Ratatoux - beautifully baked vegetables, few calories and a lot of delicious options. Ratatuy Soup - Simple Recipes, How to Prepare Soup Ratato Soup Ratatub in Multicooker

    Soup-Ratatoux - a circle of a driver, and in the middle of the dick. - About liquid, tasteless soup ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    I, m. Ratatouille f. 1. Verevo, Summer, Burda. Ratatouille niçoise. Dad came almost every evening, wore potatoes, walked around the water, colole and wore the firewood out of the barn, with all the ratatuy soup, reservedly spoke of war and politics. A. Sergeev ... ...

    RATATUY (cartoon) - This term has other meanings, see Ratato (Values). RATATUM FR. Ratatouille Russian cinema poster cartoon type ... Wikipedia

    I, m. Ratatouille f. Turn, simple. Stew from meat and greenery. Meszanina, Verevo, the connection is difficult to compatible things. Full brothers, Atatuus, Panhid with dances! And ordered statues for the night to take off the station. Galich. // Neva 1991 1 175. Wed Also good ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicalism Russian Language

    French cuisine - Cream Brouse Typical French dessert French cuisine National Cuisine France. Conditionally, it can be divided into two main branches regional N ... Wikipedia

    Slang Participants of Intellectual Games / Temp - Slang participants of intellectual games (Next Slang) Set of words, most often commonly used in a circle of players with another meaning. The remnant can be divided []. ... ... Wikipedia

    Cote d'Azur - This term has other meanings, see Cote d'Azur (meanings). Cart of the Cote d'Azur ... Wikipedia

    Cote d'Azur - This term has other meanings, see Cote d'Azur (meanings). English embankment in Nice Cote d'Azur ... Wikipedia

    French Riviera - Map of the Cote d'Azur Embankment San Trail Promenade Côte d'Azur (Fr. Côte D Azur) South East Coast of the Mediterranean Sea in France, located east of the city Toulon to the border with Italy. On ... Wikipedia

So, remi Soup Recipe MouseWith which Michael Warch shared with USA Today.


4 tbsp. butter

2 big bows sowing

2 Big potatoes

1.2 liter of chicken broth

125 ml cream

refill from green onions (recipe below)

bouquet of spices (recipe below)

finely chopped green onions

salt and ground black pepper


Clean the bow speakers, removing hard green leaves. Cutting the stem along two halves and chop each piece with a thickness of 0.5 cm. Mocked these pieces thoroughly so that there are no sand remains. Melt oil in a frying pan on a weak fire and pass onions in it for 10 minutes, carefully watching the bow is not burned. Cut potatoes with large cubes.

Shooting onions in a saucepan, put potatoes and add chicken broth and a bouquet of spices. Cook for 20 minutes or until the potato becomes soft. Remove from soup spices. Pour the soup into the blender, crush to the thick creamy mass and return back to the pan.

Preheat soup, add cream, and boil cooking again for 2 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste. When applying to decorate with chopped green onions and refilling green onions.

Bouquet of spices

Roll down the 10-centimeter green leaf of the onion at night in half, put inside a few twigs of fresh thyme and parsley, 8 peas of black pepper and 2 leaflets of laurels. Tie a rolled spice bouquet threads.

Green-bow refill

1 bunch of green onions, finely cut

100 ml of olive oil of first spin

salt and black pepper

Put the cut onion into the kitchen processor. Start chopped onion, gradually adding olive oil. At the end, across and salt.

Look like that's it. We can congratulate and wish you a pleasant appetite. The soup was not worse than in the kitchen of the French restaurant!

if we begin to revise the cartoon, you will find nonsense: before Remy is starting to save the soup, the soup is red-orange.

What was actually cooked in a saucepan? Nobody will open this secret. But it can be assumed that in accordance with the name of the cartoon in a saucepan cooked ratatoule soup! We will share with you and his recipe.


4 tbsp. Olive oil

1 big bulb, finely chopped

3-4 garlic cloves, finely chopped

1 red chili pepper, finely chuck (neatly, do not overdo it)

1 eggplant chopped by cubes

4 tbsp. Tomato paste

2 paprika pepper (yellow and red), cut into cubes

1 zucchini chopped by cubes

1 Bank of Tomatoes in its own juice

fresh Cumin and Orego

1 l chicken broth

100 ml of oily cream

salt and black pepper

2-3 Ch.L. Sahara


1-2 List Lavrushki

4-5 tbsp. sour cream


Heat in a saucepan olive oil, fry onions in it, garlic and chili pepper. Passing vegetables until the bow is transparent, then add tomato paste, eggplant, and stew 2-3 minutes, interfere with it.

