally between them. The most common subspecies of parallel-sliding structures are compartment doors, which are a single-leaf or double-leaf slider, the principle of operation of which is similar to compartment doors of passenger cars. They are distinguished by ease of installation and higher, in contrast to other options, soundproofing properties.

Installation of single-leaf sliders will not cause any special problems even to a person who is completely unfamiliar with construction work, but multi-leaf structures are complex. That is why in this article, designed more for non-specialists, we will consider the simple process of installing single-leaf compartment doors.

Another option is pencil cases. When opened, the doors in them go into a special niche arranged in the wall. If it is not possible to arrange a hollow part in the ceiling, the canvas can be disguised under a plasterboard partition that hides the mechanism.

Sliding-folding structures consist of several sections, more often four or seven, folding with each other like an "accordion" book. Such doors are well suited for room zoning and are indispensable for narrow corridors.

Speaking of sliders, we must not forget about the so-called roto-doors, which can either open in any direction or move in any direction. The leaf of such a door can rotate 360 ​​° around its axis; it is neither right nor left. This makes them easy to place in tight spaces with limited space.

If a hidden structure is chosen for installation, then you need to make sure that there are no chimneys, ventilation holes, hidden electrical wiring, as well as water and heating pipes in the wall where you plan to arrange a "pocket" for the sash to enter. In general, it is very problematic to make a niche in a finished wall, so if it is impossible to do this during construction or overhaul, then it is better to use a drywall masking panel applied to the wall.

When buying a door leaf, do not forget to take into account that, when closed, it should also cover part of the doorway, at least by 50-70 mm, otherwise the cracks will simply be striking. Moreover, if it is mounted only on the upper rail, its weight should not exceed 50 kg. It is also necessary to ensure that the door has where to move away, that is, that the length of the wall on which it finds is greater than the length of the movable sash.

Be sure to make sure that the ceiling and floor are parallel. A deviation of 1 mm per 100 cm is allowed. Large non-parallelism can lead to skewing of the entire structure and its jamming during operation.

If the door is planned to be installed in wooden or plasterboard openings, they should be reinforced with a metal frame-frame made of channels, corners, or a metal beam should be attached to the guide. This beam must always be attached to the load-bearing walls with anchor bolts.

Handles and locks for sliding doors are selected of a hidden type, otherwise they will interfere with the full opening of the sash.

What needs to be prepared for the installation of interior doors-sliders

In order not to be distracted during work by such trifles as shopping for suitable accessories or the missing bar of the right size, it is worth fully preparing in advance. You will need:

1. Of course, the door leaf itself.

2. Wooden block, the length of which must be at least double the width of the sash, and the width and height are equal to 50 mm.

3. A set of fittings for sliding doors. Typically, it includes rollers, an upper and lower rail, travel stops, carriages, a decorative strip for masking rollers and a rail, two extensions, two platbands, handles and locks. Two rollers should be purchased for each sash, and if the weight of the door leaf exceeds 75 kg, then four.

4. Anchor bolts.

5. Self-tapping screws.

How to install sliding sliding doors correctly

So, the installation of interior doors. Let's break down the whole process into several stages:

1. First you need to measure the upper border of the door leaf by placing it against the wall adjacent to the opening. This is done in a closed and open position in order to prevent possible unevenness in the floor. From this line it is necessary to measure another 70 mm upwards and draw a horizontal line already at this level. This is where we will locate the main mechanism.

2. Attach a wooden beam to the marked line, so that its middle is exactly above the upper corner of the opening from the side of the open door. This must be done as tightly as possible, without leaving the slightest gap, even if the timber has to be bent to adjoin.

3. We proceed to fixing the upper guide rail. The location of its outermost hole is calculated as follows: the thickness of the door leaf is divided exactly in half and 5 mm is added to this value. Now the guide is attached on both sides with self-tapping screws without the slightest bends; for this, the previously found distance to the hole is set aside from the most protruding point of the wall. After that, you need to make sure that the door leaf passes freely along the rail. It should not touch either the wall or the opening.

