Types of sheet roofing. Varieties of roofs of houses and their characteristics

The choice of roofing material is a question that should be resolved at the stage of creating a building project. At the same time, all factors must be taken into account, from the design decision of the house, ending with the strength of the wind in the region and the amount of snow falling in winter.
Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of coverings for various roofs, from urban mansions to outbuildings at their summer cottages.

This includes metal tiles, roofing sheeting, ondulin, slate, folded roofing.

The metal tile is based on cold-rolled steel sheet with several layers of protective coating. In appearance, the coating resembles ceramic tiles. It is mounted on the crate with self-tapping screws with the obligatory use of rubber gaskets. Given the light weight of the sheets, stacking can be done alone.

This type of roofing is convenient for transportation, and its low price makes it affordable for a wide range of consumers.

The disadvantages are low noise insulation and a high percentage of waste.

They are used both in industrial construction and in the construction of roofs of private houses and garages. Used to create false roofs when framing flat roofs.

Corrugated board

A cheaper analogue is roofing sheeting. The sheets have waves of various heights and geometries and are characterized by high bending strength. It also applies to noisy roofs and requires additional sound insulation. Decking is often used for roofs of outbuildings, shops, car washes.

Ondulin is an organic material made from cellulose fiber impregnated with bitumen with the addition of polymers. The lightweight, environmentally friendly coating is highly water resistant. When properly installed, it can withstand loads of up to 960 kg. per square meter. The disadvantage is the low fire safety class. This material is used for covering garages, sheds, baths. Thanks to its good flexibility, it is ideal for difficult roofs.

Slate is now used more for the construction of outbuildings, less often for country houses. The material is cheap, strong enough, with good sound insulation. Its main drawback is the asbestos, which is unsafe for human health. In addition, when used in a humid environment, slate quickly fades, moss forms on the surface.

Seam roofing is made of rolled metal for the entire length of the slope. Its name comes from the folded joint, which is used to fix the coating in one piece. The works are carried out by professional roofers using special tools. The result is a lightweight, durable roof that has an attractive appearance. Due to the flexibility of the metal, seam roofing is used in the construction of complex roofs. The disadvantages are high noise levels and the need for additional insulation.

In the manufacture of standing seam roofing, in addition to steel, copper and aluminum can be used. The coating is beautiful and very durable. The only drawback is the high cost of the material.

Soft roof

Its varieties are flexible shingles, roll fusion roofing, and membrane roofing.
All of them are characterized by good flexibility and strength, which allows them to be used in the construction of roofs of any shape. They are mounted on a rigid base made of plywood, OSB, concrete or other building material with a flat surface.

Flexible roof tiles

Flexible shingles are made of fiberglass impregnated with bitumen. To add color and protect from the sun's rays, stone chips are applied on top. When laying it, it is very important not to deviate from the technology. The service life of the roof depends on a properly prepared base, waterproofing, and temperature conditions.

Rolled weld roofing is similar in composition to flexible tiles. During installation, it is fixed with a heated bitumen base. The price of the roof is low. It is well suited for the construction of flat roofs.

On flat roofs, a flat membrane roof is often used. The membranes are made of PVC, EPDM, TPO and create a durable, water-resistant coating.

Piece roofing materials

These include various types of shingles and slate tiles. All of them are made from natural raw materials and have a very long service life.

Ceramic tiles are popular for their aesthetic properties. But due to the large weight of the roof, attention must be paid to strengthening the rafter structures. In addition, the disadvantages include labor-intensive installation and the high cost of tiles.

A cheaper analogue can be called a sand-cement tile. It is made without firing by pressing raw materials. To add color, dyes are added, often the surface is covered with glaze.

The slate coating is considered elite. Roofs made from this natural material can last up to 200 years. This is confirmed by ancient castles and palaces that have preserved their original appearance to this day. But in modern construction, such a roof is not often built due to the high cost of the material and the need to carry it out by professional craftsmen.

It is made on the basis of oligomers and supplied in liquid form. When applied to a base of metal, concrete or bitumen, it solidifies in air and forms an elastic film.

This waterproof coating can last up to 15 years. The only drawback is the different layer thickness in the finished coating. Self-leveling roofing is usually used in the manufacture of flat roofs.

Now, having familiarized yourself with the properties of various roofing materials, you can take into account your capabilities and needs, and choose the right coating for your home.

