Hibiscus when to do the first pruning. How and when to prune indoor hibiscus

Hibiscus is a well-known indoor plant of the Malvaceae family, which came to our region from the Far East. Another name by which the plant is known to gardeners is “Chinese rose.” Rose is an unusually beautiful flower that requires proper care. One of the important stages in care is proper pruning of hibiscus. .

Houseplants have many types. Judging by various sources, its family includes more than two hundred species. Mostly shrubs and trees are found. This flower is widespread in Europe and Asia. But it is also found in America and Africa. In Hawaii, this plant is considered a national symbol and is considered the personification of beautiful women. Chinese roses are bred by professional flower growers in various climatic conditions. The life expectancy of the bush is about twenty years.

Features of the plant

Hibiscus leaves are notched or stalked. But it is the flowers that attract admiring glances - brightly colored, graceful, and of various sizes.

Several types of this plant are grown at home: Syrian, trifoliate, Chinese, variable and drummond.

The indoor Chinese rose is used not only for decorative purposes, but its leaves and fruits are used in the food and cosmetics industries. The plant has excellent healing properties and has been used in medicine since ancient times.

The rose itself is a fairly unpretentious plant that can tolerate low temperatures, poor lighting, constant drafts or incorrect watering regimes. But if you do not care for your indoor flower correctly, you will not see beautiful blooms.

In order to constantly admire the beautiful flowering of indoor roses, you should strictly follow the basic rules for care and maintenance.

A very important step in plant care is timely and correct pruning of the plant and removal of faded flowers.

The procedure for pruning this flower itself is not complicated, and if you familiarize yourself with the basic rules, even a novice gardener can carry it out. It should be noted that you can remove unnecessary shoots throughout the year, without any consequences for the shrub itself. If you trim unnecessary shoots correctly, the hibiscus will thank you with abundant flowering. This is due to the fact that buds begin to develop only on young stems no older than the third generation. To enjoy beautiful flowering, indoor hibiscus must be pruned on time.

Chinese rose pruning procedure

Before carrying out the pruning procedure, you need to decide on the final result that you would like to obtain (size and shape). At the owner’s request, hibiscus can be used to make either a small tree or a spreading flowering shrub, which can easily be placed on the windowsill. To form a tree, lateral shoots from the second generation are removed. At the same time, several central shoots are left. The upper part is carefully shortened by several buds. This will form the future crown of your tree.

Crown formation

To form a bush, the central branch of the rose is cut off, which allows the lateral shoots to gradually develop into full-fledged stems. Several lower buds are left, and the central part is removed.

The plant tolerates the pruning procedure very well, so you can safely conduct experiments and implement your most interesting design ideas. There were cases when the above-ground part of the plant practically died, and the rose was reborn from underground buds.

After you have decorated the upper crown of the plant, the further process of pruning the Chinese rose will consist of the gradual removal of branches that grow parallel to the central trunk and deep into the crown of the plant. If they are not trimmed, it will interfere with the formation of a beautiful appearance. They also require additional nutrition and strength of the plant during its development. Subsequently, when shoots of the third and subsequent generations appear, the Chinese rose is shortened by several buds. This procedure promotes the development of a larger number of young shoots, on which a significant number of new buds will form.


It is important to prune Chinese roses correctly even after the end of the flowering period. Often this procedure is carried out in the fall or early spring - until the plant begins to actively develop. If you do this at the end of spring, then the hibiscus may not bloom at all in the summer.

The pruning procedure is carried out using scissors, since the plant’s branches are too thin for a special garden tool.

It is very useful when replanting in spring or replacing soil to cut all branches to a length of fifteen centimeters from the root. In this case, a few centimeters are left from the buds and leaves. The upper part also needs to be trimmed to the place where the last branches grow from the main trunk. When new shoots form, the weakest ones are simply removed.

If indoor hibiscus has never been pruned before, then such a radical procedure will only benefit it.

The cuttings remaining after circumcision can be rooted and the rose can be propagated in this way.

By following all these recommendations, as a result you will receive abundant flowering of extraordinary beauty of your pet. The shape of the bush will be harmonious and correct, and the indoor rose will become a real decoration of your home and the pride of the owner.

Hibiscus is a well-known indoor plant of the Malvaceae family, which came to our region from the Far East. Another name by which the plant is known to gardeners is “Chinese rose.” Rose is an unusually beautiful flower that requires proper care. One of the important stages in care is proper pruning of hibiscus. .

Houseplants have many types. Judging by various sources, its family includes more than two hundred species. Mostly shrubs and trees are found. This flower is widespread in Europe and Asia. But it is also found in America and Africa.

In Hawaii, this plant is considered a national symbol and is considered the personification of beautiful women. They are bred by professional flower growers in various climatic conditions. The life expectancy of the bush is about twenty years.

Features of the plant

Hibiscus leaves are notched or stalked. But it is the flowers that attract admiring glances - brightly colored, graceful, and of various sizes.

Several types of this plant are grown at home: Syrian, trifoliate, Chinese, variable and drummond.

The indoor Chinese rose is used not only for decorative purposes, but its leaves and fruits are used in the food and cosmetics industries. The plant has excellent healing properties and has been used in medicine since ancient times.

