Reinforced seam. Reinforcement of horizontal seams of stone masonry

Since today the price of all building materials is constantly increasing, it is necessary to think about how to do truly high-quality structures so that then it was not to constantly correct defects.

There are no exception and all sorts of concrete structures - for example, floors and messshes around the building. If the floors are wrong, they will simply crack, and this automatically entails the deformation of the finishing floor covering.

A photo on which the temperature lines can be seen in the structure of concrete floor.

As for the scene, it is essentially responsible for the integrity and normal state of the foundation tape. If cracks appear in the breakfast, water will penetrate there, which in turn will fall into the foundation structure. And this is already fraught with serious consequences.

To minimize the risk of cracking, the temperature seam in concrete on the SNU is arranged - with its presence, deformation is unlikely.

In fact, these are peculiar cuts in the structure of concrete, due to which the concrete is not cracking during the temperature differences - as it seems to be expanding.

Properly made by Sepa

In fact, there is a whole classification of protective lines - and there are not only temperature. Consider what they are at all, and then on the example of the installation of floors and the scenes we will deal with how temperature seams are arranged in reinforced concrete structures.

Types of seams in concrete

Type of seams Description
1. Shrinking. This is essentially temporary lines that are arranged in buildings from monolithic concrete directly during the process of filling the mixture. The fact is that the concrete during drying has the property to shrink, and due to this, cracks may appear. And it turns out that the mixture is compressed, all pressure goes to a void line, which is expanding under such a pressure.
After soaring the entire mass, the shrinkage incision is climbing.
2. Sediment and temperature lines. Here everything is clear from the title. Such cuts protect the building from defiomatization during shrinkage and from temperature fluctuations. The sediment lines are located on all elements of the building and in the foundation as well. Temperature are made everywhere except the foundation.
3. Antiseismic. These lines seem to share the building into separate sections, blocks. At the same time, at the place of passing such seams, double walls or rack are made, which significantly increases the level of sustainability of the entire design as a whole.

Such is the classification.

Please note that the temperature seams in concrete implies their mandatory processing is not emptiness. As a rule, such cuts are closed or sealants or special profiles or elastic inserts. If this is not done, then the visual species is essential and, of course, thermal insulation qualities of the structure are lost.

Filling the deformation line with a special profile

Now you can go through exactly the temperature protection.

Installation of temperature seams

As already mentioned, we will get acquainted with the technology on the example of the device of concrete floors and the breakfast around the perimeter of the building. Why exactly these designs? Because in most cases, they are doing them with their own hands and with characteristic errors (see the article "Grid for concrete - species and use").

And the errors are just that there is no protective temperature line.

Screed without protective cuts

Before you start - a few words about the features of these structures, in what cases they need to be protected by such technology.

Please note that the temperature seam device in the concrete is also performed in the walls. Moreover, even if they are not made of monolith, but also from ordinary bricks or blocks.

Now you can proceed directly to work. Brief instructions on the fill of the floor and the scene, which will focus on the devices of the seams.

So, let's begin.

Protection of Gamesosta

Pouring Gamesost

This element of the house is done like this:

  • On the perimeter of the building there is a trench of a depth of about 15 cm. In this case, its width should be no less than the sound of the peaks on the roof.
  • The trench falls asleep by rubble, the strip of the runner is laid on top of the stone.
  • Mounted Frame Framework.
  • Tip: Armature rods must be inserted into the walls of the house. For this, such work is performed as a diamond drilling of the holes in the concrete, in which the ends of the reinforcement are inserted.

  • Poured a layer of concrete with a slope of the walls.
  • Temperature seam is done just before the concrete mixture is poured. It is made along the connection of the walls and the scene. In order for such seds to organize - you just need to insert between the plane of the walls and the breakfast, not very thick boards.

    In addition, the seams are made and across the breakfast - in the same way (with the help of the boards of the edge). At the same time, the distance between temperature seams in reinforced concrete of this type should be about 1.5 - 2 meters.