The roofs of private houses are one of the fundamental elements of the entire structure. A spectacular, appropriately designed roof is the hallmark of a house, a measure of the owners' taste. An important supporting structure, it is designed to protect housing from the vagaries of the weather and maintain a comfortable temperature and humidity. Modern construction offers all kinds of roofs for a private house. All of them are capable of becoming a reliable, stable and durable solution, provided that the loads on the structure are correctly calculated and the appropriate building materials are selected.

Roof as a visiting card Source freepvpgame.com

The main types of roofs

The main division of roofs into types is made depending on the appearance, and even the naked eye of a layman can distinguish one type of roof from another.


Modern fashion trends have made flat roofing a popular trend in private construction. Roofs of this type are soft and have a slope of up to 3 °. They can be a worthwhile option for many reasons:

  • Due to the minimum area, significant savings are achieved on materials, construction and installation work and construction time. The same can be said for subsequent maintenance and repairs.
  • Such a roof is an additional multifunctional area. An antenna, air conditioning system or solar panels can be installed here. The roof makes it possible to equip a sports field, a place for comfortable rest and sunbathing, to set up a flower garden.

The main disadvantage is the small slope angle. In areas with snowy winters, a large snow mass can accumulate on such a roof, sufficient to damage the structure. With warming, there is a high probability of leaks, but this is mainly a feature of buildings, during the construction of which the construction technology was violated.

A seating area can be placed on a flat roof Source krovlyaikrysha.ru


Pitched roof - with sloped surfaces that allow the roof to clean itself naturally. The slope of the slopes is characterized by an angle to the horizon; it can vary from 5 ° to 70 °.

The pitched roofs of the roofs of private houses allow you to use the attic space for household needs and as an attic. The device of a pitched roof depends both on the architecture of the building and the material for the topcoat, as well as on the climate.

There are various pitched roofs of houses, the varieties are grouped into groups according to the shape and number of slopes:

  • Single slope... Such structures rest on walls of different heights. Simple, cheap and durable option.
  • Gable... They allow you to equip an attic or attic, they drain precipitation well. A practical and common option.
  • Four-slope... The most durable and reliable. But the large weight of the roof requires strengthening the supporting structure.
  • Tent, design... The most unusual and costly options.

Hip roof; ideal for home in the form of a square or regular polygon Source happymodern.ru


Interest in spherical structures is consistently high. In addition to the original appearance, they attract additional advantages:

  • Streamlined shape. Avoids direct wind pressure, which is a guarantee of strength and integrity.
  • Tightness. Provided with roofing material (usually galvanized steel).
  • Ease of maintenance. Snow and water do not accumulate on the surface.

Online roof calculator

To find out the approximate cost of various types of roofing, use the following calculator:

Optimal slope angles for roofs

Professional builders know that slope angles for roofs are selected based on the upcoming operating conditions. When determining the optimal angle of inclination of the roof, several factors are taken into account:

Natural (climatic) factors

A properly designed roof must withstand local wind and precipitation.

  • In areas with snowy winters, a large angle of inclination of the roof is set (45-60 °); so the snow melts smoothly, the likelihood of glaciation decreases.
  • In order for the structure to withstand in areas with strong winds, the slope angle is minimized. To reduce windage, select a range of 9-20 °.
  • In southern regions where sunny weather prevails, the best option would be a flat roof, with a slope of 3-5 ° (for water drainage). Compared to other types of roofs, it will heat up less.
  • The optimal slope angle is considered to be values ​​from 20 to 45 °.

On a properly made roof, snow does not accumulate Source nagradi.me

Type of roofing material

The minimum angle of inclination of the slopes depends on the choice of roofing.

  • Slate covering, tiles. Moisture will not accumulate and seep with a minimum roof slope of 22 ° (for tiles) and 30 ° for slate.
  • Roofing material, euroruberoid. The number of layers determines the value of the parameter. For a roof of 2 layers, a slope of 15 ° is required, for 3 - 5 ° is enough.
  • Professional sheet. The minimum permissible roof pitch is 12 °.
  • Metal tiles. The minimum roof pitch is limited to 14 °.
  • Ondulin. The minimum indicator is 6 °.
  • Soft tiles. Installed with a slope of 11 °.
  • Membrane-type roofing. Set the minimum slope within 3-5 °.

