Cement chipboard CSP. CSP or cement-chipboard

Over the past decades, the use of dry installation technology is increasingly found in housing and civil engineering. They allow you to significantly improve consumables and raise the level of quality of executable work. In practice, inexpensive and safe cement stoves are often used. The study of technical and operational characteristics, applications, as well as consumer reviews and an overview of the current prices will help you understand the advantages of working with this material.

The building element is a monolithic plate, which contains such substances:

  • cement - up to 65%;
  • chips of coniferous trees - about 25%;
  • water - 8.5%;
  • additives - 2.5%.

The prepared components are mixed and placed under the press. The molded sheets are heated to 90 ° C for 7-8 hours, then cooled in natural conditions the final hardening occurs in about two weeks.

Special additives (antiseptics, plasticizers, hydration impurities) contribute to the improvement of the qualitative characteristics of the CSP and enriches them with new properties.

The use of natural raw materials is based on the panels are absolutely safe for humans. Houses built from plates are obtained strong with smooth internal and external surfaces. The walls are well passed to air, which contributes to the formation of the optimal microdex in the rooms.

Plates can be easily subject to different types of processing:

  • cut to achieve the desired size;
  • drill holes;
  • milling to obtain parts of arbitrary forms;
  • grind ends for connecting strength.

Many finishing options are applicable on the surface of the DSP panels:

  • painting works with applying primers and paints from silicone and acrylic;
  • vinyl chopper or glass windows;
  • facing with ceramic tiles.

Externally panels have a great similarity with chipboard (wood chipboard). These materials should not be confused, since CDP contains more cement, and therefore much stronger. In addition, it has universality of use.

Specifications of CSP

  • Dimensions.

Plate thickness is within 8-36 mm. Geometric dimensions are determined by the regulatory documents and make up: width 1200/1250 mm, length 2600/2700/3200 mm. By reservation in the enterprise can make any, for example, with a length of 3000 or 3600 mm.

  • Density.

With a relative humidity of 6-12%, the indicator is 1300 kg / cm 2. Permissible maximum swelling of CSP sheets up to 2%. Regulatory of limit water absorption is not more than 16%.

  • Roughness.

Relief panels depends on the degree of surface treatment with grinding equipment. According to GOST, the roughness of the unprocessed elements of the CSP does not exceed 320 microns, strangulated - up to 80 microns.

In practice there is a cement-chipboard with a thickness of about 4 mm. It does not require additional surface treatment, which positively affects the ultimate cost of products.

Where do the CSP panels use?

The material from cement and wood chips is a high-strength construction basis with good indicators of environmental friendliness and stability. It has widespread use in the construction and reconstruction of civil, industrial and agricultural facilities.

CSP sheets make up an excellent basis for modular construction. With their help create heat-saving and sound-absorbing walls in frame houses. The plates equally equalize the base base, make it warm, which significantly increases the service life. The accuracy of the size contributes to the accelerated installation of panels in the framework.

It is advisable to apply such plates in a fixed formwork device, fences, facade finish. This is much reduced works, ensures designs necessary reliability and saves total construction costs.

Excellent performance features make it possible to use floors for floors, walls and ceilings in wet rooms, such as bathroom or bath.

Advantages and disadvantages of CSP panels

The main advantages of the application of the material:

  • high strength;
  • the absence of poisonous and carcinogenic components;
  • thermal protection;
  • moisture resistance;
  • resistance to biological aggression, insects and rodents;
  • good noise insulation;
  • operation in various climatic conditions;
  • acceptable cost.

Professional reviews confirm a minor number of shortcomings of the CSP panels.

  • A large mass - complicates the transportation and installation of elements, which slows down the workflow somewhat.
  • Bending fragility - for laying plates requires a smooth base. It is advisable to buy a building material with a reserve by 10-15% more than planned estimates.
  • The limited service life is valid only in hard operation conditions.

Negative moments lead to a small increase in the cost of construction work.

When purchasing consumables, various stove characteristics should be taken into account.

The choice of sheets of optimal size depends on the place of installation. It should be remembered that an increase in product parameters leads to a total load on the design. Therefore, for the floor of the floor it is better to buy sheets with a thickness of 8-20 mm, to clamp the facade to choose 12-16 mm, and for visors, windowsides, tabletops are suitable 20-36 mm.

The form of the facial surface is important when finishing the inner walls and the facade. Manufacturers offer a large range of panels with smooth and corrugated coating, imitating marble, quartz, sand.

Consumer Reviews

"For many years professionally engaged in building work of varying complexity. Noted a lot of advantages of using plates. In particular, the trim of the facade is spent by a minimum of time. Thick panels can be easily cut with a circular saw with a wood disk, thin with ordinary hacksaw. Installation on the frame is also conveniently fixed by pulling holes with a regular drill. The stretches are not required, the panels are durable, quickly fit, forming smooth surfaces. "

Andrei, Yaroslavl region.