Then add paprika and zucchini, as well as fresh greens, and fry a couple of minutes, not forgetting to stir. Add tomatoes (without skins) in our own juice, chicken broth and cream. Salt, pepper, seal and mix with nutmeg, and then cook another 20-30 minutes, until the vegetables become soft.

Then grind the soup in the blender, return to the saucepan and cook for a few more minutes with a laurel. Remove the laurel, pour over the plates, sprinkle with greens and add sour cream.

One cartoon - whole two french soups!

French cuisine is famous for its vegetable dishes, useful and low-calorie. Classic Ratatoux can be attributed to both first dishes and the second, it all depends on the denotoms that you love. For cooking use as many different seasonal vegetables, fresh herbs and spices.

Soup Ratatoux is preparing with the addition of broth, if you want a more dense option, you need to add it quite a bit. Initially, the dish was considered soup of olive poor, because in the midst of the season, the vegetables are quite inexpensive. However, now Ratatouja can be ordered in the most exquisite restaurants.

Recipe # 1: Classic Ratato Soup

  • creamy oil - 4 tablespoons;
  • leek some - 2 large cuttings;
  • two big potatoes;
  • one and a half liters of chicken broth;
  • 125 ml of cream;
  • spices for soup;
  • refilling green onions;
  • finely chopped green onions;
  • salt, black pepper to taste.

How to cook the Soup of the Counterproof - Step-by-step instructions:

The bowls are cleaned from dry old leaves, the stem is cut along into two halves and cut each piece in a thickness of a centimeter. The chopped leek is well washed from the sand. In a casserole or pan melts the creamy oil and on the slow heat pass on the leek for about 10 minutes. The onions should not burn.

Spices for rattube are elected particularly carefully. The ten-grant leaf of the bow-pose roll in half, putting several twigs of fresh thyme, parsley, 2 laurel sheets, 8 black pepper peas. Spice bouquet is associated with threads and lowered in the soup at the time of cooking.

Potatoes are cut by large cubes. The onion from the pan is shifted into the pan, add potatoes, warm chicken broth and spices. Soup put on the middle fire and boiled to potato readiness. Then they cool a little, remove the spices, overflow into the blender and crushed to a puree-shaped homogeneous consistency.

Ratatoux puree soup is overflowed back into the pan, heated, add cream and boil two minutes. It is necessary to escape the dish and across the taste. Feed Ratatoux decides with crushed green onions and refueling.

To refill a finely cut a bunch of green onions and put in the chopper or a food processor. Gradually poured 100 ml of olive oil, the onions are crushed in a puree. To taste the refueling must be salted and pepper. But those who watched the cartoon carefully note that the soup was orange, therefore it is more likely that in the cartoon hero was preparing a somewhat different ratatuy soup, since the options for its preparation from the French are several.

Recipe number 2: Ratatuy soup with eggplants

Ingredients for cooking:

  • chopped bulbs;
  • 4 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of fine chopped garlic;
  • 1 fine chopped chili pen;
  • 1 eggplant chopped by cubes;
  • red and yellow sweet peppers cut into cubes;
  • 4 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 1 zucchini cut into cubes;
  • tomatov Bank in its own juice;
  • fresh oregano and cumin;
  • liter of chicken broth;
  • 100 ml of oily cream;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 2-3 teaspoons of sugar;
  • nutmeg;
  • 2 laurel sheets;
  • 4-5 tablespoons sour cream.

How to cook Soup Ratatoux - Step by step:

In the pan warmed olive oil, roasted onions, garlic, chili. Vegetables are passaged to transparency, tomato paste is added, eggplant, it is extinguished by three minutes three, after periodically stirring. Zucchini, fresh greens are added to eggplants, stirring fry for a few minutes and pour purified tomatoes in their own juice, chicken broth and cream.

Ratato need to taste and salt, sleep a little, add a nutmeg and cook before the preparedness of vegetables. The soup can be chopped in a blender (you can not do this if you like to feel the soup structure), pour into the pan and with a laurel sheet to slaughter for a few more minutes. The laurel is taken out and spilled out the dish around the plates, they sprinkle with greens and are added sour cream.

Recipe number 3: ratatu soup with sweet pepper

Ingredients for cooking:

  • 2 large eggplant, total weight approximately 500 g;
  • 2 zucchini, total weight approximately 375 g;
  • salt and fresh-hearted pepper;
  • 125 ml of natural olive oil;
  • 2 Yellow bulbs, cut into thin slices;
  • 1 red sweet pepper, remove seeds and cut into cubes;
  • 1 green sweet pepper, remove seeds and cut into cubes;
  • 5 garlic cloves, large cut;
  • 750 g of fresh tomatoes, clean and cut into cubes, or 2 banks for 375 g cut-out cubes with juice;
  • 1-2 art. spoons of tomato paste (if you use fresh tomatoes);
  • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of chopped fresh italian parsley;
  • 3 escapes of fresh thyme;
  • 5-8 large leaves of fresh basil, finely chop.

