How to paint a gazebo from a tree at the cottage: paint for the floor, photo. What to paint a gazebo - types of coatings for wood and forms of protection What color to paint wooden floors in a gazebo

Painting of wooden landscape structures in the country - the process is banal and inevitable. The natural color of the tree is really the subject of visual pleasure, how long it is necessary to enjoy. The problem of preserving wood texture or creating a new color execution smoothly flows into the question than to paint a wooden gazebo to protect it from foreign exposure.

The effect of atmospheric conditions and the development of life forms for which wood is a natural habitat, destroys the presentable type of facility. From this recreation area, it becomes not so attractive and rather spoils the landscape composition of the site. To preserve and enhance the external qualities of the gazebo, special coatings are used, the application of which allows "sealing" material.

The choice of high-quality and efficient coverage is the key to the durability of the construction, and therefore the correct implementation of the funds invested in the construction of funds.

It is much more favorable to save on additional decorations in the construction process than on the final processing of surfaces.

Protective coatings are divided into 2 groups. What paint to entrust the alternative depends on the quality of building materials and designer vision. What is better: to keep the natural textural composition or paint in a new way, everyone chooses himself.

Transparent coatings serve as the first goal - naturalness. Since the gazebo in the country is an open decorative element, among many compositions, you should choose those that can change the color of the texture or emphasize the natural hue. In most cases, the material for the gazebo serves the pine (board, timber), which in the processed state has a very light tone (inconsparable).

For her and other similar rocks, it is recommended to choose a coating that gives a pale black or light brown color, which expressively highlights the gazebo on the background of the site, especially landscaped. In addition to decorative gain, transparent substances serve for a different kind of wood protection, which is pursued equally.

Opaque coatings completely hide the wood texture and allow you to paint a new independent palette with a new independent palette, use any color. This is useful if the construction of the landscape element is partially or fully used secondary or insufficient quality material. Paint allows you to hide defects. Choosing than painting the gazebo, you need to take into account the properties of the funds used.

If there are no protective components as part of the selected paint, before applying the coating, the arbor should be treated with impregnation. And for better clutch with the surface - to go also with the primer.

Do not know how to paint the arbor from the tree to protect against external factors? The natural tree is considered the most suitable material for the manufacture of garden gazebos. Wood has a small proportion, it is easy to mechanically handling, and in addition, it has a low thermal conductivity, so in the summer heat protects well from the scorching sun. I will tell you how quickly and inexpensively protect the tree from rotting and aging in the rain, wind and sun.

A brief overview of protective-decorative paintwork coatings

Despite all its positive qualities, the products made of natural wood are largely susceptible to the harmful effects of atmospheric factors, the destructive effects of rodents and insect pests, as well as the affect of rotten bacteria and mold fungi.

To help the reader deal with the question: the better paint a wooden gazebo in its own country area, in this article will provide an overview instruction in which the most effective methods of defdrosexins are considered from the adverse effects of external factors.

Painting side fence and carrier structures

The carrier, as a rule, is made of logs or a wooden bar, and planed boards are used to cover the lateral fence and manufacturing. In addition to its direct destination, decorative functions are also performed, so decorative functions are also performed, so when choosing paint for them, you must be guided by the following tips and recommendations:

  1. To paint a tree in bright saturated colors, It is necessary to use film-forming enamel based on pentaphthalic or alkyd resins. For example, Emale PF 115. They are produced in a fairly wide color scheme. After drying, they form a thin elastic protective film, having a high resistance to moisture, frost, wind and ultraviolet radiation on the surface of the wood.

