Analysis of poem A. with

In the golden age of Russian literature, every educated person had an album in the house, where guests left lines from poems, miniature sketches, warm wishes, understandable only to a few thoughts. Once the beauty of Carolina Sumanskaya asked A. S. Pushkin to make his name in her book for entries. On this wish, the poet, as it should be a creative person, answered the poem "What is my name?"

He came to the conclusion that every person is truly important only to a little.

Of course, the expression of the author's thought contributes and, it would seem, absolutely "technical" aspects of the poem. But after all, the size, and the rhymes often help convey to the reader what the poet seeks to say about. In the poem "What is my name?" Pushkin again resorted to the favorite four-stranded jamb, who were written and the famous "Eugene Onegin", and "demons", and many other poems. Rhyme in the first and second stanza ring (ABBA), which, "braving" composition, shows how inexorably time, as cyclical fate. But the third and fourth quatraisses are written by a cross-rhythm (abab). They tear the closed circle and return us to real life, to real people with their feelings and experiences.

To enhance the emotional impact on the reader, the poet uses various fine-expressive means. These are epithets "Deaf Forest", "rebellious excitement", "sad noise", which would probably give a special inner sound to each image. The comparison "will die like the noise sad", the "track, similar to the pattern" help us compare and tie together, seemingly not having anything to do anything. The personification "Name will die", the fatal echo of which will sound in our consciousness for a long time.

But the work of a bright metaphor "There is a heart in the world where I live." After all, despite the inexorable time, the infinity of the infinity is pure human feelings make our lives happy!

Pushkin's love poetry is beautiful. With what audacity and freedom, Alexander Sergeevich could write about the suffering of the Russian people under the oppression of serfdom, he could write about love with the same huge tenderness and passion. This is a wonderful feeling of the poet and it is about him a poem "What is my name?".

It is these rows that the work begins, and we understand that in this rhetorical question facing the one that Pushkin loved already and lies the answer: nothing. The sufferings of unrequited love, love of bright, noble, should purify the soul of man. Such feelings like love are made from human individuals of a person with high moral principles, with ideas, desires, even if this feeling is undivided.

All the poem is imbued with the mood of sadness and sadness, the author claims that, without having a response, a person will only leave the dead trail, his life will turn around and nothing will remain. This is evidenced by the words that Pushkin uses: "oblivion", "disappearance", "will stop sound." However, gradually, listening to his story, is approved by the idea of \u200b\u200bhope. After all, if a trace of man remains in mind, he will live. Only memory can prevent disappearance without a trace.

A turning point in the work is the beginning of the third stanza. The author begins it with the words "but". In one of the options for writing the poem Pushkin, after "but" a dot, and it carries a deep meaning. This pause makes it difficult to comprehend everything above, helps to understand the psychology of the work.

In the last stubborn, the verbs of the present time are used, which further strengthens the hope of memory, the memory of a person, about love in the heart of his beloved.
The poem "What is my name?" Refers to meditative lyrics. In it, the author reflects, and these thoughts relate to the values \u200b\u200bof love in the life and existence of the person himself.
Pushkin lyrical poetry is beautiful, it will not touch, probably, only the most darling heart.

All lines in his verses are forced to empathize the lyrical hero, to penetrate it with the warmest feelings. The author makes love and suffer, rejoice and experience the flour of jealousy with his heroes. And whatever the love poems of Pushkin, happy and serene or sad and sad, they are beautiful in their diverseness.

The ideas about the personality of the poet, the scale and depth of his artistic universe was not exhausted at all. They are becoming increasingly versatile and disclosed in the meaningfulness, which lies in the work of Pushkin and in the lessons of his personal history.

"What's in a name?"

All the Pushkin lines are memorable. Known and the addressee - Carolina Sumanskaya, who fascinated the poet at the time of his life in Odessa ... According to the laws of artistic perception, Pushkin rows addressed to its contemporaries, read sometimes, as if they were addressed to us, his today's readers. What kind of szvuk gives birth in souls the name of the poet today, what image arises before the inner eyes? As the arguments that everyone has or should be "their Pushkin", unlike the ideas of other porters of genius. However, with the natural abundance of subjective relations in social memory there is a generalized image. The appearance of the poet, the idea of \u200b\u200bhis work, mostly meeting the requests of time, the level of our understanding of the immense poetic Universe of Pushkin. What is different from the previous stages of life of the poet's image in the memory of generations?