The rose itself is a fairly unpretentious plant that can tolerate low temperatures, poor lighting, constant drafts or incorrect watering regimes. But if you do not care for your indoor flower correctly, you will not see beautiful blooms.

In order to constantly admire the beautiful flowering of indoor roses, you should strictly follow the basic rules for care and maintenance.

A very important step in plant care is timely and correct pruning of the plant and removal of faded flowers.

The procedure for pruning this flower itself is not complicated, and if you familiarize yourself with the basic rules, even a novice gardener can carry it out. It should be noted that you can remove unnecessary shoots throughout the year, without any consequences for the shrub itself.

If you trim unnecessary shoots correctly, the hibiscus will thank you with abundant flowering. This is due to the fact that buds begin to develop only on young stems no older than the third generation. To enjoy beautiful flowering, you need to prune on time.

Chinese rose pruning procedure

Before carrying out the pruning procedure, you need to decide on the final result that you would like to obtain (size and shape). At the owner’s request, hibiscus can be used to make either a small tree or a spreading flowering shrub, which can easily be placed on the windowsill. To form a tree, lateral shoots from the second generation are removed. At the same time, several central shoots are left. The upper part is carefully shortened by several buds. This will form the future crown of your tree.

Crown formation

To form a bush, the central branch of the rose is cut off, which allows the lateral shoots to gradually develop into full-fledged stems. Several lower buds are left, and the central part is removed.

The plant tolerates the pruning procedure very well, so you can safely conduct experiments and implement your most interesting design ideas. There were cases when the above-ground part of the plant practically died, and the rose was reborn from underground buds.

After you have decorated the upper crown of the plant, the further process of pruning the Chinese rose will consist of the gradual removal of branches that grow parallel to the central trunk and deep into the crown of the plant. If they are not trimmed, it will interfere with the formation of a beautiful appearance. They also require additional nutrition and strength of the plant during its development.

Subsequently, when shoots of the third and subsequent generations appear, the Chinese rose is shortened by several buds. This procedure promotes the development of a larger number of young shoots, on which a significant number of new buds will form.


It is important to prune Chinese roses correctly even after the end of the flowering period. Often this procedure is carried out in the fall or early spring - until the plant begins to actively develop. If you do this at the end of spring, then the hibiscus may not bloom at all in the summer.

The pruning procedure is carried out using scissors, since the plant’s branches are too thin for a special garden tool.

It is very useful when replanting in spring or replacing soil to cut all branches to a length of fifteen centimeters from the root. In this case, a few centimeters are left from the buds and leaves. The upper part also needs to be trimmed to the place where the last branches grow from the main trunk. When new shoots form, the weakest ones are simply removed.

If indoor hibiscus has never been pruned before, then such a radical procedure will only benefit it.

The cuttings remaining after circumcision can be rooted and the rose can be propagated in this way.

By following all these recommendations, as a result you will receive abundant flowering of extraordinary beauty of your pet. The shape of the bush will be harmonious and correct, and the indoor rose will become a real decoration of your home and the pride of the owner.

During the period of active growth, the hibiscus bush may acquire a sloppy appearance. To achieve a beautiful bush shape, it is important to trim and shape it on time and correctly.

This procedure is carried out only in autumn, better at the end of November or December. This is due to the fact that buds can form on shoots that are older than three months. Thus, if you prune the plant in May, the new shoots will be too young and the hibiscus will not bloom in the summer.

Hibiscus is a very hardy plant and tolerates pruning well. In the fall, it can be cut back to a stump. In winter, hibiscus has a dormant period, so you don’t have to be shy and cut off almost all the stems at a distance of 4-5 cm from the ground.

Important. Every time you trim, you need to understand what result you want to get from it:

Stimulate flowering

Sanitary pruning

Bush formation

Renewing an old or sick plant

The answer to this question determines the intensity of pruning and its timing.

Stimulating hibiscus flowering. Autumn or winter pruning. Hibiscus plants have terminal flowers; this means that each flower on a hibiscus plant grows at the end of a branch. Trimming a healthy hibiscus bush will encourage growth and cause the plant to produce more branches and therefore more flowers.

When doing this kind of pruning, it is necessary to take into account the variety of hibiscus; fast-growing varieties are cut shorter, but there are hibiscus that grow slowly, you need to be more careful with them, it is better to shape them by pinching them (more details in the following articles).

Sanitary pruning. All yellowed, shriveled shoots and leaves that have lost their decorative properties must be cut off. Weakened old shoots often turn out to be easy prey for fungi and bacteria, a shelter and breeding ground for insect pests. In addition, an unhealthy looking shoot may not indicate old age, but rather illness or pest infestation. If it is not removed in time, the disease will spread to healthy parts of the plant, which once again proves the need for sanitary pruning. The basic rule is to remove all unhealthy or aged parts of the plant. You need to cut the shoot down to the healthy tissue (or, if the shoot starts underground, remove it to the very base).

Formative pruning. This is the most difficult type of pruning to give the plant the desired shape. Formative pruning is a creative process that requires careful observation of the plant.