  1. Weather-resistant enamel based on silicone resins Also form a very durable coating having a significant thickness. Due to this, the painting of the arbor from the tree makes it possible to hide small surface defects. The overall drawback for these types of coatings is the absence of open pores, as a result of which the tree does not breathe, because the film-forming paint on the tree does not let moisture from the inside of wood.
  2. Water soluble acrylic, and latex paints It is deprived of a similar drawback, and form an atmospheric porous film on the painted surface. Such paint for wood allows the material to breathe, however, in contrast to enamel, has less bright and rich colors.
Acrylic enamels are characterized by good sheltering ability
  1. Silicate paint for a gazebo It is made on the basis of silicon resins. Forms a very thin moisture protective film, which has high antifungal and antiseptic properties. Before applying the surface you must be treated with a special primer.
  2. Fasteners and shade impregnations Water based on the natural color of the tree will help, and emphasize its natural natural invoice:
  • They penetrate the thickness of the wood, giving it the desired shade, and do not leave the films on its surface;
  • Due to deep penetration, the aqueous impregnation for wood penetrates deeply and protects the wood from the effects of malicious factors;
  • The price of such formulations can be significantly higher than the cost of film-forming enamels.


Before how to paint a wooden gazebo in the countryIt must be thoroughly dry, remove the old peeling coating, as well as destroyed and rotten areas of wood, after which to polish the coarse-grained skin and coat with a primer or antiseptic impregnation.

Protective coating for wood floor

The boardwallet flooring of the wooden floor in the country gazebo, in addition to atmospheric precipitation, is experiencing significant mechanical loads. In addition, it is constantly susceptible to abrasive exposure to sand, gravel, dust and other small solid particles, so the paint-and-paint coating for poliathold to have high resistance to abrasion.

  1. To obtain a solid protective film Solid color, it is best to use oil paints or alkyd enamels that contain in its composition Surik, or other mineral aggregates, and are specifically designed to finish the floor covering;
  2. To emphasize the natural structure of wood, or create imitation of noble wood species, floor in the gazebo need to be treated several times with antiseptic impregnation or lustering composition of dark color;
  3. Most reliable and durable It is customary to be the protective coating of the surface of the board, the flooring with special masts for the floor, which are made on the basis of vegetable oils and natural bees wax;
  4. Mastic for wood. Before painting a wave mastic tree gazebo, it must be preheated to the temperature specified in the application manual.


Regardless of the type of the selected paint and varnish material, the floor in the gazebo needs to be painted last and apply a decorative protective coating at least twice, with an intermediate drying between the application of each layer.

Paintwork materials for painting roofing

The roof of the garden gazebos is most often manufactured using overall roofing materials. In the case of using polymer or mineral materials (ceramic tile, slate, ondulin), their painting is optional, although it is also possible.

The roof of metal (steel profile sheet, metal tile) requires additional protection, so it needs to be painted every year.

  1. The most inexpensive and simple The type of protective-decorative coating of metal surfaces is staining with alkyd or pentaphthalic enamels, which, as in the case of a tree, have a thick saturated color, and form a solid weather-resistant film.
  2. More durable coating For metal roofs, it is considered to apply special acrylic paint containing complex anti-corrosion additives in its composition.
  3. For staining of slate roof It is necessary to use a special impregnation for concrete, which should be applied with their own hands or pneumatic spray gun on a pre-primed surface.


Regardless of the appearance and the overall state of the country gazebo, the painting of wooden surfaces is recommended to perform every summer, but at least once every two years. The described paints and varnishes can also be used to dye garden furniture, veranda, summer terraces, and other wooden products, which stay all over the open air.

Be sure to watch the video in this article, and if you have any questions, feel free to set them in the form for comments.

Is your dream to build a gazebo? Then it is necessary to take care that it always remains reliable, protected from external influence and has served you for a long time. An important aspect is the painting of the floor to which it is necessary to approach with full responsibility.

To paint the wooden floor in the gazebo, the varnishes and paints are ideal, which are usually used in external work. This is the oil paint, known since the youth of our parents. If you choose a tool with another basis, then consider that it should be resistant to erasure. In such cases, you can only paint for surfaces outside the house with an appropriate inscription.

Basic coatings for arbor

Floor coating means in the gazebo are divided into two groups:

  • Coverage of transparent texture, which emphasize the floor texture of the floor in the gazebo.
  • Opaque structure that paint the surface with a color layer, hiding wood structure and protecting against damage.

Since paint with special characteristics, which can extend the life of the flooring, are ideal and varnish with an alkyd base with an alkyd basis.