We have a collection of interviews and an essay of outstanding scientists of different areas of knowledge of the "future thinking". "How do you imagine a person of the future century?" - with such a question they turned to chemical physics Academician V. I. Goldadan. "He is responsible for me," the highest ideal of man is Pushkin ... ". But we are talking about the coming resident of the XXI century. Not the only statement of this kind sounds confirmation of the prophecy of N. Gogol that Pushkin as an emergency phenomenon and, perhaps, the only one phenomenon of the Russian spirit is a Russian person in its development, in which he can, will appear in two hundred years. The 120th anniversary of the Birthday of the poet will be celebrated in 2019, and on predictions are not at all inclined to exaggerate the servants of exact and strict knowledge, the attractiveness of the person and creativity does not run out. What is the poet's magnetism as a person, as an ideal to which it still has to strive?

Reflecting on this, our contemporaries are determined at the same time and the face of today's interest in Pushkin. The mystery of the immense charm of Pushkin, according to D. S. Likhachev, is that it is still a model of kindness and talent, courage and simplicity, democraticness, vitality, loyalty in friendship, befreaty in love, respect for labor and labor people. He "In every moment of life, in each of her grads, he saw, felt, worried a huge, eternal universal meaning. And therefore, he did not just love life in all its manifestations, life was the greatest sacrament for him, the greatest action. And therefore he was great in everything: in his hopes, and in his delusions, and in his victories, and in his love for people, to nature, in love for his homeland, to her story, her future. "

Continuing the explanation of the origins of the inappropriate attraction to the poet in our days, D. S. Likhachev speaks of the perception of life around us and in each of us as the greatest mystery, requiring a serious, deep relationship to it, full of return. This is the key to the feeling of happiness, harmony, the completeness of existence. And if this is ultimately the ideal of every person, then in Pushkin he was incarnated to fully, because he is our ideal, forever alive. In the very name, it is now distinguished by multi-eyed semantic polyphony. Pushkin is the name "bright, sorrowful, sad, bright, sophisticated, sophisticated, simple, folk, wise, romantic, great, it is Pushkin ...". And in how our contemporaries see the poet, they are not entirely similar to the previous stages of the development of his image the features of interest in his personality and creativity.

What? - Such: as in Africa, Curly and Rus, as where you and I, where the north. When in love - dangerous, angry in speeches. When spring - Hmur, unhealthy, scattered. Terrible, if offended. Jealous. Born in Moscow. The origins of blood - come from alien baked, where NIL boils. Pulse is mad. Where there is Nile waters! It should not be angry: it will overtake and kill. When angry - scary dark and pale. When iron was injured, in the stomach - does not moan not afraid, the crotko rant. In the eyes - the oddity that the white protein, which is needed for the pupil, which is leveled. Negro Crafts, and smys along Alley, like a free french ...

In this poetic portrait, and in fact, and in the method of recreation of the image, many features of the interpretation of the external and internal appearance of Pushkin are trapped. Everything is woven from seminkama, and at the same time there is a consequence of the presentation through bright and laconic parts. The lines of the poetic portrait are caused by the Association of Memories of Portraitistics of the Fine, about sculptural monuments and at the same time specify and deepen the image stored in visual memory. This is achieved due to the conjugation of appearance descriptions - Curly, Rus, Light-eyed - with the properties of nature in their natural liveliness and variability - "In love - is dangerous ...", "Spring - Hmur, Unhealth ...", "angry ..." The concentration of poetic imagery is such that Forces me to remember everything that is known about Pushkin, and, perhaps, to doubt the inviolability of the ideas already acquired and firmly learned about him. Interest in person is enhanced when the appearance of the appearance is motivated by the specificity of psychological states.

The poetic dedication of Pushkin, created by B. Ahmadulina, testifies to the fact that the image of the poet "ordinble" is becoming increasingly capacious, multi-way, information saturated, as representatives of natural science knowledge would be expressed. The process of the dynamics of perception of Pushkin in the direction of the maximum concentrated image of its image, multigid can be shown on the example of the development of Pushkin portraytist of the last decades.

"What's in a name?"

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What's in a name?
It will die like noise sad
Waves splashing in the shore date
As the sound of the night in the forest is deaf.

It is on a commemorative sheet
Leaves a dead trail like
Pattern of inscription gravestone
In incomprehensible language.

What is in it? Forgot long
In the waves of new and rebellious,
Your soul will not give it
Memories of pure, gentle.

But on the day of sadness, in silence,
Toscuing him;
Tell me: there is a memory of me,
There is a heart in the world where I live ...

Analysis of the poem "What is my name?" Pushkin

Being reference in Odessa, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin met with Carolina of the Suman, Countess. This novel remained in the memory of the poet as the lightest and momentous love adventure, having tied their hearts with sincere feelings, as it seemed at that time Pushkin. Like any other "resort" romantic relationship between two people - it quickly faded and lost immediately after the poet returned to his homeland. A few years later, Pushkin is engaged with the future wife of Natalia, but at some point understands that this step is not the right, erroneous, and decides to return to Carolina, offering her to become his wife. The unexpected refusal of the Countess from the proposal of the hand and the heart of the poet crashes the Pushkin's heart, and makes the poet to immerse yourself in a depressive state, return to Natalie, and gathering the remnants of the senses to write a poem "What is my name?".