When formative pruning, it is important to choose the correct direction of growth of future shoots. If you want to grow a horizontal branch, then the topmost bud left on it should be turned down or towards the outer part of the crown. If you plan vertical growth, then select a bud directed upward or to the center of the crown and make a cut slightly above it. To form a bush, each shoot is cut 1/3 above the leaf facing outward.
Thus, by molding you can get from the same plant a fluffy bush, a standard tree, and a low bush.

To form a tree The side branches of the second generation are removed, leaving one or two central ones. This will be the beginning of the crown of your tree.

If you prefer a plant in the form of a bush, then you need, on the contrary, to remove the central branches, thereby freeing up space for the full development of the lateral ones.


Hibiscus (Chinese rose) grows best on a window on the east or west side - in diffused light. He does not like not only direct sunlight, but also shade and drafts. If the room temperature is below +10 degrees, this plant will definitely shed its leaves.

During flowering, the Chinese rose must be watered abundantly and often. In winter, moderate watering once every two or three days is sufficient. In homes with radiator heating, regular spraying is advisable. Feeding is carried out in spring and summer (once a month). In the spring, it is advisable to replant the plant or at least change the top layer of soil to a depth of 5 cm.

How to prune hibiscus correctly

It is no secret that the Chinese rose is a very tall flower. And it needs constant care, since its branches can grow randomly, while it will only have foliage, and it will never bloom. You will constantly be at a loss and ask yourself questions: what is the matter, what am I doing wrong?

And the whole secret is that you need proper pruning of hibiscus, without harming this beautiful flower.

The Chinese rose can be formed into a bush or standard plant. The shape of the crown is formed by pruning. After spring replanting or changing the soil, all branches are cut to a length of 15 cm from the base, leaving 2 cm from the buds with leaves. The top should also be cut to the place where the last upper branches come from the trunk, also leaving a distance from them. When new shoots begin to form, the weakest ones must be removed. After the flowers die off, the shoots should be shortened again.

If your Chinese rose has been growing for a very long time, has reached a large size and has never been pruned, this will even be to its benefit, since with proper pruning you give the plant additional strength for further growth. With this pruning, the crown itself will form correctly, and your flower will bloom profusely.

Do not allow the branches to be bent or weak - this can cause the hibiscus to lose its leaves and drop its flowers.

Pruning hibiscus is necessary and there is no need to delay it; it is better to form the plant from the second year of growth in your home. Later it will be easier for you to do this, and your flower will be covered with flowers and beautiful dark green leaves.

How to prune hibiscus:

Sharp pruning shears;

A clean, sharp garden knife.

It is better to treat the cuts on the branches with the drug “Maxim” - this will help the hibiscus adapt more quickly after the stress suffered during pruning and resume growth.

Possible difficulties during care

If you want your hibiscus to bloom until late autumn, you will need to prune it additionally in July so that the buds will form again in early autumn.

If buds have formed on a Chinese rose, but the flowers have not bloomed, then there are only two reasons: in the apartment the air temperature is below +14 degrees or the soil is dry due to insufficient watering;

Chlorosis has occurred (leaves on the lower branches have fallen, new ones are growing, but have a yellowish tint) - there is an excess of chlorine and calcium in the soil, but not enough nitrogen and iron;

Leaves may also fall due to too much watering or too high room temperature;

If the foliage is very lush and the plant does not bloom, then there is too much nitrogen in the soil, not enough light or moisture;

If pink spots appear on the leaves, then the plant is overfed or does not have enough light;

If the soil is too cold, the hibiscus roots may dry out;

Leaves dry out if the room temperature is too high and there is not enough moisture.

Chinese roses are propagated by both seeds and cuttings. But the second method is better, since all the properties of the mother plant are preserved.

This beautiful plant has an important and beneficial advantage - the ability to grow from the root. If there is little space in your apartment, and in winter it is not possible to properly place a pot of hibiscus, you can trim it in the fall, leaving stumps 7-8 cm long, and place it in a cool place (+10-12 degrees). Until March, you only need to periodically moisten the soil. In March, move the flower to a bright, warm place and it will sprout new shoots.

In warm regions of Russia and Ukraine, Chinese roses can also be grown outdoors. It blooms with bright, large flowers. In cold regions, this plant cannot be kept in the garden. But if you really want to, you can take it out along with a large pot, which can be easily moved indoors with the onset of cold weather. If there is enough space in the home, the flower will grow. If the apartment is small, use the feature described above - cut the flower. It should be noted that there is a special species - Syrian hibiscus, which is able to tolerate frost.

Take care of this plant: water, fertilize, prune. And let your Chinese rose bloom as long as possible!

Hibiscus is known to many as the “Chinese rose”. This plant is easily recognized by its beautiful flowers. But, unfortunately, the hibiscus may stop blooming buds. To resume lush flowering, the plant must be pruned. This article will tell you about all the nuances of this procedure.

Description of the plant

Hibiscus belongs to the mallow family. It is widespread, for example, in the tropics and subtropics. It can be seen in Egypt, Thailand, China.

The hibiscus stem is bare. There are alternate leaves on the petioles. Flowers can be of any color (except black and blue). Their size varies from 5 to 30 cm. The fruit of this plant is a capsule.

It has 5 doors. The box contains a large number of seeds.

