4 spheres in society. The main spheres of public life, their overall characteristics

The man of ancient times tried to figure out the device of society and reproduce its structure on paper. However, the society has a complex organization, which is impossible to portray in the form of one scheme. In this article we will tell about one of the classifications, which is based on the sphere of society.

Society of life of society

A person, being a member of society, interacts with his other representatives, entering them into certain relations: sells and buys, marries and divorced, votes in elections and enters into the ranks of public organizations. Such sustainable relationships received the name of the spheres of society.

According to the generally accepted classification, there are four main spheres of society:

  • political. Affects everything related to politics: government, the formation of political parties, political processes occurring in the state;
  • economic. Represents a system of relationship related to the production, implementation and consumption of goods and services;
  • social. Covers the division of society to the nation, peoples, classes, social groups, etc.;
  • spiritual. This area covers morality, religion, art, education, science, etc.

Society activities cover all processes that proceed in the state, as well as people who are members of these processes. By buying products in the supermarket, you will bring to the economic sphere of the Company's activities, entering into marriage - to the social, going to the rally - to the political, and going to the Tretyakov Gallery - to the spiritual.

Spiritual and Social Society

The dispute about which of the Society of the Company is dominant, long ago, but the answer has not yet been found. Karl Marx considered the decisive economic scope of activities, the spiritual one was highlighted in the era of the Middle Ages as the main one. Let's consider each more and solve which one is more important.

Sphere of society

The spiritual area of \u200b\u200bthe Company is a combination of relations that arise during the formation, transmission and development of intangible (spiritual) values. These include beliefs, cultural traditions, norms of behavior, artistic orphanage, etc.

The spiritual sphere of society includes morality, science, art, religion, education and law. When, in childhood, the child is taught to respect the elders, he is attached to the spiritual sphere of society. Studying at school and university, visiting exhibitions and concerts, traveling around the world and studying the traditions of national culture, we attach to the spiritual sphere.

Social sphere of society

The social sphere of society is a combination of relations arising from human activity as a member of society. Each of us occupies a certain position in society, which is determined by our age, marital status, education, place of residence, gender, nationality and social status. All this characterizes the place of the individual in the social sphere of society.

For example, registering the child at the place of residence, arrangement of a job and retirement, we enter into social relations, and, it means that we become the subjects of the social sphere of society.

Economic sphere

The economic sphere of society is a huge reservoir of human relations related to the creation and displacement of material goods. Working on production and releasing products, providing paid services and consuming them, you become a member of the economic sphere of society.

What about children? - you ask. - They do not work and do not buy, it turns out, kids and schoolchildren fall out of this area of \u200b\u200bthe development of society. No, they are also its participants. Parents buy clothing and food for them, pay for visits to sports sections and circles, receive benefits and benefits on them. Thus, children are also indirectly involved in the economic sphere of life.

Political sphere

All that political science is studied, refers to the political sphere of society. The device of the state and the functioning of local authorities, the holding of elections and the education of parties, the formation of political flows and ideologies, is all elements of the political sphere of society.

When are we becoming parties? When entering into the ranks of the party, turning to the city administration for a certificate, giving his voice for one of the candidates for elections, changing citizenship and even just participating in surveys related to the assessment of the activities of political power, we are in contact with the political sphere of activity.

Interaction of various spheres of society

The question of the allocation of the priority sphere of society refers to the category of rhetorical, although, as we wrote above, attempts to give the answer to it. It reminds the situation when it is necessary to determine who in the family is the main thing: Dad, who brings money to the house, Mom, who buys for this money products, is preparing food and feed households, or a child, without which parents do not mean their lives?

The development of society is closely intertwined and cannot exist individually from another. Judge for yourself: Is it possible to make an election campaign without financing without studying public opinion and not take into account the traditional foundations of the inhabitants of the terrain where it passes?

The life of each of us is a bright illustration of the interpenetration of the Society of Society: Social, when we receive a passport of a citizen, economic when making purchases, political during elections and spiritual when we bring up our children to your homeland.

We live, without suspecting that various spheres of society have become an integral part of our existence. This is one of the rules of society, no one can break.

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Each CO can be characterized as a stable, large and almost independent subsystem. All of them correspond to the number of criteria:
  • refer to a specific type of activity (religious, political, etc.);
  • have their own social institutions (school, production, etc.);
  • a characteristic type of relationship between its members is built.
Traditional spheres of society, which is customary to allocate in science: Economic, social, political and spiritual.
Important! The person is constantly in all these spheres. CO is the unique spaces in which different people live are the relationship of the same personalities associated with different aspects of their lives.

Social sphere

Such a sphere is a relationship that is established throughout the human life as a need for existence in society. Sociology and philosophy define it as a sphere that combines a number of communities and relationships between them. If we consider the social sphere in this way, then each person is included in it. A person over time is inscribed in various common communities, for example, a subject - a woman, teacher, mother, a city where Politics and economics call such a term a set of industries and organizations working to raise the standard of living of the people, for example, social supply. In this sense, the social sphere is not a separate part of social life, but an intermediate part between policies and economics, which exists so that state revenues are redistributed in favor of the poor. If we consider the social sphere in such a context, then only some groups of people are related to it (disabled, unemployed, low-income, etc.).

Economic sphere

This is a sphere that is formed and implemented during the production of material things. The fundamental factors for it are how production is carried out and how material benefits are distributed among members of society. In this subsystem, basic concepts are industrial:
  • forces - tools of labor, workers, tools for production;
  • relations - Processes during which are created, used, exchange and distributed material values.
People create goods, for which the forces are required, and then develop relationships to get the desired. In this CO, just over half of the population of the Earth are involved: old people and children do not take part in it directly. They are indirect participants - do not create material goods or services, but are their consumers.

Political sphere

This is the relationship between people and states, public groups that are associated with the control and security of the nation. Politics is one of the most influential spheres. It consists of several elements:
  • institutions and organizations - parties, movements, etc.;
  • standards - legal, customs, etc.;
  • communication - communication and forms of cooperation of participants in the political photocression;
  • ideological positions and political culture.

Spiritual sphere

This is a relationship that is formed during the creation, perception and transfer of intangible values \u200b\u200b(faith, knowledge, etiquette, etc.). The structure of this sphere can be described as a combination of the following components:
  • the science
  • morality
  • religion
  • art
  • education
  • right
Spiritual needs are not a meal that our body requires at the field of nature, they are not asked to human physiology. They appear in the course of socialization. You can satisfy them in the process of spiritual activity. It may have a value, cognitive character. Not only producing activities, but also consuming.

