Insulation of the iron door in the garage with your own. Insulation of garage doors

Motorists traditionally spend a lot of time in the garage, caring for their "iron horses". However, in winter, doing usual work is extremely uncomfortable, and sooner or later the owners face the question of insulation. This measure allows you to solve the problem radically, since heat evaporates very quickly through the door leaf (and usually it is steel sheets). Insulation of the garage not only creates comfortable conditions for its owner, but also allows:

  • start the car faster in severe frosts;
  • extend the life of rubber parts;
  • prevent the appearance of condensation in the internal cavities of the machine;
  • create the desired temperature regime in the vegetable store, which are often combined with garages.

The possibility of insulating garage doors depends on their design.

What gates can be insulated

Most gates have hinged leaves, which are steel sheets welded to a metal frame. Insulation of such gates is mandatory, since they practically do not retain heat. It is not difficult to do this, the simple design of swing gates allows the use of materials of any thickness.

Nowadays, overhead and sectional garage doors are very popular. As a rule, they are factory made. The door leaf or individual sections are sandwich panels. From the outside, they are covered with sheet steel, and from the inside they are already insulated with foamed polyurethane and do not need special measures for additional insulation. Hand-made lifting gates are insulated in the same way as swing gates. The thickness of the insulation for them should not exceed the dimensions of the frame. The same rule applies to rollbacks.

Roller shutter gates are not subject to insulation, since their design is designed for a certain thickness.

When choosing a material for insulation, its weight must be taken into account. The weighting of the sashes can lead to the fact that the mechanism by which the gate moves, over time will begin to work worse and gradually fail.

The most popular materials for insulation

A good insulation should have low thermal conductivity, then a sufficiently thin layer can significantly reduce heat loss. The following materials are most often used to insulate garage doors:

All foams have qualities that are indispensable for insulating garage doors - low thermal conductivity and hygroscopicity, fire safety, chemical inertness.

How to insulate a garage door

Before starting work on insulation, it is necessary to check the performance of ventilation in the garage. In the process, you should not block the ventilation holes with insulation. Normal operation of ventilation helps to reduce humidity and timely remove gasoline vapors and exhaust gases.

Let us analyze in detail how to insulate garage doors on their most common design - swing doors.

Surface preparation

Examine the inner surface of the door leaf carefully. Large corroded areas are brushed with iron bristles. If rust has covered most of the steel sheet, it is more convenient and faster to work with a drill or grinder with a special round nozzle.

After thorough cleaning from rust and degreasing, apply an anti-corrosion primer.

Manufacturing and installation of lathing

Wooden bars or aluminum profiles are used as lathing. Attach the crate to the gate frame. The material for the lathing is cut to size. Wooden bars are impregnated with a double-action composition - from fire and decay. The lathing elements are attached to the sash frame with screws of suitable length. All accessories on the door leaf - locks, ventilation openings, are trimmed with a crate around the perimeter.

Waterproofing and laying insulation

Before insulating the gate in the garage, you need to observe some of the subtleties of handling this material. Of all its varieties, it is better to stop at basalt wool from a well-known manufacturer. Before installing cotton wool, you should take care of waterproofing so that the material does not absorb moisture. Good results are obtained by coating the inner side of the gate with bitumen-polymer mastic or finishing with a self-adhesive material such as Izolon.

After all the metal parts of the gate are covered with waterproofing, the insulation is cut into pieces of such a size that it exceeds the distance between the lathing bars by several centimeters. This is done so that gaps do not appear, since mineral wool cakes over time.

It is most convenient to cut the insulation as follows: spread a sheet of fiberboard on the floor, roll mineral wool over it, measure it and forcefully hold it with a sharp clerical knife.

A vapor barrier film is stretched over the mineral wool and attached to the bars with a construction stapler. After vapor barrier, the already insulated swing gates are ready for final finishing. Facing is made with plastic or wooden clapboard, corrugated board, OSB sheets. The facing material is attached to the bars with screws with a press washer.

Insulation laying around the perimeter of the gate

Gate leaves very rarely adjoin closely to each other. Usually a gap is formed between them, allowing the gate to be closed freely. Various seals are used to prevent heat leakage through these slots. As a rule, they are a self-adhesive strip with a rubber or foam seal. This seal is not suitable for insulating the lower part of the door. For these purposes, there are special brush strips. They are attached to the bottom of the gate with self-tapping screws.

After all the cracks are closed, the insulation of the garage door can be considered complete.

Self-insulation of garage doors - video

A garage, in our reality, often serves its owner as a car service station and a workshop. And sometimes - a cellar, a pantry, a warehouse, and God knows what else. Therefore, the creation of a certain microclimate in it, and therefore the need for insulation, is not a whim of the car owner, but a vital necessity.