More than 20 years is the lifespan of a hibiscus. It can grow up to three meters.

Hibiscus is grown as an ornamental plant. The most common in our country is the so-called “Chinese rose”. This is a type of hibiscus. Gardens, greenhouses and rooms are decorated with it. "Chinese rose" loves light, warmth and a lot of space.

So, hibiscus is a beautiful plant, which is why it is popular among gardeners.

Pruning - mandatory care for hibiscus

Before you start pruning, you need to understand why it is necessary.

This event is necessary for the following reasons:

  • Thanks to this procedure, the hibiscus will have more shoots, which means the number of flowers on it will increase. Because they only appear at the ends of branches.
  • Pruning stimulates plant growth.
  • It will help save damaged or dying hibiscus.
  • This event gives the plant the shape the gardener needs.
  • If the roots of the flower have grown very large, then they can also be carefully trimmed. But this procedure is rarely performed.
  • Thus, pruning is a mandatory item in the annual care system for this plant.

    How to prune an indoor “rose” correctly?

    This procedure is carried out using ordinary scissors. The flower is not afraid of it, so you can safely experiment. Before you start pruning, you need to decide on the shape and size of the future plant. After all, one person likes a “rose” in the form of a tree, while another likes a bush hibiscus.

    So, to get a tree, you need:

    Tie the central shoot to the support so that the trunk straightens.

    Remove the lateral shoots of the second generation. This will help the trunk thicken. The cuts are made 0.5 cm upward from the node at an angle of 45°.

    Shorten the crown by several buds, forming the crown of the future tree.

    If you want to get a bush, then you need to remove the central shoot. A few buds located below should be left. Side branches will develop from them.

    When the upper crown is formed, it is necessary to remove the shoots and branches that appear parallel to the trunk and grow deep into the crown. This procedure must be performed in order to form a beautiful plant and not waste nutrients on parts it does not need.

    After flowering, the hibiscus is also pruned. This is usually done in the fall or February. Later pruning may result in the plant not blooming in the summer. When replanting a flower in the spring, it is advisable to trim all its branches so that they become 15 cm long from the root. The crown must be trimmed to the point where the last lateral branches grow.

    Pruning garden hibiscus

    The main procedure is performed in February, until sap flow begins. September is the time for minor pruning. This activity is carried out using a knife, garden shears, a lopper and a hand saw. It is necessary to use only sharp tools so as not to harm the plant. They need to be disinfected using a special gardening product.

    There are several types of pruning:

    The first type is the most gentle pruning. It involves cutting off the tops of branches above the topmost node to stimulate growth. First of all, this procedure is applied to young hibiscus, as they do not need more serious pruning.

    The second type is necessary to maintain the shape and size of the plant. Only the necessary places are subjected to selective pruning. The cut is made slightly above the node, located 1/3 from the top of the branch.

    Full pruning involves shortening each branch to 2 - 3 buds. This procedure is carried out at the beginning of the season. Its goal is abundant flowering of the plant.

    The fourth type involves pruning diseased areas of hibiscus. The branch must be cut before living green wood appears.

    Heavy pruning is used when the plant is almost dead. You need to leave only those parts of the branches whose wood is healthy.

    So, knowing the features of these 5 types of pruning will help you properly care for your garden hibiscus.

    Plant propagation by cuttings

    The question of how to propagate hibiscus is of particular interest to novice gardeners. The twigs that are left after the spring pruning of indoor “roses” are suitable for this.

    In this case, it is necessary to adhere to the following technology:

  • Take a semi-lignified cutting of a plant about 15 cm long with 4 internodes. The cut from below should be oblique and straight from above.
  • Remove the bottom 2 leaves and cut the rest to ?.
  • Place the bottom of the cutting for 2 - 3 hours in the Epin solution or dip it in the root former.
  • Pour loose soil into seedling containers. To do this, you can mix an equal amount of garden soil, sand and peat. It is advisable to add a little bone meal to the soil.
  • Water the ground.
  • Plant a plant.
  • Place a transparent plastic bag on top of it to maintain temperature and water balance.

    You need to make sure that there is no excess moisture on the bag. During rooting, the temperature should be above +24 °C. In a month, the hibiscus will produce its own roots.

    You can try another rooting method. To do this, place the cutting in water with activated carbon, poured into an opaque container. After a 0.5 cm root appears, the future plant should be transplanted into a pot.

    Hibiscus can, of course, be grown from seeds. Then he will delight his owner with the first flowers only in the fourth year of life. A plant grown from a cutting will bloom next summer.

    Using the theoretical knowledge gained from this article for practical purposes will help decorate your flower collection with beautiful hibiscus.

    Spring pruning of garden hibiscus

    Syrian hibiscus, or garden tree hibiscus (Hibiscus syriacus) is perhaps the only type of flowering shrub from the hibiscus genus that grows well and winters in our latitudes. Young plants (first or second year of life) must be protected from frost by mulching during the winter, but older plants are not afraid of frost. However, give your garden hibiscus the sunniest, warmest place with a comfortable microclimate, and it will thank you with bright greenery and lush flowering.