The philosophical work "What in the name ..." can be attributed to a lyrical media positive poem, which expressed emotions, experiences, concern about human life and relationships in general.

The main question asked by the poet in the poem is rhetorical, as well as contains the answer. Despite the timidity and fear of getting a refusal, Pushkin still drove to the beloved, with a little hope for reciprocity and a bright future.

The pain and soulful torment of the poet of a thin binding thread permeate all the poem, taped the strings of the soul of each reader and showing what state was the poet's soul after the removal of the woman's beloved.

In the work you can meet anaphoric strokes-approval:

"It will die, it will leave the dead trail ...",
"What's in the name, what's in it? ... "-

He gives readers to the thoughts of self-esteem and oblivion, as well as the disappearance as a person.

Carefully penetrating the work, and reading the stanza, with the accuracy of their rhythmicness, it can be safely argued that epithets: sad, dead, clean, gentle, etc. - contribute to the composition of a poem of some duality. The categorical of the poet and a negative depressive attitude, which is easily viewed at the beginning - weakens, and is inferior to the hoping of events and happy moments, forever captured in the poet's memory.

In the poem "What is my name?" - Pushkin often used comparative images and associations. He believed that one of the biggest treasures of a person is what keeps his memory. Those feelings, emotions, memories that gotten a heart into bright times, but no longer repeat again. Memory is able to defeat everything, and even the fleet of time. The hope remaining in the heart of the poet is confirmed in the third part of the work, where the phrase about the most tender and pure memories of the poet.

In the fourth quatrain of the poem, you can observe a turning point of the psychological composition of the work.

The last couplets of the poem, in contrast to the first part, contain many verbs used in the form of the present time, which strengthen the hope of the feeling of writing in the album, about the heart in which love lives, Love love lives, lives humility before fate and selflessness in relation to the beloved.

The poem "that in the name of you mine" Pushkin dedicated an extraordinary woman who he himself, a big sign of the ladies, considered the only fatal passion in his life. The name of Carolina Saban seductitress, and the love for her struck the poet for nine years before writing a work. He dedicated her a lot of his poems, but it became the last. If you carefully read the poem "that in the name of you my" Pushkin, it is easy to catch a farewell notes between the rows. Then the poet still did not know that just a few months later he would meet Natalia Goncharov at the reception at his inconstant beauty, but he was already clearly tired for almost ten years and ready for a new feeling. He was disappointed in Saban and did not hide it, although until the end of his life recalled her with nostalgic sadness.

The main theme of the poem is not only love, but also reflections to Alexander Sergeyevich about his place in the life of a married woman, who trustly plays with the feelings of the famous poet, whose attention she obviously flatters, but whether she is responsible for these feelings, whether the thrill is responsible for the sound of men name? This does not know the poet himself nor the reader. At the same time, Pushkin with bitterness confesses himself to himself that this coquette is unlikely to remain clean and tender memories of him, but as long as he cannot refuse his own love, leaving a place for Katharina in his heart. He seemed to keep the image of his love before finally to say goodbye to the feelings for a living woman. The poet, who never learned the happiness of reciprocity, wants to stay at least trace in his heart of his two-lover. Only a person who fully understands that he will never take another place in her life, could realize that his name is "forgotten for a long time in the waves of new and rebellious ...".

In the text of the verse Pushkin "that in the name of you mine" is easy to catch the main mood - it is sadden, generated by an unrequited feeling, which was cherished for years. This sadness is noble, she is the suffering that cleans the soul of the poet and gives it inspiration to create new works. And there is still notes of bitterness in it, because Alexander Sergeevich has long understood that he is deceived, and flashes, but not only about himself, but about Catharina Saban, the image of which created by the imagination of the in love, did not fit the reality. And still the third motive of the poem is the tenderness that the poet is experiencing to their fatal beauty and which neither her game, nor the cruel truth of life, are not capable of incitement.

What's in a name?
It will die like noise sad
Waves splashing far away
As the sound of the night in the forest is deaf.

It is on a commemorative sheet
Leaves a dead trail like
Pattern of inscription gravestone
In incomprehensible language.

What is in it? Forgot long
In the waves of new and rebellious,
Your soul will not give it
Memories of pure, gentle.

But on the day of sadness, in silence,
Toscuing him;
Tell me: there is a memory of me,
There is a heart in the world where I live ...