Video description

What should be the roof - in the video:

Structural differences of frames - popular configurations

Despite the high interest in flat roofs, pitched roofs are still the leader in popularity, to which, with some exaggeration, hipped roofs can also be attributed. Therefore, when determining the optimal design, it is preferable to choose from the following options:

Single slope

Such a structure is an inclined plane, which rests on external load-bearing walls of different heights. It is supplied with outbuildings (garage, veranda, barn). Its advantages are considered to be ease of installation, cost-effectiveness and ease of repair. Disadvantages: the choice of such a roof excludes the device of the attic; even a well-fixed roof can be blown off by strong winds. But modern materials significantly increase both the beauty and the strength of the pitched roofs of private houses - the photo below shows one of the solutions that allows you to make a two-story house with an attic.

Shed roof in modern style Source houzz.es


Classic roof options for a private house that reliably protect from bad weather in various climatic conditions. Such structures are easy to install and reliable in operation; any material can be selected for the roof. The base is made up of 2 slopes (slopes), resting on two equal-height walls.

Another name for a gable roof is gable (gable is the plane between the slopes).


  • Self-cleaning from snow, low probability of leakage.
  • Large selection of materials available for manufacturing.
  • The possibility of arranging an attic space.


  • Difficult installation due to the slope of the roof.
  • The weakest structural element is the valley (inner corner at the junction of the slopes), which has the maximum climatic impact.

Source vermonttimberworks.com

Combined (multi-pliers)

Multi-gable (end) frameworks are among the most complex. The need for such a configuration arises if the peculiarity of the layout of the building does not allow the use of a simpler structure. The features of multi-gabled forms are:

  • Complex installation of additional intersections that requires professional knowledge and good weather.
  • Additional costs of materials and time, a large amount of waste material.
  • To eliminate problems with the appearance of condensate, high-quality steam and waterproofing is carried out, high-quality ventilation is equipped.

Hip and semi-hip

The hip roof consists of four surfaces (slopes). Two slopes, large in area, have the shape of an isosceles trapezoid, two lateral ones are triangular (hips). In half-hip roofs (they are also called Dutch), the hip takes on a truncated appearance, which is why overhangs with a small overhang and a smaller angle of inclination are formed at the ends of the building.

Such types of roofing for the roof of a private house are complex in design and installation (they require strengthening of the rafter system), but they are economical in terms of material consumption; they pay off in northern regions with strong winds.

Source roofsrustulsa.com
On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer roof repair and design services. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the Low-Rise Country exhibition of houses.


The roof consists of ramps in the form of isosceles triangles, converging at one point. Such a structure, implying the construction of an attic floor, is difficult to design; mitigating circumstance - a minimum of consumables. The aerodynamic shape of the roof helps withstand winds.

A special class of roofs is made up of round (domed) roofs that repeat the shape of a rotation figure. Similar roofs can be seen on religious buildings; they are installed in stadiums, swimming pools, industrial buildings, verandas and conservatories, and increasingly in private construction.

Vaulted (arched)

A vaulted (arched) roof can be designed over an attic room, hallway, conservatory or entrance. A supporting structure made of metal, concrete or wood is placed at the base. The covering is galvanized steel, shingles (shingles), glass, polycarbonate, transparent slate. This solution is practical and original; the coating is wind-resistant and the use of a transparent material saves energy.

Source superfb.site


A conventional domed roof is created on the basis of a curved frame.

The geodesic dome roof allows for a spherical structure without the use of rafters and vertical stops. The frame is assembled from triangular elements assembled from bars. The bars are connected to each other by metal connectors; a connecting bar is mounted between the rows.

For the design of the structure, a computer program for three-dimensional modeling is required. Compared to a pitched roof, the consumption of materials is on average one third less.

Features of attic roofs

For several centuries, since the invention in France, mansard roofs have enjoyed unwavering popularity. An attic is usually called an attic space adapted (or planned) for living.

The types of roofs of private houses with an attic delight with a variety. All sorts of types are suitable for arranging attics - gable, hip, tent, dome. There is enough space in the attic attic to create a living room, training room, library or conservatory. Since the attic space is located at the top of the building, it requires a special approach:

  • The loss of heat from the lower living quarters leads to the formation of condensation on the inside of the roof. The design must provide for careful vapor and waterproofing, as well as ventilation.
  • The attic room has no internal walls, it is in full contact with the external environment. Thermal insulation with mineral wool or expanded polystyrene is relevant for the room. Natural wood is best suited for interior decoration.