    Formative haircut for young hibiscus

    Immediately after planting a young hibiscus, remove all weak and damaged shoots. For the uniform development of a young, lush bush in subsequent years, it needs radical pruning. If you want to form a standard hibiscus tree, you will have to be patient, since growing a beautiful standard can take more than one year.

    Formation of a trunk

    After planting young hibiscus, shorten the branched branches to the level of 2-3 buds. A well-developed main trunk is not pruned. In subsequent years, starting in February, again prune the branched side shoots to one bud, and the main shoot to the level of 5-6 buds. When the plant reaches the height you need, form a crown from the strongest shoots, shortening them by several buds, trimming the top of the trunk and removing all the lower side shoots.

    Maintenance pruning of hibiscus

    If you have achieved the desired crown shape, in the future trim only weak and dry shoots. Trim thin shoots to the level of several buds. If your garden hibiscus becomes lopsided with age, remove unwanted shoots to the base of the bush or prune them back to the level of young side shoots.

    Hygienic pruning to stimulate flowering

    In early spring, the growth of last year is shortened by one third. This significantly increases the number of flower buds set. Since the Syrian hibiscus bush becomes denser over time, it needs regular, light thinning.

    Maintenance pruning of hibiscus on a trunk

    The crown of the formed standard hibiscus is allowed to grow freely in subsequent years, or it is treated like a topless willow, at the beginning of each spring, shortening all last year's shoots, leaving several buds on each, to powerful skeletal branches.

    Rejuvenating haircut

    If the hibiscus bush grows unevenly and one-sidedly or has become too large, it needs a rejuvenating pruning. Let him breathe more freely, let him re-grow new, fresh greenery. To do this, remove all too old, dead shoots, and shorten the remaining ones by two-thirds. This also applies to shoots inside the bush.

    Advice: When carrying out anti-aging pruning, do not trim all the branches so that their tops are at the same height! Leave the central shoot longer, and trim the side shoots around it to different heights. This way you will give the Syrian hibiscus a beautiful shape.

    Translation: Lesya V.
    especially for the Internet portal
    garden center "Your Garden"

    Proper pruning of indoor hibiscus and formation of its crown

    Hibiscus is a well-known indoor plant of the Malvaceae family, which came to our region from the Far East. Another name by which the plant is known to gardeners is “Chinese rose.” Rose is an unusually beautiful flower that requires proper care. One of the important stages in care is proper pruning of hibiscus. .

    Houseplants have many types. Judging by various sources, its family includes more than two hundred species. Mostly shrubs and trees are found. This flower is widespread in Europe and Asia. But it is also found in America and Africa.

    In Hawaii, this plant is considered a national symbol and is considered the personification of beautiful women. Chinese roses are bred by professional flower growers in various climatic conditions. The life expectancy of the bush is about twenty years.

    Features of the plant

    Hibiscus leaves are notched or stalked. But it is the flowers that attract admiring glances - brightly colored, graceful, and of various sizes.

    Several types of this plant are grown at home: Syrian, trifoliate, Chinese, variable and drummond.

    The indoor Chinese rose is used not only for decorative purposes, but its leaves and fruits are used in the food and cosmetics industries. The plant has excellent healing properties and has been used in medicine since ancient times.

    The rose itself is a fairly unpretentious plant that can tolerate low temperatures, poor lighting, constant drafts or incorrect watering regimes. But if you do not care for your indoor flower correctly, you will not see beautiful blooms.

    In order to constantly admire the beautiful flowering of indoor roses, you should strictly follow the basic rules for care and maintenance.

    A very important step in plant care is timely and correct pruning of the plant and removal of faded flowers.

    The procedure for pruning this flower itself is not complicated, and if you familiarize yourself with the basic rules, even a novice gardener can carry it out. It should be noted that you can remove unnecessary shoots throughout the year, without any consequences for the shrub itself.

    If you trim unnecessary shoots correctly, the hibiscus will thank you with abundant flowering. This is due to the fact that buds begin to develop only on young stems no older than the third generation. To enjoy beautiful flowering, indoor hibiscus must be pruned on time.

    Chinese rose pruning procedure

    Before carrying out the pruning procedure, you need to decide on the final result that you would like to obtain (size and shape). At the owner’s request, hibiscus can be used to make either a small tree or a spreading flowering shrub, which can easily be placed on the windowsill. To form a tree, lateral shoots from the second generation are removed. At the same time, several central shoots are left. The upper part is carefully shortened by several buds. This will form the future crown of your tree.

    Crown formation

    To form a bush, the central branch of the rose is cut off, which allows the lateral shoots to gradually develop into full-fledged stems. Several lower buds are left, and the central part is removed.

    The plant tolerates the pruning procedure very well, so you can safely conduct experiments and implement your most interesting design ideas. There were cases when the above-ground part of the plant practically died, and the rose was reborn from underground buds.

    After you have decorated the upper crown of the plant, the further process of pruning the Chinese rose will consist of the gradual removal of branches that grow parallel to the central trunk and deep into the crown of the plant. If they are not trimmed, it will interfere with the formation of a beautiful appearance. They also require additional nutrition and strength of the plant during its development.

    Subsequently, when shoots of the third and subsequent generations appear, the Chinese rose is shortened by several buds. This procedure promotes the development of a larger number of young shoots, on which a significant number of new buds will form.


