How to drill a hole in the tile under the pipe. How to drill a hole in the tile by the usual drill

During the repair of the bathroom and other rooms at home, it is often necessary to make a hole for the equipment of the socket or switch. Some materials are easily cut in the most common tool, others require a special approach.

A solid, but fragile tile to drill without damage enough, and make a hole of a large diameter even more complicated. In this article we will tell about popular and simple ways, with which you quickly can cut the tile to install a socket.

Features of working with a cafe

Make a smooth and neat round shape cutout on the tile under the socket is quite difficult, as it has a high hardness and durability. In addition, the slippery glazed surface complicates the cutting process, since there is no grip between it and the cutting tool, which is why the drill is constantly clench. The main danger during the manufacture of holes in the tile - splitting and damage the costly material. For the incision to look neatly, you need to perform a number of preparatory activities:

  1. On the surface of the tile from the outside, where the drilling will be performed, markup is applied with a pencil or marker.
  2. To prevent the scoring of the drill from the glazed surface of the tile, the space of the cutting is covered with a construction tape or a leukoplasty. In front of the sharp, you can scratch the outlet circuit under the outlet of the usual nail.
  3. Before starting work, you should smoke the tile to speed up the cutting process and reduce dust formation.

Important! A hole for a power outlet on the wall surface must be made before mounting a tiled cover. You need to be prepared that during the manufacture of the cutout, the tile can split, and have an insurance margin of a material that is 10-15% of the total.

Cutting with a crown

Faster it is possible to make a hole in the tile using a special shock on a drill, which is called a crown. Crowns for a drill and perforator are sold in construction stores, they have a different diameter that needs to be selected for an mounted outlet. However, experienced masters are not recommended to make holes in the tile using a perforator, since cracks and chips are formed from the edges of the cut. To work with the cafeter, use the crowns of the following type:

Note! Drill and perforator during operation strongly vibrate, which is fraught with the appearance on the tiles of chips and cracks. Therefore, drilling the tile is needed on small circulation, spending one hole for 1-2 minutes. In order for the quality of the cut is better, the tile is put on the table on a wooden substrate, and the drill is installed in a tripod.

Cutting with the help of "Balker"

In building stores, carving scissors for a tile are sold, which are called "Ballerin" in the people. This tile cutting device is a drill nozzle, which consists of a guide drill and two or one incisors. Ballerinka is configured under the desired hole diameter, but it is worth not more than 1000 rubles depending on the manufacturer and material. This nozzle is usually enough for 10-20 cuts, but the cutters can bother before. The principle of the "Balkerinki" is as follows:

  1. On the tile, there is a future hole for the socket, be sure to marking the center of the circle.
  2. At the point in the middle of the marked circle, the guide drill the nozzle is installed.
  3. Customize cutters to the diameter that matches the hole made.
  4. Start carefully and slowly drill tiles on small revolutions within 2-3 minutes.

Professional builders claim to make a flat, neat hole without chipping and crack, you need to fix the drill at the time of operation in one position, without changing the slope of the drill. For 2-3 minutes, keep the tool hard, the employee's hand can "tremble", so it is better to fasten the drill to a tripod.

To make a neat hole in a tile without risk of splitting and damage to the material, it is better to use a manual, and not an electrical tool. To do this, in the construction store you need to buy a string from tungsten, which is inserted into the saw instead of the cutting canvas. The cutting process is performed in the following order:

  • On the outer or inner surface of the tile is made of a markup of the future socket.
  • If the hole is located inside the tile, then inside the circle marked with a winning drill and a drill need to make a hole of a small diameter.
  • In a hole, made a drill in a tile, insert a tungsten cutting string.
  • With the help of a string, the holes in the markup danced by the reproductive movements.

Note! When cutting a tungsten tungsten string, cracks, chips or other defects never occur. However, on the manufacture of each hole manually takes up to 30 minutes, so this method is not suitable for industrial scales.

Cutting thin winning drill

It happens that in the arsenal of the master there are no special devices for cutting the tile, but work should be done urgently. Then a drill with a conventional winning drill with a diameter of 6-8 mm comes to the rescue. The process of manufacturing holes with this method is as follows:

  1. The outlet box is applied in the outside of the tile, and then drip using a marker or pencil.
  2. About 20 holes with a diameter of 8-8 mm in a diameter of 8-8 mm in a diameter of 1-2 mm are made along the marked circle.
  3. The carriages between the holes are neatly removed using pliers or bodies.

