Aristocratic user. Aristocratic style in clothes - what is he!? Several lifehas about how to look expensive! Norms of behavior in society and the subtleties of aristocratic manners

Hello everyone!

Today I will tell you about what is a real aristocratic style in clothes and how thanks to several Lifehas to deceive everyone and convince the fact that you are a girl from the highest society.

But at first I would like to tell about several major errors that often admit cute ladies, regardless of the amount of money they have in the wallet.

Here is a simple example:

Try simultaneously to wear a rings with large diamonds, a necklace from Chopard or Bvlgari, getting into a dress from the last collection of an eminent designer, grab the handbag Hermes from crocodile skin and go out - you will immediately take off the plebe.

The fact is that the representative of the highest light will never put too much jewelry, will not resort to bright makeup and definitely will not demonstrate the level of its well-being. For this is a moveton.

Therefore, I want you to remember once and forever - any excesses are always a sign of misery and low origin!

Also, ladies from the highest light will never apply what they do not go or presents them not from the best side.

If your waist or legs are not perfect, you should not wear tight short dresses, better play with costumes and choose a model that can hide your shortcomings and show you from the best side. In this case, no one will know about your shortcomings, and your image will remember everyone for a long time;)

Another mistake, which girls also allow, this "is too scrupulously selected accessories" to the tone alongside.

Classic example of an unsuccessful combination - black dress dress with yellow edging, and to it - yellow shoes, belt, handbag and hat. Ladies from the Supreme Society believe that in the manner dress the most exquisite - elegant modesty, the most vulgar - pedantic thoroughness. Therefore, do not try too much and try to competently diversify the image of one or another color or even another style;)

What does "thoughtful negligence" mean and why is it worth taking admission!?

No matter how much time it was spent on creating an image, a true aristocrat will hold on as if everything happened by itself.

Carelessness in clothing signals the surrounding that a person is well safe and is not concerned about the trifles like the selection of accessories, walking towards the hairdresser, manicure and cosmetologist. "Pedantic care" is therefore Vulgar, which does not hide painstaking work on creating an image. The ability to tie a careless knot on the cervical scarf, make a "creative mess" on the head and at the same time look great to look very important to create an image of a careless lioness.

Also, the aristocratic style itself is very closely intertwined with the concept of "elegance"

Elegance is a very multidimensional concept. It is the cut of clothes, and the style of the wardrobe, and the behavior manner. And also - the special state of the soul.

Elegance is charming. Always pays attention. She is enthusiastic and admire. It is always memorized.

At the same time, not everyone can look elegant, and this is not a question of big money. Elegance does not depend on the degree of ideality of the figure, from the cost and even a style of clothing.

What is the essence of elegance? What does she characterize?

Very interesting and unexpected definitions of elegance give great clothing designers. For example, the famous fashion designer Yves Saint Laurent believes that the secret of elegance in personal, but rather, in spiritual qualities: "Elegant one who has an elegant heart ...".

Your condition of the soul and how you feel in one or another dress - that's the main thing! After all, even if you caress Chanel's dress from a limited collection Take the most expensive bag from the limited collection from Hermes, appreciate all possible diamonds from the brand "Graff", but you will feel a little adequately (uncertainly) and for one reason or another you ourselves Do not like it, then sorry but your image no one calls aristocratic and even more elegant.

The talent of elegance is manifested in the ability to select individual things in such a way that it was possible to create different ensembles, relevant in certain circumstances. Elegance allows you to make purchases at the intuitive level, which will subsequently be harmoniously combined with each other.

That is why I decided to draw up and show you on my example one win-win image in which no one would laugh to call you tasteless or not elegant.

Wait, concise, sufficiently discreet suit consisting of a slightly elongated jacket of costume fabric and 3/4 length pants - an ideal option for creating an elegant image.

To dilute this little classic costume - I recommend adding catchy shoes (you can with rhinestones, plaques, etc.), add the top of any color (in my case black, but I recommend experimenting with pink, red, orange, purple, dark - Green, etc.) and add one expensive accessory (for example: hours, earrings, bracelet, etc.).

So how do you see create an elegant, laconic, feminine and aristocratic is not so difficult, the main thing is not afraid to experiment, do not try everything to carefully close to each other and of course not to overdo it! ;)

As "brevity", sister "talent" and minimalism appropriate too;)

Love yourself and remember you deserve all the best! And never be afraid to experiment and learn something new!