    It is important to prune Chinese roses correctly even after the end of the flowering period. Often this procedure is carried out in the fall or early spring - until the plant begins to actively develop. If you do this at the end of spring, then the hibiscus may not bloom at all in the summer.

    The pruning procedure is carried out using scissors, since the plant’s branches are too thin for a special garden tool.

    It is very useful when replanting in spring or replacing soil to cut all branches to a length of fifteen centimeters from the root. In this case, a few centimeters are left from the buds and leaves. The upper part also needs to be trimmed to the place where the last branches grow from the main trunk. When new shoots form, the weakest ones are simply removed.

    If indoor hibiscus has never been pruned before, then such a radical procedure will only benefit it.

    The cuttings remaining after circumcision can be rooted and the rose can be propagated in this way.

    By following all these recommendations, as a result you will receive abundant flowering of extraordinary beauty of your pet. The shape of the bush will be harmonious and correct, and the indoor rose will become a real decoration of your home and the pride of the owner.


    Garden hibiscus, care and propagation - a welcome guest from the tropics

    Garden hibiscus, the care and propagation of which does not differ in significant features, grows well in most areas. But you need to know how to prune and form the crown, how to properly prepare young plants for winter, what to feed and other subtleties in order to get beautiful and abundant flowering...

    Garden hibiscus - types and varieties

    One of the popular plants that attracts attention with its brightness and attractiveness is hibiscus. Despite its tropical origin, hibiscus is surprisingly undemanding and can tolerate fairly low temperatures.

    As a rule, garden hibiscus does not grow more than 2 meters and blooms from the onset of July until the first frost. There are several hundred species of garden hibiscus, differing in shape and size, as well as shades of flowers and their size. These are herbaceous species, shrubs or ornamental trees. Of particular interest is the hibiscus tree with a formed flowering crown.

    Among the most popular varieties of garden hibiscus are:

  • Woodbridge - hibiscus with single inflorescences of ruby-red color;
  • Oiseau Bleu - distinguished by blue flowers with a purple tint, the diameter of which often reaches 14 cm;
  • Ardens – hibiscus, striking with double inflorescences;
  • Lady Stanley – a bit like a carnation.
  • Low-growing hibiscus shrubs are usually used in mixed borders. Garden tree hibiscus is often used in solitaire standard plantings, cleverly combining with a whole range of plants that have flowers of different shades. Various types of hibiscus are often used as borders or flower beds.

    Garden hibiscus – care for beautiful flowering

    It is quite possible to grow hibiscus that is accustomed to the tropics by placing it in conditions unusual for it. But you should follow certain recommendations:

    Hibiscus in the garden - pictured

  1. Landing place– garden hibiscus, the care and propagation of which has certain characteristics, prefers bright places for planting. But, hibiscus should definitely be protected from direct sunlight and gusts of wind;
  2. Watering– hibiscus is recommended to use rain or river water (settled), moderate soil moisture should be maintained, watering as it dries; in hot and dry summers, daily watering should be adhered to;
  3. Top dressing– Hibiscus should be fed with organic matter every 2 weeks. Will you need fertilizer to prepare? buckets of manure with? tbsp superphosphate and 1 tbsp. l ash. It is necessary to infuse the finished composition for 2 weeks, after which it is used to feed hibiscus, first diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. In autumn, only potassium fertilizers are indicated; tincture of wood ash or ash (100 g per 10 liters of water) can act as this.
  4. Pest protection– washing hibiscus leaves with water will help prevent the appearance of a pest such as spider mites, and spraying with water and ash will help prevent aphids;
  5. Getting ready for winter– in the northern regions, preparing hibiscus for winter is simply necessary, tree-like and herbaceous hibiscus should be pruned and abundant watering should be provided, this should be done before the first frost, 2 or 3 days after pruning the hibiscus should be hilled.
    The second half of October, in some regions even earlier, requires insulation for hibiscus, which can be covering the plant with dry leaves or sawdust up to 15 cm high. Additionally, you can cover the hibiscus in 2 main ways:
    • bend the hibiscus bush to the surface of the ground and cover it with material in the form of lutrasil or spunbond; a second layer of film (polyethylene) should be placed on top
    • make a strong frame around the hibiscus and wrap it with covering material in several layers; it is useful to use spruce branches as a covering. Young hibiscus bushes require especially careful covering.
  6. Systematic pruning of hibiscus, performed for sanitary purposes, is also necessary; it should be carried out in early spring (before the onset of sap flow) with the removal of diseased shoots and old ones, as well as those growing inside the bush. Every 2 or 3 years, pruning is necessary to give the hibiscus a certain shape - in young hibiscus, the branches should be shortened to the level of 2 or 3 buds, without affecting the developed trunk. In the future, pruning of garden hibiscus should be carried out at the end of the winter period, leaving 1 or 2 buds on the branches and 5 or 6 on the trunk of the hibiscus.

