Games Pixel War. Games pixel war pixel fight play

Do you have a fist and aggression overwhelms your entire creature? For this negative, there is a great output, safe for others. Fight games - the best fun for boys of all ages. Nothing will allow you to throw out all the accumulated energy better than fighting game! Like real fights, playing the game fights to victory, they train the reaction and attentiveness, strengthen the character of the fighter! Arena virtual fights are already waiting for their new heroes!

Fighting games are an imitation of a hand-to-hand combat between the minimum number of characters. Fight, fight, fight - no matter how naming, the essence is extremely clear. The first such game appeared in 1979 and created her Tim Skeli. Warrior was released on arcade machines, while the image of the characters, as well as the score of the game, was projected over the arena, which was drawn directly on the machine gun. Today games related to this genre are not just a lot - their thousands, if not more, however, is hardly the popularity of the fights below than, say, simulators, because of the scarcity pictures and plot. Games for boys fights are a real classic of the gameimar world, to join the debt of each of the fans. The best traditions of old school fights embody flash games of fights, playing on which page.

And yet there is a certain category of people who are fans of this genre. Do you think all of them are cruel, inadequate and at the same time closed in themselves? Not at all - this is myth, delusion, stereotype, inspired mass media. So who are they and what is the popularity of fighting fighters? The reasons are rather psychological background - and how otherwise, if the plot and magnificent graphics are different genres?

John Smith

Very often among those who love game fights, there are very calm and quiet family people. Actually, therefore, calm, that the stress received at work, they are removed using fire games. They beat the opponent, fighting with him, and the more evil, the more successful in the game. At first glance, it looks strange, because the fight, in fact, is also stress, but no. Such people can be safely highlighted in a group of those who lack banal physical exertion for peace. Most often they are engaged in intellectual work, so they are morally sprayed strongly, and physically no - the kind of excess energy is spinning in a person and prevents him from leading himself in a sense that ultimately reflects on family relations and on communicating with people.

Sooner or later, a person breaks up and the game of fights is not the worst option for the "breakdown". In most cases, the players are men - they tend to get involved and transfer their character for themselves, so, playing at the computer, it is quite capable of switching and the whole negative to reset the character ... drawn character.


Such too. We must admit that not all people are "whites and fluffy" - many really like fights and the like, moreover, they are able to receive pleasure from it. By the way, the games are again not in the minus - the aggressor beats the character who fisulled in reality in the reality of the character, disrupts all his anger on it, no one in real life - again, it is not about overly cruel people, rather about those who are inclined to cruelty .

Fans of martial arts

Fighting is not always just a fight. Often this is an imitation of specific martial arts species, sometimes very high quality imitation. In this case, the game of the fight is not just funny, but also very interesting.

Professional gamers

Just fans of recreation games. Why the fighting game is a game? Everything is very simple: it is not overwhelmed by woven, special effects and other delights of serious online games. Therefore, it is ideal for those who are tired, came from work and decided to distract - not a pigtail to weave the adult man.

Adrenaline seekers

Finally, the last type is players who lack adrenaline in everyday life. Never noticed calm good people who do not show absolutely no aggression that play the fights? And they are - there are a lot of them, in fact, every time they surprise even close to their addiction to the game. Why is that? Because in their lives, as a rule, everything is calm, measurable, harmonious, predictable, etc. But the soul asks Drive, at least some, even virtual ...


Traditions. Even the habit. How many different games are made, but there are players who seeing for the first time fighting, fell in love and do not need other genres at all. How someone loves German cars or French chocolate (and it's like Belgian tastier), so someone loves the game of fights and never exchanges them for anything.

If you dig deeper, then the categories will turn out to be even more - all people are different, but everyone unites the love for the definition and simplicity of the task. The most exciting, exciting, unusual and realistic online game fights for boys We have collected for young lovers of hand-to-hand fights on this page. The fights of fights are a great entertainment that, despite the well-minded opinion, not only does not develop into cruelty, but on the contrary contributes to a more sober and quiet attitude to life. Choose the fighting game that you taste, and show all rivals who have a better reaction, tightly nerves and more will to victory!

Description Flash Games

Pixel Cannon - Apocalypse 5

Pixel Gun Apocalypse 5

Perhaps the game for boys pixel cannons and not very modern graphics, but the gameplay is simply chic. To begin with, it should be noted that the game is designed with 3D graphics technologies and is a full-fledged shooter. It will be necessary to shoot a lot, because you will find yourself on large cards of apocalyptic content, and the main goal is to survive. To do this, neutralize all opponents that can cause damage. Units of weapons in the game. An inclulted amount, almost every unit holds various weapons in his hands. It can be selected from killed opponents, or buy between levels in a convenient store. On some maps, for example, there are other laws of physics on space, because there is no gravity there, so you can do really cool things. It is possible to stretch the aiming shooting in a special timing mode. Where you will shoot on targets, and the computer will calculate the results and will output statistics, after several workouts, your result will noticeably improve. Become the most famous fighter in the game Pixel Gun, and defend as many opponents as possible.

In the Gaming Computer World, pixel wars are commonplace. Just somewhere they are disguised as standard graphics, and somewhere presented "as is". The second option is more interesting and attractive, as it allows, without any tinsel, it is immersed in the depths of virtual reality.

Pixel war is a multiplayer project that interests all lovers to shoot. To start the game, it is enough to choose a name for yourself and join any shaped team. Weapons are attached to each plot. Choose than to shoot, difficult: in the game world a huge arsenal for defeating opponents away and near, as well as universal modified solutions.

Place of games and battles - platforms stylized under the Universe minecraft. This means: a simple design, understandable interface and the active dynamics of what is happening. Newbies in the teams are accepted willingly - after all, in the account every fighter. With training and strategies help, without this, just do not win, but sometimes do not even survive. If the team did not like the soul, you can always download a new card and see which wars go in the next virtual world. Perhaps it will be more attractive and interesting for the game. A little search, and no longer break away, so the main thing is to start!