With the best wishes and before the soon your Victoria Moore!

Suit: @matildaaustralia_

Photographer: @Juansephotography

0 September 6, 2017, 16:47

Elizabeth II.

It would be logical to assume that Queen Elizabeth II is the most rich representative of the British aristocracy. However, in the state, the monarch of which she is, her condition is far from the biggest: among the titled nobility it takes only 15 line in the ranking of the richest, and in the whole of Great Britain - 319, along with the musical magnate Simon Kowell.

Queen's condition is estimated at 350 million euros. Elizabeth II receives 15 percent of his share of transactions with the real estate belonging to it, which is managed by CROWN ESTATE. In addition, in the property of Queen there is a personal collection of jewelry (among which - vintage Tiara Cartier worth 750 thousand euros), machines and collections of works of art.

However, there are aristocrats whose wallets are much thicker than the queen. All of them are incredibly rich - and incredibly closed: they do not like a public life, they face journalists and rarely go into the world, at least on the events that are widely covered in the media .. The site tells about them.

1. Hugh Richard Louis Grosvenor, 10 billion euros (9.35 billion pounds sterling)

26-year-old Hugh Grosvenor - Great Britain, which was called the "heir of half of London" and "enviable bachelor." He is the son of the sixth Duke of Westminster, who died at the 65th year of the life of the sixth Duke of Westminster, who was one of the richest people in Great Britain. After the death of his father Hugh became the heir of a huge state, which his ancestors earned real estate: Gerald Grosvenor owned by Grosvenor Group, which owns land throughout the UK, including the elite districts of London.

The young man is a great-grandfather of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin and Nikolai I and closely friendly with Prince Harry. Despite its aristocratic origin, he studied in an ordinary school, where he showed interest in football. After graduation, Hugh studied the management of the countryside at the University of Newcastle and in Oxford.

2. Count Cadogan, 7.43 billion euros (5.7billionpounds)

Charles Gerald John Kadogan 80 years old, and he is a classic real estate magnate. Cadogan Group has been owned by a family for more than 300 years and makes an average of 200 transactions per month. Cadogan Group owns 93 acres of land (and objects on it) in one of the prestigious areas of the British capital - Chelsea. In the area of \u200b\u200bpossessions of Count Street and Square are named after Cadagan. Little time Charles was co-owner of the Chelsea Football Club.

3. Baroness Howard de Walden, 3.96 billion euros (3.63 billion pounds sterling)

Mary Heizel Keridven Chernin, the 10th Baroness Howard de Walden, - Senior of the four daughters of the late Lord Howard de Walden. Since 2004, it manages the property of the whole family, including Howard De Walden Estates, which bought 15 historic buildings in London for 34 million pounds in 2010. Property acquired by it in the center of the English capital was not exhibited for sale more than 470 years.

To Mary Chernin Titul Baron Howard De Walden owned John Osmael Scott-Ellis, and before him - Thomas Scott-Ellis. With the last in 1931, the funny story was supposedly happened: moved from Scotland to Munich, Thomas bought a car and on the first day, according to eyewitnesses, almost hit the pedestrian - Adolf Hitler.

4. Viscount Portman and his family, 2.46 billion dollars (1.89 billion pounds sterling)

Christopher Edward Berkeley Portman, 10th Viscount, owns, like many representatives of the highest society, not one estate, including 110 acres of land in the center of London. It is these possessions that bring a huge fortune to the Viscount and his family.

Former husband - Justin Portman - Son of Lord Edward Henry Berkeley, the ninth Visconta of Portman. However, the ex-spouse model is not the eldest son, so he did not inherit the title. In general children, Natalia and Justin also has no title.

5. Robert Miller, his daughter Princess Marie-Chantal and the whole family, 2 billion dollars (1.58 billion pounds sterling)

Miller's family is incredibly rich. The head of the family, Robert Miller, made his condition, based on the network of stores Duty Free in 1960. His daughter, the Kronpringessa Marie-Chantal, is also quite famous. She didn't need any childhood in anything, but it did not prevent her to try to self-realize and take place as a person. Marie studied in the prestigious boarding house Institut Le Rosey and continued to receive education in the New York Academy of Arts.