"The first experience of using CSP has acquired during a garage cladding. It turned out that the slabs are not difficult to cut and attach. The finished walls painted acrylic paint, it turned out well. Now the floor is in the queue in the kitchen. There is one significant disadvantage: the material is beneficial to buy only a big party. Retail the cost of the sheet is much more expensive. So for the small volume of the work of the CSP, you should not take. "

Ignat, Moscow.

"According to designers in the country house, marble window sills were planned. The price was too high, so they decided to replace the natural stone by imitation from the cement-chipboard. Working with such a material turned out to be greatly pleasure - it is easily cut with hacksaw, grunted by the plane. The result pleased, and friends are still sure that we have a real marble. "

Victor Tretyakov, Leningrad region.

"According to reviews from the Internet and the Council of Friends, I decided to try the DSP panel for the floor. First, the rubble layer was laid a thick plate. Then the insulation, waterproofer and lags with crossings. Thin plates in 16 mm went on the draft floor, on top of the linoleum. It turned out cheap, smoothly and warm. The floor does not miss moisture and breathe well. "

Nikolay, Stavropol Territory.

"I wanted to build a fence at the cottage from the proflist. Previously calculated the costs, it turned out a large amount. He began to study the characteristics of other materials and came across the CSP. The material turned out to be much stronger and cheaper. Hello installed the supports, welded metal profiles to them and secured the sheets with self-draws. It turned out durable and beautiful fence. Manufacturers assured that the material is very strong and does not rot. I have been worth the fifth year, I have no complaints. "

Eugene, Yekaterinburg.

Table of prices for CSP of various sizes

Size, mm.Price per sheet, rubles
2700 1200 8 580 — 660
10 685 — 792
12 771 — 870
16 906 — 1020
20 1094 — 1200
24 1263 — 1400
1250 8 702 — 800
10 832 — 940
12 934 — 1080
16 1101 -1260
20 1329 — 1480
24 1536 — 1692
36 2253 — 2500
3200 8 635 — 730
10 752 — 853
12 851 — 968
16 1066 — 1207
20 1301 — 1474
24 1520 — 1721
3600 1200 10 697 — 789
12 776 — 881
16 1007 — 1162
20 1247 — 1390
24 1472 — 1630

Not so long ago in the country (in the USSR since 1987) the production of CSPs is deployed. What are cement-chip plates use in modern construction and what are they present?

CSP - sheet composition, for the manufacture of which is used average and thin wood (24%) chips, portland cement M500 brand (65%), special chemical additives (2.5%) to reduce the negative effects of wood extracts for cement and water (8 , 5%) (image 1). Get plates with pressing at a temperature of 900 ° C for 8 hours. After that, products are maintained under natural conditions for 2 weeks.

The most famous domestic manufacturer is Tambov Tamak plant. Plates also produce CPSP Svir (St. Petersburg), Kostroma TsSP plant, Omsk Slopjan, Tyumen Sibzhilstroy and building structural buildings located in Sterlitamak.

Russian products meets the requirements of GOST 26816-86. It is divided into 2 stamps: CSP-1, TSP-2. Less stringent requirements are allowed to sheets of the last brand than to the CSP-1.

Cement-chip plates possess:

  • density of 1100-1400 kg / m³;
  • high specific thermal conductivity - 1.15 kJ / kg * 0 ° C;
  • parry permeability of 0.03 mg / m * h * Pa ("breathable" material);
  • fire resistance - practically not lit, at high temperatures does not release toxic gases and vapors;
  • water resistance;
  • resistant to rotting;
  • high sound insulation;
  • durability: 50 years warranty in operation in construction facilities;
  • high strength to longitudinal deformation;
  • survey surface.

But cement-chip slabs, whose technical characteristics are generally good, have a number of flaws:

  • high price;
  • in the processing, an incredible amount of dust is formed, as a result of which the use of dustlessness, safety glasses and respirators are simply necessary;
  • the heavy material: 1 m² weighs about 10 kg, which makes it difficult to rise to the upper floors of buildings, and for structures with the use of CSP, you need a reliable, strong frame of wooden bars with a cross section of at least 50x50 mm or rectangular pipes, whose cross section 50x20 mm;
  • small bending strength;
  • insufficient ease of processing: At construction, grinders and manual circular saws (image 2.3) with the use of cutting tools with carbide plates or diamond circles, the sheets are drilling, but it is better to perform these operations in the factory.

Areas of Application CSP

The versatility of the slab allows them to be used to solve various construction tasks.

First of all, these are outdoor work: the construction of frame buildings, the finish of facades of residential buildings, warehouse and agricultural premises, use as a basis for a soft roof, the fencing of balconies and loggias, use as a non-removable formwork for the foundation.