The main heat exchanger, of course, is the garage door, made of metal. In the summer they serve as a huge battery, actively heating the air inside the garage, and in the winter as a refrigerator. Warming them will radically improve the situation. And if with protection from the summer heat everything is more or less clear - almost any insulation system is suitable here, then protection from the cold will require more deliberate approaches. It's about choosing a heater.

Physics of heat transfer in a garage

Even if your garage is not heated in winter, then a car with a warmed-up engine put into it after a trip serves as a kind of heating device for some time. This means, first of all, on the gate, there are 2 air flows: warm from the inside, cold from the outside, which is why condensation forms on the inner wall of the garage door leaf. If the frost is large enough, then it turns into frost - the water freezes.

If you put insulation inside the garage door, then warm air will not flow to the canvas. That's right, but the insulation is different from the insulation. If you put mineral or any other wool, then it will inevitably become moist in a garage, because the car itself is a source of excess moisture, especially in winter. At the same time, not only will it significantly lose its thermal characteristics, it will also provoke accelerated corrosion of the gate metal.

If you heat your garage during the winter, then this process will only get worse.

This method of insulating garage doors can only be used if you do not operate the car in winter or this happens extremely rarely. And even then, before closing the gate, insulated with mineral wool, you need to let the car cool down enough. But the products in the cellar will not freeze and in the summer such insulation will save. But we will not consider this option of warming in this article because of its unsuitability, especially since there are more effective methods.

Simple ways to insulate garage doors from the inside

Since cotton wool is not quite suitable, you need to find effective insulation that does not absorb moisture. The simplest, but, unfortunately, not the most economical, will be the way of pasting garage doors with thick foamed polyethylene, such as used for soundproofing bodies, but thicker. It has an adhesive layer on one side. You just need to degrease the canvas, let it dry, and stick the material cut to size. Its thickness can be up to 35 mm.

There is a thick foamed polyethylene without an adhesive layer. You can glue it on glue of constant stickiness (this is used on scotch tape), which can be purchased via the Internet.

Or, use multiple layers of underlayment underneath a laminate of the same material. It is better to secure such a substrate using wooden battens and battens. And it is better to protect this whole cake from the inside with some sheet material, protecting it from mechanical damage: plywood, OSB, plastic panels, etc.

But this will not be enough if there are gaps around the gate, as in the photo. To eliminate them, you should use various seals or even metal linings with a seal if the gaps are very large.

The second option for a simple solution to thermal insulation of the door opening will be the installation of a blackout curtain.

This solution is as simple as it is effective. The only inconvenience is the need to constantly raise or open such a curtain when entering and exiting the car.

The main requirement: tight fit of the curtain to the walls and floor, especially from below, so that cold air, which is known to be below, is not blown in. The air gap between the door leaf and the curtain will serve as a gate insulation, and the air circulation will actively dry the formed condensate.

Curtain material can be any, but dense: tarpaulin, awning fabric, dense polyethylene. The most commonly used type of garage door insulation will be their insulation with expanded polystyrene.

How to insulate a garage door with foam

The choice of polystyrene foam for insulating garage doors from the inside with your own hands is simply explained:

  • the relative cheapness of the material;
  • ease of cutting;
  • the effectiveness of insulation (one and a half times more effective than mineral wool);
  • possibility of operation without additional protection.

Polyfoam, unlike cotton wool, is absolutely hydrophobic, fungus does not start in it and it does not release small fiber particles into the air.

Let's consider the process of insulating garage doors with expanded polystyrene in more detail. There are 2 types of it:

  1. from expanded granules (otherwise called ball);
  2. extruded.

The second is more dense, but quite expensive and, unlike PSB-S, is quite flammable. It is only slightly "warmer" than usual white, so thickness plays a role in insulation. For garage doors, a layer of 50 mm will be sufficient.

Step-by-step instructions for insulating garage doors:

1 ... We clean the gate from dust, dirt and oil stains.

2. We fix wooden slats 50 mm thick. You can do this with self-tapping screws to the shelf of the corners, you can go through the outside through the door leaf, or you can glue it with polyurethane glue - a balloon glue for polyurethane foam, applied with a foam gun, is also suitable.

3. With its help, we glue polystyrene, filling the cavities between the slats.

Glue on expanded polystyrene sheets should be applied quite thickly, ideally in full.

4. The joints of the polystyrene sheets and the places of its abutment to the rails are also foamed with polyurethane foam (you can use the same foam glue). After polymerization, remove excess foam with a sharp knife flush with the foam.

5. We cover the entire surface of the gate with foil-coated penoizol (it is better to take it with aluminum foil, not spraying) with a shiny layer inside the garage. We use self-tapping screws with a cone-shaped head, deepening them into the rail.