Source julifacer.com

Cladding materials

The use of one or another type of material for roof cladding is primarily due to the climatic features of the region. Even the traditional “issue price” often yields to common sense - no one has yet been able to save on the quality of the roof. The most demanded materials are traditionally:

Roof tiles (metal, bitumen or ceramic)

  • Metal shingles are a popular option, valued for their durability, low price and ability to withstand impacts, which are especially valuable when loading and transporting. The metal tile is lightweight (does not create pressure on the foundation), easy to attach. The disadvantages are considered to be uneconomical during installation (a significant percentage goes to waste) and poor sound insulation, which becomes noticeable in any rain.
  • Bituminous (flexible) shingles. Such a coating has high sound and thermal insulation, but requires professional installation.
  • Natural (ceramic) tiles. Time-tested material with the advantages of metal tiles, except for one thing. Considerable weight requires a reinforced roof.

The tiles can be installed on any roof shape Source dnolchare.blogspot.com


Slate is the most affordable material containing up to 15% asbestos. This limits the scope of its application to household buildings. Slate has great bending and impact strength; it is non-combustible and easily processed (cut with a grinder). The disadvantages are fragility, high hygroscopicity (over time it can become covered with moss) and health hazard.

Glass roof

The glass roof (especially its spectacular panoramic version) attracts with many advantages. In addition to the original appearance, this design perfectly protects against bad weather and allows you to reduce energy bills. The main disadvantage is its cost, including the complexity of design and installation. In addition, in the summer the room turns into a greenhouse, and in order not to look sloppy, the glass roof needs regular cleaning.

"Green" roof

The growing attention to environmental issues has spawned interest in the green roof. Modern technical solutions developed in the Scandinavian countries make it possible to realize the desire to communicate with nature more often.

Log cabin with an eco-roof Source pinterest.com

During installation, layers of hydro and thermal insulation are laid on the roof with a waterproof membrane that protects the roof from the roots. Then a drainage layer is formed and, finally, a vegetation layer (soil) on which plants can be planted.

The eco-roof is not only a decorative element. It maintains a stable microclimate in the house, protects against noise and reduces the load on the sewage system (by absorbing rainwater). At the same time, significant spending on organization and time for subsequent care is inevitable.

Another option for a "green" roof Source pfpi-co.com

Beautiful and original roof projects: photo and video

Video description

For interesting types of roofs of private houses, see the following video:

And also the original varieties of roofs of houses in the photo:

Symbiosis of a flat and pitched roof of a high-tech house Source viendoraglass.com

An interesting design solution for a pitched roof Source remontbp.com

The window in the attic at one time was a difficult technical task Source superdom.ua

The absence of a ceiling visually enlarges the room Source music4good.ru

Conical and pitched roofs on one house Source cosmictherap.com

The manufacture of such structures must be trusted exclusively by professionals. Source horodom.cx.ua

Source weareart.ru

Careful calculations are required for such beauty to remain functional. Source roofcostestimator.com

The classic solution for a two-story house Source za.pinterest.com

In such a structure, it is very important to correctly make the points of abutment of the ground floor roof to the walls Source houzz.com

Classic gable roof, but assembled on several levels Source houzz.com

A hipped roof with an additional canopy over the terrace and a dormer window Source casacom.pro

Source pinterest.com

In such structures, it is required to carefully calculate the possibility of building shrinkage. Source pinterest.com

A large window in the attic gives good illumination in the room Source houzbuzz.com

An original design that requires careful sail calculations Source pinterest.com

"Modified" classic gable roof Source dom-izhevsk.ru

It is not so much the construction that is interesting here as the material of the cladding. Source superfb.site

An example of arranging a flat roof as an outdoor recreation area Source michalschein.com

Ideal solution for a roof over a pool - the area is completely closed if necessary Source rus-teplitsa.ru


Starting the construction of a private house, the owner wants to choose a roof that is not only aesthetically perfect, but also reliable, capable of serving for a long time. This choice is not always straightforward, each option has its pros and cons. To make the right decision, it is not enough just to know the types of roofs and their names - a set of issues should be considered, including design features and general architecture of the building, climatic conditions and, of course, personal preferences.