    Formwork for breakfast taking into account temperature protection

    It turns out that the mixture will fool all space, except those lines where the boards are installed. After the concrete freezes, the boards are removed, and the slits are filled with either a sealant or a ribbon of foamed polyethylene.

    Here, most importantly, make sure that the connection between the house and the scene does not work empty - otherwise water will penetrate it and there will be no sense from this design.

    We now turn to the flooring device with seams.

    Seams in concrete floors

    The order of filling of concrete sex will not be considered, since the temperature seams on such a plane can be arranged after the primary pouring of the mixture.

    Of course, it is better to do to the fill so that when drying the concrete on the surface, cracks did not appear, but, in principle, it is not necessary to make protective lines before concrete froze 100%. As a rule, full frost occurs in a few weeks - during this time you can have time to make seams, agree.

    Protective incision in concrete

    So, how the seams are made in the screed.

  • The lines on which the cutting of reinforced concrete diamond circles will be performed. The distance between them is calculated by a very simple formula - 25 multiply on the thickness of the screed, for example, it will be 10 cm. Accordingly, the distance between the parallel lines should be about 2.5 meters.
  • The grinders cut through the seams, the depth of which should be equal to about 1/3 of the total thickness of the screed. As for the lines width, the optimal figure is a maximum of several centimeters.
  • From the seams with the help of brushes and the vacuum cleaner, all dirt and dust are removed, and then the entire space is ground.
  • After the primer dried, all the cutspace is filled with mastic, sealant or some elastic material. In addition, there are still special profiles that are intended to bookmark into such seams.
  • What we got in the end is that now in the case of the expansion of the concrete mass, the deformation will occur at the edges of the screed, on those lines where the seams pass. In these places, the extreme lines of the concrete are a little bit crack, but the main finish flooring will remain absolutely whole and unharmed.

    Seams close up

    What, of course, will save your money, as it will not be necessary to spend money on the current repairs.

    Actually, our review of this technology is finished, and now you can sum up.

    It turns out that the temperature seams in the structure of concrete are on the street and indoors - this is a very desirable event, as a result of which the overall service life of the entire structure is significantly extended.

    It turns out that invested once into the device of such deformation seams in concrete, you also save on fine current repairs.

    We disassembled what protective deformation seams and in how protection from the impact of different temperatures is made. We hope that the instructions will come in hand in practice. Well, if you want to learn even more information on this topic, we advise you to view the additional video in this article.

    The process of reinforcing the reinforcement, as a result of which continuous reinforcement is obtained, is called docking.

    In modern construction there are different ways to connect valves:

    • mechanical;
    • with welding;
    • vansel without welding.

    Benefits of mechanical docking

    This method is the most profitable, respectively, and most commonly used. If you compare the process of mechanical connection of reinforcement with docking reinforcement, the main advantage here is that there is no significant loss of material. The docking of the mustache leads to the loss of a certain number of reinforcement (approximately 27%).

    If you compare the mechanical connection of the reinforcement with docking with welding, then in this case wins the speed of work that is spent much less time. In addition, only professional welders must perform welding to avoid poor-quality work, which in the future can lead to negative consequences. As a result, if you carry out a mechanical docking, you can significantly save on the wages of qualified masters.

    As a result of this method of compound, a sufficiently durable design is obtained. Get an equal connection using this method, it is possible under various weather conditions and at any time of the year.

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    The process of mechanical reinforcement

    Foundation Reinforcement Scheme with Stiffness Ribs: 1 - Mesh from Work Armagra, 2 - Vertical fittings.

    To carry out the docking of the reinforcement, the appropriate tool will be needed mechanically - hydraulic press.

    From materials will need:

    • pressed and threaded coupling;
    • armature rods.

    The mechanical connection technology is quite simple and is as follows:

    • a steel clutch is put on the reinforcement rod;
    • it is crimped with a hydraulic press;
    • for the second rod, the process is repeated again.