The first group is represented by impregnations, verses and varnishes for wooden surfaces. Due to the presence of pygments, the natural color of the tree is enhanced, and it is referred to, because it becomes very similar to the expensive breed. You can create a layer with impregnation and mourn, which will become an obstacle to penetration of the fungus and bacteria. Varnish will give metummability to the wooden floor, providing protection from the influence of weather changes and sunlight.

With a transparent composition, you can cover the floor in the newly constructed gazebo while the wooden panels have not lost their natural shade. The impregnated surface will have a new and fresh appearance of about 3 years. Then you need to upgrade, or paint the opaque dye.

The second group includes paints with different bases. Used for flooring, darkened from old age, new to keep the initial characteristics or to update painted wood. In the presence of flaws or cracks in the structure of the wooden floor, such a type of paint will help them to hide them, giving attractiveness.

Coating by antiseptic compositions

Industrial progress has achieved that level when each special agent has been available to protect the surfaces from the tree from the influence of temperature jumps, from moisture at all times of the year, biological factors, such as injuries insect pests or the development of fungus. With the help of impregnating antiseptic drugs, not only the protective function is ensured, but also decorative. The coating of this material looks quite attractive.

The Russian market of building materials boasts a wide range of such products, not only European production, but also from domestic.

Excellent reputation for Sezheng and Rogneda (Russia), which produce paints and varnishes for many years. Among the consumers, these species are characterized by extraordinary popularity, and the number of customers increases every year.

Thus, the protective agent "Sezhen Aquadecor" will extend the floor service, and will become an excellent decor of the floor, resembling a natural cut of wood. In this antiseptics there are wax, oils, ultraviolet filters that protect against negative external factors and retain the integrity of the tree. Would you like to paint the floor with decorative varnish or paint? Then take care of an additional finish lacquer coating that will not allow the surface to be stuck. To do this, you can use Odilux's yacht varnish (Odintsovo paintwork plant).

What to choose an import antiseptic?

Do you trust overseas products? Buy "BELINKA LASUR" - a decorative protective colorless agent for wooden surfaces. Does not hide the texture of the tree, gives velvety sex.

For arbors, in which the floor is outdoors, it is necessary to begin to treat the coating to the BELINKA Base impregnation tool. Such a composition will help preserve the floor, where there is an increased humidity, and therefore the likelihood of fungus or mold appearance, in good condition. Additionally, cover the finish coating - a yacht varnish.

It is necessary to adhere to one rule: it is impossible to use the impregnation of dark colors, which can affect the final result, because it will change the shade of the dye itself. The following staining can be uneven, and correct the situation can be applied three layers of paint. Not every enamel interact well with the impregnizing agent. During operation, the floor flashes, loses color, partially washed off with rains, and the impregnation of dark species will emphasize on all the flaws that appeared.

Do not stop your choice on too bright palette of coloring substances. Speecually such a floor will look throughout the year, and then will lose colorfulness and attractiveness. Recovery work will have to be performed more often than I would like. Buy stable to solar radiation option (not too bright, and not faded). Otherwise, adhere to your taste and material opportunities.

Sooner or later, the question is how to paint the gazebo in his area, every summer house occurs. If you look at building directories, then there are many paints and varnishes, and it is very difficult to determine which it is better to use to protect the structure from the effects of atmospheric precipitation, how to make it beautiful for a long time.

The state of the board matters

Solving than to paint a wooden gazebo, it is necessary to inspect the condition of the wood, because when choosing a varnish or paint, this parameter plays an important role:

  1. New grinding board. Smooth wood can be covered with transparent varnish, veneer or other tinting compositions. The treated tree looks beautiful, and it is better to emphasize its unique structure with.
  2. Unprocessed wood. Transparent compounds for poorly sharp boards are better not to use. The paint will lie unevenly: on smaller plots will be glittered, and the roughs will get a matte tint, and the divorces from the painting tool (if a roller or tassel was used) will always remain. It is better for painting a raw wood to use opaque dyes and apply them using a collapse.
  3. Old, darkened tree from time. For such a surface of the arbor, only opaque paint can be used, which will hide all defects.
  4. Painted, but lost view wooden gazebo. If painting is planned to be carried out on top of the old coating, it is better to pick up that paint that corresponds to the composition of the previously applied. But this method of coloring the arbors is not recommended - the remains of the old dye will reduce the protective properties of the applied composition, and soon, under the influence of atmospheric precipitation and other adverse factors, the decorative coating will begin to be peeling. The remains of the old paint are recommended to be completely removed, and wooden surfaces before painting should be treated with protective equipment.