4. The assembled carriages are inserted into the upper rail. There is no need to apply any lubricants to the inside of the guide to facilitate its movement. If the movement of the carriages is difficult, it means that either when assembling them, or at the stage of installing the guide, some mistakes were made, for example, the rail was not laid straight, but with a slight curvature. After the ease of movement has been achieved, set the stops along the edges of the guide.

5. We pass to the bottom groove. In order to make it, on both sides of the lower end of the sash, at a distance of 15 mm from the edge, we drill a hole with a 6.5 drill to a depth of 20 mm. Now we select a groove over the entire width of the web, the width of which should be a couple of millimeters larger than the width of the guide knife, and the depth is 18 mm. Alternatively, attaching two strips or a plastic profile to the bottom of the door, with the distance between them slightly larger than the width of the flag.

6. We hang the door on the guide. First, on the upper end, strictly in the middle of its width, we attach the fastening brackets so that they are not visible after installation. We roll the end carriage to the first bracket and connect them by hanging a cutout on the adjusting bolt so that the nut and washer are on top of the bracket. We tighten the mount.

7. Slightly tilting the bottom of the door towards you, insert the guide flag into the bottom groove.

8. Install platbands.

The main stages of installing hidden sliding interior doors will be shown in the video below.

As you can see, the technology for installing interior compartment doors is not particularly difficult, and if you want to, you can do this work yourself. If you want some extravagant, original design, then it is better to turn to professionals who know the intricacies of this process.

If you bought a sliding door system for an interior opening, then do not rush to invite a master to install the kit. The service will not require small funds. Maybe it makes sense to take tools, read our instructions on how to install sliding doors and do the work yourself. Do you agree? Then let's move on to detailed recommendations.

Sliding doors help to save useful space in the room and create a cozy atmosphere. If the swing door opens from itself or towards itself, the sliding set is easily moved to the right or to the left. This piece of furniture is made, like a swing, from the following materials:

  • array;
  • veneer;
  • laminate;
  • glass.

Maybe by design:

  • deaf;
  • with glass insert, mirror;
  • completely glass.

By configuration:

  • single leaf;
  • of two or more valves.

By opening type:

  • compartment door;
  • accordion door.

It differs from swing elements in the installation process and the hinge system. The sliding system contains guides and rollers that allow the canvas to open quietly.

A sliding door of the coupe type is one of the simplest designs.

We figured out a variety of swing doors. Let's proceed to the installation of the interior kit.

Methods for installing a swing interior system

At the stage of finishing work, it is necessary to choose a method of door installation that will optimally solve the problems of comfort and coziness in the room. There are two ways to install sliding doors:

  • on the wall after finishing the walls;
  • in a hidden box embedded in the wall before working with drywall.

Installation of a swing door on an open wall

For any assembly work, you will need to prepare special tools, consumables, and a door kit. At the time of installation, there should be no distractions.

Installation of the door on the wall using guides is less expensive than installation in a box.

Sliding door assembly tools:

  • construction tape;
  • corner;
  • water or other level, plumb line;
  • drill with drills;
  • screwdriver with bits;
  • hammer;
  • rubber mallet;
  • hacksaw or circular saw;
  • gun for polyurethane foam;
  • a set of chisels;
  • screwdrivers;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • nails;
  • dowels;
  • plastic plugs for self-tapping screws;
  • polyurethane foam.

What should be included:

  • canvas of the required size;
  • doborka, platbands of the opening;
  • metal profile for rollers;
  • accessories for the sliding system;
  • bar 50 * 50 for installing the guide;
  • bottom guide flag or nut.

Finishing work must be completed before installing the sliding door. Pay special attention to the opening. It must be prepared:

  • have a flat surface;
  • pasted over with wallpaper or painted (if additional elements are provided in the color of the facade, you need to install them before the stage of work with the door);
  • no door frame required.

Use a tape measure to measure the doorframe to buy the correct size. The canvas should be taller and wider than this size to prevent gaps. Add 4-5 cm for the gaps. Usually, complete with a canvas, they offer to buy platbands. They will be needed to refine the opening after the installation is completed.