6. We close the insulation with sheets of plywood or OSB, screwing them to the frame slats.

7. We glue the sealant in the quarters of the openings, foaming the cracks around the box.

It is advisable to paint over the inner lining or open it with varnish.

do-it-yourself insulation of garage doors from the inside with polyurethane foam

And yet the best way to insulate garage doors from the inside is to spray them with polyurethane foam. Firstly, it is by far the most effective insulation: it is one and a half times better than expanded polystyrene and three times better than mineral wool, and secondly, having excellent adhesion, it fills all the cavities of the garage doors, leaving not the slightest voids.

Ideally, a high density polyurethane foam should be used and applied with a special apparatus. Only it is unlikely that you have one in the corner of the garage, and hiring a team with the necessary equipment is quite expensive, and the raw materials themselves are not very cheap. But there are 2 options in which you can do the work yourself:

1. One of them is described in our self-made SIP panels:

Polyurethane foam in cylinders is the same polyurethane foam, though of low density, but it will do its job no worse than sprayed through high pressure installations. A spray gun for this method of application can be used with an old one, but with a large nozzle, and you will definitely find a compressor, if not with you, then in one of the neighboring garages. You need to apply the foam continuously, so that the result is a layer of 30 mm. You can do this in several steps.

2. The second is somewhat more expensive, but less troublesome. For it, you will need to purchase a Foam Kit for spraying polyurethane foam, consisting of two containers with components A and B (polyol and isocyanate), when mixed forming polyurethane foam, a hose and a spray gun.

These kits come in different capacities, with a fairly accurately calculated foam output by volume. It is not so difficult to calculate it.

There are kits from other companies, and the spraying process itself will become clear to you after watching the demo video. After polymerization, the foam can be painted or covered with an inner lining in a convenient way.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, ask them using the form below. We will be glad to communicate with you;)

All motorists know how important it is to maintain a certain temperature regime in the garage. Stable temperature has a beneficial effect on the safety of the car and its technical system. In an insulated room, there is no need to warm up the engine for a long time before the upcoming trip.

This saves fuel and saves you time. In such a garage, it is more convenient not only to maintain, but also to repair the car. However, many motorists have no idea where to start arranging the premises, they do not take into account some important aspects. For example, users often try to heat an uninsulated or poorly insulated garage.

At the same time, a lot of energy resources are lost without receiving the required amount of heat in return. Therefore, you must first solve the problem with the thermal insulation of the garage, and only then plan the heating system. How to insulate the garage door - this will be discussed below.

Insulation of garage doors

The reasons and features of the insulation of gates and doors in the garage

Sometimes car owners with a garage do not always pay due attention to car storage. For many users, the presence of a garage sweeps aside all worries, as they believe that it is warmer in winter than outside. So do you need to insulate?

The reason is that there are significant temperature changes in the garage, especially during the off-season. Such phenomena can be a source of condensation formation. The body of the car under these conditions quickly begins to rust, there are malfunctions in the electronic system, which is fraught with safe driving.

The constant increase in humidity affects not only the car, but also the condition of the garage itself (mold forms, fungus appears, etc.).

Especially the problem of insulation of gates and doors arises in the case of maintenance and repair of a car, as well as when installing a workshop in the garage in the winter. At the same time, it should be noted that most of the heat from the room leaves through the swing gates.

There are several reasons for heat loss:

  1. Basically, gates are made of metal, which is significantly inferior in heat saving to concrete, from which the ceiling and walls are erected.
  2. Due to the large area, the gap between the leaves has a significant length and even with the smallest gap at the gate joint, the total heat loss will be large.
  3. Additional doors are often installed in one of the gate leaves, which also significantly affects the heat loss. When installing them, you need to imagine in advance how to insulate the doors in the garage.

It is advisable to install the insulation from the inside, as this will protect against the effects of vandals and reduce the requirements for its aesthetics.

Built-in wicket door in garage doors

Material selection

To correctly calculate the required materials, you need to know the exact dimensions of the garage doors, doors and the characteristics of the insulation used.

Attention! To exclude marriage and other unforeseen nuances that have arisen, it is recommended to purchase consumables with a margin.

There are no particular restrictions on the choice of insulation for the garage door. With any possibility of fixing it on the inner side of the sashes and at the same time without significant weighting, such a material can be considered suitable for use. In order to know how to insulate garage doors and what kind of insulating material to use, you need to take into account some of its features.

Consider the most common heat-insulating products suitable for insulating garage doors:

  1. Fiberglass, felt, mineral wool... These products have the same parameters of vapor permeability and thermal conductivity, as well as the same specific gravity. But it is very undesirable to use them as insulation for garage doors.