Facing facing (image 4) is carried out by fastening cement-pall sheets with nails, screws, metal brackets, or screws on a frame made of wooden bars or metal profiles. The optimal step of the crate is 60 cm, the bars are preferable to mount vertically, with small areas, you can use horizontal installation. There are 4-5 mm gaps between the sheets, which prevent their deformation when the air temperature changes. The filler of the gaps is the elastic mastic or the sealing gasket, which are closed with nicknaps with nachchelniki outside the outside. The space between the wall and plates, depending on the purpose of the building, can be left blank, and you can fill in a modern insulation, for residential buildings it is very relevant. After fasteners, the sheets are ground and apply decorative plaster or just paint.

In the manufacture of the base for a soft roof, you should pay special attention to the waterproofing of the joints. Technologically, the process of manufacturing the basis of the CSP is similar to working with wood materials.

For the fencing of balconies and loggia, the cement-chip plates are much more expedient to use asbotic sheets, because instead of a fragile material, a solid and durable fence is being built.

Formwork from CSP (image 5) is increasingly used in the construction of low-rise buildings. It provides:

  1. Reducing labor costs and work time limits due to the highest possible installation of the structure, and it does not need to be dismantled.
  2. Coloring the outer side of CSP sheets with special colors provides vertical waterproofing of the foundation.
  3. The design provides additional strength of the foundation.
  4. The formwork retains its shape when pouring and frozen concrete.

Application of CSP for internal works

Due to the complete absence of the allocation of any harmful gases and vapors during operation, cement-chipboard plates are recommended for interior decoration of the premises (image 6): They align the walls (fasten either on the frame from the most rigid reinforced profile, or on a special solution or mastic) , the inner partitions form, especially in conditions of high humidity (to increase the service life, such a partition should be treated with a water-repellent and paint waterproof).

Floor appliance using CSP

CSP slabs and for floors are used (image 7), and their use is preferable to the use of wood-piping (chipboard) or oriented chips (OSP). Typically, the laying of the CSP for the floor is carried out on lags having a cross-section of 50x80 mm, with a pitch of 600 mm.

With the help of the CSP, you can:

  • make the base under the floor;
  • shape underlying or leveling layers;
  • singing a warm and clean floor with facial coating;
  • sitting the floor right to the ground.

CSP thickness is:

  1. For decoration of the inner walls - 8-12 mm.
  2. For mounting internal partitions - 8-20 mm.
  3. For the flooring of the CSP on the floor - 16-26 mm.
  4. for mounting formwork - 12-56 mm.
  5. For roofing works and outdoor decoration of walls - 10-16 mm.
  6. For mounting frame buildings - 10-40 mm.

Cement-chipboard can be safely recommended to perform the above work. But it is necessary to use the products of the domestic producer, and the Chinese CSP does not acquire. The use of products of hardworking Asians can lead to swelling of the plates, their coloring, the sheets themselves can be curves, and the surface is uneven.

When performing construction and finishing works, the most important aspect is the reliability and durability of the resulting design, but not all materials provide such parameters. That is why an excellent solution is a cement-chipboard, which has the necessary operational characteristics. Products have their own characteristics that are advisable to take into account to achieve the best result.

Decoding of CSP - cement-chipboard. The composition includes the following components:

  • Portland cement High brand (from M400) - 65%.
  • Wood chips (most often coniferous breeds) - at least 24% of the total mass.
  • Water without impurities - 8.5%.
  • Special mineral additives (sodium silicate, aluminum sulfate and others) - 2.5%.

The availability of components of cement-chipboard determines their high popularity.

Products refers to composite materials and is already known for quite a long time, which is confirmed by GOST 26816-86. For a long time, it was unclaimed due to the wide variety of the building market.

At the moment, the manufacture of material is regulated by GOST 26816-2016. This standard is based on document 1986 and European standards EN 634-1: 1995 and EN 634-2: 2007. Although the demand for products increases, which is explained by excellent qualities and an acceptable price, its availability remains rather low.

Production of material

Plate manufacturing technology includes a number of consecutive steps:

Modern production is constantly developing, so it is possible to obtain CSP sheets with a minimum thickness of 6 mm without loss of properties.

Advantages and disadvantages

The material is distinguished among the other many pluses:

But the CSP plate has a cons:

When buying pay attention to the availability of security certificates.

Types of cement-chipboard

The panels have a similar composition and allow you to choose the appropriate material for a specific situation:

The characteristics of xylolite and fibrolite are very different, so they have different purposes

  • Xylolite. Based on chips and magnesian cement. It has high strength, so it can be used as a flooring.
  • Fibrololite. For production is used wood raw materials, which has passed special processing, and burned magnesite. Portland cement applies as a binder component. The obtained parts differ soft and are suitable for thermal insulation.
  • Arbolit. A rather popular variety for outdoor and internal works.