    Garden hibiscus - propagation by cuttings and seeds

    Garden hibiscus is usually propagated in different ways, the most popular of which are given below:

    1. Cuttings are carried out in the spring, before the hibiscus begins to bloom. Cut out shoots (woody) can act as cuttings. Hibiscus cuttings should be cut and then placed in water; after the roots appear, the cuttings should be placed in pots, and after new shoots grow and hibiscus bushes form - in open ground conditions
    2. By seeds - hibiscus, the reproduction of which is carried out through seeds, will bloom no earlier than in 3 or 4 years. Hibiscus seeds should be sown from January to March. Before planting, it is recommended to keep hibiscus seeds in Epin's solution and then place them in a soil mixture (sand plus peat). The container should be placed in a warm place with a temperature of up to +27 °C, covered with glass for better germination of hibiscus seeds. It is necessary to periodically ventilate. Plucking of young hibiscus seedlings should be done after the first leaves appear. By mid-May, young hibiscus seedlings should be planted in the ground.

    Garden hibiscus, the care and propagation of which does not cause any particular difficulties, blooms incredibly beautifully and for a long time, it is highly valued for its beauty and rich color, as well as the absence of difficulties in care. Even novice gardeners will not have problems with garden hibiscus, but only if all stages of cultivation and care are fully observed. In general, it will be enough to regularly pay close attention to the hibiscus so that it delights with its beauty for a long time.

    Garden hibiscus and its cultivation, how hibiscus overwinters in the garden

    Today, many varieties are grown in temperate regions tropical plants. One of the brightest representatives of the flora of warm countries is garden hibiscus, which even a novice gardener can grow.

    Breeders have developed many varieties of hibiscus that grow and develop well even in latitudes with harsh winters.

    The flower is often used in landscape design. It can be the most important element of a flower bed or front garden, and also fits perfectly into a flower arrangement of many types of plant crops. It accepts care with gratitude, and its reproduction occurs through ripened seeds.

    Description of plant crop

    Hibiscus belongs to Malvaceae family. It grows freely in the tropics and subtropics of the New and Old Worlds.

    The flower can be grown as a room or garden plant. Garden plants can be trees, shrubs or herbaceous plants. The tree-like Syrian rose is grown as a standard tree or shrub in height up to 1.5 m.

    The herbaceous garden dweller is the hybrid hibiscus and can be grown as a perennial or annual.

    Despite the species diversity, all representatives of the genus have some common features. The stems are covered with notched, petiolate leaves. Large flowers of simple and double forms usually have shades of yellow, red and blue. Some varieties have an eye or border on the petals. The fruits are represented by five-leaf capsules in which the seeds are formed.

    Many people still cannot understand why hibiscus is called the flower of death. In the distant past, people believed that this plant brought misfortune to the family and could become an omen of death. However, this refers to an indoor species called Chinese rose. There are no signs about garden varieties and hybrids, so you can easily grow hibiscus in your garden and enjoy its beautiful flowers.

    Types and varieties of garden hibiscus

    There are up to 250 varieties of garden hibiscus, photos of which can be found on the Internet. Often different varieties, differing in shape, size and color of flowers, are used to compose the overall composition of the flower garden. Frost-resistant plant species are cultivated in temperate latitudes.

    Syrian hibiscus grows freely in China. The height of the deciduous shrub can reach 5-6 m. The bright green leaves, 8-10 cm long, are ovoid in shape.

    Single flowers of double or simple shape can be of different colors. The plant is grown as a bush or standard tree. Popular varieties of this variety:

  7. Vayelit Ilar Double. On powerful upright bushes, double or semi-double flowers appear during flowering. The violet-blue petals have red spots towards the center.
  8. Diana. The shrub grows up to 2 m in height. The white flowers consist of petals with wavy edges and reach a diameter of 10-12 cm.
  9. Carneus Plenus. The shrub variety is distinguished by flexible branches. Double pale pink flowers have a purple spot in the center.
  10. Pink Giant. The plant is grown as a bush. There is a purple spot at the base of the single pink flowers.
  11. Homeland hibiscus trifoliata is Central and Northern Africa. Today this species is grown in almost all countries. The herbaceous plant is characterized by a taproot system. Branched shoots grow straight and reach 0.9 m in height. Tripartite leaves growing on petioles are arranged alternately. The diameter of the yellowish flowers with a dark red center does not exceed 5 cm. This species is interesting because its flowers open in the morning for several hours and form a bud in the afternoon. The herbaceous plant blooms for a whole month, as new buds form in the axils of each leaf blade, and under favorable conditions, new flowers appear daily.

    Also used in gardening hybrid hibiscus. To obtain varieties of this variety, three North American species of flower were taken - holly, bright red and swamp. Hybrid hibiscus are herbaceous perennials with spectacular large flowers. Flower growers prefer to grow the following hybrid varieties:

  12. Pale pink. The height of the herbaceous bush reaches 1.6-1.7 m. Yellow-green leaves with jagged edges grow on short shoots. Large tulip-shaped pink flowers have a white bottom and calyx.
  13. Late. The height of a compact bush usually does not exceed a meter. The dense foliage consists of toothed, oval-arrow-shaped, petiolate leaves. The color of the bell-shaped flowers is raspberry-pink with a lilac tint. Narrow bells, 6-7 cm in diameter, bloom on thick peduncles.
  14. Pink porcelain. The bushes, growing up to 1.2 m, have branched stems strewn with deeply cut leaves of a yellow-green color. The petiole leaf plates reach a length of 6-7 cm. The flowers, which have a white throat and barely noticeable yellowness, are characterized by a large bell-shaped shape and a light pink tint. On short peduncles they gather in bunches.
  15. Youth. The weakly branched bush reaches a height of 1.5 m. The stems have a light yellow-green tint. Leaves of the same color can be three- or five-cut. The diameter of pink flowers ranges from 9-10 cm. They are characterized by a tulip-shaped shape.
  16. Planting garden hibiscus

    Under favorable conditions, hibiscus can live in one place more than 20 years. Therefore, it is important to choose the right site for it. Select a place for the plant that is well-lit and isolated from wind drafts. The soil must be fertile, light and permeable.