This is due to the fact that the dew point will be located inside the insulation due to its small thickness, which leads to constant moisture in the off-season. This phenomenon is inevitable when cold air seeps into a warm room.

  1. Reed and peat slabs. Such insulation is suitable for use in a garage, but it has weak mechanical strength and, moreover, the cost is quite high.
  2. Polymer insulation. It is cheap, effective, but quite sensitive to external influences.
  3. Various types of synthetic material. With low thermal conductivity, polystyrene and expanded polystyrene are lightweight, easily processed and easily fixed on any surface.

Such heat insulators are the most convenient insulation materials for installation on garage doors. To use foam or extruded polystyrene foam, there is no significant difference for this coating: they have the same characteristic properties.

Different types of insulation for garage doors

Tool and additional material

In addition to choosing a heater, before installing it, you also need to prepare other materials and tools:

  • Wooden bars with an edge equal to the thickness of the insulation.
  • Screwdriver and self-tapping screws.
  • Drill.
  • Sheathing boards.
  • Metal brush.
  • Primer.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Polyurethane foam.

Decorative finishing materials will be required, which can additionally be used as a heat insulator along the entire perimeter of the gate.

Panel mounting tool

Self-insulation of garage doors

After the insulation (polystyrene in our case) has been selected, additional materials have been purchased and the tools have been prepared, work can begin on thermal insulation. At the same time, one should not forget about security measures and personal protection.

First of all, you need to make preparatory work:

  • First, it is necessary to cover all wooden elements with an antiseptic. This will protect the bars from mold and mildew. The inner surface of metal gates and built-in doors must also be prepared for better adhesion: remove rust and dirt from the door surface with a brush.
  • Then prime the treated canvas thoroughly. When applying an antiseptic and a priming solution, it is recommended to apply them in two layers: along and across.
  • Saw the beams in such a way that they can be positioned over the entire area of ​​the sashes with an interval equal to the width of the foam.
  • Install a crate, which, in addition to fixing the foam sheets, will serve as additional protection against mechanical stress.
  • Make a markup and cut the insulation blanks so that they are slightly smaller in size than the lathing cells on each side (for better fastening).
  • Moisten the sash surface with a spray bottle or sponge.
  • Apply polyurethane foam as an adhesive and waterproofing on the surface of individual lathing cells.
  • Install the prepared polystyrene plates into the niche of the crate and hold for some time until the insulation is fixed to the sash surface.

On a note! For the installation of battens and various accessories in the case of a large thickness of metal, it is necessary to pre-drill holes for self-tapping screws.

After installing the insulation, all voids and cracks must be filled with polyurethane foam, and the excess protruding along the edges can be removed only in case of complete hardening.

Insulation of garage doors with foam

Final finishing works

When the main area of ​​the gate is insulated, it remains to install the insulation around the entire perimeter of the outer contour of the gate frame and doors.

Clarification! Swing gates, in fact, are two boxes, welded from a corner and sheathed on top with sheet metal with an overlap to overlap the sashes between themselves. The doors are designed in the same way, only they are smaller and they are built into one of the door halves.


  • It is effective to use insulation made of elastic or porous material with a large cross-sectional size. It can be fastened to the edge of gates and built-in doors either by gluing or by means of a metal plate.
  • If entrance doors are built into the garage doors, then a locking mechanism must be embedded in them. And in order to find out how to properly insulate the inner lock in the garage, you need to take into account the extension of the striker plate (crossbar). For thermal insulation of the lock, a fabric or rubber strip is used, which is pressed with a decorative metal plate along the entire perimeter of the locking mechanism.
  • For protection and aesthetics, the entire inner part of the doors and doors is sheathed with cladding material. For this purpose, sheets of plywood, chipboard, plastic are suitable, and planed boards can also be used. Here you need to cut the blanks so that the joints of the slabs are located on the beams of the sheathing and when installing them, keep the minimum gaps.

It is most convenient to fix sheets of such facing material with self-tapping screws. After the end of the work, it is advisable to process the cladding for the most attractive appearance: cover it with a stain or paint.

Clapboard garage doors

At this, the insulation can be considered complete. In the case of high-quality and accurate work, garage doors will serve you for a long period without additional insulation. Now for your car, minus winter conditions and temperature drops during the off-season are not particularly scary. Cold air will not penetrate outside through the metal gate. As a result of the insulation produced in the garage, a comfortable temperature regime will remain, which means that you no longer have to worry about the condition of your car.

A garage is a real home for a car, protecting the car from the negative effects of rain, snow, moisture and dirt. Here you can repair your car, store spare parts, tools or things you don't need in your apartment. In order not to depend on weather conditions and the time of year, many owners seek to insulate the garage doors, because they are the main reason for heat loss. You will find recommendations and tips for insulating garage doors with your own hands below.