Deciding with the type of surface, you can proceed to the choice of the coloring agent.

Protective coatings and paints for arbors

There are various types of paintworks that can be used to dye garden gazebo.

Transparent means

Based on artificial resins, primers and other transparent coatings, which can be breed with water or solvents.


There are several types of soils on the water:

  1. Latex. Different with deep penetration, do not reduce the vapor permeability of the base, moisture inside the tree do not miss. Before applying the primer, it is necessary to make careful surface preparations so that the adhesion is sufficient, and the dust was absent. Latex primers are most often used to dye wooden arbors.
  2. Acrylic. Possess property deeply penetrate into the base. It is enriched with antiseptic and fungicidal additives, help protect wood from damage, make lowest paint consumption, if the LKM is applied by the second layer.
  3. Moruli. Contain alcohol, modifiers, pigments, can be applied to smooth bases exposed to grinding. It is advisable to perform another layer of a transparent protective agent after performing the simulator layer.


The cheapest and popular among oil coatings are different olifes. It is better not to use them as fixed assets - after drying, stickiness remains, so oil paints are usually bred by olifami. Without dyeing and varnishing, the surface under the olifoy will quickly become dirty, ugly.

Oil coatings include Pinotex soils - they are made from pigments and alkyd resins. If the funds are chlorophenols, the LKM is suitable only for external work. Basically, such materials are produced in Eastern Europe and the Baltic States. It is important to apply Pinotex only by special primer, otherwise the oil will decline a year or a little more.


Lucky have a transparent structure, there are solvents, resins and other necessary components in their composition. The main types of varnishes:

  1. Toning. Apply if it is necessary to change the color of wood, emphasize its structure. Apply a new lacquer layer only after complete drying of the previous one. There are organic solvents in the composition, because the means are harmful to humans. Cons of varnishes are significant: complex applying, detachment from the base when contacting water, turbidity over time. If you wish to change the type of varnish, you will have to completely remove the old layer, otherwise the new varnish will not fall.
  2. Yacht, parquet. Do not have colors, resistant to moisture. May be glossy, matte, semi-wave. As part there are a number of improvement additives, including those who make lacquer persistent to the action of UV rays. The term of the layer of the yacht varnish is quite high - up to 5 years and more.

Corps (opaque) coatings

Need for dense tree dyeing. Such enamels are used for external work, include modern components - polymers. Main types of paints:

  1. Acrylic. Very durable, diluted with water, environmentally friendly, not harmful to humans. Latex may be present - then an elastic film that prevents water and mechanical damage will be created on the surface of the base.
  2. Silicone. As part of silicone and silicon components, resins. Waterproof paints, but do not reduce the air permeability of the tree. A distinctive feature - a layer of material after drying the paint will not be subject to dust deposition, contaminants (so-called self-cleaning coatings).
  3. Silicate. The composition is represented by the main component - the potash glass, which gives reinforced moisture resistance. By minuses it is necessary to classify the absence of the possibility of applying silicate paint to other types of materials - they will have to be completely deleted.
  4. Alkyd. Based on glyphthalic and pentaphthalic varnishes, racks to the action of atmospheric factors are durable, but they are expensive. It is necessary to dilute such funds to White-spirit, other solvents, therefore apply them better for external work.

Floor covering gazebo lacquer and mastic

In addition to primers, you can apply the lacquer technique or coating with mastic compositions that help preserve the natural type of wood, provide protective properties. Mastics differ in the composition and temperature of application.

The pluses of mastic include the possibility of updating the layer on top of the old - varnishes cannot be applied. But mastic should be regularly rubbed if it is necessary to maintain gloss at the proper level. Lucky is easier to maintain.

Cold mastic

Such mastic are designed to apply without prior heating. May be as follows:

  • water soluble - environmentally friendly, applied on a dense type of wood, but poorly react to the presence of water;
  • water-emulsion - simple in applying, universal, self-cleaning;
  • turkish and resten - include appropriate additives, paraffin, give a beautiful glitter with a tree;
  • wax - based on bee wax, suitable for all types of wood.