    As a result of the time to create a mechanical connection, it goes very little. Instead of connecting couplings, the use of thick-walled steel pipes or couplings, which have a partition in the center, which greatly simplifies the installation.

    Durable mechanical docking is possible for reinforcement rods of different diameters. This is carried out due to the presence of replaceable stamps in the hydraulic press.

    To perform this type of docking, you do not need help professionals, almost everyone can cope with the task. But there is one important condition: two people should be performed at once.

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    Docking reinforcement with welding

    Despite the popularity of mechanical docking, the connection of the reinforcement with welding is also equally in demand in construction. There are several ways of arc welding:

    • extended seams;
    • multilayer seams without the use of other technological elements;
    • with compulsory seam formation;
    • point.

    To perform this type of work, the following tools will be needed:

    • welding machine;
    • electro holders;
    • shields;
    • protective glasses;
    • hammer, chisel;
    • metal brushes;
    • skimmer;
    • steel line;
    • plumb, stigma.

    Main working material - fittings.

    The welding of reinforcement extended seams is used to connect horizontal and vertical rods. This type of docking is possible with lining or brass. The binding compound is performed by extended seams, but an option using and arc points is possible. It is also possible to combine reinforcement rods with a short and long pendant or bilateral and one-sided seam.

    Welded joints of lining with reinforcement rods are short or long. It is allowed to shift the lining in length. Welding of reinforcement is performed by various flank seams.

    In the process of welding with double-sided seams during the overlay of the second on the other side of the compound, there are sometimes hot longitudinal cracks. To prevent their appearance, it is necessary to carefully select the type of electrodes and strictly withstand the technological mode of welding.

    Welded extensive seams are multi-frequency or single-pass, it depends on the diameter of the jet rods. Current for arc welding is selected depending on the type of electrodes. It is important to consider one condition: in the process of welding of reinforcement, located in a vertical position, current is 10-20% less than for rods in a horizontal location.

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    Welding multilayer seams

    In the presence of highly qualified welders or with small amounts of work, the welding of multilayer seams without the use of molding elements is often used to dock fittings. This method is most suitable for connecting the reinforcement, located in a vertical form. Corners of the bevels, their direction, dull and dimensions, shape of the cutting, gaps between the rods are standard.

    Welding of reinforcement with multi-layer seams is performed using a single electrode. The welding seam is first superimposed on one side of the cutting, and then on the entire width - on the other. During the separation of the cutting, it is necessary to periodically clean from the slag crying metal.

    The mode for this type of welding is set by the one that is specified in the passport data of the electrodes. In this case, they usually applied with fluorinistocalcium coating.

    The deformation seam is an integral part and the most responsible event in the device of concrete floors.

    There are three main types of deformation seams:

    1. Insulating seams;
    2. Shrinking seams;
    3. Structural seams.

    Types of deformation seams

    Insulating seams It is arranged along the walls around the columns and around the foundations for equipment in order to eliminate the transfer of deformations from the building designs on the floor tie.
    The insulating seam is arranged by laying the insulating material along the building structures immediately before the fill of the concrete mixture.

    Shrinking seams We are needed in order to prevent chaotic cracking of the screed in the hardening process. They allow you to create in concrete straight plane of the slack. As a result, the screed gives a crack in a predetermined direction.

    Shooting seams should be cut along the axes of columns, and to stick together with the corners of the seams going around the perimeter of the columns.

    Floor cards formed by shrinking seams must be the most square. It is necessary to avoid elongated or L-shaped cards. The length of the card should not exceed the width of more than 1.5 times. Shrinking seams must be straight and, if possible, without branches.

    In the aisles and drives, shrinking seams must be located at a distance of the screed width. The tracks are wider than 300-360cm must have a longitudinal seam in the center. In concreting on open areas, the distance between the seams should not exceed 3m in all directions. The general rule is the less card, the less likely the chaotic cracking.

    Slicing of shrinking seams is carried out after the completion of the finishing surface treatment of concrete.