Of course, there are many reasons to insulate the gate, here are only the most obvious ones:

Insulation of garage doors solves a number of reasons for both summer and winter periods. In the photo - insulation with polyurethane foam.

  • In summer, the metal sheets of the gate, heating up in the sun, heat the air in the garage so that it becomes impossible to stay there. And in winter, frost penetrates through the cracks, lowering the temperature to street temperature. Repairing in such conditions is simply unhealthy.
  • If heaters are used in cold weather, then to maintain the temperature and preserve heat and electricity, it is necessary to insulate the garage doors.
  • A properly insulated garage will have lower humidity and less condensation, leading to corrosion of the car body. The microclimate of the room becomes softer and free from temperature extremes.

Can I insulate my gate view?

Insulation of metal garage doors can be done independently

If you have hinged steel gates installed, as in most garages, then they can and should be insulated. After all, the material of the sheets and the frame is ordinary steel, which reacts to any temperature fluctuations. Insulation of the gate from the inside can be done by hand.

The right insulation is the key to success

Important! Insulation is a material with low thermal conductivity. The thermal conductivity of a substance is expressed by the coefficient of thermal conductivity. The lower the coefficient, the better the insulation performs its function. As the thickness of the material increases, its effectiveness increases. However, for a garage door, five centimeters of thickness is enough. .

On the market, heaters for garage doors are represented by the widest assortment. How to understand all this diversity? It is best to properly understand the main types, because not everyone is suitable for your case.

  • Foams are synthetic foams based on polymers.

Polyfoam easy-to-use material

Polystyrene Styrofoam - perhaps the most famous of all, looks like white balls joined together. Perfect for insulating gates due to its lightness, minimal hygroscopicity, strength and fire resistance. Sometimes referred to as styrofoam.

Urea-formaldehyde foam is also often used in heat and sound insulation. It has the property of not swelling when solidified. It is also suitable as a heater for garage doors.

Sprayed polyurethane foam - an effective heat insulator for gates

Polyurethane foam is divided into two types. The first is regular foam rubber, and the second is polyurethane foam. In thermal insulation, the latter option is used. The foam has excellent thermal conductivity properties and even serves as a waterproofing agent. It is sprayed onto the surface, filling cavities. Excellent material, however, the cost of application work may be a reason not to choose this material.

  • Mineral wool - a material used in construction, has three subspecies: glass wool, slag wool and stone wool. The use of mineral wool is limited due to hygroscopicity.

Glass wool consists of the smallest glass particles and has a low thermal conductivity: 0.03 - 0.05 W / m * K. Care should be taken when handling this material.

Slag wool is produced from metallurgical residues (slags). The thermal insulation of the material is slightly worse - 0.04-0.05 W / m * K, which does not diminish its popularity in construction, but it will not be able to sheathe the garage doors - the material does not "get along well" with steel.

Stone wool is made from rocks. Thermal conductivity - 0.03−0.04 W / m * K. It is also not suitable for insulating garage doors, as the material releases toxic substances when heated.

Stage one: surface preparation and lathing

  1. Even before starting work, it is worth working out the ventilation system of the garage. There must be inlet and outlet openings. If the inlet is already in the gate, it is important not to cover it with a layer of insulation.

  1. It is important to treat the surface of the gate by removing the corrosion with a brush or grinder. Insulation can be obstructed by peeling paint, for example. After stripping and peeling off the paint, it is necessary to treat the metal with an anticorrosive agent. It will work better if you apply a layer of primer from a spray gun.

  1. The next stage is the process of making the lathing. It helps to fix the insulation, and the outer, front layer of the cladding will also hold on to it. It is optimal to use bars of 4 * 4 cm, about this size, for the lathing. The lathing is attached to the gate frame. The wood must be dry and of good quality. The bars are treated with an antiseptic against rot and moisture, it is advisable to do this twice. To fix the beams in the frame, a hole is drilled for a self-tapping screw. It is important to make recesses in the lathing for the holes in the gate. The bars can be fastened to each other, if there is no rigid frame.

Second stage: insulation using various materials

Foam insulation

  • When using PSB-foam, you need to use waterproofing methods. And you can sheathe EPS, which does not absorb moisture. Such panels are more expensive, but they do not require insulation. To fix the foam on the gate surface you need:

  • It is necessary to cut out the foam sheets, measuring 2-3 mm more, the size of the crate cells, this is done for a tighter fit of the insulation. Ideally, the number of joints between sheets should be minimal.
  • The insulation can be attached with polyurethane foam, it is better if it does not greatly increase in volume when it dries. Foam is applied to the back side of the foam at the edges and in the middle and the sheet is pressed as tightly as possible to the gate. Within half an hour, a more accurate fit of the insulation is performed.
  • When the sheets are attached to the gate, all that remains is to fill the joints with foam. After the polyurethane foam has dried, it is necessary to get rid of the protruding excess, which is easy to do with an ordinary knife.