Preparation of classic Soup Ratatuy:

Cut the fruits of eggplants. Cut them in length into 4 parts and cut the quarters across the slices with a thickness of 12 mm. Cut a zucchini and cut the slices with a thickness of 6 mm. Sprinkle pieces of eggplant and zucchini salt. Let stand 30 minutes, then wipe the paper towels to remove the extra salt.

In a frying pan on medium-high heat heated 2 tbsp. Spoons of oil. Add the bow and extinguish for about 5 minutes until it becomes almost soft. Add sweet pepper and half garlic and prepare on medium-weak heat for about 7 minutes, until the sweet pepper becomes soft. Place the vegetables into a heavy pan or in the pan.

Reinstall the frying pan on the middle-strong fire and pour 2 more art. Spoons of oil. Put the cut eggplants and extinguish 6-7 minutes before the brown shade appears on both sides. Try smaller touch them not to crush. Put eggplants to the bows and sweet peppers. Reinstall the frying pan on the middle-strong fire and pour 2 more art. Spoons of oil. Put the chopped zucchini and extinguish 4-5 minutes before the appearance of golden color. Add zucchini to the rest of vegetables.

Add the remaining garlic, fresh or canned tomatoes into the pan with juice, tomato paste (if used), parsley, thyme and basil and mix thoroughly. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Put on medium-weak fire and prepare 20-30 minutes until part of the fluid evaporates. Choose a density of soup, which you like personally. If you wish, you can evaporate the entire liquid and get a second dish.

Remove the saucepan from the fire and add the remaining 2 tbsp. Spoons of oil. Try and add the seasonings. Serve a dish of hot or room temperature.

Video with Recipe Cooking Classic Soup Ratatoux

This is a famous French vegetable dish of the provence. Previously, he was preparing poor peasants, from fresh fresh vegetables, and today this soup is prepared worldwide, a little changing his composition and a method of cooking. In particular, the recommence described below the recipe came up with a well-known American chef, especially for the cartoon of the same name. The finished dish is more like a stew or honeycomb, and is suitable for those who carefully monitors their figure and health. It should be noted that this is not only healthy food, but also very tasty.

For the preparation of soup Ratatuus need:

  • Eggplant - 1 pc.
  • Zucchini - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes - 800 grams.
  • Several cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Provencal herbs
  • Pepper, Sol.

Step 1:First you need to wash the eggplant and cut it with 3-4 mm in width with circles. Then put them in a container with water, salt and leave for half an hour. This is done in order to get rid of bitterness.

Step 2:The thinner the vegetables are cut, the more the ready-made dish is obtained. Therefore, it is then cut thin zucchini, and 3-4 tomatoes are also in the form of circles.

Step 3:For the preparation of sauce, the finely Bulgarian peppers, remaining tomatoes and onions. Fry onions on olive oil, then add chopped tomatoes and bell peppers to it. Cooking sauce must be resolved and across to taste, and grieving about 5 minutes. Then stew vegetables are desirable to turn into a puree with the help of a blender.

Step 4:A ready-made sauce is laid out on the heat-resistant form. Water merges with eggplant, and together with zucchini and tomatoes alternately laid out on top of the sauce in the form for baking.

Step 5:Vegetables from above to pour a spicy refueling consisting of 3 tablespoons of oil, chopped garlic and spicy herbs (basil, thyme and mayorana).

Step 6:Closing the dish foil, bake in the oven 45 min., Then the foil is removed, and for a few more minutes, before the appearance of a ruddy crust on vegetables. The temperature in the oven must be about 200 ° C.

It turned out a fragrant ratatoo! Bon Appetit!

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  • (770)

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    Cooking for 30 minutes. Cooking for 40 minutes. We cut eggplants and cut into stronger rollers, as well as Cuba. Eggplant plums salted and allow you to settle in the network. Cut the chanterelles on the plates, distribute the onions and extinguish on thin plates.

    Sprinkle peppers, cut the knife and knife and bake them into pieces. Rays are burned in hot water, cleaned, scattered and sprayed from above. We remove the seed, we will keep the tomato paste and consume flesh. In deeper wings we throw half the oil. First, we sprinkle the dried walnuts of eggplant and, after cooking, transfer them to high. Then we prepare zucchini than shorter than eggplants. We postponed them aside and pepper.