The roof is considered as important in the structure of the house as the base and walls. It belongs to the number of supporting structures, therefore, it must meet a number of requirements: to be strong, reliable, durable, well insulated, have good heat and sound insulation. Which roofs to choose is the prerogative of the poor homeowner. The main thing here is not to make a mistake in the choice. The roof must also correspond, in terms of the type of shape, to be fireproof.

To make these requirements easier to fulfill, before creating a house project, you need to pre-select the shape, calculate the height, select the appropriate materials for its construction.

What forms are there?

There are several types of roof shapes. The choice should be based on design features:

  • Mono-pitched... One roof plane resting on two outer walls of unequal heights. It is used for utility rooms (barn) and garages.
  • Gable... It has 2 planes, which, as in the first case, are supported by 2 external wall structures, but of the same height. The planes are designed at a certain angle in relation to each other.
  • Hip... It has slopes on the front side in the form of a triangle. The side walls also look like a truncated triangle or a trapezoid.
  • Half-hip... Consists of 2 slopes. The surfaces on the front side are in the shape of a triangle.
  • Broken... A very complex roof model. At the bottom, the slopes are triangular, at the top they are connected, and always at an obtuse angle.
  • Tent... It is also not without complications. It is a quadrangular structure with 4 slopes of the same size.
  • Cruciform... Used when the house has a complex shape. A design engineer should make calculations and a project in this type. This is explained by the fact that the cruciform shape of the roof provides for the calculation and installation of gutters. It is important to place them correctly in the structure. Otherwise, leaks cannot be avoided.

There are many types of roofs. Here you need to learn not only to choose the shape, but also to correctly calculate the roof structure. Only then will the roof perform the functions that are entrusted to it.

Why do you need to calculate the height and how to do it correctly?

The roof is the part of the house that is more likely to be exposed to atmospheric conditions. With an incorrectly selected angle of inclination, and, accordingly, the height, the risks of, due to the impact of strong winds and precipitation, its integrity will be violated. We'll have to carry out roof repairs to fix problems - this is the best case. At worst, you will have to build it from scratch.

Role of height indicators

You can not neglect the norms when creating a project. The reliability of the structure and the health of those who will live there depend on this. Below are a number of arguments that can 100% confirm the correctness of the above and the importance of the correct calculation of the roof height for the construction of the house:

  • Reliability and durability. Correctly calculated and selected height will allow the roof to be resistant to external, weather influences, resistance to increased loads, for example, roofing, insulation.
  • Aesthetics. Appearance plays an important role. If its height does not correspond to the structure of the house, then such a roof will not look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Convenience. With the right height, you can build an attic.

The highest point is called the ridge.... This is the point where all the sloped planes of the roof are connected. If its height is chosen incorrectly, then there is a risk that the roof will not serve the period for which the owner of the house was calculated. Ridge height parameters must strictly correspond to the technological process.

How to calculate the height of the roof?

Video tutorial on finding

What determines the height of the ridge?

An important parameter in the calculation is the slope angle. There is a list of factors on which it is based mainly on atmospheric influences :

  • winds, if they rage often in the region, then the slope angle should be 10-20 degrees;
  • precipitation in areas where they fall abundantly above 45 degrees;
  • snow - in very snowy winters, the angle of inclination may be similar to the previous point.


More detailed regulatory data can be taken from the requirements of SNiP 2301-99.

Choice of height by type of roof

Here, height calculations are carried out taking into account the type of coverage:

  • If there are many piece elements in roof materials, the angle of inclination should be chosen as large as possible.
  • If the roof structure is low, joints should be kept to a minimum.
  • For very heavy roofing masses, the highest pitch angle is chosen so that the weight can be evenly distributed over the entire surface.

Calculation parameters taking into account the width of the building

Here, the cross-section of the structure is represented as an equilateral triangle. Where the height parameter is the leg. Further, the calculation is made as follows:

When purchasing a roof covering, you need to pay attention to the weight. For example, let's compare two popular types - metal and ceramic tiles. The latter is 10 times heavier than the first time. And this plays a significant role in the design of rafters.

Many buyers make the mistake of buying cheaper coverage - it is often of poor quality, which means it will not last long.

What materials can you use?

The list of roof coatings is quite wide. Each has its own advantageous characteristics and disadvantages.