The use of new technologies allowed to withdraw "Arbolit" in sales leaders

Also details are made to divide the area of \u200b\u200buse depending on the thickness. There are two brands of products: CSP-1 and CSP-2, differing in parameters.


Such facing material has the following properties:

  1. Bending strength. From 9 to 12 MPa. This indicator suggests that the place of laying should be even. But the resistance of the longitudinal deformation in the panels is high, which makes it possible to use them to enhance the supporting structures.
  2. Density. From 1200 to 1400 kg / m 3. Values \u200b\u200bdiffer due to possible moisture fluctuations.
  3. Parry permeability. It is about 0.03 mg / (m · h · par). The presence of a porous structure does not prevent steam exchange.
  4. Humidity level. Within 9%. If the manufacturing technology is fully observed, then with constant exposure to water during the day, the indicator changes less than 2 times.
  5. Thermal conductivity. The coefficient is 0.26 W / (M · K). If we have a house with such material, then its energy efficiency will increase.

Extended Table of General Characteristics of Cement-Stoves

Sheet size:

  • width - 120 and 125 cm (standard);
  • length - 320 and 360 cm;
  • thickness - from 6 to 36 mm;
  • the weight is due to dimensions: panel 1200 * 3200 * 36 will have a mass of 195 kg.

There are other parameters, the regulatory documents allow you to make parts of the required dimensions.

The calculated parameters of the best-selling CSP models

As the material is an eco-friendly and moisture resistant, the area where it can be used is quite extensive:

  1. Frame construction. Applying in such a situation should be dimensional parts, because they enhance the supporting structures. Wall overlaps are entirely cabled with plates, the field is processed.
  2. Facade finish. This is the best option if the climate of the area with high humidity and strong frosts. The panels are used in the system of the system with additional ventilation: they are placed on the crate. Due to the fact that products are polished or unlocked, they are left without facing or plastering.
  3. Internal work. Plates make the walls of the walls and the ceiling. With larger processes, the material is used to arrange an attic and rough floor.

Famous trademarks such as Tamak, produce a complete line of high-quality cement plates for different types of finishes and operation

Characteristics allow you to apply cement panels from chips almost everywhere if it is advisable. Although all the work can be performed with your own hands, but the size and weight of the parts suggest the presence of an assistant.

Sheet building materials are used in many types of construction work, which is customary to call "dry". One of these materials is a CSP plate. This is a durable material that can be used in the construction of frame houses and hozpostroops, for internal and external finishing works.

What is a slate CSP

Cement-chipboard (CSP) - foliage building material, which is made from high quality cement (Portland cement) mixed with thin long wood chips (according to GOST 26816 chips 0.2-0.3 mm thickness, length from 10 mm to 30 mm) . Aluminum sulfate and liquid glass are added to the composition. When the water is added (about 8% of the total mass). The resulting substance is molded in the form of plates, pressed.

CSP Plate - Listed Building Material for Internal and Exterior Work

Some manufacturers of CSP plates make from several layers. They seously mix formulations with smaller and larger chip. A mixture with a large chip is used for inner layers, gives greater strength. From the composition with the smaller chip, the outer layers are formed, which makes its surface smoother. Folded "Pie" enters the press, the resulting monolithic CSP plate with improved characteristics is formed.

It is also worth saying that there are polished and unwanted CSP plates. Grinding can be used for inner or exterior trim in those work, after which finishing works can immediately follow. There is also decoration plates of the CSP, on one of the surfaces of which the finishing layer is formed in the form of a stone or brick masonry, decorative plaster, etc.

Application area

CSPs are mainly used in the "dry" installation technologies. They are good in the construction of frame houses, since they do not distinguish harmful substances, have high strength, minority, during the fire allocate a small amount of smoke, do not spread fire. Having high mechanical strength, they increase the rigidity of frame structures. All this makes frame houses, trimmed by CSP, safer and reliable.

Objects for the use of CSP

Sheet DSP can be used in the construction of the following objects:

  • Frame residential buildings up to 3 floors inclusive.
  • Industrial, office buildings.
  • Hotel complexes.
  • Kindergartens, schools.
  • Medical institutions.
  • Sport halls.
  • Warehouses, hangars.

Disadvantage: The CSP plate has a significant mass (heavier several times), which improves the requirements for the foundation. The solid weight also becomes a problem when lifting the second floor - need assistants and or lifting equipment (at least winch). Another deficiency of the CSP is low resistance to bending loads. This is limited to the area of \u200b\u200btheir use - they are put on the base, in places with a small bending load or must be mounted vertically.