Social institutions

Each CO creates its social institutions. So called the group, the relationship in which is built on a number of rules. To maintain their lives, people had to produce, distribute, change and use food, clothing, housing. Some benefits can be obtained using the environment and different means to create specifically for this. Goods who are vital, people create with the help of social institutions as enterprises, shops.
Important! In the social sphere, the main institute is a family. Socialization is also held for a person in kindergarten, clinics, school, sports sections.
Spiritual production is very important. It is it that distinguishes us from animals and helps to progress to society. Of the main institutions of this sphere, you can allocate the Institute of Science, Moralee, Church, Creative Unions, Media. In the political sphere, the main and large institute is a state. It, in turn, includes the mass of the institutes lesson - the president, parliament, the court.

How are the spheres of society?

All four COs exist inextricably and are linked very closely. The type of economic relations may affect the social sphere, and it, in turn, largely determines political views and. A certain place in the social hierarchy can deprive a person of something or give him an advantage in obtaining education, material values \u200b\u200band other privileges. The undeveloped economy puts under a large blow of socially unprotected people, which may result in a political crisis. In different historical periods, humanity tried to put forward and pay the focus of any one of them. For example, in the Middle Ages, the main thing was religiousness, and in the era of educating more attention was paid to morality. Marxism put forward the economy. This process is very dynamic and changing, which makes it very interesting, and the study is rather difficult. To secure the topic, see also the proposed video.

Society - This is a certain area of \u200b\u200bsocial life, which includes the most stable forms of interaction of people. In science, four spheres of society are distinguished: economic, social, political and spiritual.

Economic spherethe Company includes both attitudes in the field of production, exchange, distribution of material goods, as well as property relations. The economic sphere arose simultaneously with the advent of society. In order to survive, the person was forced to adapt to severe environmental conditions. Initially, man took from nature everything you need in finished form. Modern scientists called this method of production assigning economy . An important achievement of the ancient people was the creation of the first instruments of labor, with the help of which it was possible to solve the problem of food more efficiently. The skins of those killed on the hunt of animals were used to make clothes. From clay and wood, a person began to create various items necessary in everyday life. So production of material benefits it was divided into food production and non-food production.

Gradually, people instead of gathering and hunting begin to engage in agriculture and cattle breeding. Occurs transition from the assigning economy to producing . A person acquires a more reliable power source and becomes less dependent on nature whims. Occurs first public division of labor (on farmers and cattle breeders), radically changed the nature of social relations in primitive society.

The labor process became more complicated, the tools of labor were improved. The result of labor began to depend on a separate family. As you move and interact in the information bonding associations, generic relations were replaced by territorial, the generic community was transformed into the neighborhood. If the generic community existed blood bonds between its members and the community of property, then in the neighboring community, each family had separate property and property on the tools and produced products, which created the basis for the appearance private property.

The specialization of production was accompanied by further improvement of instruments of labor. This led on the one hand to the appearance ozlishko in,those. Parts of products produced above the required consumption rate, and on the other hand, to the selection of crafts into an independent industry. Thus, happened second public division of labor.

Representatives of three groups of people - farmers, cattle breeders and artisans - in the presence of excessors, the results of their labor inevitably exchanged among themselves. Such an exchange, becoming systematic, turns into a kind of socially useful activities. Groups of people (merchants, merchants) appear, performing the role of intermediaries between the three groups of manufacturers. So happened third public division of labor .

Exchangebetween producers, it was first natural. The cost of things was determined depending on its need at the moment. It was not always convenient. How, for example, determine the ratio of the cost of a bull and an ax? Therefore, people invented money , with the help of which they began to determine the cost of all things.

With the development of society, methods of production are complicated, new, more advanced tools of labor are created. In the XV-XVII centuries. On the change of the craft comes a manufactor-based production based on the division of labor. And in the XVII - XIX centuries. In many countries occurs industrial revolution - transition from manual labor to machine, from manufactory to the factory. Production becomes mass. Increases the volume of product consumption. All members of society are in consumers in one way or another, since everyone needs food, clothes, household items, but not everyone can independently create this product.

Distributionmaterials are engaged in the state. It makes money from the population in the form of taxes, and then uses them to maintain their livelihoods, management apparatus, as well as to help certain segments of the population. For many centuries, the role of the state in the distribution area was insignificant. And only in the XX century. The functions of the state in effect associated with facilitating the poor categories of the population.

Social sphereincludes a variety of relationships between various groups of society. The elements of the social sphere are like specific people who have a certain status, i.e. Consider this or that position in society and the community of people in which they are combined on a certain sign.

In the primitive society there was a division of people in an age of age. Men went hunting, women were collecting and raised children. Children and old people took less participation in production than other members of society.

Increased production and formation of excess products produced with time to appear rich and poor . So the Society was divided into groups on the property basis. With the advent of the state, the social structure of society is complicated. A small part of society focuses in his hands material wealth and through state power dictates the rest of society by his will. Society is divided into the dominant class and the dependent population. For example, slave owners and slaves, feudal and fortress peasants, capitalists and hired workers. Along with the basic, there may be small specific groups of the population.

In the modern world, society can be divided into many diverse groups allocated on the basis of certain signs: the level of income, profession, age, political views, etc. Each of us can be a member of any one or even multiple communities. A person is at the same time a member of his family, an employee at work, a member of a public organization or political party, can enter a certain age, ethnic or religious group.

Political sphereassociated with the concept of power. The constituent element of power is the ability of some groups of people and their representatives to influence other groups. In this case, the possibility of influence is based on a custom or law. The main element of the political system is the state. It has a monopoly on power and can recognize the impossible manifestation of any other power.

But it would be wrong to start the development of the development of the political sphere of society only with the emergence of the state. The government also existed in the gloor period. In primitive society, she proceeded from the whole genus and wore a social character. The most important issues were solved at the General Meeting, to participate in which all adult members of the genus had the right. For leadership, the general cases were elected leaders and elders. These posts were not only elected, but also replaced. They did not give any advantages. Leaders and elders on a par with other members of the genus participated in public labor and received the share of the product produced. Decisive criteria for election of the leader of the genus were personal qualities.

When moving labor inevitable herd interaction between them. In the event of the establishment of good-neighborly relations, the genus was combined into the tribes, and those in the unions of the tribes. The tribe was managed by the Council of Elders, who chose a tribal leader. At the head of the Union, the tribes was the Council of Tribal Chiefs and the Chief of the Union. These posts in the early stages of the development of primitive society were also replaced and did not give any privileges.

Relations between members of the genus were regulated by the rules of conduct (social standards) , which are generalized became known as customs, i.e. ordinary, familiar behavior. Custom - this is the generally accepted, historically established rule of behavior, which has consolidated as a result of repeated repetition for a long time, became a habit and became the necessary vital need of people. Customs were fulfilled voluntarily. Nevertheless, in order to ensure the assigning economy and the vital activity of the Rola, such methods of regulation of relations as permissions, bids and prohibitions have been formed.

