Azamat value. Name of name - Azamat

The story and the value of the Azamat name is still not fixed. According to one of the existing versions, the name Azamat is translated from Arabic as "powerful", "strong", "having power", although in this case it is written as "a`zim".

According to another version, the boys born in the fourth month of the calendar year (in the Arab calendar), which is called Azamat. The meaning of the Kazakhs and Tatars - "Citizen", and the peoples of the Caucasus - "removed jigit" or "well done". Turks and Persians have a name translated as "majestic." What does the name of Azamat mean for the character of its owner? How does it affect the fate of boys and men?

Azamat: Name and character

Azamat - and effective. No man more reliable than Azamat. He quickly thinks what to do, without difficulty oriented in dangerous situations, has the ability to instantly respond to danger and take rapid, correct decisions. However, for the implementation of protracted projects, Azamat is not suitable at all. First, it is absolutely not able to plan. Secondly, even deciding on a long-term case, he quickly loses interest to him.

Knowing what it is he wants to achieve from life, Azamat, whose name is already known, is not capable of long-term and constant work on the challenge. The impulsivity is sometimes very hindering the young man. However, Azamat perfectly manages his character: seeking to come to a distant goal, he divides the whole path to short stages. Isamat emotional? The meaning of it contains the answer to this question. The combination of removal and greatness is the characteristic features of a man. Azamat does not seek to show emotionality - on the contrary, he dismisitably watches the world, and feeling threatening him personally danger, quickly accepts the "Ostrich Posa". Intuition at the owners of this name is well developed. There is only one emotion that Azamat hides with difficulty, it is irritability. Idealist by nature, this man does not endure the wrong deeds, unclean relationships.

Azamat. Name Name for Career and Family

Given all the listed features of Azamat, it is easy to conclude that the boss or the manager will not work out. First, Azamat is not able to act with their return for a long time. Secondly, it is poorly understood in the strategy and tactics of the business as a whole. But he knows how to solve their tasks perfectly - there is no equal in this. That is why excellent subordinates are obtained from Azamatov.

Hearing a clearly formulated task, Azamat will connect all its resourcefulness and intuition. Such people are especially valued in sports, politics, army. In the family, Azamat manifests itself as a jealous. He is jealous of his wife, children, but requires spiritual and physical comfort for themselves.

The chosen of the Azamata must be patient, it is easy to carry out the outbreak of the husband's irritability, not to give him a reason for jealousy, although it is not easy, because Azamat is able to jealous and without reason. However, seeking to show how an Azamat will pickily treat the education of children, making focus on the preservation of customs and at the same time trying to give his offspring the best education.


The meaning of Azamat

Greatness, fame. Muslim Muslim Name. Translated from Arabic - 1) "Majesty", "Glory"; 2) "Citizen"; 3) "Real Jigit", "delete", "Well done". Most often occurs in the Kazakhs. In 1986, Alma-Ata had 3rd frequency by the male name of newborns from Kazakh families. It is also found in other Turkic peoples, for example, Tatars.

Numerology named after Azamat.

Soul number: 1.
The owners of this number of name always occupy an active life position and always clearly know what they want to achieve. They are best oriented in complex and even extreme life situations, they are impossible to embarrass sharply changed circumstances or causing surprise difficulties. However, the "long-playing projects" projects are not their Konk - quickly lose interest in the case and produce threads from their hands, which automatically deletes them from among business people. The Konk "Units" is the execution of the assigned tasks, and the more difficult and the difficulty task, the greater the likelihood that it is the "unit" will solve it faster and better than all. Men and women "Units" are bold and confident in their abilities, know how to make money, but also easy to spends. Telling impulsive and rapid decisions. In most cases, the company's soul and reliable friends.

Number of hidden spirit: 3

Body number: 7


Planet: Sun.
Elements: fire, warm, dryness.
Zodiac: lion.
Color: Yellow, bright red, golden.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Chrysolit, Heliotrop, Carbuncoon, Diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrop, Omelo, Peony, Ginger, Laurel, Cedar, Lemon, Wild Rose, Olive, Almond, Oak.
Beasts: Lion, Eagle, Falcon, Scarab.

Name Azamat as phrase

And Az (I, I, myself, myself)
Z land
And Az (I, I, myself, myself)
M thought
And Az (I, I, myself, myself)
T solid

Interpretation of the value of the letter of the Azamat

3 - Circular defense "I" from the outside world, high intuition, rich imagination. A person sometimes takes the position of ostrich, hiding his head in the sand.
A - the symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement, thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
M is a caring personality, willingness to help, shyness is possible. At the same time, preventing the owner that he is part of nature and should not succumb to the temptation "pull the blanket on itself." Predatory related to nature, the owner of this letter hurts himself.
A - the symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and implement, thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
T - intuitive, sensitive, creative personality, a truth seeker, not always commensurate desires and opportunities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not infinite and should not be postponed for tomorrow what can be done today is to act, using every minute effectively.