Resistance to atmospheric influences and high humidity, fungi and bacterial lesions, allows the use of cement-block sheets during the construction of hozpostroops: sheds, garages of cellars.

For finishing outdoor and internal works

Another area of \u200b\u200bapplying cement chipboard - floor alignment, walls. Compared to other materials, the CSP plate has better sound insulation characteristics, not exposed to fungi, tolerate climatic influences well. Therefore, often used when creating ventilated facades.

For interior decoration, CSP plates can be used for the following works:

  • Soundproofing and fire-resistant partitions and walls.
  • Internal facility of the premises of any destination (residential and non-residential, including with high humidity).
  • Window sills.
  • Rough floor.
  • Ceilings.

The positive moment is that there are cement-chip stoves polished and unlighted. Grid have an absolutely smooth surface. When using them, you can only close the seams and then paint, glue wallpaper, use other ways to finish.

Characteristics and properties

The CSP plate is relatively new material until it is too widely used in private construction. All because not everyone represents how he behaves in the long run. To understand, he is good or not for your purposes, you need to know about all properties.

Density and mass

Density of CSP 1100-1400 kg / m³. High density gives the frame structures a high level of rigidity. If this material is used for internal finishing works, such walls have sufficient carrying capacity to keep the shelves, lockers and other sufficiently heavy items.

The material is quite dense and heavy. One sheet with a height of 2700 mm - depending on the thickness - weighs from 37 kg and up to 164 kg. This makes the uncomfortable trim of the second floor and above. This can be considered a disadvantage.

Thermal and humidity expansion

For construction, this characteristic is still important as a linear expansion with changes in humidity and temperature. For the CSP plate it is present, but is small. When plates are located, one near the other, it is recommended to leave a gap of 2-3 mm between them. When installing the second row (height), the recommended gap is 8-10 mm.

  • Normal humidity for sale - 9% (± 3%).
  • Low water absorption allows you to use this type of material for the outer finish, to cover the walls indoors with high humidity. When in the water within 24 hours the limit of the increase in thickness is not more than 1.5%. That is, when wetting, they almost do not change the size.

What else is worth knowing: when immersing in water, dimensions change slightly - 2% in thickness and 3% in length. If the material is made according to the technology, then even with a long stay on the street under the open sky, it does not change for years.

Strength indicators and installation features

Cement-chipboard poorly carry bending strains, but have very high strength at longitudinal loads. Therefore, they are used for mounting on vertical surfaces. The manufacturers are not recommended to put them on the lags, but when laying on a draft floor or a rough screed, the material behaves stably. Since the CSP plate is not afraid of water from entering, it can be placed on the floor in rooms with high humidity.

Elastic modulus:

  • with compression and bend 2500 MPa;
  • on stretching - 3000 MPa;
  • when shift - 1200 MPa.

If the CSP is mounted on the frame, a doomle is needed with a step of at least 60 cm. When mounting, the fastener is installed in 20 cm increments. Self-tapping screws are not only around the perimeter, but also by intermediate crate rivers. In this case, on the CSP slate, it is possible to glue a tile (primer, after drying it - not a glue composition can be laid tile).

Fire hazard and frost resistance

The CSP plate refers to hard-fledged materials, the fire does not apply on the surface, the toxic or harmful gases are not allocated during combustion. Fire resistance limit (ability to restrain the fire) - 50 min. This means that the material collapses after 50 minutes of finding on fire.

High frost resistance - decreased strength after 50 frost cycles / defrosting no more than 10%, which allows the use of material for the construction of houses even in the conditions of the Far North. The life of this material on the street is 50 years.

It is these properties that make CSP to a more preferred material in. The structure is obtained more reliable from the point of view of fire safety.

Sound-insulating bare

The CSP cooker has good sound insulation characteristics and can be used when wearing outdoor or inner walls:

  • reducing the level of air noise for a plate with a thickness of 10 mm - about 30 dB, for 12 mm - 31 dB;
  • reducing the level of shock noise with plates laid on reinforced concrete overlap - with a thickness of 20 mm, 16 dB, with a thickness of 24 mm - 17 dB;

When using additional intermediate layers, shock noises become quieter by another 9-10 dB. That is, frame walls, covered with CSP plates, delay sufficient sounds to ensure that the house is quiet.

The best combination is a combination of cement-chipboard and mineral wool. Mineral wool also serves as a heater, since due to the homogeneity of the CSP, there is a small thermal resistance (not thermal insulation material).

Performance features

CSP plates are inherent high vapor permeability - 0.03 - 0.23 mg / (m · h · par). It is about the same level as natural wood. With the correct selection of the cake of the walls of the walls, the humidity will be adjusted naturally in the premises.