S.elone as recommendations on certain behavior in the interests of the kind. Bindings we were aimed at ensuring public affairs - hunting, gathering, distribution. Bans they were taboo supported by fear of religious retaliation. In case of violation of customs, coercion could also be applied, which emanated from the whole and wearing religious character.

With the development of the transition process from the generic community to the neighborhood, the accumulation of surplus in individual families and the appearance of property inequality changes and the nature of the authorities. The community under these conditions is trying to resist the property differentiation of its members, but unsuccessfully - due to the complication of management activities and the increase in the role public power , magnificent society.

The posts of leaders become hereditary. Persons who occupy them seek to consolidate the hereditary nature of the power by transferring to the sons of knowledge and management experience. The leaders and elders acquire the privileges associated with their position ("lion's share" of mining, additional put on Earth, etc.). It enhances the property bundle, even more by extinguishing the management top from the main mass of ordinary communists.

An increase in production required an additional workforce, which was replenished due to prisoners captured during conflicts with neighboring tribes. The appearance of surplus led to the fact that the prisoners stopped killing and used as slaves.

In the conditions of hostility, the tribes, if necessary, the organization of defense or attack, many nations have formed a kind of social system called name "Military democracy". Male weight was warriors. However, a group of people who have ceased to engage in productive labor, the main occupation of which was military affair. They received most of the mining in the case of a successful raider on the neighboring tribes. His own fellow tribesmen issued a remuneration to soldiers as payment for the protection of the territory of the tribe. These initially voluntary sentences were transformed into the obligatory payment of the Dani on the content of the army and the management apparatus.

The state that emerged under these conditions has established the inequality of members of society, giving the power of economically and politically dominant top. Throughout the history of its existence, the state did not allow other political forces to carry out power. Only in the XIX-XX centuries, during the formation and development of democracy, the Company had the opportunity to influence political decisions through participation in the formation of state-power structures. In the modern world, the political sphere of society includes not only state, but also public organizations, including political parties, which, one way or another, participate in the political life of the country.

Spiritual spheresociety includes relations arising in the process of creating, mastering and transmitting spiritual values. One of the components of the spiritual sphere is culture. In a broad sense, culture is understood as a totality of all the material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bcreated by humanity throughout its existence. In a narrow sense, culture is a combination of knowledge and values \u200b\u200btransmitted to the subsequent generations. This includes literature, art, architecture, science, education, religion, rules and norms of behavior in society.

As a result of the activities of people and their associations, new cultural samples are created in the spiritual sphere, new knowledge transmitted by the following generations and moving forward public progress. More primitive people created rock paintings. Then the man began to decorate the drawings of the tool and household items. Then the first religious beliefs appeared - paganism , representing the deification of the forces of nature.

Long century religion determined the attitude of people to the world around. And only in a new time, a scientific comes to replace the religious worldview. Scientific knowledge has enriched the spiritual potential of humanity, made it possible to explain the many phenomena of nature and make discoveries that advanced the development of society.

All spheres of public life are closely interconnected and mutual influence. Often, within the framework of the phenomena occurring, elements of various spheres are combined. For example, the income level determines the person's place in the social hierarchy, directly affects the formation of its political views and the possibility of obtaining education and attachment to cultural values. At certain stages of historical development, the influence of one or another sphere of social life can increase. So, in the period of revolutions, the political sphere becomes determining, and during the reforms - economic and social spheres. But, despite the prevailing effect of any sphere of public life at a given historical moment, the role of other spheres is not diminished. They only temporarily retreat to the background, maintaining their significance to the existence and development of society.

Questions and tasks

1. What is the company's sphere? What areas of society do you know?

2. What components includes the economic sphere of society? How did they arise?

3. In what conditions and why did private property appear?

4. Describe the social sphere of society. How did social relations develop through history?

5. What is power? What is the difference between the authorities in primitive society from the state of the state?

6. What device of society is called "Military Democracy *? how
affected the formation of the state?

7. What is the features of the spiritual sphere of society?

8. Describe the concept of culture. What are its components?

9. What is the relationship of the Society of Society? Can they exist independently of each other? Justify your answer,

10. Spend a study on the topic "I and the Society Society". Take the conclusion about which of the spheres of society plays a decisive role in your life.

What is society

We all live in society. The company is people who have common ideas, goals, values \u200b\u200band interests. The essence of society is not in every individual individual, but in the relationship in which people are located during their livelihoods, i.e. In other words, society is an all diversity of social relations. The result of these relationships are various types of public activities: production and economic, social, political, religious. As a result of these activities, a variety of spheres of public life are formed. Allocate 4 main spheres of society - this is a social, spiritual, economic, political. We will analyze the spheres of life each separately.

Economic sphere

The economic sphere is a combination of relationships in order to create material goods to meet the vital needs of people in food, clothes, housing. The structure of the economic sphere consists of industrial forces and production relations.

Social sphere

The social sphere of society encompass all the relationship between people, enterprises, industries and organizations that determine the standard of living of society, its welfare. The elements of the social sphere are social groups, communications, institutions, social norms and culture. A person who occupies a certain position in society consists in a particular group: i.e. He can simultaneously be a manager, parent, artist, athlete, etc.

The political sphere is represented by the system of state power. Within political parties, public organizations and state authorities interact within the political sphere.

In the spiritual area of \u200b\u200brelationships consist in the creation and transfer of spiritual benefits. The spheres of spiritual life include morality, religion, art, education, right, philosophy. The essence of the spiritual sphere is that it is here that the knowledge of the life of society and man occurs, there is a transfer of new knowledge and spiritual values \u200b\u200bto the subsequent generations. One of the main tasks of the development of society is to preserve and filling the spiritual world of people, as well as to convey to humanity, how important it is to maintain true spiritual values. Of course, we can say that a person could live without music, and without any knowledge, but then it would be no longer a person.

It is important to understand that the person in all spheres of life occupies the main place. A man at one point in time in his vital activity is in various respects. That is why the spheres of life of society are the relationship between the same people arising in various aspects of their lives. Each sphere of public life is reasonably arranged and closely intertwined with each other.

Human life spheres

The person participates in several spheres of society. Each sphere of life is self, and at the same time all spheres interact closely with each other. As a person is in society, the spheres of human life can directly be associated and dependent on all spheres of social life. There are various opinions regarding which the main spheres of human life.

Most allocate 7:

  • Health
  • Inner world, personal growth (spirituality)
  • External world (society in which we live, our environment)
  • Money (Finance)
  • Career
  • Relationship (family, personal life)
  • Recreation (Hobbies, Traveling, Trips)

It is important to recognize which areas of life require additional attention, in which of them you need to understand. When a person misses certain areas of life, he becomes unhappy. It is impossible to compensate for the destruction in one sphere by success in another. In this case, a person will always live on the verge of survival. It sometimes seems to be a person that for happiness something is missing. And when this understanding comes, you need to begin to "close the breach" in the sphere of life that suffered.