- (Husband.) Real Jigit Kazakh Names. Dictionary of Executives .. Azamat Knight, Bogatyr, Hero; Brave, brave. Tatar, Turkic, Muslim male names. Dictionary of Terms ... Dictionary of personal names

Azamat - Mighty, great dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

Azamat - Azamat: Azamat Arabic Male Name. Azamat Fourth month on the Calendar of Bahai. Azamat Russian football club from Cheboksary. Contents 1 Popular Points 1.1 Kazakhstan ... Wikipedia

azamat. - (Sea., Ұrzh.) Ogғan, қ Smetaker. Men Zasymda a and m and t a r m e n kөp zholdas Boldem. A m and t t t ң ң қ қ қ қ қ қ қ қ ол Ол и ос казд ірім ІС Еті (sem., Ұрж.). [TүRіKSH Azamat: 1) ұLound; 2) Tamasha; 3) Motanysh (tour. Rus. Sl., 1977, 84); қ "... ... ... Қазақ Тіліні имақтақ Сөздігі

azamat. - 1. lawsuit. Gaskәri Hesmәtkә ң ң Berrenche Baryrga Tieshele Thaza, Ochin Büil Il Keshe 10 20 Jach Yach Aurand BLA BALA, 20 30 (Azamat), 30 40 (Ir Urtasi), 40 50 (IR), 50 60 (UT Agasy), 60 Baba 2. Kүch. Batyr, Kyu, үtken Kashhegә, Batyr ... ... Tatar calzeң Aңlatmaly SZLE

Azamat. - (Character of the story of M. Yu. Lermontov "Bal") and Lermontov, longing of the Bala, told us about Azamat, (RFM: Zlata) EU924 (II, 175) ... Own name in Russian poetry of the 20th century: Dictionary of personal names

azamat. - [ظظمت] and 1. Buzurgӣ, Calono; ҳashamat, Shukӯҳ 2. MA. BayOdur, Dalner, Karamon, Dilovar ... Farҳang Tafxiriya Zakimi TOҷikӣ

Azamat Gerai - Crimean Kalga 1631 1632 ... Wikipedia

Azamat-Yurt - Village Azamat Yurt Country Russia Russian ... Wikipedia

Azamat (Chuvashia) - This term exists and other values, see Azamat (Values). Village Azamat Chuvash. Asamate Country ... Wikipedia

Azamat (football club) - The word "Azamat" has other meanings: see Azamat (values). Azamat ... Wikipedia


  • How to spend $ 100,000,000 in 7 days. Adventure work, Azamat Bayzakov. Bayzakov Azamat (1983 - While alive, thank God) - Writer. For the Creativity of this author, the book is characterized by the study of the ratio in the life of a person feeling and mind, freedom and predestination, ... from 280 rubles electronic book
  • Ice target, Azamat Kozaev. Infinitely far away from the outcast, hated by everyone, to a genuine hero, on which the barefoot boys want to be like. Life is full of surprises - when he appears in the fact that it is not ...

Male name Azamat is Muslim. Translated from Arabic to the Russian male name, Azamat means "powerful", "majestic."
Beautifully name Azamat causes sympathy from many parents who choose a name for her son, also because its meaning is very positive. No wonder Muslims have even a monthly one month over the Bahá'í calendar.

What does the name Azamat

What can be said about Azamat's carrier? Immediately it is worth notifying that Azamat does not have a name.
One of the features characterizing the nature of Azamat is that he is idealist. It can be seen with a naked eye. He sees in people only good, seeks to become perfect himself perfectly (both physically and intellectually), dreams of finding perfect love. It is these "pink glasses" often and summarize the young man with the name Azamat. After all, in life, it is often disappointed and he is not an exception.
To somehow protect the boy with the name Azamat from the cruelty of the real world, the parents should not sharply indicate him that he is in delusion. Better gradually, slowly and gently oppose any evil good, so that in the future a man remains in the best and in their strength.

Characteristic named Azamat.

Meaning: knight, hero; Mighty, majestic

Name of Azamat - Interpretation

The name Azamat could come to us from different languages. That is why it has several translations at once: "Being powerful", "greatness", "majestic." But still, these versions have something in common, because they actually unanimously prevent a person with such a name, full of large and small achievements and accomplishments.