    Usually, the seams are cut by cards 6x6 m in the same sequence that concrete fitted. Seams should be cut into a depth of 1/3 of the thickness of the screed. This creates a zone of slab in the screed, and concrete when shrinking gives a crack in this area, i.e. cracks towards directed, not chaotic. At the same time, the edges of the resulting cracked have a certain roughness, which eliminates the vertical displacements of them until the crack becomes too wide.

    Structural seams It is arranged where daylight work on laying concrete has been completed.

    The edge shape for the structural seam is usually made on the principle of spike in the groove, you can use sleepers (rails), laid across the seam. Rakes should be installed in the middle of the depth of the screed at the correct corners of the seam. One end of the rail should be lubricated by bitumen to move freely in the screed.

    Structural seams work as shrinkage - they allow small horizontal movements, but not vertical. It is desirable that the design seam coincides with shrinkage.

    The deformation seam device should be performed in strict accordance with the designed project. If there are any changes (for example, the seam size or substitute material) the design of the deformation seam must be coordinated with the representatives of the project organization.

    Sealing seams

    In the presence of wet processes, the tightness of the seams acquires particular importance, since the absence of tightness leads to peeling of organic coatings from the floor plate. This process is particularly actively active with an elevated background of temperatures in the premises.

    In the work of work, the quantity and location of the seams are established, based on the coefficient of the temperature expansion of the materials, but also considering the shrinkage of concrete and possible deformations, which most often arise in the floor interface sites with foundations for equipment, walls and columns.

    Sealing allows you to protect the seam from the penetration of water and aggressive media, as well as from clogging.
    The type of sealant depends on the loads and operating conditions. For example, in many industrial and food enterprises, the floors should easily wash and withstand high transport load.

    Sealants for such floors should be solid enough to maintain the edges of the seam and prevent them from rocking, and enough plastic to withstand the easy opening and closing of the seam.

    Problem crack

    Education in concrete cracks can be reduced by reducing the volume of water used to knead. But concrete even with low water content gives shrinkage, and, in addition, concrete made with one fillers can give a shrinkage greater than concrete with other fillers.

    Due to the fact that eliminating the shrinkage of concrete made from traditional cements is impossible, the best solution is to give a crack the opportunity will appear in the place where its appearance is desirable and, moreover, in the form of a straight line. This is a deformation seam.

    The seams can be made in the fresheged concrete with a special rapter. In the dry concrete, the seams are sutured. But even in screeds with cutting or supeble deformation seams, cracks sometimes appear in other places. The probability of appearance of such cracks can be reduced by performing the following actions:

    Cut the seams in time

    By calling or writing to us, you can always get free samples of materials for trial application and consulting our specialists.

    If the seams are cut into the freshly lined concrete, then the time does not play roles. But if they are sliced \u200b\u200blater, then the appearance of random cracks. Slicing of seams in fresh concrete is made immediately after surface grinding. On the dry concrete, cutting seams should be made as quickly as possible so as not to start turning the edges of the seams. It is usually recommended to do it after 12 hours at normal temperature, with a reduced one - 24 hours after laying concrete.

    Cut the seams to the desired depth
    Seams chosen by conventional cutters should have a depth of 1/4 to 1/3 of the screed thickness. Sews made by special cutters on fresh concrete can have a smaller depth.

    Cut the seams with the desired interval
    Typically, the interval cutting of the seams is chosen in the range (24-36) x (screed thickness). On the 10 cm tie of the seams are cut at a distance of 240 cm to 360 cm. For concrete with a larger sedimentation cone and shrinkage, it is preferable to have an interval of cutting closer to 240cm.

    Eliminate inner corners
    Cracks are highly likely to appear on inner corners. The seam grid should be such to eliminate the formation of internal angles.

    Exclude t-shaped seams
    The T-shaped crossing of the seams leads to the formation of a crack passing through the intersected seam. When planning a grid of seams, T-shaped intersections should be avoided.