For example, you have work with good income, but besides this income, work does not bring either moral satisfaction, no joy. And a choice appears in front of you: to find a job in the soul and with good income, stay on the former unchanged, or to engage in your loved one, but in this case income will suffer. Or another situation: you are a successful person in your business, you have a career, finance, recognition of society, you can afford many travels, but you do not have children, but I would love to have them. In both situations you will feel unhappy until we decide to act to achieve your happiness. Perhaps this is the principle of "Golden Mid": find harmony in all spheres of human life

Was Last Modified: January 12th, 2016 by Elena Weather

The structural organization of the Company is analyzed by social philosophy with the help of a systematic approach. To do this, allocate the main types of joint activities of people: material production, social reproduction, organizational, spiritual. They correspond to the four main spheres (subsystems) of society: economic, social, political, spiritual.

Economic sphere - Basic, defining societies in life, it includes: production, distribution, exchange, consumption of material goods.

The economic sphere exists in the following forms:

The economic space is where the economic life takes place;

The activities of the Institutes of Economic Management;

Method for the production of material goods.

The method of manufacturing material benefits has two components: productive forces and production relations. Productive forces are people with their knowledge, skills, work skills and means of production. Production tools include everything, with the help of which production is carried out: labor; funds, tools of labor - machinery, mechanisms, tools, technique; raw materials and materials; Buildings and facilities, transport, etc. Man is a creative beginning and an active labor entity. The main role of a person in production is not connected so much with its physical properties, as with thinking and division of labor. The functioning of the means of production depends on the skill, knowledge and experience of people.

It is possible to give a characteristic of the productive forces as a certain technological method of connecting people and equipment, the method of manufacturing products. Productive forces are quantified and qualitatively. An indicator of quantitative changes is the level of development of productive forces, expressed in labor productivity. Qualitative changes are detected in their character, how the forces of nature are used by a person how they are used. The nature of the productive forces has historically changed. From manual tools, people have moved to machine and automatic technique, from the energy of animals to electrical and atomic energy. At the present stage, a person gets out of the immediate process of production, becoming its regulator and controller.

Production relations are relations between people in the production process. They belong to them:

Property relationship, especially for the means of production. This is a determining element of production relations - since the one who has a means of production is in fact the host of the economy and dictates conditions, while all the others who are not owners of the means of production are forced to offer their employment services to owners for wages;

Relationship exchange of activities based on labor separation;

Relationships about the distribution of manufactured material goods.

Property relations largely determine the relationship of the exchange, distribution and consumption of labor products. Property relations determine the content of the economic interests of classes and individuals. The form of ownership is the essence of industrial relations.

There are private, group and public property. Historically, the first form of property was collective, community property. For a shift, she came private property. The story knew three main types of private property: slave-owned, feudal, capitalist. In the socialist society were the state and cooperative property of the working people united in Artel. In modern Belarus there are various forms of ownership: state, private-capitalist, cooperative, joint-stock, etc. Reforming of the domestic economy is carried out taking into account its structure and potential that have been inherited from the USSR, the lack of significant natural resources, the mentality of the Belarusian people and the exacerbation of competition in world markets . All this is taken into account in the peculiarities of the Belarusian model of economic development. Its features are: effective state regulation, evolutionary path of development, careful provision of privatization program, targeted social policy, export orientation of most industries. The growth rate of Belarusian GDP to the beginning of the world crisis was 8-10%, which more than twice exceeded the average.

The history of the development of society is due to the process of changing the method of production, which determines the change in all other structural elements of the public formation. Productive forces and production relations are two sides of the single production process. Their interaction is subject to the law of compliance of production relations with the nature and level of productive forces. The change in production relations occurs when a single method of production is replaced by another. The owner will contribute to the development of productive forces until production relations provide him with profit. The preservation of old production relations is usually supported by the state and the economically dominant layers of society impede their change, even if they cease to comply with the productive forces. Therefore, to change the production relations there is not enough development of productive forces, and it is also necessary to form such a social situation that would allow to overcome the resistance of the conservative forces.

The transition from the old method of production to the new one is usually carried out by social revolutions that can acquire the most different shape and go not only "below", but also "from above."

The value of the material production (economic sphere of society) is that it:

Creates a material database of the existence of society;

Contributes to solving problems facing society;

Directly affects the social structure (classes, social groups);

Affects political processes;

It affects the spiritual sphere - both directly (on the maintenance) and infrastructure, the carrier of the spiritual sphere (school, libraries, theaters, books).

Although social life does not boil down to the production of material goods, its main areas are associated with each other, the unified material basis. Therefore, the change in the method of production and property relations entails the change in the entire society - its social structure, political organization, public consciousness, the entire sphere of the spiritual life of society.

Social environment is the human surrounding social world, which includes the material and ideal conditions for the formation, existence and development of people. The main components of the social world include public living conditions of people, social actions of people, their relationship in the process of joint activity; Social community in which they are combined. Social environment is asked human cultural and historically.

Social sphere - The system of an internal device of society (social groups, nation, nation), based on the division of labor, property to the means of production and the national factor. In this area, cooperation is carried out about living conditions, life, production; health problems, education, social protection and ensure; Compliance with social justice, regulation of the entire complex of ethnic, national, socio-class and group relations.

Political sphere of society- A combination of institutions and organizations that express the interests of social groups and carry out management society based on coordination of interests. The elements of the political system of society are: the state and state bodies, political parties, public organizations and movements, trade unions, other institutions (for example, the media). All elements of the political system have their own functions, but at the same time interrelated.

The main element of the political system of society is the state system of bodies carrying out state power. State - This is a political institution that carries out the management of society, the protection of its economic and social structure. It protects primarily forms of ownership in which society is interested (or the ruling elite). The essence of the state in the antagonistic society is the dictatorship of the dominant class, when the dominant class gets the opportunity to manage all the parties to the life of society in accordance with its interests. The main functions of the state are: Representative - to represent the interests of various political, social groups; Regulatory - maintain order in society, manage social processes; Security - protect citizens from both external and internal threats; foreign policy; integration.

The state is characterized by the form of government, the form of the territorial device and the political regime. The form of the Board shows a way to form power - by inheritance or through elections. Hence the two main forms of government: monarchy and republic (parliamentary or presidential). The form of the territorial device of states is unitary (Belarus), federal (Russia), confederative (UES), Commonwealth (CIS).