Hot mastic

These funds are applied after heating to +180 degrees, they acquire hardness and basic properties after cooling. Mastics are dangerous, in domestic conditions due to the risk of ignition do not apply. Depending on the composition among hot mastic, rubber and bitumen are distinguished.

Varnish consists of natural and artificial resins with various additives. Lucky for external work be sure to contain components against fungus, ultraviolet, reinforcing water resistance.

The color is important

All sorts of color combinations are suitable for painting. The main requirement is the structure must organically fit into the surrounding landscape. You can emphasize the beauty of the gazebo in two ways:

  • making the basis of the shade;
  • staining.

Giving a shade

This is achieved with the help of tint mixtures:

  1. Transparent, allowing to keep the unique texture of the tree and emphasize the beauty of the structure using a glitter of various intensity. Colorless varnishes are suitable only for polished bar.
  2. Toning. Transparent varnishes with the addition of shadowed pigment or verse will emphasize the beauty of the wooden base. They should be applied only for smooth new foundations.


If you fully paint the gazebo in a dark color, it will look gloomy. Experts are always advised to play contrast: add light tones, for example, a frame to make a dark, the roof is light. A gazebo of light tone looks attractive and fresh. Great, beige, yellow, light wood tone. Such shades are beautifully played in the sun.

Painting Arbor can be performed in any color - in the store it is easy to choose all sorts of shades for painting. The following colors are most popular:

  1. White. Makes the construction of a visually easier, creates a feeling of space and light. Minus: Quickly under the influence of ultraviolet acquires an unpleasant yellowish tint. For street coatings, it is recommended to use non-white, but pastel tones.
  2. Yellow. All sorts of inappropriate shades of yellow are recommended to use when you want to create the illusion of the wood base.
  3. Green or blue. They are considered the most inappropriate to paint the surface of the tree, but at the same time apply most often. If such a color combination fits into the design, you can paint into these tones.
  4. Red. Dark red or red-brown should be used only for floors in the construction. The surfaces of the walls and the roof in dark tones can not be painted - a feeling of heavyness of the structure will be created.


Usually the technique is used to dye children's aroutments. Pictures in the form of fabulous heroes, animal or other scenery are placed on the outside of the buildings to attract the attention of the child. For children's arows, such colors are used as white (gives purity, brightness), lettuce, lemon, red, various pastel shades.

Features of finishing work

Painting the gazebo is no different, only when working on the street, it is necessary to take into account the time of drying paint and choose warm dry weather. Finishing works consist of the following steps:

  1. Cleaning. The surface must be cleaned of contamination. It is necessary to remove the slices of resin and the remains of the old paint, which will prevent good adhesion during painting.
  2. Impregnations. Impregnation solutions will protect the wood structure from fungus, rot and fires that are most dangerous for this material. The impregnation with a roller or tassel is distributed over the surface and leave until complete drying. The impregnation stage is permissible to skip when the primer is used, which contains the necessary protective additives.
  3. Printing. Some masters ask a question: "Need to primitive or not?" This question can be answered that it is necessary to primitive if you need to achieve a solid protective coating of the structure. The soil is applied in 2-3 layers, and the application of the subsequent layer occurs only after drying the previous one.
  4. After drying the soil, a decorative painting is made, which begins with the ceiling, then the walls are painted, and then the coating of lacquer or floor mastic is carried out.

First, the inner surfaces are painted, and then the gazebo is painted outside with the observance of the same sequence of stages.

Featuring the paint to your taste and in accordance with the purpose (for walls or gender), as well as determined with the color, you can give a cozy and attractive appearance for a long time.

The overwhelming majority of arbors installed on the summer or country plot have wooden floors. Such a gender looks aesthetic, it is environmentally friendly and distinguished by high practicality.

However, such qualities are achievable only in the case of proper preliminary preparation of wood. In this article, we will tell you how to cover the wooden floor in a gazebo to protect against destroying environmental factors and how to extend its service life.