    Sections, limited seams, should have a shape close to the square

    If the length of the site is more than 1.5 times, the crack is most likely to appear in the middle of the long side. Scheme of seams should be such as to eliminate the formation of long and narrow sections.

    Eliminate the formation of triangular sections with sharp corners
    Plots of the triangular shape with sharp angles are usually cracking at the end of an acute angle. In general, triangles should be avoided, however, if necessary, the seams should form an equilateral triangle.

    Sometimes cracks are formed in concrete without gaining strength. These shrinkage cracks usually arise in dry hot and windy weather. If exactly the weather conditions are expected during the installation of concrete, then concrete with synthetic fibers should be used, and in the process of laying and grouting concrete, we carry it into the surface with water.

    When a masonry device with thin solutions, a mesh reinforcement is used from corrosion-resistant or corrosion-protected steels, as well as from composite materials. Regulatory requirements for metallic net reinforcement define SP 15.13330.2010 (updated edition of SNIP II-22-11) and Eurocode 6.

    The purpose of the reinforcement of stone masonry is the perception of stretching stresses arising in it, "unloading" of the latter and "smoothing" of deformations in the zones of stress concentration.

    The role of reinforcement emphasizes when moving on masonry with thin mortar seams. This became possible due to the technology of manufacturing ceramic, silicate and foam concrete blocks with dimensions and form of high accuracy. Such masonry less labor-intensives in the construction require a significantly smaller consumption of a solution, more heat-resistant due to the lack of cold bridges in the form of vertical and horizontal solutions. In its homogeneity, they approach the monolithic unarmed concrete walls and in connection with this have a reduced crack resistance. The operating experience of buildings shows that masonry on thin-layer seams are very sensitive to temperature and shrinkage deformations, local loads, uneven precipitation of foundations, as well as dynamic effects of technological nature or from driving transport and seismic effects.

    Recently, the question of increasing the crack resistance of non-rigorous stone partitions, built on reinforced concrete floors. Due to the defaults of the latter, the partitions work under their own weight of the concrete, the partitions are operated under their own weight as transversely bending beams walls with support on end areas. At the same time, vertical cracks appear in the middle lower sections of partitions, and on the end portions - oblique cracks. To perceive the tensile stresses arising in the lower zone, they are reinforced with grid, which are placed in the horizontal seams of masonry.

    In connection with the tightening of regulatory requirements for heat transfer resistance, starting from the mid-1990s. In the CIS countries, layered walls with a facial brick layer were widely used. Operation of layered walls, especially in a multi-storey carcass-monolithic house-building, revealed a number of serious deficiencies, which in many cases led to the emergency state of the wall fence due to cracking in the facing layer. One of the main causes of cracks, as noted in the work of M. K. Izbekov, are temperature effects that are significant horizontal tensile stresses in the facial layer.

    In SP 15.13330.2010 (updated editorial board SNIP II-22-11 "Stone and Armochement Structures") introduced requirements for the net reinforcement of the masonry of substitutable surgested walls with flexible connections, including the facing layer. It is indicated that the grids should be designed from corrosion-resistant steels or steels protected from corrosion; It is possible to use meshes from composite polymer materials. The thickness of the anti-corrosion coating of metal grids must comply with the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11-85 "Protection of building structures from corrosion". Any requirements for meshes from composite polymer materials in SP 15.13330.2010 are absent.

    Eurocode 6 (EC 6) establishes requirements only to metal reinforcement made of conventional or stainless steel, and does not apply to the recently used reinforcement of stone structures by composite materials. The steel applied to the reinforcement of stone masonry is prescribed depending on the environment of the environment, in which the design is operated, on the material in which the reinforcement product (solution, concrete) is laid and from the minimum thickness of the concrete.