The layout of the guide and rollers in it.

The preparation is complete, we proceed to the installation.

  1. Take a tape measure and a pencil, measure the length of the future guide. It is equal to the width of the canvas multiplied by two. Leave indents to the right and left of the opening, adding to the length.
  2. We draw a horizontal line. It should be perfectly flat, without displacement. The correctness, noiselessness of the movement of the canvas depends on this.
  3. We draw the second horizontal line just below the first at a distance of the width of the embedded block under the guide.
  4. We drill holes for self-tapping screws in the wall and the bar at a distance of 300 mm from each other. This will make it easier to tighten the fasteners.
  5. We screw the block to the wall with a screwdriver. Check the level of the horizontal bar.
  6. Saw off the metal profile of the door guide to the required length. We drill holes through 20 mm, fix to the bar without displacement. This is a mounting rail that holds the sash and allows it to open.
  7. We print the accessories. We put the wheels with bolts into the side slot of the base. To ensure the stationaryness of the wheels, we put in the limiters from the ends of the guide, which do not allow the leaf, installed independently, to leave the groove during operation.
  8. We release the door element from the packaging and place it on the floor with an edge. To avoid spoiling the surfaces, lay a soft underlay on the floor.
  9. Following the instructions attached to the fittings, fasten on the upper end of the door the fasteners to which the rollers will be screwed. There are two of them. We install with an indent from the right and left edges, securing with self-tapping screws.
  10. We hang the canvas by connecting the mount to the rollers by tightening the bolt. Checking the progress of the sliding door. There should be no jumps. Movement in any direction is carried out smoothly if the guide is aligned. The vertical end of the door and the opening must be parallel.
  11. Moving on to the bottom of the sliding structure. The top rollers are not enough to ensure smooth movement. The door must rest on the bottom stop. How to properly mount it yourself? There are two ways:
  • a recess in the bottom end of the groove sheet for the regulating flag;
  • fastening the guide rail from below to the edge of the web.
  1. Before installing the sliding door yourself, decide on the issue of the bottom hardware. If a groove is to be made, you must be clear and accurate. Displacement of the groove and the thickness of the track, even by a millimeter, is not allowed. Any drop will not allow the flag to sit exactly in profile and move the sash without interference. If you have a special machine for selecting a groove, it will be easy to choose a groove. If there is no such apparatus, the stage of removing the excess is carried out manually with a chisel and a hammer.
  2. To facilitate the installation of a sliding interior door, you can choose an alternative method by fixing the guide along the bottom end. This will eat up a few centimeters of height, which must be laid at the stage of measuring the doorway.
  3. We set a flag or limiter on the floor covering. Let's bring the facade to the wall, opening it as much as possible. Mark the location of the flag base on the flooring. It should be at the end of the track, preventing it from getting off the rail.
  4. We remove the door from the rollers. We drill holes in the floor for the base of the flag, fix it.
  5. The sliding door is now ready for final assembly. We take the canvas and put it on the lower slider. We lift it to the wall and fix it on the rollers by tightening the bolts with a wrench.
  6. We check the operation of the system. If adjustment is required, do it by screwing in or out the roller adjusting bolts.

We looked at how to install do-it-yourself sliding doors on the wall in a room without an additional box. Let's study the nuances of the second method of installing a sliding door.

Installation of the facade in a closed box

If the first option for installing a sliding interior door required a complete finishing of the room, then the second method of work begins at the stage of redecorating rooms before using drywall or other finishing sheets.

Doors mounted into the wall require renovation of the entire room during installation.