Roofing materials

Metal tiles are the most popular over the years

Ceramic tile

It has been produced for a long time - more than 100 years. Significantly improves the appearance of the facade in comparison with the clay counterpart. Counts:

  • Reliable coverage.
  • Has a long service life.
  • It is characterized by high strength.
  • Not affected by moisture.
  • Provides absolute UV protection.

With all the advantageous characteristics, it also has several disadvantages:

  • high cost;
  • large mass.

Ceramic tile - produced for over 100 years


Uses a reputation. Positions in quality and consumer demand:

  • reliable;
  • moisture resistant;
  • lasting;
  • protects against UV;
  • well tolerates high loads;
  • resistant to mechanical stress;
  • endowed with waterproofing properties;
  • fireproof;
  • does not corrode;
  • has good flexibility.

Installed on a flooring set of strip strips.

Ondulin - enjoys a reputation


The cheapest roofing material:

  • service life - 40 years or more;
  • moisture resistant;
  • withstands mechanical stress;
  • well withstands high loads, for example, a snow layer.


  • In the course of long-term use, its edges begin to crumble;
  • In places where it is constantly shaded, lichen begins to appear.

Slate is the cheapest roofing material

Corrugated board

Roofers often work with this material, citing the fact that it is reliable and very durable. In comparison with metal tiles, it has wider sheets, as well as:

  • small specific gravity;
  • high strength indicators;
  • considered an environmentally friendly coating;
  • has a wide selection of colors;
  • it can be installed in any weather conditions.

How to choose a corrugated board?

What should you pay attention to?


  • makes a lot of noise if it rains;
  • complex roof shapes require a lot of material;
  • subject to corrosion during operation;
  • places of drilling or cuts need additional processing;
  • requires the laying of a hydraulic layer to prevent condensation;
  • requires additional insulation.

Decking - reliable and very durable

Flexible roof tiles

Seamless coating based on bitumen-impregnated glass fibers. The outer part is treated with basalt, painted in different colors:

  • has high strength;
  • endowed with good sound and heat insulation properties;
  • provides excellent sealing.

From this entire list, you can choose any roofing material. Which one will be the best for you to choose.

Shingles - fiberglass-based seamless roofing

The choice of insulation - which is better?

When choosing a good insulation, refer not only to the cost price, but also to the technical and operational characteristics. And also on the complexity of the installation. The insulation can be laid with your own hands, although in some cases you will need to use special equipment. Criteria for choosing a good insulation:

  • thermal conductivity coefficient - the smaller it is, the better;
  • moisture resistance;
  • lifetime;
  • stability of shape and appearance;
  • heat insulator weight;
  • resistance to low temperature indicators;
  • soundproofing properties;
  • environmental friendliness.

Insulation - mineral wool

Advantageous characteristics:

  • high coefficient of thermal insulation;
  • price;
  • mineral wool does not burn;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ease of styling;
  • biostability - does not undergo putrefaction, it will not be damaged by rodents or insects;
  • has good vapor permeability;
  • the sound insulation coefficient is high;
  • does not lose shape.

Roof insulation

What is needed for this?

When installing mineral wool insulation, it is imperative to provide a vapor barrier and waterproofing layers. And also take care of the organization of the ventilation gaps. This will prevent condensation from forming. If this is not done, then the rafters will begin to rot over time.

Glass wool

In terms of its thermal insulation properties, it is close to mineral wool, it has been used as a heat insulator for a long time. Made of fused glass. It goes on sale in roll form, it is characterized as a good, environmentally friendly and non-combustible material.

When using this insulation, you should protect your hands, body and eyes with special equipment. Observe the installation technology during installation.

If you buy glass wool without a foil-clad outer coating (this is an improved type that has been used recently by many manufacturers), then you should take care of laying a vapor barrier layer from the same foil.

Expanded polystyrene

It is also used polystyrene very often in wall insulation and as a heat insulator for the roof:

  • It is characterized as a material with high thermal insulation properties.
  • Resistant to moisture.
  • Does not absorb steam, which means it can be laid directly on the waterproofing, there is no need to organize an air gap.

When laying polystyrene in pitched roofs, it is imperative to ensure that the edges of the material fit snugly against it. After installation, the seams must be treated with polyurethane foam.

The material is flammable and vapor-proof, which means that it cannot be used in the insulation of flat roofs.

Polyurethane foam

Also good for roof insulation. The list of its advantages includes:

  • low thermal conductivity;
  • small mass;
  • good sound insulation;
  • biostability;
  • good waterproofing properties.