In addition, the CSP plate has high resistance to rotting. This is due to the natural process of calcium hydroxide, which is formed during the conversion of cement into concrete and larsing the material so that it becomes an unfavorable medium for habitat of fungi, insects and putrid bacteria.

Sizes and mass

When purchasing materials for construction and finishing works, such characteristics are important as the size and mass of the material. CSP sheets are produced two sizes: with a 1250 mm width, the length can be 2700 or 3200 mm. At the same time, the thickness of the TSP plates can be 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36 mm.

Affective thing, the thicker plate, the greater its mass. The exemplary values \u200b\u200bof the mass are shown in the table (different manufacturers may have deviations as towards zoom in and in the direction of the mass reduction).

The weight of cement-chipboard depending on the size and thickness

You may still need such parameters:

  • square of one sheet:
    • 1250 * 2700 - 3.375 m²;
    • 1250 * 3200 - 4.0 m²;
  • cBSP cubic meter weight - 1300-1400 kg.

The CSP leaf is a homogeneous monolithic material without air enclosures, which explains the high thermal conductivity of the material. This should be considered when developing insulation pie. The material is well glued with wood, polymers and metal, so when construction works it is comfortable.

Methods of fastening

The CSP plate can be attached with nails or self-tapping screws. When installing on the frame, the plates should be mounted strictly vertical.

Scope of cement-chipboard in private construction

To attach cement-chipboard, you can use:

  • Galvanized screw nails with a diameter of 2.5 mm. Length is selected depending on the thickness of the sheet and the whole cake. The disadvantaged portion of the nail should be at least double the thickness of the plate, but at least 10 diameters of the nail.
  • Screw and self-tapping screws with pre-sticking holes under the head. The length is selected by the same principle.

When mounting the CSP slabs, it is necessary to strictly monitor the amount and order of installation of the fastener: the material has a large mass, so that fasteners need to be installed at least recommended values. The distance between nails or self-pressing depends on the plate thickness and is indicated in the table.

Each sheet of the cement-chipboard is fixed around the perimeter by retreating a certain distance from the edge of the sheet. The frequency of the installation along the long and short side of the sheet is the same, but depends on the thickness of the material. In addition, there is still an intermediate fastening - in the middle of the height. Here the installation frequency of self-tapping screws or nails is twice as much as by perimeter.

Processing and finishing methods

Despite the fact that the cement chip plate is much stronger, it is processed by the same tools: a mill, saw, an electrolovik. The difference is that it is necessary to use more durable caps.

For drilling it is recommended to use a drill with a solid tip. You can use both manual and electrical drill. It is not recommended that this material is not recommended, as the top layer is removed during this operation, which increases water absorption. But when docking, sometimes there is a need to level the height. In this case, you can use grinding machines of any type. Recommended grain emery paper - №16-25.

Please note that in order for the seams between the plates, it should be at least 4 mm at the inner sections of the seam, with an external one - at least 8 mm. The distance is large, it can be closed with special slats (usually used in the outer decoration) or with the help of elastic tape or sealant.

As the finishing decoration, the CSP plate can be painted or covered with plaster. With the outer decoration, the joints between the plates often just score, leaving them unkind. Another option is to use an aluminum profile overlay that emphasizes the seams. You can also close the seam by the master rail.

For the interior decoration, the seam is filled with a sealant, which after drying saves elasticity. After that you can plaster. The second option is the laying of a special elastic cord, on top of which elastic plaster is applied again.

How fast and efficiently, but with minimal periods of waiting to align floors in an apartment or house? If it is very important that the speed of work is very important, and it is impossible to create a conventional cement screed, then a CSP plate is perfect for this purpose. Application for the floor of this building material allows you to make the surface smooth very quickly. At the same time, the coating will be durable and high-quality.

CSP Plate - Floor Application

CSP is a cement-chipboard, and the name fully reflects the composition of this material. The CSP is made of a mixture, the components of which are wood chips and cement formulations.

As part of building materials available:

  • wood chips with fractions of various sizes - 24%;
  • water - 8.5%;
  • special additives - 2.5%;
  • portland cement - 65%.

The production process is quite simple - the CPS is made as follows.

  1. Special mixers are loaded with special aqueous solutions that include various salts, liquid glass and aluminum.
  2. Next to these solutions, wood chips are gradually added with fractions of different sizes - the mineralization of raw materials occurs.
  3. The cement is mixed with the resulting composition and some more water is added.
  4. The mass is subjected to thorough mixing to a homogeneous mass and then comes under a powerful press.

GOST 26816-86. Cement-chip plates. Technical conditions. A download file (click on the link to open the PDF file in a new window).