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    Ratato Soup in Multicooker

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French cuisine is famous for its vegetable dishes, useful and low-calorie. Ratatouje is a traditional Olive cuisine vegetable dish. Recipe ratatua is one of the variants of vegetable dishes close to stew, honey, ledge, etc. In the classic form of Ratatoux is prepared only from vegetables: eggplants, zucchini (zucchini), tomatoes (tomatoes), peppers, onions and garlic. Well, of course, with the addition of Mediterranean herbs, creating a wonderful fragrance.
Very easy and delicious vegetable Soup "Ratatouh", which the French invented, is also called a rustic soup, because It consists of simple and affordable products. Thanks to the bright vegetable taste and low calories, this dish has become popular all over the world. There are variations of soup with the addition of pasta (macaron) and meat (meat), but the classic "Ratatoule" soup is prepared only from vegetables.

Recipe 1. Classic "Ratatuus" soup


✵ Potatoes - 2 pcs.;
✵ carrots - 3 pcs.;
✵ White Loose Salad - 2 pcs.;
✵ Parsley root - 4 pcs.;
✵ Pepper Sweet Bulgarian - 3 pcs.;
✵ Fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
✵ eggplant - 1 pc.;
✵ Zucchini young (or zucchini) - 2 pcs;
✵ garlic - 5 teeth;
✵ Parsley greens - 3-4 twigs;
✵ pepper fragrant (polka dot) - 3 pcs.;
✵ Olive oil - 30 ml;
✵ Butter butter - 40 g;
✵ Salt, spices - to taste.


1. Potatoes and carrots wash and clean.
2. Leek clean from husk and cut in half.
3. Parsley root rinse with water and cut into large stripes.
4. In a saucepan of 2 liters of water to bring to a boil. Lower potatoes, carrots, onions, root parsley in boiling water. To cover the lid and cook vegetable broth for 45 minutes.
5. 10 minutes before the end of the cooking, add fragrant pepper to broth.
6. After 45 minutes from the finished broth, extract vegetables and peppers.
7. Onion and parsley roots will no longer suitable, and potatoes and carrots cut into large cubes.
8. Bulgarian pepper wash, remove the fruits, seeds and white partitions. Cut a large straw.
9. Tomatoes omit for 40 seconds in boiling water, then remove the skin and cut the pulp.
10. Eggplant rinse and cut into close.
11. Zucchini (zucchini) rinse with running water and cut into large cubes.
12. In the deep frying pan heat the olive oil. Add Bulgarian pepper, eggplant, zucchini (zucchini), tomatoes, garlic. Salt, add spices and mix. Fry vegetables on medium heat for 25 minutes.
13. The green parsley washed and labby large with a knife.
14. Connect broth with all vegetables.
15. Spindle soup on plates, decorate with parsley and add to each portion on a piece of butter.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 2. Ratatuus soup with paste

Light, fragrant and delicious vegetable soup with adding paste (macaron). But the classic "Ratatuus" soup is prepared only from vegetables. This lean vegetable soup is just a find for vegetarians or those who decided to lose weight!


✵ eggplant - 1 pc.;
✵ onion - 1 pc.;

✵ Zucchini young (or zucchini) - 2 pcs;
✵ Tomatoes in their own juice - 800 g;
✵ Garlic fresh - 2 teeth (large);
✵ oregano (dry) - 1 h. Spoon;
✵ thyme (dry) - 0.5 h. Spoons;
✵ water or vegetable broth - 2 l;
✵ Pasta - 50-60 g;
✵ Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
✵ Parmesan cheese - to taste;
✵ Salt - to taste.


1. Eggplant wash, cut into cubes, put in a small container, salt and leave for 15-20 minutes.
2. The onions clear, finely cut, lay out into the deep pan and pass on the vegetable oil until soft and golden color.
3. Then add a zucchini (zucchini) and chopped garlic sliced \u200b\u200bwith small cubes.
4. Sliced \u200b\u200band salted eggplant lay out in a sieve, rinse slightly and add to the frying pan to the rest of vegetables. Fry for 5 minutes on medium heat.
5. Separately in a saucepan of 2 l of water or vegetable broth. Open a jar with tomatoes and if tomatoes are whole, they need to be suppressed by a fork. Share tomatoes in a saucepan, salt, add oregano and thyme, cover with a lid, bring to a boil and cook on a small fire for 10 minutes.
6. Then pushing pasta, mix and cook for another 15 minutes.
7. In conclusion, add to the saucepan "roasp" from vegetables and withstand a couple of minutes.
8. Sit on the table, sprinkled with the vapor cheese "Parmesan". You can decorate the greenery branch.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 3. Ratatuus soup with meatballs in a slow cooker

Prepare "Ratatuus" soup in a slow cooker - a solid pleasure, especially if you move away from a classic recipe and cook it with meatballs. They are not welded and retain all their taste. Time for cooking needs minimum, ingredients are the simplest and affordable.