The material is endowed with sufficient rigidity. Well cut, drilled. Does not lose forms during service.

Polyurethane foam insulation can be stacked (tiled form) or sprayed on (liquid form).

Polyurethane foam - the material is endowed with sufficient rigidity


Made from paper. Refers to environmentally friendly roofing insulation. Endowed with good sound and heat insulation qualities. In order for the material to be non-flammable and not be damaged by rodents and insects, ecowool manufacturers treat it with defenseless substances and antipyrine.

It belongs to the lightest and cheapest types of insulation. Sold in liquid form. when using it as insulation for the roof (between the rafters), it is necessary to create some closed boxes. Ecowool is blown into them so that it not only fills the space, but all kinds of cracks. Disadvantages - the use of special equipment in the installation work.

There are other ways to insulate the roof.

Ecowool - made of paper

Roof painting - nuances, methods, features

The roof is covered with different materials, the peculiarity of the work and the feasibility of using painting depends on this:

1 Slate... It looks good at the beginning. Over time, it fades, lichen islands begin to appear on its surface. You can prevent these manifestations by painting it with water dispersion or acrylic paint. They are resistant to external and weather factors. True, before this, the coating should be tinted.

2 Corrugated board... It is rarely repainted. During production, they are coated with a colored polymer-based coating. They paint it only in the process of restoration or restoration work.

3 Sheet metal... It can be painted, but before that you need to treat the surface with an anti-corrosion primer.

The roof is painted in two ways - manual or machine. Before the procedure, you should adhere to the following requirements:

  • Do not paint the roof in bad weather, especially when it rains. It is best to do this in the spring in April or May, in the fall in September or October. During these periods, the coloring layer will have the best adhesion, which means it will last a long time.
  • In summer, it is generally not recommended to paint because of the heat.
  • Carry out the painting in non-slip and non-scratching shoes.
  • If work is carried out at a high altitude, you need to take care of your own safety by tying yourself with a rope to the rafters or beam.
  • It is highly discouraged to hook the safety rope to the chimney - the support is unreliable and may not support the weight of the body.

How many layers should the roof be painted?

To make the paint layer stronger and look proper, at least 2 layers of paint should be applied:

  • At the first application, you need to take 700 grams of drying oil for each kilogram of paintwork, mix and only then paint.
  • When painting again, for each kilogram of paint, you need to take already 5000 grams of drying oil.

Application technology - or how long to wait between the first and second painting:

  • After applying the first layer, you need to wait a week for it to dry well.
  • The second layer will dry for 3 days longer, that is, in total, this is 10 days.
  • If you decide to apply the 3rd layer, then you need to use and wait for just such a time frame.

How to match the color for the roof and façade?

You can order a ready-made turnkey project, but such a service is not available to everyone. You can consider all possible options in another way - by creating a template. To do this, a flat projection of your facade must be translated into tracing paper.(you can also use plastic wrap), and then using the color substitution method, choose a shade, manufacturer.

Even if everything goes well with the color, the chosen option will suit you in all respects, you do not need to run and buy completely all the coloring material. First, you need to paint a small piece of the facade and roof in the selected colors.

The final shade assessment is influenced by:

  • surface texture;
  • type of base;
  • lighting.

Look at them at different times of the day and weather conditions:

  • in the morning before sunrise;
  • during the day in good lighting;
  • in the evening, when only the lanterns are on;
  • on a cloudy day.

The disadvantage of this matching method is that it can test a limited number of colors.

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Any roof, no matter whether it is a residential private house, cottage or utility building, needs the right choice and installation of the roof. How the roof will withstand the negative effects of natural factors depends on this, as well as its service life. That is why it is so important to choose high-quality and suitable roofing materials for the roof, the types and prices of which are presented in this article.

It is important to correctly determine the type of roofing material required

Roofing materials for the roof: types and prices from various global and domestic manufacturers

There are many options for roofing materials, which differ in purpose and properties in operation. Some are the best option for covering the roof of a dwelling, while the latter are suitable exclusively for utility facilities.

Metal roof tiles: types, options, scope

This material is one of the most popular roofing materials for the roof among modern builders (types and prices are presented below), and this is no coincidence, because in addition to excellent operational properties, it has a beautiful appearance.