Important! The markup and drilling of the tile must be performed only from the outside of the material, otherwise the place of the cut will look inactively.

Video instruction

To cut a hole in a large-diameter ceramic tile, a drillboard is very often used, even less often a diamond crown and similar ways. I want to tell how to get out of the situation when you have nothing like that, except the Bulgarian naturally. And Bulgarian or Ushm still spread more than the tool listed earlier. This is a trick that you may and come in handy in life.

Cut the round hole in the tile of the grinder

First, in advance, place the center of the circumference, which will be cut, and then a complete radius of the circle. And do it all needs from two sides.

With reverse:

Now we take the baccoon and inside the circle we make feeders, as close as possible to the edges of the circle.

So we make on the same plane of the whole circle.

Now turn the tile by 90 degrees.

And we make the grinder exactly the same propelles.

Pieces in the center are beginning to break - this is normal.

When you reach the end of the sides of the circumference, all partitions will break and you already get something similar to the circle.

Next, we grind the edge of the circumference, passing on them neatly the Disk of the Bulgarian.

It turns out an almost smooth circle, but with an angle of thickness.

I turn over the tile on the inner side.

Also spin the face.

Then, in order to bring a circle to normal, and remove the acute angle formed, they spoil it with nippers. Carefully bite it all over the diameter.

For finishing, we pass a file.

That's all. A little simple action and you got the perfect circle in the tile.
Throughout the work, do not forget about the means of protection - protective glasses and gloves. When working with the EMS, be extremely attentive and careful.
The method undoubtedly proposed by me is noticeably more laborious, compared with classical methods, but I just suggest you to get out of a difficult situation.

Delay video

Read more about drawing, cutting and handling holes in the tile Watch the video.

Many owners and, especially, the hostess, stonze the bathroom or kitchen with ceramics, and then, when you need to hang something on the wall, the question arises how to drill tiles.

Planning: Before driving tile

Before you lined with ceramics wall. It does not matter that it covers - a porcelain stoneware or ordinary inexpensive tile, much more importantly, it is in this wall you want to do a little deepening or, possibly through a hole. Concrete, brick (including silicate), a timber under the layer of plaster - all this is quite easy to succumb to the perforator or ordinary drill, the main thing is that there are suitable nozzles. But what about facing?

Situations when the question appears, how to drill ceramic tiles in the bathroom, there are quite often. At least, in the wall you need to score a dowel or screw the screw in order to hang the shelf or secure the water heater or an electric heated towel rail. Holes are more needed when you need to stretch through the wall of the water pipe, the power cable when you need to install a socket or light switch. Very large holes are necessary for sewage and ventilation. As you can see, the options are set, and each requires an individual approach.

How to drill a hole in the tile - a phased guide

Let us dwell on the holes of the middle diameter, although they are required and less often than small removals for a screw or nail. It is the punch of the tile, when the required diameter of the cutting hole is much higher than the largest drill size from those available, causes difficulty. But this task is not the most difficult, as well as its solution, which will take just a few stages. Similarly, such a task is solved like drill sex tiles.

How to drill a hole in the tile - step-by-step scheme

Step 1: Marking

You probably know in advance exactly where the hole should be, but it will be better if the measuring roulette and the level will be pulled in the course, especially if you need to perflect the facing in two places, for example, under the mixer pipes. It is logical that they should be in one distance from the floor. Therefore, before driving a hole in the tile, measure the desired height in two places, applying the level to the roulette, so as not to deviate from the vertical, or using a plumb. We put two marks with a necessary interval between them (we use the roulette again). We note with the help of a metric scale the radii of holes or immediately diameter.

Step 2: Drilling

We take the electric drill and install it in the mode of the minimum number of revolutions per second. In the cartridge insert a special nozzle for large holes - a diamond spraying crown. Trying not to prescribe a tool very much, we apply the edge of the nozzle to the cafée and on small turns we make the first pumping slots. It should be firmly fixed in the hands so that the crown shifts occurred. When an external, smooth layer is passed, press the tool slightly more and cut the hole. Similarly, we also carry out further perforation of the ceramic facing element.

Step 3: Fixation Tiles

We establish the tile to the place allotted by him, check the coincidence with already sticking pipes or holes for them. If everything is done as it should, it remains only to apply a layer of glue to the discharged section of the wall, go through a gear spatula and attach a tile, tightly pressed and pressing along its entire area.