    The reinforcement of horizontal solutions of stone masonry is used to solve the following tasks:
    a) increase the bearing ability of stone structures:
    - elements bent in its plane (jumpers, beams-wall),
    - elements bent from the plane (outer walls, retaining walls),
    - elements subject to cutting force (rigidity diaphragms);
    b) anchoring of layers of masonry or combination of transverse and longitudinal walls;
    c) increase the crack resistance of masonry when influenced by temperature, shrinkage or swelling of masonry materials;
    d) preventing the formation of cracks or limit the width of their disclosure in the concentration zones (the angles of window or doorways, walls or partitions, based on flexible discs of overlaps, the transmission zones of concentrated loads, etc.).

    Unlike SP 15.13330.2010, in Eurocode 6 there are no indications of calculating the compressed elements of stone structures reinforced in horizontal seams of masonry.

    According to the principles of Eurocode 6 for reinforcing horizontal seams of stone masonry, reinforcement grids are used, the requirements for which are installed in EN 845-3:
    - welded grids made of steel wire consisting of longitudinal rods welded with transverse rods (grid type grid, Fig. 1 A) or with continuously located at an angle of rods (zigzag-type grid, Fig. 1 b);
    - woven steel grids manufactured by alternately by transverse wire rods of longitudinal rods (Fig. 1 B);
    - Nutritional grids obtained by drawing sheet steel, in which the slots are predetermined in a certain order (Fig. 1 g).

    Fig. 1. Examples of reinforcement products used for the reinforcement of horizontal seams of stone masonry:
    a), b) welded grids, c) wicker mesh, d) spark-exhaust grid

    Unlike the reinforcement rods, the requirements for which are set forth in Eurocoder 2, the reinforcement products shown in Fig. 1, characterized by certain parameters set in accordance with the requirements of the EN 846 standards block. To these parameters include:
    - tensile strength of grids with masonry mortar (EN 846-2),
    - Strength on the shift of welded compounds (EN 846-2).

    Standard EN 845-3: 2002 prohibits the use of products shown in Fig. 1, as flexible anchors connecting layers of masonry through an air layer.
    If the horizontal stamping seams are reinforced to increase the carrier structural ability, then in this case the reinforcement products are used, which are welded grids made of steel rods (Fig. 1 or Fig. 1 b). The diameter of the longitudinal rods in the grids should be at least 3 mm.

    If the reinforcement product is used for constructive reinforcement, it can correspond to any type of grid shown in Figure 1. In this case, the diameter of the longitudinal rods of welded or woven steel grids should be at least 1.25 mm, and the number of turns of the transverse wire around the longitudinal rods in steel Wicker grid - not less than 1.5.
    Eurocode 6 sets the following values \u200b\u200bof the minimum percent of reinforcement in the horizontal seams of masonry:
    - \u003d 0.0005 The effective cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bmasonry, if the purpose of reinforcement is to increase its bearing capacity;
    - \u003d 0.0003 of the total cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe wall (i.e. 0.00015 for stretched and compressed faces), if the purpose of the reinforcement is to increase the bearing capacity of the wall under the action of horizontal load;
    - \u003d 0.0003 total wall area, if reinforcement is set to prevent the formation of cracks or limit their width, as well as increase the distance between the deformation seams;
    - \u003d 0.0005 The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200ba two-layer wall with filled (solution or concrete) intermediate space between layers, if reinforcement is a constructive, installed perpendicular to the main reinforcement; The sequence area of \u200b\u200bthe wall is defined as a product of the total width of the wall at an efficient height;
    - \u003d 0.0005 The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe wall, defined as a product of the width of the section of the wall at an efficient height, if reinforcement is located in the structural elements in which the installation of fittings operating on the shift is required.

    According to the joint venture 15.13330.2010, the minimum value of the reinforcement of the mesh reinforcement of compressed pillars and transplessity is 0.1%, and non-substantive multilayer walls with flexible bonds and facing layers of masonry ≈ 0.05%.