  1. In the wall, where the canvas will be located, we collect the box, the hidden cabinet. Its dimensions must be larger than the facade, because space is needed for the sash to move easily and to fix the upper and lower rail system. We create a false wall from metal profiles or bars. The ends of the passage must be additionally reinforced so that when installing platbands or extensions, there is a basis for screwing in self-tapping screws.
  2. We fix the guide on the wall in the same way as in the first method of installing a sliding interior facade.
  3. We put rollers and stoppers, check the work of the canvas.
  4. We install the bottom guide in a way convenient for you.
  5. If the installation of all elements is completed, we close the box with sheets of drywall, creating a false wall. Finishing the wall decoration before installing the decors of the interior opening.
  6. We fix the platbands on one or both sides of the interior opening. It depends on the design of the room. Vertical and horizontal decors are installed, allowing to hide the system of upper guides, to create the unity of the interior space. We install vertical bars along the edges of the opening. If the canvas is not hidden from view, the second bar is installed at the end of the horizontal bar with a guide. This will be a decorative opening. If the canvas goes into the wall, we do the decoration around the interior opening.
  7. We cut veneered or from the array on the required height and length.
  8. We fix it to the installed beam, observing the parallelism to the wall.
  9. Install the top decor to hide the top rail and roller system. The cover can be fixed with self-tapping screws, if a timber was additionally laid, or on furniture corners, tightly screwed to the wall.
  10. We figured out the question of how to install sliding doors yourself. There are small touches left: the handle, locks and brush seals.
  11. Installing fittings on a sliding door element
  12. If the door performs its function well, proceed to the installation of fittings, platbands, side restraints.
  13. How to install handles and a lock in an interior door with our own hands, we considered earlier in our articles. The difference between the handles of a sliding door is the need to drown it into the facade. Especially if he walks into the wall. When hanging on a wall in a room, there is also the inconvenience of a protruding handle, it will cling to the wall from the inside, which will damage the finish.
  14. Make the necessary indentation on both sides of the canvas. Place the pad handles flush with the surface.
  15. Install the lock, if required, according to the instructions on how to install the door lock.
  16. A feature of the swing door is the need for seals, which will protect the fittings from dust and dirt. Remove the adhesive strip from the door rubber seal and stick it on the facade or doorway. It depends on how the sliding facade is installed.

At this point, all the stages of installing a sliding door with your own hands can be considered complete.

Having studied the installation technology of a single-leaf sliding structure, you can easily perform the installation of more complex structures.

Features of sliding interior systems

The modern market offers a choice of different systems for dividing space. We considered the option of one canvas on a guide system. But a sliding structure can consist of more elements. For example, a dividing wall system that allows you to divide a room into two parts or combine it. The wall is created not from drywall, but with the help of several canvases suspended on their rollers. All doors can open or not. The system of upper and lower guides is formed from several rails, in accordance with the number of moving elements. It is necessary to correctly calculate the sequence of fronts and locking pins so that the leaves do not move randomly. More on video:

A popular option is a two-leaf sliding structure, when the canvases move to the right and left at the same time. A long guide is installed, allowing the elements to disperse to the sides. Such a system can be either open plan or hidden in the wall. In the first option, it is necessary to take into account the nuance that the placement of furniture, lamps, switches, paintings and other wall elements is unacceptable. They will make it difficult for the sliding elements to open freely. To save space, it is more advisable to choose a hidden structure.

It will take 2 people to install interior doors Doors play a huge role in the arrangement of an apartment. Interior aisles are closed with such structures for a clearer division of the house into functional zones. Since the construction industry does not stand still, new options for finishing doorways are constantly being invented. One of the most popular ways to decorate entrance blocks is sliding doors. How to install them yourself - read on.

What is included in the set of interior doors

Installing sliding interior doors is a responsible business. It is very important that all the necessary components are present in the door kit you have purchased. If it turns out that the set lacked some element, then you will not be able to put the structure in the doorway on your own, and it will be very difficult to prove to the seller that he sold you without important fittings. Therefore, it is so important to know what is included in the sliding door kit.

Before installing interior doors, you should study the purpose of its components.

What's included in the sliding door kit:

  1. Door leaf an obligatory component of any sliding set. It can be made of wood, aluminum, plastic or glass. Do not forget to check this item when purchasing, it must be intact, free of damage and marriage.
  2. Guides... Depending on the design of the door, there can be two or one of them in a set. They are usually made of metal. The best material is the guides, in the design of which there is a built-in tongue preventing the rollers from jumping out.
  3. Rollers, thrust mechanisms and lower leash. On rollers, the door travels along guides, they can have bearings or do without them. Thrust mechanisms limit the position of the open door to the desired point. The lower leash provides a softer glide to the canvas, preventing it from shaking and wobbling.
  4. Fittings not always included in the kit. It happens that handles and locks have to be bought separately.
  5. Door frame usually made of the same material as the canvas.