The presence of a tree in the interior always attaches to the premises of the comfort, plays a significant role in improving comfort, since it has a beautiful natural structure.

Wood breeds used in construction have such qualities as:

  • High strength, thanks to the fibrous structure.
  • High thermal insulation characteristics.
  • The ability to repair or replacing the damaged material.
  • Easy processing.
  • Low cost. The price of untreated wood is significantly lower than other types of flooring.

The main advantage of the tree is its naturalness that simultaneously has a number of such drawbacks as:

  • The softness of the material that is engaged in the process of active operation.
  • Exposure to moisture.
  • Resizing and disruption of the structure under the influence of the Sun and temperature drops.
  • High flammable.
  • Favorable environment for the origin of mold and fungal bacteria.

Important. Before creating a wooden floor for a gazebo, the wood used must be further processed by various means that increase the physical characteristics of the material and protect it from a detrimental effect.

Types of protective equipment for natural wood

Before making the wooden floor in a gazebo, the stacked wood must be fully treated with protective means that protect the material from small rodents, moisture effects and prevent the formation of mold. These substances are applied to the wood laying on the floor surface, since on the already established material, such work is inconvenient, and unprotected places may remain.

Decorative protective materials can be applied already after laying a tree to the floor, as they are called upon to protect the operated surface from mechanical exposure and give the material aesthetic appearance.

To cover the floor in the gazebo, apply such protective equipment as:

  • Antiseptic solutions. Antiseptics are superficial and deep action. Some create a protective film on the tree, preventing moisture penetration, others are absorbed into wood fibers. Absupping tools are used mainly for external work, since they provide more reliable protection and do not need to be regularly updated, unlike surface analogs.
  • Varnish. Decorative protective varnishes are the most commonly used means to be covered by floors in a tree arbor. These substances of the surface action forming the protective impermeable film on the tree, which in combination with antiseptics give guaranteed moisture protection. Lucky simultaneously protect the material from mechanical damage in the form of scratches and abrasion, but need a periodic coating update.
  • Paints. This type of protective materials is less popular because it hides the main advantage of the tree, its natural texture. However, the preservation of a natural pattern is not always required, besides, paints have a rich color palette, allowing you to choose the desired shade to any style of design.

Important. Before applying paints to the surface of the tree, the instruction involves the preliminary applying of a special primer, which will provide the best adhesion of paint with wood. The primer is applied after impregnation of the material with antiseptic solutions.

Choosing impregnations and protective equipment for wooden floor gazebos, it is recommended to give preference to proven manufacturers. Qualitative materials subject to applying technology are able to provide a tree with reliable protection for 30-35 years.

Technology of applying paintwork coatings on a wooden surface

Before covering the wooden floor in a gazebo, you need to take care of your own safety and use personal protective equipment, such as glasses, gloves and respirator. Many substances are released during operation toxic evaporations that can harm respiratory tracts or cause a chemical burn when entering the skin.

The process of applying protective means is as follows:

  • Before applying a protective paint coating, the floor surface must be completely cleaned from dirt and dust. It is important to remember that the varnishes are applied to the surface only after processing the tree with antiseptic impregnations, and the paints require additional surface primer.

Important. If wooden floors in the gazebo already had an old lacquer coating, then it must be completely removed using sandpaper, metal brushes. You can also use special means for removing varnish and paints that destroy the coating structure, and they can be simply washed with warm water.

  • Application of the protective coating is performed using the brush, as shown in the photo above. Start better from end and hard-to-reach sections of the floor surface. For a large area, you can use a foam roller.
  • After applying the first layer, it is necessary to wait for it to frozen, which is indicated on the package from the manufacturer's plant, then apply the second and third, if necessary. It is important to protect the surface of the tree from the impact of moisture for a period of frozen. It is also not recommended to use additional means for drying in the form of heating devices or fans.

Important. The timing of coating may differ from the specified packed deadlines due to weather conditions, the effects of sun, warm air, wind or high humidity. Before using varnishes, it is necessary to study in detail the instructions for their use.

As we see from the material, the process of applying a protective composition on the wooden floor in a gazebo is not complicated. More detailed information about protective facilities can be obtained by viewing the video in this article.