How to drill tiles: alternative ways

If you take a crown type nozzle, choose the one that has a centering drill. It will save you from the risk of edge offset at the beginning of drilling from the place of marking. If you have only no core nozzle, use the simplest pattern, drilled the previously the same crown hole in a piece of plywood and adjusting it to the wall with the help of bilateral scotch. Moching the walls of the guide wooden well, you can no longer inform how to cut hole in the tile. There are also special conductor templates with a regulated window, they can be bought in the same place where the crowns are sold.

You can go and other ways, in particular, use the "Ballerinka". This type of nozzle through simple manipulations (screwing the screw and shifting the bar) is adjusted for various diameters of the holes. At the end of the mobile strip, the cutter is rigidly fixed, and the central rod, on which the screw-retainer is located, is part-time drilling. We are easy to use the nozzle - first we make a recess under the centering drill with an abrasive cone or a conventional bumpnor, and then bite into the ceramic cladding with a cutter. It is not recommended to put forward the adjustment bar to the maximum.

Another way to make a hole in the tile, with any large diameter, in the absence of special nozzles - take a diamond drill (you can win the work slightly). We draw a circle on the tile, in the form of which we need to get a hole, and exactly around the circumference drill holes, with minimal intervals. Then drill all the space in the middle of exactly the same holes. It remains only to take the nippers and break the partitions between adjacent holes, and then pliers break out irregularity along the contour. This method is the most time consuming, but for the absence of a better option, you can use it.

Keep in mind that the diamond drill usually grabs no more than 30-35 holes with intensive mode of operation.

Multiple tricks how to make a hole in the tile

The first complexity that faces a starting home master when drilling a tile (it sounds rather strange, but you can't tell anything differently, everyone starts with something) - this is a sliding drill on a smooth surface. Avoid this in a simple way. Before you make a hole in the tile, it is enough to stick a piece of paint tape on the tile, and there will be no slip, and after the first revolutions of the drill there will be a sufficient excavation for further work.

You can outline a small recess using an abrasive cone-shaped nozzle, and when the glazed surface is passed, to install a winning drill on concrete. You can also use a special nozzle with a conical tip (on the form resembles the arrow tip). If you decide to go through the thickness of the tile, without changing the nozzle, use a winning drill.

By signing the puncture point, for which you need Kerner, start working on very low revs, and after the glaze can be leaving, you can increase the rotation speed of the drill. To get a hole of strictly necessary depth, use a special limiter, which is included in the package of most modern electrically engines, and in the absence of this item, turn on the tape drill.

When working with "Ballerin", be sure to wear safety glasses, and the ceramics are passing in the mode of small revolutions so that the fragments are not spilled out from under the cutter. If for large holes you prefer crowns, and this type of diamond spraying appear to you excessively expensive, buy special models with winning teeth, they are enough for a maximum of 30 holes. Before making a hole in the tile, wipe it with water, it will help reduce the number of chips.

Imagine that your task is to hang the holder for toilet paper. The toilet has facing with tiles, which significantly complicates the task. What to do to be carefully drilled hole and not split the tile? I will show way how to do it simply, and even the usual drill on concrete.
Of course, the holder for toilet paper is just an example. In this method, you can hang anything: a shelf, a mirror, a towel holder, and the like.

How to drill a hole in the ceramic tile by the usual drill

Without a doubt, if you have a special drill for glass and tile, it is certainly better to drill them. I do not have such a tool, in view of the fact that I do not often do repair work. History from the category of household.
Therefore, all that I have is a set of drills on concrete.
So, proceed. We try to place where the holder is for further installation. At the places of drilling glue segments isol or painting tape.

Now place accurate places under the control. All I need to make four holes.

I do everything for sure.

Sticker Isol not only for applying. It prevents the discrepancy between the microcrack when drilling and protects the tile from fault.

Now the most important operation. We take the drill on concrete and put on the label. We begin to hit the hammer with the drill, periodically turning the drill with your hand. Time to one hole is about one minute. As a result, a small groove in the tile should appear.

You need to do everything carefully, without a rush. As a result, we do actions for all four holes.

Celebrate can now be deleted. We take a screwdriver and clamp the drill in the cartridge.

On low speed drills a hole and tile and in the wall to the desired depth.

Install plastic dowels.

For all four holes.