    Hibiscus should be planted in the spring, after the last frost has passed. In warm weather it will quickly take root and grow stronger. Planting is done as follows:

  17. A hole for the seedling is dug 2 times larger than the root system of the bush.
  18. A thick layer of broken brick drainage 15 cm thick is poured onto the bottom of the hole. Then there is a layer of sand 10 cm thick and compost 15 cm thick. The final layer of sand is poured with the same thickness.
  19. The excavated soil is mixed with peat and sand.
  20. The seedling is carefully placed in the hole, the root collar should be just below the soil surface. The free space is filled with prepared substrate.
  21. The earth should be hilled up so that there is a wide recess around the bush into which water will be poured to feed the plant.
  22. After planting, the soil is moistened in this circle, into which a little more soil is then poured to level the surface of the area.
  23. Hibiscus can be planted in the fall, but in this case you will have to mulch and tie spruce branches around the bush.

    Garden hibiscus: cultivation and care

    Caring for garden hibiscus pretty simple. The flower needs regular watering, which should be done after the soil has completely dried. During the hot season, the bush should be watered more often than usual. Sometimes the dry period drags on, then the soil will have to be moistened daily.

    The soil around the hibiscus should be loosened regularly. It is also necessary to rid the ground next to the bush of weeds and excess grass.

    During the growing season, the plant is fed with phosphorus and nitrogen.

    Fertilizers must be added twice a month. With the onset of autumn, fertilizing with potassium is added to these products.

    With the appearance of young green shoots, old branches should be removed so that the bush does not thicken. Hibiscus flowers exist only for one day, but the appearance of flowers one after another contributes to abundant flowering, so it is necessary to remove faded specimens in time, making room for new ones.

    Growing shrubs requires mandatory sanitary pruning. The procedure should be carried out early in the spring, before sap flow begins. The bush is removed from diseased, old, dry and underdeveloped shoots. Last year's growths are cut back by one third to stimulate the appearance of new buds. Abundant flowering can be achieved only with strong pruning of branches.

    For aged bushes, anti-aging pruning should be carried out. All old and dead branches are cut off, the remaining shoots are shortened by two-thirds.

    Decorative pruning is done when you want to give the shrub an attractive appearance with a certain shape. Usually a tree is grown from it, however, it will take a lot of time and patience to complete the plan. After planting, the branches of the young bush are pruned to two or three buds; a well-developed trunk is left untouched. Every year at the end of the winter season, the side branches are shortened to one or two buds, and the main trunk to 6-7 buds. When the main trunk grows to the desired height, the desired tree crown is formed from strong branches, which need to be cut into 2-3 buds. The top of the bush should be slightly trimmed, and the lower shoots should be completely removed.

    Winter care

    In temperate latitudes, garden hibiscus left on the site for the winter must overwinter with shelter. This rule is mandatory for species with double flowers. The plant is prepared for winter dormancy in the fall. The ground part is cut off almost to the very surface of the earth. The soil is moistened and hilled. If the winter is expected to be snowless or too cold, then mulch in the form of sawdust or dry fallen leaves is added to the flower.

    In November, when the temperature drops to -4-9 degrees, a shelter with lutrasil, spunbond or agrotex stretched over a frame is built around the bush. With this material, the plant tolerates winters well at temperatures not lower than -16 degrees. Spruce spruce branches are able to protect the flower in winter from both cold and overheating.

    In regions with harsh winters, gardeners dig up plants and replant them in large containers or boxes. The containers are moved to the basement or other cool room where the hibiscus spends the entire winter. The bushes are replanted back into the garden with the onset of spring.

    Hibiscus propagation

    Garden hibiscus can be propagated in several ways, but the seed method and cuttings are more reliable.

    Plant propagation by seeds

    Growing hibiscus by seed lasts from January to March.

With proper care, the shrub can be expected to bloom in the first year after planting in the garden.

Diseases and pests

Hibiscus has an average degree of disease. If you care for it properly, the bush will grow healthy. But a lack of fertilizing with nitrogen and iron can lead to the appearance of chlorosis, which is expressed in the falling of old foliage and yellowing of new leaves. To avoid this disease, the plant must be fed in the spring with fertilizers containing nitrogen, and watering should be done with iron chelate.

During dry periods, spider mites, whiteflies or thrips may appear on hibiscus. Insects can be controlled using insecticides.

Growing hibiscus in the garden is not difficult if you follow the necessary care rules. A healthy plant will regularly delight the eye with colorful flowers of various shapes and colors.