Political regime is a system of methods and techniques for state power, the degree of realization of the rights and freedoms of the individual. The peculiarity of the political regime is determined by the nature of the electoral law, the role of the executive and legislative bodies of state power. Democratic, authoritarian, totalitarian regimes and their varieties are distinguished. The main question of political life is the question of power. Political power is the real ability of this class, group or individuals to conduct their will in politics and legal norms. The main forms of manifestation are dominance, organization, control and management. Through the state administration, power structures seek to subjugate their will of all classes and social groups.

The peculiarity of the Belarusian political system is its transitional, search character. Democratic institutions and mechanisms of power are not in demand with the full majority of citizens. It can be noted, for example, a low ranking of the population of the institutions of political parties and parliamentarism. Patennist moods are still distributed, i.e. Expectations of help and instructions from the state, which slows down the process of forming a civil society. The positive parties are the stability and peaceful nature of political relations, an effective system of law and order and a high level of life security guarantees. There is a consensus of the people and power over the main social values \u200b\u200band public development goals.

Sphere of society Includes elements such as: spiritual activity, spiritual values, spiritual needs of people, spiritual consumption, individual consciousness, public consciousness. This sphere includes all forms of public consciousness - philosophy, religion, morality, right, art, science, myth. The elements of the spiritual life of society are considered: individual and public consciousness, spiritual needs, spiritual activities and production, relevant values \u200b\u200band ideals, spiritual consumption and relationships.

Spiritual activity - the activity of consciousness, in the process of which there are thoughts and feelings, images and ideas about a person, material and spiritual world. As a result of spiritual activity, spiritual values \u200b\u200barise, for example, moral, religious foundations, scientific theories, artworks. In the course of spiritual activities, values \u200b\u200bapply and consumed (perceived, are absorbed by people) in accordance with their spiritual needs. Communication between people, the mutual relationship with spiritual values \u200b\u200bis called spiritual relations.

Public consciousness - arising from the social practice of people, their production, family-household and other activities a set of feelings, sentiment, ideas, theories, artistic and religious images, various views reflecting all the variety of being. Public consciousness has a complex structure, where the spheres of public ideology and social psychology are distinguished accordingly. There are also forms of public consciousness (political, legal, philosophical, scientific, religious, moral, artistic), levels (theoretical and ordinary). In philosophy, it is customary to consider "public consciousness" as a complex system of feelings, views, ideas, theories, which reflect public being. There is a tendency of the backlog of public consciousness from public existence, but sometimes public consciousness, especially scientific, is able to distinguish public being. The role of the spiritual sphere is that it forms complexes of values \u200b\u200band life strategies of society, social projects and means of their implementation, the past are comprehended and the benchmarks of the future are being laid. The Belarusian society is experiencing a step of the transition from the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof the Soviet period to the national-distinctive and modern world samples. This process is controversial, Belarusian and Russian and the general Slavonic culture are displaced by the mass culture of the American sample. This is observed in the youth slang, the traditions of new holidays (Halloween, Valentine's Day), the dominance of utilitarian needs of spiritual. The religiousness of the population has grown, although for many she is a tribute to fashion that has not become inner conviction. In the structure of public consciousness there is a weakening of the effect of the theoretical level on the mass type of consciousness, science retreats before the myth and religion. Such phenomena are typical for transitional eras and societies. They are the symptoms of the crisis of modern society of mass consumption. We need a new model of sociocultural development of mankind.

Society is a dynamic system of interaction of people. This is one of the definitions. The keyword in it is a system, that is, a complex mechanism that consists of spheres of social life. In science there are four such spheres:

  • Political.
  • Economic.
  • Social.
  • Spiritual.

All of them are not isolated from each other, but, on the contrary, are interrelated. Examples of interaction We will describe in more detail in this article.

Political sphere

Spheres are areas in which the basic needs of society are satisfied.

Political includes government and management bodies, as well as various political institutions. It is directly related to the apparatus of coercion and suppression, which legitimately use power with the approval of the entire society. Satisfies security needs, security, maintaining law and order.

It includes:

  • The president.
  • Government.
  • Public authorities in places.
  • Strong structure.
  • Political parties and associations.
  • Local governments.

Economic sphere

The economic sphere is designed to satisfy the material needs of society. If only adult citizens take part in political life, then in this - absolutely everything, including old people and children. All people are consumers from an economic point of view, and therefore direct participants in market relations.

Key concepts in the economic sphere:

  • Production.
  • Exchange.
  • Consumption.

Production participates firms, plants, factories, mines, banks, and so on.

Interaction of the political and economic sphere

We give examples of the interaction of the spheres of the public among themselves. The State Duma of the Russian Federation adopts laws that are required to execute all citizens. Some adopted regulatory acts may affect the change in the sectors of the economy. For example, licensing certain types of activity leads to an increase in certain products due to the additional costs associated with the innovation.

Specific examples of the interaction of the spheres of the Company can be illustrated in the light of recent events. Against the Russian Federation introduced international economic sanctions. In response, the authorities of our country have introduced counter-banking. As a result, some European foodstuffs and medicines do not enter the Russian market. This led to the following consequences:

  • Appreciation of products.
  • The absence on the shelves of many goods whose analogues in Russia are not manufactured.
  • Development of some sectors of the economy: animal husbandry, gardening, etc.

But it is mistaken to believe that only power affects business, sometimes the opposite. Inverse examples of the interaction of the Society of Society, when economists dictate policies to politicians, can be given in the practice of lobbying laws. A recent example is the so-called Rothenberg law in Russia, according to which millionaires that fell under the sanctions of the West will be paid compensation from the state budget.

Social sphere

Social sphere satisfies society needs in education, medicine, service, leisure and entertainment. It includes the daily communication of citizens and large groups of people.

Political and social spheres

Politics may affect the social life of the country. The following examples of the interaction of the spheres of the Company can be brought. Local authorities of the city were forbidden to open any entertainment institutions: clubs, night bars and a cafe in one of the criminal areas on the outskirts of the city. As a result, the crime rate in it fell, but residents have to get longer to recreation and entertainment sites.

The following example is: in the crisis, the district municipality is experiencing in order to reduce costs, he decides to close one of the schools. As a result, there is a reduction in pedagogical workers, children are transported to another settlement every day, and money will be saved on the maintenance of objects, since, according to the law, all costs for their services lie on local authorities.

Social and economic spheres

The economic development of the country is greatly affected by social life. Here are just some examples of the interaction of the spheres of society. The financial crisis has reduced real incomes of the population. Citizens began to spend less on entertainment and leisure, limiting hiking in paid parks, sports clubs, stadiums, cafes. The loss of customers led to the ruin of many companies.

The relationship is also between policies, economics and social development of the country. We give examples of the interaction of the spheres of the public among themselves. Unstable in the Middle East and the weakening of the ruble rate twice in aggregate with active development led to the fact that many canceled traditional trips to Egypt and Turkey and began to rest in Russia.