With his future spouse, the prince of Greece Pavlos, Chantal met at the party of general friends. Two years later, a pair took place marriage. Wedding dress sewed Valentino Garavani.

6. Viscount Rothmeter, 1.09 billion euros (1 billion pounds sterling)

50-year-old Viscount Rothemer (the full name - Harold Jonathan Esmond Harsworth) is known not only in England, but also around the world. He is a talented entrepreneur and head of the Daily Mail & General Trust corporation (large-scale media). The company's income is many billions of dollars.

Harmsworth received a decent education: he graduated from School Gordonstown and the University of Duke, one of the leaders in the United States. Before the Daily Mail and General Trust leadership, Harold occupied various positions in Associated NewsPapers and was the Managing Director of the British daily newspaper Evening Standard.

7. Duke Devonshirsky, 948 million dollars (870 million pounds)

Like most aristocrats on this list, the wealth of 73-year-old Duke Devonshire is based on real estate. He also owns a rare collection of works of art with a total value of 981 million euros.

The noble title of Duke Devonshire was established in 1694. He is wearing a senior representative of the aristocratic surname Cavendish. Representatives of this surname are among the most influential families in England from the 17th century. Cavendisi put the world only with the counts of Derby and the Marquis of Salisbury.

8. Count Ivey and the Ginnes family, 930 million euros (854 million pounds)

Edward Guinness - the descendant of simple brewer of Arthur - became fabulously rich when sold a family mansion in Phoenix Park in Dublin. Large sums went to him and after he became the fourth Count Ivi in \u200b\u200b1992: then he inherited the Ginnes shares in the amount of 62 million pounds.

Guinnesss - the aristocratic Anglo-Irish Protestant family, known not only by its achievements in brewing, but also in banking, politics and religion.

9. Prince Jonathan and Princess Jesin Doria Pamfili, 817 million euros (750 million pounds)

British orphans Jonathan and Jesin were adopted by a proncedent orientate, a representative of one of the most vintage aristocratic childbirth in Italy, and her spouse English officer Frank Pogson at the beginning of the 60s. Together with the new parents, the kids lived in Britain and, as heirs, received titles - Prince and Princess. After the death of the guardians, Jonathan and Jesin were inherited by Doria-Pamphili Palace in Venice and became almost the most rich British aristocrats.

10. Duke Bedford, 746 million euros (685 million pounds)

The 55-year-old Andrew Ayen Henry Russell, the 15th Duke Bedford, is the heir of several companies, estates and land, which are estimated at 150 million pounds. Like most aristocrats, he earns large amounts for real estate. In addition, he has a large collection of paintings.

The first title of Duke Bedford belonged to the third son of the English king Henry IV. John Plantagenets became them - a prominent actor of the Century War and Regent France since 1422. The ducal title was otzvan for 200 years, because Justin Tudor had no offspring. Restored title only in 1694 for the Russell family. At this moment, its owner is Andrew Ayen Henry Russell, the 15th Duke Bedford. Heir - Henry Robin Charles Russell, Tevistok Marquis, born on June 7, 2005.

11. Jacob Rothschild, 708 million euros (650 million pounds)

81-year-old Jacob Rothschild is the founder of a large British investment trust (an investment fund of a closed type). Now he controls the fund worth four billion pounds. In addition, he has a personal wine collection, consisting of 15 thousand bottles.

Rothschilds are an influential family of bankers and public figures of European origin. The history of their dynasty begins with the 1760s. The Baron Title Rothschilds gave the Emperor of the Austrian Empire Franz II.

12. Duke Sutherland, 632 million euros (580 million pounds)

The current 77-year-old Duke of Sutherland (seventh) is 357th in the ranking of the richest people of the Planet and the 12th in the list of the richest aristocrats of Great Britain. His condition is growing thanks to real estate transactions and works of art. By the way, some of them are kept in the museum (he does not earn on them).

The hereditary title of Duke Sutherland was granted by King Wilhelm IV Family Leveston-Gower. The first to winning the title of the second Marquis Stafford - George Leeson-Gower.

13. Charlotte Townshead, 463 million euros (425 million pounds)

Charlotte Townszed is the only person in the UK, except the queen, which is allowed to breed wild swans. Its income is replenished thanks to real estate and farm agencies. One of its most profitable possessions takes 20 acres of land in the prestigious area of \u200b\u200bHolland Park in London.