The result of this production chain and becomes the finished cement-chip plate, a fairly thin, having a smooth surface. And a large amount of cement in the composition allows you to create a rather durable material. By the way, inside the stove chips has b aboutsome sizes than outside, due to which the smoothness of the surface of the finished material is achieved. CSP does not need to be additionally aligned after laying, making the material perfectly suitable for creating a rough floor covering under laminate, tiles and other types of finish finish. Also inside the CSP, emptiness are not formed during production.

On a note! Wood chips as raw materials are also used in the production of chipboard, fiberboard and OSB plates. Technologies for the production of these materials are something similar and with the technology of obtaining CSP plates.

CSP slabs are widely used in construction. They can be used to finish the facade walls of houses, of which create various partitions indoors. The material is suitable for use in restoration purposes and for interior finishing works. At the same time it is suitable for apartments, and for private houses.

The CSP plate is characterized by high indicators of environmental friendliness, as it is created from natural natural materials and practically does not contain additional chemical ingredients. That is why the stove is recommended for use in the residential premises, and in production.

The use of a cement-chipboard is the ability to abandon the time consuming of the cement screed for creating a base. Building materials reduces labor costs and spend less funds from the budget planned for alignment of floors under the installation of the finishing coating.

cSP plate

Characteristics of the CSP plate

CSP is the material of a perfect new category, characterized by considerable strength, long service life, a certain level of moisture resistance. It also possesses good sound insulation and heat-saving properties. All these features allowed CSP plates to take a solid place in the construction sector - they are used with various purposes.

Of course, this material is far from being perfect, but still, thanks to its properties and characteristics, it can be used both outside and from the inside of the building. The CSP plate does not lose its qualities in a wide variety of climatic conditions.

On a note! Compared to the usual chipboard, the cement-based plate and chips are stronger than 3 times and has high indicators of resistance to various physical effects and loads.

Table. Key CSP parameters.

Length, M.Thickness, mm.Width, M.Square, sq.The number of sheets in 1 m cubic meter., Piece.
2,7 8 1,25 3,375 37
2,7 10 1,25 3,375 29
2,7 12 1,25 3,375 24
2,7 16 1,25 3,375 18
2,7 20 1,25 3,375 14
2,7 24 1,25 3,375 12
2,7 36 1,25 3,375 8
3,2 8 1,25 4 31
3,2 10 1,25 4 25
3,2 12 1,25 4 20
3,2 16 1,25 4 15
3,2 20 1,25 4 12
3,2 24 1,25 4 10
3,2 36 1,25 4 7

The density of one cubic meta CSP slab is quite large - about 1300-1400 kg / m 3. Material moisture is 6-12%. By the way, the material is 100% not protected from water exposure to water, but the swelling when contacting the fluid during a full day should not exceed 2%.

On the touch stove rough, but smooth - often these indicators depend on the used grinding method. Sometimes the CSP in the latter does not need - if the level of roughness is not more than 80 microns. The stove is selected in accordance with the operating conditions, as well as the requirements for final results. For example, plates are usually applied indoors, and the plates are smooth, and outside can be frowning and more rough.

On a note! The decoration of the CSP plate is simple - you can lay any kind of floor finish coating on them, as well as on the surface you can easily apply paint, varnish, plaster, etc.

Cement-chipboard - Transportation

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of plates in front of other similar materials? Consider the answer to this question more.

Advantages of CSP:

  • environmentally friendly material, as it is made from natural components. CSP does not contain asbestos and formaldehyde-containing substances;
  • on the plates do not settle fungus, mold;
  • material is not hygroscopic - it is its main advantage over chipboard;
  • CSP does not suffer from temperature drops, does not lose its operational qualities;
  • 100% Non-CSPSP CSP allows you to use them in any premises. The material can withstand fire for 50 minutes;
  • acceptable price that allows you to purchase material even in the case of a small budget;
  • considerable strength due to the multi-layered material. Excellent indicators are noted at a pressure of both with the end part of the plate, and with any of the other sides;
  • the stove does not require work on additional alignment of surfaces;
  • the material is not afraid of chemical influences;
  • the cement-chipboard perfectly resists the processes of rotting;
  • the relative impermeability for water - during the day of the CSP, the maximum of 16% liquid is able to absorb;
  • high noise insulating and thermal insulation qualities;
  • easy in mounting.

On a note! CSP plates are recommended to be used when installing the system of water warm floors. In this case, it turns out to create an additional air layer between heating and finishing coating, which will significantly improve the result of the work done.

Disadvantages of plates are as follows:

  • a large mass of material, which makes it difficult to work with him;
  • during the processing of the CSP, there is a strong dust. If you have to carry out the cutting plates, then you should wear a respirator and safety glasses in order not to harm the organs of vision and breathing.

However, the benefits of the material are much more than flaws, which causes its popularity in construction, including for alignment of floors. Usually the CSP plate fit into lags is the optimal use of the material in this area. More often the CSP is placed under laminate, carpet, linoleum, ceramic tiles.