This example can be disassembled to the components:

  • Political - instability in the Middle East, measures of authorities to increase internal tourism.
  • Economic - the devaluation of the ruble led to a significant increase in prices for trips to Turkey and Egypt while maintaining domestic prices.
  • Social - tourism belongs to this area.

Spiritual sphere

Many mistakenly suggest that the spiritual field relates to religion. This delusion comes from the course of history, where, under the appropriate themes, the church reforms of certain periods disassemble. In fact, religion although it relates to the spiritual sphere, but is not its only component.

In addition to her, here include:

  • The science.
  • Education.
  • Culture.

As for education, the most attentive readers will define a fair question that earlier we attributed it to the Social Area when examples of the interaction of the Company's spheres of among themselves. But the spiritual refers to education as a process, and not as the interaction of people. For example, visiting school, communicating with peers, teachers - all this refers to the social area. Obtaining knowledge, socialization (upbringing), self-realization and self-improvement is the process of spiritual life, which is designed to meet the needs for knowledge, improvement.

Spiritual and political spheres

Sometimes the influence of religion is affected. We give examples of interaction of the spheres of among themselves. Today, Iran is a religious state: all internal politics, laws are accepted exclusively in the interests of Muslim Shiite sense.

We present the historical example of the interaction of the spheres of society. After the October Revolution of 1917, many temples were blown up, and religion was recognized as "opium for the people", that is, the harmful drug from which it is necessary to get rid of. Many priests were killed, temples were destroyed, in their place were formed warehouses, shops, mills, etc. This was reflected on social life: there was a spiritual decline of the population, people ceased to honor the traditions, did not register marriages in churches, as a result of which the unions began to disintegrate . In fact, this led to the destruction of the Institute of Family and Marriage. The witness of the wedding was not God, but a person that, agree, the difference is huge for a believer. So it continued until the Great Patriotic War, until Stalin officially restored the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church on legal grounds.

Spiritual and economic spheres

Economic development affects the spiritual life of the country. What examples of interaction between the Society of the Company are proved? Psychologists note that during the period of economic crises there is a depressive state of the population. Many people lose work, savings, their firms are ruined - all this leads to psychological problems. But the practice of private psychologists is not developed in Russia, such as in the United States. Therefore, religious sects arise, which draw "lost souls" into their networks, of which sometimes it is very difficult to escape.

Another example is South Korea. The lack of minerals and other resources affected the fact that this country began to develop science and tourism. This gave its results - today this country leader in electronics and is among the ten most developed countries of the world. Politics, economics and social development faced here.

Spiritual and social spheres

The line between the spiritual and social life is very subtle, but we will try to clarify it through examples of interaction between the spheres of society. Visit to school students, admission to institutions is all the relationship between two spheres, as people communicate (social) and make various rites (spiritual).

Examples of interaction of the Society of the Company from History

I remember a little story. It also contains examples of the interaction of various spheres of society. Take the reform of Stolypin at the beginning of the 20th century. In Russia, they canceled the community, the peasant banks were created, which issued loans to the immigrants, made a preferential passage at the expense of the state, created a small infrastructure in Siberia. As a result, thousands of peasants with a small-earth south and the Volga region were flooded to the east, where they were waiting for the cherished hectares of free land. All these measures allowed:

  • loosen the peasant landless in the central provinces;
  • master the empty lands of Siberia;
  • to feed the bread of people and replenish the state budget taxes in the future.

This serves as a bright example of interaction between politics, economics and social life of the country.

Another situation is the degradation of peasants, as a result of which many hardworking rational owners remained without livelihood, and their place was taken by TUnevants from Combed. As a result, many died from hunger, and the rural farming was destroyed. This example shows the impact of rapid political solutions for the economy and social life.

Company interaction: examples from the media

"Channel One" announced the adoption by the Russian authorities to bomb the terrorists of prohibited in Russia " Islamic state" Also, the federal channel reported that the authorities intend to resume negotiations on the Turkish gas pipeline to Europe.

All information from the source, which relates to it illustrates examples of the interaction of various spheres of society. In the first case, political and social, as the decision of the leadership of our country will lead to the consequences in the Middle East. The story with shows the relationship of policies and economics. The agreement between the countries will develop the gas industry and will replenish the budgets of both countries.


Examples of interaction between the spheres of the Company prove that we live in a complex system. The change in the same subsystem necessarily affects others. All spheres are interrelated, but none of the four is the main dominant, on which all others depend on.

As an add-on right. It is not included in any of the four, but does not stand out in the fifth. The right is a fastening tool over them.

The sphere of life of society is a certain set of sustainable relationships between social constituents.

Public life spheres are large, sustainable, relatively independent subsystems of human activity.

Each sphere includes:

Certain types of human activity (for example, educational, political, religious);

Social institutions (such as family, school, party, church);

The established relationship between people (i.e. communications arising in the process of activity of people, such as the relationship of exchange and distribution in the economic sphere).

Traditionally, four main spheres of public life are distinguished:

Social (peoples, nations, classes, sexual agents, etc.)

Economic (productive forces, production relations)

Political (state, party, socio-political movements)

Spiritual (religion, moral, science, art, education).

It is important to understand that people are simultaneously in various respects among themselves, with someone connected, from someone are separate when solving their vital issues. Therefore, the spheres of life of society are not geometric spaces where different people live, but the relationship of the same people in connection with the various sides of their lives.

Graphically spheres of public life are presented in Fig. 1.2. The central place of a person is symbolic - he is inscribed in all spheres of society.

Social sphere is the relationship that arise in the production of direct human life and man as a social being.

The concept of "social sphere" has different meanings, albeit related. In social philosophy and sociology, this is the sphere of society, which includes various social community and relations between them. In economics and political science, under the social sphere often understand the combination of industries, enterprises, organizations whose task is to increase the standard of living of the population; At the same time, the social sector includes health care, social security, utilities, etc. The social sphere in the second value is not an independent sphere of society, and the area at the junction of the economic and political spheres associated with the redistribution of state's income in favor of those in need.

Social sphere includes various social communities and relations between them. A person, occupying a certain position in society, was inscribed in various generality: he may be a man, workers, father of the family, a city resident, etc. The visual position of the individual in society can be shown in the form of a questionnaire (Fig. 1.3).

Using the example of this conditional questionnaire, you can briefly describe the social structure of society. Paul, age, marital status determines the demographic structure (with such groups as men, women, young people, pensioners, idle, married and so on.). Nationality determines the ethnic structure. The place of residence is determined by the settlement structure (there is division in urban and villagers, residents of Siberia or Italy, etc.). Profession and education are actually professional and educational structures (doctors and economists, people with higher and secondary education, students and schoolchildren). Social origin (from workers, from employees, etc.) and social status (employee, peasant, nobleman, etc.) determine the classroom structure; This also includes castes, classes, classes, etc.