14. Duke Northumberland, 397 million euros (365 million pounds)

Immediately before the queen in the list of the richest, the Duke of Northumberland - Ralph Perse. He belongs to the castle of Albia, located in the north of England, which serves as a residence of the Duke and his family for more than 700 years. Percy also owns other real estate, including land plots with a total area of \u200b\u200b120 thousand acres in Northumberland.

By the way, the episodes of two paintings about Harry Potter and the television series "Abbey Dounton" were filmed in Albi's castle. Ralph Percy has repeatedly complained that his family suffers from the crowd of fans of films about the wizard. It was reported that the 12th Duke of Northumberland, his spouse and their children somehow could not even leave the castle due to crowd of tourists.

Source ThisisInsider


A little extraction of Vladislav's answer.

First, Aristracratia - the concept of tensile and in many countries everything looked differently. In essence, the aristocrat (in general in the world) is made to designate the representative of the "ancient" kind, which was associated with the ruling house. Those. The aristocrat can be poor and landless, but his "blood" does not take him. Usually, if the aristocrat has land owned, but it is his "personal" inherited, and not received from the monarch for the service.

Therefore, secondly, you need to say not only about aristocrats, but in general about the confirmation (noble and preferred layers of society). It may consist of different estates / caste / pr. and called differently, depending on the country and the time we say: Princes, Senoras, Baron, Boyars, Nobles, Samurai, etc. Common for most countries is the division of noble on the relatives of the rulers and servants of the rulers. For the Moscow kingdom, for example, it is schematically distinguished by the following division: the royal genus, which includes the king and his relatives, the native brothers, uncle, nephews, the great princes (in other countries of all the reign members of the monarch family they call princes and princesses); Princely kind - descendants of Rurikovichi; boyars, just something like aristocracy, i.e. "old"; Noble kind, serunen "young" genus.

Thirdly, it is impossible to be aware of the whole, and aristocrats in particular, as non-working lazy people. Yes, the main means of their existence was their inheritance: the land, movable and immovable property, finally the name / nobility. But, usually, they will not live on this, and it is impossible to take away his desire for enrichment and increase in capital. And here, as in everything, in different countries at different stages was different. A less common opportunity for everyone is a service that has often been divided into two: civil (bureaucracy) and military. Common for most countries until the XX century. It is a system in which the statement of state (monarch) payment for the service occurred once a year (usually tied to the beginning of the new year). And also the overall phenomenon was that these annual payments were not actually paid, but only existed nominally, since the treasury is usually empty (this is characteristic, for example, for France, Germany, Russia, Japan). In France, it decided that the monarch passed to representatives to confirm the right to post state taxes from a certain territory, incl. and church, with which those, in turn, left a part (or all entirely) to themselves. And in Russia, these "payments" were small enough (so that it was not impudent), the main income was to go with his own estates, and if there are no estates, the fate was like Akakia Akakievich from the "Sineli" of Gogol.

On behalf of your own kind, you can also earn. Here, one of the main tools is a marriage. Usually, the boundary existed not only between the estates, but also within each calculation, i.e. The marriage between the princess and the son of the nobleman was already considered Mesallians. But, aristocrats, i.e. More noble, often there were much poorer of their "young" noble colleagues. In this case, the marriage "engraded" the nobles and coated aristocrats.

Finally, the military service is, first of all, also work, and not from the lungs. Until the XX century The warlords (the most focus) were their troops themselves into battle, what, as you understand, conjugate with a big risk than any manager in the office. And the experienced hard wound, the loss of limbs could put a cross on a career, it is not to cut off the office paper. Well, the most important thing in war is the prisoners and trophies, on them, in fact, and earned those who belonged to the military nobility.

Examples of landless and poor (even beggar) aristocracy can be found in Japan. There, from the XII century. Finally (with small breaks) the power of the emperor and its courtyard became the nominal, and the main function was the conduct of rites and rituals. The imperial house itself (especially the younger to take the emperor) and all Japanese aristocracy (i.e., the approximate emperors included in his courtyard) were extremely poor, because In fact, did not have their own land and "own business", they lived at the expense of "donations" from the side of the "new", military nobility, i.e. samurai clans.

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