Mineral wool insulation

The use of mineral wool when insulating garage doors is quite acceptable. But in comparison with the technology of fixing foam, mineral wool is more demanding on surface preparation. So, due to the hygroscopicity of the material, it is necessary to treat steel surfaces with bitumen mastic or isolon.

After carrying out the waterproofing measures with the sashes, you can start cutting the mineral wool into pieces of the desired size. It is necessary to achieve the most tight fit of the fragments of insulation to the crate and to each other, since the mineral wool has a tendency to caking. Next, a vapor barrier film is attached over the insulation so that the inside is not exposed to moisture either.

Insulation with polyurethane foam

Insulation of garage doors with polyurethane foam is the fastest way

In this case, you should also take care of the crate, as it will be needed for facing the gate. A special spray technique is used to apply polyurethane foam, so you need to find a company that provides application services. Before covering with this type of insulation, you need to glue those holes and gate parts into which foam is undesirable. During the application process itself, it is necessary to use the protection of mucous membranes from harmful vapors of polyurethane foam in its raw state. When the insulation is completely solidified, it will become harmless to humans. Some of the benefits of using polyurethane foam:

  • The thermal conductivity coefficient is 0.019—0.035 W / m * K. This is an order of magnitude better than mineral wool or foam.
  • Excellent filling of cavities.
  • Durability - service life of about 60 years.

Stage three: finishing cladding

When the insulation work is completed, there is a reasonable desire to make a high-quality cladding. Since there is a wooden crate between the sheets of insulation, this is not difficult to do. How to sheathe garage doors? There are several commonly used options:

  • Corrugated board
  • Plastic panels
  • Lining
  • OSB sheets

Advice. You can fix the cladding with both a construction stapler and self-tapping screws.

Sash sealing - the finishing touch in the insulation process

Often, measures for laying insulation are not enough to preserve heat - heated air is blown out through the cracks in the sashes. This problem can be easily solved by using a garage door seal. A hollow rubber band with a circular cross-section that resembles a hose will do. It is attached to a special tail, which is fixed with a strip of metal and self-tapping screws.

Advice. The bottom of the flaps cannot be insulated with a sealant, however, heat loss can be reduced using a brush profile. It is also mounted with self-tapping screws.

Video: a budget way to insulate garage doors


Insulation of garage doors is not an easy, but necessary process, because being in the room should be comfortable for both the person and his car. The most optimal way of insulation today is insulation with polyurethane foam. This is the most effective material in terms of its characteristics. At the same time, it is much more convenient to improve the microclimate in the garage with your own hands with the help of foam. What exactly to use, whether to make the facing, only the owner decides. We hope this article was helpful to you.

Everyone knows that metal garage doors freeze over in winter and become covered with a whole coat of frost. You've probably heard that you can use grease or another agent to lubricate the garage door from the inside. Then, supposedly, there will be no ice. A much smaller number of people understand why this happens, and how it is connected with the fact that it is necessary to carry out insulation of garage doors.

Each of us studied thermal conductivity at school. If the garage is made entirely of metal, then freezing is not terrible for the garage door. The entire perimeter of the garage will freeze evenly. And in capital garages (where only the gates are metal), it is the gates that freeze over, because they are the most heat-conducting element.

The garage door will be frozen, but the walls will be all right. In this case, the gate during the winter period acts as a cooled coil in the moonshine still. They condense moisture from inside the room and turn it into ice.

The temperature in the garage affects the condition of your vehicle. And first of all - on its rubber-technical elements. The warmer the room temperature, the more comfortable it will be for you to use the car inside in winter. The temperature also sets the microclimatic conditions inside the basement (if any) under the garage. To keep warm inside the garage, you need to insulate it very carefully. This article will discuss how to insulate.

To determine whether it is necessary to carry out the insulation of the garage door with your own hands, you need to understand one important point. Even without taking into account the winter cold, the usual thermal fluctuations during daylight and warm times of the day can cause condensation to form inside the garage. Constantly high humidity has a bad effect not only on the condition of objects, but also on the car body: the metal surface can rust, the electrical wiring can rot. Mold and mildew often appear in the corners of the garage.

After the condensate freezes, the finishing material will crack from excess moisture. But there is great news - such a seemingly serious problem can be solved. Just choose the right insulation material, and then insulate the doors and garage doors. At the end of the work, it will not drop below 5 ° С.