In general, it can be noted that in most indicators, the CSP plates are superior to plasterboard, chipboard and fiberboard, which makes them one of the best building materials. CSP also will save a lot of funds if the choice is made in their favor.

CSP in insulation work

Most often, the CSP applies in the field of insulation of buildings and structures. Typically, the material is trimmed by the structure outside. Fixation is performed using self-tapping screws or nails.

But, since the CSP is an eco-friendly material, walls and floors can be produced from within the room. The process of plating is similar to what is performed outside: the material is attached to a wooden or metal crate with nails or self-tapping screws. Sometimes adhesive mastic can be used. After mounting the plates, the finish finish is made.

Floor application

CSP is often used to create a rough floor. Most often, the material is stacked at the rate that in the future ceramic tiles will be glued on it - this is the most demanding level to the base of the base. Also, CSP is suitable for filling, and for mounting soft flooring.

CSP plates can be mounted on the lags, as well as fit onto an even concrete or wooden base. Serves the material for many years and at the same time can withstand significant loads under the condition of proper installation.

CSP plates for floor - Photo

Selection of cement sheets for the floor

The choice of CSP slab is carried out in accordance with the conditions in which the material will be used, as well as in what technology it will be installed. For laying on lags, 20-26 mm thick plates are used - they will be perfectly cope with their function of roughing. If the installation is made directly to the soil, then the plates are used 24-26 mm. In general, almost any CSP plates can be applied to align the floors.

On a note! CSP plates can be laid even in the cold. It does not matter if the air temperature dropped below zero outside the window.

Requirements that are presented to CSP plates used for floors:

  • humidity - from 6 to 12%;
  • density - more than 1300 kg / m 3;
  • tensile strength - 0.4 MPa;
  • surface roughness - 80 microns;
  • the level of moisture absorption is 16%.

Preparation for the coating device from CSP

Before starting work on the arrangement of the draft coating from the CSP, the base of the floor should be properly prepared. For example, in the case of styling material on a wooden base, old or fugitive boards must be dismantled and replaced with new ones. All the gaps are important to close with a putty, and the wooden base is grounded for better adhesion with glue, which will be mounted coating from the plates.

If the installation will be made on a concrete base, it must also be carefully examined for damage and installed if necessary. Also, if there are strong deviations horizontally, cement mixtures are aligned. In the case of styling of the CSP, a preliminary alignment of the surface must be carried out on the ground - this can be done, pouring a sandy-gravel mixture with a thickness of 20 cm and the tampering of it.

The optimal option is to lay the CSP plates on the lags. In this case, if it is planned to install the base directly above the soil, the supports under the lags are installed on the ground, as well as hydro and thermal insulation. The distance between the supports can vary from 0.5 to 1 m - this indicator depends on the thickness of the timing used for lags.

Materials and tools that need to be prepared for working with CSP:

  • bar for lags (section 150x100 or 50x100 mm);
  • cSP plates in the required quantity;
  • antiseptic solution for timber;
  • sawing tool (for example, hacksaw);
  • materials for waterproofing and insulation;
  • tools for the work of measurements (roulette, pencil);
  • fastener;
  • drill.

Floor arrangement with CSP

Consider the arrangement of the floor from the CSP on the lags on the example of the balcony.

Step 1. Under the lags are stacked by a layer of insulation. Lagges are set parallel to the walls at a distance of each other about 30-40 cm.

Step 2. The crossbars are installed, the creation of the crate is made. Between themselves, wooden bars are connected using metal corners and screws.

Step 3. The space between lags is filled with insulation material.

Step 4. Plates of CSP of the desired dimensions are laid across the longitudinal lag. The width of the piece of material should be slightly less than the width of the balcony (by 5-10 mm).

Step 5. Plates are fastened with self-drawing on lags. The slots between the CSP plates are closed with adhesive composition.

Video - Laying Tile on CSP

Floors from CSP: label nuances

In general, the installation of CSP slabs is performed in the same way as the laying of OSV plates. During the work of the work, it is important to comply with several rules, and then the base of the gender will be made as high quality as possible:

  • the wooden bar for the lag is necessarily processed by the compositions preventing rotting. Special stores can be replaced with machine oil;

  • when installing plates on a concrete tie for lag, you can use a smaller bar - up to 50x50 mm. This will save the useful space;
  • when installing, lag should monitor their level - it should be strictly horizontal;
  • before making installation, the CSP plate is folded by lags - this will allow you to determine which of them need a trimming if necessary;
  • glue before use must be well mixed;
  • avoid deformation of the base of the CSP will allow compensation gaps along the walls.

CSP - material is not quite bad if used to create an even base. It is easy to work with it, but because of the large mass of the sheets, it is better to get an assistant to the assistant.