Economic sphere

The economic sphere is a combination of relations of people who arise when creating and moving material goods.

Economic sphere - area of \u200b\u200bproduction, exchange, distribution, consumption of goods and services. In order to produce something, people, tools, machines, materials, etc. are needed. - Productive forces. In the process of production, and then exchange, distribution, consumption, people come into a variety of relations with each other and with a product - production relations.

Production relations and productive forces in aggregate constitute the economic sphere of life of society:

Productive forces - People (labor), tools of labor, labor objects;

Production relations - production, distribution, consumption, exchange.

Political sphere

The political sphere is one of the most important areas of social life.

The political sphere is the relationship of people associated primarily with the authorities that provide joint security.

The Greek word Politike (from Polis - the state, city), appearing in the writings of antique thinkers, was originally used to refer to the art of government management. Saving this value as one of the central, modern terms "Politics" is now used to express social activities, in the center of which there are problems of acquiring, use and retention of power.

The elements of the political sphere can be represented in this way:

Political organizations and institutions - social groups, revolutionary movements, parliamentarism, party, citizenship, presidency, etc.;

Political norms - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;

Political communications - relations, communications and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between the political system as a whole and society;

Political culture and ideology - political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

Needs and interests form certain political goals of social groups. On this purpose, political parties arise, social movements, powerful state institutions that carry out specific political activities. The interaction of large social groups with each other and the institutions of power is a communicative subsystem of the political sphere. This interaction streams different norms, customs and traditions. The reflection and awareness of these relations form a cultural and ideological subsystem of the political sphere.

Spiritual sphere of life

The spiritual sphere is an area of \u200b\u200bideal, intangible formations that include ideas, values \u200b\u200bof religion, art, morality, etc.

The structure of the spiritual sphere of life of society in the greatest features:

Religion is a form of worldview based on faith in supernatural forces;

Moral - the system of moral norms, ideals, assessments, actions;

Art is the artistic development of the world;

Science is a system of knowledge of the laws of the existence and development of the world;

The right is a set of norms supported by the state;

Education is a targeted process of upbringing and learning.

The spiritual sphere is the sphere of relations arising from the production, transmission and development of spiritual values \u200b\u200b(knowledge, beliefs, behaviors, artistic images, etc.).

If the material life of a person is associated with the satisfaction of specific daily needs (in food, clothes, drink, etc.). The spiritual sphere of human life is aimed at meeting the needs of the development of consciousness, worldview, a variety of spiritual qualities.

Spiritual needs in contrast to the material are not specified in biologically, but are formed and developed in the process of socialization of the individual.

Of course, a person is able to live without satisfying these needs, but his life will then differ little from the life of animals. Spiritual needs are satisfied in the process of spiritual activity - cognitive, value, prognostic, etc. Such activities are aimed primarily on the change in individual and public consciousness. It is manifested in art, religion, scientific creativity, education, self-education, upbringing, etc. At the same time, spiritual activity can be both producing and consuming.

The spiritual production is called the process of formation and development of consciousness, worldview, spiritual qualities. The product of this production is ideas, theories, artistic images, values, the spiritual world of the individual and spiritual relations between individuals. The main mechanisms of spiritual production - science, art and religion.

Spiritual consumption is called the satisfaction of spiritual needs, the consumption of products of science, religion, art, such as a visit to theater or museum, obtaining new knowledge. The spiritual sphere of society provides the production, storage and distribution of moral, aesthetic, scientific, legal and other values. It covers various forms and levels of public consciousness - moral, scientific, aesthetic, religious, legal.

Social institutions in the spheres of society

In each of the spheres of society, the relevant social institutions are formed.

The Social Institute is a group of people, relations between which are built according to certain rules (family, army, etc.), and the totality of rules for certain social actors (for example, the presidency institution).

To maintain your own life, people are forced to produce, distribute, exchange and consume (use) food, clothing, dwelling, etc. These benefits can be obtained when converting the environment with a variety of means that need to be created. Vital benefits are created by persons in the economic sphere through such social institutions as manufacturing enterprises (agricultural and industrial), trade enterprises (shops, markets), stock exchanges, banks, etc.

In the social sphere, the most important social institution, in which the reproduction of new generations of people is being reproduced, the family is. Public production of a person as a social being, in addition to the family, is carried out by institutions such as preschool and medical facilities, a school and other educational institutions, sports and other organizations.

For many people, the production and availability of spiritual conditions of existence is no less important, and for some people are more important than the material conditions. Spiritual production distinguishes people from other creatures in this world. The condition and nature of the development of spirituality define the civilization of mankind. The main in the spiritual sphere is the institutions of education, science, religion, morality, rights. This also includes cultural and educational institutions, creative unions (writers, artists, etc.), media and other organizations.

The political sphere is based on relations between people who allow them to participate in the management of public processes, to occupy a relatively safe position in the structure of social relations. Political relations are forms of collective life, which are prescribed by laws and other legal acts of the country, charters and instructions regarding independent communities, both outside the country and inside it, writing and unwritten rules of various social groups. These relationships are carried out through the resources of the relevant political institution.

On the scale of the country, the main political institution is the state. It consists of many of the following institutions: the president and its administration, the government, the Parliament, the Court, the Prosecutor's Office and other organizations that ensure the overall procedure in the country. In addition to the state, there are many civil society organizations in which people implement their political rights, i.e., the rights to managing public processes. Political parties and social movements are playing political parties and social movements. In addition to them, there may be regional and local organizations.

Relationship of public life

Public life spheres are closely interrelated. In the history of sciences on society there were attempts to highlight any scope of life as defining in relation to others. So, in the Middle Ages, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe special significance of religiosity as part of the spiritual sphere of life of society was dominated. In the new time and the Epoch of Enlightenment emphasized the role of morality and scientific knowledge. A number of concepts lead a leading role to the state and right. Marxism approves the determining role of economic relations.

As part of real public events, elements of all areas are combined. For example, the nature of economic relations may affect the structure of the social structure. A place in the social hierarchy forms certain political views, opens up appropriate access to education and other spiritual values. Economic relations themselves are determined by the legal system of the country, which is very often formed on the basis of the spiritual culture of the people, its traditions in the field of religion and morality. Thus, at various stages of historical development, the influence of any sphere may increase.

The complex nature of social systems is combined with their dynamicity, i.e., movable, volatile character.

Read the text and execute the tasks 21-24.