It is made of steel sheets of various thicknesses, treated with a special coating that prevents the appearance of dents, scratches and other deformations from small debris and stones. Damage to the lacquer layer can result in corrosion, which will significantly reduce the life of your roof.

In addition to the standard galvanized steel sheet, other metals can also serve as the basis for metal tiles, which will be slightly different:

  • Aluminum shingles have a number of advantages, which include factors such as corrosion resistance and lightness. The disadvantages of this solution are the relatively high cost, and a limited range of colors.

  • Copper as a material for roofing, it exhibits properties such as durability and reliability, and in addition, it is a truly sophisticated solution. As with any other copper surface, over time, a greenish coating will appear on such a roof, protecting the metal from damage similar to polymer coatings.

There are a number of different metal roof designs available, each with its own characteristics:

  • Roofing is very popular among world manufacturers. Monterrey , shaped like an ordinary clay tile.

  • Profile Cascade resembles a chocolate bar in shape, and is excellent for covering complex roofs. This solution is optimal for those who want a strict, laconic, classic roof.
  • Profile Joker similar to a ceramic coating and has smooth waves, and is also considered one of the basic, traditional roofing options.
  • Profile Banga was introduced in construction quite recently, but has already managed to win fans thanks to the non-standard high waveform, thanks to which a three-dimensional image is created.

  • Andalusia , like the previous version, appeared on the market not so long ago, however, it has established itself as a high-quality tile, surpassing even Monterrey in fixing.

  • Shanghai , brought to Russia by Chinese workers, has a complex geometric shape.

Metal roofing for the roof: types and prices for them

ImageViewAverage price, rub / m2
Metal ProfileMonterreyfrom 345
Maxifrom 345
Standardfrom 340
Grand lineClassic
from 304
Modernfrom 209
Kvintafrom 338
RuukkiFinnerafrom 660
Monterreyfrom 490
Elitefrom 1260
Armoriumfrom 815

Decking: area of ​​use, application features

Decking is made from the same material as metal roofing, however, it is used mainly for household and industrial purposes, for example, to cover sheds or shops. Thanks to the technology of its manufacture, such material, with proper installation, can last up to 50 years.

Advantages of using corrugated board:

  • resistance to corrosion, adverse natural influences and mechanical deformation;
  • long service life;
  • ease of installation due to its convenient shape and lightness of construction.

Attention! Decking, like metal tiles, has a high noise level, which is why the roof needs additional sound insulation.
ImageManufacturer's nameViewAverage price, rub / m2
Roofing 4 seasons PolyesterC8240
Roofing 4 seasons PrinttecC21275
Grand Line AtlasC8436
Grand line velurC8450

Related article:

Ondulin: natural roofing material

Ondulin is a sheet roof covering made on the basis of cellulose impregnated with polymeric substances. From above, ondulin is painted with a special paint that is immune to heat.

Advantages :

  • naturalness, environmental friendliness and safety of use;
  • good moisture resistance;
  • easy installation, low weight, the ability to cut the material with a simple hacksaw;
  • absolutely silent;
  • budget prices.

Manufacturer's nameViewAverage price, rub / m2
Ondulin FranceGreen leaf455
Leaf red437
Leaf brown437
Zinc sheet
Ridge element red288
Ondulin RussiaGreen leaf328
Leaf red331
Leaf brown331
Ridge element brown308
Ridge element red308
Ridge element green321

Seam roofing of roofs of a private house: types and prices

This material consists of processed steel sheets, covered with a layer of zinc on top. Often, elements for enhanced protection against aggressive environmental influences are also coated with special polymer fluids. Thus, a seam roof is a covering, which consists of sheets bonded to each other.

Types of similar material:

  • single elements;
  • standing;
  • double;
  • recumbent.

Benefits of using a rebate cover:

  • immunity to low temperatures, no risk of fire;
  • high flexibility and low weight, allowing installation even in conditions of complex roof shapes;
  • aesthetics, brevity.

ImageNameCover typeAverage price, rub / m2
Self-locking foldGalvanized316
Quartzite Light594
Double standing seam (Pro)Galvanized274
Double standing seamGalvanized274

Soft roof for the roof: types

There are a number of coatings related to, which include materials such as, mastic, polymer membrane, various roll materials.All of them have the following positive properties:

  • immunity to the negative effects of weather conditions, various kinds of deformations;
  • simple installation that does not require special skills and equipment.
  • Complete fire safety, soundproofing;
  • long service life.