Now they brought the mounting of the holder. 02-07-2015

How to cut a hole in the tile? Ceramic tiles is given a significant place when designing walls, floors in homes and public institutions. She often separates sanitary rooms, premises with bathrooms, staircases and much more. The tile is a strong and decorating any room, it is practical, it is convenient to use, does not require special hassle when careing is not afraid of high humidity, does not change its qualities under the influence of adverse external conditions. In addition, the tile is able to withstand the maximum load on its surface.

Features of this process, tools

Conducting repairs in your home, sometimes you have to make holes in the tile. The point is not quite simple. As a rule, it is necessary to make a cut under a pipe, a socket, a plumbing crane, in the angular zones of the sink. All the difficulty is that solid in its essence ceramics tile with outsiders gives cracks or simply splits as a result of changes in its integrity. Moreover, it is often necessary to make the hole in the tile of the desired size and configuration. Many unprofessionals with such a task feel awkwardness and confusion. To avoid praying and unnecessary questions, some nuances of working with this fragile material should be known.

The question about how to cut a hole in the tile, worries many masters. Moreover, the use of conventional tools is unlikely to help. To solve this problem, you can use a series of building devices: a ballerina, a drill with a diamond spraying on the crown, a ring saw. The task is to cut the hole, will be solved in the article below.

Before the start of building manipulations with tiles, it must be prepared. First of all, you should make the desired markup. It is done on the front side by a special marker.

Then the tile is fixed on a straight and strong base. Such a surface is a sheet of plasterboard, chipboard. Wet tile will not dust in the process of carrying out work, will not be reassigned and will not crack.

Using a thin drill when working, a plurality of holes are made simultaneously in the ceramic tiles, and then using the ticks, it is safe to break the hole to the desired dimensions. Make holes should be as close as possible to each other, it will help to make a break carefully, having achieved smooth edges.

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Drill with diamond spraying crown

This type of power tool helps to do a hole in the ceramic tile, immersing the tile under the water or watering its small amount to the drilling point. To work, you should choose the necessary size diamond crown and consolidate it on the basis of the device.

In order to avoid errors at the site of drilling on the tile, a mark is applied, which can be made with glass cutter. During operation, as a rule, the glaze is first removed, and then coating ceramic tiles.

Note an important feature: drilling should be slowly, without pressing the instrument handle, does not hurry. It is necessary to monitor then so that the moisture does not hit the electrical instrument housing. Make holes in the tile without using water will not work, the tile can split quickly.

The use of a high-quality diamond crown will ensure its reliability and hardness.

And this is very important when drilling a large diameter holes. Such a tool will help make recesses, holes not only in a tile, but also in a concrete basis.

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Ballerinka for round holes

This tool is a round drill. It is used to drive holes in the ceramic tiles, and these holes can be of any size. This is the feature of the work of this device.

Its cutters are installed manually. The only one, not quite comfortable nuance is uneven edges after work, which have to additionally process.

The drilling method is similar to the previous example. Water treated drill will be cooled, and the tile resistance to decrease.

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Ring saw: application tool

Make smooth round-shaped holes can be used by this kind of saw with a carbide tip. This is a special power tool, capable of slowly, but thoroughly perform work entrusted to it. Holes in the tile made in this way will look flawless. Before working, the annular saw should be prepared. For this, the drill, located in the center, should be thoroughly fixed in a drill with a cartridge.

Pay attention to this pattern: if the ceramic tile is well fixed, then it is possible to make holes in it and a dry way.

If there is no fastener, it needs wetting with water. All the wisdom of the work of the saw of this type is intensive heating of the tile in the process of operation, the appearance of dust, the tile quickly breaks. The use of water will help cool the tile, thereby maintaining its integrity, including the operation of this power tool.

One of the nuances of the use of a ring saw is the likelihood of water penetration into the instrument housing. You can secure the tool by putting the battery to the drill and installing a drink in it. But it is natural that long work will not work, because the batteries have a limited supply of energy. He will not have enough power too.

Also, experts recommend to use a socket with a ground or a special mechanism that can protect the saw and do not give it to a non-working condition. The protective shutdown device will quickly detect a short circuit and turn off the device from the network.

For better fixation of ceramic tiles during operation, it should be securely secured. To do this, you can make a plywood box, the angles of which will be isolated. Water poured into such a container will provide tile integrity.

The tile falls into the liquid, then lock the drill in the desired position. Then you can proceed to work. So that the surface of the tile does not receive cracks and did not crumble, you do not need to pull the drill while working.