    The protective layer of the solution should not only protect the reinforcement from corrosion, but also ensure its adequate adhesion. In Eurocode 6, it was found that the thickness of the protective layer of the solution, i.e., the distance between the reinforcement and the surface of the masonry should be at least 15 mm. In this case, the thickness of the protective layer is higher and below the reinforcement is assumed that the seam thickness exceeds the diameter of the reinforcement at least 5 mm (Fig. 2).
    The joint venture 15.13330.2010 states that the width of the seams of masonry of the armofamy structures should be no more than 15 mm, but exceed the diameter of the reinforcement at least 4 mm.

    Fig. 2. Protective layer of solution according to the principles of Eurocode 6.

    Fig. 3. Protective layer of solution for thin layer seams

    According to EN 845-3 Materials for the manufacture of reinforcement grids (Fig. 1 A, B, B) and their protective coatings should be taken in accordance with Table 1. In this case, combining in one product of stainless steel elements with elements from other types of steel is not allowed .

    Table. 1. Materials and protection system for corrosion of reinforcement products for horizontal seams of stone masonry

    For the manufacture of spatial-exhaust grids (Fig. 1 g), it is necessary to use one of the materials of the sheet steel shown in Table 2.

    Table. 2. Characteristics of sheet steel material for the manufacture of uniform grids

    Unlike SP 15.13330.2010, EuroCode 6 contains detailed requirements for anti-corrosion protection of reinforcement products. In accordance with these requirements, the design of stone structures should take into account the conditions in which the design will be in the process of operation. These conditions are divided into classes (Table 3).

    Table. 3. Classification of microclies, affecting the completed stone construction, by environment classes

    Table 3 shows the protection systems for reinforcement products depending on the environmental classes. As follows from the table, the reinforcement of the masonry of the outer walls, exposed to the effects of damp or humidity, mainly should be performed by grids made of stainless steel or from a zinc coated (60 g / m2) steel wire with an organic coating of all external surfaces of the finished product.

    It should be noted that in Eurocode 6 the same as in the joint venture 15.13330.2010, there are no guidelines for the reinforcement of thin layer seams of masonry. Such instructions can be found in manufacturers of reinforcement products intended for thin-layer masonry seams. Figure 3 shows an example of placing reinforcement grids in thin layer seams according to Bekaert Recommendations. If the parameters of the protective layers and the diameter of the reinforcement are summed up in the figure, then the thickness of the thin layer seam will be 3.5 mm.

    Table. 4. Corrosion protection systems of horizontal seams, corresponding to EN 845-3, relative to the environment of the environment under the operating conditions

    In Eurocode 6, the maximum thickness of thin-layer seams is adopted 3 mm, which is 0.5 mm less recommended. In this regard, in many CENT countries, reinforced masonry on thin layer seams do not apply. At the same time, studies show that the reinforcement of thin layer seams increases not only the crack resistance, but also the strength of the masonry. Therefore, issues relating to the requirements for the reinforcement of thin layer seams are currently under consideration in the CIB W23 W23 Wall Structures Cen / TC250 / SC6 (their introduction is expected in the nearest version of the Eurocode 6).

    1. Derkach V.N. "On the morphology of cracks arising in the inner partitions of modern buildings." - Burst Brest State Technical University: "Construction and Architecture", №1, 2010
    2. Orwood R. B, Derkach V.N. "Foreign experience of reinforcing stone structures". // "Housing construction", №11, 2011
    3. Ishuk M. K. "Domestic experience of building buildings with outdoor walls from lightweight masonry." - M.: Reef "Building materials." 2009
    4. Derkach V.N. "reinforcement products for the reinforcement of horizontal seams of stone masonry." // "Technical Regulation, Standardization and Certification in Construction", № 3, 2012
    5. Bekaert Design Manual.
    6. Kubica J. Murow Konsrukcje Zbrojone - Podstawy Projekto-Wania. XXVI OGOLNOPOLSKIE WARSZTATY PRACY PRODKTANTA KONSTRUKCJI. - Szczyrk, 2011.

    Full or partial reprint of materials - only with written permission of the editorial board!