So, gate insulation will solve the problem with:

  • corrosion of metal (metal garage doors, metal products located in the garage itself);
  • "Rotting" of the car in the garage, which drives in there still "warm". And if in a closed room there is a considerable amount of cold ice, then condensation will form on every metal thing. because cars and "rot" in garages;
  • ice, which appears even with a sharp drop in street temperature (not necessarily minus). Because of it, it is impossible to open the gate.

How to insulate a garage door? Let's take a look at this.

Preparation for work on insulation

There are several ways to insulate a garage door. You can initially buy and install high-quality garage doors, on which insulation material is already present. You can also insulate existing gates with your own hands. The latter option will cost you less. By the way, the process itself will not take much time. And for insulation, you do not need to have special skills in construction.

Before installing the insulation, measurements are made of the area of ​​the gate structure so that the total volume of the surface of the insulation can be determined. Where does the insulation of garage doors begin? Since the metal surface is cleaned of dust, dirt and other contaminants. Wash the garage door and wipe it dry. Further, all holes and slots are sealed with polyurethane foam. When it is completely hardened, its protruding remains are removed using a knife.

How to mark the material for insulation?

The marking of the selected type of insulation is done depending on the structure and area of ​​the gate structure in the garage. The ideal marking option is when all the sheets of insulation are fully used, except for the seams and joints between the plates. But how do you go to insulate the garage door from the inside, so that no extra material remains? To achieve this goal, whole sheets of insulation are immediately used. And the space that remains is sealed with pieces of foam.

When cutting the insulation, the stiffening edges of the gate are taken into account, because it happens that the corners of the insulation material protrude strongly above the canvas. The selected insulation is cut at an angle to the desired thickness.

How is the insulation attached?

Polyurethane foam adhesive is used as a fixing material. If you have never used such foam before, then working with it will delight you, since installation with it is reliable, fast and easy. The main advantage of this glue is the quality of the polyurethane foam.

Glue foam is applied to the insulation. After five minutes, the sheet with the material applied to it must be glued to the cleaned surface of the gate.

Experts recommend starting the installation of sheets from the bottom of the gate. The first sheet is glued without pressing strongly to the surface, otherwise the foam structure may be destroyed. After the first sheet has been installed, the subsequent ones must be glued with a standard gap of about a centimeter.

Sealant or polyurethane foam fill the seams that have appeared between the sheets of insulation. An hour later, when the glue-foam is completely dry, the joints and seams between the sheets of insulation can be repaired with foam. Excess foam can be removed with a knife. In order for the insulation of metal garage doors to have an attractive appearance, the mounted insulation is finished with clapboard.

Selection of insulating material

Before insulating a garage door, you should deal with the following. The insulation process directly depends on whether you managed to choose the right insulation material. When choosing, consider its quality and properties. Among the choice of heaters (and there are many varieties), pay attention to the three most popular options:

  • on mineral wool;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • extruded polystyrene foam (foam).

Each of them has a lot of advantages, but one cannot but take into account the disadvantages. For example, the fire resistance of polystyrene leaves much to be desired. But at the same time it has high moisture resistance and low thermal conductivity. Mineral wool, on the other hand, has a high level of fire resistance, but minimal moisture resistance.

Polyurethane foam is the latest technology for insulating a garage from the inside. Spraying is quite effective and fully fulfills the task. It differs:

  1. seamless installation;
  2. low weight of insulation;
  3. low thermal conductivity;
  4. high fire resistance;
  5. resistance to temperature extremes, chemical and biological aggressors;
  6. durability;
  7. durability;
  8. the ability to use any finish for the sprayed surface.

Mineral wool is a fiber-like material that is made by processing special rock. The material has low thermal insulation, but the room is well insulated thanks to it. Cotton wool is produced in rolls and slabs.

Extruded polystyrene foam is considered a more expensive finish. It differs from other materials in the way it is mounted and glued. The installation begins with the construction of the crate and stretching a film designed to protect against moisture and vapor barrier. You can see how all this is done here:

Note! When insulating a garage door, you need to understand that their surface should quickly heat up, perfectly transmit heat inside, and also slowly release it outside. Do not forget to measure in advance the area that you are going to insulate in order to purchase the required amount of materials and other important elements (glue or fasteners).

When choosing a heater, pay attention not only to thermal conductivity indicators, but also to the presence of thermal inertia.

Lathing for insulating garage doors

Thermal insulation using any materials involves the use of a crate for the construction of the door leaf, which will secure the insulation. The door lining will then be attached to it. In order to make the lathing, use wooden blocks with a section of 4 x 4 cm or 5 x 5 cm (depending on the design of the gate). The lathing must be fixed to the power frame of the door leaf: to the corner or to the profile steel pipe.