When buying a kit for installing sliding doors, be sure to check that you have all the necessary items. If something is missing, you can point it out to the seller in time. To check the correctness of filling a set of sliding doors from a particular manufacturer, you will be helped by the instructions that should be attached to your purchase.

Guides for doors

Before proceeding directly with the installation of the sliding door, it is worth talking separately about the guides. It is their location that dictates how the doors will be opened.

There are a lot of ways to install the guides. You can choose one of them depending on your own preferences and the size of the room where such a system will be installed.

Door runners may vary in design, size and quality

So the guide installed above the doorway allows the curtain to travel along the wall. If the rail is mounted in the box, then you will receive a hidden door system, which, when opened, will drive along the rail, like on a slide, into the box.

There are three main types of guide installation:

  1. Most often, the guides are attached from the top. This installation method reduces the risk of accidental system breakdown.
  2. The guide underneath can be broken by stepping on it. Therefore, this method is used very rarely, in individual design projects.
  3. The combined fastening of the rails is considered the most reliable. In this case, the rails are attached both from the top and from the bottom. This design is able to withstand a canvas with a fairly large weight.

If you are installing your own sliding interior doors for the first time, then we advise you to choose one of three ways to arrange the doors. In this case, the guide should run as a continuous canvas. In this case, you will be able to avoid many mistakes, and you will definitely not spoil an expensive door system.

Installation of sliding doors

When all the materials have been purchased, you can begin to install the door in its place. However, first it is necessary to prepare the doorway. For this, the old door structure is dismantled, and the opening is brought into its proper appearance.

To make it easy to install interior doors, and the finished work will delight you for many years, choose materials from only trusted manufacturers. One of the best manufacturers of sliding doors is the Italian company LOID.

The choice of sliding doors should be based on the design of the room and its size.

You also need to immediately mount the door frame. It should be one cm away from the clean floor.

How to correctly install a sliding interior door yourself:

  1. From the top edge of the box, a distance equal to the width of the guide is measured upwards. At this height, a bar is attached, the length of which is equal to the length of the guide. In this case, the middle of the bar should be located at the level of that border of the door frame, where the canvas will move when opening.
  2. A guide is attached to the timber with the help of hardware. It should run strictly in the center of the timber.
  3. If necessary, you can mount the bottom rail on the floor. In order not to damage the floor or the sliding system, the lower guide is fenced off with a sill.
  4. The assembly of the door leaf involves hanging rollers on its upper end, on which the structure will move. A groove is knocked out at the bottom end of the door (usually it is already in the door).
  5. To limit the opening of the door, special flags are attached to the floor with self-tapping screws. They will not let the canvas go beyond the extreme point.
  6. A handle and a lock mechanism are installed on a door that has not yet been hung. This must be done so carefully so as not to damage the canvas.
  7. The door rollers are inserted into the guides. The door travel is checked. If everything is in order, rubber stoppers are inserted into the guides.
  8. At the last stage, all structural components are decorated. They close the door frame and the beam from the upper guide.

The described door installation option is quite simple. Unlike the installation of the system, even a non-professional who enters the pencil case can handle the assembly of such a structure.

Self-installation of a double interior door

Installation of a double interior door does not take much longer. Of course, there are different options for installing such structures, but if you are not a professional, then it is better to choose the simplest of them.

Before installing interior doors, you should watch a training video with a master class

Double sliding doors only work well in large rooms where a wide doorway can be made.

Double sliding doors are installed using the same technology as a conventional compartment structure. However, you will have to install the rollers on not one, but two canvases. The doorway for this design option should be slightly less than the width of two canvases. The track must also be at least twice the width of the two doors.

Professional installation of sliding interior doors (video)

Installation of sliding doors has its own nuances and difficulties. However, if you approach the installation responsibly, you can do it yourself.

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