The answer to the question of the prevalence of politics in society directly depends on its interpretation, as well as on the specific types of social and political systems. From a wide understanding of politics as any activity and behavior related to power, authority, organization and management, it logically, it follows that it penetrates all areas of public life: economy, culture, religion, science, sport, etc. According to the famous American political scientist Robert Dal, not only organizations such as the state and party, but also trade unions, private clubs, business enterprises, religious organizations, groups of citizens, wild tribes, clans and even individual families are owned to political associations.

At the same time, a wide interpretation of politics pays the danger of blackout its features, dissolving among those close to politics by their nature phenomena - authorities, social organization, management, the study of which is the subject of special sciences, respectively: sociology of the authorities, sociology of the organization, management theory.

More specifically, the criteria and the boundaries of the policy determines M. Weber. He writes: "The association may be called political, if the fulfillment of its orders is constantly carried out on a certain territory under threat or with the use of coercion by the administrative authority."

Thus, Weber limits the criteria for political constancy of power, its distribution to a certain territory, the presence of special coercion bodies. It is easy to notice that the policy is associated with Weber with the national (macro) level of its functioning ...

Almost any public problem can be political in the event that, according to political leaders, it affects the interests of the whole society and requires mandatory solutions for all citizens. Politics is a tool of conscious self-regulation of society. Therefore, it can spread to a wide variety of social phenomena, as on those that require constant power regulation (for example, the protection of the safety of citizens, public order, the development of international relations, etc.) and those that temporarily acquire political significance ( For example, state assistance to the population in case of natural disasters).

By covering many economic, cultural, religious and other phenomena, the policy does not replace them, but gives them a special aspect - makes them the object of impact of public authority ...

The multi-term of various public associations is ultimately explained by the diversity of the qualities and social roles of man.

(V.P. Pugachev, A. I. Solovyov)

2. Main spheres of society

The complex nature of the development of society is determined by its very complex structure, the effect of many inhomogeneous factors in it. First of all, there are various types of social activities in it in nature and maintenance: production and economic, socio-household, political, religious, aesthetic and others who have as it were from their social space. The latter outlines the corresponding type of social relations, within which one or another social activity occurs. As a result, various spheres of society are developing. The main ones are economic, social, political, spiritual.

The economic sphere includes production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods. This is the scope of production, directly incarnation to the life of scientific and technological progress, the implementation of the entire combination of production relations of people, including property relations for the means of production, exchange and the distribution of material goods.

The economic sphere acts as an economic space in which the country's economic life is organized, all sectors of the economy are interacted, as well as international economic cooperation. Here, economic consciousness of people, their material interest in the results of their production activities, as well as their creative abilities, are directly implemented. It also implements the activities of the Institutes of Economic Management. In the economic sphere, all objective and subjective factors for the development of the economy are interacted. The importance of this sphere for the development of society is fundamental.

Social sphere is the scope of the relationship of social groups available in the society, including classes, professional and socio-demographic layers of the population (youth, elderly, etc.), as well as national communities about the social conditions of their lives and activities.

It is about the creation of healthy conditions for the production activities of people, to ensure the necessary standard of living of all segments of the population, to address the problems of health, public education and social security, on compliance with social justice in the implementation of each person of their right to work, as well as in the distribution and consumption of created In the society of material and spiritual benefits, on the resolution of contradictions arising from the social bundle of society, about the social protection of the respective segments of the population. This refers to the regulation of the entire complex of socio-class and national relations relating to the working conditions, life, education and living standards of people.

As can be seen, the functioning of the social sphere is associated with the satisfaction of the special circle of social needs. The possibilities of their satisfaction are due to the social position of a person or social group, as well as the nature of existing public relations. The degree of satisfaction of these needs determine the level and quality of life of a person, family, social group, etc. This is generalizing the indicators of the achieved level of the well-being of people and the effectiveness of its social sphere. The social policy of the state should be sent to this.

The political sphere is the space of political activities of classes, other social groups, national communities, political parties and movements, various types of public organizations. Their activities occur on the soil of the established political relations and is aimed at implementing their political interests.

These of their interests relate primarily to political power, as well as the realization of their political rights and freedoms. In the interests of some subjects - the strengthening of the existing political power. Others - its elimination. Third tend to share political power with other entities. As a result, everyone wished to influence political processes in one form or another.

For this, each of the actors operating in the political sphere, whether class, the political party, or a separate person, seeks to expand its political rights and freedoms. This moves over the boundaries of their political activities, creates great opportunities for the realization of their political interests and the incarnation of their political will.

Modern political processes essentially politicize the consciousness of many people and increase their political activity. This strengthens the role and importance of the political sphere in society.

The spiritual sphere is the sphere of relations of people about the various kinds of spiritual values, their creation, distribution and assimilation by all layers of society. At the same time, under the spiritual values \u200b\u200bare implied not only, say, objects of painting, music or literary works, but also knowledge of people, science, moral norms of behavior, etc., Word, all that is the spiritual content of public life or spirituality of society.

The spiritual sphere of public life develops historically. It embodies the geographical, national and other features of the development of society, all that postponed their imprint in the soul of the people, his national character. The spiritual life of society develops from everyday spiritual communication of people and from such directions of their activities as knowledge, including scientific, education and education, from manifestations of morality, art, religion. All this constitutes the content of the spiritual sphere, develops the spiritual world of people, their ideas about the meaning of life in society. This has a decisive effect on the formation of spiritual began in their activities and behavior.

Of great importance in this respect has the activities of institutions that perform the functions of education and education - from primary schools to universities, as well as the atmosphere of family education of a person, the circle of his peers and friends, all the wealth of his spiritual communication with other people. An important role in the formation of human spirituality is played by distinctive folk art, as well as art professional - theater, music, cinema, painting, architecture, etc.

One of the fundamental problems of the development of modern society is how to form, preserve and enrich the spiritual world of people, to introduce them to genuine spiritual values \u200b\u200band dismiss from false, destroying the human soul and society. Everything suggests that the importance of the spiritual sphere in the development of modern society, for its present and future, it is difficult to overestimate. Scientists, philosophers, religious figures, other representatives of spiritual culture are increasingly treating processes.

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From the book Formation of the philosophy of Marxism Author Oizerman Theodore Ilyich

From the book of the author

2. The main areas of public life Marxist-Leninist doctrine on social and economic formation, about history as a natural historical process involves the study of the main spheres of society, their features and relationships. Special importance development

From the book of the author

3. Politics and its role in the life of society policies - the phenomenon is historically transient. It begins to form only at a certain stage of the development of society. So, in primitive-generated society did not exist political relations. The life of society was regulated

From the book of the author

9. The main parcels of historical materialism. Objective and spontaneous in the development of society. Freedom and the need for the prerequisite of the materialistic understanding of history are not speculative, but an empirical character. This, clarify Marx and Engels, real individuals and