To make a crate made of wood, you need:

  • prepare the required number of wooden blocks in advance. When buying, give preference to exclusively dry wood;
  • treat the bars twice with an antiseptic composition (to prevent their rotting in difficult conditions of temperature extremes and high humidity);
  • a bar is attached to each power element of the gate. Use a screw for this. To do this, punch in the places where the holes will be, and then use a drill to make through holes. The drill diameter must match the screw. When attaching the bars, do not forget to make holes in them in advance using a thin drill. Then the screws being screwed will not split them;
  • if there is a ventilation hole on the gate, it is bypassed around the perimeter with a crate. This also applies to castles;
  • if there are no steel power elements on the central part of the gate, then the bars can be attached to one another in any way: with the help of corners, at the end, and the like.

What types of garage doors can and should be insulated? About swing gates

Most garage doors have a swing structure, which undoubtedly needs to be insulated. The base of the gate is a frame made of shaped pipes and a sheet of steel, which serves as an external finish. It is known that steel has a high thermal conductivity, therefore many people know that non-insulated gates made of this material are not an obstacle to heat leakage from the room. It is important that the swing gate has a wicket, which significantly reduces heat loss during frequent movement of people. Therefore, if you are still building a garage, then it is worth ordering a gate that is already insulated and with a wicket.

Sectional and overhead gates are considered very fashionable now. The sections or curtain of this product are sandwich panels of sheet steel on the outside and polyurethane foam on the inside. This design already has the required thermal insulation properties. And additional warming measures are not required in this case. These types of gates, if you want, can also be equipped with a wicket. This must be done without fail.

Handicraft overhead gates are also on sale. However, the insulation of garage doors of such models does not fundamentally differ from swing gates, because they are based on the same frame and sheet of steel.

Roller shutters are not insulated at all due to their special design. And they can not always be called garage doors, since in terms of the level of thermal insulation and anti-vandal characteristics, they are much worse than all other types.

If the garage for your car is located in a garage cooperative, then its arrangement consists in insulating the gate. As mentioned earlier, thanks to this, heat loss will be significantly reduced. Accordingly, this event is mandatory. The question is which materials to give preference to. We have already discussed what and for what is better.

So that the material for making the gate does not suffer a lot of corrosion due to the accumulation of condensate between the insulation layer and the metal, swing metal gates are waterproofed. Self-adhesive isolon can cope with this function. It can be used as additional or main thermal insulation. In this case, everything is decided by its thickness.

If izolon has insufficient thickness, then expanded polystyrene in sheets is glued to it. In this case, use tile glue or polyurethane foam.

Additional insulation methods

In addition to laying insulation, there are other options for insulating garage doors, which reduce the exit of warm air to the outside. Thanks to this action, it is really possible to create comfortable conditions in the room.

  • The use of ordinary curtains, but not those that are used in apartments, but of dense materials that perfectly contain the cold and do not let it go directly into the room. They are made without unnecessary hassle: first, a steel thread or a thin rope is pulled. You can attach a canvas to it with the help of rings well fixed to dense material (for example, to a tarp). This method of insulation is suitable for those who often have to open the gate or, due to certain circumstances, one leaf of the gate always remains open.
  • At the first stages of garage construction, or many car owners forget to take into account the fact that less heat can escape through a small hole than when the gate is fully or partially opened. It turns out that it is better to make a small doorway in the gate. Then there is no need to open the garage all the way to simply take tools such as hammers for hammering in nails. Therefore, when ordering a gate, ask to make separate doors for you.
  • The joints between the wall and the gate, too, as you already know, are subject to additional insulation. You can also put sills for less waste of heat, which will go through the cracks. To ensure the function of insulation, vinyl material with the appropriate dimensions and thickness is used. Vinyl tape is attached at the edges of the joints where there are gaps. To fasten the tape, use nails or mounting glue. This is an additional barrier to heat loss.

Why is it important to insulate the garage door?

First of all, the insulation of the garage door is taking care of your "iron horse". If you manage to create really good conditions for your car, then it will serve you for a long time and regularly. After all, it turns out that cars can also "catch cold" and "get sick" in an excessively damp or cold room. And, like every patient, such a car needs a special "treatment", which, believe me, will cost you a lot of money. For this reason, as the saying goes, prevention is always cheaper than treatment.

In addition, many people use the garage not only as a parking lot, but also as a warehouse for old things or even a man's personal space. Often, it is in the garage that a small workshop is organized, in which sets of different tools are stored, useful in the process of creating various things or carrying out repair "work".


Also, from the garage, you can make a recreation room for leisure activities with friends. Therefore, carefully consider the insulation of this kind of room. Keep your garage warm in winter and cool in summer. To do this, "should" try to create comfortable conditions for being inside the garage.