✵ minced meat - 400 g;
✵ Egg chicken - 1 pc.;
✵ Potatoes - 2 pcs.;
✵ Suspension of young (or zucchini) - 1 pc.;
✵ Tomato Fresh - 2 pcs;
✵ Pepper Sweet Bulgarian - 1 pc.;
✵ onion - 1 pc.;
✵ garlic - 1-2 teeth;
✵ Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
✵ thyme (dry) - to taste;

✵ Salt - to taste;
✵ Greens fresh (parsley, dill) - to taste.
To calculate the weight of a product, a comparative table of measures and scales will help you.


1. In the finished mince from any type of meat, add an egg, salt, pepper black ground, well stir and modify small meatballs with a walnut size.

2. In the bowl of the multicark, pour a small amount of vegetable oil, load meatballs and fry in the "frying" mode before the appearance of a ruddy crust.
3. Onions cut into small cubes, garlic crushed and lay out to meatballs and fry a little more, stirring.

4. Wash, clean and cut into large cubes potatoes, zucchini, pepper, tomatoes. Place all vegetables to fried ingredients. Pour boiling water so that it completely covered vegetables. Add salt, pepper and thyme. Prepare in the "Soup" mode 40 minutes.

5. After cooking, give soup a little broken.
6. Serve the "Ratatouh" soup on the table, sprinkled with a chopped fresh greens.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 4. "Ratatuus" soup with tomatoes


✵ Tomatoes are fresh - 750 g (or 2 cans of 375 g of tomatoes in their own juice);
✵ Tomato paste - 1-2 Art. spoons (if fresh tomatoes are used);
✵ Eggplants - 2 pcs.;
✵ Zucchini (or young zucchini) - 2 pcs;
✵ Pepper Sweet Bulgarian - 1 pc. Red and 1 pc. green color ;
✵ Bow Yellow (PC) - 2 pcs.;
✵ garlic - 5 teeth;
✵ thyme (fresh) - 3 escapes;
✵ Basil (Fresh) - 5-8 large leaves;
✵ Fresh meal of the Italian parsley (crushed) - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
✵ Olive oil - 120 ml (8 tbsp. Spoons);
✵ Pepper black (ground) - to taste;
✵ Salt - to taste.
To calculate the weight of a product, a comparative table of measures and scales will help you.


1. Eggplants, rinse, divide into length into 4 parts and cut every quarter across slices with a thickness of about 12 mm.
2. Zucchini (young zucchini) rinse and cut into slices with a thickness of about 6 mm.
3. Slices of eggplant and zucchini salted slightly, give to stand 30 minutes, then remove the extra salt using a paper towel.
4. Clear onions and cut into thin half rings.
5. Sweet pepper wash, remove seed partitions and cut into cubes.
6. Garlic cloves are large.
7. Petrushka, basil and thyme chop.
8. In the pan heat 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil, lay onions and fry on medium heat for 5 minutes until it becomes almost soft. Add sweet pepper, half garlic and cook on medium heat for about 7 minutes, until the sweet pepper becomes soft. Put vegetables in a heavy pan.
9. Put the frying pan again on the middle fire, pour 2 more century. Spoons of oil, lay out pieces of eggplants and stew 6-7 minutes before the appearance of a brown shade on both sides. Then shifting eggplants to the common pan.
10. Again to put the frying pan on the middle fire and pour 2 tbsp. Spoons of oil, lay out pieces of zucchini and stew 4-5 minutes before the appearance of golden color on both sides. Then shifting the zucchini to the pan to the rest of the vegetables.
11. Fresh tomatoes give boiling water, remove the skin and large cut. Or open banks with canned tomatoes and, if the tomatoes are whole, then they are also large and suppressed by a fork.
12. Stay in the pan of the remaining garlic, fresh tomatoes with tomato paste (or canned - along with juice), parsley, basil, thyme, season to taste with salt and pepper and mix thoroughly.
13. Put a saucepan on the middle fire and cook for 20-30 minutes until part of the fluid evaporates. Choose a density of soup, which you like personally. If you wish, you can evaporate the entire liquid and get a second dish.
14. Remove the saucepan from the fire, add the remaining 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil and give soup a little broken.
15. Serve a dish on a table hot or room temperature.