After year

Little Azamat is a real decent, which is constantly engaged in a huge amount of affairs. He may not have time to do anything, but still creates the visibility of rapid activity.

Parents should take career than to organize their child, teach it to be disciplined. It is better to focus its versatile interests on one or two of the most priority, the result will exceed all expectations.

In the company peers, the child will be one of the leaders. He started and has a certain prestige among the courtyard boys. Quickly lights up with new hobbies, but very soon cools to them. At school, this is not the most diligent student: its marks depend on the relationship to the subject and the teacher who leads it.

In adolescence, Azamat remains impulsive and emotional. He can take a risky decision, but there is a big chance that later this will regret it. The owner of this name is ten times to think and only then give the final answer.

Azamat from those leaders who can cheer, joke and be a soul of the company, but no one is able to organize and send anyone. From this person will come out truly wonderful in all respects performer.

With all its creativity and acute mind, he is rarely the author of some kind of unique idea. But to improve someone else's innovative thought will always be able - for this, the young man has enough skills, and smelts.

Azamat is a successful, bright person who has many friends. In an amazing way, he knows how to charming almost everyone around, enjoy the support of people in the most difficult life situations.

Sometimes there is a feeling that it all happens easily, even playing. But this is applied: often Azamatu, as well as others, has a lot to work for achieving true success. Just he tries to show that it is completely wrong.

His energy is waiting for the exit, and if an occupation is found that fully meets it requests, the result will exceed all expectations. The challenges laid in it together with the attached effort will lead to a great outcome.

Character of Azamata

This is a person who is able to create around himself an atmosphere of happiness and joy. His purely positive attitude towards life helps others better experience any difficultness.

A man with this name is kind, open and always ready for new acquaintances. He loves people with all their shortcomings and misses. It is rarely offended to the depths of the soul or reproach someone. She strives to live his life and not blame anyone in his failures.

Emotionality often pushes this person to commit the raised actions. He can not only risk himself, but also by the fact that expensive to other people.

Azamat is lost if something is needed to organize as quickly as possible and correctly - in such situations prefers to entrust the task to someone else. To the closest surroundation can be very demanding. He will be silent against an unfamiliar man, but shearses on a friend, if it considers that he is wrong.

Fate Azamata

This is a typical representative of those rare people who are all called Weass. He manages to be at the right time in the right place and always get the most tidy. Merry, lightweight, interesting and active - this person sees another wonderful friend, friend and family man. But it should be remembered: the more acquaintance and the closer the relationship, the brighter the real nature of this man is revealed. And she is not quite simple.

and money

and family

and love


and hobby

Career, Business and Money

It may well become a public person, because it has charisma and charm. This is a talented speaker who can act as a motivational coach, humorist, sometimes a teacher.

By whom Azamat would work, there should always be someone who all organize and controls the situation. Money to this person come easily, continuous flow. Good financial condition for him is familiar.

Marriage and family

Azamatu is very important that his family is a quiet harbor and reliable fortress. A woman who will provide comfort and warm in the house will respect and appreciate. He loves children and seeks to have them a few. The soul does not make birth in daughters - for him it is real pride.

Constantly pampers the little princesses, but the boys brings up in love, but rigor. Azamatu likes family evenings, so there is a gathering with friends, he will easily exchange at home dinner.

Sex and love

The owner of this name loves beautiful women, so much flirting, pays attention to all the ladies around. It does not make him Lovelace, because he will never betray his half. Different with a jealous temper: what is allowed to him (flirt) is strictly prohibited by the elect.

If a woman gives at least the slightest reason for doubt, it freezes it with constant suspicions and reproach. But if it is careful and delicate in communicating with other men, calm down and will continue to support harmonious relationships with it.

For beloved is ready for much, trying to realize all her requests. In sex it is a sensitive, a ardent lover, with whom you will never have to miss.


A man with such a name is endowed with good physical strength, flexibility and agility. He has a colossal supply of energy that does not dry and in old age.

Physical and mental health is also good, there will never be special difficulties. Azamat tries to ensure that he eats and drinks. Prefers to lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, completely refuses to alcohol and smoking.

Hobbies and hobby

Like a man with this name, from what you can get a charge of cheerfulness. Boldly jump with a parachute or go to twist the lake on the kayak. His hobby is often relevant to tourism, fishing or hunting.

With the advent of the family, it is trying to organize common entertainment, which will be interesting to everyone. This speaks about the ability to adapt perfectly to the hobbies of their relatives and close people.