    As you know, the seams at the junctions of drywall should not be touched by the plasterboard itself. Otherwise, during temperature and other deformations of drywall, cracks may appear on the seams, which will reduce the entire work done. In this article, I will tell you what ways you can take joints on the seams of plasterboard, and how it is preferable.

    In the past few years, during the reinforcement of drywall seams, builders are used mainly 2 types of materials - this is the reinforcing self-adhesive grid "Serpentanka", placed on the glue of the cobweb, or a construction paper tape with perforation. Both of these options are sufficiently common and have small differences in the installation method, as well as they have different quality. Consider both options, and I will tell why it is preferable to use paper tape.

    Option first, use of sulfays for reinforcing seam

    We use self-adhesive sickle, stick it on the butcher of plasterboard sheets along the entire length.

    We divorce putty for drywall, it is better not to save on it and acquire a gypsum putty from well-known manufacturers, such as Knauff.

    We put a putty on a wide spatula and put on the seam with the grid, I prefer to work in several techniques, making as widely as possible layer of solution.

    The wider the shutter will be, the less he will perform on the wall and the less it will be visible in the end. Therefore, do not strive to make narrow seams, with a tape thick or a little wider, the normal width is 10-15 cm.

    By drying, seam is ready. However, at least the method with the grid is the easiest, it has its drawback - the lack of safety stock. By virtue of its qualities, the reinforcing grid can stretch in one direction or another to the track behind plasterboard, which will lead to the appearance of cracks on the seam. Repair of such seams The case is quite time consuming, and if the temperature is the temperature or moisture, the choice in favor of the reinforcing grid, sickle, is not the best.

    Here it should be said a few words about drywall, or rather his edge. At the moment, almost all of the good plasterboard has a drowning edge of the plow, this is the optimal type of edge.

    The rounded edge leaves a lot of space for putty, which has a positive effect on the reading of the seam.
    However, if the sheet initially walked without edge, or had to cut off the piece, such an edge it is necessary to create. This can be done either with a special edge or conventional knife (with caution).

    Option second, use of reinforcing paper tape

    Paper tape for reinforcement of drywall seams. This is not an ordinary paper tape. First, it is reinforced with fiberglass, but the second quality tape has a microporphoration that allows you to exit air bubbles from under the tape, and thereby create a better seam. It is such a tape that it is preferable to use during the reinforcement of the seams. In general, the paper tape is stronger compared with the mesh and keeps normal loads in plasterboard drives from humidity and temperature drops, which avoids cracks on the seams.
    Since the paper tape does not have an adhesive layer, first putty spacure on the seam, then the tape is glued, and the finishing layer of putty is applied on top.

    We apply a putty in the same way as when using the grid, evenly filling the seam.

    We glue the tape on the putty layer, try to secure the tape in the center of the seam. Stroke the tape for gluing and exit bubbles. It is important that an excess putty would be left, but did not come out the necessary. This can be understood only with experience.

    We close the ribbon the finish layer of putty. Do not overdo it, the layer should be thin, so that it would not be for the hill on the wall.
    This joint reinforcement completed. Not much more complicated than using the grid, but it is much more reliable.

    How to close an angular junction

    Often make all sorts of complex designs from plasterboard. The metal profile for drywall, putty and paper tape will come to the rescue.
    Especially for example, I will show on this small piece of plasterboard at the window, as is done. We place the holes for the profile and screw it to the plasterboard.

    Also we pass the spatula with a putty one side of the joint, covering the profile, then we make the same with the second side.

    We glue a paper tape to putty.

    We pass a layer of putty from above, trying to make the most smooth transition from the sheet to the edge of the metal corner, you can try to completely close it with putty.

    That's actually all, the angle is ready. For reliability, at the end of the repair, it is necessary to glue the plastic protective corner, so that the putty would not sleep from random strikes. Here is still good.
    On this, my story comes to an end, I tried to tell in detail about how you can close the seams on the plasterboard, explained why it is better to use a paper tape and not a grid. Choosing which technology to use in your repair is always only for you. Thanks for watching and good to repair!